Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Apr 1896, p. 5

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ý,ý.VE1YTHING IN ITS SEASON ATrTRIGGS&TiAYLORs... We now have in stock the best se- lection of garden and flower seeds ever opened in Libertyville. Corne eariy and make your selection. We are making special prices on our immense stock of canned goods. Everything in this line is new, fresh and good enough for a King's table. If you want a good quality of tea or coffee for a littie money we can supply your want. We are leaders in ail kinds of groceries. Our prices' on our meat market goods are as iow as the lowest and we guarantee the quality far better than can be bought elsewhere in town. G o 4,,1 ý-o!, e 122(,1o -- lier 1I > eau apricotts............ ('00d Jhailt ............25C Pjwr 11) 1can white cherries ..... 3 cai toî..t..î. .. .25c Bakiug powder 4 eaoi . .. .... ..r.. 25c 9 Ils navy beans ..... 2 Cens im .................(orncd Leef and boiling beef .;j t. cti léili FS15 TRJGS& TAYLOR. WALL PAPER. Yes We WiII Seil WÀALL-F Prom lco CALL BEFORE THE LUNES ARE BROKEN. Yours For Busii F. C. SMITI We are aiways wiling to wi --cýiNSURAN( Now is the time for Tornad 'ldVd -T1VM WII'Pambe-.5 ato htdred prîce is,,no ioo r ocoriIe % Rmbers mninI' 4-6+ e> 5ixîve n ya o d;e. Don' TIRE3 menrdnd improveenr have befoi USE,) assurea 115 corlfnued leadership. +i± fldndsome ciôoteJre is vhepp Ageney or by moi 1Jor 2 two cent Camflps .GQPM ULLY &ufFE M. C) 'CtIt2AGO BOToN.xAshmTe1tb BRWMtLN DETPOr tP-OVENýT Yim.l. C. R. SHER .... JeweIe LIBERTY VILLE,- WALL PAPER. JAPER per Roll Up. 15e I8e .20ce 25" F ranîk hedmotîd, of Excrett, was bene C. 1'. Sherman made a ftyi.ig trip to <ýi hicagît Wediesday. Ch&rles ,Smithwas lu Wauke-gan W'duiesday ou business. Claytou Cunningham, ai Chicago, vi.ited iiendn bere Suaday. ML-s Deb.îrab Cooper called on > Liliertyville frieudé Sunday. r Misks Clara AvenUl bas purchased a r %Vlverley bicycle oif "OId Sherm.' -D P-liuemb)er' Wii do job priDtiI.gý > neatly and beluw Chicaga prices. '0The <rgaization of an arder of tihe M Royal Areanunà la bî.iug agitated. Jiin Wiliams Iît hbis whiskers an.d t PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. fLocal Items of Interest to Libertyvilîe Readers I We AitL lke It. Who loves tobaeco izoodj to smokeý, AtldWho doc-s flot, lndeed? mar.i s but a wenpcles "tloke- Wl,, sllghts th-ý frarant w(4ed. 1, 1-toi t Instauiter je-t him go To Max Leflenu! Anid tic thiIs worid af,îr. Andul cv' th.. slip t)**arc. Witt' Max'.. .wn MI.tî.ght Cîgar let I1dm î.efum., treair. lts în-rit., ... ri(,.o.îtward show, Ast Max Llleu! Oir wo,,td h. 1,1,,w a daiutlîr cîow, Who,.e airy tipward Si Irî Sý!ems w, bitxiiteîlngiy toshroud The '4t-as,f l1 i'ts xst girl.- -My Ladly*Is a dsi..y, so Says Max L.B,'au! Oul a ias'j ngfliane. Kn,1i ltrasli,,. gray. A sî,ark of hop-.. a flash of famri, That .1d.ieslum,ke away. Tis lits pî.lli.oçd, y, ou k now, Wise Max IDwî! Y. W. iiid yon v.îte' l Ieetion go. to suit yolu? Fr..lay eveiiing, May 1, at the Town Mise Ethel Gib8on ln sîck witb a cold. Crit Fisher rid business in Chicago, Thursday. Miss Aime Hardee bas a new Waverley bicycle. Cbildren's achool bats at âtre. H- S. Hurbntts f or 25 and 30 cents. Mrs. Warren Heath la conhlned to the libonne with a severe attaek of the "ýgrlp."1 Ladies' Lakeside Ccmetery Associ- ation wlll meet at Mrs. Farnbamls, Thursday, April 30, at 2:3o p. m. G.- H. Schanck was able to lbc out durîng thse warm bours of midday tMis week and ta fast Improvlng. liow about that brasa band? Let sons,. one take the initiative and pusb the matter. Tisera iln no reason why Liberty villeashould flot have a baud. 1). N. Mallory bais returned irons a trip te). Georgia. *'!'Xel" sgays the ouly Place to. live in in Illinois anid bas given up the idea of locating in tbe south. If for any reason yocr paper is nût in tle office wben Yoneauet, ask tbe postusaster for one. We senid extras for Bul.i coutingenlesff, and you can alwaYs get one. Serv ices ai the Preebyterian charch Slltday; morning subject "Genunne Wor.4hip.' Evening services at 7:30. Theine lu the evening, '-What Jeens re.qîires of His Followers. Thje Lakesicie Cemetery Association Mi<l] give a social Friday eveulug, May i. ce rean ad cake wil lie served dua-riog the eveuing. Make arrange- Mt l 0w to attend. The 1. t>. G. T. will bold theirre- la r qtîarteriy ciection of oflicers Sa=:r day eveniug. 4,il members are ne- I tliti"wiluî l Iows ilirougis bis isair.' -1 -".'-ia îpresi. Ail correopon- Rulh Slienielion, f Lke o- d_ (ee t, or the local magazine sbonîd ness, lpb tSlaernseh b~is akFoentitis,lie in iie .editor's band before Satur- n e s , e t S u d a w t h b i rets l u i b i 1 ) . i i. o . A D A M J H i u , S c & -S N @ >' Jeett airsow, f Waikegn, w 1 ire inen met and took oct the rdoili usiesig svell ytieiicWvdnesday uight, puxnped thsa r! week - wllonthe.. Procter lot dry meat to Mn. and Nlrs. Murphy, of Chicago, kei.p iii Tbe boys found the rrt ui egitrein ogod working order. Tbey rit viited w.itb JohunsLawrence and !"] amlymce giiii Satuirday nigisi ai 6:30 for C E-~--'u Su-tlay. drill, «and if vour name is on the origi- II Mn. Seott. of Cllego, visited with nalM petiti.o. for a volcutear Company, for YrOU. bis datîgliten, lrs. Or% hIe Haven, tiue yau are evpeeted ta mmn out. Dont oinsurance. tirst tof tue v.eek. filnget tîsis. Green sweaters set offYxijtb amal 'Ilie lectures i the Town Mal, whsite atipos are tle rage witb bicy- Monday anîd Tuesday nights by James 3dVd IIVM lica. Thsere qulte the thing. Shaw, of Blooniigton, under thse The Lcap Yeai party ai tbe Town auspices of thie Good Templars, were Hall tbis Friday nigbt promises tu lie vell atteuded aund sera interesting. ~ L A Da stuecen8. "We're aIl golng anyway" Mr. Shaw is at. entertaining speaker ______AND____ <en if they have to -stag it," s0 say baving au cxceptionally good deiiver »tlie boys.1 and a flue voire. The ideas advanced EXAM I N EHAllthe belewiskered braves in vene good, and his eltire talk free of tEXAM INiEoo baeAbd h i the bitter sarcasaîns s prevalent vush m imd Irak" eulSoe look uchs licter. temperance orîîtrs. 0Others have daniagcd a goocl appear- Major Brownu, a tyleal "o"man alc by se .oin. bo wasted a liorti, n o! bis ability In *Heres a blut fer the higbway commis-tisaiUe bereabouit. last spring, and e4n5-s0 ljynot graiel these isbeowed someLibertyvvlle sharpsatrlck ,~ IAILtret I. jusi sotth of towu aud have a or tva, is iocated et Fitzgerald, Ga., adys vv eel. icntntu gravelcd road ta Chicago. wbere bc bas eugaged in h wl dg I iuli c douc and innsciiaîcly. glng busineas. He îl.g a weU for a It isOne f the Best Mari Freshînan informed secraio aiIroad Company thene, and when a I sOn e the th mar e t r1ît sek""e'bot o"'he deptb of 2W0 feet lad Ieen neached, onthe mey. r t i a.î rks~ ine anboutsithin the la-ssoma warin iicnd eh,, lead probably the oney hagingtirearm witin te Iinit conrib ta toBro n's lauk account nîtot i be stopped. This efectually j ibnicdwyiiio iiii c t buy a wheel thtl)lec itio. t ieodnue~i aso nrn c ýre seeing thedropped somte tsuperfltuois rallroad F. 0. Elsw,,rîti anti F. Hl. Zenver, iroan dowil the weil if lBrou n "did" ~....WAV R LEY utL,erît,, havi lctn inîprovîîsg thicir you whlle bere, you etaut gît even by *---WAVERLEYI1pr,,îîî ny at Uiplace. ilary Gallo-chnekiing aven lis .chagr i 'l'For once without an eq ual. way îiiiteii/erîtvîr's atone iuside and lBroiwn got the little cud <".f the deal. the Ihuîilims on Mn. Eliswontla's Wl'enuanecofi ibese,'sîîsootlî tritek.teroi 1 handie the High piae îwsen. iitim- provedl iy thet'lu1 get the vorsî of it., 1 ittlî <yni.pathiy Grade wheels and s<ti. lftmid ley tesenv e. ca sjt~luitriîvi.ttnwîts are in onden andl It im Ho nme toule tu, Write to reia- can suit yu .tseii.tÛtiy Frank Wright, not ttî le ti ceea ad irieuda oit,7: îtan immy do I)ljtd tîte tius. bas greatiy u- îlot have tise tise. A i arge iiii ir0 proved the bls.tutîilding liy bavne' aur sUbsriliers seo1d tise INDEPE'aOENT [vA r<i the ball outhue second floor continuedl il tenofws tigla ahbtter l u e ailsted fwsnig etmr~ash ta in ib trougise h rear ai tbe building many respects. H vîlli e far lieapen .P a id a porchi erected wltls stains lead. tIssu wrtivng Iattera - ILLINOIS. iîîg tutheit grotînil. A large and variec lune of Hardware. Pumps, Milk cans and :Cutlery-.The best oil can on the MERE IS 01E OFTHOSE NEW mre Pumps, s s s Gas Pipes, Fittlngs. lin and Sheet. Iron Yotuig usans lesare af the danger th,.t awalts yoti shouid yon ait is IL ýiiatItint'k leltd 13 nopes tisai bave j seatierî.d theî gaieui and storms of tisemiinter hast. The other eveuiug Olue tof îtr Yotilig umen called upon bis lady fain, andI she helng somevisat Of tîte stuisusin gil1rlam Of Mid, liad Sbnîsuglit fitnthtîe Iammock. rhc evenîug lcing fine tbe lovera of Sstarlight rambles and bansmock 0iete.isftee, Ésesicd thiemuelves thasîij'a àand claatted gayiy abouit thse leanty ai O s)rlig, tise Waveriey Club, etc. The youg man liecasue poetîc and was reeltlng.iliat partaiofaOne0f Longfellows fasseite poema "blogsomed the stars, thse iorget-îna.nota of the angeis e"' and tise rope brokt. Some timue lu the distant future when tinse ban erased from bie mempry thse lct that bamnmocks are tricky tinge, ha May lhe inducad tute i Laia,but mast nov hhm asna use for tbàer. lu, Obamberlal» ain Bals.. g~k~ D~b En.ý tof me Be COLBY& boibi Mo89e89MI Orders and Measurem Takn .. Over 400SampI's to select froîn. Cali in and sce theus. HATS and CAP Styles amti Prices t Please.. WE CAN FIT YOUIi HEAÏ we Can Fit Yoir ,Purse.. We carry the largest stock of Hats aud Caps in Central Lake Cacnty.. TRUNKS.... Call on usnvisen in ueed of a tnssnk. Large Trunks. Smail Prices. SEWING MACHINES. Buy thse Ligisi Eunniug "New Home" and save money by buyiasg af us. The "Nejw Morne", Isone of the beat machines made.' To Try la TO Buy... CARPETS ... ALL WOOL INGRAIN'S COTTON CHAIN INORS TAPESTRIES MEEMPS CLOTHING.. giLABGE STOCK W'LOWEST PRICES. Mensa Suits $5. up. Knee Pant Suite $1. up. Wool two place Seita $l.50 Mi'Our Clotblng Is ail bougbt for Spot Cash, wbich enablea ns ta sei aI very 10w prices. Good Got>ds-Lîîw Pîlees Waahlng ma0klnug." s. - Corref3pontteiits and Adverti>or.. sliouId remember tît t takeît.. tte t.. set tYPe Isafore a itler cen le priîatedI. Yoîî wlll greatly oblige by haiidiit.t iii youn cOPY esxI3, Copy for ada must hereatter be lu aur bande not l.,ter ilian Wednasday citai, so wc cati île vote Thurtiday ta settlng up the i.' ueows. We alm to prntt tis NDIN EST Thursday aiternistn, se il;vîli raach Our readera ou the Friday mai., Yon shaUld eail on Mrs. H. S. Htsr71litt andI bîspeci bier stock îof milhiiery before buying. site eau save yaîî mou)IeY. Cail and sce no trouble ta show goodti. WaVOrl*y Club. Meets Monday nigisi in Egen's Mal ai 8 o'clOck., Ai embers urged to lie present. Chamberlan@ Cough Remedy the 13«t and Mo«t Popuiar. We soli mare of Chamb.rlala'a Cough Remady titan of aOUthe«^ comblssed, writes Messra. Kerr à Sorte, drnsats, ai Mars, Pa. They"am. a ' The sale of It la soaebinu penmesI. We bave SOlN two gro*hi.wil*tprp selng as hgis s si b<k4. ,up,~ ~o~.9 eO bave tie ony guine Bail Bearitig 3Bicycle Shoe for ladies' Iand gants. »Wlicyle iders sond leave ibeir unders at once as the demand la very Krket. Cai ln and see th.,c-o ..SHOEs .. LADIES', GENTS and t CHILDEENS sMoEs 1 in latesi styles. eWe carry Henderson', Sei1Z's, Fargo's, Reed 'and Bur 0 I1r stock fah aoes la langer than ever. Oei'riccs Neyer Bo Low WALLPAPER Good White Back 5e Gilts 7-8-10c 0WLa]rge asortment lof Patterus. Sîdes, Ceiliugs and Bar- der% to match. 0cr stock ib s prng la te largest ever carried lu Libetyvile. GARDEN SEEDS We are beadquarters for Garden Seds. SEEDS IN PACKAGES EEDS IN BULI< Alo a large assanment of cholce FLOWER SEEDS. DRESS GOODS l'erhaps you ara not aware ibat we carry a large asorment oti DIIESS GOODS Wc are makng dress goodm one OfiOur Men's.... Fu rnis hin g Goods.... Jacket, Pais, tier- als, Shirt, Utlner- wear, llosit'ry. Stîsipen. des, 'Necýk Wear. m5 Complet.. ery go"4 vBtter Very good iwofq eotter grade. 10 ban go sap 25c, equally low. L arne Slama maka. thse buj Every saak. BUCKWKEÂT OuIy Choloo. RN.! Washi n4 NeceipjtI Western Waau' Inproved Amoeu Perfection Ck4hý-, Washbords Tube COthas pins Cloibes linos Awcalî sud 060 (I a * ý 11.11. .I.- 113

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