fIgSjuM mt the heIp they mc mueh ta ZinHood'a SarmpariIll.I& tfur- ï lg b desred strength by purify- MVhIsng and enrlchlng the blood, )Odthus builda Up the nerves, tones $Satomach and regulates the whole ýAtesn. Read this: '4 llk.t to praise Hood'a Sarsaparilla. ýF hWai redowa, sud 1 had the trip. ".s tit, my hert and nervous aystem "W«te badli sffeettd, su that 1 could flot 40 my own work. Our physicen gave me ue. belp, but dld flot cure. 1 declded try El oodoi'Serseparilla. Soon I could au im owe houzework. I have taken SeaU'. Pilla wltb Hood's Sarsaparilla. 4M tbey have doue me much good. 1 ~WI »t b. without tii. 1 have taken 13 bottles of Hoodu Barsaparilla, and tbroutttie blessleg ot Go<I, It bas cured Ube. 1 worked as.hard as ever the paut IlMMMer, and 1 am thankful to gaey Iame eFOL. Hood*à Pille when taken with * ReoU'. Barsaparilla belp very much." UA&. M. M. M5EOR Freehold, Penn. ?hIf sud mauy other cures prove that Sarsaparilla hbs0aeTr»Bflood Purifier. AlldrugglstL$1. Lyr!!d cIby C. 1. Moëd a Co.. Lowefl. Nus, M odsPilis of the Age. KENNEDYS MEDICAL DISCOVERY, NEUWMI K EDY, OF BOXDRY, MASS, Has dlacovered ln oeof our common emtre wee erecy tisai cures eV"r kldtHmr, f.e the werst Scrofula doms te a cemmes Pimple. He has tried ih ln over eloyen hundred cases, sud never faîleil exceptinj twe cases (botS thunder humor). Ke has nowiluhi, posesion over to-o hundreil certificates cfls valùue, ail witii twenty miles et Boston. Seîîd postai card for book. -A benefit Is aiways cxpenienced from fis oteand a perfect cure lis War. fited whe erigîsi quantty is talcen. ~iWhen tise lungs are affectetl Il causes -,Wmocing pains, lke needles passing Umrugh tie; tise saine mus tise iver or D1owels. This is caused by tise ducts boisl uto)ppd, and always disappears iu a we after taking i. Read the label. If the stoniach ls fou'i or bilicons it will cause squea misS feelings ai first. No change ef diet ever necessary. Est thie best you cas get, and eneugi et il. Dms, ose tablespoon fuli n water at bcd. timne. Sold by ail Dnîggîsts. Çhecks Bleedlng, Reduces jflmmatlon.Quiets Pain, !the Bicycler's Necessity. Piles,' IJES Colds, RhcumatIsm, Iloarseness, Sore Throat, ChiIbiai ns, Catarrh, Inflamed Eyes,l Wounds, Bruises, Spraf ns, ileadache, Toothache, etc. US POND'S EX TRACT after S8having-No Irritation. after Ex.roIsing-No Lamos. POND'S. EXT BACI OINTMENT s a specificforPiles. 50 cts. PONDIS EXTRACT '0.,76 51h Av., .Y. ASIC TOUR DEALER FOR W. L. Doucu.&s C3. 8110E 8S9JORJ.1E l it y« payMtot06tor hesex- d& andnie 1- Doulas Shoe, and 5W mes what a goal shoe you ca uy ftr *3 OVER 800 STYLES AND WIDTNU, CONGBRS414 NuTri ~~ mudLKACE, smde la mii klaus i isbls41meleesld lsatiser by IkilimIwork. Snake sad g3aheeu Mesutàetrês la the wos5d. Nouegeneunsenesm Ask leur deaier for oui 0«. s::«00.1Cs.0. s.02.25 Shw. Sa. s e .7à for boy. li MUTlJLIf yreurai mmt c M.y yn, elttea. - e el - UMad3 omM ttyay cartLaae.St. klndstâ mes me ai -M w b p t it t 1 1 p 1 t 1t PHILl? CASE FOSDfC . son a eteBISURP ditloa of Wonkuîag Cli Ie the Britishs Hounte o Thursdey thse Chancellor of t] quer, Sir Michael Elcks-Beach, budget etatemeut. He saud ti plus for 1M95and 1896 asJ and lie estimated thse expenditu carrent icar at £100,047,000. that thsie sd been a wondertul one of unexamplei revenue L the. fact tisat the expenditures the lergeat-ince the great war. pIns was th. lergest ever kecý larger msaias devoted te the of thse national debt thau ever Tise ceedition) of the working coutiuued, judging from the co of tes, tobacco snd luger, had lmproved, and it sas a remar that while tht decrease le thse e importe for the flrst six montisi te £7,531.000 thse lacrease fer haIt of the year amounted to £ Tee, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach marks, sas drivleg coffeteoutc ket and British aud Irish spirit tirely diaplaciug foreigu apiritu Thienrease lu the Importg 10,000,000 pouuds from n diai and replaciez so much Chinese Increae ole tîhe import of t< 108,000' pouuds. Tise increane port of tobacco was £108,000Oc timate, cisielly for cigarettes. tomeauthorities calculated, hiej £1,000,000 yeerly sas throwu ter, le thte hape ot tise endsa e aed cigae. The Imports et w. creesed £1.236.000; light winei ferred. Beer had iucreasej the deatis duties sere £2,8 &temps £1,629,000. iteferring to the est imetes f reut year, tise'Chancellor et quer said that the expendit placefi at f100,0417.00, and it ealculated upon Was £101,755, MADE BLIND TO B Toueg Citdren in Chicago Crflelly Tortured. Tise police of Chicago have a aystem of child torture whic witbout parallel in thse soin One moruing reeaîtly a police a woman et dia4tressing appeart on the idewafk. MWith ber chiîdren, two of thein heiîîg eyes ot the lit tic otes w ere ini red. The w',uoan by siguasw thse people wlîo poec-ed to drop a littlie box r hici uns ini front women sud chuîdren vtere tait lice sta tion. l>îî nug the cou day a sia!wvart Itaiau weuh asked for tllem. lie as A( selli, the brîshanîl of the woi fatiîer efthe cLilrvn. lie v. pluced under nrreot, for j)hiý 1declared thatflic ev- o f lie had been mode huiit] w t son pepper or giîiiîoreer. Boii tl tise woinan do-uiet-i hat anhii douecf0 flic eyîesof the litrie oi clared duit they wi-re bora hli Froin the lu, tOtiZiill'itiw h lowed this starlliug diseorei veloped ttefctî<t. so the poi- the proctice ot bliîdiug thte yý cbildren so that they w'ill be fui" lu beggiug je regîîlagrly uo Chicago. The bliiîdîîess thui flot airnys peranett but in thse two chilreu ort Massell Ilt in rery doiihtful if their e3 ever Le recoe ered. CROWDS ATTEND BALI Total Attendance on Ope Larirer ihan Liset Y Ncariy 80,(M10 Iersous eaw tl lng gines in the Naîtioîîr Leegue Tliurs(Iey. This is larger than thie total ationdan( andi is uit tîar from tlhe grerîl ever rccordced ou an cuicuing figure-s: Ne Yî,rk.. ..18,(") Pbileli Cin~cinnuati..1,054.îîî: Loisiclle . (MI ao i St. Louis. 4)H. Louis Boston... 15,i5$wjwashiig, Total .... 2, Total. This w ili serve to show thui thuisiasui je beiug shown Il ci the n-ational gaieanîd ceeui the predietious ofthfli magnat uîl Leb a ibenouîcnally goo ba sehi l. C (hicaigo dfeaete9d Loulovi Brooklyna iorsted italtirnore. Louis scîtreil 5 fo Clevciaîîd' luglon wou trous New York,( ton scord Ti, Piilatelithjia3; bîîrg aituost shut eut Cinciu, OPPOSES HGH HA Phlp Foedlck, th e Letii. Fathered tise Antî-itîgh Trhis isn aportreit et the ni made pheesure seeking ln Oh! atteîîded hy dillicuit'es. lic-,hi eomlîck, et Cincinnati, swho bas acieved lame by lutroducing Into tise Oislo Legis- .beture tise anti-higis hat bill aud by hav; hig h passeti. Julas Malle, the Unitedi States consul et Magdeburg, tise ceter ofthtie German heeti ugar induatry, seys tht reichstag whIlI pessa s ugar bilîl uvicis sili cheapen augar la America, 'but wilI kilI thse infant beet sugar Iuduetry ot Nebraka and Cal- forna. TUited SauuaAs(nsi Rs.aner et Bars. te - Cou- Commens ne out but a Vellern Cao Realize thm SUI. the Excite- i,made tise hIigs troua Arlny Ule. et tise sur- £4,210,000, *OtnMle u beBde e are for the t teMoa 'rA"B-týMn Ht ld Relptese Invalids-The tory of One i year, and Who Suffered for Twenty Yeams. n spite et Frome i.Fermer*' Voice. Chicago. IIi. , had been 1 Ison A. Wood, wise new lives at 9M4 rTiesur- Washiugton boulevard, Chicago, Ill., ws we, sud a bore on a tarm ln Wyoming Couety, N. ereducîiou Y., fifty years ago. As a youngîaise hi knw. suffered two sun strokesiu thsefilelds. kus. When tise sar broke out, ise joined the classes, ise f7th Illunois Volunteers, witb shicis Su ousumption servedl two years wheu silkuesa torc&d 1materially hia discisarge. lhe tif ects of thbe &un ,rkable tact trokea and h.5 army lite undermiued hie xporta and isealtis aed he soon foued hls brain, iseart and kidecys were bsfected. For elgis s amounted yearaS e ws withtie West Chicagi ti se scoud ltreet Car Company, but ires torcel te M2,228,000- seek ligiter work, eutishe expomure le- furtiser re- creased hie bronchisa nd nothbuatic trou- of tht max- blen. Hie constitution grauually but surs- !t were en- lybrekieg down, etranir dizzy &pelles te coming more frequent, 8fnaIly ougis B-relief le Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. of tee was He ail teea reporter: "Ilvus nmre tirn and Ceyloii about a year ago wisee I sas very poorly, ; tee. Tise tisai my ieal sas givleg me a great desi ibacco waa of trbuble, dizzy spells, aches n quee. ver feeling- etfuncertaintî in tise usne et m vrtiet-lover lIube visen walkieg. Tise eus- "Physiciens examlned my coedition added, tiat clomely and sere efthtie opinionitht I had le the gut- aliltise firai sYmpteuns ef lecomotor ataxia, t cigarettes aed 1 belleve îisey sert rigisi, aise last bIe ad in- oummer I had a very isard Urne with ai nc atiack of toniiticsend turalgia, trot s sert pre- visicis I dId nflt recever for smre tîme. il à £617,000, sas tises that 1 commeuel te tafle tise I81,000 ud Pink Pilla, aeddlied only tÊetn a few boxes wheu I liscovereti à remarkabîl fr tise cur- change for tise better in every wey. The te e Pilla eemed te relieve me ofscbes and ttExcht îîaîes.the symptomns et lecomotor efaxia ture s-crs haie lef i me entirely, and they bave made the revenue mne strong and teel lîke myset. ,000. "1 am going te continue with tise use of - tise pilla for the reasufi tlit having ne EQ 1 levtd me efthte ailments I thon g hil corne te stay, havieg be caused thirty oWho Are yeassagxe trOm hitSdhIPele tise *ame arn prncticaliy rid of theni ant i lile no effortas hen I have tise remedy st eunearthed haud te keep tie. id. I am only f00 glad -h is elmomt te tell aIl my frieuda what experience1 J'a history.bhaethhid witis Dr. William' Pink Piîlle officer saw and whee they seethtie good physicai cet- once si ttiug Id'tion 1hem lu now, slthough near sixty were tisree 1Yeasof exe, they wIl conte te thse sae Idi coucelusion as inymelt. alid. The! "Tht abore is a correct statement of iflamcd andi tactsq coucernieg myselt. as hegging 4Signti) EDSON A. WOOD," p peninies ina Subscrbdand«Warin ta before me this ut er Tt 2'~ ayet ROBERtT ANSLET, en ta i po- Notary Public. urse or the Pink Pilla are solisy ail dealers, or wi! Led in andI be sent post poid on receipt ot pn'ic ýcijIe Ma- en te a box or si x boxes for $2. tb iant sud thte uddressing Dr. Williamns' Medicino., V,38 at once Sciseneetady, N. Y. ,icifas lbd A Rusmdam Remtdy. eliti e one 'oi îîething likt "Soe@years ag,' sald Pauderewsi ýh mn nd thse otîser day tute Chicago Eveuii îîg had been Ps, "I dîneti iitis an officiai oft t mies, but de- Itusslan army. This officiabai llunhi iîiI. commuandi ou officer of greet abîlity wvi iib lias fol- was atidictedt t strong drink. h It ,ry ha. (le- arranged that tise mans sioulti take dia e R, tblît uer along mîtisus tisaiday. Ituteadol e-e et Young soup, Uic tlrst course serves] to hlm wt mr ut-brandy, wih ise inmutatswallow f .rried on lu spoonfui.nt aite,jutaho ou :S asdis stali OI ltie case et have Bwallowed soup. Atter tise firw i, nt leilt, spoonful hc sas su sick that hc Itoplu .ysight wili cd to he spareti.Lunder cover ofi drawn revolver thie officiai commande( -l Ioiif swatlow every spoonful lu tli L GAMES. plate. Thle otli-er neyer tirank a dccl ening Iay et liquor after flint. Try te tint cour. chamfpaigne frein a caîp cr liquor as tha the six open- ma i as oresi to drink IL. It w-I ilBasehalusake ycti dcathly siek." soeushat e lai yeir, A Cat Worth Maving. tst nuinher Ont ofthlie greoteet cuccesses lu tise his *diiy. Tht tory eft iis coutry la tisat acbieved b: Boston unilque 5-cent magazine, Th 1biîi (M Black Catf. lu seren menthe it hins reach td a ca le oft eue quarter of a million copie re .1,0 per issue. Thli chiet reasen for tlis1 til .1 4.400 jtisai each stîtuber cîtltili ait a dozi le..10(M) efthe ist originîal and tasciuîtiîi s .. 1 j fI tories thef braîîî anad genlus eau pro ;Ion -9,2593 dat-e sud nîoîîcy cenuttey. .~Tht 'hiladcllphia CLl aptly sors: It ..... 8s5G pbenoîieial succese bas already earni lit great er for it thie tille, "Tht Marr-l ofthtie Maga ~whr vrziîîe W'rld," and it wotiîd certainly b, 5 t thtes18My inipess-Ible te Sund ln a ingle nunîbero io5 yeat forS""tYroîhier puîblication sncb dahtiralitj i erfrtales us are îîubliehed niontisly in Th, .14b2-Black Cati. And tise Boston Post lin ile to 2;S'noaceit the niost tascinating 5 ceni, 8 -; ith orth on ciuistohefrPost ExpreîE s ;~ 'a- Thies most faeciualing of aIl tise moder und P3; Bo peniodicalileissiiet by Tise Sfory Pub ý ad Pit:_lsbhing Companîy, Boston, Mass., atj iti, 9 te 1. cents a copy, or t) cents a yeîr. ATS. Vicieor Hugo's Dangister. inator Whso Moet people have forgotten tisatie~- B at Bill. ter linge lias] au Insane tiauglîter, wîi su Wh ins s lestlIl lvinsg lu a luntlc asyluulin leo a procea. Paris.Aayrwn afmygt iPhilip Case -Adyo w g anl u erîngwNvs heldt f0appoint n goardiai lu plae et Mr. Atugute Vacqtierle wiso lîcîti the office tilI deatis. Thi ntrust nom falîs upon Vîtcton Htîgo's aex Isiçomu t Hartiens las lii'iaii cti ove y3 tgtemontî lu chirch is ititYoiung People. ttt fChtristian Endetavor work. "a i île c m n ity as w i c las t ie i tiv. wh mici stils te sgoue, her ust 11M "dtl ai bc eiisccrcly regrettoil. 's,1 for suicccss whie sieehua actleN il tpte- homo ircle andt commuai ; LueTZ.I b_ - .cr »ierfur ne KnUOW Wat HO W auloc. I hait au leterestlng experlence the other day le one of the eut rate drugi stores. There was a rush of building1 pharmacitat to watt upon me.1 "I want a bottle of Dr. -'a cure.j How muchle l ltT' a "Elghty-three cents,' was the reply,a "but we bave one of our owu mako ewhilch la just as good-"1 "But 1 don't want that." "If you do't get cured after taklng1 ours brtng baek thse botte- "I Inslst I don't want it." "Andl get your moeey, althougis yen1 may have taken ailt the medicîfle. Wc eguaraetee ours, andl ca't thse other." i The fellow kept on talklug, and I do't know but that bla stl t Il, for 1 didu t watt to eeo hlm @top, nelther ýt dld 1 buy what I wanted, after ail. 1 0went to a neeghborlng store and pur- chased what 1 tisought 1 deslred, andl flot somethlug "1just as good' or *"bet- ter" thon what 1 purehamed. There le some satisfaction In kno*lng what yen ktwant andi gettlng Il wlthout the Inter- te fereuce of a drug clerk.-Boston Poît. Y. rs A Fair and Fruitful e Asthe West le, Il la often malauicua. But il lyla pleamout to know that a competeet ae- guard Ie the chape of Hostetterjik stoinacb Il Bitters exists, whlrh absolutely nulllfles the I poson ofMisiao. We.tere-bound emnIgrants l-uhoulfi te' r thls la mmnd. Nor sould it be it torgotteii. the Bitter.s a sterling rernedy a for dyspepsIe. bilouanent, constpatioe, kld- m ney ana nervous complalets and rueumatlam. le The United States furulahed, le 1890, le28 per cent or nearly one-thîrd of the le total amoutt golil produced by the id world. lis leading competitors are Australia and Russis, thse former lu thse saule yesir produelng about $30,- 't000,000 sud tihe latter prodnclng about id $21,000,000. The Modern Way CCommenils ltself to thse weil-leformed, id te do pleasantUy ale effectuelly what 1 was formerly doue ln the crudest man- 8, uer and dlsagreeably as welL To 't, cleanse the system andl break up colds, le beaduches andi fevere wiîtiout unpleas- D!anit after effecta, use thse delîgisitul lîquid laxative remcdy, Syruip of Icîga is Not Professional, 0, No. Thse report of the treasurer, mast sub- mtted. shows tbat thse expenses of thse Priuceton foot-hall tesa for thse lest Oyear ivere $19,78,1, and Its recelpts $26,- by 614, leaving a pirofit of $6,8M0 lu the trensury. Improper and dvficient cure of thse scalp will cause grayiioe sof the hair aud hald- ness. Esap)e 1iii b3 the use of that re- g9 lable specific, liai l's llair ltcnewer. c l Last year United States faruiers re- bc celved au average of $151 for thelr as expert ot borses. il- ireckles, tan and 91l beatity-iusrring Of blemisiies vauîsh fromtta te face whee as Gleun's Suliçhuir Suap is nsed. Id Pico'. Cure fur Cousuuoîtiou la the best stof al cough cures.-George '%. Lotz, Fa- Sthacher, La., Aug. 2V), I185. )r- a Alfred tic Great said: "A kîing can d afford to hie pollte." bc ,,ve7005ni, tu I ries Drbns' F«letna-BOra op o.,unue o it. fur hile8 ftiy asieriur te k re. lMade ef Borax, fieSta. 1W uoer oeiL . bur. ll iTs,!-Ail FtâitopUed froc by tr. Kline'sGrolt ,ecui. ues. Tesise sud f1111 trial bottiè itee in lOitcase esBnd ta1M. Klone.Wl Ai rkit1.. Pla.Ps. MM WIU. WinDws STHI. Net-i Bfor Chidrn teethiug:.sotas theis1umm enceco inflammation, s- alisy. pai.n. cures windw e. c. ntucsabottie. by______ 'lt CIURRAN'S "PATENT POCKET SAFE" ,h NJ ares jour Poeeet-boo)k. Pur,, mmteing se tdeutàuiloa1. ,or toien SiLbot oi.lîckuwiledce. Il,: 90]p Olte asfeent&&rà a Dby i uli 25 cents. Adl- d, CIJISI 4h 0t..Rs.meso.ttilue. AU7satlaeaAre Ucot! IMgnwn. Thse Italiens, of course, explain thelr defeat isy tise presence of Freuchs and Rugslaxi efflcers wltis Menelek, but It may be questloned If any Ânglo-Iudian generel accustornei to monutaîn war- tare would egree wlth tseni. Drill dots flot Improve Oriental sôldlers like tise Abyssînians. Tlîey are Sernîtes lu blood, ef exceptloual courage, men who did flot hesitate te charge luto thse cen- ter of tise Itallun regîmeuts; tliey have been accustomedti t defeui tier bills for a tlsouganti ycars; aud they have generals accustornet to utîllze masses of men who retieutly iestroyet an army frein Khartoumn et Kassala. Tbey bail goud rifles, they were ou tise hîgier ritiges wheu tisey starteti, and their king, Menclek, la obvleusly a seldIer ofthtie Hyder Ali type-tisat lo, a man wiso eau induce hI8 aoldlery te die. To beat stjcbnmen they msust eiher be decoyeti eut ofettisehlls or at- tacked fro. aisove, and tise Itallans were stiluuountlug wiseu an avalanchse of rigemen awept down on them. Tise number ofthtie deail uuggests that tise Itallans fought well, but the frlgistful proportion eof fâcers killed, two-tirds tise wisole number, tells a dîfferent tale. Tise officers, we fear, expoeed tisem- selves to arrcst a paule, whlch mey, hewever, broken ont at first enly among tise native troops.-Lonslou Spectator. ?drs. Sarah Plaît, ot Essex, Coun., la 94 years olil anti bas been a persist- ent smoker fer seveuty-four years. ishe suiokes a pipe, anti siokes It regu- larly atter each meal. Indulge lu precrastlnation, anti lu tîme yen will corne te tis, tisat iseeuse a thlng ougist te be doue, tiserefore you can't de It. biW.hLu Bear in Mind that "The Gods Help Those Who Help Themselves." Self HeIp Should Teach You to Use SAPOLIQO Remem ber! V You are wastlng monel, iwhen you buy cheap bindinr instead of the best, Remember there is no "1juse as good " when the merchant urges something else for Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding. i-ook!or"- S. H. & M.," on the Lab4L and take no other. Il your dealer will Bot supply ym Send for samples shewinî e lssdmtr thS. H. &M9. C..P. 0. ~o 19, N.V @km nnuw- - W- LJw The coniing Artist who knows enough to paint a popular uubject.a .eirt ly Ci kv buldintg up tbe constitution and suistlegiture In dotés Ils voikThie plulrieton. -Iueso0 mach f#si tfs curatve pwemthat fle ffer Oaa Hmidred DoâlSfor br ly cae tha t I=faito cure. Seel for Ilst et TestlmonLais. Addrs.. P. J. CItENEY & CO., Toedo, . tw"lîIwby Drplsti, Te. Seusior Brîce wears outioeeoytgiasa strIng a day misen lie la-nlulhîset. Hf bas e greal fesision et taklng off his eyeglasaom andl twstlng tiseed eftise string alouel bis finger,lten he lets tise glgeses wing eut full lenelis, 1 the c»nfuiogn et agi, Dasiniemator. You get 5ý4 = of "BattIe Ax"t for 10Ocents. YVoony get 3 à = of other br4ncIs of no better quaity for 10Ocents. In other wordsifyou buy "Battk Axt you get. 2 z mor of h :vd tobacco for the H. J. Martnof Î02 T atreet. N. W., Wasington, D. C., la a reent Interview bad i milm by Mr. H. D. Brtdle, efthtieIWasington Chroulcle, said: "Hevîng sufferel for maey years wth dy,&pepola. Indigestion ant iblîloueneas, 1 tile every kuown remeily. ccnmultedl many physIcIens mh thtie hope of gettleg cureti or et'eu relief, but notisng seemeil te relleve me. After meals 1 would feel as If a baIl ut leail mas lodged la my atomucli, tlred and liles.,as tisougis lite mas csreely mertii '1 living. Flnely I wam attrÇet*4 t tise ail of Rîpans Tabules, .a" cou- cluded te try t.. Âftmr tak*Mg lb. firsIt tc or titrs 1 Ima us pnlued 10 laidtihe relief thaT .«"% and by tise tme 1 empteIO * be box 1 Mlt1*0a nor mu. 1 b% LydiaF. Pimhham's VeZefablo WM cure the moraL ferma of cemplalntm, anl ovarlaa s'ule, fiammatien ad uleemetlon,fal5 dlaplacementaof tt omnbmt quent spinal meaknesud ntila liarly a"&pied 10 the change-of f. Every lime I it M cure t .o IL heu cured more cases ci I nhoea by removiig the cauge, t~a~ remedy the menti hem ever kcn la alaneet llible in auch caa W - dissolves anti expela tumor r tf uterus ln an early stage of devesl<1,J' ment, and checks aey tendeney ho ae çerous humors. Lydia E. Plmihaaud Llver Plilla ork ln unisen mlth -l 'Comspound, anti are a sure cure constipationi ant i stk hesdache. Mmls Pinkham'a Seaiev Wash la of greif, value for local applicîation. OLD EYESX,,"'ýMtQUe