Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 13 Mar 1896, p. 1

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~mfrpcrnfr Vol. IV. No. 22. ýLibertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, March 13, 1896. $1.50, in Adi L BEItTY~VILLF LODGE. No. 492. F. & Maturdays of! cadi mmith. VRtlng lrrthérn ((,rilally wlom.. W. X. IE A TU,1. .W. E. H. liioWs.1l" Dr. Charles Galloway. Office ove r LoveII1's Dru gStore H10055 FIOU 1 TO 3 ANI) EGTO M P. là. Libertyville, -Illinois. Miss LULU M. S. PENNIMAN. - TACHXX OF VOCAL AND JALSO DELSARTE INSTRUNENTAL .SYSTEN 07 .. SuIC... I.ELOCUTION. . »RAT METEODB. MOST BEABONABLE FILti ER. Lbertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENT IST. Office over LovelI's Drug Store I1OUIt8. 8 to 12 a. M. atîd 1 tü 5SP. M. DAILY. Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trriggs & 'fà'ylor's. -HOUR'- 7 t0 II atr. 2 t', 4 anifi. tILI)t.R I.jlevidîeo n Bnad wav op)poite Padrk Libertyville, Illinois. MISS M. ALICE DAVIS. Gra<iuat<t of Ameriran Con«rra forp of Muaie.. TEACHES 0or VOICE CULTURE AND I4ARMONY Libertyville, Illinols. Dr. A. L. TIRA VIS. ll1t00tg 11. M A. M. 1 1O 3 ANI')7 T<<i - M 516ecvliatteni ton upii ti) t1v treatinexit tfCh rmie i v ttiu ts Rockefeller, - Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Attorney and Councellor ai Law, NOTARYPUBLIC. 91î-lil attntion given to CII11- tiuns and Offce with Lakce Codirty Bank. Libertyville, Illinois. eIKE COUNT«Y BANK .... Wright, Parkhurst & Co. Libertyville, Ilin ois. WILL THEY COME? How About That Electric Rallroad A nyway? '[l i- <'i uttltte of tgenttemten eboseti te loouk alter Lihî.rtyî illes intenests un ietîgoti1dm' v.itb the mianagers Of titi'lr))posm (jile trie rttijle aIl h<id a tnh'iting 34 îutîiyliigli t. A fter mnvueli :ier, abloi t theiv oîly flu- ill teeietît tlivy ati ,lIr them rail roau. m'obnîitiy Pis tu itîsîne theym two miles riglît-of-ma y. 1-11urts tii raile iont'y have bveti fruîit lias. iti o raise the $211 t fIlrst ta k ed Of mN ott o! thte illitstiui. It r itiaitîs witît the rail- roaul <on pan vto dî.eid e vmlietter Lili- u'tv% tula i4 o1)(1Cv tibbii ii <r not. A nunhler of iroti nient 1 insines tmetn aîrgume tiiit thte tatîtral îdvantages are Nueh tlîît tlimy cannot aff,,nd te Iîtiid iii tlîi. Sect tionmff p, 1 . Otiiers sity if ti aiv.ttito e ni tliiiv. oti .t let a fev. tlieii,amIt<,dollars,. t;ti in the' v. y t col4rl i <f thl.<t k in l i' .CIO I tSOMt lkit m.l<i. ]intheieulit au 111<'tle it ien'. auait <lu miîîî ' tsatîd if tley (do decide te voîi thi la m tr .e Il al ride. v.ith tlein. Il tiîev <lt iîi e lived andt M' .at< .ill )con tinule to vxist lbure- a! t. r. The Woodmen'. DAnce. Cam-(uttp, M. W . . Mill giN c a ii t. ',trick's vt.î, ardli 17, uîll i t is ilo)t haliiif<tM.ill h ,cno laitît e!of ll Geltigi'. He is the rîglitt litaitlinthetti'riglilt laie ii every tii ii gjiost ,to iake thle lancîe a -,ci-,i s bi i tg b tî. 0 CI nitir, o! Chicago, aMill tîirîi'Iiiiitei. nîtsic. SuppervM iIl bcsera v intîthe basement au fl te idiatce vM il bu on thle mîanî ls r of tiie'Tomn iall11. If vont dance donli'fii teu<attendl. Under Arrest. lfanjîs.4. ÇCri,, tt Naus îrreited ii Clicîago Sat i rdayn a vitargi' of cIonlîrv vnid 'ict. lie flati y n'- Iîî paiti a ut <s-makcr.s blIl of 4(74M0, vi-îtavteil lN lii'.Mile, anîd oit tflictîj<p a ru tic, of aiii itsulle t lireiýttetu- î'd te leur t ingg'. up gvtiraI Iy. Il ou ever alte~nreem t'igthe niatter 10ii.1 l te bill ciol th'ebtharge o! (iisorderly conduct issv.itIdrav.n. There After Them. (' i tl!cstaid vs 11La be leî'îblusv 'îîîbmmî'-îî,îimîg v iti,'4.4 a t,î aiqîar l tteti., G rantd, .1 et-v tistvevk itn t.e , J- 4Peîter of r.i.liaI! Day: Il rIî Merr. I of Prairr ie'Vieu; Petevr Itîtili.t A mtii ai':uîl Wni. . itîîn,'r, Special Conference. issues Interest-Bearing Titi- i. Vihiillt ittiiti' Chitcagom, Certificates Payable liigihihiulig %eilui 3 Xhinpil ami on Dernand. niiiiî4 gthinigii tii 'hliîtn'<av. Aprtî I titi -li la,. ii'i a Ilihe a'~i-<a (uul tIi'i ir M tii.tî-rs tilv ll, HARNESSI il t oftli ik's ~ p %%îhIil]iu - l- i, ii 1 \< Ilii' ii ,il hag 3-u Oit atatît a ilimaS a 1 f l'ut * lu.'r,,istr. l'i tînt,- ii-'.siisi mof il anis's, un rtqîîîi r'.-il unl 'nîî. M . C. <Collin. ttid ti' lmsît, 3 iiividlicio RLJDOL.PII KRU.SItàA. ;ind %%ai ris iitjeI i'hil. lieititýi' sIIlii ON MILWAUKEE AVJE.i n l ni .in ~the' until th fAliil. NORTH or kt. Ir. CHURCI-)lu \WV -W it.' ai IIlecure' lit P'rotmpt attettioniuîgvu i I ail!]kit ji- t u'i.w.itiliv.til (If as îrk. (tus,,1 as-u i i i l h 'ln i t'îs are tue tîldto Mi. Ctliu tnu tii' S'iîîiil et;' \\*i il ii.i1115 luandil ltiii sV, St ii les - - ut te~il I iiai. <'h;,ltpt'u- 4l11 e.Iriliv ut L F YOU iul-it- s v.17h 'li' i ofiiI<t"iu< i (and of coure you do needi )<,- i-iîtti-iai - Winter Blar Fur Lap Roi Heavy Fur E or saythtng ln thielIne o!fliarnm'sa, bas-? or lirht. van should flot fat. o se thue fine stock'dlauaiayed by CHARLES KAISI lHe ai. lasoegepahi ing n-tli.prn - 1'ttalal Eaunîrtlilmîgas rut, Where to Ea Mlli youl are in gan and wîoîlt A GOOD MEAL It miii! paiy ou te Crystal Restaura Corer ( l)svil si t. il er1 lOnig Store, )) WîoîIktvg)îîil l'nievs to fit 1-unr îocetl fr.ite 15 cents Utp. Brown & Pedley, i kets, uipi itii-ut1..'lir" sii uititiVlba. iii.'[iis isl'entii ebes. WiN4 (.týk ýÈ tmdi11i(si ji'îv, "iThrsdluî anud Fnl- C Qats iiiy'., -'lIciC'ne ofl ti' H,,Ii Spinit." Sut itria;-s tt 12 i 'c i ik. " Coîsp<l hy biDr. %W. . Erliiiaii aail levi'nneatc'h tiiorîi ig ut 1 l (Ii i 1< in ii (olossants ;E R. utl~ii iýuiiltiiî V t'e ,ntly and nîgutut' i iitse u 1ei u'ti ntle d, S uPt. :eseuited. '[onî'ey ail I p-'ak Wcui'd iffaîl Fr'iiii t2 o'c-iîîî'koiit ViîcfInit Epialtle Vu te TlcssaIotius,' Prof. W. W. hiteNailîlspvakat 31p. nm. etîclu lay: Viî<' the as t't'k onthie "Btook o! Joli," the' i) Wtuuki'- sî'<'utd ai<'<k Vue "Boek of 1'silm,"thet tîtird v. eek tbîe "Goispel by John" ai the' finî-t thei --Epistli' Vi telinans." Pr. W.- .1. Enîltiatut i 111 seak ut guo Vii lii 2 oclo' u JTkiftau', Thuursdlays anid Stttrdi3'5, omtivtîi tiites as Soushibu. inft bbîsnits if l)i1t1t~i te(iliiry o! - od (iil,<vi. andi Muehl W'iulîiit nIVmeutli'a asise plan for W'igli's -iru!i aittChitstiant Endeavuir 1piistu' Siiemasu'ti ed Ilhm ir )taVuinor sonme outsm. Clniatiutî asîmker? <Thc oîly expeuse hums5 lafor liiart anud raoiu, Ilvo doilors per as-,ik. Appli<'atioti for stch accomoda- iîshaslîîîl l te ta B. A. Torey. Props suîtb., 80 Institute i5ýace, CÇhicago. As the conferetice proýff 0 be-a lue -..--~- Ius. ariWaitla~W4*A I. O. G. T. Open Meeting. Sa$urday evenlng the Good Templmr lited an open meeting in the Town Hall. The program consisted of renditions by a maie quartette and recitations lmy Miss Lillian Payne, of Iviintoe. W. E. Davis favored the audienc'with areadlng. Then follow- ed an address by Rey. Hamilton, of Evanston. Mr. Hamilton held the attention of the audience and waa frequeutly iîîterrupted y, applause. Miss Payne reclteswell, ban graceful gesiture, and. captured the audience. Of course Prof. Daviwam uniprepared and ou the "Spur of the moment would (Io the best lie could," whieh was A 1 andi (eighted evi.ry mone but Davim. The maie quartette was "aIl riglit.' The audience applauded heartlly, and insisted on "m1orc." Fau1NMacGuffln, the basso thonght once wua enough, and didn't just exactly know whother the appreciative audience knew what tliey wanted or not. "Von carit alway8 tell." After presîstent, stamp- ing, whittling and clîiping of hands the gentlemen responded, much to the deliglit of the audience as a whole and our prominent young dentist in particular. Commenclng Eariy. C. R1. Sherman has sold eigltit ew'1 Waveriy sheels and one second-b d Sherman Special within two é in texritory contiolled by hlm. Indications are that the "wheel craze lhis lu no way diminished. The Waveriy la the popular wheei in this section and from the presenit out- look -'everyb)oty" will ride before the ivasm)n laover. OMmocrattc Caucus. The democratic legal vot.ers of the towu o! Libertyville are requested to meet in caucus at the Town Hall, Libertyville, Satnrd.ay March 21, at 3 P. nm. for the Purpose of placing lu nomination candidates for the foliow- ing oflcers: Supervisor, town clerk, amiiessor, colIector, commissioner Of bligbways, school trusteesud constable (to ifivacancy) and iransactlng uch bussiness as may corne before sald caucus. E. Il.BROWM. Commlttee U. S. Officai Postal Guide 1898. Very few of our business mon kîîow that the P'ost Office Deparimnent at Washiugton issues lu January o! each euar, a comloite Postal Guide contain- iiîg 1110 piages, and conîplete ist8 of P'ost Oillees in the U. S., arranged alplîabetii'alIy, ail tuies and reguis. timns, nîoney order offices and rulingsi uf the' departmeut on postal matters, time of arrivai and departure of foreigitmisi, auîd ranchvalualule in- formation for the public on postal mat- ters. The l)ok isexceedlnigly vitîttable to tîsue ueiuîg tiîm Diails. 11. instiîe,-kiltMe for eve'y Pmsiaster lu the counîtry d'id if'suld to busKiness men hy the puldîsîer, Geo. F. Lasiier, 147 N. lotit St., Plîlladelphia, Pa., linclitb cover, $2.501 or paper cover, $2.0(). ('utn be iirderv<l tirittgli onr postinas4ten and vvvmr - v uti4iîess nian) slonld mielire a To Subscribers. Retp n ind the faet thîît tne tag on yonîr lttl>tr inhieates the antount ais credited or vharged on oîr ibooks. Il tlîrolîgi nuy error it doms not c.orre'spond<l nith your revmipt nutlty us Ho wv inay looîk the mîtter up. Alv.ays gmt a receipt froin ottr agents wlieil sou îîay yoi!r subscriptiou. Card of Thanks. To tiiose fiends and relatives ulto so kiilly assisted tue durlng the burla] of tuly bu'Ioved wife 1 Wish to expressmMy liîeirtlvlt thanks. C. P. TH031R.& CUBA. Myrtie Mur ray Ù3 on the sick li-i. Miary ONil lm home fioni %%aitke- gmsn. A. tios-sel li moved on the Sulivan far lu. MNiss Nellie Donlea closed hen sehool Friday. P. Kinauila ivas seen in Cuba me- ccntly. Miss Fitzpittrick ls the guest of H. Courtney. M1iss Estellai Grace 18 vlsitlng witli lier parents. Mrs. J. Toynton ivas the guest o! ber parents, Sunday. Miss Jennie Compton, 01 Volo, was; in Cuba Satumday. James Murray, 01 Volo, passed thmôtugh here Tiursday. r-nk Mu»ry," fWuendMa DIRECTORS MEET. Lake County Agrîcultural Soclety Gettiria Ready. The Board of directors, composed o! E. P. DeWolf, C. B1. Easton, M. H. Reduuond, Byron Colby, and (ieo. A. Brophy 0f the Lake County Agricuil- turai Socilety met ut secrctary Heath'si office March 4, taiked over the prospecte o! thte fair for 1896, sud made plans lu an informai way iooking to the aucceas of the coming fair. They propose to get Vo work earîy this year. and If they are sueessful i bringing about their planus Lake coun- ty will have a Fuir tiiis year sliperior lu everyway to atîy lteld in the pasi With the large attendetîce o! 1895, as a eriterlon, tbey feel safe itu making extensive prepamations. September 15, 16, 17 and 18 are the dattes set for the Faim. Ed. Cook wasa appointed Superinteudent o! grouuds, aud the contract for pritîting the enta- logue was let to Just & Woodman. A meeting of the board to trausact business that may coule before It is set for April 4. ROLLINS. J. Winuters lias gone to Ktnkakee. V. Mand Edwards vas a Graysîake visitor Saturday. Chtarles Rowling lias renttd lus farm 10 bis son Fred. F. Taylor lsad the mlsfomtîtne te liîse one o! bis bornes iast week. Mrs. O. Hook bas been quite sick with te u.insy. At present %vr iting sice is btter. A haimy girl caime Vo gladden thte home iii Mr. anud Mrs. Rd Doolittie lagt Tuesday. Among those on <ur slvk liaI are Alfred Stiekles, Samuel Litv.iler atîd Steplien Boyd. Mir. aud Mrs. Hibbard, o! Chicago, are at Rollinis. lirs. Hibbard tire Jane Barrow bas many frienda hene. Several from here have been attend- iug tlie ettertalumeuts at Gray8lake cimrcl gis-en ly the Garvin fattiiy. News rearles ne that Claire C. Edwarda asho is sttendxng sehool at IValparsom, Itîd., la sick with Vhe messes. Tlie assistance of the school boys, cuin ood aud brlnging vater durtng Mr. Stephen Boyd'8s sckness wvei7luch appr Jted by bila. blb.bmaved tlie meeting o!f ener oiety at Mrs. Wm.(Cretîtinis. The next meeting welli beaith Mrs. Stroink. For a good nmoi ment et a ittw prive, place your order tiow aud bave it made during the witîter moutlis. C'orres- poudetuce mitetd. FRsIRI BAttSTOW, Watîkegan. PRAIRIE VIEW. Miss Clarau Mist is stili at (leu View. A flock mf flIuffy gem'sc 11ev iy re- centiy. Several eutetrjîri.,iiig liens bave i,îeni bleard Vo vackie. Mir. atnd Mns. .J. S. <ridiley are lit Waukegau tiis i8 ik 1r. aud Mrs. i iguiti tmk itn ~Shore Acres" lust Nv.i k. Mr. Mespnî'm is v. ttili s agali int!n expects to gui tmm v. enk seer. Mr. Shaddîv is iii' îlesing sud expects to re-apiJeur lai) t i s hortly. Mm. Wini. lBock t, Illei' atler o! a borncing lbig girl. Coniigratulationus are liii srder. istliere a avaiiiv. itiiett a damsei or a damutel v.ith<îmît ain.i for the loup year daitit" The reamlitug etrce litiuler Mr. Stiowdeui's admîirale le i-lmrsip ila progresslng tineîy. Everybody couie b. île ,W ic Awake Leup icar Party at Haltli>îy. Tuesday evenlng, Marelî 17. Sullir to be semved at the Vernoniti Hmi. Dont forget the iiterîîîy Satumday night. Quîestion î Colii'diucussedl "ltcsolved ThuaITht' Xv. Eletric B. IL. WilI lue inoie Detniiîeîit tii Lake County than Benelt.' 'ulmn-m C. E. Snowden sud Mn. 'mvligalili. Four a good monume'nt lit îîlew price place your order nov al have It made duing the vititer iionthe. Comespoudeuce soiicted. FRED BÀIuîSTOW, Wiîiikegan.t NEýV WOuAY. QUENTINS CORNERS. Lots o! mild la gripp roundilboîre Lt present. lirs. Peter Popp la qîtite 1ev. v. itli lung fever at pretient. Botter begin to pick ont yoi.r lmmst men for towu officers. Herinan Meyer, o«Palatinie, maîde a business cal at the Corners. Some uelghboms cdaim thein vood piles have loesand valk alter damk. Our factory paid a dlvldcnd o! 92 cents per cvt. for mllk for Jauuary. Henry Berghorn la attendlng the United State court ut Chicago lis a Jurer. çhea Frolai vas lu Chicago and [puiohaed àa nies team of farmalionses. Spring is coming, ~b.. AND YOU WILL A CARPET OR.. FLOOR MATTING Our Stock for Sprlng lias Arrived. Our Pris ame AU 1id Sold over f ive thousand yards of a=p ing 1895. Our freight for carpets sÀ tmng was three times as muc h as attI stores in Waukegan combined. What does that mean? OnIy this: We seil the carpetsl Wh , Our price is the lowest for any gra4 1 pet or matting. When you are in th&ê for carpetsor matting. look everyw then cal I on us, and we'Il do the rest.. A PRESENT WITH EVERY 50c. PURCHI AT WYNN'S, Wauke - G RAYS LA KE. 'Mns. G. Frederlck eutertained friendI8 froua Chlcago last v.eek. We arc glad to sec Mnr. J. Christian around agaiu alter bislanmtisckness. We îtndenstattd tlîat the' plpils of the' Grayalake school N lîl give a lilay ln the near future. Mm. ilmgh Nevilleandîiîd aslves- rettîrned from titeir viait toIi owai, they spent sev'ral weeks. Amiong tbis veeks visitors to Chiia- go we ntieed Mirs. l-igiey, Mrs. Wasliburn, Messrs. C. C. Morse, Fred Kiiehker, A. C. Mut-ah', W'edge A- Bater8abail. Thene is cousidemable sicknetsa ln ths comîuuunity atilresetît. Sani Litwiler wama taken suddenly iII last weeck sud at last report vas ne butter. His fiendsarae veny auxions about hlm. Little Lulu Woolever la very illin iia Chicago Hospital witit typhold tever. She vas ou lieur ay back froua a visit ta lber grandl-parents i Iowa, ber gand-futher belîîg yul lben on the trip. The many friend8 o! Mrs. Vbtmore weli lias been 111 lu Chicago the past fev weeks vil be pleamed to heur of bem couvalescense. She viii be ablé bowes-er to camie home before another week. Mr. Johntsoti froua Springfield, Wisconsin, bas retuteu tite upper rooms o! Mrs. Bnadways buse attd bas gune to bis fornme'r homeîvaftu their fumiture.1 Mns. Fisher lias sold lienrlîliie iii Volo ta a Mr. Hiiler. snd vilIl iild a homne hene withbher daugîter antd son-in-law, Mn. anîd %rs. Hitz. Tue lot 'eus sold lmy Mn. A. Leomard. Mm. Maody, of Waîîkegan, Presidm'to o! the couty Y. P. S. C. E. atmd Miss Gridiey. Juior suiîcntctîdofo!titi!' same order were witi thtei'locatl smrimty last Sunday es-ening. Eacb guise a very instructvta lk tg) the iiniiy.slaku' luehbers bou the v.&'k tVint 14 Tbt(Ilig done, waiu'h ema i'ne miisb< otlîl umnit i lmy. Tîte rýtienid ViitieViin'li eî tow.'îîS uiday îî igit andttîl mtsied tiig te gromud. lie uanud us v.lh'v. <'ni bîîth aasay fromîi hoimte antdrtitu jutsti i tiflie t veiam'thte'I!îtims I i)int forth frmumîmut tai-k noott. T liu-sa t'. momt o! te hoitseîoulîigouuiauîît àarc niaking thiei' homme aitI tîuin parntsîît for te piesunt. Iuîaure'i.1 Tht' ladies uilil suîehty tat tvIit Mna. Leonard last Satuiniluy. the t' uimni3 meetlig. A vi'ry large mîîîîîîhmu'n vent' ini îtte'udîun'e.'The 3Yearly reporit ofut bhe st'cretary and ltrea'uinn ru- rgivî'm sIîov.iuîg titat tlîuy atint u muy iin mnie hbut itideeuiel i' diema ii suciety. The fuli uwing uftcuts we'nu' lectî.d: Presîdî'ît, Mrs. Leotiaril Vice Pltrtsi-j (lent, Mns. W'heilo'k; Seveilr3. Mrs. Highî'y; Tri'aîmit'nr, Mrs. C. Bl. llirv<y: !NOTICEM!! THE WAUCONDA ST -UDO WILL BE OPENED April 1, 18gô S peclal offer for April 42,3 and 4-One doz. of. our best cabinet pIc>tOs, and a l4X17 4~C~*nportrait, only $qgOýý0 . Special prîces on0ýyon portraits andi p ýe trames. -Satie- f uaranteed, A Camp of oylNi America vas organlzea p Thursday, aith 55 charteruw and vas caUled the -it)ijqgI The following vere the OIr.ý elected: Mrs. Wayne BRway L. B. Burge, Vice O Sherman, Bec, lins. F. Bt Mms. J. Bidley, C; lira. W 0; Mrs. W. Bdwsads1. 8;M~ 0. S. Miss O.O. orili; Physician. ITiechatrv open anc more meeting for I aish ta joln. Muai ln , Il lu tlie Camp whlch bids e veny prospemous. Gcea. Wragg vau la toina lei A. C. Nortl islaviitiaf id parents. J. Seuson, o! Algonquin, w» à Saturday. ý Misses Comsansd EYelyn 4 visiting ln Chicago. Mns. 0. Duukbu ia moy.tI go. W. Wright vlrae W. Gilbert buas bee qui past week vith a eevere Laat Thumsday l iab met ai MienBeà tives bl"ret weék. Mr. Mainuan *W fl <a e PU tion lu bis store Saturdsy,Q O. Hubbard cloaeG l bbs4 Friday for a short acaýtion. M. W. Marvia tràW»~Ou business lu hs ueighborbxood day. P. Houghton wiul opre U1~ place hs yean. G. Brouet vaeated. J. Christian vifl more oni oasued iuy IH. 8.Brooks, 1 Hiernmit bas nmîved up tMwn.' Thte debabe ut Bosevillo i]sI itighé oit Èrese cinage 01 ail'. d<'cidtd againat fu'ee coias<e., iu Nunba andt wlltaauiat hMstg mnauge the' home fsrm tblis Franik Prout and W. Wrm, l'igmi, are spendhuîg a fair tietîd anîd relative1lut4s is< Soîtît'of out ishermea"r lItrge i' ia. Dave Potteroag tîtat balaunced the scaies t*4s Mn. aud Mr&. B. 1111 and Vo Elgin at veek. Grwe.a utake a short viait with M relatives. L. Ilînbard vent *0 Wankff îlîy Vo serve antmhte Petit 3ug#l jury vas dismissed for one< w Ley <antiback. Mn. Fryo lias moved nom* guuîds t<î Nunda. The repu*s, hei. l iunîmve into B. C. Uile titil ISt. aud continue i lu owtî. TIe Ladies Aid Society et I clunnî li lIgive s basket bâ thîe residence o! Mr%. Bates d St., 'saturday evening, àMtai' are cordially lnvlbed. The Wauconda band lieadquamtcms sud hereatet forth lu VIe lover room o building. Their nov manch more cammodjocue eues and tee baud viii improve rapidiy. Wbeuever bliree or four get together on a corzier Manedadys the aubjeo l tion la lnvarlablysiUa looks extmemely doubi aibouit a boan for b at o! their best maete " but the boys tui scatched up. Ailite full of speed sud crM IVANHOF Mn. M. L. Eaie of'W on muany FremouZ4 àMee& Mms. A. E. Smiith vimt«I*' sud hbusbaud at Anticis veek. Mm. Frank Bemu, e! tipeut a fev days vitl Ivanhoe. Prof. C. C. Rhums% « Ivankoe frienda. ' The, Chitii commnlt4e iu eveelsgwb

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