% V -t E...:m 'Ir u.~ - ow- CHAPTEM XV. 1Upon Inquiry. Fra oituthal the acys wvith Lady BSeil al giron in vas correct. lie was mndecl bellevel t,, ho beal. Hi,Iresecce n Londoa va& looiel upon as a srange nesurectlon. vaswu a ponr position t bot te ho lin large sud gsîîcndil homne viti nothiulu;but tic mieory oflite dead ftli otr cen- pany. It l,tid have heen btter, ho s..e fimies thout, if ho bcadlied upali lie At lest, hî%vever, an invitation came te iim tnî,m l ,the i fSetcaSiel, sud ta a fit of d,sîeratiou, tirel te deatilio! bie men)oeui)is fexistenc, be aceted. Wioxî tbe ,uâteosegentdt initatien sic knev pentetiy veili iai mie vas doing. She bat] arrangcl ths party ne a maenus et ailowing te cousins le meel. -Tliey vii l'eb sure le do se soonr or inter." suic aMI94, hrseit. "und it lu bt- ter liai tiîey ehii etl n y bouse tian tlifa tanmger. i eau luke cure o! tie dulie- n hiet dear Contance pts tbingm ightit r hinrcousin." Menwhile tue Iluke d'Azzogio via by ne mons saic,umeuLed as tus mîmrange change of&-r-ir tu e sosld bave muaIe him.lH- was almgn>- vhen ho bliev- cd bilsrival mt, edea, wuhovasstill more augni whcu lih4, nnd tint ho vas living. Tic luche-s lr-%v off honrnourning, driel ber tear, sud seemed viliing te scam- Dany ben litisl.asîd anywbero sund overy- wiene, but te dlk o tiel tint evo n vItile aie stood iu the mont cravdel of roems. w-luianu admring gnenp about he, bem eje* v-e m wnderng etleasy around ese if ear.-hiug ton a face sic coul uat Sund. He kuew for whum mie songhtl.and bie seul grev bitter with jealousy and an- gor, aud he viteriol hem ieenly. At lengi carne thc invitation tram Lady SeaSiel. A few dais atter it hitd tteeu accepted Uic counleis celn posu ber rend. Sic teund Constance tniiug tes Inlion boudoir. "ge gial yn are eoming taerny lthl bathring. dean." mie sajl. "Do yenknow Ifco Try prandl ltIsu have inlucel eus Young hem 10teesetram ils obseurity, end show bimacî te0bisa inonde?" "iVie. do yen meau?" aaked Con- stance, uiready feeling a vague tean guili- erlag *bout ber-hert, 'Whom Rhould I mean?" retanne the coanitess gayiy. "but our Lher a!ofbroes jour hanîseme cousin? We muit net mlev hlm la lesîl tic lite of a hrmit, tor the young Eari ot Haringion is s venu Important memben et aociety; ie dee$'t knov hov many youug ladies are vaiting for tic chance otfbecoming bis countesu.' Tic little lady spoke uconding ta ber owu ligit, wivloi. I vould ho quitE cecessary, mie uougit, ton Constance tc accnstota herselftetotic tiougil t o cousin'@ marri g. enul Constance Isàtoner lna s ild dri-mm, feeling hem beant lacerai el hi eveny etuIl word. Wheu Lady Ses fel vie goe n id he tounalherseif alone oie claspel ien bauds aud, faling upoi ber inees. cried outintapain. "Oh, ind hea-en, leal mene t lut temptation!' l'robably - mil dnover in hen lite look .e ooiy aseupon tic cveniug ofthti receptien; wien sic entened the ceuiens Iraving room. look.iug litre a beantiti satune, thene wv@a sgouinc murman * admiration. Tic Inke Ieard itanul ami cd. Be vas prend o! uis duebesi. Bu Constance was as col as ice; sud i heuart seemed to have ceomei its boating. SuIdeuiy sic startel, und eM drop o blood seemel ta flow baci upon bot. boas as ber ejes. wbich bal becu wunlern nctlessly about lie room, becsme fixe upon ien cousin'sface. Tes, Ihero se Frani, iookiig luke a yaung Adonis in hi elegant eveaing dres. Bis face vas ver pale, a brol blaci rilion sf131 supporte bis ari. At ttietrsi mgt ai lm et etarel, sud csgcnii gippel inn iu bauds aern, and thon-buit vaa deedrean tng, on vas lu nemI? -Was tuis nde Frank,,lier lover, Ianvtiese arma aie hi isin se contenlîy wvile bhi iase lu rainedlripou hon ip?-viose Image gli ber heurt, vhoee vole beiug vas dois te ber than ion very lite; vas liis Inde he-thus pale yoang mau-who tient ai bier haul sud callel ber "duchoss," as tl veriesi straager vould tiare donc? Wiati bappened astentirat thei Id n knev-ion sose. muethare o hc couel for a moment, tonrviien ber bra clerol again te vas anyi ra it f contusion o! tic crovd, iitng lu the ce sentaiomy by the open wiudav. ber hi baud by hon ido. Tic duio's face n veri grîm. "Ame Yen betton?" ho ashel codlii. 8 eouid ual ausivor hum; st ieugth, un te couquor hem omotion, aie -burît in bystenieul tonne. Tic duhe tetchel ber @orne vine, a drank i, and gradunli grow mare ce posel; te retumu ta Uic crowded roe hovever, vas Impossibe, hon face lb tee eridoat traces of teas., se tbe du propose tint ashautit rture homo. Dnriug lie drive net s vend vus op e, but Wiea they nachi4tihe use Ci stance gained ber main, lociel tic do anul hrew horuelt upon a couc, subil like a beat-brokon child. Bbc vas impulsive voman nov, nt a statue,1 vr blond wvse ou Sm. "I viii net endure l," the criel i slouatoly. "Thoy bath decelvol- me--. grmnimotrtfirni, tison he-vihom -1 veluifcailu my hinudo 1 have lh cientel, betoyed, trapped iste a lIfe it.1! Ire -Bic voni te lher unting tablead vrete: . "I musl se yoja nonce; Tlteudel le ii optai te ion to-sgit, but canl net.1 I caunot agi yen bore; I dare not, netier n eau I vti satetj corne te jour house.. 1lir vaut te sec you alon"oito lone. Wil . Yeu thenefore rneet me to-iuonov ngit the nt the seti gale cf Uic park at 10 éol ..] "CONSTANCE-- dia Sic dieunîdreosuelan cavelope ta tic ., Eari of Harrnagton, sud hiottel bath lie viti saean sheel o! blottiug piper. Wien nea she balfiliieed sud sealel hem lottion,divi t-ereral carne viiibils message tram the..~ dulie. sau "3iadan." ho aid, "I vas tol& te lna . qaire dtîinug tieevening ton jour grace'e ..lei "Tianke; ai tiati I am boter." m kAdsitesuid no0 mure. loverai mad ses been gazing lteuly e hertable. mo "Wiich mouns.," mattee ForeraI tevi hirnacît au ho boved sud took bim beave, int "liai yen bave vnitoea aletten.Goued; pi but auotior ime ho caetul o on hloie- va, ting paper; dûcnual bave it se near a min- CIO, rer, or jour serets mai ho rondI hiet- M Ie passmed out ofthti hall doar and con- ias celel hirnuein latic shadov ofthle hanse. Ia a vemi short lime tac bon openel Sm sud Constance, cionked and boldd came forli. rns FoveraIloo hon. Pmeeutlisicg came te a pilsar box, lippel lu bon letten,90 tien iasteuod boci te lie hanse. d "'Bravo, Forerai," bo ramulnted, "the ne] gaine in lu jour hands; jeu canenuiru s lia preud dnke,- humiliaitehim, sud jeYjeu y pause. Why? iceus bils vite is hanti- fui, torsath-aud beesuse jeu kioo jour plan cf vengeance yl rictisulue ion. o Peinv, loverai, iau are s font. Vas site flt varnol, sud -et tic mariel thc Inko? n Wei, heobaili kuov ucv thal ils vite, tic luchos. isene more immaulaîte tian oth- er wornen; ho miail learnu vînt a man fecisn vio bils bonor la btrayed." TI Ti eiCHÂPTER XVI. r Thenextlay viag a earj oeeton Cou- ai stance; lu seemel te ion tiat ulgil voujd nover cene. At 9 oclock Consace - nked ber mail if lic dlieo vas at bome. S -The girl ansee neltuhle aegstiro, "Ton caau ice eme" snid Constance, e"suad do aet disînili me again t-ulitt.", Sic lookel aItihegreai bronze cdock pi vicistood upon ber chimmuci piece. itw 'tvam near tic heur mie hal named, jet sic te 'r-wsm illin ubem oos, trosabliug like a h It criminel vaiting te heurr ndom. Weil, there ivas ne furtien limo te ho leit; aie muat elthen ge or slsy, sud aie reoelcg nte go. She hurniediy tasiceeou one ebonnet and cloik, unI descendel tie t astairs. rOnce outeido, mie sped uioug viti tic ,d 1lftncau cf a uItd haro. At iengti 21 tsic reachel the tnystiug place. BudIcnly 1% R-ber beant gavo s great leap, fon ber oye. eiel ou ber cousin. A momnut aftete i ýn ejes met. He camte forward witb but lit- r 'tleeagrnes, bt Cnstncesizel bis 1 haubondand humatinmtours. i At lat they bal met, and lie boums I- kseernelminu loi. ItMwevlaIe, le erowda lu inthe treeus vene gelting mmaller sudc 4, smiller, but Constance sud Frsnki silîlib ni uit ilo hi ilo on à senl ln lie park. u uf Tiey vore siiont, aIl hul been galai that c icosld ho said, ail doub anul suspicion bal f il becu uprottol tram bis beart; und nov tafo neui ttle lheur tici put the present tron their mindeansd hal aven agan oftuase happy heursetftueir e.rly love. ri, "Il le veynlot," mie eail. "O Frank, I g mueI go home." ,d lConsace," ho crieI, "for ieaveu'u si suie, don't tell me ion sre gelng back ta la thal ma!" "r Tou fengot, Frnk, that man la My .e huband." éo "Tour hubaul!" ho cr101 ierufully, " ne ana via bas irleked sud decelvel yen; In ho cante for Yeu ne more tiliu hé dis !e for the honnI i i foliova iim-rou viii ad go bciL te hlm, Constance?" ad "Wiuy not, Frani?-I have marriol ld hi. "e .Au oati oziractol hi s lie ia net blul-1 .e lng," mil Frank. "Came, limbu te me; -r jeu ni le ar. lhii man's house. Go baci te te. Avesidalo Castle; tlou aht lai v. con ho coueas, If nothilug more." mai As lio spoienaftarn astad beivecu hlm mec andbils cousin. It vas tue Dune b'Azzeg- in la hé "Pardou me for lInerrupting jon," mil ta- t.e lui. it moccipoltione. v' hite as- Frank sud bis cousnaslol d dmb, "but as as I thinki là, raîber laIe fer my dnchesm to ho sbmoad 1 vilil b4ve tepleasure et She couducting liert.home." ble Tne %itlaftin lad taicu place se ta suîeuly thati the iUnre of iumhanul-anu %vite, ba t ade lo tue daninesi beoe mie Frank lhatfulli rocovor ro tram sur- 0,n- prise ceacdh tu mniiappesauceofc u, lic duke. >o, But early tic ucit mornlng ho receivel cie a letton tram his conclu. *,My Dean Frank," mie wrote:-"I am 0k- scuding Ibis la implore yen ta learo Bag- 'o- lansd for my sake, if net for jeun ovu, ur, Tour preseace lu Loulou la fraugit vili lng nuc danugen te us bath. Try te tergeti en mue, sud If jon conut, romembor saa ben tintmy hubaul stands boetweu neli. vas varnedof etmimeeting viti îou last Da- ngut, and toioved me. tIBi "CONSTANCE." tba, Meaauéiio, utat -ml isicu place bc-, mostycen t.e luianul aib vite? oi ol .No eue mev, At ,rldaghtiFe" SI l~d s5 Ià,,.ks h nee.-tsui [mv daj#i Grul erbroiD lama rer o e ipteetisaeofetber tnleéîl. se to pmjy a long visât te Constance."* t.r soverai voeu afier tuis the diii. 1duchesveresescdon seen togoilm. duke vas a busy man, aud bl litbl.- i ta dovote te seclety, but ou every fixe occasion oet anînote 'be meut is !lies te epromoni hlm. Sic veut. ne- apealcd always hi Alice Oreybrook, 1etton the tva veme osconted by Pcv- 1.Constance did not refuse the socre- 7tescort since il bal beon commaudel ho duke, but sic nover sîdroised hins. deulj, urgeai business c~eectih duke Madrid. Ho vent mione, lcaviug Cou- Lcc lu l'andon. CHAPTER XVII. kt tic end et s fornigitthUicdoke was lia lu London. Tic tiret thiug ho hid, er coldly greoting is vite, vas 10 go his rmnd sonl for Forerai. ['e Joanais are full tus meruing. I ot lte state bail vici vas givon rnWtt. Yen vere Present, 1 believe?" miiel. "Yeu. hirews trniy magnilceut." 'Ideod!' nepiiel tie dulie, grlmly, "but card of morne scandalous scene." "014 s nere tille. Bome rmughs pick- a quannel widi Uic selliers; thon seme vw kulvos. "Xothiug more?" laid thc dulie, sig- LUt me mee. Ai, yen, jour studions riev, Cani Palmatos, vas anc of the t to arrive.' Nevcrnm n neo," Interrupted eduke, siorll; "speak of my ducheua." I1 sav lier for a moment, afiervard she oppeared." And yau dld mot sce ber utgain?" sil ,dulke eagcniy, "yau 111 net romain ar bon? Ton de mt nat mev tainl- vidualscsie vas preseutel?" Fnankiy," neturnel Forerai, in te ne indifferent toue, "I de net." "31. Fevorai," sai he dulie sieruly, et usn uîerataul ecdiother.eu are yseeretmry, mj servant omployel by su at our ovu particular requesi te 'vo me iluny auvy I viii; t teveny emont vien I mont depend upon yen, ion 1 looi for services more loneetic i heir nature and store afchiug rny hep- mess, jour ardor-cools, jour devotion nishbes. Hereatter yen muet keop s oson tld upoa tic duebois, or lesT. W employ. Decile!" 'MlJ lord," unswenel Forerai, "I muet vo an hour te relleci." As tic bonr claseil upon hlm, the duke mied. "He la mine," ho sai; "vica mucb s sncal demande lime ton reflection he leasa ood as bongit.." lie paniel; tic romndeon opened sud Amitted Count Palaiatos, tic duko's jphev. Ho vus a j-anti of sixteen, vllt mci hum, a broya mkia, sud dreamj e. ..Woll," ssîd lte dulie, vit a enle ov anej-ou enjoyiug jour risit, rny bei >or? Did j-ou go ta thc ulule hall las gît?" "I diI, nj lord" "Tyon mmv the luches, ofconue?" "Boav ber? O0j-es, et conue, jnsu for i mont. I asmiste ir on teremcarniage boere vero prent tva others, Mn. 1ev ?rai, jcnr sicCntary, sud-"1 "Yeu," mail tic duke, quickiy, "t 'fte o'tier la s gentleman vbose nain Lde uni ino -a- schanning persan, vi sived mj lite." "Indecil!" 'Yes Thoro vam a scufflouonîile th alace. Borne ruffian lrow a halte, wiic wam ai my tii'au vien my preserver ii terposel sud recoived thc tumusi in hi reast." "'He vas voundel, yon mai?" "A Demisvound, vitich vili hesi, vil aurc, ln a tev dajs." "May I mm-ldid tic gentleman accoi the ducties?' "'NatinluMy prencç." Tic jouti bookol atI lie Inke lu a pu zléd sor t fvay. Thon lefothle o troadering whui ail ibis myutery cou nean. Meanvile Feveral s sitting in ià ruons thinkiug deoply aven thi mie whicb heho ld is d itire dle, si vonderiiig vistlcourse il vald ho ho for bisa ta purmue, '"Feveral," lue mail tc hirnseî, "vint ,oming ta jon? A tew wveki ge y, betrayed the luche.. simply fan tic pies tre et humillatiag tic duko, and nov 1: cause jon are asiol ta repeantiche l formnco Yen hositate. Wiî shanld y, liesitate? Tour tankinl lite la net; wi shonldyon refuse toacscomplisih I? 1 vere once ta beave tis motf I ohom nover rcap my revouge. I viii net les lt-I viii do au the duke visies me. viii becomc haiep." (Te ho continuel-) JAPAN'S GREAT CATHEDRAL Orne efthle Placet 4tucturei te i Fown a te iavi lacS yermL Whcn forelga afchlftectarisit Jais and s00 tic catheinaioft Rddýhisrns1 tic iret tino flic! are gcerally astc laied St the magntificent structure. la executed lu pure Orbentil style, sa la ricili ernamseutel vill a rlings. Ite, n tamsuat uIlIr et Nagoya Ci deslguel itL The atrUetuýe vas cS moactillu 1878,asd vap comspl tib" year. The cenf has been esftImai at $17,000,000. It voUMLd tave gren exceeded tfim amout iia4ot numls et Buddies oried vithout auj r Omspeilue. As tic structure cre C piction tic ce5umlttee havlug the. va lu charge vas mmcii pe#plexod as lire lasunase. Tbq foul tint compani vetul asume ticniti THEY THAT USE THIS WORLD f&tlif - AS MOT ABIJSING IT. vhsl mZev. lr. Talmage »jacase 0" ed utlai Bad e.creatlouis-TliO lece or mIic He* -Outidoo s perts-Foudtonfofr dpl seul Bulding-ThO Luast ons. ordi air,à seciliDiversions. than la hlm sermon Sandai Dr. Talmage dis- hielp cussed a subjeet of universel intrest- been vis., -Our Social Recreations-" His test the1 vas clisao rm I. Coinhilans vil., 31- bat "-They that use this worl ai uet abusing 1 it' Jndges xvi., 25: "And lu came to citie pas, vien their hoants vere merry, that tilt. tiey sald, caîl for Samnson, that ho may boat mai. un $port." voici Tiére vere 3,000 people assembledlnl Patt the tenple ot Dagon. Tic il dcorne ta are maie sport of eyeless Samson. They vere Y<OU ail ready for tic catertalumoent. Tbey bie- Han San te elap sud Poud, impatient for the the amnusement te bogie, sud they criel, Pur[ "Ketci hlm out, totc h hm ont" onder ls i Isec thé hliàd old gisai oming, led hi ernl the bad etsa c#ild into thc very mldst ot etf the temple. . At hiý fii appearancu there the Sues Up a aient et langhteir and derision. The bliad nid giant preloudsli e ls tired, t aud vaati te rest himself against the pli- dhi lare ut tie içuse. Se he ais te the lad sitit who beals hlm, "Show me wiere thc main s, piliers are!" The lad doeas n. Thon the dise stroug mnu puteabiss rght band an one ate pillar and il ft baud an another, aud, Wh witlite migitiest punih that motai ever hay made, tbruvi himueit forward until the vas whole liousecornes down in thunderous cell crash, grinding the audience like grapes che in a wiîie prose. "And no it came te pana, spir whemi Iheir ionrts were uierry, that thoy bho said. cati for Samsona, tint be nay malete li us sport. And thej callel for Samseon out pcu of the prison houean~ d lho made themu mig sport"ben Iu other varda, thero are amusements T that are destructive, sud bring daimu dis- thù :aster and death upon the bonds uft houe an . ho practieo tiem. Whiie îhey laugi and Ha .cheer, they di e The 3,000 wie pernhael Be 1tint day in Gaza are as uotbinc campared s5A >te the tons of thouennds bi ave been tel destroyed by sintul rmuseineto. f41< tLavfut pii*burei. i But my iret textIimpiios that there il vd alawtul use ofthle venld as yeii asasu un- lawiui abuse ot it, sud tic differeuce hoe- Te twen tc mn Cristian sud tilt man un- . Christian je thst la the. former case thein( man masters tlb. vos ivIile laute icLut- h 1ter case the woril masters bita. For bl aw hon did G ud maire tus grand sud beau- i 4titnl wvend? For viom tuis vondertul cf r expenditire oft clor, thiligracetuines of his liue, tis mesaie ot the graund, tuis fresea o! the nky, tItis glovlug fruitageofe or-Po r chard and vineyard, tuis full orchestre of Ithe tempest, in w iich the troc branches fiuie, sud te vinds trumpet, unI tic cit thunders drum, and ai the. spieudors of Ti earth and sky corne el*hiig their eyra- hi lbais? For whom did0obdsprngthie sncb- no & d bridge et colon nrestiug upon buttresses e r. ofbroken itorin t.-oud? Vor yhorn didlho &Ir gather the uphosteri et lire sround te c]' ta tindovs of lte settiig mas? For ail mon,fi but mure epecialti for hl&iiove dean ciii- Yi Iren. w .0 If yen build s large manuslou and spread a g1051toaest at ter it to e cqeinte the cou- wg pletion of lte structure, do ion allow dI ,e strangers te crme in and occopi tic place, du ,h bwiie yen tirust jour ava chilîron ln tic M n itliben, or the barn, or the filds? oh, Oy lanolTonuey, "I amrn o-gamI ta se. fo stangers in- muy mansion, but Mr y evu nous and datghteri shahi have the. fret re rugit diere." Nov. Ual hasnéut tua5IR th grand rnatinof eta wvend, andlhe han.nt spread a givriotte toast ia Il, sud wvile et tloue vIte arre traugors te i gracesrsy hi corne in I think that (lad oopecilmli in- m teude ta give the advsutage tg his oevu C ehuden-tItose who sre tiheens&aud ai a., dnugitens of the Lord Aimighti, diose a d vWio tiimugîi grec eau look up and say, il . "'Abba, Father' Yom, canant mahe me i "0helieve tualt ud genmore advautate. te i 'wtii. çorld tien lie giveu ta the churc t i id hougit by hie cvi'n bleit. If, tbttctordi Mt people of tie world have looked vifhl- a]- oraus sympathîb upon lioeeWho make f( la profession of rel1igion sud have said,C >u "'hoe uev coni tris aie golug devu iet I R- privatiou sud jute burdehip; vii III teyici e- net tarrni alitîie lotnger in the wvend and V tn- bave nmre of itse otj,monts aud amuie- a an1 meut»anad recretions' I a»y te. pud i l mn et the wonld, Yoit are greili ymis- If takcu," and hefore 1 get timougb,1 i vii aid shov tint diose pt-lite who tsj out of v.e the. kingdomu et Ced have tic harodplilp 1sad self denials, iwble those vie come ne l have Uic joyîs aud saisfactions.b In tic name ot the lKinîg oetteoveansdà earti, I servesa wiit fjetmOfli upot.al . ic ilutul and poliuted îî'ho have iquttel ou tiei tlu.ofet crily 1cs BI thoug it hdbelongel ta thc,, ll lau lu hehaif ofthti gool and the pure un trucn, tic eternal inicritanco ick,;4ý 1 'er bai giron lieu. Hitierto Chitl5AkI- ua- ianthropits, ceeicai aud iey, have boW It t*ernelves ciielly in de:ounctuig âltà na eheuetini, but I itel vo bav-e no t ELstand beton. men sud ivomien l in ese hearta tien. lu a desire for rereall )M- amounting te positive nece8sity, deueu te Iug th15 and tat and tic oter l W vina ve de net propose tun gve ti td mthiig botter. God ieiping me a" 1 tIy ivt rfeteeote DMi lait account, I affl. erm enter %pou asaphone net nouai Lu sermandl- Oc- Inig but a subJect wbich 1 thiuk ougit te1 )i- hé premutel ai Ibis tino. 1 propose no tia lau before yj- omorn f tihereiui ,te vieic are Det oeuh innocent, bo t pooil- Ia1tiveli heiptul sud advautageous.1 In5h.tiet place, I comment, arng11 tEdoprenutug the oi hc a u-È~ or *ver musical hais or soir la Jubi- and 4lay. it vill cure pain; it viii rest and ceouéla Ige; it viii quels passion; It vu le-. mou oq» 1.4 ha.aith; it viii roelaludmpatlon;,I hi r« 1strengthen the immnortal sOU lu iitiehé 1 6O dt ebattle of Waterloo Welington moa iy euscmu etho Highlanders were filllng back. tihaou ug e »ld, "What la the matter tbere1?' R. bleu God that tbé jtales that the band of muie md ceas- tiOns that have Dié~ laying, and hecalled up the pie-rs and Iiquiy*,Cretiqua edi thom to strike ap au Iiei maaeff for the s and no sonner dids they #triste thie r 1r&leaurlns et ta the Highlanders ver. rallied nd lilumiaution of the ped to vin the day. Oh, je vho hiiVe 'here la afiW anqtmoe en routed in the conflicts of lite, tri, hi which 1 eomnmend te force of music, to rally your scattered pleasure of domsg ttalions. men, voak sud cram, a 1amn glad to know that ln our great llng ln their dIspO&îIegý. Jes there lu hardly a night in whieh heavenly touch, havew ere are not concerto where, vth the corne blesoed and b' et muniical instruments aud the sweetont under thoir feet aRedt Ices, people may ll,.d ontertainment. 'hesde breaking férth1Î. tranize auch entertuinments wheu they mays nme yeuag MSlý & eafforded you. Buy sessan ticket% If day, "I @houlesliMe ihMé Iu can for the Philharmonie and the aIl others, but 1 haqg audel and Ha du societles. Feel tint Mr dear brother, lot jY e$1.50 or $2 that you spend for the of moe. Ton havéeà> kpose of hearing an artlut play or sing Wa i elixe IL Twe aprofitable inventaient IL« your Acesd- yal have. perbap à les of miisic roaïr vîth the acclamation et leant $10 »ov approciative audiences assmubled at YOn viii hava 2,50 ýconcert or the oratorio. wsnt te emploi theffm. o* Physical culture. plesut word,, If yeu. Stili fnrther, Y commeu.d. as worthy of thesn. Nov, vhat an &ir support, the gymu.ualum. This in- tart vith! itution is gaining ln favor every yeur, Tou go oui te-mormrv I 1I know of nothing more «troe tront sc a tcase ufrosi est Ésipation. or more calculated ta rocuper- side. Ton give hlm 2 tthc physioal and mental energies. ma heurs; the peustiea bile there are a good mauy people who and he syrs: "Thank *l av employed this institution, there la a you!" Ton pais@ dovu ut nnnîler who are tgnoraut of Utn ai- to look: ludifferont, but Aloncies. There are men with craoed very depth of jour sous ets and weak oides and despoudeut faction thet Fou made irita iyho through the gymnaaurn mlglrt Tat go on itili fartiior &s* rousoti uî to oxuberance aud oxhiliar5,- wlth a wheolharrow, «rliflg. on ot lit e. Thorc are many Christian teeraoe efd eoplo dospondent f rom year to jour, vho Eau suy: "Stand hok," t ght, through sncb an institution, ho try. TYon punit it Up ou nefited in their spiritual relations. bienand pou sou. Hoa v îero are Christian people vho seeru ta weil-drunsed man vas hink thatit is agond aigu tubporly; You ditsa kiuduaemtet nd bc-ause Richard. Bmiter and Rtobert did an pont Joy ta juur lai were invulid they thint that by the viii met get ovor It a&U thq , me .ickliness thcy mur corne to the On the street ta-iusr~ me grandeur of character. 1 want to vii se. a sck maupassnau il tho Christian people ot my congrega- you gay, "What cau 1 do e in that God wvill hold you reopousiblo for happy ? Ho certaluly 4 ur invalidism if it la jour fanit, and mou"i;lho la not ier,~ vhen, through right exorcises and prie- 01v. hlm one of tics.nne~ nce, yop might bce athiotie and weoD. thnt îou have garuqtqd mIL b.e effect ot tho body upon the seul ion seul. Lookvi0i unît dhot~ cknowiedgo. lPut a man of mâldsdispo- &vii ho a rtion paipm tion upon the animal diet of which the ilbareconupis idian partakos, and in a littie wiile bi Golus a 11W.l fartiierem7 ood vrill change ls chornical propor- cd thesinre ofattiand ins. It will bocome like auto the blood sasdnaavsnesshat B .Aré )fthe lion, or tho tiger, or the beo.r. while aies"7 naineo n*... 4 is disposition will change, and becosue tvii haven viii b0î mar ha e i uâtem lrce and unrelonting. The body bas a tikteel oim >werful effort upon the seul. to il Ui th nîmitaso4 Parlor Gaines. passeout. Ton have Stili fnrther, I cornrend to yon a large man, and jou have beIp Aass et parlor gamos and recrentionsi. boere la a way ot making our homes a Co. Tabherivte îndredtold more attractive tItan tbey am0 o . arble ren vd aow. Thoee parents canant expect ta vi aoble ap<ieas s,> kep their children away tram aoutide dis- viadel v ingele pations unress they moiee the domestie saig iHw1-w circe bigher tan nyting heycanplaces vith bhlm, 10 Ircl hnihtcrtha aayhingtheyeauCol. Gardiner," or teo~ fnds ontaide ot it. Do not, thon. ait la3 mîmalouarlo. vho waïtel f aour home snriy and unsympattbetlc andlarotfrthmaee with a hait coudemnatory look beausetcik sud etticfor theild44 te sportfuineuof ot our ehildrcn. Yonu tere jon viiuols meo were Young once jourseif; let jour ci- alvau u tcey eu0 drua li Young. Because jour eyja" hrlng the onnto. dieu and yaur ankles are stiff, do gat de- tif u u etl.I nonce osptrifulness in those upon whau c k nidthned ee there li the tiret Imuter, and lu wh ose lPii e lGog font there le the boundlng Joy of robust i CLGrl ot$q siopirles dyiug for fÀ~E health. 1 thauk (bd tint in aur dravîng -cale vhMat. oomm sud in our parlors there are lu- brM the sgosp e th intacrable games sud s&ports wvibhve,' badgies andl, >elng sii nat upon tiem the least telitofinliqulty. soesd theueves itaaUO Light up ail jour homes vitli Innocent hy aide and lylug -ie01~ ilarities. Do nt ait down viiti te rien- the very dltch oasfd~, natism, uondering how childreu eu go riiey mugît bring thou MMê ou se. Radier tbank God liai their heurts God ami beaveul O(,the< are selilgit, and their Isugi-ter in se iree, t-J4otdlggod f and their cheeks are un ruddy, and that niaguinicent recreetlou fo,, ther expectatiaus are se radiant The ve. pt i anad, or h nigit viii cornes"on enough, sud Uie er t hes.rtbreak, and the pang, and the desola- But heore eiosiug 1 vu tion-tt wiii corne soon enough for tic pn ou tiiat mares fflI dear ehuldrea. But w1heu ithe atorm actu- mitzaenoe a lt o ally clouds tic mky it wiii be tim nougi seul to b 1ulld ou. for iuin to haul ont jour reeftütckles. voman vie had gone an 9 Carry, thon, iuto jour homes not only Uic sintul amusement aud *ob Innoceut sports and gaines which are the gie salds, 'l vii l ll te.ugh inventions of our owu day, but the gaines "Oh," thei sld, 4-1mus whici corne dowu witi the sporttulncus of0 seemte ho alck.11".z &il tic pasi age&-housand charade.suad o'cîoek, and My seul ville tableaux and battiedore sud calisthenles it vill ehont. 1 haVn, * aud lava tennis, and ail thase amuse- day ot grace." TU M. o menti viich lteeYong peopleOf Otur desired lkor te aoeé home. knew se well how to coutrive. "Oh," mie sald, 'Mt ti Tien tiere viii ho the parlor socialitUe. la gene. I have bécn~1i --groups of people ausembled luajoratrvorily pleasture, andf*4 homes, viti vit sud MlmicrY and JOvi- skalsdie :o-uigt gt,6 oq &lîty,,flliig tie room witi joy tramn douer vo!. avay, sud It cne w te mantel, sud tram the carpet to the te 5 o'clock. sud she cried4w tnijlng. Oh, lie tiere any exhilaratIon like Eýtryb pkriti,70 4 a score of genlai senla in oneouoa, esch me jett?', u la net 0-45 b)a enç a4diug a contribution ofis owu in- momentsvomit hi, sud iai 4ly&,am rniment ta the aggregatin of goq te gether, 4" t> 1ç 'o ~m.ri-hUlarity? wuile It V" tIii suppose j-ou waut te go abroad laudithe our 04 ii od o City, thon jou viiies the panorama, aud whether 0 o'cloeti tic art gallery, and thc exqnlsito colle- tfi a ateruou, der tie sof pictures. Ton yull Sud tho mu- Moment. >.tthgjte seum and tic Historieas Society raomm s f»vard, or dmpo .,l 1jul et rare curloiios, sud score.setfî»U 8o te? wir6t la nigit aud wroag lunsinsemeuti- ber., sud tbons1at~ îou viiinead the ieciuring hall vhich has uhi ayader* IhY7f beau honored b he c we 'et ofAga«IisLuema hour. Ift~o ,gtnral hustory. Doremas lu ceistry, have te loekhaek a' rauton la geologi, Mitchell la asrn-sfu ua nt 1I" ou!, John B. Goug Inl moral reiorm, that wivîlià m hn5 »dl scores and hundrel of men who have tisu tbe dmgg* :i,~ ,Poe"ethe1r vit aulgenu.suad lagennlty mlev bis chu& MMii hbrougb intapartieular chenues upoa tieviil i e us queUOB beartm sud conscienesa and Imagnation& lulgultlés and l<. efr meu, settlug tus country iftijean s bve orecdvW Uej