Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Apr 1896, p. 1

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~wifr~rn: -Vol. IV. No. 28. Libertyville, Lak<e County, Illinois, Friday, April 24, 1896. $1.50, in Ad CEMETEIRY ASSOCIATON. A Thinu of Lite. With Lots of work to Accompliih. Whou thie ladies took hol1<1of thse ceinetery question it wns predietes! i L was bound to get the proper attention, sud It has. The Lakeside Cernetery Association bas procures! jbe services of John Boyaent Who has had thie necessary exp arience to assure its being done properly, to gravel the drives and walks, miake tie graves of a unl.form height, dlean up anîd hum the brnsb ans! lu other wîîys bcantlfy -the gronudfi, when they propose to to sece to il they have the cure and attention necesssry to maintaf o their Improves! appearance. They have $3m n lu th treamuiry and are making arranigemlents 10 rmise additioual fundo wlth whicli tou crry on the vork., Meetings have beeen hield frequeutly of bite lu conhider thie best mode of proetecîlure and toî evolve plans by wtdech to raise Inoney. The work is a most comfnteuable one snd thse ladies shoutd be cou- gratuiated on their sucessolitis fuîr and wheu lfoey arrange by varions mjeulis t,> raîse iuoney iuecessary to carry onit theïiy plans otir ettize[mi shonîni co-operattiand ln end tIgeir lieurty support. Tite otleers are M1rm. A. C. Frenvilî. l'res.; Mrs. Hlenry Cnter, I,. imss M. Alice Davis, Treas.: Mrs. Win. Ets Mrs. E. W. Parkhurst, 'Mrs. Iloicu Penninman, Mrs. E. Farntîhaut, Mrs. AIiee. Davisi, Mr.4. Frank M'r gtî(i Mrs. Franik irotine, Bol o!f Direct,,rs. W. C. Sanborn Wininer by 10 Votes. C. R. SHERMAN RECEIVES THE LARGEST INDIVIDUAL VOTE. L. B. Morse Makes aGood Run. Thse election Tuesntay caled ont 165 voters, the nsajority of vboîn voted the Peopte's3 Ticket, niaking an exception only in the candidate for clerk, A. P. Stapi os. Supporters of the Citizens Ticket feit confident early in thse day that their ticket wouils get a mucli better endorsemientthan they bas! at first hioped for, ud the resnlt was ail they expected. Thse ticket eWetes! is composes! of goos! men, competant ýto properly manage the affaira of our village. C. B. Sherman received the. largest idi- vidual vote ans! felt pleases! to the ex- tent of a box of Max LaBeau'si Mid-. night cignir. Will C. Saninîrî wilt make a gooil eierl<, aving hels! the office before. giving the best of satisfaction. The' vote cnst vas as follows: PBESIDEIS?. C. H. Averjl........ . .......19 .[.Mose 6r El. L."Di iloi s . T.8. T................1 S. S. Wheeler......4C, s* M.Gahioaay .. .......10l Good Templars go ta Waukeizan. B. F. Mamon---------------------51 Sî ni os! ,i a-eu t OnoatC. RI. Sb,.rssu..............113 Temptîhars atitn-udl fia louty, a tnent- (a. ay................. ....- 49 ing o! thie î-ouoty tonige aI Wnuîke- kAln. l-igtiaîtît, Aîtm,-, 1înkn->felttîr, 1 A. P. Stapies .... ... 1...........76 Waukegan anîILitierlyville lnigt.s were, W. C. saunborî.......... .. ...... 86 representes!ads!th euieirs of the - o rganizstiîîn eunyed an -n-tliiiastie- BICYCLE RECORDS meeting. r»turiitg Slîilta evi-uing. Tefloin eId laebe c Tse <oint Teuulturs arne grenu îîî)g bineluiet-i by the L. A. W. One-haîf mile nunlers h,-r,-ais fiti)t>'l(I* l: In-mauiniu. prnî!e>ssidnmil-NWilliani A. Ter- throghot te vnnt aud are ril ad W A.Taylor, unîîaeed, flying, it<.Conîmllishillig lunch good niaithe nwmîy ý - îf rnoîgangforpîltln. i,-oîngs istart. ,2 3 5 jseccînds. Coronado, Cal., eagaging the best spe.akers (otîtalîle Mrît W 19. (IH-am i le pro-ed to educate [iv aliinuasusoîiedtargn- I 1sinml . W.- ------ nup--s! ROLLINS. The Qnality Street school ciosed Friday, 1 Fred Helfer apent Thursday in Chicago. Misa Mable Bartiett spent Sunday at ber home et Sand Lake. Mr. and Unr. E. Btickle&s aud famlly vislted at Band Lake Sunday. Miess Gertrude Lester bas been sutlering vith the. chicken pox. Mrs. Mary Palmer, of Waukegan, called on relatives at Rottins, Wednew- day. At the 8chool meeting Sturday niglit Wm. Cremin wu5 elected direetor. Mr. and Mra. Wm. 1100k, of (iurnee, vlsited their danghter Mrs. Dooittie lu~t Wnek. Mrs. Willard Ramilton and son Fay, are vitiiting friends aud relatives in the City. Qulte a number froin Rottins and nlso froin Sand! Lake attended chureb at Graysiake Sunday evening. ROCKEFELLER. LIBEBTVILLY1 LODG1, . . 4102. F. & A. M. IleguIarCOMMUnCatlons n & 45h Oaturdays of eacb ,onth. Vtsitng brethern eOrdlstl1Y WelOOMed. W. M. HEATH, M. W. B. H. BROWN, set. Dr. Charles Gai loway. Office over Lovell'sDrUgStore ROUR BOM 1 TO 3 AND 6TO 8SP. M. Libertyville, -Illinois. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trlggs & Taylora.. 7 t') 10 a. M. 2 t' 4 aîîd 6. to 8 p. M. Realdece on Broadway opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. HOUBB TILL. M A. M. 1 TO 3 AND) 7 TO 8 P. M. Special attention paici to the treatmcnt of Citron je Blieumnatism. Rockefeller, - Illinois. Mies LULU M.- S. PENNIMAN. -TEACHR OF0-7 VOCAL ANO IA LusODELSAftitE INSTRUNENTALj1SYTErm OF ..musi:......£LOCUTION.. DUSMOnS, ORT UEABONABLE PRICES. Libertyvlle.Ililinois. ment. the votteying-ntarl.341-Tiseublie'.-- DEERFIELD. The nr,-rs, akan!tinkhasg ntbllc. Cal , Maîneb 2. 1896. Two-tbirs!s mite, Dr. ands! Mr-. hKak are the parents tnî lî.~ uît eît-u. anî tl, meiler oîfessioloat w. W. Hamilton, paces!,o! u-tsy totlefl etn. u li-mni-rivani lying stirt, 58.l-5 secoitnbn.«Coronado, oPeter elby.a neîe isbuet no! Liti-rtvlle ,lîalgn- fi-iI l t-y d Ceal., MaIN-lteter4. a ! il litreie i hulet tii-w inspirationi for n,îrk ibuthl utlC ac ,19".a(L fpit tiilit. L.. P. To(d ai vln-clid for achool - EVERETT BASE BALL CLUB. îiiet,r Saluîrdaîx. The vote cast Drove Off the B-ridgeé. Tî v-nlbs- ulcubhc . ' ag. yîîîWilmiit vas electes! saturaiay aiglit lis hlII ntîi l îuetîg for the. jtnrpose Ini! 0rnizing in theWilmo,ît d.tno-1it. narun i,,-,-, aIl, r ti-utuftioiig ine fin the naasîtu o! 189fat ïriîiaylMrs. TruesdtiIt. 1,)%% acul tto Chicago t-s î-uialtA lare attn-niance slthe-n-dfoulr aeekli ago to recebve medîcal telntîi-nseîeature it the -To ~i l. eeig ag tedne atteîiîlmnee, lias n-tiriiî-d mach lm- lb~~~~~~~~~~~ n-fainicîu-f-ruu-ti on-ice t it4ut-tin-tbuile hall iiitn- as! inlroves! i emltit. ~O rcvya Do 3niw ay niîiislsiiid. There an-ne nîaîuy We nîoticetn Ibi.drckya i-I,- t i ntb iiutbî*. ~n~ti iuee nnut btasfoîr tile s-ir ~ i%)l is e lu mis!resintiut o! lii-.;uaie ans! teacher wat,-r, upule a118-î.uuget inu.ttf courselietills!fTo sr sehoolii for -- rtyears, ià in tIs was iglit lnUnhe witil pribiatioî. - nnlil Tenty-ive apiplicaitioins (or thse fiels! for circilt -I-rk. Mir. Brack- lau-a. Witr lî-verhura aiý-(it-, i. mi; uinicationi'If tihe auk vay is i acomîîî-t-utt iinautans! is anme su mi. ihuthet- eams stanuds.Most o!o! fulansmous suppuhiuirotrueIis tovu net ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Ibugîln -ieuii oe iiItt-play,-ns of ast nasl iiagain Anust Jensenî wh lii-uont buntlug ho nelirttn-iy watkedni isen titugb take tlîeir ols! positiis,au ail admireras binte miafortune t,, -hount bis arm btne eatge o! the bridge nearNiMort tuf the Exerett Base Bali ('tub Inay renat su as to maRe ampusta.tinilecessary. Cascys farin on Milwauîkee Ave-nueu isurî ie ut ar h osr He vasl standing wifhî bus uîm resting 10~~ol tiphîigy uitoccipaatsiîo lte f i ho oîî01 thse muxzle, anal ,,tf-plig forvard to tp bugy nd oeiipntsintothe li te season o! '96 as Ibev dis!ilu'95. lu some way cannai-ai te gîtuto dis.- vîten.Forauîatey n on ams hitTitiy are- sltsiniuîs o!fn.arnag froi alit charge. The accident îmcu:neniSunday ani with thse amI o! Mort Cmîey, nI.. ep nds!thse amn as amttiîat.-d-r iess!ay. lle- IliuLaike eiiunty nd mreesn- Shn-iarat sueeedes! burighbin -tie t] a i xiioîs lu arrange gines w ithl iîngyns!h ni! i 9w! sînelesWARREN. bugy anuderort hs hospbt roof.tîîle asîtiuîrui& MSon teîî,ni! of Misae Hope Kellogg, of <Grand Cr055- nih idrmn t'n *o.sita.. walikegaui. ing,spent Saturday manîd iiay bore. Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST. Officoover Loveil's DrugStore MOUt: f§to '2 3 in . at i 1t.>M P. in. DAILY. Libertyville, Illimnois. MISS M. ALICE DAVIS. Oradueîle of Amerirais Con.srratorp of àMNMÎc. . . - TTIr 01y l F VOICE C ULTURE AND HARMONV Libertyvilte.tIlinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Attorucy and Councellor at Law, ftOTARVPUBLIC. 8!.-ialI it.-îIon lv-n to <t.'tland Office with Lake County Bank. Libertyville, Illinois. John J. Longabaugh NOTABY PUTILIC. Bei nt tt<. an<lIisranege. I.oaAoii ( f5 ' 8rîef, e i«ff u'~ O. Agent fir NX,rtIa Germn îîL'çd St.:îî, Grayslake --Illinois. W. C. Reeves. Office at Hardens Hotel One , , r S iiirI:of 'o'tof î, e. SRockefeller - Illinois. UNION HOTEL. WHEELING - ILLINOIS. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ... Half-way House ... Iletween Chicago and the Lakem Cyclists Headquarters.' Good accommoda lions for irarelersq.j REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. FliOM WAUKEsAiN RE<ISTEII. Chrnisiuani Heter mni v 10 Hemnuau hiellen SI u ne'ii19 43 11lwxv s!. $ 5t85( Erneti-IJacksonîîamiuws! v l hiria Jacksnî v-st pli xx-j ase j indt 1) 1 s e- j saidither laninl -e14 6 12 w-il s!----------------47,00 Johin F. Powxeltl ands!w to John A. Hîîgguîrî lot 6 b) 9 Kirk anti Poactî's uidi b Wmukegsu iledi 10 John T. Dalie ans! v ta Emma M. Montgomeury il A anti of It 1 hi 23 nudIt 2l 31i te w d .v.s!. 4;5011 Betnjamîin 0. Fniteh antd v to El- leniore M. Fritcht au 50 ftIti 2 [il 39HPwi....................375 (ico. W. IHibîsard uand v ta Frank Clarke Il ban village of Waucoil- ditawvs!................... .......0 Gonîdat-l T. (Wil anis!wvo James (illimrd eb al ptIt lb [l 40 H P v s!..........................3285 WillimE. Davis and!wv b H. E. Iloxvs e uc n31 44Illw v s!.. 12,, Robent C. I'ruyui roceivorote ta, Eîlward S. Adnms luit 311 Lake- Foresat dted ................... 650 J. Il. Hloblîs Iruutee tu Misa A. S. Freau lot 23 h) 110 S Wauke. gaa deed .....................3(po Freensan H. Ilurnett ans! v ho Ammins ans! Frank Joues 563100 of anacre In4 45 10lwvs!.......710 Ada D. Adami tb Laura A. Clarke -lot14 b 70S. Waukegau wvld.,. 450 Samne ta Pavis! E. Clarke lot 14 b S. 18Waukffanwd ........... 4w W. joues Pomteroy to Phittipa J. Greene. suadmy ls ii Auntead's i. Mary Price ina visitiig nr-latives ans! frienda lu Waukegi auti Chicago. tirs. Jack Lyon, o nei gi«utb, tli visitiug relatives in h ii , xlîiîy of Grange Hait. Carl Lamnb, of N4îrthetveîîn, Uuiver- sity, sang vith the Ghie Cluii httiet lust Frlday niglit. Elmer Rose ans!d îîi-Tuk- have bougbt the <titifarm i) oniig xi utniby tIse Steadman fanihy. The Warren cesuetery ix-itit wil give an entcrbusinuiult %îul lie creain sociah aI Granîge Hall thlaîbtter 1part of tMay. Mi-sa Sarahi A. IMlihie-î, htniiitiitlîîf Miadison Avenue sehnsnl, Chicagou, xbsil- os! tirs. Naahuin Lamîbhast Satunntay ns Sunday. tins. Pboebe Steaiuauî Day, o! nrîberu NovwYYork, is visitiasg linr soni £[vin Griffu mamd faiy. SIte 19 atteniding tn t liag uts o! the Ezvkiît SteLatîestate. An olti hand!mark î>îîtlimeut îsbdi- o! (iages Lake, kuownva athe Ittoigvtf homne, vbore Collns Ilînîngi-t uî faaniiy tives o mauay years, vas hbur- nus to the grounds one, ubgbî lub veek. We dis! nI hoar the cause o! thie lire. A amati Insumanco vas on tih. buildiung. Aa George ticCreadie, o! Sans! Laki', vas dniving across the Wiscontsin Cenatral track aI Lake VitIa, luat Saturi- day morirulg. Ho maet vitb au acci- dent that proves! ho beaserionsato a y the toast, hovwas drivlng itast a [inken freiglit train standing on ltse svliteh lî vIon uexpreasstrain ntnviîig at a maîtis!rate, bit lia vagoni J t Iuaak tif the front whoels, thoviug tiCreadie sverti test, stuuingandl bmuiaing hiffi a-ly. No boues vers bbkeand! .40 la not cnaaidpred da1tý ouÈ y urt. fe w M4- a -eut w yflf'Sq "~sP RIC ES 0ON _CARPEF MAI l Damnask Carpets, per yard Alil Woo i id 6g Extra Heavy, ail wool, per yard Body Brusseils, yard wide, per yard Best Brusseils, 27 in. wide, " f Heavy Matting, 1 yd. wide, per yard No. 1 Heavy Matting, 1 yd.wlde, per yd. Great bargaius lu carpets aI the !urniture store. E. G. Payne took a business trip to Wankegau last Manday. 11ev. Evans formaIiy af Ibis place la calting on friens hee.. Mr. and Mrs. Hfeims are entertainlng a dnnughter froni th. east. MNr8. <eorgianna Krammer speut lait Saiturdaiy and Bunday at the home o! Etilnive Âmes. O(ur furniture dealer im receiving au imumense tot o! furiture every week. For Inrgainsmn furniture cail on hum. I1usý,elt Hnbbard caltes! on friends last Satuirnay. Ils intended to leave Ciiîg.Saturday evenjng for IUtahs. Mns. 1Myricb bas been very ill the past fi-w week8 but le nov some better. W,.e Jiop. she will continue to improve. Ttii, of iur <os! Templars attendes! tbn' opi-it bidge meeting at Libertyvilte last Sattirday evening. All report a gond tjii,-. MNI. Lewis Litchield vas called iupouilta,t week to finish the termi o! tw,, înmiî lis in tbeButterfield district. Shen li-gan ier sebool last Monday. Lio;, Doitittle attended the Gosxi Temlaýrs ra]ty at Waukegan- liLst Sundik*V. W,- are sorry more of Our lodg.-lidii ut attend as a good tinie vas 4 iî XNarl-y .-ry troîîerty ovni-r on Seyi.î r.Ave., lias . i)eautified the sîreet lev setligomi shade trimes. If trn-es îuîr people- wouid bave no nees! to cnimîlaii. Cotton Hemp, very fine, per yard g*. Floor 011 Cloth, per yard fl AT WYN NS, Wauke C. M. & ST.P. R. R.IrIME TABLE. I4ALF DAY TO CHICAGO. M. H. Engleberry vas ln WAV a.m. a.m. a.m. t.m. P.In. p.m. gaturday. Rusatil *'35 9&V184:617 Wadsworth 8519 1:2M5:05 Oran Luce.bas treated hibi on4 <turnee elle10 ie:&IIau acoat of peint. Warrentoa 9:16e r:39 96:14 LiDERTIrVîLLE 6:10 7:15 12:30) 6:47 4:55 Chas Ling la vorking for Fred Rondoîît 6:20 7:25 9: 22 12:40 5:55 6:21 et Long Grave. Evnrett 6:26 7:39 9:28 12:46 6:03 526 Deerfleid 6:32 7:44 9:." 12:012 1:07 1:36 Mr. Amroldbouglit a horaa Shermnervtlh 6:25 7:50 9:40 12:5046:14 5:39Ct, 5dy Chleiagoîarrlve) 7:35 8.45 10:25 1:40 7:e)04 CaMody FIIOM CHICAGO. Mr. Plagge, of Deerfiels!, v"àsi Lv.Unass.Sar.5 &. Ï. n p.m. p.m. a.m. sut caller here Tuesday. Lv.n.Ps.S& 730 065:20 58:30 Lv. Klnzie St. 9130 ::st Fred Ochroeder attendes! tu bo gherîervllle 9:8510:18 4: r6 6:11".:-e 9:16 lILibertyville, Tuesday-. Deerfild 9:34 1922 5:00 617 7:27 9:31 Henry SCredrW Everett 8:42 10:38 5:q6 6:25 7:33 9:217hod a Itondout 8:48 10:36 :12 6:40 7:40 9::33 business lu Waukegan lent LIBEE&TTVILIE 10:45 6:57:10 l M. .Rihrdtok5 Warrenton 8:14 r: 19 9 r:A2icad5ok 0 Gurnee 9:00 5:2.3 941boartg bornes ta Chîcgo Wsdswortb 9:10 5:33 9:51 s .loevseets Russell (arrIve> 9:18 6549 10:01) 9 .Pce a lce *denotes nlaiy. î!Ilite.qu syon.tor, at thse eleotton Saturdsy Where notlmarka-n trains are dalty x. C. C. Gerber'. new bsM~ eet unday. emltd-AHlzl o# SUNDAV TRAINS. p oi adl Lv.Li beuty ville, 4:5p.m. Ar. lionilorît. i:orljIn. Everybudy shouis! attend LvWitmî-rt :11)lî. ,ani. Ar.Cltiîî i)io:52 a.m? mt Prairie Viev, Saturday Lv.Clîlaago Ar. Lîbertyvll- 9:45 a. M. 2 5. Lv.Chteago 4:0 P. M. Ar.Lutryvl,&33 1).M. No. 30 rune Sunday only. golng south '*-fl Willla Wells left for COhI1 sto o dinIaIo At '"Ïset t:07day. fHe in vomkiag for ab 4 . n a ortb '2:17; Ouri-.12 27tIere. WarrP.on12-30. ioniut12 _365Everet onKmedo Iç 12:4 2;-. erlId 1lý 2.4:hrm î't 252 Jh aieo hçgo, arrIves lu Chei.. .t1:45 i.. ni. at rday. iaoking over lItà, Instructlug the tfoman. Mime Marthe WU son, Who -à WAUCONDA. Woknug i.n 1Evanton due&c. 3B 'Peur ans! apricot trees are lau bloom. mer hian returnegihome. The nov ment market bas Bîarted. Mir. Mesener laft forBan Ben Cling moves! to Barrington l:îgî fornia, lent veek. He bcpjoe»it veek. Ilsere te regain lits healtis. The Wmuconda studio 14 the ptace to Mir. Avertît, of BherMnuwtjl get your picture taken. finisbed moving bis Jutwui vason hestretso!L l- tock sud le nov bard tWo* -g Jas. Murry Reo h tett fLi-sggle fam. ertyville. one day tant veek.TbRa!Dyuiobaee~ H. F. Hughes ans! son, Myron, nmade wiihechalengeajnir aa 4n ~undaa shot viil Moday.under 17 yeama, for a pume J. W. Acker ta spçnding a füw days Plîîyiitu lebc doue on home gÈW~ vlsitiug relatives ini Chicago. ___ E. W. Brooks and! E. A. Golding vere GURNEE. city visitors the firat o! the vn-ek. Fred PotIer bam a nevw eel. J. B. Turubaît sud famuly viniteit Bay yoor vheoi et J. E. BrshIW frienda et Ivanboe lent Sunday. Shave your mustache off Mid' Mrs. 'W. J. Hougliton, o!f(iraysiake, style. vas a pleasant caller oneadeyyltant TIbe G araee cornet bans! meeutM veek. Saturday niglit. David Worthington buas hifl for Har-1 Ney Lamb boas purchâaad a vard vbere lie bas seeures! employ- 1borse ans! buggy. Wliatàa p a ment.Thse Lawu Tennis Club 1&,pl Mrs. Wood.bonse spent part of hast thse grounds ready for thse « week sud this, vitb relatives ini thse eo City. The bouse recentty purolsap4 John Nevili, o! Terra Cotta, lu speuîs- E. Joues basa[bian move se tiii lng a fev veeks vitIs relatives tu this location. place. Thse Whittier Pleasume *ab lÏ& J. Oilbert, o! Mcflenry, visites! fwitb to give another party jaithse frienda lu Ibis village thse tiret o! the future. veek.Lamout Odett vbo bas boo i Unr. E. Qaka. o! Chicago, la spending ing atthIe vire Warka lt u. a fev days vith her parenîts Mr. aud bas given up his situation. lire. B. A. Ford. B. E. Jouets in going to beflê* Thse bans! was eut one evenlng lest reaidence on the ois d b~ê veek, ans! favored the people w itb a Strasng Bras. have the job. !ev selections. One day last veek the six homý MmrsGaoe. Rubbard Io entertainug the road scraper Indulgos! f .g ber aliter, tirs. Ci. E. MeDonais! ans! away. Tbey ail manne" to. son, o! Kansas. nnhurt. Mian Della laminons! returned Tues- Tii, district achool ee* dey from Chicago vberea 8he bas been bollststaturday niglk.t u apendlng the past few dnys. Clure vas electes! direto~ MMp. B.tiainan bas gone to Iova nei terri. for ber healtis. Mr. Mamanimtasking John tieGarva intenda e t arrangements to go there 80o11. Scotlans! lu a fev veeka MMs.W. C. Quincy, a former rosi- yul spens! a short va%àtýos, den o~ttis pa. Isspedin a exhome. Davis! Youing viltJ days vMl ber Wauconda friends. o i bp Burns are abohitety pi1 LasI Wedneaday Geo. Wragg sent DoWitts Witch Naze! Balveui* sevon vagon ioads o! viilov potes tb ly applies!. Thuns taétemnant Chicago) vhere lie viii set thenît ont. A perleet remedy for b Thon. vau not very rmnch oxcîîemeîît ebappes! baudsesnd Up mt the village election, Tîtesday, 9 a lB at Cure Piles. P. ».' Iluere vaa onty ans ticket. 23 votes ertyvilie; C . G. Roberta wcre ceant t4chool eleotion vas quite vehl at- We are alvays prejea tendes!. Tisere vas tva candidates prnugaIraoà. fndrooM.,L. Foyers being the sn gwr te c #Mi " succemafal <candidate. 1I ld sanipleo. Ads!raas llaruey Garnd, aident mon o! Mr. i usa,& W ild tirs. F. Garland, Or., drnnppedii on them Liter ~ an absence of! twenîy kk y Hn iea hoame ls lu Colorado. F. Csrr meve4 bis printiug office I erobx aum>Iluia. int tIseffid bl han luat Tuesdy didate for ttse~ iI~ The building byhlm vîil bc S8IblisOt 1t1the st o va2 I u b e mela on tIsat bridge, Ibis beiug tise secon liane an acident o! that niatureolbas occureni. Mrs. Cyntha A. Bord. Mme. Cyntbmi A. Bord, forinerty of Liberbyville, ands rutther of lMas. F. C. Kuighb, dies!at bthe resilenceofn Dr. F. C. l<nigltt, W&tukn-giîi, Fridmiy niglît, Aprit 17, mi! er a long ilînûtîs. Cyntha A. Sean vwas bora April 3, 1835, aI Wbtebati, N. Y. Sliii marries! Samuel P. Bori Sept 22, 1852, nt FrnsîkinviUle, N. Y. Tbree children Were iîorn: Fannie Il. Knlgbt, Al!fred! H. îlots, of Franklin, N. Y., as! Sintuel P. Btord Jr., o! Chicago. A trother, (lidoon Seanl, o! Frnukllnvlle, N. Y., andai sster, MmB. J. H. onCîstf Austin- burg, Ohio, survive. Deceases was aî senîiter ni! tIse Methodist citureli, livinîg aI Franklin- ville until for years ago, Nvlien she moved tb Libertyvlla-andîs!thensce ta Waukegau a year agis.,tirs. Bord vas an estimale womnuaa. Tlie fîuemai vas beis! frnîm tIse bouse Suînlaiy, April 19, ai large nsimbn-n of soTrowl'îg relatives beiuîg lresont. TIse romains, ver. internes! lui lIe Waukbfan eemietery. Wheellrîg Course Adopted. Thé Assuîciates! Cycling Club setttes! theît ittie ilferenices ast u1gbt and! the Whoeoing cour:se vas fi wI adoptes! Pr*ehically as erst àèutia. -Thg att~les.near John Behm - - - LAKE COUNTY BAN K. Wright, Parkhurst Libertyville, Illinois. lssà.ies lnterest-Bearing Certificates Payable on Demand. W. H. APPLEY, ..AUCTIONEER... Libertyville, Illinois. Haivtng hind nuîch epli Aie u- ioîin pu ite past seveuteen years, I ai prepiirod te attend sales lu afly part of Lake aud adjoining Cointies at very Low Rates.- Satisfaction Guar. anteed. Give nie a Cati. IF YOU N -P-i-.. fando!ù cours you do noud) Winter Blankets, Pur Lap Robes Heavy PurCoatSý Prop.1 &Co.1

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