Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Apr 1896, p. 2

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LONM MORGAN MT ON4THE1 .WAY BILL. au Propolied b>' tic laZ Ose of liargail aendp of the Propestyp et the Oovermnusit, site DiliOff.s-ed. M et usealor Morgain on tice a Wfndbug bilmer- so i -. te Tueeuhsy b>' Selna- - bsIrf e iscolleague,wvoil, 'pI efthe. ct>. Tiie Sen-1 Wilon decldtudly autag-r 111repanted, andi begiua b>'e: tie joint meetings oeti af lie tva bonns afor » t lie bill He ebamne- .4 action s a brech * * u1 dvieg. sci'natilontl, e d te bring the pressurme ýfflene eoft hie mont serieons *0 lir direct!>' upo thie action t t u e ils fre judgmect ~~Wuebetore l. Tii. afdeul *1 dudicatien iy a commit- 0 à acaheolctei amohis--P1 ~puanty. Taking op tie bill, thaA'sle protteeding proposel 'sga santd sale lu disposing t mi r7an ngts oethle Goern- r ý-aoV lbeuse ht ciet ou-c ~engaged lu tint lice etfmbl- e rorgas says an examina- Hontiîsgto's testimon>' is. 5i te committeou Pacifie disclseamoui exîraordinar>' ýfaffaira relatiug te lie Cenl-a ,-Smthea' Pacifie railroe ad t, cSeecît iti them," anti -' ,Wtheut nltempliug, lintsh ths le evidesce ot rcod udn ýý e mciHuoticglon's leatinion> AUtmets ho cenceal. attentioni is 1o dtie tact tiat 1l1s evasioca of lhe t t l t oroughl>' establihe. arc 1ience ferrait;iadlne Cotîgmens fpte capture lie Central Pacifie hfs. llas madehibm sud ir e pi iugasociates enorinousl>' ici. detad ft a knttptey, te milch iu4ttlct dealing seemas te bare. WJSNS 0F PRBQBYTERY. b la. Chwfflaud Dlsmimmed Ill thec lasaieillt of lifaruon>'. c ,Oat*mentsetfhier. WillamnN. i Moj4 the Pr.sldeii's brelien, r.- W'bi trouble at Chaumont, . Y., MWm tenti a staiemenitfrous lie O'ro tee Presbyteny ini detense et bon lai dismlsisg hl troin bilslpas- 'Il sas':"Th.ebournC u iu-t Iils rent li piecee, andtirions rou- oeta asigueti b>'tiecocegegatioc MI, ack of barmen>', sud coauten- !Onmigucd b>' M. Clevelandl. Se rtePreabyler>' uas coumuernie, b>' a cemitte. lit aougit tu lurca-1 IM ade b>' Mr. tClevehlnd sud1 r". made b>' tii.arge major-j Wa'ehurci.- It ullulnet find l tint Wmaan>' great or sufliient Magone1 Ï; 'burcelIn lusIamajoril>' alouldfi Ï *. (Jeveland, lion diti il fiuul tuai ;tneland's charges imer. sobst'as-t STise Presbyter>' ditimhal lut ceuld t fll difenenees, but tic iinntb.'a1 eittcecabie. lu ln le s ceutain V. nefloormy jsece etfcitunci uolie>' ntser muai aucecti lu present-- in luils cngi-egation. ln Iis ~1case, laasmueb ns tie Presi- ý1bWherwmas involvi-f, it became a ro etnational noluniel>-. 1lun i uit it.l net observed, but cenlaicl>' ou ens. jutatifiN e Ceaciona us-i eabyten>' Iook." BAS SENTIKNCED To Dii. kMaed au Iscendiarles Wilhhut - Proofot Giiilt. Mm pisouera et van arc condemneul làh an inconduamies viittproot ut 1(511. Evidence tint a rebt-I sol- lloaged ta a comn ôf lthe cueillir b rne rpent>' la sulhicttehoin- Wi ehi.GA prisuin'a conviction W4 on whetlîer bc juiiied lie effeiti- il" before or lifter tie inceutllaniam ,Ite. Il la ssid Iliat neani>' a buttl- blifsesra liib. siet as inceudittnies "Irua Murdes-ens Get naPStay. Sasl. day fixefib>' lic District flulsCnul>, Ni-b., ton lie .ltion et George lMorgannuitu Roaver, bolli et miom stand e~t murden lu th. first degnet-. Court haî interveseul la sLad tc sentence ofel.aer case a suspended! ille the C- ur passes tîpon tii. applica- >«.lie murder oet Tilasakill, S Hover mas te di fur kili- aI1, aueStanding. la hlle standing et lb. club. e siolo Baseball League: ..3 1 Chicago- -..23ý .3 1 Cincnnati -.-2 8 .8.31 Botes- -2 8 .3 1 Baltime .2 3 1, .3 2 New York ....1 S . -.2 2 Louisville .. -.1 4 Uua aI Hiusela, - 1eocnteresce, calItil viii 0t iavlng the va>' te interna- eon the subject, ssgem-; Mouds>.'. -Delegates ,the United States, Great a.-m, Austrla, Rtussie, Bel- rk, Hoilaud asti Reumanin 8.iiblasTloîtt b. oldest 1131dW il atber home EOEft LIN& or AUV= Grand A.My Me n et the ])a celion of the Couittt. Advices rectived et the bieadquprters of the. Grand Army ofthei Republie Indicate that there la general satisfaction among the. comrades thrcughout the country at the decision ef the joint local and execu- tive cemmittees to limit the lesgtii cf the. route of the parade te taire place lu con- nection with the. national encampment ati St. Paul nxt September to on. and elgiit- tentus miles. At prevlous escampaients, notabl>' tiose at Boston and Plttaburg, there was cousiderable complaint amoud the. vet'erans over the aniount of groand th.>' were required te cover on parade day, and tliousanusof them coin- pelled tu drap ont ofIlise before the. (in- persing point was reachcd. This yefir, however, even the most feeble will be able te go over the course frrnt start te Moreover, the. reviewlng stand wlll b. located about three-quarters of a milie from the startlng point, no that lIn the. eveut cf extreme iieat, rMu or uinfav- arable conditions the parade can dlsband without golng ever the entîr. distance. The route adopted ls paved wltii asphalt froni one end te the other, aud this will enable the veterans to march witb mili- tar>' tread. TALK OF BOLT BY DELEGATES. White Natal I»moecrate Will Insiat on a Free CommeflPiamk. Tii. Rock>' Moustain Nevs ut Denver, Colo., says edlîorially tbat the. repriaCta- tives of Colorado lu tiie satkjnal gather- lsg of the. Democratie part>' *111 walk out of the. hall and eut etftthe part>' unies@ the. platform costains an pnqualilied deelara. tien fer f ree coinage and tiie candidate la suited teatthe platform. Tiie Hon. Allen W. Thurman, of Ohio, sent a message te the. Demeeratie State coniestien of Colo- rade predictlng a vîcter>' for sîlver at Chiicago if tiie Democrats f rom the. West- eMt »tates are united'iÈia determiued aud aeelarlng tiat tbe prospect 1'ongit te awaken ln tiie breait of ever>' true Demo- crat »eii feelings ct exultation and cour- age that aveu ver. he tiireeucore jears sud ten yet would h. feel Il iras uis dut>' to e b.ln the.front." DIS9ASTENÉ AT PIIOMIA. Two Dead, Two Fatali>' Hurt, and Otherus erlonsi>' Injured. At 2:15 o'clock Frida>' morning a cou- Terler at the iower silgar works at 1'eoria, IIl, exploded, filling an Immense building ivith steam. At least two men wer. kîlI- e4 outrigiit, aud tluaIsfcred that many more hiave met the saine fate. Several wer. badl>' lnjured. Tii. kuown dead. - Barnes, John Heey. Those kuoivu to b. moat serional>' injured are: John Doole>', Mat. Connoliy, Jobn Wilson. The converter was on tiie tourth sienor t the building, in whicii about one iiundred men were at werk. There vas the. vildest ex- citement, and man>' tirilling escapes oc- curred. Tii. explosion vas pînini>' heard lu nil parts eoftthe city. Reciprocity, with Cannada. ln reispeuse te an invitation, Edward 1larrer, oeef ett. leaders ot the. Luberal. party in Canada, bias snbmitted to the. House WVsys and Mens sub-committee the Luberai nviet ofa reciprocit>' arrange- ment tiie Uuited States and Can- ada. Mr. Farrer gives a bistory etftth. commercial relations belveen the. two cousties dewn te tth. reciprot'ity treaty vlth .Newfoundland, uegotiated lua1IWO b>' Mr. Blaiue, wbich was pigeon-holed by Lord Salisbury', b. alleges, because otftth. jealeus ofethtie dominion authorities. Mr. Farrer iiolds tht it Icontained the. pninci- pics upon whmci a treat>' migiit nov b. tramed ubat vouid h. acceptable te the Liberals in Canada, seekiug,,as they do, te secure tiie commercial independence ef the, dominion aud te be relieved trom the. sece«slfr of consuitiug Euglaud lu treet>'- înaking aud oethte hampering requiremeut ot coneeding te Englusd the. best ternis offered to au>' foreigu country. Woman Thiet la Placarded. Mayor Niebelst, et Wilkésberre, Pa., sent n annuel message or torty-six pages te the City' Counil Tuesday nigbt. wvici tint body received and fled wilbout a lag. beiug opcned. Wednesday iie did aemuetiiing vlîich, if rumor le truc. tie Coucou wil coi ignore. Tie liraI ii- miation ofthlis new "treak," as some eall it, of the Mayor'a vas the. appearançe ou the. street inithe atternoon of a woman îvalking around, wearng upon ber back a big wile card, on wbîch vas priuted ini big black letters tihe woris l am 1arnnsîoe thief! look eut." A big policeman foi- iowed close bebind ber le prevent ber dia- placing tiie sigu or ruîîuing awa>',and ithîs she wus obiiged te vslk thronglî ai tiie principal atreets. Thi einoan lna Mrs. Sarah Joncs sud is a îîretessleeal tbief, having bees betere the. Mayor severai tins for peti>' hbefts. Nevertiieless, ber punialimeut la deciared te b. outrageons. sud neveraI members oetheii.Council threnten te endeavor to inipeaci the Mayor. ____ Amenican rieur Net Pairly Trented, 1 Charles C. Bovey sud John Crosby, or 1Minneapolis, represeutiug the. Nationît] .Mîlicra' Association, say fleur inspectors et of Lndonî are greati>' excrcised over whml rtii.> hold te bc a discrimination againsi xAmericas fleur. Fleur frqmn America en- .ters London docks sud le snbjected le a tlandiug charge ot 18 cents per ton. French fleur aud Americas viieat escape ti charge. Parliassent bas enaeted ubat no charge whatseever shall b. made ou geeds landing nt lies. docks, bat the, steaulshil compasies, it is stated, lssncd te Ameri- cas millers a bill of ladisg eoutaiuig a clause subjecting fleur to tiie aboe. rate. At Chadron, Neb.,- a sever, blizzard raged Frîda>'. Tir. luchtes cf suow teil, A mernîng siiower of bail, aeeompanied SCHEME TO TAX CIGARETTES HEAVILY. Mr. Woodsnns Sees $17,000,000 Ad. ditional Roessne-Gothans Evades the Ralnes Law au,4Goese on a Tremendous Bunda>' Break. Eseus>'of Cigarettes. Cougresaman Weodman, of Chimcie, has effer.d a billlin lthe Hense te ranie the internai revenu, tax ou cigarettes frein 50 cents ho $5 a thousand. If oisa bill siiould beceme a liv the manuftacturera of cigarettes venld have te pa>' lie Gev- ensment one-haIt cent fer ever>' cigarette nanfstured. Lest >ear lie production et doestleccigarettes i.aciied lie ne- markable namber et 3,327,403,780, and at tiie tex proposed b>' M. Wodman tuls sumber meuld bring te thse Goverument a revenue et sean>' $17,000,000 s ycsr. Tii. consumptien et cigarettes ln the United States la increaslug aBthti rate et 150,000,00W aunusall, sud If this rate of lncrense w mainaliued lie cigarette rev- enue under Mr. Weedma's bil vonld ln a fev years beeme anficient te psy hait lhe anunai expenses et conduetîng tiie Geverument. The. Geverunent nev im- poses a tax et $3 a thousaud on lmported cigarettes. The. Importations last year mer. 1,073.897. Tic sumber ot Ameican cigarettes exported ast year rcaciied 461,- 85%100, accordlug te the. report efthle Internai revenu, bureau. Mn. Woodmas aise proposes te make lie tax os cigare $3 a tbeusanîl. Tic production et cigare and ciieroots ast yenr eaciied 4,165,074,- 165. RAINES LAW A TRAVESTI. Suaday ln New York Marked b>' Wilml Iiebauchery. Tiiere mas more liquer sohd ilu-New York Sonda>' iaho onan>'proviens Sunda>' lu mas>' years. There vas mure drunkeu- ucas seen upon tic sircets, more delîravit>' sud more dons et vice uide uopen tise lie cil>- kuem almosi ite stornt days ot pro- tected viieuniess. T broc htndre san- loons, viicb bail be-n lrauisterred intu s-cailed hoîcîs diiriiig tie lasi mî-ek, vere vide open ai day and itighl. Tlie pro- prietora gloatcd lu tice vasien ot tie lav sud greeled evcry onie iviti joyous ex- pression. Secîtes (It itrnîîknuiss aihno8t universal un the El3îsl itu couîid have been vilnesscd in isolsicîl slous ail oerr lie city wmie.lte usubterfuige protection et a butel liccuse pî-nittilbher tu flow freel>' over tli ttie saviiig sandwlich thuit le called a mecl. Tic kilciens outhti botel saluons bail no slorîs. no ceres. ZIu lardera. Tliiî board partitionîs bcd been set up te uîike etîubyiules culîcul runius and beds more Ilirowîii i. luit no une sept in tieni. T'l'is ha fairn iile ut alilut Nem York's botel fihî-oim-d saluons. Ilii Brooklyn ticre w-as alto tie uuual nmouit et drukennes%.. ltelsaloons arenelot numeirous l ltiii t cii>- anditullonîoiirends ver, dravu asca>' troni lie w iidovs. ebowing coup;> inteiors4. But tie limaI>' knem viiere anud bow to oitlain them beec. GOLD CONTitACTiS ILLEGAL. District jndge nt Omaha BayasHe 17bI11 Rule Agalual TIem. Tue question ufthle legalîl ty fw-bat are knotru as -gol coin citnaits«' vas ralsed le Omahîa. h <caume up iu tie case et Chase agalual Wren, su actionto lu - ieci lînymnt of a $2,000 monîgege note, ou vbicià a defaîlt lu interes at iîloc- eurred. Tic attorncy for tic dt-tecse raised tie point lu lie District (Comurts lu lie effeict f Iuserliug in a note or toit- tract tie w-ras "to pli l utieit"or lhe trerds "lu psy iin guld coiu n rils cq iv- aient," sud urgîîed liat lu tithier forui the note mould leiliiegal. beiuig iii viola- tien ofthlie lcgi tender lau- and (outrant- te publie polie>'. luu-as turtien urgtcd b>' lie detense If nut viîliuig îand iuvnidatieg the note ortirel>' tie stcion requirinig paynîent lu god ivst-a.oid. T)uî-- ing tie argument the couîrt sîîid it woild 1not ciitorcectint part ofthti note couiraet- *ing lu psy lu gold; tint if il catîte lu a *question fiholdiug thal if tihe nte vas 1 pîayable la gold coin the. coairai-I w as tl tlugaI andt oitl, the court mou!lld Ytiat 1twas illegul and vold. ri WARM WYATUER IELPS. Relail apd Whcienale Trade lis Stîns- ulated b>'thie Change. ri .Due & Co.'s Weekly lteviev ut i raiî- sas>': "The. sndd.iiî chanîge troîi -siiging te pidstiuier bout, miii fair skies lu mont cilles, huis tiatefi theu linva- ilent lues lieu goed meutier ouly stus ,r needeul te brnug geîîî.nal illthroveuuucit iof business. Eveywicre thtr. bas bëe i more retail buyiug. sud in sute lrcheis ebetter demand at miolesatle antinetthe vîîrks ihan resîlld, ibut ît as yct lu muni liues. Tien. la ne sbatcmnît outhle ai- mnot universal disposition te deuil with unustal consshnatisansd uîul luantici- pale future vantsanut bis bas been 8esppcial>' conspictitin w-ler, combina- t ions have icen torrned on pricos advanc- * cd. Tic comparatiitfrequîeuey et seni- u- ns failurg, wiii moll elos distunbeid since gold'Çxports begRanthan migit hart been expecteul, helps tlu give encourage smeut, but dees net kiudhe specilative fines. Sncb improveinent as appeana is mainly et s heatlti> sort." mms Hlîhanil Aska Alimon>'. tL Newtou Hilliard, lie dasiing yeutl eknowu as Clevelasd's Berry W1all, heir ho seyet'5l fortunes, has becs oued tor ait mes>'bils wife. 'Mm. Hilliard mas for mer. Missn Madge Taylor, a soubrette lai the. Baker Opera Company', mich Hil- liard pnuiased. Sat ies iid MAI40LIC AND BLAIN. Two NClled and Eiight Badi>' 10j»"g et Groisie PâIat Witi as explosion tiiat siiock thecon try fer miles around oeef ett buildings of the. Chicago Fireworks Cempany' at Grosse Point blew up about 8 o'cleek Weduenday morulug, killiing twe persona, fataîlly wonndiug twe sud terrubl>' injur- îug six others. Tiie employes, meat cf vhem ver. girls ndter age, bcd scarcel>' beaunat verk au heur viien the.accident oceurred. Wiiat caused tiie explosion is net sud probabi>' never viii bc knewn. The. girls ver. wgrklug briaki>' sud mer- rI>' ciiattisg wltii eue anotiier, mien sud- deul>' a terrible rear vas beard, sud the. walîs etftthe buildinîg, mmihInlaeeof tweiva similar ones, fell ouward, while the rotf came careeuiug dovu, crushing lie poor victimei te thie florn À minute later auetiier explosion foiowed, viiici mercifully rala.d the. roof frin tiie dyla aud taiuting, sud vii teeble lmbe sud agenisiug cries thie wounded crawled eut, soeno<f them, forgettul ofthtiir evu awf ni pllght, drsglsng tiie more helplets eues witii tiiem. Tiie werk fer the. seasos at tiie establishment began but a tew weeks age, sud cul>' twô o e i.twelre buildings ver. lu tise. 811CLFRIDIGE GOINO TO MOBCOW. IlicWil Reprenent Ilucie a Caset the Fentirities. The. United States san>' viii b. relire- seuted at the. festirities altendiug the. cor- enation et lhe Czar b>' lie liple-screw cruiser Minneapolis, tiie avifteat vessel la tiie nar>'. Tii. vessel bas been decked and put ln order et the big Italian Gev. eremeut dock at Tarante, aud bas saill freni tiat place for Naples. At tiie sanie lime the. San Francisco, Admirai Self- rldge's flagsiiip. sailed frein Pirnens for Naples, sud the vessels wiii meet thiere. Tii. admirai viii trauster bis finig te the Minneapolis sud steani awaY for Cronstadt. This la the neaneat Ressaa port te Moscow, tiie place viiere the. coro- nation ii taire place, sud tiie Miuneap- ells yul lie tien., aleng with man>' mes- et-wan et aIl nations. makiug a part et the. naval démonstration. Clalma Are Throwu Ont. Atter fixe years t-e ciuiiîs et Patrick Shieldsansd Andrew MeKinstry against the. ChilutatGoeonîîint for injuries r.- ceived front a5sanitiofu a Ciihan nîob et Santiago lhaive fiiîî >lieuti Itîrov-. nont et aIl the <courlsasud cîîn -iu.Shields and IMKiiîs.ry '- ere tailorsi ou tiie iee- wt5 al liaI tenti Sanutilugeolarior s week atter te faltitîture saf.lor..; ere se rouiii>' baîidled b>' tihe mobs inlu itIcil>' inlu 1fl. The>' maîdeclmisiraainil lthe Coverînaieîînt ("Cii, Shields for $100,. 000 aîd MrKinîstry for $20.000. l'resl. dentl Ilarisian niadc th.ese -two clainîs a tcry imitportanlt[pa rt ortoeeoftbis nies- saiges tol i uiugr-Fs in 181)2. Inii lie hcsnid, Ilieugli te mîena üvefoniign u sljccs, tic>' tere ta ilinii îiîer ltcejprotection et te Aîîîerinicî tl.ig andthbey sliotld re- ceivlte i sanie protection as Atiiericau (iizens. Fatal Philadelphie Blnzr. Two irotieni scre criîshed ho dciii sud sert-rai others serioti>' injurcd as. there- suIt ut a ire tuhicli deîstruyî-d ltie ld de- pot ofthli.eiîenu.ylvirîa ita i readi en- lîuie>-t Thirty-setoîîîl sud Maîrker strels, Pi'iuidell)hin. S.î iladi aateriinoc, and en- tliled a logs of abotut $200,000. Folatees Dring Litie Mone.' The prie. et hiottloe bas been inoken anti a verld's record nmade. In Cotmmuns, Mfine., chou-e whitle hublot-s are seiling nt li,,cenîts a busiieL 'rTe sdurci tac- tories are rtiîniig sud mii>' ptatoes are bciiîg broegit hi. I'rices ut the tactorien aie langer. XWilliam Wooi Pet Prec. Wben the cuase of WiliamiuWood, ciarx- il ilsau anceomiiliùeclu tie Ilîcrilinycun îîîurdr, mai clted in Ctincinati, lhe pros- ieuting astoney- sil tic Stale bcd ne etidence lu warrniît a triai, and Jtudge 1tUregg disiîised tiecacuse. Faver Gold. At thc I.t-uticky Rltiiîliin Siate convention rei-tutioiis were uduopted ex- pressing uopposoition tote ifree uand unîlmm- ited coinagi- of silver, "beliiving liatiti %vuîld iitolve theceountlry lu tlucnciual muin." Houae n Century 01,1 Faill. Georre IP. Mettîerill & ('o., I'iuladel- phila nîîîta ttîrirs if pa itita, whillen-d andtiwiiting anid dealersin iiwindow gliiss and plutuers' suîpplies,, ut- igiied te Ernest f W. heu. Liabilîties. 1300 Evu lBooth Appoinhcd. r Milss Evut hBooth, yoougi-sl datîgiter et *Geiteral Bloothi, huislieüe applinitt-d coin- îîîîîîîler cf te saatîîoi arnîy iii Canada f ad Nevfouidlaiîd. MABKET QUOTATIONS. t iicago-Catle, commun te prime, $3.50 te $475; tîg%, siippiug grades, 13.00 te $4.00; sic.î,, fair te choice, $2.50 *te $375; vient, No. 2 red, 66ec lu 07c; corn, No. 2, 29c te aie; onta, No. 2, ilic -te 20c; rye, Ne. 2, 37e te 38c; butter, chobele creuiner>', 15e te 1(e; eggs, tresi, -De te lie; poianes, pt-r itîsiel, 15e te Lroc; broom corn, *$20 te $45 per ten fer e commen le eltoice. 1ndiauapoiis-Cstle, aiippiug, $3.0() ta - $150; hogs, chile, ligit, $3.00 te $4.25; Ysiieep, comubon te prime, $2.00 te $3.75; viieat, No. 2, liDe te 71c; corn, No. 1 white,, 30 te 31c; ente, No. 2 mhite, 22e te 2-4e. rSt. Leis-Cattie, $3.00 te $4.75; lboge, $3.0 e $.();wbeat, Ne. 2 md, Tic to à 3t; corn, No. 2 yellow, 27e to 28c; oats, e Nq. 2 white, 18e te 19c; rye, No. 2, 37e Ciuclunatl-Cattle, 13.50 te $4.50:;bira.s BIAUJ!&F.1 CUBAN LEADER EXPRESSES CONTEMPT FOR WEYL.ER. gayesle Will PoeaObatructione Whou Hie le Rendy-Spuin Will Ac- cord Hoe Rule and Antosnm' tc tbc lstund-B. & 0. Leolcd. WiIIi7satise Treoche. Hilv itii-es gany' uat if tie. Macéce aucceede imicros4siîg tht- eîgiit.un-umii. bannier iii .jite ufthle 50,M> OSiiatieg- chars pins:isuni un iluille$, es.ui. Weï- lr muet coîflt-an ii-tAu. ('amuies did, tiat ilie cuîm[mutîlai a faiutute andtul ia k1tin aoulit îend ibis wuîn b>'lierocm li unidefi force-. T'reluifgenuti lhis seul mord te hie trinîda lu livann tint lie vîli break ureugi tb. Incuba mien lie la rend>', snd liai aitheIii- intt anfal th ic auiîîiu lieu'l'sanlus mihi tîrute duisi. lIf s ertIiii lai (.eu. Nltt(-eao bam soin. sure meuteos utd-uuIy buéimibiitg bis oîing bauds ou i bieefethie teochut; couic sas>'b>' it-a ns ut c6iered paliîer isileouma and oulutra lu>'messages. Tiione Ioaisgrowsiuîg bilet bt-ne liaI If ('.en. u'yîen la ti-utuuioeiluurn-dnov Spain viii pirecotiti>' srîle-ouî'the-tnit-uulhy nîcuiaion outhne Fili-fi Suats. Ereit tic Sp)aia-rda siieme thuefeuling. 11031E BULL' To lIEGRANTihD. Pcheusc of Aulonomy te Dc Put la Force lu a îIouth. Aeconding lu nalW'shbingtuuionmreiipoud- ccl. tt-e Suanîisii (ie-on îîîîît wsti lîlîtlue next fotur wteks st-il titfini itt i-i-it lulu a t-ousupni-huunsiv- byc>'e-it out hom ide -ucor a iutnuiy fuir itheijasnul uit t ib. lTIhi-e la god rt-s uiuî ti lutli-reth buI liii-S lui e Du-îuurtnîî it lbis n-vi-iso fioin Il idnli informauîtionî hi, Ibis tffve-. luiiuî t>'eveuit il lan eyonimue ostiou n ta ulula impîortant moeeil&agnlutile. il priimnist-lý tu brng tii a sududeui tu-nit in o te irrita lieutanti friction s-it-i lias oxisedtifuir nîcu>' muin ie* ui s îî-uthle I -l'nidlitte is andmu spauilu l i l i lui r-tîi i. t higl 'e --l uc th oul i-f t tnidl t>an:d uu ni îiii- nturenn The Ittsvsl% Ii-i slitle-W îlot ijui,, t-fi-t w uts aiguuil h>'il(t l îuoivnî-ge-uut if Spiu. ii. Mnit 15. ISl.- tutind sjH te wfolloitwiil 111i b> nit,-.tuil nèittitiolis -.~-iutheuiî lircu-uî situ4-:ui-uit ni-fitt. Il y the imei th- i.uu i i -n-ugeit if S$;uul i l îtuIia l-n tub- dr-a iitt tîuiusthe i rt( tiiu-,u tutu a in i ii- tuuit, iith e s;- us iilute - 1rutu1gtetiili liiîi 'tit, cianud-t-îuî extuiu-i iicy ofuini-e lu- f',îr 4Ctaa -ll Ite r,-iaji-il. T'Fl',- iuit .-ry ~'i-itl itruin u lis tlrois aitms . i*Tih tt-ti f htàuiiiu-u' i-i t--'i ,y l w titi- i-- ihsluii'.ut tuf t-iý lui-ul it ut.i-s. i!ruu utt itr-,il: if w i i -at ui tiuin'i,uuuiýf tuitutu tlii-of lt~im u le lie kit ii : ti l te iistittI -iiuu1- uf :1-11t,1 tt-i t u uit tu it I ltlu i- î,uî I IitANX IILI SHORtilT. Comspication lln heAffairsetflise B. & (i. Rondi. l't:tlutii.rk cui i0 il i ilci d iiituîs .ruuuk ut aund . r-e attablut $ tellaiîs Ioiitis aonl uTheiii:comm-ii ttee - l tt s- t-huni-ul th in 1tt -uutit--ith(, of i li . i i -i fuir; witî iuî it uin-iuiuout fte gai-t ilg lîtt thr- civgrust uiin utvi uut l iiiiils thé- iii- i- orsnututlt-h-euuiftuti tii ci iumi- auîîuuuuutiof ititti->' s cIviaure-i111. Tii su-tatuiit uu-u it i i- utuhoiiunty uit 0ui. t li-r î-the luprmimt i.i t,.;i.-a ui.ui utor uliuur- l,ie utd ite iitf.,in 4ut utui. lii stntis, troiut i'- if ut-e .-u of--iutheli OrunuttuiintUunu N0t10- i toi-tliit 1111 fon adiii- iiin lui- Th( cosn). ii- -tuu nitte I l i é-t'. It - i eis. iCs iir- l i t frOi, 1SS tlu ue cut u-ft Iti'l-e-t-fun u t îmuu as jéiun-.ih-t ouit it -uîuuutu>'ti!l>'Sli of iS Illitte Bluhtioeind uuuîi Si s-i tii-n woIru'il ju o-i.l tf it lu ltt i -ion: s ut the ra.-ti - i -r trul is.uti ails li] madle tiietreuîstînî-n uitthle toî~. i CONVIC.T IDENTIFIEDt. nilituglu a ProfuUsent Fausit>'anti May Blc itetenscit. NV. L. De Ilauenuius <oui jet lu Czii iiii City>,(t Cl., lui-lit o uin>'. uumnes o4iita miulul-m utof nit iiiueîuttu cii>- ut I iul lui uî 'i ptivutthiui tnuî e;s. liuttsteukig itîat suas vuuuuits k ('f-il th l i'n il utrgo'ii tlit-ik tndtws-si-nI thuuutghiis'llioîuuî y.l dtis lue uiiii-d tiýai ul,-kttîss ut lis uIdýt it ll lia uthî- immiuotuta r--iiilttt iitrt'iitil ut look acFetitru'ut-potutis-t- t-tis stii t-ut tittitl>. Tlunuî- >-uîi iuuî s- ixtui-(itautd tnt-tuila ut tii- tuN ii setut t-tiitus t au s- etur,' lm s rt-t-tusu. "T-uthitl-a nsas tauken titiller anui seuintl LIQUOR MIEN IN TROU'BLI. FPlooee ,Arreated for Conutenfeit- liigz Revenue Stouips. A spnNcaloulwas crntaed uI li ineapoulis b>' tic iirc t f -orge tG. .acuhi>-aund Mioritz Ihikolis ou iic ineut ciangiîîg tieni withî ouinlemetitng thic slcntp uta (Irii uiulnio, manufacturera oftwhs-bky; aise the siacîp et tie comileciener et lu- landireetuteutf('anda, asutlellicg tic liqutorntaI î-iep picem. .laeoby la a w-cil- know-u citizen, aunul lus been umomincut tor ycurs as a isoiicii. Deleelive Faite Prosecule. Tiecheiicnug tf('harles sud Annuie 11m- bomu scnl Thomns Daveupent, accusefi et lic murdcr et Jolîîî T. Luibniorut 1'ahl Lcat. lZan., lueb. 17, w-sa htguis et Le--v cuwunli. Detlecluve Ch'les Schaeffer, ot Kansas City', vie uurkeîl uîî lte vi- decce, tailed te alupetir, aîîdl heln aller- neysarancconfident of ni-quittai. Octi loe.the WInd. A "cl-one w-hicb îroved ftalilutu-ew pensons sud vilci h Ifld amage ainoilitiutg le utan>'theuisantis et dolluars Iassed 5<-mss Sanuuslky CeunI', 10., lieunds> atternoon. Tii. damage iluthi. oh distrIct alie us-hIlhe rer>' great. Tise damage lii lic localit>' ot Fremoutllie . 100,000. TrHE WEEKS oOINGS INi SENATE! A14D HOUSL A Coanpreheunivn Disent et tic Pro- coediagu la the, Lestelative Chami- ber.a etWaalslgtou-Matters tih*t Concra tb. Peopieh Lewmmçers et Lebêr. Tue bonse Tuesday' passer] mItbout ameudment lhe fontification siprepraiea ill carr>'lug appropriations and nutiori- tashiesa nvolving au expenditur.etf$Il,- 884,613. Tise Lpprepriertiens tfen orilS. caflions ince the Endîcoît ceommsion la 1886 reported tUnîplau fer lie defense of lmenty-seres sesports, nI as appn<xliate mat of $100,000,000, bar. averages!dnmsrn- lhing ever $2,000,000 fannuall>'. Ilmw» miade apparent afier a lively mcllequy lai the Seuste liatthier. tiras nu disposition aoug tie slver sud Pepullat Sent"al te shlow the resoltitien for a Seuuit t quir n>late receut bond Issue@ te lapsse. Mn. Squire (Rep., Watb.) miade as .1mb- emal, presenaalles t the pr.ssing cs, et casaI defesses, polntiug eut tie de- feuseleas condition of our grenusa-coust harbors. lai tb. Honsse Wedsemay Mr. Hull,' chaînmas et th. Commitee ou Milîtar>' Affaira, calledl up lie resoiutlou for tir.- aispoinument et Williamn B. Franklin, et Connecticut, Tienas J. Henderaon or 1111- cois, George L. Beaie et Maine sud lie. W. Steele of Indiana as mnembers et lhe Beard et Managers efthIle natioonal soh- diers' bornes.Mn. Bloceimade a sensua- tionsi speech aganusi Gen. Frankin, cbarging him sud CoL Sith (for miens lie saisd Gen. Frankln maa resîsonsibie> mti cruel sud brutal treulmeit ofthIle la. mates of thie berne atU Lareuwontb. Kan. 'H. mored ho subtîtule ti, Danie etftcs. 0. 0. Homard fer liaet f en. Franklin. ,Mn. Blse aid ila purposse wss te fuetie Learenvonthihome froinlie dIunkes sud brutal mari nov atI Ils head. Mn. Blue acd a telegrani froin E. J. Andlersonu an& otiers nrging hMn10 igit (jeu. Fankin'a reappoiulinent and llisiîg Iria tlitMi 0- 000 soidiers lu hansîs e we. biaui hm. He clnimed tint ior. hinioti maintainreu tie biggest saloion lu Kanusas urîder the, badov o e ilug thiesoldiema fotîgiltoi paye. lAst yesr, lue snid, tie lprofit» cf lie béer bail alou ir u--e $13,(«A. MN. Illue ais enrt-ari ulaffidavit t-bargin tiat: a centnset ezishing wshureby lie KEeee> cutre was giron tlu lintnes fer M6, hlule butaidiers ucre cliarged $20. "liascol hie hind tade air iuives:aitimu et ie. Si-tl'utadmnistlatiiin?- suketi Mn. IluIL **Au>'investigatiounnasie h>' lite Boardl et Mlanagera," nretlicti lin. hBlute. "ie si roan- iiig terce." iti lite uuders,îandisix liat s vote slîoald be hîtîlTisusaîhut.ihie ilium. adjeitntied. 'flicSt-uate nutiie lImhe lie-r- ing ses.ariiiatiuu su>'ss. The tri-aI: leoides for a ciluici-. lea tu s ni,.! nul t lie cmlins Dnai!.,lu>'itizen-us f i~ îii secnâ itsire h.iîît-il St:oes t.r- r c-z-ns ,f vscMls emgageul in thecapht utre of fer s-ais iîr lui tit- l'amis snwc d. Mnr. lue's iaiht agaiel thie eappoinit- mentotf t iin. NWllîiiiIl. FratikIiua us :n sienîier oetlime Boaiulstudo Mnge-ns ofthle Naltinal Honte ton Di'saitefi 'oluniena, us-bci mas lie tenîtîme outire procetuings, lu ie lIeuse Wtouhuicday. lerined un- luice-ossrully Tiume.éla>', weun irisinund- titent le sulslille tirme asurse otftee, . .) flowtaril for thmt c, (;i. Franiklinuws-n -Peceeed. 149 lu 61. Sevcrmal muiner hulis st-t-e 1hîsasut. Tic speaker ascioioscetillie uppontmont oftlin. Cobb oreI.etAIs- baiant, ou lie Wayo sud Menurs Cumumîll- te-c in place etflin. Tarant->, mie mta lin- genlcil-,lin. Alrch (Rep.). et lliseis, un Baîiking usd Curnene>', and Mr. NVan Iliensi(Hep.), et Missouri, ou Labor. De- bute ofthie rtsolution for air investigatuionî et netest bond issues consomiedtissl ie une efthle Sciisle. The Scuale contlluot-il debale outhit bonîd bil l-'iday, sud lucluleulaill'lin. Al!eii cnllcd lin. l(.can a lier. lie sic.s i-unipeieildtu aubslîle, and bis mords vwert- «'taki-ti doitn." The lie-t ressilt ut ire heurs' wonk on lie luiale calendar la thie houa wuralie uasSut-e t fouir lien- sien bills, neco i' ueniieuth ic uojlioru liteurAdmirai Fooie t. I$.-A n moulir; tire ejeteion of a bil leurtire sa uiuiii ste-wsard fan asecond lieutenanl t r calny- and ire i.passage et a war cdaim icssc ihîtî 964K). Thte latter was lie firat war ilaini brought luetore lihe lIeuse ton coiillîn- ahtiouu suil lîîelumnhl> Proroked c geutenuul debate oui thîe poîicy utrliasing uunC;sinta. 'Tie Si-nite ('olunilIe oen 3Miilar>'At- faims acleti fsvoruîbh>- Salurdas- tipounthe liaI ut managera ton the soiit-' boreîs, as agrecti tu b>' lieIHousse. Ticfloeuse li ttibîult t teuueunir et lie ale lhepreseitlallre ('ogsesucl ut Mitaq-(blî- sella, tien. Cg w-l tas une ut tht- ilustt îoiular mecîiens r et lo uîs<-. ITua- reen as a auîhîier andd sîsîcanian aud lbe cohilit>' ut bis cliaracter ucre eloquentl>' sudvnrmi>' perrnmycu. Bt-fore lh@e euh.- gies hegaî Mr. ('autiont repunted thic gen- t-al deficiene>, tlesmtahpnropriation [ti. Mmr. Taîbeni (Demt.) ut SouîthiC-aroin l>- jectedtu t a peutien bil presenleul b>' lIn. Cauen (Hep.) ut Ilinîois. 'in. Cariilon made A Persousi aPPeal tu Mn. Tuibent. Ile saisi il mas lie final lime lu tw-ncy .yesrs ltatiei.bad] sakeulfor unanulmis cessent. He reviemcd lie patheule iis- tory o e l uber mie was a censtitueiî et bis, set le plesces and alisat Ipial>' blsd. Mn. Talbent milidre hils objec- tles. Senenal bills tu dosai, e tiinneu. cannes tei G. A. R. poâsa ere Passaed. Tii. Senale Monda>' discusese aanu schools in debating ture Indien appropria- tien bill, but De action vas laken. Tii. Heuse mas entertaiseti b>' a hot tariff dis- ctsion. SeneralIitems Ini lb. genemal de. ficiec>'bill vere fisali>' ettled. laaulted theb Kaiser-. A girl et Mets, 14 yearg aid, hasn e- centl>' been cendemned te elghsIt aya'V Impriseumelil for iiavlug inlted the Germas Emperor. Tii. insult consIat. ed la iltlng a private letter te eue er bier li4tle fniends Ilu miei tien, wa aemeublng dlmespeettul In fils Ma jest>'. Itla said tilt sncb sentences are con- mon luAn ue-er .. . en Ib 1 £il L v

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