Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 28 Feb 1896, p. 1

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~rnfrpi~iidcnL Vol. IV. No. 20. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, February 28, 1896. $1.50, in Advance. L111ItTYVII,>><< No. 492. F. & A. ~&ith Osr.liialiy wl"n". i Ari, 1M. %. M. . il inw,,. 8. Dr. Charles Galloway. Off ice ove r LovellsDruelttore HOUES YBaiiOi iANI ;TO 1'.i M. Libertyville, - Illinois. MISS M. ALICE DAVIS. tlsadmate of Arnrieun Corêerralorp V91CE CULTrURE AotoI4ARmoNy Llbertyville, Illinois. * Dr.. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST.» 'Off iceoverLovel's Drugstore HO IH to 12 a. ni. aniî, i to o p. m. iJAILY. Libertyville,Ilîlinois. f Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. LOffice over Triggs & Taylor's. 1 t1, 11 il> . . %0tu, 4 and'i G. tV, Njmp . Relteiiiîe on tîagl way iippoiite Park Libertyville, Illinois. MWO'LULU M- S. PENNIMAN. VOCAL AND 1A LSO BELSARTIE IN*TIUNENTAL 1 .SVSTEMIOF ... music.......ELOCUT ON.. MEST NETSODI4 M08T REAAONABLZ PEllEs. Lbertyville. Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Attorney and Councellor lit Law, NOTARYPUBLIC. SI.,. lai attention gW ivC. ,,klisand Office wth Lake CountY Bank. Libertyville, Illinois. W. H. APPLEVI ... AUCTIONEER... Libertyville, Illinois. Having lied much experlelice in Alto- tioneering In the past sîveiteeii Years, 1 amn prepared to attend gaie~sin any pari of Lýake andi adjotiig Coîînties ai very Low Rates. Btisfaetion Giar- anisai!. Give me a CjjI. LAKE 1 14 big COUNTY BANK .... Wright, Parkhurst & Co. -0- Issues Interest-Bearing Certificates Payable on Demand. HARNESS! W141y'umaiît a îî"a 1! o! lla1rîî,s, ior repi, i fl the oid set, y' ii ai l do110 better than euh uon RUDOLPH KRUSHA. ON n ILWAUP.EE AV£. No r M0F. 9. CH UnCI. Prompt attentionî givexi t,,ail kiîîd of wirk. Goiîd wiork andl lus lirices are boîîîîd t ii X. IF Y OWL4EE 0... (anld of cours yon de need) Winter Blankets, Fur Lap Robes. Heavy Fur Coats or anyttîlng In the line o!fiiarness, h.-avy or ighit, yoiî slould n,,t fall tu, sethe lIne toOk tliflliyed bv CHARLES KAISER. lie ai-o ,los repa.riiig nctly, prcmptiy and .tmtatettally. Everyttitiigs a-4 .îtd Where to Eat. Whin yiîîîare i Waîîkv gaîî and i îît A GOOD MEAL Il wil l >'yYoyiî tii go to ti Crystal Restaurant Coirner Gelîesve anfd Math- mon S lts., 1niiler Wriglît's Driîg Sti 'r, , p1i>iitit Waukegaîii Iloue. Prices to lit your pockitthîîîk, from 15.cente np. MILK SHIPPERS MEET. A New Organîzation to be Fornc*ý,d. Fi< Li, a" î ii:i,- ,lrîung II. i' f mi y'itaL, jl,îi iy ii u ify i ,ii'lieve tiie,(uui Jovtî t lineu.Esr tniik slitpîer of tIiis leaiity cli. renie'mber the oIt nluilk s,,bî1per- assoia.tio,>u, ow il lccaiuie isitît anti after lîeîng îîriilainied by thie bigliir e'îtrtuuo! Lbhe landtt b le atrust, the mianagemencît o! the conce-rit ,~s- itito thle liani<s o! a reve i er, andî thiîse 'unt fiort îuîutî eîioigli tg) h.. ut that timie stoctk butîders, ' i-r*- subt- ed to a trial l iti court. tu, as -,rtii wlietler tlîey siilîlor wuuil'l li't <e comtIîn<li*.t'î pay th Iýi aII<,it <'irtijtiviît,s. No<'stit t u,, <ai' l i ' a~-Sed i,,cîiii a thiliig '<f tIie- laut, and îîîtly fîtîgotteli, the suib<,rs gin îto î uiI look îlpo Ut thi iii'<r soue ni, lns ,of pro tecti'on. Sini, <f Laike. oi <ity'.s eiterprisiiîîg !lamieirs îigitai-<Ithie <( îietl(,,î, ali<i cal l<-d a ilitetifng o! sliippers t', taike pî<iae ut iRu<ssel, I-eirîiary 22. Tfhe s îatti-r andt bsîcigili iig î,e'-î î fle,,siî o -,'f thte s bit. liquiîî,l b.-g<îiîto iiiir i e iîrliy it thte Lip<< <iiî el î<aeî-, thie-trîîiis .,fro nt l,,tb ii<rth lidîîî'hstiî Ii-'i oiglit iii ri*îri.s,. tutîi 'ýs Ir' <i tbhe <h itiru-lit liii,',,(if ruilro<a'irlîlinlg it,, 'iîaig, anîl r,-îort,-rs fur t ,rl'.,', rî jjuiriaîis îoîl lt so~< . At t<' h u, i 'k' to 111h f- ti iiiý!xireîi ternis, i îi Y. il t Il)'lr z,, il l hy a tofother, AWF', Ii un,Er. lIll liMtîlit aira jli Ilr aîu-r-1îil-îais bs i',aijrpusel ai iitt, r,' i '<nthie Iiiiiii rt.t-s, to gether w itii theii,îaiva of the îieîubcrâ proposiug it, lit a previolus îneîting o! the F. W. RIOBERTS, J. Bo0i ts, J. B. <ILEASON, IL. CHITTENDEN, itofiEtT HI-ETEII. Theiirepoîirt w115 accepteti and the <-<ii ittùe- iscliirgeîi. A motion was iîî,laîi'l tarrieti, thut a committite of s-veiil be aiipoiîiteil by the chairiînan, ri.lrîslltiig ijfereîit sections or ronds shiping iii îilk to Cîticago, for the jî<rponc (if ruvising the constitu- ti.,îi irefieitetl ut tîjis mieeting and to jraîit a codie of liy-lawli and present a pîlan for eurrying ojît the object o! Luis as4i5ationi, suiilittinig thesainie to a iiîeettiiig of nîilk shippers to lie hi-lui ut Riîssell, Tuesday Mardi 3, 1 MX;. Thi.eî,nînittee consista of M. (). Myri,-k, Keijoshia Division C. & IN. W., 1. limiter, (letîLeva tiviiioîi C. A N. W%., J. Bl. Ge ,i R. & S. W. ivi,iII C. M. .1,St. P.; S. M. Gallo- waiv, MaîinîLui, C. M1. & St. P.; Gito. Kirk, MINî fii Liii, C. A- N. W. The as,,, ,,itioiî tiiel a' ir lied to mueet gain a t IRussell, Mlircli 3, 18'.; si,-rN' ll ma 'au,-,Il 'i<s ma', thl iiter.stei l<î P.î- Ci. cTor v, ,of 1. O. G. T. Convention. lleasait l'rairai-,t, Wi' ,iiî,'<i the Neiil«-r, ', lîurtys ille -LoIge 1. 0. usi -uîully t,,or I ,aii ut as k <-dto ia T.<i -I - t<>heie h unlier of Il atteuteti a c lî,,îriiiai s,1, u < -W. 1; .,'s ii-tIii o îilty (Coinve-ntio n <f tluut order '<f Ihus'l u.ea,,l.lie»skIf'<r lit A rtiorli. '1h.-y 'a nt in a aleigli as--ra ,a lu rt,'n .1"î îAx. a1111îî tili<<ugb wirIie' Ithut the leigli- liuthîîiaill, III ti, .aîut,,uu îu,;iL, ,< iu lg w ltialît goodî iati hie wiceliing iii e<,îuîr<<lof tl!u< l î, %'a u A.Il. liO ,-uileliui.sg4gotienougli for Storiîîs, 'if Ait , simi', is..liaîtililii, andîi iti Go i Tenitplar's bave Mr. Li-Aiti tiiiiki,l titi. ai'iiu'lI,r <<ltll<s, tliey arriveid sale andt îî, -sti ' îîguuiii on iii li thte li ,olior < s î îî,'a I satistled s itha the condi. sunctiig liîta ' r-i î i .-r tiit: ti '1,îu<fi lue ruja s, teinle rature, anti uit-I ~ o ita li ut,<i !s'h ii as,,lu I 13. Lui îgs iii gtiieral - E n-route tbey met lie -ta<i ldbit,' ly t lu. ru-i ifo.r %'a lui luILfarii 'r an 'i(i îqircîi the way,-] ust til!i, îu,-,t iig i g aiu uî mei aiîlL, îui for fii Ilit su-r, tiurtl y tîjîitbey iuski*,i ho ie« îrom ltaiisî îiîir.,",tu.î k"Ii<'s hlise.lsas. Autiocli vas reacbl- aii tue i-s iiihrtaîk iii g.(ci just ini titîlcfur dimîiîer, tut whicli Iiirîiig tilt- Lu,, luirs tîlat ,-îu',îie<l, a t1l',y tli j uîtî -e '-andi then Somet, grLuItt îîîaîîîy i i tt rý.- it h<lau i. a.4 t, uo ' Li i<,rty tilt people- aliays doî, anti the t hi- fa uiers voi-uitorg;trizIILI, uuuu<sioiî u T< <i ,,î jirs lîrovei ni) exception. tuî 'h f itii utit l1bowiiitt ilu i r'<tu',t-t1< Lu aigI' s fruîn H igli wtod andtiAttiocia sutkv ui-l istt'i,'(lti m,' u rerelrt-.,enitet.the nmeeting tîeiug iaîj - 'i t 111, 1 11i1ii I I, I ( liai,<i . 1. it % a.s decitîed ig" Iu A ,ia-u's.lia,' î'uu,'i. i -r'l'rt .qi(INN siu !I, al Ii ii l t ' i','u '..uuun (îa uît,,'1t', uiuu, ' i li ît ,u%. ii un t l t , r t lui' it,, 'I i 1 )'-tu '. ' . itu li.. 11 - r r1,'utiu.' , ;ugI:htlàaI-IId'I.u'ld -Jiu03 1Iitiî t" 27t1a it ('rystuul Lake. I (,r g l 11 au- tuà',11, alul .IjI-,,'tî'î, I t ttu, 1 l, i sI" I 'illiii.r imupjortance "uuti, -ailu la it. î' thu,' w -11<'Iu l , i t til iiîi-,i,'(tu-,l iu ti t-t imeeitinig Ill- i l 'iî.Iiuk l,î,'t. l i, ' liiiur. M,-r-, K Imt< 's tIlt,' h, tif A iitl,îeîi, fL 1uul-.'i.ilîii i III, 1tIs -u agiui l putuie ut the severaI joli 'i uu i iu 1 ', jlýil ii"it jIuItil t i m ia i 'tu i'a i ug.uîcaliet Itutu t iiuîr,1~ ui i î ~ t' 11*1 'i . i. 11i,- II'tlo'aing îrgrani suas it .î luiu., 1 u111.1 -1t i uui ,l'îIL i,"11 , ,ii î,'l tIi,- ufttriioii ttl,,îr l. itii'. t1iv , ilu1\1.< Il lsiuk t,. tiiî' i:,11] :Iuî t tli, tanI, iîiîî'. 3. INTER 11), 1 t uIl tii1, i lu t u1t, -tî, iatt1,làL i ,, iiLLOTSiN itut' liIl , aig i ii-i tittil , I l,' a thu. 1'l ..k.... V. BuIIOaN reat.1'LUil - tIlnniL.lel,,n Aluru<i l ii . 'luIjýt IL, A "111: . t..'S.......lC.A. tilts,,N ,rgailii'.tionu l. tehi silie. ol.i'guuu1/.atituII sIlIi lue îtitlial blîiiu'it andtisel f [<litt-tim n bevi-î e i'a tui'iiIn r i 1<3 i<un g tii-saut ,.f ito itiie-tr<-asiry 'andi sîguuuuîg ltl< Conlsttt.u îti Iad <y luiss. AiuRILIV. h. 'lh,' ,,llu.rtýs <f tîîî, orgahuiizittii slinîl h ,,<i,ist <<t i irei- tri'asiiieu', s loi shilh ti' ule', tî, uiiia ally h 11a uuj.rity voîte' ohftitineuitiuu<cm iit'uselt lit su,- lu t'li-<tj' ii i - ' o îresi- uI,'îît, siv-e ur'su undt îîitr,'uîsurr tîu A lurhi luV- i eei iit eS < I, î den'it siailhi,' lu, irusitie t tai luijet- iîîgs .îitii<' tsu m-atio, i t iti<i In is umîîi'iie' hlii' vie' <-lt shtull Airuri< 'b VI. Tfhek'<thi<-es .or stî'.-î'tuîu .Aml li i t'.ku-.p îîuluîîtt'a f all pruo. ve-îiuugs olui lt, <rguuii/atii<l, and oi < thereu il. Aî,T['Lr. I[. 'l'h,'tru'auîr'r shil lhaveu uIîuige u<f ail fonuds Iiulougiuug t" the' asso ciatiounu uiit l (tsI ils,' t1t 8saine uîi,'u' ti.' lire','i..îî of tii'!i-xi-itie eomîiîitlee, t" lii ti'iiigiiî. I I 'Y 1h. iîreNIhI'ht. lie .4 luiimIighv'e .onds at' celîtall.' toti ii' In-,I,' ut, siip<resi tentahit seeuettry. ARTrICLE 'I fi. The i'xteitivt,, cuîîî- milie shah lhave the mauageîuent o! lhe adIirs, property and fends o! lie fflmoagoi Md shaH bave 1e O ir %VM. LÂRLETI si'iLt f . C. A. JàmEsi ....Ii .... ... ....... MISS HOYT Atel jtakiuig ofthe b,,iîuch icli lia, heuijre-jareti al repairedtie1thli clitireihuetbuy 'acre entertaineti 1<3 au ,,î,i.îo lecture ouu Zulit Landt. As if huit rujnu'ldatring lie aitu-îîîuu,î untd eseitiingthe reluru to làblert3'stlle suas -hi l the fluighi îîîiglut bave 81ihtpeui better on silogw tiiiui ear gnîîîîui anith te Goot 'ictu alsarr ive'u ut iii earljer hour. Hisue"r ahi delareul il "sasn't su Iîuî, as il îuiglit litive btien, anti ve liad tis', iuuetiiig and l ili attend lie next muie t if.'eliais, ho sahk." Republcan Caucus Fuir thie'tuus'îîof Lulrlyvihie viiili e lieiîi ut the ti<sîihall Friîluy (to-tiuy) ut 2 1). ii.. for tIi'etlput'os of electing M <eleigati's lt,' he 'î<ubiiaii County C.on vintion<ît., lie lu,' lu ut Liliurtyvi île Sittu ru uv - .. E. BfALLARuD, %V. M. HEATI 3sTwn Coiiinitlee Lili.-t sil -,["h.28, 1891. Card of Thanks. 5V, utislîi fi)exptress (oui'gratitudte, fior thie iiay kiîuunîusses sliowuî us Ity !rii'nts atîti utigiiius turing the uickness eut afier the deaii o! Geo. F. Warren. Mas. EDITH WAaEEH, W. J. W&MMa. MRS. C. C. MILLER Ceo. F. Warren. Chas. Whltney and M rs. C. P. Thomas, dead, Te liaîl>oveli hve i uîa iv ,1iitilg tii,- pzit week aniijt w, i i dSee-i ,It,qt lu iur adtlnsleiiîail to,,,irltîlil. N1115. I AIiOLINE iI,N tSMIIýil. .Irt5. Miller 'aa8 b<rn lut Lonig ,ro, L.ake Co., Ill., Jîîiy 3Iti, 18;,411 and d<ied of spinal paraiy-aiu on Sniay, Fei). 23ru1, ISiJ, being 45 years 6 muîntbs and 23 days old. 511e was converteil and jîîined the clnreli in earty chiidbood andi was a tiev,,ted and constatent chrimtian ail ber if e. Sue came to Libertyville abioutt10 years ago and bas matie hosts of friî<tis andi nu enemiem. Site was a moîlel borne uaker. She couild have sîoccessfîlly fillei other spheres in lif, but suie chlose the homie as the fieldi of ber uîtivity anti she won lier place tri thei i-arts o! the peuple iîy the skillful manuîagemenit<of lier dilnestie. affairs. Tfiose who kiiew lier best loved lier nîust. She 1l,'avtes a iiusband and iv,, children t', niounuber Ioss, togetiier witli a hi<<a6t of frlends i ti tbe chîîrch and ilîroigliout the conmînity. The bereaNel family have the' ayni- pathy o! ail. 'i. P. WARREN. George F. %Varren was liorn ut MiltonT '.e, Mardi 13, 1861, anîd tutti ut bis resiietice acer Libertyville, Ill., Feb. 18, Ilv.», of typhidt fever. Mr. Warren ifr ,ý "'imber of years was a traveling sail .an, but liecame a resitient of Chicago is 189 where bu spent four yî.urâ iTili bsiness. lHe watt marriedtu , Mis, Edith Davis, of Libertyville, Jily 26, 1892. Soon' alter bis inurriage lie' îur-haed a farim near towîî s lere tbey w<re living at the lime of ais, deuitt. Mr. Warren was a man of excellent churaeter and was higbly reslpe.c-i l'y I wide circle. o! admiring frienls iii the commnîity where lite liveil. lie madie nu pro- fession o! religion ittil sbortly before bis doati. He was f irst tu aak for for prayers ini tiierevivai meetings wbicb were re.eeitiy ,'lseti at Gages Lake churcli anîd îîitiîugh bis siek- nesli canie oit and, lruventeti bis attendante at theie îeltings ha songlit anti fonti thie Lord andl îrayeti with frienutis lu bis hbonlee xîressing a desire to attenîd andulî<.rticiîtate in the geitera servives o! thei, ,itrch. Per- liaps when lic irst ,lu',iîl,',tu give tuniatâel! the servie ut Glite littie tîreaîned howl o r ,,it l,, ,'.rthiy 111e bv o,î, letr l,, 11,%, t a tie t,, (lie iii the Lo'rd. The , luîîîrali ic'nî uliti lit thle resid,'iîci, "hii'1, l.2o, lit IjII311 o'cl,'ek, adîiîi,'t'aitlutiiitig thîe dlîy 'aid o,, iut the n<'t i ftthti su'ontheue tte,llitîîice sa s large anti ili aîiy so 'ros îg itrivlita- l, 'athe ti, r,'Iiîainr, to the Ll'ryii, ' iutury'. Il is sickiîem m as us y a \eku, ,Iliirti,îiîbut lebu or<,e Ili, trinug lat telit lvuad %'a uî s c-i t-, t t, last. Ilis iiotler, tutn it,,'. iii one 'r,îtlier arc living lit 11l ii' . fen- lil, ' ba'e iis l.rotlier Wii ii Iîitig t, itl h h mi alitiost cu ,îîstilatt I I i îîg lii, .ieiîes.lii, ts tilica,t. , ,t flti, Vel' lbelîtîrec,îîi iiHmu the birothier, little t'a,,yelir uit ._11iildt 'a îe bu e te syî~<îtli(,i iiiltlii tlîeîr dore blievemunî. Ililbits deattuthe coniiiiîiiîy J'a, 1,,.t a nlible citizen, tbebrother a ilaitlil c'tîîîpaiiiouî, the littuion Iî aL ,u iIg latier anti the Wile a loyîti ailectionau buisband. MiRS. C. P'. TIIOMAS. Tucsday afterîjooti, ut Wi' ,tî Wis, rs. C. P. Thuomîas, o! Freîiî,uît, tusb coîînty, tieti. Mra. Thotmaus 'ais calîci to Walwortli, by lte iltios 1,1( lier father antiwitie atteiîdiiîg Ili,,, contracteti a serions ctj li ui il <s takin ick with inilamnîatory rtetunua- tisn]. eveniiîg a telegrinun- ii iîouicing lier tieath wait recej',e(l. Blie sas a womanl in the primue o! hft(- attdt haves a hubaiti anti six cbilIreî, tiie youngitst being lut tItre,, years olîl. Tbe funeral wl libe beld Friday andt the reniaitis ilîterrati at Wauconiî celtîetery. <IAtibEitWHITNEY. Chas4. Whitney, an 01,1 residlent îof iiîîîîîîd Lake, was linriati hure Tues- tiay. Tht deceaseti was eighty-oue y,.ars ,of uge ut tfine of bis d tal. spring is coming "~AND YOU WILL WANT A CARPET OR FLOOR MATTING Our Stock for .Sprlng lMas Arrlved. Ouar Prlce.s are Ail Rlgt. Sold ciir f ive thousand yards of carpet luie-- ing 1895. Our freight for carpets and mat-. ting was three times as much as ail other stores in Waukegan combined. What does that mean? OnIy this: We seli the carpetsl Why do we? Our. price is the lowest for any gradie of car- pet or matting. When y~pu are in the mood for ;carpets or mattinq, look everywhere, then cal I on us, and we Il do the rest. A PRESENT WITH EVERY 50c. PURCHASE. AT WYNN'S, Waukegan. WILLIAM E. MASON And Ex-Governor Hamilton WIli Be Here Saturday. We are in receipt o! a telegram juat as we go to prebo, stiitin that lion. Wmn. E. Mason andt1e'x-Governor Hamiltoni sili attentd the conventioîn to b lieludat the towii bal Satîirtay. Ait~a bly Surprlsed. For sortne dau~ Juti Moore anti fumily have iteelu planning a surpîrise on Uncle Sam Moore, as lie ia faniiliarly caliet liy resitiants hiereabouts. A sort of! fanîily ru-union was the puro- gram, anti Unele Sam was left out of the preparations entirely. Relatives were expeeti to arrive by Suntiy- therefor they selactedt tat day, andi if Uncie Samn bat not insisteti on taking bimsei! away ai the appointet time, lie woulti have saveti sonne worry, but alter mucli persuasioni lie sas colivincuti he ditin't went to go. Of course ils a&l plain tu limi now why lie eliangeti bis minc, biut et the time lie thouglil it a pretty how-tiye-tio. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wooti, o! Wyi"cena, Win., Mr. anti Maniey Woodi, o! East Chicago, Mr. anti Mrs. Ernst, o! Frankfort, Midi., andti Walter anti ltalpîh Darby, of thies place 'acre uiuoîg iliose [remenit. 'oi«sa.y tb-y bad l '-JuiIy tiood Tiiîe'is ir<iiy exlrent ,sîse enuuîgb tlute-t Vlî,le Siiîî.-, %ie' o<f the nattur ti bîîtl lit- ini ',,ito" thii î,doru sîialil boy '-i stîcal <ulary lit 'ail îiiisaidi "aiiily <<ut o f ,ig lit,"- andi >§till lithlb,, î,etsî,îîluit l«','îi dn an ixjwstice. SCHOOL NOTES. Fil teIltur t uýten3o! t hi, iuîrtlu r<î iii have sturteuu aCourse iIîu<,îk ket-p)iiig. The uverage n iisxteliiîg tfur tiie !ourttbremiît this useek is m511f",. liais litsWaiiukegai i <skt eraige' Iai't week vas 619". The tuachers of tihe,,k-c<>il iand<third~ rounas tuertu 0ligedti l CItleuttTue day morniing. '1 i-ilaceuus 5Vu'lu illed by substitt-vs uand su< Àu, 'u'ttotiiais ustual Miss Elnle lutteriield, wtvhtulas hîeei iii witi lironebitis for theim îiist twii weeka ia again willîUNs. W,,are gluit to welcome lier back as sic is a general favorite. WeVheuthtat Sutd Mitchell isi tu take i trip t Europe aboutt the iirst o!f May. We wimi hlm à goot voyage, 11o sca- .sicktie@m anti plaiusant coutpany, anti tue algo vent tb caution him not tb lt eny' *'luoomii-Eîugls8hgirl" uapuittre hiefaney as that event voui<i v-iusit vailing anti guashing o! leelli uon tbis Ltiti.o! the vater. 'l'ho ahoiers o! the Higli Schouil r,.<'îu have org det a Deliatiiîg Soc iety. OMeersILuto b l ecet cvt-ry two veeka anti a paper puthîliibeti uiitetuhle flans.of tîhe 'Liiertyvilc luitzette." Tiie offIcern elctîl lasI Frîuhîy are as folova: Bruce Diuiin lîerry. Preu.; Arthur Willilams, Vice ires.; Louis Caler, Sec.; Lyle Bond, fl4irg<-îiit-atArni; Stuart 1Paddo ck, Euitr. lt' îl it' en a rî'siideuuto!fllis teout3- Tlii,' I,'late. 'ua Frlday gave thue fîîr ,îu'r flfly years anuti uits sul knîuîîs'uîsu'i p liîiciens a chance iii shows andîî highuhy usleeiid,. tht-il kill in a a ordy sur. 'J'lie' - <~uietim',ui esolveti '.Tiiit Cle'velaniiu .51irliati l loldî'n s'îui lias îieii a tbu Cati' o! li te Hrt T'inits," sua rî'iiî'ît t tthe.t ctuiity larni !for abouîît i'l,îî ici i fayot' of!the uîtgîtive. tei years, tiiei Muîuuluy, agî'î 74 years, Jujbii L.YIî b, Jr. eut John Lyneh, Br., eut suas buriet Tîtestiey. Mr. Huldî'n '<'ru' speaîkers5 on tie legative anid Was <ine o! Lake cîîuîîty's ilohieer Luîîîie sh'liiafl, ciaylou siaplesa anti setlers. Getorge u' isl on th1e aflirmaîlve. In a pile o o 's1POq mýad George's The INIiEPENIENT giveS ail the noeS fow o! vortis lbhoua JudAls. mIl the blase. were obiiged tO COU NTY CONVENTION. RePublîcans wiIi meet at town hala Saturday. Belôw we print the eal a s imned by the itepublican Executive Comnlte for a ltpulilian County Convention: The Repulican Coanny Convention wiilli e bIl th le Town Hal l nlb Village o! Lihertyville, La" Cquaty, tllinois, on Salurday, thetwevnty4anhh day o! Eebruary, A. D. 189, at 1-.30 o'clock p. un. for tia purpofe of seIo4. ing tan deiegates toulte if aie Conven- tbon te lie huit at Springfield, IUnuoia Aprîl 29th, A. D. 1896, and for the selection o! tvuiity (20) delegates tu the Senlatorial ColveIl 0f the EiglilliSenatorial iaIdc, of 1the Statu <if Illinois, hereafter to b. cliii!. AIso !for the puirpose ut seleoilng tifteen (15) teleautu10the Congr,*. sioliai Convention of the Seventhý (JngesioniDistrict o! the stae o! Illinois t tu buit etutthet of o Chicago on Wudnesasty, the fourh tLay o! Mardi, A. D. 18W6, anud for t"1 electioti o! a Connty Itepjiul"a Com- muittue. rit represeulation 0frlthe »everal lowusisnlathe Coualy vil b. one tulegatle for oach 27 voea osaS fo«r the itepublicau candidate for Preitent ini lhe year 18992; and ome tielegate for a fraction of 14 or more' over sncb nmultiple o! 27. Thie ev"ra towna will thu. ha entitiedti 1 se4ý delegates as foilois: Belutoli .............. 4j . . .... ŽtNi<k<iýt ................. lu ......... AiiUu,di .................. nui......... t2...... 2 . .......i..... lm ...........0 Wuîîli'gîi1.59. ..... Frbuu uh.. .. ...--------- Ciaini'lmt........... Elua . .... li>-------- Ea,-iî "tu i i e-c,,iiîunîuiito holti its uu'i- u ii i,,UuulIice 0o1 Frliay tuie 2,tii tuuy kif 1ebrtiary, A. D. UIM, it 2 .clîek 1). ik., unlebsslia Town Colîîuitte-s st-t a different lime by %V. C. L'i'ONn, Li.Eo. H. BUENETT, S. DLELANO TALcoTT, W . ).N51ILBUUII, E.- A. GOLD±ING, Lultpib ii Execntive Cominittea. Temrperance Raily Day. l'h,, pastors anti s4nday-i.ciool work., ei-s of! ery cinrit andi Suada&y. scIiool in Lake county arc earneely ilivited tb co-uipuratut witli lie Lake U'otuuty organization of the W. C. T.U. in observiug Marci 22, as Temperace ltiWy Day. Il lias beeu sugguuted tial a oein muitte of Ivo, orthe bhuti Suadây4 scihool uorkors ini acci Simday-aoisoo lie appoiute tu basiat ltepastor sMd miperintenitint in rnakii>g argsag. ments fuor Teiuperanuie Raily Day. Blegin to plan at once for a' gruad rally, Marî'h 22. Pastors are requesé- eti to preacb à temiparanco sermon in, the inîîruing, anti superinleudents to gi vuetîuteniperalice lesaon in the, Sula. day-schooî. Invite ail temperanooe- ganiziutions, tie Chriima raduavet Epworlh Leagite anti B&ptb4 Youag - 'etjilcs Uliilit 10take part. Pis. b bave brie! atidrosses liy p&aatoraasupea iîtitàlintu,,eandgive lie boy*. sud girls îî iiat'iý enftieprograii, la nsaut andtlreciltation. Make t ion lée l 1.*' thueli îîetiug. il luî h<ped ie obzts tlauîi pîlijfile iuiLake Couînty wvlhoei-. y aî,rovethticplaitias sugipuged 0" i ii <i là lii îîg band. Make lmanh * IL ted lîtter daty .- the leagtb a" itreetili th ltae 41h tisti S" ad bq vacre aminov aboun" niucâ more sbound." 7 1 7

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