Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 20 Mar 1896, p. 2

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bMfiAN. Pablbers. -o CHLOI SOLOt4S ADJOURN &f1" O1UT ELECTING. bo wditbout Mene oMeeta té th Goy. rdley~a Action t10 out Lhe MliLla laa Cr11' hig Bank Bepse..1,1 msvea* Bille Paaed. 'sr ~tahy Legislature adjounond Tri 1 as et blckorng, havîug 'al-mil tll heLitwo important acte the 111' t-lite election of a United doc k Whad the enactient ut let- A( Ïis-oave the Slnle'm finauIcial repu' So a: G«v. Bradley bas refuaed t. tr ý'"claI session, sud te Stala in re Ï- Wa. Lieut. Goy. Worthlnglofl dls I* cii for a speclal eliection teo lliieut inq bth. Senale canard bY Sena- the ,&ap' death. The Senate Coi- bu elated 10 Investigate Gyionl MM ipeaihm for usurpation cau MiW*»d Impose bath fine and Impris- ors èiarIrd 10 lite Sonate. The com- inu eieing ils report, says: Your a.thmrdore lands and delureg Smme of miliary powter oftIhe En uvresâtitby tha Goveruor utes u- lay for th. preslervatioui ut the or for aay ther lawtul purposes; lut jli m»$ltary force was nul used liy ar bwerner for the purpose ut preserv- Wh te, patite. but vas naed soleiy for bu = ltfrlpu psea;lihit a ed ae- h tb( O =enr a bliy uithoutliy at et iaw and utas and i now a net "-bverdon of lb.' cvii anîhoriy lt i miltazy power ut the Commun- ric ý0 By a vote ut 19 lu 14 the ru- hBl is ladopird. Ba - l 19 80 ALIMTSIN A FERMENT. Ab te Ost te Velconie Back Leadersca teleasal front Prison. socaliste o Rome turned ont lu à webeome back 10 Rome and lili- leawder oftbtljir party, Gluseppe de me DeFelice la a Siilien sud esî amember ut the Citainhr lau ]M. arly la 1894 lho vas arreat- bu eltarge ot plottlng with te Èx- Th ouxekstaCypriote sud Sig. Ca- jut ipoê.r deputy, ut planning a revu- ho bâtiehhadforlils ulîlmato alunthea ou m. t ienearchy. They suc- fi' ,ri:=ingserions upiiug ln Siily ga, M arts ot Italy, in wich conaid- pot WM trwaat shed sud much property eou geyod. De Folice andi about ci %W Il cempaniona vore Irieul and bla ÏMII te varions termes of impison- ai S whlle la prisannseneral ut thenbu bqmtdor eiected membera utf the fir Am t Depuies. Among the for- ae Dý*1e Feuie, Barbato and Bosco. Hi ýéI1e] 18 laut te Chanhr otDepu- W ÏX hemr elections on the mi il iii mmn were Conviets. The o- e M#, b*irver, took the ground Ibal Il ýe Wba er. sen db Ii*- b Uulfor ofne )0 uy po-0 'bture titay were nult couvicta In I i àftu5,or the torn. It was ex- lit Pelice Bosco and Barbato ý, -pper lithe Chamber ut Deputios nu m'W ev cabinet made ils final ap- ne i*ee boro, the bouse sud cdaim teir B ~A à lllputie.b 1OUSE GEN. MILES' CAUSE, qe ï1. Win Flgbt te Maies Hlm a Ca LUsuenamnt General. PPLat 7lýamutatland againît the W eter upon Genemal Miles h. N '«Idsuteuant General ha. airrrd bE 0 AxaY peope into a paroxysnuio t, . _tbey Analreasiy tunng theïr h W 410 onagresa. Officlals et the t iý1. aay titey viii bave te 50,000 o .- oft litorganisation liued up C ,fer Miles. -The iueidet promises t fflp ighIyensatioial iealures as a ~~vautup-ierpli-Miles tintad pnIlY engineering tebllI for bis P ftteadvaucement up tu te imefi = =uu rd he open opposition outi Ilsr Lnntbut nov ho uil bayg . 9 others go to tefront.-l F9 KILLED, IGHT INJURED). Mwlîvanla Freîght Crashes lato ali Facst PMssener Train. ( R» prisons were klled and eigt oth- kaituredl In a Collision on the Peusyl- la fflway.near Steelton. The acci- > w meused by a frelgbl train rua-h ta-mn the tantline, botbeing bouudn .lwi Paaaeuer coaches vere over-e e W*ýiL kand trouse vere lu charge 1B oemottve efthlie passalnger train. SWitakeai ont f te reck aIve, Dionattfer reachlng the hoaspital.î Ir"th rown under te bouder sud k-M-,otbeyond recognition. b» 'WMLL BM DISTRIBUTED. iraint Noslullea I)lrected at Morton Becomes a Law.. efflte Joint resolution dlrecting Ot Agriculture to purcise » ele,hubs, etc., as bas la preceding yeams bas become vâtont the Preideu'a signature, lnetol anlng heen returned - wllhlu the conttallonal Ion t. Seeretary MorIon retnsed bu ý_4Mthtié-oid 1ev sud igoroumiy op- Sék»age utfte premonl mure ,Îlrbert Booth Racalied. frin Winnipeg gays thatl lir- tie itead utfte salvation lin eilade, uil givo up i coi- nId leave the country June 1. .1 SOes'e Proxen ta Delih. êÉlagte receutl anowtortn lu 1he etOrel. Russgie, 1-Si)esn taude ;» -in»ou.'gt. atirte .n mam '00 0" sa 83.. 1pathy wlth the Caltera. Thirteen tliouaabd Chicago tailons went t Priday on strike ln aympatby wlth ea cutters whose efforts for nearly a aont bhave been centored upon compeli- mg the local manufacturera' association oagres 10 the unuon'é terne. The taîlora » out to belli the 900 cutters and trimi- nera and force au issue. Nc. dematid han *en made for an increase in wages or Sderreaso in the number of worklng inur@. *It mneans," aRaid Secretnry Abel, bat ail the tallors are ont. 1 dou't men e men wlio work for the merchant tnil- rs, but those whoMe labor la lu the fac- ries and aboops where the gooda of the g manufacturera are made up. About 2.000,taliors respouded to theoral to rike. Tbey are anxions to belli the riklng cutters and they will accompiish nch. This la to lie a peeceabie strike. rrouble and disturbances will not be per- ltted. Spring orders are coming lu and e mnanufacturersamu1a have thelr work ne. We are very confident of wiuning." kconservative estima te asserta that fuliy ),000 people are directiy coneerned iu the rike. The dlaim la made that the tailors ealiy seiectod a very opportune timo to splay their sympathy for tbe striking mttera. Twenty-five days of idieness oit e part of 800 cutters are not calculated " li conducive to a surplus of material "the factorles upon whicli the tailors an work. W'lthout the cuttera the tal- Ss could mot continue at work very long. TWO KING8 TO MEET. emperor Williams to Conter wltb Hiumnbert of Itaiy.' The Germen Emperor wili have an ter'riew with Gen. Lanza, lu order to range a meeting -wlth King Humbert, ho wili aceomapany bis aliy f romn Genoa :Naples on board the royal yacht Ho- inzoliera. Queeu Margberita cotuplete- yapproves uf the Iticotti-Rudini cebi- it, and the proposai lu take a safe mid- li course lu regard 10 the wnr lu Af- ia. She promiaed to givo the new main- àry ber mont energetic support Geni. aratierilelapreparing a etatementin l bhich lie wlll showv that Crispi was large- yresponsibie for lte recent disaster lu byssinia. The ex-Premier, who deaires »go abroud, la preparing a violent press iampaigu ugninat Sig. Rudini. Big Fîrni Goes Down. Owiug lu the peculetiona of the junior nember of the greal vhoiesale boot and ioe flrm nof Childa, Grogf & Co., of Cieve- .nd, 111ebouse, une of the oldest lu the isainesa, went t0 the wall with a crash rhuraday. William H. Huntington, the uior mnember and fiuancial man of the àonse, ban admitted that lho bas beau muliezzllng furds for a period of twenty- re years. The firm's murtgages aggre- ;ule $W,.977.15, coveriug everyhng il >saessed. The total naseta of the firin are uIimated at $84.000. of whicb $75,000 cnsista of stock aud the remnainder of bok aconints. and lioth are aubject to srinkage. The liebilities are unknowu, but are believed tu lie very beavy. The Mru bas alwaya been cousidered as molid sua rock. The memibers of the firmn are Henry B. Childa, Henry R. Grogf and Williamu H. Huutington. The embezzie- ment was firat discuverad a day or twu go, and when Huntington waa confront- ed witb the charge lie coofessed. It ln eiieved thal the aniount will reaëb $100,- 00. Mir. Childs la completely prostrated. He and Mr. Girogf are utterly ruined. Peace Overtures te, Menellk. Ont of the terrible aborm of populer nager whicb swept over Itely when 1the ewa of the defeat of tbe army under Gen. Baretieri reaclied Rome. littie remaina but a feeling of greet resentinent egeinat le Italian commander. Ail riuting ban eased. The reserviats, wio flied f rom tbe country sooner then go tu Afrieaet tjie cail ot the Government for the cias. of 1872, are relnrniug. and il la not believed .uy @teps will lie taken to punish tbeim. egotlatluns witb King Meuellk have beeu opeued, it la expected pence will lie couclnded betore long. and the war office han couutermrinded ive instructions sent o varions points for the hurryluz forward tf re-enforcements to Africa. The uew Cabinet la gettiug down to work, and lie fimancdai situation is hrigbter than nticipated. IUnder theso circunmstandes Tt-ydbreat8e- freWirthan f&r sie ime' past, and there la a feeling of gratitude for those wiîo bave eided iu Berlin during the lest few days lu briuiging about this chîange frm blauk despair to great hope in the future. Britain Backs Down. Weshiuglou dispatcli: A settlement of the V'nezuelan question lias been reeeh- ed. It uvaîl lie aunonced ut an early day. Oft Iis satisfactorY conclusion of the controversy the' 'r.-ident huaslhed knowl- edge for two days pat. Gireat Britalu bas acted wvllh a îagneiîity wbilb coi- mondas ber to sevoreait critica. She cou- codes so mucb that there will lie littie left to arbiltrate sbould arbitration lie noces- sary. It la mot improbable that the entire mnalter may nuw lie aottlod outside thei Venezuelca" comumission l.y the President and Lord Salisbury. Mli<inley Thelr Mon. Ohio Republiceus iu convention at Co. lumbua anlbusliastically declared for Mc- Kinley and protection. Govoruor Bush. mael. Senator-elect Foraiker, Coagrengsmail Groavenor and Mark A. Banna were chosen delegates-at-large from Ohio the St. Louis convention. Nomninationi for Stato offices resulted as follow»: For Secretary of State, Doty, 2(X;; Kinney, 427; Wickoff, 217; uecessary 10 choiee, 426. Kinney's nomination %vas mae unanimons. Marshaîll . Williams wel renotninated for Supreme Jndge b)Y accla- mation. BENTON HARBOR SHOOKED BY A HORRID MUROER. Henry Raagea KilimsHila Aweethart, Wounds %.Ier Silaler, and Commit$ 8niclde-Frankfort, Ky.# Under Mr' tiai Law-Saloons Win lun Vtcblta. Kilim Sweetheart and Self. At Boulon Harbor, Midi., Hlenry Balen- gea Friday attemnoon killeul hie sweet- heurt, Miss Gertrode Bailey, and thon committed suilcide. lHe ueulfronisi hume iu Chelianse, liI., anîd csllod 10 cee Miss Belley, who resldcd with ber lier- enta on a teai. Thte girl refusied bu 111k with bilm, ceying tbat abc did ul want enytbing lu do witit hlm. Belangea Iiou drew n revolver aîid alot lier dead, the bIbI ttuklug effecl lu the breesi. Next he serlouîsly wounded a siater. The mur- dorer tou rulu the îvoods, wlîere bis body wnc fouîîd uillia bullel Ilote lu the beed. The Baileys cause troni Chicago teat October. Belangea fornerlY ived wltlî the fanily. The deuid girl wva 21 years ut age, bier ider 19. MILITIA CALLED 011T. Kenlncky'a state Bouae la Filied with Soldiers. The riot bell rang fromn the Frkuktoi't, Ky., lire englue bouses uit 1 o'cluck Mon- îlay moruing, and a i tecamie Moment Gov. Bradley ordorod ont the militia. Ton minutes Jator the McCreary guerds, Ml!t- luvo strong, uere lu possession otflte State bouse and martial law was Pro- clainued. 1 -'lil Moudey mursîîîîg Guv. Bradley bad persisteîîîly refîssed tu ceit ont the militia, tbougb urged lu du so by eitiseuis irrespectivo of perly. Thte Blaee- bru leaders, ho wass întornued. hed been prepariug ail day Suudey wt tke forible possession oft he sate bouse. Titreetes uere made thal îbhe Senate would arrest te Goverîjor for usurpation ot authority lu giving the instructions hoe gave Salur- day nigit tob the siteriff of Frankln(Joua- ty lu elear tbe corridors anîd loak rouis. Ail trains Suuday brought rinforeemenla for lb.'menblent on miscla jef t. l esouly at thet est moment %uvbe ite presence ut the"a crowds presaged serions danger tit te Governor ielded lu repentod requos ut orderly citizena uf boîli parties and called out te militie. VICTORY FOR WICHITA SALOONS. Attoraey Coapbei, Their Bitter Proaecutor, lRas Resîgnued. Assistant Attorney General W. P. Campbiell, whoso bitter fight agaluat vnu- lalora ut the prohlibition liquor laew iu Wichita, Kan., hla gainod for hlm the sobriquet "Tiger Bill,"' tendered bis resig- nation lu Allorney Geueral Dawves. Tite aweepiug changes in the police deperîmoul leftI hm witont hople of turîber assist- ance lu bis figitl. and is resiguation givea addilional assurance thett ho whisky uar ie over. (Jamplieli bas kept up lbhe cru1- sade for ight mnmîbailedelauce ot pub. lie sentiment,. esîd tbe conta ut bis unsuc- cestul prosecubiolîs uill eggregete man, thousanda ut dollars. LOOKING FOR A BOOM.L Trade Ras Larae Hope, but Little Actlnity la shown, R. G. Dun & Co.'@ Weekly Reniew ut Trede cays: -aiting is stili the ruile. Large boises but littie actuel business -x- pleinîs the stength ut soile markets anîd the weekness ut thera. Il in esPecially uotee-orthy pricem ut maerjaîls have vuried greatly fron prices of mauufec- tuîred produits. aithougl inlumuaI cases the advence lat full was coimenced liy ex- Iraordinary îitifting utflîrices for mate- riaIs. These compenisons are important, beeause they disclose somethig utfte grave dislocation of prces wiicb luede- quate consomption and combiniations have produced." ____ OKLAHOMA SWEPT BY FLAMES. Prairie Fire Licks Up Property Worth Thousaiads of Dollar%. A prairie ire raged for titres days ear îeny thousandc ut dollars ut damage lu ranges, stock and buildings. The ranches ut James Bland, John Hlutchinooî. XWil- liaimflouser, L. F. McMat and George Heuderson were devastated. M.%rg. Cater, who vas alune et home. foughl lbhe lire for boume, seving ber hume sud muet of lier hi.lniud's stock. She uas fouîîd l.iug on the 'prairie unconscloos liy hem husbeod ou bis retounhomne. Ballington la Batky. Ex-Commander Bootht bas nt yt anu suered the cableglai lie received truie hic tatiter asking hlm tu go tu Euglaud andl see te CQoerai. Wben asked if hi 1twold go lu the other ide, the Comman- eder sald: "I uill nul gu. Inuafew days wimate a stateumentInwih1 il mako knowu te naine ut the uew organ- zaîlon which I bave starbed." A prom- li-unt New York Saivalloalest said titi refusai of Mr. Booth to go lu England by invitation ut is fether miglit cause the General lu coule t Iis country in a vory ahorItuie. Prompt Judige Fines Hînus.f. ia the law and equltY court at Loui, ville, Ky., Jud.çe Sterling B. Touey. wbc r i a agreat stickier for promptnes, turneé nlt ale, and ou presenttilon ordered him, Self iard $5 for contempt ut court, anc wbea bis docitet liad been clenred remtte( te fine and ail otiters of a lîke charactui - bgt bad been imposed on jurors and oth ers dnriug thoeueek. WilliIa te Leave Hawai. 'y United States Miniter Willis bas an 1. uonced bis intentionm ut Ieaving Hawal ThIilg-exté.ed rial; la tbe Ketuck7 Leglslature wss very nearlY realUed Wednesdar. The trouble arose over lte action of thie Houa. nnseating Kauffmau lu the Kanffma-Dunlnp conteat. Dun- lap lnfornîed the Ilepublîcan leaders h. would drap ont, but they wonld not Per- mît It. Wbeu senators James and Wal- ton, Repoblîcans, were uuseated excite- mont becamne intense. A great CrY went up sud a rush for the door of thte Houle 10 proveut the outrance ofthtie two an- seated Seinlors. littuned ont that Sen- ator James was already lu the Homse. Hot uuords followed aud trouble aeemed Imminent The cry wes heard to throw the lirat Senator over te banîster whig altempted In enter lte House. In a few minutes the excitesment seemied t0 have dled ny. The Blackbuirn men declared they wuld put James ont 0f th1e House. W. G. Dunp was pre- veubed froim eutering the hall of the Harne lulaite bIs oseat. TO INCREASE THEIR SALARIMS Favorable Report Orderei oa Billi lin AId of Haisway Mail Clerka, Stroug efforts will li made by thtefHonse coimîittee un postoffices nDitposîroaide to s;e'ure 1t.' passage bY z:eHcfousse of a bllI bu Increaie lthe compiensation of rail- way mail cdents. The tiret bllI mro- duced lu Ibis Cossgresa uvuas une by Mr. Linton, uofiehigan, lu roorganize this brauch of the service, sud the commit- tee hian dlrected Mr. Liîîton to report the bllI tavorahlly. By ils Provisions the sngulier of classes lun the service on a eal- amy basis la increased frutive lu ten, and salaries oft dents range from $80 10 $1,500. Dodging the Exclusion Act. Thee Oral louve lha» been made lu break up au allegod big schelu aîsisuggle Chinamen mbt the Unîited States hy the erroat of Thons Burns. of New York. Ho la accused ut swear'img falsely tlaa pnsaiport wiiicb enabied a Cbiîîamnu, crosse the Canadien border Inb Vermout ou thte elloged grouandés ibai the Chiliaman was engogo.d lu business& lu Newark. Burns wu* sent lu jeu lundefaîîlt of $,'00 batil, peudIng a hearing. It la the bellot of the (ouvorument officielis Ihat e gang of Chineme with shrewd allies lan doiug gin extensive businessailibogue pasàlport». The héadquarlers ur ne uNe-wark. Maoked Faudit Robe a Train, The morth-bound 'Katy- wac boarded Friday îaight near C.reenville, Texas, liy a masked sud ermed iau, wlîu entered lte aleeper aîîd weut titrougi the pesacu- gera. The ainoulg secnrod wsus ait. As the train neared the cîty lie juîpe-d off. Hie liedt e confedterete. Officers are oun the trait. florrogr at a Coal Pit. At lthe Central coal worka, ou the Chou- epeeke and Oh10oItailway lu the New Rtiver velloy. Thtîraday erening îlîirteen minera boerded a car et the pI moutb tu, ride down tlie incline lu lb.' tipple. The nope broke and neveu men wi-re kiiled. threeeftally bort and Ilîree badiy iujujed. Gus Weil Wrecke a Buildingc. At the imçsaliihmout ut Rheinaqtnom llrothers. (Cincinnati, a rteaian well waa beiîîg saisi, and front lite deplth of 300 tede avciu ut natureal gas rushed u n m the boier nronsuitîlausod nu 4explosifbn, hlowiîîg off thîe rouf nîus] wrecking the boliers and other machiîîery. Gov. Turney la tberibuelr XII Gov. Tuîrney. ut Tennesses. îvas for<'od lu go lu, bis huome aI Winîchester Tuesday becaliîîe of serionse ilîneas resulting fromt rlinîtism. lie in e great suîfferer fromn dis dîcse, e. Rad bis severoe ttuet bas greatly alarmetlibosse acqîînsinledl with bis condition. Nelirsaka Gient Kilîs Himaelf. Hoernan Bentert, the "Nebresgflauat," conjumittid suicide flear llestings by bang- eing huxuself lun a.orn crili. wbere bis fth- i-r toîînd hism. lie hnd become insane on lte subject ut religiuon.lHe uvas ysngo wealthy asud memrly seven test taîl. Cambridge Foliows Suit. The sente ut Camblridge University, rby a vote ut 186 10 171, bas rejected the pDrç9"itli uto appoint iau -9i!ittve ho con- 0 ider the. question uf conferritbg degreel 1upon wouien. 1-. Statehuod for New Mexico. 'l'e Th ne l'oîînîjtto n Territoriei r, etîtluiizeul si favorable reportîoison tbý or bil for dixe amnission ut Nelv Mexico as ýra State. Tobacco Warebouse ln ubae. At Lancaster, loi., tlîe lobacco u are bîouse oceopied liy c. Wall Keudig weî desîroyod hy lire. i î AlKET QUOTATIONS. A iii L- n la- ho le 'n le ai b- en. au Chieng-o-Celîle, coxumun lu prime, $;.50 lu $5.00; hogeg. ahlpping grades, $300 ta $4.25; sheep, tain to choie, $50 tu $4.010; whtla, No. 2 noil, 60c ho 62c; ern. Nu, 2, 28c- lu 2;uats, Nu. 2. 19e lgi 20c; rye, No, 2, rSOc tu 38c; butter. choice cenmnery, 21c ho 22c, eggs, fremit, 10e ho île; liotutues. per hutabuel, 15e te 25c; brocîmu corn. $20 lu $45 per tout for commsiun' 10 CoIce.. Inîdianxupois --Cattle, eciîiping, $3.00 hO S4.50; Ious. ehoice igitt, $;Loo 10 $4.25; com'.dlamunui hplrime.. $2.00 bu $375; wiîiel. No. 2. iNcLu 7odiie; c-ornî. No. 1 mviIte, '->S--lu ;oc; unIs, No. 2 mthile, 22e tu 23C. St. Loui-Cattbe, $3.00 lu $5.00; hoga. $3.00 lu $4,25; wheal, Nu. 2 rel, 73e lu 74c; cornl, No. 2 yeilouu, 2Ge ho 27c; ontc, No. 2 white, 18e lu 10c; rye, No. 2, 37e Cincisnati-(Cuttle, $3.50 lu $450; hoga, $3.00 to $4.25; oduI, $2.50 tu $4.00; n'heet, No. 2, 72e lu 74c; corn, Nu. 2 mlxcd, 29e lu 31c; unIs, Nu. 2 muixed, 22-c te, 23e; nye, No. 2, 40e bu 42c. Dclroit-Catlle, $250 to $4.75; bugs, $3,00 lu $425; slioep, $200 bu $4.00; whent, No. 2 red, (;Se lu-,Oc; comm. Nu. 2 yelîouv, 2)e lu 31c; unIs, Nu. 2 white, -9le bu 24el ryo, 39;c lu 3Sc. Tolealo-NNViieaab, No. 2 mo. 69e to -40c; comm, Nu. 2 yelluw, 2Se tu 21c; oala, No. 2 wuhile. 21e lu 23e; ye, Nao. 2, 40ec lu 42c; clover aiîî,$4.301 tu $4.40. Milîtauîiu'e-laea, Ça. 2 spiig, C.Oei 1 a Io e:aara Nia. :i,27v tri 21m-; on ta. No. l2L %tal i, 21 20- iaidc3, N. 2,-l 1 lu i Me; y, No. 1, 38e lu 40c; pou-t, us $92--jluo$9.75. l3offaîo-Cablle, $2,50 lu $5,00; hugs, $3.10 lu 84.50; abooi, $20tu $4.10 uvteal. No. 2 red, 75e lu 77c; ecorn, Nu. 2 yeliouu, 35.e to 3e; uatès, Nu. 2 white, 24e to Vie. 3New York--Cettle, 83.00 lu $500; itoggi $1.00 a$5.00; hbp,$200 ho 84.25; oas, -So. 8.wbite. 2Me I. 25c, RUSSIA EVINCES ITS ENMAITY TO J. BULL.1 BiLaaln.e mopLian Plan Not Lik..d at St. Petersburg- Danger ot Straiaiug Great Brîtaîn'. Relallone wllh tho Powers-Carlle a Candidate. Woutd Aid Italy. Blîssia mates a prompît and siguificant aoswer lu tle projected Britisht campeigu in Egypt. The Czar buas diapatchoed a spocial officen lu King Menelik wilb the glittoring order ut St. George, whicb la a miitary decorallon tatinIsgreally eov- eled. Th. meaus that Rusa.wUi ut the least give moral aid tu the Negus againat both ltaiy aud Euglamd; the result enu eailiy hopredicted. Il willI hoflorce.'asd tanatîcal opposition lu Bitîith plans and lu Britlith soldlerg, sud posalbly terrible lite and deatit .truggles lu the arid sanda ut the Soudan. Huw nomn other Enro- peau pouvers wîll expose their enmity ta England for its occupation ot Egypt willi soon ho determined. Warunu ofutIhei greet îdanger bu Eugland waa colemunly1 gven in lbhe lonse Ôt COMMuns hy bolhi Mn. Laîocereeand Sir Charles Dilke. The latter. wlîose kuowledge of interne- tiomaI affaire ismoot xceîled liy any other publicmnufuthlie empire. poixtod out wuith empitasis Ihel Kbemloum uvapossi- 1>1v the destinationi ut the Britisht expedi- lion; and declared fervéntîy Ibat England ai lte presout lime, uu leu conditions aOt no inflammable a atel.'revailed lunEurope, uould htler flot anmas.'e t frzy aund tamaiiai uftheliteMhdiatcq. The lpno- ilosed expeditioup îî)thi-Nil.'lis the iead- ing taipie outdisicussioin luail îirules iii Fî- glaud. andî the LoKudon neuvcpapersq give alînost lîcir wn lîe spaî-e hoalbh.subject. RIVAL FOR PACIFIC MAIL. Navigation Comspany to E.tahllsh Trakne'Pectilc LIne of SleamshlPtk. Evidouci-, of greal eclivlby. Pulilical and commercial, lunlbhe affaira ut Japau. (Cbina. and the' countries uftheb.'ftr East (OcUmlu Ihe legalions in Washingtoni. As a recuIt t fiaua's prosperlly, brouglit albouit by tht ise li tee r witb China,ltat country lhas nul ouly doler- nimcd lii Iamgely augment ber uavy. but îîlso liaestelîlimb commercial teaîlship lines t-ueln he United States uwih Japon. T.' Jatîsu SleanîNavigation C'omp~any in îrepernug lu enter thil e uw field,. muiiiig beluveen Kan Francisco aud yokohenia. in aumpetition wilb telPe- i-ilc 'Mail and the. Oriental and Occident- aîl limes. Dow coutroiling Ibia tradu-. Au importent considenalion lu projeetiug bbe 1101v .apnsue olime bas heen Ihat of rail- way uonctiun east from Sun 1Francisco. but iu the (-venît ut e det,.mminatiiîu uf the l'au-uic milways mol lu gîve tho ssii-rates an those givî-utaluhelieud atpamabip inos. whuîch are branches ufthlie ailwnys. il in Raid the Jaiasese company. sulîporled lîy amplle sulaidileRtrum the JalbanPe. lboverîiîeut. will ho pnepared lu mon at a bsc lu order tlu esiabulsit a toothîîîd. Ne.w steamers are lai le hill. ,andl the nipro- seltative ufthe î~cuîupeny bas recently piesed Ibrouagl Washington ou hic wey lu contmuel faimrte msips. tutu ut whieb probuîhly will ho huIlt in Iisncountry sud tutu iî Engîaîîd. They wîll bu. ut 0.15)0 lu to,000 ton u inouanxd ut a sîeeîl cv- Pral ktuoxagreater Ilino tte llPa now inî lte l'aciliuservice. WAR OýN AN OHIO0 TRUST. RtEVIEW 0OF THElit WORK AT WASHlINGTON. netialleliProceedînsa of sonate and House-Bi1a Pased or Iotroduced ln Mither Brauch--Quuatioas of NO- ment ta the Conatry et Larue, The Legialatîve Griud. The Huia. Weduesday pns.ed the post- office bill. Theitetaure ufthlie delînle u* the atluet ou the "spy s.ell" in10connlec- flou wlth letter carriers. rThe salaries ot the special luspectora have been paid un- der the carrent lev ontut on tofnd aI the disposai of the finiat assisant p.i.lmonlar genseral. This tond uvas eut off by tb. praseatl lI, bat provision utus mnde for lthe employaient of thîrty udditioual regu- fIanspeîectonsunden the oth assistant pgçstimacer genemal, increasisîg the ap- propnlaîîoots rom $176,.t000 lu $212.000. Mr. Qulgg. ut Newv York, ledt the figit against Ibis incroame sud atter a pro- tracbed dahate Issemeuîlmeî lu reolre tho appropriation 10 $17 ' 4.OOOprevalol liy a volt, ut 70 t0 57. Nothing oftim- portanceouas ecmplislied l ithe Spurie. Senatora Shierman and Hull utere the co-oplctîuus figures in tb.' Sonate Thora- day, whleu the' former urgeu sud lthe lat- ter opposed the measures rec-aguizing the Culisa insurgenls. In the course ut biis speech 1Ir. f4lîu'risn peid a glouviug tnili- uit.' luthe paîriollimand fidelity otfI'resi- dent Cleveland sud bim readinesa bu up- holul the cootmy's flag. Mn.1Hill conteud- ouI thal if tis counîtry auterfereul ln the malter et aIl, il shuuld ho opun differeul grounds ihan lbose so tan nrgî-d. via.: pro- tection ut ohm conmmercial intereats. The Dupont eleclion case utas tatou up in the Sentiae, Mr. l'nitcbard spesksmg lu ad- vocacy outhlie nînjunty mr'port ini fanon of seatlug %Ir. Dupont. Thb lI crestiug the "Art Commission ufthei. Unitedl States" uvas passeul. The toîlowing bisl wene aîso pssed: Graubiug goverment landei. luad outhitIndustriel seitool et Tuskogee. AIe.; graîîling certain lande te Colorado Sprilngs, Cuilu.; ton the construc- lion ut a reenue cuIter lu colt $150,000, for use on the Gulf ut Mlexicu andl tribu- taries; lu ls'rmit outuers ut dlaia lu iron and coal mnes on fort'st reeervelioum tu perfectt luim itie Ilierelo uni] 10 proicure a patent Iherefor. lunlthe fluse sressoiu. lion wua do1îted y uvhich lthe daim utf Colenman tIti->uiofthe second h..uisliana district lu tlhe sent uf Mm. 1-lit (Dem.) u#e devideul in fevor ofthIe lat'a.. A bull waa pesued exteudiug lthe lame for coin- pleliug a bridlge hy tbe Union laiway Company acroa lie Munongabela rivn. Tite Saînete bail a sîiilîed C(ubibsod.I ale Moîiiay, aftur te eaîly part 'if lbheîcy badl bei-ogivpîl tu met sî-i,e lîy Mr. laodge ou immigratiox n al îMr. l'îgli on ail uer. 'ThîeiCubas iptîsusî umgine m--à iiilr impoartant i r ngiîsg ustti' tîll rensd- ing uf e suatoîliemît ut tIhé- S1aansh aide uf th.' casa by Se-ior Oniuuyde L.îie. Ithe t4paniab Nliniagler. Il ileimeýd t-. letail the inisurgeults' îneîia.asioutgiw,-rlla uartare., the îuîrîigust fue fildsi. andîlthe <ison- gnieui haracter oait i uiinsu rgout liaîmu. MN.Morgau aouimiàtied on t he miuimtÀ.r*w ctahessienlîs. M.1'dr Etiis îaler- ed e a li a d lirei' pg la.i -at Iihu- on . Fon..lgo Affairs tai r,.îaurt aîi h. lite statua aifti w. n iiiin îîlia te'a vostae %auCii texî lin xhe >ý i'ieiii u'Inithe lîo ., a reoulutiuîiiwit5 ada .îai'lai arta-t i îag bu Su.arelury î,f %%tr l,) uaîa esrvî'y sud est imeofuthe l i.,îat oai f n a-kwater ut Ilarq 1011,' IlBay. N atA la,1Iluvas î,assaîd eurhî,irzilig the aaulro'ix f a ail \ Gonernor Buthmîel Assals the lliiî sudul ta.îiîridglivrairuade iC iattaîuaaa-iee Sewer Pipe Combuahion. Rive'r autaolumîbia. Ahla 4a motioni ut I ;av. Bulili.l. of Ohio. onuleri-'lAtIlar- M r. FI)lt Omi1jiikliî lia î ea ia aI a1uiIou uu as nu-y General 3Mumnebl tluing a il lia uir- gallitîld taintht inaîmu-l ia-au ssidera tioan renta, suitiliig emi ut lifthe Stabe lu Oust Ofutli (itlalaIonia huUWtîîieIhiîl li. 'Theu-lli Ilîî Unioun Seuuen hPipe CoipauY, ut At uîralu luitimlia t alIIai-t ti axi i lsnu fileiiselt- ro, O n te gmouululthuit il is a combuina - i lors ioniitlecpublic lialsin îîî i *laiouiaL tii)siouitIhe ihiet uîaUutactUiag ecnm ahuuld a~Ijmire lîeb.ýuI att.'r tiv.o years*reu- (it that cat-er inte Stutue, uitii a uieut îdeiaieumlisae yntothheIevcx i' iistuInîsry to voutroIliuig the pice utfcouler lii-in tees uuihaiut the liarient 'if IL.- pivia. eur tact, a trust. 'Te action isnliasedu n the acre requireul by exiatiuig lut. The 9.-- groîxlintaIsortit a comlinnlion inis guinat retary ufthl Iterior reisirtu-il aîlversely pulic up îiiy. The peliiln vas tled in the 1t ti- bill andil steou that if sentetî. re , Suprumue court. 'lhomo are lime rompit-u relievi-il froinithe lîaymlici->fut he pum- ips in te truist, uu-th an annult untputof ut uînsu-ria-- i i viiraxagvul ta-aaiu 1 t u> over $l,27i0.l5S. $250 lier luir,> theleas tolai ..L'Iiimed - -~~ ~ ktateg WaaUtd iced-il .thii.hii..&l» Mail la Deshruyed by Fine, ri -1iisa , ptinisli mien îf. r iiixl lai iag Fiue thioueand îiees of mail %w ire dle -ainac s amfur ah îeraîg ior î.îaa a u au airoyed b>- lire lu station S outhle 'Chiicago lalil ir ligluxcsuid a(,&iiàouuai a1s- laistottice. TIie'lie.. uhlc ait vofuns- certain uigili. iuuîsueihIcns uof .î.Commnercial TranchersPlut Together- aîîd six famuiliî's. ocualeilsofait îarinenta NMr. Friîcer-Urierie, maa:ger ut tii.' lu te huiîling, uvîni-miaude bamaless.QuesiIMora.lisd'tid Titere uta no lutin in tIie registmy i:Ihit-Qenslolbntuba cdd suent.,nlaitiuxîeY iîrders. xsl al jstlixjjj)s uplon odophintg au Iimproi, uiieut l inte hevixug beau buekeu lle 1.'vaulî. hiotl'luvl h ilil be a ihicided tuait- _______vallon i lu ioteal. 1h le aa peciai Ahi Quiet lu Kentucky. routal for commenrcial tmau.îluirs. and lml IVer wuvhitreeul su iuno imientiti he' ot lu lue contoundeul auili anyliug ceîiilof ut Kelituaky Mîiuday moruiiig bas ilaIlie vay outhbbconulnary sto been avoideul sou fr. Titreals ut violene rootas. ha tle proposeil accommloda- have pruved mer.' bru-ats,te uucupatlion lion.lte commiercîilmen îhll b.' on- ut te stteitouse by the' mililia haviug relbyt msvsan sputd mot uviit no îsisce. Su tan as lte I lrel thy thoîcol geul es To Senatoriel content in coucerneul bitter taitfo l te oe uss 1io uand n tuilless ballot telthe aturY. wiIl bae he Ihr ovu dinlng-roomn andi theîr owu valtera. Thte dilUlg-rooîîî Carlsle Wanu t . ufter meula vii. abo. serve us a gen- Secretary Carlisle lm a candidate for lte crut smoking and iouaglug roui. wliere» Prc'aidenbiul nomination at Chilcago. Tbethie commercial gliecats ny ecelve' public aunouincemeul lu Ibal effecl, boy- Ibelr trieuds. TIhis Ideat lialong beelu evon, viilnuo inmdeunutil Presidenti lu taVul' luEngianul, uvhure lt lias lîeoî Clevelandl lias turmally alateul lbi plrpuse 1carrieuloutI wlitcucceas by mollie uot uni ul lpermit hic nme lu o ie ul luinte lthe bestlbois. convenion iiiu1hconuiection wiîh e third __________ tonv. 1h is learned thaI te Presideut MîesGetMn hafully decîdeul upon titis course. Maine',@h reat nd ma~n.clsa Reinandeli te Kentucky Sherlff. John Morlerty, died i lOdtouvn rucool- TIie Cincinnati Circuit Court bas ne- Iy, ut typhold forer. lie ums t, foot y. & mandeul Scott Jacksomn and Aionzo WVall- iacites lait, sud welglîod 240t pounîls. iuig bulte cheriff ut Campbiell Couuty. fie vs bronul andI blg-boned, andl monte- Kentucty. 'rley wiil ho tried in Ken- bdea oftllts bailli uiey le land troîn fie. tucky ton the monder of l'pari Bryeii oft ,t thbal, dospîle lbsgueghl. bucoge a Gresuealtle, lait., uthose headiesa bodiy very leen man. houIiracticaiiy cvury vus fmuuiinluancluamp utfhushec near 1"ort uuay lie uoriid du s asntchiwork naw Thomnas, Ky., early lu Fobruiary. mon ntlewstowswi uVŽ i Goulda iu Be Taxed on $2,500,000. 81010 for lis teat h srîîngî la. le. 2 The Newt York Suprome Court huviug w'orku'îl t oI thlItinilasi i lîc lusn- edecidlob lthaite (.oil familiee are mot ber (cams, ~.andi lIns %Va*lu:ltiilis u recluleuts ut Neur York. tise tex ou $10,- penueiiker as e îlb as at wirkiar.3liny 000000 hase iouteken friîuthe lax schines ;.i- tuilaiaiof b Iis i'a0ai bouoks. 'I'îy liavt. intoruîcd bhe tex coin ting do uai liglits latlsiili i h mhausiuiier'a thal ulîoy amie îiliug l0 lamY was a I er-Y haacliantd guud-ia:l îu.î-etuî on $2,7*MO.(5J0. aînd uillIl- go aulxeal. Mail. 3î%nblhcuvc la glck. Aeas anid IPopultlionii of,~ upc 0 (,ou. Mxtu ous f udiian, lias been Lnrope lias inuili langer posso ns550t. icoxîieul lu iaiiîbxoule iti thteigrip andmu uAmerlea titan uny people ilinn.ilu.. is regardued by lis hIli3eiui "ln as lîeixg very The amea are tIns shateul: Brîitil. I, lt ut uîot sevessarily iii a daîîgerosas 3634,782 squame miles; Fr'ench. 48,040,: condition. ____Duîsit, 86,614; Huliand, 46,4(«3.Tlîe OId CrimInel Gocs Up for LIte, population uftbIese deRenduhecles lamaj. Zucitarlith Boidin, et ex-cunvict from tollows: MrilaI, 6,753,507; French., niWebster <irové-s, Mo., urus lrbed on aun - 3-d7,203; Daulali, 114,220; llolleuîd, ffli,- dictient cbnrging hilmautit being 0-ae.of Sa lte thre uvio roithed Fred Drelinhoffel'a ________ nabon lte lilgitI0f DKec. 9, 1895. The Tite la 1the 1beII-nîsîger ut lii Uni Juy Ou"d -t I jul7eu~amrl 0 k TerUm He strikes hie boumneyOen so.,.

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