#u6Iyouw-1-t y-u >ia#. doue forme. 1 sufeéred ya.wth faUlng and neuralia 11 . tbaià womb, kldney trouble and heucorwhoeu i ta worst form. Tuiere W07 Urnmes that 1 could flot stand, was kik @aIl Mer and in despair. I had Dot knowu a real well day for 15 years5 I knew 1 must do aomet.hing ut once. j lied tried phyuîcians wthout reelv- sny lating benefit. 1 began the ue of Lydia E. l'inkhams T> ' Vegetable Compound,. Now,Ihavecnhed 9but- f tics; my weight lias iucreased 25 Ilis. 1 tell every one to '0 w h o m a n d w h a t o w e - my reco e Compandtcr are 15 of my frienda after seeing what It ha& donc for me. Oh, if 1 hati kuoîî of it sooner, anid a1le Il these years of misery. 1 marecommend lt te every woman. - KI&U YODIR, 408 W. t.h St., Cincin- nati, . Shoulti advice be requireti, write te Mmra Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., who han the utter confidence of ail in- telligent Amercan women. S-he will promptly tell what ta do, f ree of charge. Lydia E. Pinkhams' Vege- table Compd4ind, which in easiiy oh- tained at auj druggis's, wili restore sny ailing woman ta lier normal con- dition quicir and perruauentiv. Oladness Cornes W U oter untertandlug of the tramaiet nature of the Mary phys- bcai 1MA whlch vanhsh before proe f forte-gentie effort-pleasant.eot-- righty drected. There la comfort lu th knowledge that no many forma of mickeu are nat due ta an y actuantdWa eaee, but simply to a coustipaled coudi- tion of Uie avstem, wuich the ple'anant fauiily laxative, Syrup of F~ prompt- ly removea. Talahili the onui remedy wtb raillions of familles, andzl everywhere esteemeti su highly b, aiH who mine gvod healtb. Il& beneliclal effecta ara due to the fpet, that il lintthe omreiuedy which promoten internaI m.eeanllness, without debilitating the 2ýrp=.t, u order ta get its beue- Siieffecta, to note when you pur- chnthatyou have tLe genuine article, 'whch la manufactureti hy thse California %l Syrnp Co. ouly, anti solti by ahi rep- i"ble druggilata If n the enjoymet of gond heaith, md the "sytem la regniar, then laxa- tim«ora other ramedes are not needcd. Il aficted wîth auy actual disease, one may b. canamendedt th ie mout akiliful1 physiclana, but if lu neeti of a laxative, then one should have the beat, anti with tbqrwell-infoemedeverywitere' Syrup of Fi". stashigst anti la mot arcly A 01 iltbCI i;cau te U««cWl.» MMMMU =TIL M uihdua t"a.cman« PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS. ~mul.siadylo meR m ib P eaobltfisu U~.Sim fo IbaN oOIonlion TomO? PATUf. mtrok iFaycU Wehington.JU.C. ep afnuli; l' amn- a=i>na d 1. e w Si- le. il-o A deeidGaaatou bas been cnated ln Vienna b7y a man 1V!>.>Probaly stands alone ln the werlIn Jus prr- ticular lhue of performance. Thîis gi> tiernans mime la Plskilaq, and hle la au Austro-Hungarfan by brtb. H. l18 au expe-rt-or rather a pibeîîOnîî-nhîLI er- tist-in the use of tdie gadl-%Vlpt. Be- lng something totally new la the .ay of entertaluments is appezaraneec bas vreateti a deeldeti sensntion, anti paeked lionses are the rîîr etfthie dny. Nir. 118kuiug la n îlîhiset isua tswartlîy comnplexion. Ilis wristi, fro)i eoittait use of the wîi'î, lare î:rv, of streugtfli. There n-e uno rrîIis or f ussineus about thisîmanU. Ilie lislin use for a claw-ham mer enût, but o. on the stage ln a weil-worn pea-jacket and, after maklng an nucotli 1>0 I0 the audience, goes right to workc. Th'le first thing be doeo là to lni:o s longi-laobed, stout-baudied i vlu eaiicsh hanti, and with orchestra accompani- ment proceeds to crack orouap them at a terrifie rate. Theit ouuîl madie hyb ls wlips lu this manneir 1 gl.a4timted frorn a noise like n ridle report to the soft t-iick of a billilard bail. It makes a eurfous sort of munie, and serves 1 n show 110w le can reguiate the force of cnt-h stroke. Mlore Interest, hoivever, la evinecd wtylihe seizeti a ulelous- lîxklng gad-wlîlp witli au aiînorîîîalîy lonig lai>. It la provîdes i wlc a vecy lis-v>' landie of nîedllîui lengtli. e-t-- lug a i'rook. Thits la lits favorite, aAî wlîait lie eau do witli Il la really wvon- derful. le fIrst givea an Idea of w!îat fuarful force there les lu a whîiplas:b lu the» bauds of an expert. A large frain.-, over whlch in stretchlî- a ilf or Sheep akin, la brouglit on the stage. Tis lm margeti wiîlî a large polka dots or rî-d Iaint. The man with thie w'hlp att-ps up anti, swlnglîîg Ite lisli aroiu,! is heati. lets fiy at the calrakin. WVlth eucery blow lbe nctuahly ç--ilq afoi ce riglît out froin, the heather. ieaviug a -lean-<-ut bote. These pleca are dils- trlibutid amoug the audience vo show thaI there i. no trlckery about tho lper- formance. After thi. bie tait-es a f ratne witb lhre shelves. On these lucre are a dozen or more of inedlunSm-si auîples lylug very close totgettcr anîd provîdet i wtb large numbers. Anyýoie lu the auidience may designate wbat apple lie wlsbee struck ani the un- errlîîg lasb suatchea it ontI lLie a t!ant]. A sthl more tilfflcuit iilumner is Iiie .uapîping of c-oins from :îarrow ,,c-Id w lue btles. A piece cl aiver abouît the- size of liait a dollar las put ov.er tiîe s'irk of the- hotile wbil standsî on îlée t-tge of the table. Tue i!îî ifi)1-'t. ivî-thotif s-yen appearina ho take y sort of aim. sentis the long lali whiz- zing througli the air andti plka off the coin wiiliout jarring the bottle, rnUi'a les. lireuktng it. A very cruel andi 1.-- guîsting put-ce of business 10o Most peu- le la the killing of rats hy a 110w% of tht. fearful whlplasb. The squeiliîîg rats are hroîîght on In a sort of lîîw- wire lray fixeti 90 us to lîrevenlt rieir escape. The man wîith the whu> statnds quite a distance fronu the tray, but every lime hie strîkes the hishi nits the victim andi kilts itlulstaatanŽous.ly. Soinetimea the lient la aetualiv lorîl from the bodly of the poolr le~.80 vicionîs la tthe biow andtic uncî'riu', "le the- aim. Tht-se art- a few of the tiluigs tlî:it luis gt'ntienîan tloes w-ltl tho aid o1 lîl8 îîîagic wliii.li. e auto îunes It in the, mnuier of a lasso, anti cau pick titi minaiu objecta lu nu nstonlslilng imalii- ne-r. LAke evcî-ybody eIlu Einîîrone thia dislingtilshed fore>gner acc ex pects ho start for America lo. iltli 0fI aid of hua whlp, galber ln the îuiglîiy dollar. %Ira.u. .s. Grant, who bas; jîlt pur- chased ex-Senator Edmnuntis' bojuse ln Washington for$60,OOO, la a very yonng- iooklng women for ber tige. lier liait liq only sllghtly toucheti with gray. Hez volce anti mauner are youlbful, bat ber brow shows a few wrlnkles. She la very energetie anti busluesa-llke lu ber itiodg. it bas ahwaya hennlber de. aire to endi ber tiays lu Washington. The ls and Outs of It. If you get best wear out of a coati best work must have gone into it. You cau't get good bread out of poor flour. Moral: Yon can't get lb? hest out cf anything, unhess the best is in1ý; andi the best h:ts to be put in before il can be taken out. Now, we have a rule to test those sc-rsapanillas with a big Ilbest " on the bottle. "Tellts what's. put in you andi w'll decide for ourselves abot the best." Thats fair. But 1;riodest sarsaparihias Say: " Oh! ie cant tell. It'a- a secret. Have faith in the label." . . . Stop I There's o:îe exception; one sar- saparihia that has no secret 10 bide. lt's Ayer's. If you Swant 10, know wshat goes loto Ayers Sarsaparilla, ask your doctor to write for the formula. Then you can satisfy yourself that you get the best of thse sarsaparila argument wlieu you get Ayer's.- Any dob eft? OCutth lb. Cumciook.'1 Il kilia dubae but tcts doobtens. Aildresu . C Ayer C., Locsi, Mas. TO BE A DEMOCRATIO CANDI. DATE FOR PRESIDENT. Formol Annoncemeit Wil l Bei're- ceded by Mr. Cieveind'a etia- tion of n Third Term-A<,u.nietra- tien gipport to Ili Given Carl.s!c. Cleveioud tua Dce'.ne., Accordig t lala ' al, iigtuîî corresponld, eut, John G. Carlisle,. 'tcretary oftheb Tr>asury,, ill hb-au a ggressii¶e caîîdidiate for the Prcsldeîîcy blet he Dt-înoraîie nat ionali con ventionileî.x t .1ulin iichii- vago. lie wiii 5standiion a no iioliijr is- ing sound i ioîîey pîlatf.,rinn iidl i haun- derstoud Ihat lie 'v ilihava - e nqnlifieti supportof th-eur"suît liationiialI aq1mji- trillion. A pîublic a01 iîîîu of hil a n d id a e y i ili s 'o m a ii î u'lx. i a d y o u o te Secyret-arys ilose-frit-jols inithe Se- nte. 'This lmf iIceniii vh,- -ver.ui fuît le madIe until Prf-sialî-î Clevelandi bas furniall.r stali-d laisi. îîrp'se not t RsVEfllTAR1Y CARIBLE. permit lii. naame t -cuged lu the conven- tion lin orile-îtion w t a-Lthird tenu. It ie learned o1n exc-ellent authority that the Presideiît lins ful'de-ided utpon is course-.auîd il ii; expectedi hat he wil make kîjoiv hi. dteerminatiou within a short f uns. Although Si,*,refary Oiuey's riame has lu-s-n eonsideri-d wjf h favor by Democraîii' leaders it im kiîown that he due ot nîd e>sire the -nomination. Il i.nun- .ioîbiedly true that Mr. Carlisies candi. îinîy vili have the support of '.%r. Cleve- land and the members of the cabinet. Hi. friexîds lu conîuctin ithe tauva» for i. nlomintioin m-ilurge iliat i it ade lîpon a currency platform as xtaf cd ahove. and, if Le lie succensful at (- hicago, will then niake Ibis lunue prominent in the esa- paigu l.-sding up to the November eec- ftis. GROVERS NEW SUIT. Il la Made of Lealiser and la to Be UeSounilunting Expeditloni. On the lSth day of March, says thse New York Worlil. Grever Clevelandi, l'r.-,ident of the- Unite-d States, wore a new nuit. It lO ot, hîwevs-r, a frivolous thing for personal ailornienf. It i. de- signed for the aserions. Lard work attend- ant upo)n dock shooting. Just before dawn on the- day on which the President entered ulion is sixtietb year Mr. Cleve- land, attendi-si h Dr. O'It-illy. of Wash- ington, anid eqîîipped with a hammnerless gun and a pate-nt rubher dli-oy duck. lîraîîd n-w, douti&xl ighi.piek-aîid-span gomments. entered a flai-lioltonuet skiff. and uevuted lii. eiergies îo iiagging his favorite garni. The -birtbday suit is maile of leather andi c<isistii of troîlserîi. waiotcoat andi ooai, 1h>- last-nanîs-d garmi-ut measnring CIIoVKR'5 NEW IIU2NTINO SUIv. six fi-et lu girîh. The Presidenîs gala, wliith Ilielias îîîviii-d for liv» years, ia lainuti-lu-s. h it i adîiîle-itarceied 10- glinge affair. îand ecuithiL. oderate price of $'85. M r. Clevelanid do>-. not use smoke- li-sa powdîer anîd hi-ni-ver shoots *'on the iight'" on landt.'Te rîîbler decoy duck i. n birtliday gift. It is pnurtiatie, anti cani iesnt up nlo t he-air andi allowed I., i-oui>-dowviianî rt-st ujioui tbhe:water, andl Ntr. (le-velandi lias spwiî no littie urne andl sîecive-il,îîîsinaitl aiot îof pleasure lu ex- The- iisadvin i :ge 'ftilbh îur'uatic ruli- uber ducim t . tît ian Le)iiniîîtired, iîî îvhieli i-ase ih i. ruiiîd. This duei-n lu e is t as î i raI icsI ifi. Bat uu'euit lies iîîsin i lit waiter, w ithi)t-llisr ti îcks ilcounîl i, o iii iiî akv il îiîîîîîlid iii,' lbhe docks risiiîg frontIile 'w ai-r lîs-fir>- Yoi -an dri-. If Y1 Y,,111,viiîrgîii i l hi i s tbey floaf vool N i1li iii-il*' oir oîvnl Hîl'(umatgc lui-k and lit ixii î.IhI.îîA.Ng-xi d tay's lsurt frl in te;ll lu. .-hîi 'v 4il î-kH;thttirt>'- fiv is i tî- fille. 'l'tî'I r' it'îlsrecordl v"ioalîtai uf iîîo lias siich a big bat that 1 canut sec the 1play3. won't you give nie aîîolher me-nt? Ticket selI- er-Wtiy dtînt yolI ask lier 10 taik>-Il off? itherliy-Not Iin! Sie'@my wlfe.-Truthi- Cala eau i e een dîîrlîg sleep. Wlten a llece ot meat ia piacttdIimmne- dlateiy lu front of a sleeping cýit'a nose thse nostrils wvlhh begin to work neu tbe @cent le recaiveti. anti an lwt la ter the. et wju wake, & .Write ta 1P. I. Lord, Qulncy Building, Chicago, aud you wili recel,. ouf free. If you would never have an evîl deeti spoken or la conuection with you, dun't do one. I Cliii <iii: cS*W t»hI 40*0 FORj THE OIE WHIO SUESSES BEST!1 A YBAR AGO MEEOBIQÂGO BRID ofereti $30 WO b tcaper, tisapurpo.. lieiag tW give CASH PRIZES t sos eaq A ncaah pites 1 autisors for tise lient -tories of mystecry." The IU CHICAGO RECORD Whso should b. abie te sol,, the myUiï. aotne. vers e aliiectuse Il u srequlcesitiImat e ry ccarne neaccat tuoa correct solution of Il, INI ADVANCE ofhlieu, uq sisould rua blrougi tise entire %tory anditi bac lsed onila ielatIlicattoui of the laet tOaper lu Oie paper. THE AWARD 0F ALITIORS' PRIZES lIAS JUST BEEN flADe. Storbe tream ail pertas.oftise Eagliis-spaiela werid. te bis. .umber of 8t6. ver.eaterd la. the cempethisa.. Twelve CeeS Prises, wennalmè foi hbs et tvove &taetes. lh. firsl pize waà &"wue. w« vobly tNarry suli»eil eàvmrda, 4ai Mates. alemtylaeMB "SONS ANIDPTHR" AND ITS PIOBLICATION WILL BeG15 IN THE CHICA00 RECORD lIngcisapter. dnrlng visicis perlod the guoomvil b. ruelel au ONI MARCH 23, sud continue ia about thirty daily inslalmet THl PE RECORD. cornpleted. -"SONS AND 1'ATIERS -- ta teyond ail quention.'IHE Ta ittîl furliser prornote popuilaItoeml tla tdii. imarkable etbl GREAT STORV 0F THE 'i AR. Tiiere Wvtne .b.anitsrvaof a TIIE CHICAGO RECORD offers ilOiSO In Nb cas prIzes for thé M weck or more btveen tise publication of tise last installment con- gueqse% i ctshail corne tise feurent te Seing true andi oopIe1.u" tiaulg tise explanation of tise mystecy and tise imrnediatly prtced. lions of tise myetry lu tise 5101. TrHe $10000 IS DIVIDED) AS FO>LLOWS: VULL PABITICVLAMU laitie ta . if iet e lti.m gom,> Te tise read.. filonsowhern THE RECORD rececies ilas . .a-ýding of th«f. pria.. -111 be publisbed la TUE CIUCSO tise mbnt complolte and eorrect solution lua il Ia de- RIECORD. Tb. principiIrial -e -t-f.119«0 i tous0solut.iosn b.tedhyaftadei. l imml.aterialw tls of the calIcemystecy of tise *tory. ane Itllsait u. ,.d. sch.ribes for th. Pape, di-rt 9. tlb,.0 or.ifpobiltuo% be d.lci.ed lai the lent ebapter When pUbtLaised ...... 0silo" bh. il ci sght thl. ocalne*.,d..Ior. Tise ecoult.p. . s, a - Fer tiese and ansbosoluction ............................ 110.0iievtlci> condtion., ta &Il eho rend lb.the aer. - n. -The xpleniio f the Iytery s&Yb. &O la the . ree0 For lthe Ihîrd liest solution.. .......................... 100 cordà ,la eRngiih linisosge. and clheoyat ! leMpt i -ine . rlm IFor the fourth beet solution .............. ............... 200 inipiy giving as mus.,,of th. f..ts tua a go 10ak. a -'C..pote a"d aboi> Frrtise oei 5 nearent best soution.s, 0100 each 5.. 04> 11 0 lcrrect1 soIluion ef the ontiro U100r7" as.the. i.a.r mai b.a nbiSs Fror tise DC. 10 nearfl tient solutions. 50 ectis.., 8<0 a h î..ci .~ndd ni.l.rulIn nons, Par thse next 20 aoront boastsolutions, 28 caetis... 500 rodig to tebbcti uguot ofthe judeuappointed by'TRE CMICAGt» Feor tise Dent 50 usareet besl solutions. 20 eis ... 1,000 RJECOIRD, ..oi lby.111iiibars couplet. cota .i .1decllon. bee" Fror tise next 300 neurend bot solutions. 10 cisl... 3,040 ny .1 . .1.11 runtt- -luintici1. u nique cinnist Ver ths ez:t500 eninst hast solutions, 58 ctis ,600 Anldtnt. but Dot omt, la mdl 839 pris .amouall.g te..................... 61.00: ONLY WOMEN AND GIRLS MAY OUES5. laWw,7 a XFLU=T Ihaz TUB OCIO AO 00=leatanewenen.r surU=ic uîo.leI TR 66 OOREGORD z àz dS@dü om' e «tefrhrCodto à1"* a snoumau d prlseood15 osabalead âelsolebl s &à%gIn.l maeldruai, bflr00>7 WOXUW Ata À SPECIAL OFFER .......e th i'IaCic&<o's tamlly newepapea .Prof.J.T aâà el SEND THO RECORD wînllibcsent te any Norlisesteru University, wrlîlag 1te eEvanslon(111.) Index, mous sdârsua. post-pMl, for 10 day.. liegin- 1 have coule 1te t ira conclunsion, alter a long tent. and wa1ns 10 iig rîis lise lirgt chapter Oft he wlde comparîson wis tise louMrI. Of ManY gsInUsumd eO«UniC%Oe> CE Tetory, FOB 10 CENTJI. ln coin THE CHICAGO RECORD cones es near bling the Ide&I eUrJW- CENTS Or potage stamps. vise *try et nai as we are for %soeCime hidi ti nd ourn e iva bone 1N1C T arcis U% and it is ds bl ht u- The journ>alse'clas palier, publilâced ln NeW T11114 fl& THE ECO D Isilhucef tiai al.soitle. -"'Tiser. te no iper Puhibsd la Amrithl 1 au %MI THE ECO D l advneofoh&%dat sP tai puelsthse truc tournltsti 15Mint »l'EMCHICAGO z o buDA S. t r&II tvub ptosonprti 1 wlU b. vrdour subecrtiton -m.eIy an Possle.w h " bsaS j LIlaS bol oce îter prilyou uwlthoul suy delay sud la tin»mero th e = Cg bWit "uE CHICAGO RECORD ... om' m 1U UEiO? ddec in CUeuWn' leaSIng monIng daliry la tact, wth a cincle excepton, Itis tanhe langesI morning cruaion u aAmerca-îe»,oe sday. VICTO F. LuO.. PiII.krTU! 0 MM.Oe 1% la a member of Th. AmialteS Preuni id *1pyute aIl lise neurn &r Il lthe vouSd." It in ladepeudeninlupolics and Ulven &Il po- 191 MacS@fi Steet 0§0000, fl.I.. Me RIEMDSAIE SETTRIAN I à -b t rean m m i. * cavumtems '" Wk1"IUS1@u en-W-AD - IMB"bt ý b Io» ý n Idm ~- V90M 1= I For 5 cents you get almost as Lmuch "Battie Ax " as you do of other hg graide goods for 10O cents. Before the days of "Battie Ax" I nsumners paid 10 cents for saie qua>, Now, "4BatRe Ax"-t Hihest Grade, 5 cents. That's treeconomy. iuad 'r If "La Belle Chocolatiere " Isn't on the can, lt lsn't Walter Baker & Cos Breakfast Cocoa. WALTER BAKER & CO.. Liumma, DORCH-ESTER, MASS. A etsu'fiIs~* habit, who Lail adopted the ~lmtio of retainiug a copy of every pr- scription Isaued by hie family physîclan, became lntb,ented as lIme went on t.> note tbat thee maire Ingredients were prelty certain 10 be preacribed i atome point of the treatment of every case. Foz- n poor appetîte, or a tore throat.. for restlessuess whlcb diaturbed' tise baby'. sleep, anti for troubla. wblcb beset thte aged grandparet@, the favorite remedy wasalaiaya - turnhng up. althuugb ellgbtly modifieti from time 10 lime a"i uaed otten lu conjunction with altera. One day our friend hap- penedt o observe thut lb. formula of a certain ativertîseti remedy waa- identlcal wlth thse latest prescrip» tlon lbe bai recelvet f rom bie Owiis pbysicien, and la sone asurpris&- lie stated the case ta hlm. The- famlly doctor, after ll.tenlng to- what libedato ay, repliei: i*'Te- case la about tbls way: Wbeueyer - t there la a disturbance of thse functlons of the body, Do inatter od what nature, lt ie pretty certain tp ha accompanieti by a derang 1 'M of the digestive organs. Wben tM1' are aIl rigbt thse patient gets welL That partIcular formula titat yom' have obeerveti me tu write more- and more frequently laetthe rernit of an age of careful expeiriment, aud la pretty genernlly agreed ipomq now by ail educated phyrnîlaun wbe keep up witb the limes. Tise"dl. covery of tbe past few yea of lb.k- menu. of rednclng every drug to a powder aud compressing tha- powdera Into littUe losenge. or tabletz, or tabules iIf you prelbr;. whîch wlll Dot break or apoil, or- lose their gond qualhies from nge If protecteti from air sud liglat, la thse explauatlon of bow it bas cema - about tbat thîs prescriptiou le, new. ý for sale as an advertlsed reme.dy. - It 19 the medîcîne that nine people ont of heu need every lime tbey nee« any, anti h bave no tiouht that uiaklng tt soeasy laolbilin. an earefully prepared, and i wtiul so cheap, wiltend rui qeti.ill.v iroloag.. the averag-e of Lultian lire ditriug tht- linsent gîneî-aulon" IOpnas Talînie - , id l'y dc,. pe. i b> n.,cc50ic,W3îitsaièw î-lb, ap,~' *:FOR $1,000 I COCQA CAUTION 1 ý-