Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 Apr 1896, p. 6

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rltrc±14y1 * ~ I j' - j' OUAPTImlR XVIIL ýe day, Constance kept te hem 1> mâ ac amazed aIttis, eud lteatergtoa preseulad im 'rself . bondoiri Aitar ait, fortune bis; Alce mas there slene. la Lb. duchess, Mise Grey- ~'he aiketi quietir. le ln te adjeiniug rom," retnmn- uneasiir, "and I-I Link sbe ic @hall 1 caIt bar?" -"retumneti the dulie, "iL is te yyen ta speak. Yen 'kun-, Miss Grey- éï oi hat bigb esîem I bolti ye." ulaoutd nover have left my ite " le continuai, l"aboyea l in Lou- if I hai net'found a bor pergon lîka 1te place by ber aide, te counsal 'ilnt he. Miss Grorbraok, yen g"Ier yct hitiden the tmtb f ronm me." ou ert nme heavanîr recem- I"'coutinued the tinko, watching ber - ltently. "Lot me beg yen to se- this boîr cross, brongiat by me t ram openoti a smail packat sniciho la hic baud anti reveaieti a baud- ermciflx. Witb a @mile haIt ut corn- hamit of titronty, ha baud this bely .toW'A thle girl. Sha besitatati. 1,1 O *y take it." said the tuike. r. beldetifarthbehonad, thon witb a cm ttemptoti ta dram' t amay. \ '2NQ, ne; I aul net m'rtby," Bbc cried. lord, m'at are yen doig-what de 'vrmantt(ha truî," retumuedth ie dulie, lied seizaît bar baud, anti mas looklng t £ecely into ber face. "Miss Gror- tell me tho naîme ot tic man mite -the. duehesutt ho haIt lat niglît." th L a Mr whieh m'as haIt a menu, 'ý-t I sP.k," hbe murmnredt t bersaIt, la taut, If I lie, 1 laie my son]. Father J~v "site criait alenti, "vit shal I .'It Esmi ot Hanringloni" at the direcin whonce te voie. hati .anti sain'Constance. Bite mas pale, but quit. cempoet. The. duke'c facco mas back as nigitt. tumm aIent," ha saiti, "yen have meat that man anin?" '"Yes," rettîrnati Constance, qnlatiy. "I Waie met îny consin again, auti rau might baie «e he b.trnth vithouL putting - 1SAlee te tie tortnre." "Wtmom aise conîti I question?" caidth Ie mitelsteruir. *'Met*' relurnati Constance, proudir. 14*e e n k evabtter titan yen, my lord, crAes anti my iucerity. Listen, 1oe 1 il give yen a turtitar proet amy endor: tua amesvay tram Eug-, for, altbeugh duty reulana aupreme mi hesrt, Lhe loea m'tbin IL eau neyer 1'119W Do net expose me te temptation; do tot compel me te pas tiongh fire, lest o lentL my spirit talla. But taka me rThé dke droi irnelt up poudly. lit te imaposible!" ho sali. "Resuember," crieti Constance, "liL is for ,*,o r cake I plesti. I arn rour wite; thora . fpaU or to th et us. Will yen Ieke me iway " At thît moment a servant autorail nitb *massage trom ForeraI. "I will coeete hlm," caiti the dtik- l a di tom' hem' to tbis n-lt. antiheu- nantid b. "&lile.," crieti Constance, "lyen sac noir Itat wnat I teiti ron mas ight. Titis tir. Fevarai, n-ho celle himsclftheia iuke's ueettary, in the dnke'osapi. I arn car- kàM 0w IL mas he mho tLd the dukaet ii irst meeting with Frank; b. lias .poen aga-in. sud exposeti me te thLm Ion- Ità. Weil, I kucir hlm nom', andi ln fa- tare1 shall be upen rny guard." i Tier. wona ahurrieti kuock iL Lt. door. "Osasil," crieti Constance, sud Lb. ifoor aemeed adrntting Foveral. . jtÀU egit of hlm Constance ceexuet Io $aa'atostone, but ha camne hurrledly sud bxmglsy forward. "MUalin," hea id! eagerîy, "I muet ffait te ye.", "I miii naL listen te ye," shbe creti; "Msve me, ir, for I kucir yen; yen trieti -et luatoecorruipt me by sendna ua non- lug etters waring me &gslntbe 1e have cheated yen titis Lime. I noyUclt ave Sld the duke te trulh. Nov. de. go. aud dcot tiore ever again te '"W lay spartmnta." "Matin ml" crieti Feverat, mihe atibeeti ettW aken aback- by thîs unaxpectoti ntah ltme @Pek; as yen lov, your $go4ýb,j conjume yon te liten."1 WIiouL suother mord ch. aummonoti #eMani&, anti ietouLe girl appeareti sie bg kyquietly: ?,q'a- Mr. Fevemal dom'n." CHAPTER XIX. Fr a.,eral dayx- Coastauce, undor -#tams.of iluess, kept ta bar owa spart- boeietm6 but one eveaiag both Constance ber fiandi preaes! t.lLhmeles at ,Alit#*,tWe Joad droadeti die neet- ~ ~b aatiMsj tome- 4-Assnretity," returned te tike. "On Tnesday evening next roux give a grand raceptien; lie carda bavea aU beau isaucti. everytiting ils prepareti, anti fer yourselt I particutarir misb mn ta look yonr boit taI igbt." Tii. tisys passeti on, anti the evettul Tucsday arire.Fi.cThe nceptien m'as te commence at itaît-past ailleoo'clock, anti whcen the cdocks 'vere striking aille Con- stance and Alice eset alone lu the duehesi' boudoir. The bouse xas brilliantîr ilin- minateti, anti the great tirawiug reonim'as filuet i 'th ehaLce Itov-ors. Both Con- stance antiAliLce us ero tresîcti tonthe oc- Thon Constalnee'î nuaiti entemou t he rcom mith a bitter, m'hicb she bîlueticit hem mistreîs. Constance took the bIter. openoti andi rend t, thon she lookoti it)inLtote i on- teinug ores et ber frLenti. "A letton tram the tinke; lehoba guue am'ny!" "Gene au-ar!" exclimned l iLce. "Tes. Listin, dean; tiîs L is iîat lue seYs: 'I arn sumunoned it ut etceto Pari.a 11a moalth i'ba uoi aEnuil)ilsstior.h 1 an) taiking Palmatos anti Fvu'nali uitb nu'. 1 have smalle I'einatii euuuiiuu- i t' ilh ail aur guestanu]put tf cutn r'eeîion otf titis evening.' %V'bat icii it îuî;au. Alie?" "I don't kueuv, duar; La t1wama1lu'. say,,Y "No, Ibene kit-t'r.' -u' Ctlo'vnsl ilne'. anti lifting the Littet' îtgaiui. she entinuvdu: "'For yoraunei tlit, i,,g esîînti the evening lit liinîîî. butt to gui oLeadluy Mortimen'a hait. 1 halec aski ilit.uîiSea- ielti te rail ton youu. T'liîenef,ine neat quietlynt houle un tii shito u-eus. ', "Oh, Constance; u-iaî shah yen do'." crioti the girl i l ernuin. "Do'!" retîrrueti C'onstauce, uitb a look et fixati resolve. "I salolebey the dtike'4 cammandtiat the letten. At lait lie bas hanormemcvvihli, enfiditiet,anti 1 shahl net beinay il." Thelietrît (bing tn , tr ono n-as la bave the ii'ti ekting-uiwbetianti stuîyail]in'v parations fer the rerelîtion. This Coui stance proceeoiet t do. W1'lin the sur- vanta, laviug recoivedttheir insrtionus, hall retiroti, ah@east tioun andt looketi &gain et Lie tint-os letton. "Constance," s4aLîtAlire, oogerly, "don roui realîr mente go te Lauy %Mortimers hall '" "Certaiulr, xy dean. silice lttitîke n'ishos il?' "But-tio net 'loearugry uitil ic sl(Iîîtll Your counle ho'ere!" "Do net toar tan me, Alice," sid (',)il- stance, atrokiuug the gi'@ brewnn huir. "To-nig'bî, remeinhar, 1 ain the relincaunta- tiraetfmy hushanti, anti I nill tpy te (Ie hlm coma ligbt Bani-e. I arngeitugtteh bail fer my huîhaul'ît sake, nt li,,i, h. IL la stranga Lady Seatbelti tIers lot com," stattiati, "t La gettiiug 8se t,' Alice, dean, m'll Yen senti nlue et the sen- vanta te Inquire tom Lady Seofilct? Per- itapesah.eniti n athon have rue cal f, ber."0. Alira netdoti, antinet nt once te (Io asa hiem fienti iishei, n-hile Constanre sank donu mb a chair besitie the ws'n- tien, anti neraineti lookiug eut lripuiîthe meanlit park. $lie fell ie oa reverie, tronu m'hînh rae n-ai arorîseti y hyeicreappean- suce of ber triniou. Alice looked ptuler Ib n usual, ant iber mannier usas ful et "W1eil, dear, have >ou sent le Lady St'atiltiY" "Ne. I taok the canniage andtvu nt my- soi." "Went yonrseit! W'ly tiLtiyen do "I mas terrificti lest iomettîing shonîti go mroug; I amn glati that 1 'vent; Lbe countons laln In dep trouble; lhem father has taiien u anienlysd antitagerouîy ilit! She mas noyer askod te rame for rau; abe kas meeiveti ne Invitation te the hall! Conatauce, everytbing hall beau douc ta kaap yen at houle to-nigit. 1lice itl ituem; you weulti bave maîteti anti maited tor Lbe couuitens anti nover gene forth at ail; thorale danger fer yen bore, I arn snme of il; 1 uem imploeayoe go!" "Te go!" said Constance, "-but mbe *Ili take me? I cermet go ailne? Ah, I have IL, Mensieur de Santa Fa! Ha' la dia tduk's oldait anti neareat relation. Boul te Mim, dean, ut once." "I wIli net enti; Imili take ths carlaga 1sud ge myscî." "V.ry metI, dean. I1mill retusia qnietiy here untîl yen tetum." But oe.gmas by no engnscomposaI. The .ontatbse nas aloethe m'alked excltedly up antidum'n the rootu; monder- lotg mItder or net Alico's suspicon$ conlb. correct. Ceuld t Lehaposiblethbat thlt.duie hatltieroivoti bar? 'anti if se, for mut metive? "IL grlli ha alm'aystie sae," ahe cricti, 1"suspffet, matcbed, mistruateti. Obt, >iWeom'lt detiver nue fron thii, lite ot mis- ery sud degraataion7' WAit a soitellitebhersaIt dem't np- on lhe ceach anti revercil bar face miti bar bauds; et that memeut tba door et 1 n w boudoir epenoti, sud the folman su- noanceti- "'flic Earl ut Harringteul" CHAPTY&R XX. Trembling vlolenîly, scarcely ahI. te bo- lierate evidouce o etr csas, Con- stance rose sud icokal -toWard Lt.etior. IL mas Do dreua .dm*ui im ith io Frazir, tutes O Ianei-m.a » ', -'l aaE tiary -£meoaul op o lrg lag more and, more amased; INUd yonuseM @end merthI* atte%'r , c*' .ý 111 se'd te, yo u to corne hare?" she cr ,led. ..Ob, Fra»&k. yeu ae iqatd-or dressotgr', "Cntne"lie crled,' I tell you, it la truc. 1 received an invitation to coame -iaem Uia'eenibg. If yu dii tact moud At,: Lt came from the duke." îlIe diCew froid thé breast peket ef bia ceat a card, wbleh hoe held toward ber. $hetook it, andi saw that it was a fermaI Invitation ta hier reception, written by Count Palmatos, the duke's nephew. "It was cowardly, centemptibie," alie crieti; thon, turniug her fiashiug eyea upen ber cousin, che eontînued, "I se#, il ail, Frank; Lt La a trap." "Impossible," said Fmank; "a trap would bc miore etinningly laid. If I accepteid a formai invitation, where would my offense bc, or yours?" "I teil yen I arn rig)t; the whole tblug has been planuoti ta entrap n. Leaye this banco, Frank; I arn going eut." "So ceeu," sald Frank, "and, Ceunie, do yen cend me nivay like this?" "Oh, de not speak so," ca cried; 11 tell rau the grounti is undermined baneatx uc. Frank, 1 entrent yen," ahie cried, growlng more and more excited. "Seo hew late it ls gotting. Aice bas gene te tetch lion- sieur de Sanie Fe te take me te a bail, They will bath be bore directly, but I wiil piseyen through that deor and ne one will ce ru go." She iooked at bim, but hoe did flot an- swer bier. Ilis face wac ghastly pale; he presseti bis baud against bis aide and seouxeti about ta faint. "Wbat La the niatter?" cried Constance Lu alarnn; "Frank. are yen iliI?" *'Yea, 1 ania litîlefaLot," lhe gaspeil; "rny WOIunîl.*' uYs ddil oîînt knoiv? I1n'ai stabbed Ln tbe fray lue other nigbt; corne ruffian biai hfs clasi, kuLfe at the throat et a youih. I1iterposed andi nas stabbed In the breat-that Lsa l]. Constance, givc ni(' moini eter. 'PThe plaiir ef bis face grew gbastly. '1errified. scareeli' knowLingn'bat Oba diti, ('ons.taiwe risheti tram the' room, retun- ing willî a glass etfn'ater andi a botule et euiogne. Sae beldth Ie nater to bis ]IV@, then site teek lt'e seent, andi gcntly batbeti iiis foelu'vîd. Wh'en bce openeti bis eyec lie sawivit shte uas crviug. "'u le o rLeti, "%vbat is the mat- sitîui,"ae saiti, "Lt La nearîyrarid- itiglit. Doe net linger nn.Since every îiiunniî't La îî'eeins, andi Monsieur de 8alual' e iuuuy îot cote, I shalh go ta te 1 sa I'hauLl sliP in îînaanunced, sud "0ne w~u vil ilîu 1 ' Int n'itbaut ane- con, anti 1 abLil. at lî'a*t, bave tuifilled th1e Iiikt'g commnandls." "lntspeak ef that nuan., Constance," F'rank crieul. "ilîîless Yen wnt te drive u-' t distatuion. Ah! I sc, ymur love i4 (tend. Inil iothing ta roui naw. WiVl, îertis abetter sm. ood-hy!" %%'ittiotit auetier look, witbant a lires- outre iofthe land, ie, he md anti wenld haîve ieft bier. Site wntcbod hLm, sudau .,h.- liti se lier beart seemeti torn lu twe. "lI'rank." *lie crieti. "do yen wisb ta kilt aie? Y Do yeunot se avat tortures I suitter? have mîtno pi y?" "'rhen teillnme that yen stili lave me," lie crict i îas*ionately. "Only once sud forevt'v avow your love for me', anti I wull gu i Li leau'e." "ln PCeace?" "Yos, and itappy, aveu thougb I .rave 3011 tarever, yenr wortis the salace aud nlenory et my life." Slhe timon baek as if lie lbati t uck bLer. 'Phenlber breait hcuuviîîg n'tb emelion, bier Pyes bliud wlth tears. she loaketi the love she toit; but bie staggered hack, aud, îvith n wild cry, feil upon the caueh. She rnsh-d n'ildly ta bis side. "l"rank!" she c-ried, "î,cbtat ails reul Speak ta nue! Ah, bow pale ho LB! Frank, can yoî no et i'r nme? How dreadtnl h. leoks. anti bis ey(o are fixeti. Frauki IaL tieuti, andi I bave murderot i hm!" (To'ho continueti.) OLO BIRDS' NESTS HAVE VALUE Manr Feathered Creatures Use the Saine Onea Year Afler Year. "That cammon expression fer wortb- lessuess, 'It lias ne more value than a lait year'î bîrds@ nest,' " saiti a bird faneiem te a New York Press reporter, ",la often fuir f roui correct. The mia- jority of our bArda do leave their neats attet' ralislug a brood, but nxany do net, and theîr nests are nacti through a suc- cession et ycars. 1 have knowu seme birds ta use thoîir nests teu years iu succession, and se persistent are they thut nîuuy timcs the femtale will returu even utter the noît bas been robbed andithe nmate killeti. Auxong those usera of perenullîl nests are the wreus, sorne of the awallaw fumlly, bluebîrds, grat cresteti flycatcher, sorne et the owls, Pagles, chickadles andi sanie weodpeck- ers. ",Tbey>repair te the nest each year andi etten bulîid It over. A little wreu lias matie Ita uqat lu a bote lu a tree lu My gar'deuaud tbas eccupleti il fer the lait eigbt yaare. Eaeh year Il bac pled on uew stuff di lte tiele I la arnet lit- cd up. Borne say that as coon as It be- cornes crowdcdth Ie bArds wîU dcean Il eut. 1 kaow et a btueblrd'e nest that bus been ocupleti for caverai years. It la the same ternale year atter year, foi alle bas Lwe black wlugfaatbers aud la "Bîrds tbat'buftilu Inexposed situa- tieus,lke baagblrds, always builti anew each season, aundcorne othere HENRtY F. iIASTIAN. bai tiojecttre ii li--aaî'ts, but lie people nho throe nu 'eka luge u-îuuedti t mob Sheriif Heîiioiiin-ay tir sîiggeiing taI Bastion killeil Ku@ebunonui would non' believo unir u-barge matie igainusi hLm. Thîi lest muntiî'r cnimittedl by Bastion, anti m#i<-h resultet inLuthe tiiscevery et bis eter crimes anti b u tebisi suicide, m'as te kiling otfl-roti Kuiismnatun on Feh. 20 lent. Kusu'hniaturuhati nuiketi for Bas- tieanfor f arand utinithe day ha m'as ItIleti toiti the latter'mbhovas going hbe aud irantot bis uione'y. About 8 o'cloe'k Liai night Bastiuunîen the bousie ot Anlon W1eigi, ,atndlsaid hobati teind Knic'bman'i tu.un iithe'roati nhu'eeho bai beau trn fnuilis borée. Bastian saiti later the mnsît baiorroei,ia herse thut atternoon andul iarreti tonrIRock Il- anti, tukiug un ti irhLbis wnveis.nearhy $80. Tus-e heurs aler tue rielres herse galiapet bau-k. Bastioin saiti ho stontoi ont re look for the rider autil oniutibis biody haIt a muie eu-.y. Proved ho Re a '%lardes-. 'lhomo noe e fvoral cuts oju Kui- maun's teat, î'aîîsel, sà Bastian saiti, hy the herse dragging hLm aleng tic reati. Kuiccinanni î'g n'as tangledin Lutre @top@ etthe mutile. nhiî'hu liv boude hinm. Tu-e hiuitretiyards unay Loy hic coah,and tilSII tnter tiem'the o ndti$' n'ss founti. Several uoighbors belpjeti Bas- tion put Kus-huiann',s bodyin b iii buggy, ant itwnstaken tu Weigic's hbonne. 'The c'erenen'a jury neturniet a verdii-t oit acci- dental tieahb. 'Ihe deat mens relatives anti Sieniff Hemeninay began an Lnvesti- genoeu. Large bloodi dots 'vene tonnul Lui Bastian'@ hbuggy, andti he neuntis sure teunti free' fren tint. 'Tie dectrs sit tbey n'ere ilicted wuit-h an ai Ne ina, o ut the monuey lias heeon disoveneti. Fan a hune t %vas theîgit Lue bail bîun munmeneti ly tramps, but enethprer -oi n'as feunîl. l-eb. 27 the' haro tif a fariner nameul M"II.aiighlin, teunhem Bastion on'ed meuuey. burnot. That uight Bastion Ieft hiome sotie atter tank. Ibis 'vite senl Knichmann te lent ta m. ln. Kuuscîann faunuti hm Ieaving Mt-lýaighlii's barn, n-icha tonsmnutes laeî' mas in i fanus. No oeesuspes'tett Bastion ouetbc trime ti a hait empty cil eanu unas toîunîti heiet near bis boîts, andtit is în supiieseil ho klleti Kuscimnn tueîvent o tiscieuire ot bis aut. I La sutp.ised ho killoti Kuiscimanu as thc latter 'vas uuulkLug. for the bar n wails are concret nitb boýIZ; tien bh oae the ibodyin usbis buggy anti 4aoried t tieunte uicradt te iro bu saLi lio founult. Tic arrhoriiestisî'ovèeot conviucLng evitienie et Bastiau's guilI, bnt se stneng un-s thecuru-Let 0t fis uuiglu- hors theaerrait usas bsiprinati. Other Crimes Charced to Hlm. Soea ime ega Bastion menigaget the ferni, whlcb n'as onvuet by hbis liants, for $1,300. The signatures u-ere forgenies andthLe ma n-ho le(] bhe mortgage 'vent ta Besîian's bonu Mmmiii 12 andti tueat- oued ta prsecule hLm unleas the mener n'es returneti. Bastiai. cecuredth ie cash freux bis tathen Lu Ian' thut niglit. The non maming bhi@ssaLo Carnie founti bis bodiy hangiîug iti an outhousa. Ha haut banget i imebf. Ho loftia notte aayiug be n'es Innocent ant i reeting te incomeofe ltefe trmon'as ho go te bis methen. Ail bis persoual property n'as tett tu bis culier. Atter tic funeraI the antioritiei hegan an exaninatian et bis term. About Ibis lime IL m'as founti John latidebaci, m'be bîti verketifor Bastion lu 1894, bati dis- appearati nuier mysteriaus ircumatanres and ti f as anggestati Bastian bad murdor- ed hlma. The lait seeu et Lantierburh m'as ene day aariy lu February, 1895, wian b. du-en'$8W0frein a batLintork Islandi. AccotulptjgLeBationo ho rturu- aI e othte fsrm, pecteti hlc lothses anti IetL. A note fer $500 nhich Latîterhac' b elti nias atterwnarti caiheti ly Bastion, n'be maidble bail iscoruntatit. Fritz Kneinmomi i'enibolus min îîrh tiesamte nvy. lu Oc- lober, 18M1, be imon'ba py anti lefh, Mor'e jviîhêncu<of Mortier. Bock ofthlb. ut-honces ait fsight et tit. bonne vm'sailbe et lumber. 'Pli sheriff orderedti Iis movati. Wh'in the litet boardis unere takou an'ay a nman's boots n'ere seon aticking outtoe the grosint. Tn'o minutas' diggLng diloseti a baby. The skul n'as ceot as by au ex anti littie but boues anti lothiuug remmimi- ail, but ite bodyiwom'e msly ientitlct as tbsî et Lautierhzaciu. 'Xhe searehbtm'as prasecuteti vithinlureaseti vigor, andti n' n'atcboa, an old Germen neetile revolvet, P49Ssof e ot, anti part ut aihuimen ekuil m'en. touaI hurbeti. The boues sud .Mh.,r tr " d 19 b.bopeanti go Mi». Arthemia.e aldwin-Ol aird tie Baweetest ]guidae f Ne' Orleasa. Oae cl the cweateet malda of New Or'- leaus la is Arthheise Baldwin. wbo was crowued quee ftheii.rebent Mardi Grau la aear lte delta. JSite la tlime danghter et Albert Balgwiu, preoi. dent efthLIe New Orleans National Bank. Miss Baldwin looketi a reat qneehx sud certainty nover did a reat qneen wear a more gorgeons coronation robe, a pretty picture ot whlch m'as madie by lltlutrated Asuerlean. This grgeous robe m'as of the richest white satin embroldorati midi goldttiuroati sudjeweta. Âround te bottom ofthLie ckirt were fIve large côra- nets, wronght out et ceeti pearla andi jéwels. Above rhesu was a rlch applique ef patoat green velvet concheti lu golM t'head andti lthle design picketi out lu ametitysta, sapiuirea, orneraltis andi other gliiterig Jweda. The corsage was eut round in the. neck andti h. entire front m'as covoratiswldx the caine cqulalte jew- led . ernbroldery. Hagg puits oft ea. 14199 tiTHEuihsg nBALDINi. fortueil te saea enanti ou them the rict desîguufthne ckimt n'as tepeateti. About te ueek mas a costir inedici collar, Lblck- 17 stutidet midi jem'eis au both saids » ltIt f ormoti a gltterung mass ef gens. From the shoultiera, tastenati by geniet bnng thte court train et royal purpie vol- vet, deeply hordce md viii ermin,, andi lineti uitit ieavy iwhite catin. The tral; tliree yards long, m'as ritty Pembraiderat witit flourndtelis, unrouglît lundie tome je'w- els as ibose uset inLu abroitieting Lb. gun'n. About ber nwhite tlmai c@he more a superi nock-iace et diamontis, a jeweled girtile spuiuuetibet valat. au ber bei te vote a cran'n and inLulier baud site bore a scrpler. PUBLIC DEOT STATEMENT. lcresse for- the I"inth of March la Given as 05,274,780. Tii. mntiuiy staromeut oethlitepublic debt siows tie debr, le@@ ai u n thtena*- ury ou Nlare-b31, tu have heen 14.4- 253, au nnease oser at mentb ut $5,- 274,7, n'bwlh-b la accountoti tor by su ln- cres,,etf$14,«-",5'-> Lu the &mannt et bond& delî't'reti dnitg thbemnut, psy- ment for n'bich bati been matie pevioualy. Thei lucrease lun e cash turing tementit ameuntoti te $8.0M4,741, making the net Increase $3,274,780, as stateti. 'fli debt la classifleti an tollen-.: luterest bearng déti... $8W7,404,140 Dclii en frhiditerasi lias reausei .1e. aturiîy . .. 1.659,510 Debt bearng ne intereoc. .. 874.09W,351 Total ................ 81.213,984,001 This. bon'avem, dose o neluîte $56,- 909,253 Lu certific-at@& andt reassry netes ontsrantiing, wiitit are offset by an equal avuaent et cash in rie tresaury. lTe rash iunte roasnmy ti gisen as falloir.: iliver ............... .. 50tflO3,144 Paper ............. ý... ... 105,952,143 Bonds. dsbuoing efficera' balancesc....ic .....28,200,349 Total .................$8é4069,947 Againct n'bi,'h thon' are demanti labili- ien amunuting ta $4Mt.327198, Ieaving a net cash balance et $271,934,748, lu- clutitng the goiti réserve. Increjase in Circuatsion. 'PTe ncnthly etatemout et Lie Camp- trouler etf('urneney shows t(xe total cr- culation et national bauk notes tu b. $221,227,W)5, su increîce fer tite year et $1,7.'ilanti for the menti et $4,134,- M4. "le circula tien baseti ou Uniedi States bauds amennîs t-5 $199,723,005, an increace ineoNMrri 31, 189, ot $19,- 875,C.22 ant ice Feb. 29 tact et $4,674,- 051. 'Piýe circulation secnrol by lairtut mener amounts ta $21,504,8W0, a decreasse fer the yereinfet$6,097,961 anti for Lie montb et $530,711. T1he amauni et regla- eretibenti on tiepasit ta serrure circulai- lng notes anounuts te $'22,99,80 andt t secnra publiceileposfits $17,MO,000. Naws et MInai' Note. The progressive enebre party at Pili- deîphia tor thme lenefit efthLe Cubans net- Lad near$1.000. Elzbeth Charles, author ot mauy hi@- torical noveas dtraterlZed by a deep ns. Iigiouc feeling, i la at Lo[tndon. Patls'¶k MeGnunaa, 90 years tof *go, m'as hnrned te deithin lua firs wbkit de- stroyeil bis hiome St MiddIetown, N. Y. James anti Frank Tllumin aud Lucy [Lam' m're lustiutty tilled by a rock crsshing titrongh thme bouse mers tboy varo sleeping at elin, W. Va. Tlaornas Seay, mia 'bas beau 111 at bi& home at Greenchoro, AIs., for Lwo weeka viti t lie.grip, ls ibid. He mas prami- teent lu public lite for ovér tweuty-flîs yearc. The 00 litiotraphers lu Nom York vii. @truck savon mes aose are jubilant oer t.e neticatdon liatI hey may rturu to m'erk, pendbng Lbe decialou of &a econ- mniiLe. ont sîttratiun. lirs M. A. Sbocktasi, mmo mas an. of lte pracnnt figures Iunto recant seau- dl iuvotriug REst. C. O. Brown ofthWe FinIt Cougregatiousi Chureit, Ban Fran- dlace, hb'teu expelleml tram t.echurcb. William Raye, lb. murderen et Nellie Pittea, m'as arraignail for trial et Sioux City, la., anti createti a sensation hy etxanging hic pIes of uet.guiity teu tal of gudlty. HI. crime mas a cotd-biooded one.. Han-alian Consul Wilder eatati Sat Sn Francisco tRial under te traaty between Hawaii andthe tsUnitedi States te He- wailan Goverument eau grant ne conces- tiouc, cadeanSurtorritor or grant permis- sion le aur forolguor te land a cible ii- out lhe permmalo of te United State. Warren B. Sexttsn, pueral ma9ageto IibRRlb ýDÉEOS OI4AfIED TO FARMER BASTIA14. lit laThousht IfeNtarderedSe ven Peo- pie -Nelighbera et Pirat Strongl>' Defeaded irali, but Now Admit M&c Guilt-Sulclde Robe justice. Hl.tOry of the Affaire. He'nry Bagtial' Iltaruî on Mill Creph-, near the litile toawn at Milan, helili its sperets wcll, for tlnuImen umder the' direc- tion of Igleriff tlexnenway dîîg tilere al of Mlouday andi Tuemday without unîezirth- ing any new traces of Bastians aliegeti crime@. Three murders are nuv conclu- glvely traced luajiaitian, aceording ta nclghbbrs, andi rnany think four other ensacof mysterlons dilppearance are in reality murders i'<mmitted by him. One of the crimesi ehargeti against Bastiau la tbie killing of biq îwo-d4ys-old chilti five yeara ago, andi a colaret nurme named Pcrlah, îvho dis.apîîeared nabout the' tirne Buctlsn'e bhaby dieti. There is a Crcat FEARFUL CRIME COMMI CLIN'T01', ILL. u Eti Polcu Kille BI@ Wife andi Aa-Lsw- eneustauuhtem' Fleetng - Freazicil Men temipteSttiîcide to Escape Couena iby Domentlc 'Trou Dentie Aatelicltiea n lte f Edward Polen culminatati Doon et Ciluton, III., lu the es bira. Polen sud ber mother, Mm Meliulten, hi Peles. Ater h. mittedtb ie crime Polen ran to Lhée Centrul yards to escape tW c_ o. citeti pUrsuers weituled tu murderer. Te avoldti Ibisfis hkinnei in front ot a train, buet faafly liured. se lie was remuoveti tront te attempted icilede vithout Thon the cr&wd eoitecteti about anti for a urne t Iooked as If dis, lus wouldti Ice place. Thée nature ofttheme anas Ijuries Id ettinupt, aud thxe cre'wd redrel. 7 peare trom te ment reliable Uwet there bac been trouble la tdis' hônaebidi'for erne time. Mri. sud- Polen bail beon lu Creston,I.N about six m'sska, witer. Pol u M oureti emptoruient, but ail dld mot SP. lu te Io'wa home, and Mrà.Pus tier. anti returueti te ber not.>oes lu Clinton a week âge. Fr)day Inrunet anti met bis wife op tIi. lS adi tlcy helti au cuimateti tter teaviug his wite Polen rel the berne of hic mottier-in-Iaw, Mm~ gfulen, îujîerq bis mlf. mas, and e auppesed tbe discussion et their i'as again renewed. Pîi'en became frenuii durins th*ý c u ci eo n , s ud . r u si n g t e v it r e barreled alxotgun mas standing. ho tue. m'eeteuasd turuedl tovard dis 1theranghly frigixtenoti and dt w amen, whe altemtupai te escape. n'en. net qniek eiugh, bevever. were witbin about tltteen feet of houense n Polen rbmew the gon tu ohonldo'r aud presseti the trimger. Poen feu on lier face wititout a dring insian 1ly. Her mýtiter ctopped t ilte report et gun. aud. tnrnrg, civ ber dm414 beavily forward, col inlu teath. A. motter gave a cry et auguleli et lim rible deil et ber tuf uriateti cou-ia-low agatu pesed the. rigger. aud *[th second report the coul of the motiber usixered Jte ternhty. The mîrtierer thon rau nsat Limmeagi ontîkîrte ofthtbe tmu; tiience &long Taiiroadti rack, ctopping ta releati feie.An clarrn wascgivan i iy by the neighbomsan sd eOn Lb. a mra ethrouget i ltti the ezerteti bnrrring te lte seene o eict'gd. passe n-sa seau fermal sud a pursuit et the murderer. Iun te mesetinte I'oin bail beon east on the rairmoadti ark. He gel a muile anti a quhrter tram tbirD saw a frelg'ht irain spprOAeliiag. lut, lie bêhelal hic purcuers folgowitmg, realiziug lte urpossibility ot oscage, waited unuiLI the train "d iapproachel mogt tewmiter. be stootid dieu c ly itrevr hituseif Ln front of Lihe He m'as doometi te dîsappolutmoat. aver, for the pilot ofthlie engns mas 1ev. It #truck anti threw film te di. ofet itraek uucouclenc. The. train quickir ctopped ud the -<jureti picked up npsd brouatît te te city, ho m'as lodged Lini. A cro'wdcoca lected aud the talk beame osineus. Officera feareti au cîîompt ta lypt - murderer m'enld ha made, sud ta quiet b cram'd. tbe aunounnemeut m'as made fu lime Perchott'he jad titLPolen m'as aI ]y luJurcil sud would prebably d. la.~ tew minutes. Tbis resnlîcd iu tht peraion oftheIi craTd. MarahalM, with bis Prison er. ilove trom CUntom, Mares lu a rab. Polen apparently le. badiy&wournid, cu heosas bsle , lunch at Marna'and n'as ullting op restaurant. Ho Lanom' lujaiat De@ ti Telegrapb (c Erevitica. Mr§. 'Minnie F. Payue, et Fort Mcoteî Kan.. has brougit cuit tur divorce agi1 Albert BLgelow lPayne, au suthor1 am4 poet. John Magnire, et Butte, Mont., basdb coveroal records thast laid 1dm te belsle uhaL the Chinose knew hem' te ugs nea Ibode rayacecnturies cge. The (lovornor et Missouri grauteti S stay ef ezecntieu le Thomais Ponch0%65 Who m'as ceutauceti te lie bauged la Bt. Jesepit April 3, unutilMay 0. Theo Union car works, Le be opemiteti lb.o co-operativa plan, wIl put up b lugs at North BML Louis at Oucm b capital sla 1,000 aud thi. proident la W. 'Rekiage. Twin sîsters aud twIn brother, àl marrleil at Burbank, 0. Rai. Ntisl Lewis pertormedtheLb. eremoury thma Ireus V. Repp mifo et Vernon R.L anti Idena Y. Kepp ite et Vertai Btalr. Williamsc Hill$ Yale, ageti 85, lIed S Meriden, Cenu., et bleod polsonlg. M m'as the ploneax' manufacturer of Lit q mare lu New Englauti. H. etret ru business sevaral reste ago, hivigsnu edai afortune. ' E. Wllding sud J. F. Gilmore, rgq aeuting a [Lendon syndicat., are asotS lng ton the. purchase cf th. ChIa. raa1 lu southema Caîlfornia. Thte ranch o sIolet 40,000 acres sud the prIcesou.q c saI te, b. $2,000,00p. -Four steamers arx4Tati at New' baviag on board 3,484 Immnigrants. Mcillefrom Marseille@suatiNe

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