ba hive my store nýow stocked up for the sprîngtrade meadgtpie.Imanage to keep a fine ana of furniture on hand. You can tlways flnd f rom 4 to 6 bed room suits oni my floor and other goods in proportion. Couches, Rockers Iail styles; Dining, Kitchen and Odd Chairs; Chul- dre n s Carniages, Extension and Center Tables. Ve 4This 1895 New Model Sew- * Ing mnachine, waranted 4 for ton years, ofly $24-50 thinkOf it 4Thîis ni i ine bas seveli dIritwrs and ail the lat- est iî 1-ovemefts.Ev- S ry fainily ean afford une A Full Line of Undertaking Goods Always on Hand. WILL KNIGGE, kockefeller. Lend Me Your Ear! ---FOR 1.00 CASH_-- WE WE WE WE WE WE W E WE WE WE SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL SUITS AND_ 19 Ibs. CqranuIated Sugar. 3 lbs. Japan Tea. 3 1-2 lbs.iJava& MocaçCOffee 8 caris Baking Powder. 8 cans Peaches. 8 cans Bartlett Pears. 16 cans Sugar Corn. 13 lbs Ginger Snaps. 11 Cotton Bats. 1 pair Buckskin Mitts. OVERCOATS., sold at Wholesale Prices on ordeî If you vlant a CARPET OR RUG it will pay you to get my priceý REMEMBER~ .. i arn headquarters for Choice Groceries, c ail kinds, Confectionery, Tobacco an, Cigars. Also what t. have in Boots, Shoè- Gloves, Mittens, Hats, Caps, Overaîls an Pants will be sold regardless of cost. VOURS FOR TRADE, Rockefeller, 111. A. Me, BRIGGS. Great Reduction ...IN .. Pauces.. sHOE:S 4 PAR of M rs. Dongola Button Shoes, $2. 2.150 2.5 (IllltiiI a al$1.50 - i the fonlioe'nlu 512 Pair Size 2 1-2. 6i 6 'i 3 1-2. Pair Size 4 . si 4 1- *14~ 10 .50 cent Sun Çured Japan Tea at .85 cent Mittens - - at 5 .38 ct .27 t.67 ct w Minnesota Flour $3.50 per bbl. AND ALL OTHER COODS AS CHEAP, at Deilein,& Pfannenstit IVANHOE, - - ILLINOIS. Grass Seeds H-. H-. PEGLEV. 1 " '. :- It W)îl;'...;OFan-, .RICK work Stoune W'ork mi>d Pure Clover Seed, Tr ~Paîteing of >lîî i1il'.. othy and Red Topa î>EAo~flLE ~Millet and Hungar Prices by Jli.' l>AY, - - I CHt-ýb. ,yMPLE ,Long Grove, Lake Co., Il lin >,y-"Aîuîiv'ittions by Mail proum Blé 481.201 at~nas oailuldliueVltu letsh lu 98 uî n12u The.Sorosia Chapter 0f10. E. S. Il ra r e, M , e 12 " their finut regular meeiting last Tues. In Ladies shoes are represented in our store. sod Vilô91 3 5 12 d day idternoon. Their Wortby Matron, Caîl and see us for stylish f oot-wear for men, 951 iiii 5 éô 12 M8 Mia. Eaugbt bas recovered from bier OOMG OUTS.recent illness and was able to bcepres- women, and children, and you need not g a. M. a. Mi. a. m. P. 'm. ont. The regular meetings are huit[ Laevilla d 26 7 36 l130 ô 45 theoiiret and tbird Tuesday evi'niings away disapointed. Particular pains are take Rlins 94 si 7 41 FIl 5 80of oach montb. 3rlLi 47 7147 12 e5 à8m M" etlor847 i 2 30l s 6aD We are sorry tonote the tieat! boit to keep upour BOOT AND SHOE stock, com-'" Letthtofl 84651 (i 124"8611 eek of Mis. Darby, of Rollins., aliipeei îe n good wearing qualities. Prarie View s84m88 12 il57 6l 018insze n Apt hie M 0i1 8 21 i «à 6 2, yet vocannot but thani the Aliighity z inu st os8 44 i114 ô 27 Father for ber deliverance. Sle lhall Ciao 6ôi30 i10 a8 Frt. 7I65 been a very great bat patient suffoerr *Daily xeept snday. heourntmoecha Iroestitn thisd lIn s stop opty on signail. sease, cancer, andI conseqîiî'itiy wîIs s) >10o rS e iate n s ln wlling, yes, auxiolis to be inileil ais> Sile vai' a gond, îîr e., liristiîiii Around the County. muehbeînveuiby uil wsho kiiws îi.' A R E.-MensCalf-skin Boots at - -____ aisu3e vii Ille greîîtly nlrseid. Women's 2.50 Dongola Button Snoes 2.00 WAUCONDA. The (traîa ~Fruits nf the %*iiVli>1>Wo e' lppr*ptetlahr;is 10 viliiBacon, of Mdflenry, vas on ouril wattdayven iîilIia geriilii'.mhl o eew'pes ptn ethris 10 boresTuaa.Stb linanveiliy suda4 a ,gra iîeChildren's'Shoes at 50 cents to $1 .00 Mr. D. Wortbingtonîla a Harvard stand-point. Th~e î>îay miti v %%-I and mans' others. vit itor at preselit. presented, in> tact, one vunil tinîk F. Grovenor ciosed bis achool at tbey vere not ail amateiiréi. Tfli lionîse Siocuni Lake, lait Friday. vas crowded. anid a tieat little motîif iitts Pull valii fryu oentol o A. McOurren sud Grace Bill vere raiseti for the Haineesviilc &hî oooo rrlone ,îio o y o Barriag<toii vsitors Tuesday. bay. We hope to Sce the Haitii iîlif ew d ay s. cor a wefk, b i t A LW A Y S-S Ray Neville, of (inayslake, viaited Dramatio Trouip here agîhlîl. witli bis grand-parents Ibis veci; A cruwd of yoiîg euujle toti iii ni ber of about tweîîty gaitlîuri'î lit tilI, Mr. Robert'il sbow wiiî<Iow 'mattra't- homne of Mabel Mîîrgatmîîdlî îit 'i ogcrv i . S ~ J N ~ b iig a great aniouiiit of attention Oi day, intendlug t>. sîîrprise tIîa't y.119,L on G o e .1.V A U R & B late, lady and hler si.,tc'r ti lîbrîthers. ilent Tiiere are opeîings for sevemal g-ood as Doaia, soneenîle, pm.îhaily t>i -,,, moncit 1 faims in this vieinity. Mr. "Igave 15 ait away" and theii. îrl.rî', l - Clongb bansosnt to Vermont for one. part vas nlot a liicesm. Howevr 1 !os' Lat Thursday eveuing the band bI mat as maceh ton as tiiongli it l1ii! FFd.>F ~ ii ~ ~ '~? ' 1' gave several slections on tbe streett. been, as the Iat.'îîe.s i tue lînlîr îlt The munie vas eîjoyed by ail. We wbicb they retturrieci tii thl'r iou hopetoIlîciar tbein again lu the near wouid attest. E~eyctylnlng.. OT O E L'S DRUG STrO'iE FOR f qtnire. tinie. Lait Friday the lioseville literary HALF DAY r g ,M d c n s C h nia , "-Resolveti that the Mercliant bas tbi eemiii mcii Il vi'.utîl t o' .it Benefitted the Couintry More than the ti ei FPRU EV OPIC MS lainier. Miss Bena Vols..oftPrairie or. i wTi-e Spovr Uaýs Ft Mns. Harris met vitl an amident visited bher aiter lucre fIs vcck. I4 rî.î',"r-us 'upohr.,Sîîl,'B iiIniy and lu the Oakland hall luit Saturday Ms.A. Stanclîff t s tlit.l 44 TilI»t Artil. f.k' i>ttaiîir, l e GlT<,(uas ,Put.y, ovening. The amonut of the injnry with typhoiti lever lৠa litti. latter. which abc sustained. agreater than Eugene Davitison, nofLiaiîîurîîlLail.P I T ,OI SV R I H S vas auppoiei at firit, but la Dot vas apleasant caller initowî tliimis . P I T , IS AkI H S serions. Mr. Gilberît Lîne j>. u'nîîvîtiîsîin)g The niasquerade skating ink vas alter a severe îttavt ofitl tiiiîiti I i fI PATENT MEDICINES. a unique way of entertaiiiig people, the bowels. ' go about 160 people tbought. Borne o e ot i. àî.î, if îiuiîiIuî < i. nîily Meîdiciîîî a aîd Vil" fijci,îîî V l;(I . ciiptiolim cefll the costumes werevery pret.ty. Clyde commisioner fin>!itw 1ii. l>iîk ii, 4collopou 14id. <l at 101 9i'> . Golding received the prize for the chances are gond.______ boit clown; May Belle Motion for the PerJîbasîlusii>.it' pretletCtwfê.Chicago. We are. sorry tIIsvI iî'e i. Goods Carefully Selected. Onis' the Best The teacheri meeting laut Saturdîy as be was a goo<i citizen. vas indefinitoiy postponed, tour Mr. and Mns. Grilî'y, NI i.,4. >>D'î F ".I<>D 'q4 FI'big 1414 41_14'F4 '4i4 bit teacueis only voie prosent. 'The at- ant .'.Wissî 'lo.s'r tendance la sometbing te be depreci- uMcJ. W.rWels aitStmiy 'eîi atil Wth the number of teachersiMVcesls audyeeiig reisidiug lu Wauconda andi vieinity, A nnflbt>r attend te, hrici'stia an attendance of tventy would not bc Endeavor meeting li ltovku'ft,'v ii.'t tocniucb. Suinday f1mw bere and iPrairie NVi."w. consin, on Wedneaday, Feb. 26, is. Satier for oui îiext loil>.rviso. I itî C. Thomas. Tiieremains voe inuerreti rumoreti that lie liYv'>ii,% f.>I in l the Wanconda cemetery. She Vernon. leaves a buaband and six children. Mr. and ?rs. J. A. Mlisisu, of 'r.ii i M erchant She vas loyod by alil ho kmev ber View, visited Chicagu L i Wtr'ek. %Ir.I T i or.I and bad --ny friends vho inounei Mason vas a delegate tg. t li.' elîgr., sincerely aetlier deatii. sional convention. T fo John Weicli, son o! Mrs. Filon Welch The Prairie Viie boin iî .4 s»i' tI anti biotbei-i-laW o! James McCabe, bave explotied. Thie'nianager i of Volo, 111., dieti qulte snddenly at a trying to F5ec 1mw thui li ecalc.»> t Of bospital li Ogden, Idaho, a 1ev tisys vithout caving lu. ý Lt ILs idince; andi vas buuieti lu Sait Lake For gooti mou,înentat a IlNvs;î City bostde bis brother, vlio preceeti- Place youî ortier nov andc ias't -d vas minng. Correspontience solicteul. F ro Lait Satnrd.ay Mr. andi Mrs& Wn. FIIED B3AMiSIOW, NN'aiitit. Clark celebrateti their veddlng anni- Fred Stancliti bas ailfin!ii,'x..t-w to versary. Aatbey ver. nihrrieti on the buggy. He says he is iiov îîri.l>tIui $ not celebrato again for eigbt yeari. see fit to inipose upin Iiiiiî>. N Iv Il,,!Ty t$ Tbey bai a dinner for their relatives, bave a gond grave!l Iiglisi>îy >(-1îî:t$ Iu the evening their friends lu the sioner thiis spring. A perfect fit guaranteed. Cail and sea my samrples.. immediato viinity gave thein a sur- The "vwide avueke Ivai. yî'air >>. arn V R B NK prise. Atogther iv as a very happy vil'givc a grand blai aet,% l hss all, j CIa i ng O E A K time. Friday evening Mardi 17. BaI>o-II.'>îr'.la igLietvleIln Tlie scliool entertainnient lait Satur- bevare, as the Wi>ie Asai.., nercot Den eti on accourt of the roatia beiug lu Some are marriedi bottîUit don , t vIii sucli bai condition. The selections any figure ln theuce nmodent time'.. voie ail veil rendereti being an iii- Debate if churclu lat. Sîi Qi .- provomont over the Lincoln prograxn tion, "-Res<>ive'd Tluuc tIl sho.i>,iil III M AX LEBEA il that vas possible. The proceetis Of Abolislied." argneunent ut tueil'-. the two entortainnients v-lU incîeaie tood 6 to 5 vîfli the atiimiiî>îiiv>' i MANUFACTURER 0F *thelihbrary by s nuniber of volumes. îiî[eiy vunner vit!> fie,, itpIII,.>t. Thie amount cieareti approxiateti atvantage (un thic in .n-eî - I E H V N . fitoon dollais. Later-- eaffirmative .uu4asil, _FINE______________________ GRAYSL.AKE. tbe otiser feliow -cuîuli>ii't staîjl t ui s 50 GRYLK.longer. Mr. andi Mis. Higley tooi ln the the- The Endeavuir s...'ieýtY. o tf li.Q. PétY ...C IG A Rl, ater in Chicago, Saturday evenîng. vii boitiaun <titi fal>iolied, 111'.~.Iii " acolateTown îîlitue '.,îtt14w A. A.Hendee anti !smify have moye aeb>î*theut 7::Iij. T'rie s!.>ruiii ontO!teu e heBia lae on bc chosen then anti the .iciio.î.#I .jliîig- WHOLESALE Milburn. boo iiibeuffld. Thome ' ssii, i ot ~>AND RETAIL.. Rumor says that Mis, W. Braulvay care to niil i ay lok oui andIltr tii'. will move 50 Chicago Ibis spring anti rent. AUi nvite>!. Audmî,issin it ii . ...... RY HI rent ber bouseat this place. Everyboîiy h.ilui.Itukil..' 'i al \ 411 L».e ...ERY H S S Cbsriey Kuebker, lateiy ti Palaine, lie 1bill boards and>im-.e'if ... -\'y eB AUS T AR. 2. ba oeiet uiibr.If viatt iaucoveeti themvil> iîlî..tle'>'uItt i>A. 0. F., and formeily the Whitelieadtarim, meeting for tilt!sî..i .iî'" I~<,u BLACK POODLE* Mr..and Mra. Whiteheadl, vlo vlslfti selu'ctiuig a tirailiîgi-u' lrdilr i f l th v tir hdaughter Mr. Estcy, No. 1itSu!umee'itin.g t' la' ield l it Lts tlie pas!ev veu are again at boule. privaismsll'i.'."uil>tili l tI!' 66 M. Becea Pricliett, o! Nunda, vas are Itberm. wbyliy.t his.' Ir.',' tr;Ih,-------- liore Tburaday eveulng anti organized to pIroteet tbi's' tIl>u is t.tit i'.' .. acaupo! Royal Neigbboni. We wiillim @on coxing wilf-'i the fitrîuî,'r rv'll report reauit later. receive a bountY on .'ggs axti ii>. A party of youîng people froua <Chiîe- us al nwhim ,'ct tionîuoid I ,1 go visiteti atMmi. Tbomion'a wvItb Mlai alléuli llgl Coiby over Sunctay muid toon thfle N>îw w. "uik"w iu. drainaSaturdis ni.gbt. yoi o îucit t', u>..' t i"'i"-' Caveats,anid Trade-Maica Issld - mog this veek's visit.ois Ilii- Tii.' ccgî.iue'.>.for cago, voeeMeuirs. Kuehier, Marnie. . ,î',uîîîm > I.*>* .OS ric sOPO," a".Pi, Battanuihaîl, BSierman, Edwardit afui h.. iî.ia'g' el W.-Bar-o-. l 1îî,iu'-d ded,>ial i ng or ph"I'iî.,with Mri. anud Mr. Johnnusn, o! Springfield, le,' c ' O: harg. 0Vtr. ai.,,.',i paenio t, hi Wi. aedecideti alter ieveral veekp4 A F- MPNLTIH, Ho 00 tai upiîe.uî," viait vhth tie parenta Mn. anti Mis. VOLO. L F Ie.~ nt 'r .îîe. .adorg Murgatroii, te ioye bere permanenlty. Mi... Fixhuir lots i'i'-11-'litiÉ%1r Au-Q m-9iiW 1 - 6 6