Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Apr 1896, p. 3

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GRIEF COMPILATION 0F ILLI- NOIS NEW&. glephant Babylon Docs un Rcrolc Act -Holf Dsyilgbt Eobery lIna Chiceago Buburb-Horrli.Deuitsof au Insane lunette etDDanniag Asylaus. Elephant Bsves a Cbilid' Lits. Resale Rooney, the 10-year-old sister of Michael Rooney, the bareback rider, va, about te bc hugged ta dcatb by a bear the ether day nt Tatterial's circuntlu Cihi- cage. wben Ilabylon, one 0f Rii>gllng Brother,' ig elephant:, knocked the brute dovnansd saved the ciid' litfe. The 'bear, who la known as '(;rowler,"' bas a 'vficions temper. He was chained near the elephants. Thea lubie girl la a friend of the ciephants, aud vas romping wlth nmorn f Iheun vhen "(jrowler'" aeized ber ad closed bis pava around ber siender foriai. Babylon, vbo hnd been an Inter- ested spetator, bnonght i: trank deva vwitb crusbiag force on "Growler': bcad. The boat wa#'stnnned by the biow aud reicased the cbild, who bad fainted. The elephant then plcked ber np and îlacedi ber where the bear coi>id net reacli ber. Boiled te Peits. Another n'Ievas.added te the long liaI of accidentaI denths al, the Dunning la- .a~e Aiylum on Saturday, vhen Annas Jstone, a n nwiteas fatally îcalded la eue of the baîbniloms. Aiîhougb severai alilar accidents have hnppened at the~ «uiofu tae, the bathroorn vas cosy of access. 'The voînai>, who had only re- eeatiy beiu sentl10 Duniog trom the bnidewvîli. was nul misicd by bhe attend- auto untiliJtt'cries of :uffering vere heaLrd. AoîAitsy searcb by the startied iteePers and tî'!loiv jumates wvs:madead the unforluaae vonian vai fonnd iyiag lunder a itream of scaiding votter la a bithî,uh She %vos then beyond medical id, bowvrvr. n,! afh'r liiugrlng lnavfnl 4g00Y for severai houre died at 11 o'ciock iiatuu'day ight. Anna Stone vas not eonsldèed a dangeroux patient and vas eoaflned la one of the ivands vith a nm- ber of patients not hojeiesaay Insane. Had the lived, it la îbought, abe migbî vitb iproper care bave necovened ber reason. Hlot Chaie of Rohbers, Two ighwaymnen bed up and robbed 3insa Lucia Anderson ai the point of a iplabol Fri'iay sfternooui at hawyer and Ogilen avenues,. Lawalaie. Thea they made off un a buggy- drawi> by a spirited borne, and ini a monouî;t hey vere botly pursncd t, a u,:urol wagon Iadeuu with po- licemen. T'h-- pusuit izsted for more ibm hait un bour.canl resaled lunthe capture o't <of the ighwnymcn. HP vas rulitliiuug 10eovi'r un the baiement of a drug store aI ('al;fornia avenue and Tveifth îri-et. Iliiconpanion boarded a passii>g Irain of the Wiscon>sia Centrai Rallrond, fnIl:owed by a leaden abon-er tnom the revolvers ofthebu police. The cap- tured ighwoynian gives the nome of Chsarles Btunâe. nnd su>': bi homue lain Aiton, 111. He in held ai the police sta- tion, chsirged %iîhbighuvîy nobbény sud horse stesling. etate News tla Bali.t The body of Fred 1ti>i>ph. of Sorrentet, was founid onitheBbc. and 0. Sonbbvcsteru Railwuuy tnack. bonnibi>' mutiiated. Bargians raide,! s ouimber of residences et Marsall, aonog the victions heîng J. 0. Purdue, (oui>!! superiatendent of achools. Blooauii>gozu report: that "severai Iaches of cold, dam nul i,îw" fell there the other <la>. Snoîv is rarely dry enoagbh o bc use-I for fuel, eren ini Bloonington. There seeuus luhave been a mania prev- aient smong thie cooigirls nt Elgin of late for Junffing the rope. bbc main tea- tare being lu, uutdo each other lu igb and iong-continued jumping. Marguerite Bulis. 15 years of age, bas Juat died afien two weekx* ti'rrible auffering trou> Inter- nai injuries vauscd b>' ber attempbtoecx- ccl un rope jumping on bartl concrebe walk:. Aîiotber siuular case, it in sald, la ikeiy tii prove fatal. The Edwvards Count>' grand jury creat- ed soite excitement b>' returi>ing a bill of indictuient againet bbc directors ofthbb Grayriile District Agricullural Fair As- sociation on the' charge of couictii>g a pnbîuc gamnig bonse. Ih la allî'ged that et the tinue of the annual fair. heîd hInt fou,. the diretors liiensed aud îieruitted vsrious garubling devices te be olerted luou their gronads. which are iocsbed in tbc sotesteru corner of Edwards Coun- t>', adjacent te the cil>' of Grayvillc. The dineetors comnprise Ici> of the mont proml- aient and vcaltby farmers and business mci> of White and Edvardi Countica. .*]Robent Smith an>d Paul Tbompson, Chi- cago emstens. ftougbt witb pitcbtorks la a barn. Thonîpson vas stabbed ser- enalhie: vitb the veapon and the doc- tors sa>' hc mn>'die. He va: removed te bis home. The mci> were eaiployed by Mn@. Mary Kera. The>' returaed uats front vork and vere pntting up their tearni nhen the>' quarneled about bbe work. Tbampson, ilbfla aaid, rusbed te- yard Smitb te trîke hlm vbon tbc latter seize-! a pitchfork and Ibrust the ines bults hlm several times. Smith eacaped, but vas arrested bten b>' the Warren avenue police. The second section ef a treigbt train en the Pabadie ronda tnîuck bree aiea on the Irack near Lansing t 1:30 ociock Sunda>' mornang, pnobably fatally injur- Iag al of theai. The lnjured are: Chai. Lazell, botb legs eut off above knee, armi: broken, head fraturect, injurcd Internai- 1>'; Guo Lasell, boîh legs eut of, Ijured A ed4BPÈOY e6mIied of Prof. A. IL. Jackson, Prof. G. D. Eaton of Upper Allai>, and Henry Wyman of St. Louis ban purcbased the Western Miitary Academy at Upper Alton for $30,000. Rabbi A. J. Mieuing, of Cincinnati, has received a eall trou> the congregation Anohai Einieth, of Peoria, and ha& ae- cepted. He 10 exPected to begin work in a few day:. The congregation'a temple vas recentiy hurned, but the erectlon of a magaiOcent new edifice has been deter- mined on. At Joliet, Coroner Downey held an la- qnest upon the body of Misa cornnue Richard, 20 yesrs oid. Miss Richard bad beensick the iast six months, and died under Christian science treatment. It vasimpoSssible to secure a burial permit. The laquest deveioped that the girl died witb consumption. Teddy Kelly langulshea la the Rock 1isnnd prison la default of $10,000 baill and with a charge of nîsauît vitb latent t0 munder hanging over hipi. Moadao night he quarreied witb bis oId sweet- beart, May Peck. and stabbed ber twlce la the breast, one ent penetratiag the luage. It le beliéved the woman cane recover. Information of the eigbtb vielli of the Bastîgt artame orn 1light nt Rock IIi- aud la the diseovery that Auguit John- son, wbo h-id worked for Banilai> six mnontha four yeni ago, had not since been Imeaird Of. Johnson'@ home la et Orlon, where he ha: $500 la bank awaitiag hlm. A brother of the misslng mai> cailed on Bastiotn tu flud where e b ad goneand Bastiai> told bise utomory story. After earcbii>g for hlm ln the West, Johnson's relatives gare bim up anid are nov con- vlnced that he han perlsbed with others nt Bailai', bands. Wbiie a progressive enebre party vas là progrens nt a Rock Islai>d prîvate resi- denie holday evening, a ring at the door vas answered by' the bote:s,, vbo en- countered a maskcd man, who witb two dravi> revolvers torced bis vaylinanad asked thât a contribution bc immediately takea up for hlm. The gentlemen gyesto overPowered hlm until the pollce arfived, a lady present having climbed through a window ai>d auamoned them froma i>eglboriag hous, bY telephone. The robber le la Jet[. This in the second of bie bold capers. At the finit one, tva veeka B9o, be receired $4. JIullUs Zueike, Who §hot and instantly killed a farmer namned Bd Davis near Fox Lake, Wln., April 4, was eaptnred la ('rystal Lake by Detective Lafe Bei>- thuci>, Ofthue (Chicago and Northwestern Raiiway. David had Put Zucîke ont of i: Wagon while the latter as: drunk. 7upike then necured a ridle and murdered bis employer un the Pregence of Mn,. Da- vid and daughter. He vas iockcd i>p pendii>g the arrivai of a Wisconsin offi- rer wlîh requisition Puipers, as bc refu&'d bo returi> without them. He carrne: a smaii Bible anid reads and Pnays constant- iy. He taiks freely of the liteior of Wl:- consin prisons. an>d by i: utterances and resemblance ta description: publlahed shows that he la the mai> for whom ne- wardi Of $800and over are posted. Champaigi> County cdaim, tobcwthie best corn>producing county la tbe Ualted! Sýtates. On a short crop lest year the Yil in l the county wasi 11,429,000 bush- cia. The County Fair Association la offer- ing general sweepstake premilums on cora for the u-bole eouity. Next the associa- tion Offens four cash premîu>: for corn gnowi> la the different township@ or the coi>nty. These make up 119 cash pre- mlumis. lunadditionu tp aili bis, mer- chants and tradesmea la the differeal towi>î offen speciai preminu>: la cash and muerchuindise, making the aggregate num- ber or premniumî 317, and their aggregate Cash vailue in about $1,5W. This la bue lanrgeai aggregatc of premiums ever offer- edl on corn>un Ibis country. Mathias Scbneii, a weaitby Rock Island coutractor, vas sued for breach of prom- la, by Mn@. Annia MeDermott, who dlaim- eol damages to the amount of $12-5,000. IIIln ailegcd that Mr. Scbocil promnised to make the plainuie bis wlfe when the late lirs. Scbneii. wbo vas an invalld, sbouid die. The denth occnnned a few montha agO, ai>d he now refuses, goo ays ibe, to maike good bis Word, w ile he asscrbsq it in a case of blnckmaii. Tbe defendant is wotb about hait a million anud la a prom- mnent citizen. The defendant obtained a divorce fruai ber hnsband. ratrick Me- Dermott. ln September, 18M3, and bc bas bcen a fugitive from justice since 1888, when bc kilied bis brother-mi-aw, Daniel Dongbcrty, in bis wif&:s presence. Mrs. McIDeriott bas two chiidren. Spontanens combustion among the oil, and points un the ba:cmenlt of tbe one and tvo-story brick buildings covering 10(j feet front by 150 ) eet deep on the corner of Locust and Third Rtreets canard a lire at Foirhnny wbich destroyed nenriy $250.- 000 worth of property in about thirty minutes. The buildings vere owncd and occi>pied by Wallon Bros., with a stock of generai merrbandise, wbiîe tbe second storY 1lval; occupied by offices. The ire spread rapidiy and notbing, wbatever conid1bcaveil. The occupant: of the Wallon buildings bad to liee for their lives. Sydney Swarm, an employe of Wallon Bros., arbo vas la the basement wben the fire bruit ont, la in a crîticai condition from inballng imoke, and fromt humas. John A. Stolter vas badly la- Ji>red by Jumping from tbe root, aud ath- ers receivcd injuries. The uited evangelical coafenence clos- ed et Davis, baving bc-en luaiesion over a week. The confereace adopted articles of Incorporation. An examinlng board, trial court and trustees vers electsd. JoneBbOno ls to 1w coastitnted a mission. Fîve tbauîand two lbandred dollars va: appropriated to missions. Foiiovlng are THE CAMPAIGN IN THE SOUDAN. Au Icgyptin Cauci Corps, Armed Men wth MKoderm Ereech-Losdlng Bigles, Patrollînit the Mot Bande la Bearch cf the Enesuy. The eyes of the world are now fixed o h texeion hau reached N bi.n desert, vbcr perils of many kinds the Sondan,. where the Anglo--Egpliaîîn the se cond and thîr ataract-'; are numerous. Dealing vlth the march expeitlon in marching toward Dongol h d.wibn nonering an, of the of the expedition we print an Illustration to crush the power of the Kballfa _ A h- hIlf' forces, which it le beiieveil are taken trou> the Illustrated Loitdon News, dullah, who succepeded the Mahdi, of coneentrated at Dongola. The frontier of an Egyptian camel corps patrolling the Khartoum fame. The advance gunrd of inarch of the expedition ib tbrougb the hot sands lu search of the eneaiy. 0HIO MAS A CYCLONE Two Mien luutaaîly Killed-scorefs of Hougue*anad Baras Demoll.hed. A cyclone vbich proyed fatal tu two persons and vhlcb did damage au>ouutug to mon>' thousand: of doliors pas.i,' across Sandu:ky Couat>', Ohio, Mloud:iy aftemnoon. lb vas just 3 o'cîock vben a big, back, vbirllng cioud vas accu li the sonîbvest spproachiag ah a feartul spee. and spparei>tiy beaded ton the heant of Frernont. People on the itreets cr.eîi out tu each other in fenand dnn l seurcb of a place of refuge. la ire minutes bbc clond bad gone ou its vay, pa:sing clone tu, bbc ciby'a western outekit:sand dsaop- pearmag un the distance. Ia its vake vas a patb of desoltion, ruin ansd deatb. William 1'. Greene, together wibh hi% son, James, and the lotic'a famul>', occu- pied a large trame residence on s fanai directly lu the patb of the atonni The bouse vas crusbedl, XW L. Greene vai kllled outniglit anîl biseningied remains carricd aou>cdistanucetrou> tie site of the building. Mr@. James Greene vas bodly lujuned sud viii probabi>' nol recover. lier in- fant chiid irai peaccfuliy sleeping in a cradie vben the bonse vas @truck. The cradie and ls occuipantl ere picked up like a tenîher sud carricd quite a distance in an odjoining iglcd. Wbeui diseovered the cradie vos smaabed, but the babe vas unabrred. At the fanai of Amos Hctrick John Uawad ctrick vere sbearing sbeep in a barn. Theberhem as leveled to tbc grouad. Loy vas bioviwnut fthe barn acrossa ofoty-acre -field igainsi a tre«. and instantly killed. Hetrick eacapcd witb liglît injuries. A youug cbild o! Charles Tucker's va: badi>' ijured b>' flying picces of timber. Abraham> Fougbl, s former, vas &truuck and au onu> sud icg vere broken. Rbuine, acabhercd fer and wide, are ail tbnt are nov left of n-bat vere a tew bouns ogo man>' ideal country bouses and forma. At Muacaliuug creek, wbe-e bbe Whecl- Ion and Lake Brie l'ilroit'l lies ln the patb of the atoru>, funrful damage vas donc. A lange trep n-a biown acrosa frcigbt train. sbiking the ciboose.cru&.- Iug it like an egg sheli. Severol train- mein-ere in tbe caboose at bbc time, but bbc>' miroculousi>' escaped injuuny. Book- bown,thue amalbailet, vas laid vaste. Not a building la left standiug. The roof of bbc Hotlield brick schaol bouse, threnmiles norbbwest of Foitoria, vas biown off and the gable ends fel la, vbile :cboi wn in session, breoking the aru> ut the teachen, Mis, Belle Norrig. Sererai chlldrei> vere injîuncu. one litIle boy named Hatfield being crrnicd severai bnndncd ted b>' bbe nind. At New Calle, Pa., there vere mai»' nanroir escapes trom îîeabb. The tront of Chancis Eonle's n-est aide store vas bion la. Thmee scbooi buildings vene conîplebe- 1>' unnooted. whie the Catholle Cbnncb suffered a similar ftl. THE WORLDS GREATEST ZOO. New Yoak Xe10 Have Oas That Witt Cover 30) A ores. Nov York ls 10 bave o zoologîcol gorden that ilil :urpaainything of the kind over before knovn. Plana have neariy beeui completed b>' tbe New York Zoologi- cal Society', wlicb ie mode up of soins of the representatire mea of bbheaictropolil, to gîne that db>' a zoo Ibat viii 1w la keeplng vlth liesimportance. regard la the wlld aimals, that o! plae. ing native sud toreiga animais of the tropical, lemperate and coider regiona a: fair as; possible among their natuirel sur- rwîundingu. ut vilii 1wpossible tb do Ibis, eonsideriug bbe lange area tbat viii 1w at the disposai cf 'the soclet>'. The langer animais of Nortb Amerlca yl 1w shova lu thue f ree range of large inclosures, la wbicb the rocks, toreuba and natural fea- tuîresaouthbb landacape yull give tie people an impression of the lite, habits and na- tire aurroundingi of those different types. Ib is propose-I IbsI the lion houa, shahl opien ilto a aandy Inclosure la wbich palme sud other tropical plants viii gins o lurfect impression of tbe naturel habitat oft he lion. The firet main tenture vili ho the- collection of native animale, mon>' ot n-bu-b are rapidi>' beeomlng extinct. The value of exblbitîag them ennder suat- ural condition nili 1w ver>' greot. BIG RAILROAD BRIDGE. Nov York Cearai' l$&Stel Bs-av Oer tbe Harlems River, Nov Xos-k. The great engineering vomk ot elevatIng bbc four Inieka of the Nov Tonk Cenbral and Hhudsoin River Railroad aven thbe Harlenm river ini Ncv York cil>'la cou>- pleted and trains ta an>d freai bbc Grand Central sation nt Fort>'-seeoad street nov traverse the new steel structure and avuid the deep cuut n bbe oid eadvay. The original cause ufthIis change of WAR DAYS RECALLED. Servîvorsetf hé Witetuo Bframe thé Oid Lino o! Mas-ch. Thinby-flvc yeanse ago lait Tburaday bbe Ont bUnion troopa 10 respond 10 Preslog Lincoln'@ prociaaiaIion' ikisg, fot~ê tcers sbarted on bbcln val' foWi ZI*E~ o! the capital Oue buindreéd and thmnt>' fite sarvivors o! those Pcnuaylvan"Iail. Iltia companies celcbrabed bbc annivemmar b>' falloving the saunas lIneo! marcb, but their eception ln Baltimore i> 18M6wva sorncvbat different tram that of 1SPL The>' represent whatLla knovn as the Firat Defenden, Association, tbe living remuants of lire bttbaiions o!finillia, numbering neoni>' 700 mca, as fliovs: The Washington artiller>' and national ligbt nfantr>' a! Potsvilie, bbc Riaggoid ligbt artiller> of lReading, tise Logan guord af Leviston oand bbc Allen Infautry of Alleabova. President Lincoln Is:ued hi: proc1au>a- lion on bbe lStb o! Apnil. The saine day the officers of theso companles reported at Harrisburg witb their aienansd on Tnesday, April 16, havlng been muetered la, the>' boa rdcd a train on tbe Nortbern Central Railwa>' and ébarled for Baiti- %ore. There tbey vvnecocmpeiled te change cars and match bbrough the cil>'. Albbough a platoon of police furnithed tbom anuecort, the>' vere folIowed b>' a naab of :evcral bundred pensons, vbo tbrev stones at theai as the>' uancbed. END VIEW OF TIIE STEEL DRAWBRIDGE ACIIOSS nARLiEM RtIVEli. grade vas the construeiion of the Han- lem ship canal. To Walter Kabte, cliief engineer o! the Nev York Centrai anudiHuidson River Rairoad, la due the chet credit o! the design of the non' steel vîaduet and dav- bridge. The drov spîan, abicbh l the oui>' fon-track railway drxuwbrldge la tbc vorld, messures 400 fet ovaer ail and vcigbs 2,500 tons. The drawbrldge la 58 fet l o chea nîde t roni centor to ceater of bbc onlihule tnuaau'a and la car- ied b>' tbree transes, et wbicb the en- braI oas 18 bbe beavieat. Btween the central aad eacb of the. two aide trusses la a clear space aof bventy-six fet, vhlci permits the passage of tvo sets of double lraeks. The flor in corrugaîcul, like tht a! tise viaduet, and bbe rails arc bolted te lb wlth onl>' the Intervention ut steel tic pltes. 'fe velgbt of the drav ipan la carnhod b>' tva butesiteel drumis, une h-aide the other. The diameter of the muter drum But onI>' onc perensa> as woui>ded, and that va: a coloncd servant uftIhe cap- tain o! the Potbsvilie ortiller>', vho vas Cul an the face b>' a brick. On the l9th of April the Sixtb Massachusetts regi- ment, vhich taiboved theu>, eucountered an even mors augry u>ob, and the iot vhish occurned an that day lu Baltimore la a malter o! bustor>'. The urvIvona o! the Finît Defeadena Assocation met at Harrisburg ta legin bleir historie piigrîijage, vhich covered ths satire roiute over vhlch tIc>' veat la 1861. In Balioîmre tIc>' vers thc gusats o! the cil>',amd voro entertained b>' the Grand Armi»of the Republc. The>' vent 10 Washington Frlda>' and reu>alncd outil Isatarda>' nIgbb. Tisas.Worid'm Fair Madula, The Ioag-expecbcd distribution o! Co- lemb4au Worid's Faim diplomas and imod- ula bas legan at lait, ad Monda>' about 8OME 0F THE MAGNÂTES 0F THE NATIONAL GAME. viU gre for the t existins soooglial gardçu in 54 feet and of the inuer 40 feet. These J3,0 diplorm nat d medals, coývýerlnS ail racres, but the one propomed driM t re eon»fls together by sixteen ,I , of qt o@o fd Germu exhibitors at exced tbeue figup. AÀtti lattice brsCms Underneath eacb of tbc he f,. t*rned *ver to Baron Thill a e na t et ~be« seiectd, drnam SM SvOty.two cît steel roller, tm, t*Il*" aifbssador, wb@ viS a vii be ut t aId ver v l tie. tub" a mbe ie. The e te bIh .bié QOVOrMMn »!e Sii- 174w@vhsl. undertbwgie >e2&.Ar a el E avar t àmw INTERESTINO Itlleletlons ofaaun uI -Wholoom. ire" tudrlag th. eit L.maon fer As*ef% Golden Texrt..-Ye cauffi mamnon-Lude 16:18.M The Rlcb Mau and Las.~ son aubject Ibis week, au( Lake 10: 19-31. Great snd grave truth veaued t God's vord. i 1 pupîls, and Iudeed aIl ef u1 .ring tisen. For' ItlàI.vey of frivoli>' and Iiu needed the proclam4i mors stai'tiag a&M the divine word.Dêl sadIem-etftn" hiidli e 'et" supon tuhe ert mii thé men and vomel4,thes tis generistion, lest ve reverencé and ail t1woklt ~ camie. Bat aloag vthItI did Christ anud hie ap6deî4u,- bie wondrona fruce, Ils sxtended 1 otud.. ba documed ta endîcis voe. aboudêd, grues dld mué É Home oas bas vel asald; "Hh* occasloally slip vboss band he God's haaid, but ho nover u Trust God. Lesaca Bluflta. 'Theré wvhs a cettai"I4dsu i'eitable case, Il would dMe"~ hops rightl>' 1ltsd lIaiý pamable, bat aubte4II1 by lte maminet»nesene of the rDMigàl -soua 'o*I. fte r,,nen oe0Jlmn. rosi nom,but lhe utlatIfore' a translaifon of the tv-o vogis& tbe original mu>' ha*cbse aiany fae ali*a' iase lhW hin11 v«ItI us, unad Uir* i gale, liiword la lUt=ssl' w as a burden * depoaledi l iSetion of lauguage. Tbe vrb so frequelative. 1'leW Isdied to drop the man> ut ils Sate, te geltlhie living the be The deatre ho ho fed thai l_ hors lâlintens or unsuthsied' vas looking and Ianglngte hmving te ath!>' hlmseit Wt and the vialu. Home vord as 6h, prodigal (15: 16), "voud 1usld."C "Tute crumbs" ailuded b ba necessarll>'of breod, as lthes la Our Englial usage, bat of ~ aller edibie.Frget '- rendor the Gree ,the word, the participie falling, 1. e., IIIà fell: ef. vindfaIll "Memeoer the dogs came" (i ly and graphically, "But osl 1 Deoth, ln a sease, atsolao4 spart lanlits; and la a sins~ widel>' separatsd tIsai. saitei us ail alike. But ameuso! angels., ab. ms han': baos; ithe r !1h to fait prenenti> eee fIys et fire. Thse fijasmloftDive lent, ,1tôitheeyes of sumIl, uiM;, tbhon thal o! L"aaout 0e lat aginat.iou thut angeilc trqin. "Hell" la bere represtai a% place snd a eInte. As,& phse,.I off" front thc paradise of th* J%4 doubticas vbat la reterMe te bm liloermediate abats vialh lImabai werld and thenext. Telt Ut ther'e la a separation i l ce yards of Christ on lbhecross1,i shaîtthon eab-wîth me-4a Buti la1.aise epuesnted u condition, and tis has a ai%. "lantorments" (or auuhI cient la Indioate Ife wretehsdiîî ire la la the body, mach la ihes belhthbbcImpeuitent ut ile lAW Thnt "great gel! Ixed" abeqi seftlestIlsquelI"ilo. probation. If fixes, deterusinai of the boum sud the limis te o cbeice. Ifila fromeai ils r bers that our Englisis seausf cornes. Tde catminoete b b>' bopea or apeculations or q. Wc are earlcd by God's aè4t& The oaiy tbing that lninsutei efthIe gaI! la faith la teIl.boà e Thank Uod, fixera la a channe, to-day. Heur, trous thot fer woo cm, tic agonized aptucal o! Dilvu tb bis "five hrsthea" eor t# esmili. One or ivo of tse~ able 10 reaçh to-day la ltam IMM, If the seriptures vl a»M. theai, nethlug vili. Taoeh mau Gel ou i rgît terme vl! Ç lebter le ba- op: rIgM God o! slern '~ e tle god ottf s ol. ~ te rend;:léW*«ýê our jord. ,Mr.,> beena codupt« vices la Novew.~ ma been iaying go, In~ps B ef the 111'pm.ets5u il bu>' fa ?" ho4b_ bu>' for h etaithW et vith ta rt haao A paupera jeid." Deatl4, vorld cenu give. "He that bis 9esi. shaih e on ot e eorruptlon2' (Gel 6: >5 flash coa yield. Seret your aSes. Na>', ti necelve tise gift et ou lits through Jeasa bl. "The ié mon Ml. li led. TisaI wonal. la e rnay a self-ceted Richs could ci et j

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