Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 May 1896, p. 1

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si-I -y Vol.-IV.'No. 29. LibertSiville, Lake County, Iflinôis, Friday, May 1, 1896. $1.50. inA ,11 YIU VIMYT LODGE. No. *02. F.& e-.M.sgulaCommumnaosasnd à éth gtudays of eueh montit. Vlatlng bretheru eoedluy weWeoeid. W. IL HxINU. M. W. I. a. Daowu. Bee. Dr. Charles Calloway. Offlice over LavoirsDrug-Store sou» POx 1 TO S Ai» 6 TO 85P. IL Libertyville. - Illinois. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trlggs & Taylor's. 7 to le a. M. 2 to 4 and 0. le s P. ma BesIdeoce on Broadway oppoite Parkt Libertyville,Ilîlinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. HouEs TILL 8 k. M. 1 T0 8S"DA» a 0P. ML speeta attention paid tws the1 trestment of Chrônie Eheumntlsm. Rockefeller, -Illinois. Mien LULU M. S. PENNIMAN. VOCAL ANO A LOO DELSARTEC muSSO......£LOCUTION.. Uibertyvîlle. IliInois. Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENTiST. Office over Loveil'e DrugSitore. 130URB: t 12.m. an 1t&p.flm DAIY. Libertyville, Illinois. 'M996 M. ALICE DAVIS. Graduae o f Ams.ncas Coases.for» 1 - TRACERa 0O - VOICE CULTURE AND HANMONY UJbertyvllle. Ilinos.. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Attorney and Councllor at Law, NOTARY PUBLIC. 8îm'iis atten vàt oii 0Coilýcdtofl* ad Office wlth &.&ka County ankc. Libertyville,* Illinois. John J. Longabaugh Resl Estate and lnsurawec Agenit. Leasand lrnitrniA £1 sofde rairs. Agent for Nort(.crman Loyd lttcam- sbip Line. Graysl ake - -Illinois. W. C. Reeves. x'hysielun and surgin. Office at Hardens Hotel and (m'- door Sout<h of Po.g1office. Rockefeller-Ililinois. UNION HOTEL. WHIEELING - ILLINOIS.1 FIRST CLASS HOTEL. . . HaIf-wvay House ... Between Chicago aud the Lake8 Cyclists Headciuarters. Good ercomiodiioM for traelers. John Behm - - - Prop. LAKE COUNTY BANK I...... Wright, Parkhuirst & Co. LibtyileIminois. issueg lntergst-Bearlng Certflites Payable onbomand. M. ki,,APPLE'i. il4il*mghud mueh experience in An0c tit#iielàtn<li t Me PUAI uveliîctu e551.a 1 ;Ïas tp.toid te attenid mies ilu Any pug ufJïie udadjolntug Conuties Àtzt Ratwa. attisf.sttiun Giar- WlniterBlankets, Fur Lapý Robes. {v' Fur Coats Da Cap. ub Dan ce. FridBy night the De Capo Club gave a Jesp yen dace et tie Town Hall. The attendeuce was good., tbenight a perfeet une und ail who participeted ouJoyed a mont pleasaut eveniug. Thse ladjies have a taeul" of managing sno mi event wiich wHIl serve to set a pac. for thse brelbemu and 5840W them the s4proper capeT." Refresi. mente ver. served iu the basepent of the hall during the eveulng fer whlch your lady friends paid. in fact it didn't cost a celit, sud lie boys 115.4 the novelty of tie tiing. The dauces go be given lu thc future by the, Da Capo Club are sure e b le a suceas, as those altending tlhe lIraI on. wyul not mis the evelîta to btc given by tbis club lu the future. Abert Ane's, of Deerlield, visites) LibertyTilie frieuda ltant wek. WAUCONDA. Mrs. W. C. Quincy rettued home Bunday. Frank Green w'as s Wancongla visîtor Bunday. iR. i%. Kent relîîrned front uabis ome lu Indiana. L. Knlgge w.IIs aWauconda viit<er Mouds,. A quautity of 118h are laitg cauglit lu our lak. lateiy. Lon Harrîs and D. 1'olter ivere Me- Henry viilors Snnday. J. Heriuier, of Nuîda, wa.4 a W«at- couda calter lust veek. We îtnderuland thal J. Blier baîs rented McCabe'a ,Saloon. Misses Grâe.asd Maudt Wrag ti visiting hlieataIpreseut writiîîig. E. A. Goldng bas inuîrovcd hais barber siop by havlng il paperv.'I tir, snd lire. Everett Neville s'n-jt Siniday with him parents bere. When you wanau to rent a whcel cull at the 'W amenda bicycle shop. Mesure. Gilîbert sudRecynolda were ini tieC ity ton buslnmsWedtuaday béat. »1HI. R. TANER0IMINAIED1 Republican Candidate for Governor, Northcott Second on Ticket. McKINLEY FEELING EVIDENCED. For Goyprncor..... JOIN B. TANNERI. For Liut. G',vcrnor.. W. A. NOliTHCOT. S paIxoîîpLD, ILL, April 29.-Nomi- nýationjs of the above portion of the "te ticket hl Wben dli8pised of at 6 <'clock this eveniug when the republi- cau convention 'sas declared adjourned by chairnian Berry until 9 o'clock to- tuorrow morning. Thc agreement by wvilcithc McKnley resolution la made part of lhe regular order of buhi- neas 'sas oune<if the ir8t auta of the convention. The fact that the resolu- tion docs not arise uutill fic-r tie noamination of attorney general cx- plaina why uo action was tuken onut to-day sîber the agreement wàas ralifled by tie convention. Daniel T. Littler, seustor Culloui'a guide, iried tu 5111 iu the convention a resolution Introduced by W. J. Cel- liouit,, bheehoseu friend o! the' MeKin- ley forces, embodying the compact ar- ranged belween the leaders on both aides asat eveuing in regardt4)tohue [innter anîd lime duriaag the procced- ings ihat this subjec'l of lresidential instructionsahounld tic-discussed anti voted on. Seiater Ltter may bave ticenput tip k>do tus ,y tht' machine leaders, uotwithstanding tii. compact, sud he înay not bave Leen so put uîî. Tics. leaders disown bis action. However tha my bc, certaiu il is that they were Dea" Ansley. o! Diamond Lak v, was tisugt4î a lît'ss<îltî iey wcnc very in nci a pleassut caier Wcduesday of hast ini need of. Tln.y werc laugil lu a we. waY tiat startl.'d tiien thal thebcKin- Aug. Chllaer, ut Milwraukee, is sîîcnd- ley element in ±hi conîvenîtion ia great- ing a lew days with relativî.s i tIisj er thuai even bbe frienda <if telii. Obi vleinily. J. Nori, M. W. litiglis, E. A..liad dareCi ira) hope it wonîd prove lu Golding were Chilcago viaira ast libc. Prlday. I1lMr. Littier w.sjiqueloi4ed inuas eolt W. understand iliat Mir. G1. Morton itimuliating way, and tie Calicien wiii work for J. W. Gilbeort iti the resohîiîiaîu wenî iblrogi vh ith a volley ne ar future. ,~aqrvln ud i'Clui0f W. hear the railrosd men arebPr t prvi smd h uln b aguin tnying to gel thie rigiîî.awt<y.h eljî'ctor look liSe a wliilîped urchin. good report la given. A The Litler inîcident eîîdcd, bietma- Couinby Suinday acluuol ,'uiuventjotî chle men pub their heada logether ahilb. ieid ai bhec iitist c-hurt-h antd lefors. many minutes bic word 'sas April 6. Alil are iuutd. îiassed along liai adjounumeni abould Mrs. ,Andrews sud IMisa Lîî,-y blx taken at ail bazarda before lie Me- Andrews 'sere gucats <if Mra. L. C . hinlley rtesoclutioua could corne up. Prit.. sud famlly part o!fluet weck. Mn Berry was about lg) take tic Mir. Joseph Coinits, of Crystil Lakte, e i*uetcarasi uams epent a fev (laya of ast week uti hmaîit l lsrasihse is frienda sud relatives lu tis hplace aid I senger boy came mb t' hall. Thc viciaity. i message 'sas from Vermnlt, tclling Wm. Cougi a lithoe girl fol i of, a hoi.w repulilicans of lie green unounl- haramock s few da ago sud broke Iîù lt disrce o ao uer arm. Dr. Wells ristuceua ie fracture.1 Mr. S. iteynold's met ulti n laid, accidentby up utiug laisfoot t Ilian su Monday rnorning. Dr. Dawson w a called 10 attend il. Miss Maud Pratt aîîd schees are aieS 'siti the meaaies. We ii.îe Ici soon hear of them r.covery. Auson Devis bud tie misfortt,îîc to have a dynamite cap explode ln lus pocket wbilc blowiug ouI atunîpa. HighwaY Treasurers Report. Staie of Illhiuoia, (oaaty of Lake-,nas. To ict of Fremo tei. Oflle uof Tr,-asurur ol, Cornutssion-r of Htghways:-Tbc- oliowluîg la s .atc'mi-nt <y IL C. Wrtz. Tm-asur,-r of th 'ii 'otmîslnpr4 o! Hlghwaya o! the Townu of Fre-nint.lun thie County and tI e ~nafoni-aai<1, ofthei amant o! pub;ieftindsu-epci-ivtl id î,-nîl. cd by hlm clurng thc- fiscal ai-ar juat -low-d, eudtng oui the 219h day of Mar-ti îi.ra.shiîw- ln« thse emount of P111,11.1 feinds ou handl il tihe commen(eenut cilsaîi <lacet yîîr. tih- amolint cil publie. lîtîîhart-c.-iveci andl rou, what sources rci"ts.I tte' muit <f pubîli- luncîs expeudeci andl fin wauI urtîius- oxpeuded. clurlîîg 961(1 fscal pi-ar. endIlugas The mal, M. C. Wirtz. tietng îilily 5w-ýrn ueposesud sayH thittisc folio ring sate-nint b>' hlm aubSeriheci s a orroet atieuint <f thlnaount of putîlia funîls on bandl ut th'e commencemnent of the- lwl h ear sîtove stathle amount of publie in nds n.ceived, and thie sources rom whieh relvecl. andi tise ainount i'xîsndlci. andl tîîlrioaz'a for. wieisexpendei. as iset forth in sdil milte-. mont. . C. WaIRTZ. Subseribodsnil swirui Ic i Tni-, titis isth day of Api<i la89. EnlIA» 0. lAYNr,. Jiistl., f lth -c-. Ainouut noîf tiuli finîls oui latol il 1h-ý eiîmnletnenip<it ofl the lIe,-:,1ci-ar. -' M- qeifî the tîteilllu1:9 ,f.xi, t, tl 5. 1M Mar.'h 26 Palan." > eiî hstnd..... .. .. JiiIy 27 l e' el. , ." a,* delît.î ltrit rondl taSx lI<1 tax &X) 54 27 d i9l:iad maru 13 1wv. fr.,în Fraliîk1)I ... , tô ...............2 78 a1 B"e'ived frotte (J. P. Thona Totàl mon lt ....... -'.. es -à SoNn xmpmp*x ot v05lIae plapout MeR inley for pncaidcub. Tu u-t-Iirds o! lhe conîvention voted againat adjourumeut. Berry ralled cter a minute or b'so, pu1 t ac motion, made, as a malter of fuel, by nobody, declared Ait arried and gave bihetma- ('bine mon wiai bhey wanted-atîotlcr nîigl for trafic in hotton sud deccncy, unothken nigit for trading mpoils for ti- deitY ho dly. Wlson-Harden Nuptiale. Apnil 22, ut 4 o'clock p. n. aItbe Handen Ilot, thle home oftlebr idel, ocnî'id the tuarriage o! Mn. Jaines Wiha(ii, o!fIlockford, sud Miss Mac L. Iirdeua. tf lRockefeller. Tic cene- mîuy WLsaaleinuized by lie Bey. Juin E. Evanîus D. D., of McUenny, 111. Tiec- cremotîy 'as performed lutlte prescuce ofithie farnlIy ely. Thc occaion 'wax beanllfully impressive. Mr. williîn l4 a suceffstul -busineus inîmu laei ttg superi atendent of tie J. i. Case Tlircnshing Machin. Co. Misa Ilardeilois iw-nast active pouug ladyi li ehurci aiid VYoung People Society o! Qhrishtrî Euîdeavor work Ini bbc comunitiy amsWeil as the home f nm wbiu'htaie bas gcueý, ber absentce 'ill bc ainct-rely regrettod. May the snces wlicl aie basachiivcd intheUtc boute cincle andi community lie a forortunnten iof lîcnfriture sttci--a. Tnt-y lî-ft Rlockefcller on lie six ciclock evinug tratin ho sjît:id a fcw dty.s in Chilcagit, îiieu thtiy 'ili go 10 Rîîck- Tcînct wlich i utlie Ilir future bount-. 'ThJiîrsc- tmarkent 18s iumly neciver- iiig frîîiu thiat su ldnop tb 'shîl-l hiecycles wuc-ne t-c'sted<if coitributirig anîd u111)bbc th t-i-c-tcar uiuîgnîltes lnre -uteiiug hlinir hiriQbst agitinat tIi. sili'uite-c. iiInCevelandl bhe oflîir thaky Sjc njtdt Stanley, stis's- lîtg a atati-uîet titat lalopeles ma(il- iffipflîbtii Ici nlS con uuty oe'cuNiiti, 411dtbiirteftietheendc Iiienetltîni tii,: âtecol car eomPanios;, sad: "Psaa', "w-Ong out0 $400a a y ou.account o! jýtitL W5Mhiqeuq O ' Teacher'. Reading Cirole. The., foliowing la the program for tho Tenclser's lReading Cirele te b. held la Woulkegan, April 9. This wIUl b. thse lent meeting of the yenr and every one, Io eapeially iuvitcd te corne: LITIMATUM NIKOLAI GOGOL.M iss AtLlz PooLEt JOHN BAXE... Miss LOint L. SivzER THOMAS ROBERTS ON.'........... PROF SWAYIR P5TCROLOGT CHIAP. XVni..SUPTTIf. W. MÂRItvu CHAP. xix.... PBOE. F. H. HALLz CHAP. xx......... Gzo. T. Rooz»l Guo. T. Boas, Secy. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. PROM WAVEEGAN BEGiSTER. Daniel L. Miller te William P. Merritt pt bIs 3 0T Little, Fortw d ................... $«K James Davis et ai te Arthur Mor- ris pt nei nei and pt nei sel 1:1 44 lu w d................. 1160 Arthutr Morris te George Morris lit ae sud pt Wl sari sei sec 12 and pt nwi nei 13 J4 10 w d... 264>0 Fraunk Wright and w te Maes E. Stafford Its 19 and 21 blk 12 C Frank WrlglWa add te Liber- tyville w d.................. . 6(g Maîils Webb et ai te Charles l'alleu 2100 tcs lu 14 46 10 w d.. 8M0 ThomtuaaShiel te George, sud Joýsepla E. Anderson pi lot 345 1,ake Forest w d.............. 1600 W ill iam E Morse and w te Henry l' Fitzpatrick lot 14 b 157 8 %%*atkegau W d ................ 1100 A-la D Adams te John L Burlin l,,ta37 and 40> b 69 B Waukegan W (1 800 Cliarle.4 W Lasher and w te Cliarleas 8Thoruton Iota 4 sud .)1)2iiadd teoLake Bluff w d 550 Clara A ltivhardsou sud h te Wil- lia ii Rihardson pt Il 1 nei and otîjer land lu 3 44 9 w d... 450 Paitro'tk McI.aughlin te Ellen Me- Latigiîiiiu 5 ses in 17.45 12 w d 200 Chiarles <rnltcr to Angust Mavis .ý nu and lit swi uw iIl 139l d -............-.......20 James Wvllîasd w te Busle L liiinltîî It s 4 56 blk 16 Chica- go Sl;riiig Bluff add............ 150 Ellalia C \War,' aud W te James C Ilfainîaîs swi4 443 12 w d ...1000 Marriaire Licennes. pvteýr 1'. 1illitIa, Chicago ...legsl age fiatti,' lliggiiaa, Lake Forest. legal âge Geoîrge F. Lune, Wsukegan..... 31 Alice E Fc'la, Waukegiin............. 20 James W Ils. n. hiekford ............41 Ma. L. Harien, lRockefeller_2 Bernhard Wagner, Meffeury ....22 Margaret Bru. ,Waucouda ....21 Alfoua VanuLDew[lhlt', Wanlkegan .... 23 lira. Lydia Wssldward, ".. . .30 Joaka Ogolin. \% & kegau........ ....22 JohanunaJoakal -'.......2.3 Andrew Tiiomn. M mtkogan. . ........ 24 Cors E Uauxlanîst, -"....2.0 Sohoot Treasurer's Report. 0f Township auîl District funds by tie Treasurer of Township No. 10, Lak. county, Illiiis, for the fical year begluning Aîril h.1, ,1.3 snd endiug April 6, 1,496: w yt1fl'S-Ntzý --mlm.PRICES ON CARP-1I Damask Carpets, per yard AlilWool Extra Heavy, ail wool, per yard Body Brusseils, yard wide, per yard Best Brusselis, 27 ln. wlde, Heavy Mattlng, 1 yd. wide, per yard No. 1 Heavy Matting, 1 yd. wide, per yd. Cotton Hemp, very fine, peryard Fl'oor 011 Cloth, per yard fAT WYNIW6,W C. M. & ST P. R. R. TîmE TABL. TO CHICAGO. su. a. a.m. I.. .. .Pin. Russell '8138 5:17 «5'7 Wadsworth M:50 W:38 &05 Gitrae., 9:10 5:36 8M1 warrentan 9:16 5"9: '14 Lî 41:10 7:1 12:391 5:47 435 Rondout &.20 7:25 9221i2140 :65 &8.11 Everett 626 7:38 9!28 12».46.&08 &28 Deerfield 6:22 7:44 9M2512:52 <&07 1:U ShermervIllo 9:36 7:60 9:40 12,56 9:14 53s Cheago<arrlve) 7:36 8:46 lS.25 1:45 7:00 6:30 FROX CHIICAGO. L,.n.Pss.ta.Inl* &m. r.m. P.m. a.m. Lv.U.Pas.St. 730 :05 9:.-0 8.:20 Lv. Kinzie Mt. 91.90 4:30 Shermerville 8:28< liais 4:56 S'1l 7:181 9:16 Deýerfld 8:34 10:22 &:00 6:17 7:27 9*.21 Evert :42 10:289M06 &25 7:22 9-.27 Ilonclout 845810:35 9:12 6:40 7:402 9:33 LiiER'rlvuLE 10:45 6:55 7:50 946 Warrenton 8:54 6:12 9:38 Gurnee 9:00 5:23 9:41 Wadworth 9: 10 5:3391 Ruossell arrive) 9:18 :49 10:.05 ý dentsdall. ,,Ieclcntes 8,tnday onIl'. Wb e u nomak appears trains are dally exi- cept Sundsy. 8UNDAY TRAINS. Lv.Uibertyvlte. 4:55p.iu. Ar. liondont s:osp.m. Lv.UIaertyvlIcr.9:10 Lan. Ar.Chleago i<0:62 am Lv. Uhlesug920a.m. Ar. Llbertyvll..9:45 a. m Lv.Chîeago gos P. uu. Ar.Llîertyvlll.t 5:3s pan. No.s30runs Sundauoy oi>, int south wlIl stopioneal ase loîtows -At tusei l â.7 ~m. Wadaorti 12:8 Gura.. l12*27, U 14 . m - A littl. i11, tien a Uttle pill. The 111 Ma goDe tic pili hms won. DeWitI's Little Early flisers tli 11110pilîs that cure great Ills. F. B. Loveil, Lilx<rty. ville; G. C. Rberts, Wuucondu. Tie frequont showers have iindered tie furia 'sorS very muc.'. Many farmer. are net lirougi seeding pet. Fruit trees are .111 lu bloom, If tiere la no frost te injure, lhe prospect in favorable for in abondance et fruit. This commuuity 'sas shocked on Saturdey morning tb hear of tic audden death of James Dowell. He was stricken witi paralysie ou Wednes- day and dicucu Baiuvclnvmornifle. ie IN ACCOIUNT WITI I 14OL TRUSTEES. j*'uu - vas tintp-niue years o! i RE(tEll'TS. a vif, sud lhnee clildren CLali on baaisil) <i7111ing flto fiscal thirteen yeans old. The in.imiof own hit id.... $M held in tic Volo M. E.c Mit..ev'îl rotunota ual 'sere iuterrcd in'ai stfr',n lnlrufnd 2@7 91 cemaetery.Te fml Tot..........................»2 81.ympatiy of ticir many EXPENDuITURES. neigibors in thudr huresv Loansansui nvostu.-u, f rrwnshlp . Lake cony Bundey sel lands madle.....................11$M400 t ion 'sill convenu at Wl Dîstributeci and titttu r.IIIof ' Wednsday sud Tiursday districts.........................8"a 10 Paldtjomtîýnsatln of jir .......r . q9ou 7. Ail delegates commn bs,,k stary ta trensur,...... .... 20 Ou Western a. iX.. lu Barringi Ineldeutala nIofî5,re.ur... .......i2 ih tg hihlae Cash on iaed ai date Avi i d1t, 09 wt tae'ilhIa ton ~ ~ to itcriii,tal ýf lu ,%ai1hl 10ea. m. fer Wancouda. I fond ................ .........14u200moon Wisconsin Centrali Tuta........... ........... .52 4 81 1e a bus at Rockfellert IN ACCOUT ITHsR Cacit.L IISTIUeTI. Tise Wanconda bus 'sil tiECEIi'TS. wbeu thep return. Eve Balance on band ut beuiuîg -J II-al lise county -le expentles year Aprîll 11 ..... . . . 1S968 SB leUt two delegabes. Arn] Prom clMOtriulon of truat-'.... U1.0 Ilions nre made tu entertaln speitlidisticlt taxes .2... t raiîroaci taxes .......... = «* e. Tic Waucoudac liseS taxes .......... .167 Mo minad te have lie couuly i tre-saururs o! other tcw,,'jjj.I" . ! se towu sud vili rmi Total balane sud reoeitîts . .. *ceýl m ay corne with a cordial1 EXPEI4DITII:R5. Pali out on clreetorsn,l,-t accouai of District No. I ........... iii 0 Pald oui on dlne ors' orî-rs-k..r ncc<uni of District No......... u Pcuiî oui on directora' ordlir-K? Paici oui ou director.' orcers-Eor eccolial or Disirict No. 4 ........... 251 M J 9 H T1 Palci out on direetors' o,,r- 1 U TW A accouni ot District No. r ........... 464 r. pt oton j1motora' ordir-For hiriet NI. ..........1114 Pais ont on directors' order-l-,.r Tu.eaum la made of account «Diistrict Ni). .. ..._.....aS P.Id out on diriators' ordeir-F',r 11boat No. 27 Galvan- secoaQuai or District No. m9........... @1:, 71Seia I P.1itout oh cireciors' ,rcrFr lejt account of District Ni.. 9..........' t tentift bas becu given Pldd out on diceuiîîrs orclr-For aeqouftt of Dstrict No. 4 Avon ..... . 10 tisepqmplng syslema. Palit out on d.ctr'ordle'1-Fi'r ,- emiew sueitunt ai DIitricrI No. i Ela .......IIBil* sine vi Palit oui oi liî'.unirs' oi-r-Fiîr net t ont o! order. aicouut of Ditrict No. 2ILlluiriy- ville.................... ....... 14 z Cen Pbaudled sainiena Toitat expAndcitur.'s................. e an ordIneu-y cau. The Cahbalanci' oui bandi at ual.' Ahril outaide rl ungie TOtl xpitdlara.104<.. nu-talnei 'ila ery bandsome Sp- 1 clo hereby oentify tie foregoiuîg leuasco su4'maSos l re-pcrtnto bo correct, according t)icei 11w' tana ace btiaof nîy Suowledge sud belief. ' iogrts ajce H. C. PAVER, Tieastureér. -au. When closcîl la 8 %vol nlIci aud subacribed before <i- .liolttely air t igît, tIns.. 1411, <iy t April, A. D. 180J6. 1iv eo v ell adaàpîcd ilK.MiQ7sf Notary Pulic. lt- gasolene. Blinis ture c biitoly bîsinles ulien :, Xsk poUr. osIer for V«Pi-W hIC,.WlîiLim Sve la îîroiîîîîi.- ty ci1ijiied. Thi s. At ut la truc. î" i-î-aand y 'Wilh lc A peýrfûectrc Te y o 4»blu taeses, -.nrîtrtsed. tt_> clstap)- chapped iu4s au4 nover ~ --,-- ug.Leaving g19 ihe eldest ef uneral 'sas cîjurci. Tii. lu the Volo, [y have lie y frieuds and ivement. qhool couven- luccinda next ay, May 6 aud g by norti- gton can cota. ee Barringlon ['bose comiug railroad eau bu Wsncouda. Il1 take them ury school lu id 10 eud aI ipie acciîmoda- ,n ail Who May churches are Convention iu welve ail Who 1 elcome. S$USINESS LÔCAý FoisâId§-Wbite Plymou*Il $1.00 per 15. RuuuY L4 For thse new -styles la mli Mrs. Protine'n-A now U»e lu Dresa Goodî, Bates< Protlne's. New millinery ah M». Prôd boat aud largest assorig siowu tu lie tevu. Foia BaeU-House on Furnlshed or unturalsbed, à caD atI INDPENDENT Office. Shirt vaista, cSzbrie spring capes, un'nner 4tj etc, just roeived Ai Me. P" FoRa BENT-Honse of nS opposite the Kera Bouse.. Newberry Ave., apply Foi SALg- -Early rose sn A large quantity et reesos W. E. MnaLus, l FOR SALRx-IOCO fèee. lFor turtier lnforutogj 21-29. GRAD BARRE» PLTMoUI'xKoe t'so Idh imoring yar4s, settting. For, , e br Cy Gilme, 1i. WAx'rrn---Thldet: milinery,êté, beoite bf urin. Foi SALE-A pure--A,,e4, caif from Rlt Lamibert i St W The greatemt batter RiLN A bergain. Call ad putre bred Poland Ciaintbi 29-30> J. T. A~a~ Mris. H. S. Rnribntbs# I a uew Une ofmilnor trîmminga te be sold e~~ Fou SALE CaIMP-Tbe 'à tiree acre lot owned by1 estate on Lakse St. ThM ji desirable and eubba a 2111 l 7. Foi SALE-10buboWiel seed potatoes. 20 eonta lneluded. HEURT mie, FOuR RUST019SALE-.ROù- atreel, eleven brnam Houa. ou Lake ostreet, 0 lot. Bots bonus bv** kliclmlned aid aee4 MESa. PELTON'S FouiBSLr,-Bed oaep or lu part, omistns- comodeu, mattressos, Chesp. Inqufre of 3.i Libertyvifle. The 11<DEPEimENT and Inter Ocean one yen £for Teke a done of DeWltt'a Bisers just for lsgo4 yen. Theoe ittle Pille *ggq Indigestion, good fur bomd_4 for liver complaint, goo4 Si lion. They nre good. F,' Llberlyville; G. Ch. Eobepté ANTED 0 L WANTED. CHEAP AND C V-;ý 7eiiiii,

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