Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Mar 1896, p. 7

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sa tlmated: valuie of over F 000, 0' f whlcb- bricks repre- a luttie more titan one-balf. %Of otlvalue the State of Ollo pro- a early one-Ixtit. WHAT HEÂDACHE IS. D& »ag ignmal that Nature Gives to Women. I» OUm uThat Seriesa eraleTroabis Vaum sle diseases rmanifest their p«mS by a headache. Wbna dxiii heavy ache in the heud I*açwmpanied by 00sordered stomach, aI»dtestein the mouth, dxxii î ,pains » \in bck end ,,rmIn,1 lamai ; tude, nervous- ês,dsspou (I', dency and fr- Otrouble acd reave , L We wili tonl Yeu le1ghtj DOW tht the Indcais posi- tively titlr orlous womb I trouble la Imminent. Dout ilittis learful d'seaue gai yox uinia power. if you are uncatain, write oMm Pinkiam, et Lynu, Mass,, 11 cmptoms. Your letter wifl 1, .eàracted upon andl answered by 5:oeo your own &ex, and without Note Mm. Snydcr's letter to Mns. Pixtkizax. "Bere taking your remedies, day atter day 1 woauid read tie testimoniale of women wio had l'eu cureil by the mue of vour V'cgetabie Compound. "At iast I decide to write and tel you my condition. "I1 lad bren examinesi by pityslc'aaus whe fol me fIat my iromi wan very large and prolapsed, aud aise sail liere was a groîti on the insiaie of tie womb thaif must hi' cnt ouf; menstruations yvece £0 painful that I nuffereil for threc disys of every menti, aud it waa impossible /te get sny ret. For favo montis I used Lrdia pi, a- 's à.Ut L aS. t LAN.Dtr .rt 1 nMa tta .11.i tU Igrtal'il. baiusrlf lIa'ig 'tals'bigsrilîl t hir tow r be' a al-ar.ttina. T la t-v taI k Ceriian '.ilîI titi r traUb-in s'.laI fli greatest itasi-. -Compounai, A NINEFOOT MUSTACHE, BodPr- Jamses H. Brown., of Idaoe, la te -fier anul Poeecsor aud Has No Riva'.l. t, - anataré Jauiî'aaILl iais'. t.i'suei,' ah-nilatt _ Wasb, sud 1Fort latil aiga'iay. itss Eatck. Binig uow i ans haru otity. laltta. htat Itle laigist eniLirely tulistatele cof auiy 111:i, tail ag. It ilffls exred. I bal unres nniu i fttrit liii taatil) iutaaanad suff eceilnine a hami fis t i'at-Ilu s'.atvftratt tlie î-arte'r of 5ears', thilkigi~ the 11). 'riis îi-.atli i. M. Bruwias then. waa tno grea'aat îjiy atitl lriala' 11 k aost -are- cure forme, aud it only fslly k.'îIî tral".aîil >tri-I iarka'al tonk ire ootties of leur remedies 10 attentiaonarv. li'..'Itanidiatis 10àk exre me."-Mna.. SNyDKB, Trenton upon tlia iisi'artaiîlyaîgîtaaaiu Juntilon. N. J. aith a,' tial t-a- ata'.liixg Mn. __________ - Bx'ossn lliai1:1i' ia. ai ,xait ouily blessi Ibeo reatest Medkcal Discovelry eu a;ai of thse Âge. lr.Bronraii,-.N la i l iii garatat n. Ille i'was istru rl tl aiiin atti v la'.- KE N D Sen tmille-sci oaf î%',ltt,.r-ts.liait Pr raaanove-,ifi ilata laaain itit t'atitv a MEDICAL DISCOVE , italarbr Ci jlarv. tilt-toan in - ia.liit nlos'. rira' . alia. lui(aal-r ta M MIALD ENEY, 0f ROXBIJIY, MSS., Mlirc'iii ' aiatit utiti' t disdîcovereh Irn one os' our common bt'en thutt.etau f:rita.ivu itlt'iaci t tre weeds a remedy lIait cures eve îRfn Of a perioail ,f a'gltta'eî ya:tn.. sultîli. kind of Humor, fron the worst Sctofula lie da'rota'clo late ilîu r lt-ai---i td down te a common Pample. (lit, i'muu'e lata ei t-gi'. ana ,: lEila'e He has tried it lu over eleven hundred iiStiii. l-'tirte-nt itoithl ia) air. lBrow'nx cases, andi net-en faîheaiexceptinlutwý,o cases t'usas apaîointeal i'.te ark alita.' Vaart (boththuder humor). He has no'..' u is Hll Indîa ia-iaay, univ-titataitilon hi' possession over tu-o hundreai cetficates l s i îîa of lis value, ail wifhin twenty miles of fil Boston. Send pStal card for book., J'ifie t of i inBas.a- iliiate A beuefitt s aiwa,s experienced fcom î asaa-îî atyu, na.ta' aîiaaa a thxe first btlle, and a'perfect cure lis war- 1 te w lias atllaof . t5kru' oestral whcu the right qluanfity is taketu.- Wheu te luugs are affe'ted il causes shoofing pains hIke needies passing through thern; tle sanie wit the Laver or Bowels. This ls caused by te ducts lein stoppeal sud always disappears lu a week aler îakîng t. Read the label. ~M If the stomach lu foui or blons it wil cause squeamish feelings aI rt. No citange of' diet ever recessary. Eat the best yau can get, aud enough of hi. Donc. <foe tablespoontui.n waler at beI- tîm Sold by al Druggists. ilinmationQulets Pain, I. the Bkcycler's Necessity. Rheumatlsmf- oarseness, Son ý Throat, ChIIbIatns, C tarri,- Inflamed Eyes, Wounds, Bruise, Sprains, Ikéadache, Toothache, etc. USE POND'$ EX TRAC0T safter Shavng-No irritation. Ir Exerclslng-No Lamenoe. 's-EXT WT UENT speMeorPies 0 cts. THE .0NiE.EqT ait '.TJA(iE ON REtCtRD. tilrougheaatt fiai ë i'g -sand the Souti generally. l'lie neivsliaîît'ntof titi places of titi toisasisited iîy NM. Brow'.n hav'.e louttil3' xtollu'd the w.'oii- dertui leaîgtlt of lis tuttatlit'.tttiis le h fifîrqit ilrtue liat a plvil t'a' Iliai protta ow-ir ofithfla loutga't ixiaitst-acc lu thi' 's-ailailias e'.er bî'eu îînirted.- New York Journral. Youthlful Curlosity. A case litas heen ri ougttol tioti'ten- tien cof tite Dorer i %ie.> Obsa'r'. r In 'ari- 4laittipiartenataiof a sai ilboy ".e falklug abolit izitatginut. and ln the cour's'etiti' i'ait vatitoh itleii'iiod usas ilesciibe'i xiiiitit t '13. A litle Iter flhe aillaiu'.ert ont. gat a iope, atnd tying i t tona bt'ait. hîaoa-a'adet toe axîeri- ment. lie iras se succ'essful lu bis lu- vestigation tînt ux'hen le avas touud hi' 'was black lu tube face, and wu-tld bare lied sools. 1 Tise aiatvmet la made ilat 4,M9 ,busbekM ipitM.marffed *t <187.4 Mra. Cieveland'sfeitrent socWialaP- peerances lateil bave ehown y elecar. ly th"t the strong fascinaion whlch ber preseuce alwars exerteil among woxn- en han flot lessened titi veriest jot. She lu tbe aMost latcesting women lintti' country to-day, partlcuiarly la the fact that people neyer tire of looking ai her. No one was eveT yet heard to amy that hi' had been ahI' 10 watch ber qulte as long as lie would biav *e liked. A great many people uow know ber Intlmatcly and are able tu aee lier frequently; but, for the great nîajority fu wbOtn titis lD- tlmnacy la denied, tti'e nly opporfuui- tieg 0corne wlth thitimportanit fuuetions at thei' White Houai'. At one' of Mra. Cleveland'@ teals ce- cently perixaps1,000 wonten bal the plessure or abaking bauds waili ber, and at tIei'aane time enjoyt'd a lîttle chat. it wvould have beeu liard ta find any woaian ln aHibiîs nuaiber i'.o, ai- ter tbis eiujoyi-nent, diiflot liid aorte point frotu whicl hi'h could stand and feast lie'r iyes agnilu on ber hoatesa. Evecy defail of lber appenranaeP, e'-ery ornament sie wore, und every word sbc sald wias discussed uni] admireal. lu ev.enlng dres Mars. Clevelanîd la tht' handsomesf '.omnan ix n aiîington to- day. $lie lias a beautifît nevk and wa'll- rounded sitoululers. antd, sith tthe sPur- k-# of ber' j'wels. nîakiug a pitre of a Wbite ihouai' tistresa wililch lasimpl1PY regal. lier silile la couttîglous. for ber mannera are always agreeabiy gra- cloua. liutx aud Estîer andti blY Marlan are miniatures of titeir motiier. The two eIder girls love to gi-t n gliniPse Of the grand dayliglit dolugai in tittir bomle. anul to do It lhave te pea'ellatroughftac Borne Seekers' Excursaons In oraler to give evn-n ont- an olapartii niry t,, 'eî' the ' istern a,urttr anid îen- a ble theiehontae seekLers la. sein n- a honte n fnto co eantimneev'rk for t he'senson of ii4,the C hicago, Mx1i'.'.axLee & St. Palu nila ilw.,ay lias arra aged to riai a series of fuir hoine atekers' excargions to vani fi points in the W et. Nrth'.est and o, i " ,tn tite'f.1oi .tng dames: Ma rui 1a), Atrl 7 anda 21 arnd ll«y 5, nt titi' ow oue f t".,, dollars ntort' than one fare for tarouïad trip. '1icko-s % il b.- good for retto rit on n a 3Tuîsduay or Fridays'.i t lin ts eît it'ds frotu date of sale. Fiar nates-, t i iii aof trainsiiian(]iifartier deta is apjiI3 10 aty coipt icttkinet g-rt ithîe Eiastt on Sout h. or a iIari'sa F. A. Miller, Assitat Genr-ati 1'asaiittger Agent, Chii- caigo, 111. Electrlcity in Lobengula's Doinatu. Itîtît'.ttyo, whilat t%%.o or tirpec '.e..ts ngo vvns tite site of Lbuguauroyal kraal, is ligitteui ty a-ietricity. ani-i the eleatrical plat tmas iiupürteai iront tite United stattî'N Pise's Cure for Cotnsoimption lins been a fant#- Medicine ' uis ifla'183. Jil. Madison. 2409 42(l ave., Chicago. Ili. Gerniaaîy tanutfaiitred lu 1887 6,800,000 pounds of silk. u'.orth 14,5W0, 000 potiuds. ______ If l'a bave irteit flaibtit' F i Bts-oraxsma s bave e ided ta eit ail thegaime. Ijt aaiiti 1' jit arwe tit tI(>etttud oi ' tt'tr r l i . or %Iwtia IiBiL Strs thai wraeiter n Mittuat tln FiTý%-Ait ftasitnaed i.te f O.RKlne-sgs Nere teatre-.NO ilr. ster aritayaums. i' vetous care,. Treatise andto tr tial botte fractu Fii ca@e.Headaitto Dr. litae. 98tArcta lt, MI@, %.c KmasWLaatow's 80aToING o13TRUP to? Chidren ftcehing* soties, ibgulus. rete eauain ULMas j"la.Ouraswtn Saic MeMiabotte. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR W. L. Doucu.&s 03. SHOE 9Bol1LDJH9 If ynu psy bd te 18 for shoes, ez.- amine th W. L- Douglas Sb.o, aWs sge wiat a good abat, you can boy lfu .3 OVER 100 STYLES AND WIOTIIU, CONORIESI, DUTION, ~~ and LACE, mlaii ail Modet of île bet seiested loather bY skiflad work mnen. W. snako and oeimotre $3 Shone thann amy ether 5namub&urer ln the wartat. None gettuine pfnies'. naine andi pricz a stsampeai en the bottom. Agit vour dealer for out S3, l".,03.50, 82.80. 82.955Shoes. 11,M),085 andl 01.75 for boys. M lm susçma. If yoar dealer reaUt., musesa digetion andtentcanta tlona efth fond la a ver>' Commun caseni nervouanesa. espeelait>' that disîreung foran of Il wlalch manifesta itseif lu ranI of mleep. Hoteller'a tomaci Bittera speedul>' reine- dies nerasouauema, as l aise dois utalartal. ktdney. billons sud rieuimatie aliments. Thc weak galin vigor speedily tirougli ls use. Swetlen's Pire Lasaies, Tbe Ilttle towu of Nasso, iu Savedeti, bas a femninine departmnt, 150 troug, lu its lire brigade. Thle water worlis oi the village censistf slmply of four great tubis, and if laeflic duty of te 'uoue't "tiremen" f0 kcep thtese fulilu case of ire. Tiîey stand ln two continuxos Unes tremthetti'tubs bt ti' lake, aboltt titreas bleekza away. oui' hue passiug t be fîrlil uc'kitsanul the efler aeuding thexi bavi. wusssw m s = to 'm av' n 0"' te d* pleeaaulenad eoîeg fly hat was formerly dont lu thse orodesfbman- ner and dlsagreeably as well. To cleanse thei' stem and break up colds, headaclies and fevers wltiiout unpleas- aut aiter effeets, use the' deliglifful llquid iaxatIve remedyr, Syrup of Figs. Car Warnalng. Experinuents for wnrmiug p:issenger cars tiy a stove. whIich l.4 plaa'ed clut0lde, have bî'a'u ilegi on situe 1'rench rail- ways. Il laisaai thtat a single stove la anffleient tfort'aiwhtl aii'ir, an(d tiat titi expenaseta are u'cry siiaîlliudeed, tweuty s.ix pottnals .of cmiikea'ping îap t lie r'for abourt tira) ittîndreal tules. Ttli' wnrii.l air ci-laties insîde tlic ca r. Mr. Jouas Couid Net Movq Band or Foot. Front the Ne"*. Union -ilUm, Intdiana. Learuiug that Mr. N. W. Jones, a ne- apected citizen of Wiilow Springsq, IH., xad been reslaired te beaith aller uxettis if sufferng wltb tint dreaded disease. rieumatiat. a reporter cf thei News '.'..i detailed to Invegtigate, anal in reply laiait Laquiry conceruing lhis illiies suad (cure Mir. Joues cbeerfuliy,,made the foilowurag statemeut: "About tbree yeara ago. xviii' ruannraf a stesin pump for a raiisvsy cosupany., waa attacked with a ses cri' pell cf dicta tnatiom and beame so bsdly afflicied tuait for a long time I was tanable te move eveai i% .ith lbe aid of cît-ts A local physi- ian, wbom 1 cshled ira gave rai'surib helît tint aiter being apiitid frein hed. 1 coulai walk acuund the' hanse by having twe canes ta hein upail. "I coutiuued iunttis mauner ai wiuter thinkiag tînt wbeu iva.rnt wî'atler camie 1 wouid he better. 1 svas sonaewhat lbel ter infhe apring and rî'turned ta uiy work, but oe day i bi'caaue va'ry muclIi Iteate and took a Revere cold W hich brougit bifck the olai diat-ase with reuewed Vigor. "Sharp pains wouid sart in oee 1mb andi ruu al over my body liki' a flash ni ligbtning. Wiieu t tried to more tie pains would seize me and 1 cotalaI flot mcvi' baud or foot, sud sufferi'd ailiti' tortores of the damneai. "I tried the magneto-eetric treatinent for aevecal montha, using fie lattery a cumber of finies Pacb day. 'Pia trent- nient, however, bad bul little effect on my mslady; my general bealth began te laul andi I waa bold that the oîaly boîtes ofliro- longea i ae waa ta seek a different climata', sud unIegstitis wras doue 1 coulai not lire suother yesr. -About tim lime 1 was induceed fo try Dr. Williamis' Pink Pilla by readiug a testimontial ofloeawio appeaned to lie %intularly affected andi was being grentiv bertefited l17 tueur use- 1 aid net dace think of beitxg a-xred, boftlaoped te gain sirengti that 1 might get te s Southecta chute, wlaich appeareil ta lxi my only salvalion. "I took oui' box sud feit auci a di'cided iruprovemeutthlant 1 sent for three more boxes, sud befaîre tley aven' useai I was a wcll man and ahi' te resunte my woren. Ilail I kno'.'.uof tixeir virtues before 1 migît bave saveai more t-ian a year of sui- fering aud neyeraI btndred dotlars b"- sades. 1 feel titat for rieumatisin tiey carinot lie recomunendeai tee itngthy. î$igneal .W.J NS S " barbd and savor-n t e tfore mie tItia 2t a" Stitember. 1895). (Si'nl.i Netatry Public. In sud for Ln Porte Coaaînty, Illinois. Dr. W'illiams' ink l'ills conitaini, in a condenseai ion, ail]tihe elements ni'cissax'y te give new ]lie audci- oes o te i'blood adreatoré siattered torves. Pl'ikl'alla are saîlî by ail deniers, or '.sill bhi' naatgp'a id on receipt ef 1tri-a- 150)ca'nts a box or six tgaxes foîr $2.54) ther are neyer sola in aibili or by tite' 11>0 tay aildrassiug Dr. WVilhins' Mledacinse Coannuy, Sche'ecady', N. Y. Tripiets ln Congrress. Tiaree tiembers of tti' hlouai'are sa niai alike iu personal alaîtaarauce and dra'ss tlint they -ire afienit tistakien for eaci thlir und coulai readlly pangs for tlree bro(thiers. rlîeîr naaites are'1fou- raie il. Ktalp of Shamokiii, l'a.. George Il. Mc<:'lellan oiNew York City, and Jolan Siiuipkins of Yarmouth, Mass., %V110 enjoys the distinc-tion of being oe of tIhe vi'althie'at (a4iaagres'men al Washingtont. Messrs. Nulp and Sluip- kins are Ifeîiublicaus, 'a'.hile MUila la a Da-tiaraît. Ailtliaree are heavy bulît, stocky young fa-le'.'.s, Nlthotta v.estige of lair on their faces, la adaîl lion ta) lookitxg se luach aluke lu statur( anal fata-ll apîettrauee ii"triplets," aF tIteir i-ulail'gues C.111 tht-n, drt-ss nlike anal t liscflen alihllut to distingýuis] one fronatth'eiier. Stoxuacit, aomelme £10 t* aud burning Pain, dietresa, Deéi pepsia, are cured by HOOd' SpB rilla, This it accompltnhes, with its wouderful power as £iI-, purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilia gentIw touies and strengthens tie stomaebiee digestive orgaus, invigoraten thé liveri creates an appetite, gives reftebkifl sleep, aud raines the healti ione, IT& cases of dyspepsia anti indigestion S seems te have a "magic tond." ' "Fer over 12 ycars i mcferel irom P" Stoma,oI,, wta se% are pains adenu o»MY abouxisa4 great aittreas. I biail violent naumik,Wb1i would l'ave me very vtesk and faisllw cuit Io ger loy breath. Theni' sp"eil eflener and more sev.ere. 1 i InlrolE sny lastinq benelit from pityslclia. bu fouud math happy effeý,tz frota a 4rjiw Ilood'sSarsapariila Ihal 1 took severai bot fies, and mean toalaiys keep itl n."is bouse..1iamnow able ta lo ail My ÔGwT4 work, wlich fer six ycars i lava beau un1 ale'te do. My hushana nd son have&"i been grcatly beneliteLdity HOMd'$ SaUMWs rilla-for pains l inte bauttand ai',t~ grip. I gladly reaenîmend Ibi grad blo medicine." MaS. PETEaRDT al' aler, Mass. Taka oly HOMda e Sarsaparilla' lu lte One T.ueBIod Purifier. Ail dnuq 0,.S~ l odsPIuis maire&IItLiVer ]IM a IOC 10 screspot,gea THE 0W W SPOTS ueST. MAOUS OL ta e e. * OUT. siT Io MACICALI. ----------- ~ Mr. Citarle.s8. Patterson,th BATTLE Ag .-. punlsIger of Newspaperdotn, my ~ PLU( I aIl: la Dot otten tbat ite Sets*0 lb Tabules. Amost witb the regularlty WL ~, W of lockwork lie used to feel, at LH-,about Pleven o'clock, titat soule- V h thilng bad gone wrong wlth blis s' j -breakfast; especially was tItis trft -IIIt lie lad had a restless niglat, && ino uncommon thlng wlth head- <W orkes My itîpa a Ye artid W tMgr. iatedbavelis ade e ad arna ow te ymtomandas welasm eûm naine.) vion n dgo a ai t lased l t.ten 1 ceutad oDu V and lu a few minutes thse Vinual *ld 11f t, dlncomfort passe@ away,. sonîncl apparently resumen opea- 5 tions, and at 12:30 or 1 o'clock 1 * go out for my usual rather bearty for Sx ' Tp. Eucliion-all lu deihtful contrait *Off fra SxMonthaTip.11h nmy former practkicaly ruluedaj liy fasting and v.arlous dos"." f~~ j~j~~ ~ tiiim aalabULi a yt iid= ~. rmeji.xt tfionsabas ani , al aaa.N.1 trueSre.s PLUGW *When you spend a dine for "Batle Ax" SPlug, you get 5' ounces. When you spend the sanie aniaunt for any other good tobac- g Cor you get 31 ounces, or for 5 cents you 5get almost as much " Battie Ax " as you do 3 of oth~e hgabrands for 10 cents. ~ i Your sink, Sba sins, tubfs, etc, neyer become dlogged - ][greast', if the washing that's done nthern is done with Pearline. A small matter, perhaps-but rcnember that Pearline saves trouble and annovance in a great maiyJust such small matters. And the truth is that these littie t (?lî thingys alone ought to be enoucgh to » lead any quîck-wtted person to _______ f use Pearine-even without taking into -~ ii Ilaccotint the big t1ii ngs, the saving in work, Il land wear and tear, and time, and mioney. 471 "EAST, WEST, HOME 18 BEST,"P IF KEPT CLEAN WITH J& ALJ &-e L&M W On a good (the best) skirt bning as strenuous1v as on a go9 cloti for the skict. . Ask for (and take ne other) thse liis 'ta cveteen Skirl Blnding, I your dealer wilI net supply you 4 wilh. Send Ior samuaes, shosaavg labe!àsand aterbI i 1O AYS FOR *8-'MI mit4 TI MES kt 3 l 1iSa1.450 ,U tr>' M.-tS r. CîcioNe,%Voatpwe aIo an 5m eta~gerSaaStiet. dbtlgm.a CL JobilNows 01 the a, ta Ubel CHICAGOin~ as3. se. e&las s, 14. DeaftteseCasmoni Us carea ity local nppiealtfl. as tiiey canntate t'ethe ii' dtl.sefd portion of tie ear. Titane la ont) une " tay li are tiesihesiandi lit la by cin'.tit- tîhialatremdie%.. ine s csi », un ln u - ftameai condition tof teeffittli tliig ofte Et.Iscaeci an Tiatte. Witen titis tbe gels laliameai ie, liai e a nimbling sounaior imîteniemlt ear- la and%-ie n ihla antImai -los i)eafness lx te resiil, and utnis te Inflamation cao le taken mansd titis tube restoreai le lsx normal condition. itearing wlllti' aesroyed foerera tali' t ofîte!tea are catuseai by catacrh. rialitla -tit oting but as n Mamed condition et tte ma-ot'.saîclacees. 'ave nu igi' Ona Hundreal Dolars for atjy case et Deainesai icaused by catarni) Ilat cannt lie cured byHu IiaCatarrh Cure. Baud for er- uas fe. F. J. CIIENEY & CO., Tolealo, 0. ff'Sold liy ttntggists, 75c. Ne'w York Cty lias mast pald $17.000 lu prîzes fer fIe lest plana for a new municipal building to la, erectedlnl City Hall Park. Ileauwilîete Legialataxce bas passeal a law forbldding the erec- flou of a maunicipal building lu the park. Balanes s otten precedeai or accent- pauied by grayness of the baic. To pre- vent ba7ti t bldness and grayness, tise Hialls Hair Itenesser, au houent rentedy. Fear checks tIe chIldunutîl tle bl- suce of power la reversed, but Iove ruies a 'avioli' lite long, For relies ixg throat limasses, congh8 andi hoarsenesai, use ",Browu's Broncitiai Trochtes." 8Sold only ln boxes. Aîaîid Imitations. Atter a tin liais reelvel two fayots lu succession hi' beglus 10 cousider thacinpart et lis coutitulleual rigîts. Bargaîns in Carniages astd Harnes. ioîeuding purchasera of carrnages, pha- "tona and buggies aoulai do aveli te write Manufacluririg Co. at Elkhsrt, Indiana, for theirnew .'catalogue. Ties msnufac- turera deni dirf'clly irom their factor>' witb censttma'rsansd bave custamers tram Maine le Califoruis to wborn liey asiip andi seli nt lactory prices. Tbeir work lu geod and houest. avhile ticir prices. considerng quality and finish, afS no n'a- soîtable an le attract attention wierever fbeir carniages ari' soli. itheir advertise- mentin anotier coltamu explntns tait' metiýoef aialin.-siîla ptrchssera, Titi' at, If laollew, wotîld bold 30W,- 000 enrîli globes, anîl nu eye capab)le of lîostly view.îng 10,000 scttare miles wotld reqîrire 55,0W0 years to sce ail Ils surrface'. She aas s dean s'.vet girl, witit a com- plexion ef angelur iaveliiesa, stîciase al Young Indien pessess vhto ise Giertu's Sul- pitur Sdap. Of dratgguiis. Mau I la sert of tree whia-li we are f0, a t t judge of by the hark.

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