Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 May 1896, p. 2

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DEÂTU. tÀLAt4IeeR8 -for tài 9Colonies, 9 I~reforut coin- Oorcor of C&Pq. te Preient Kru- etaTehvcjustleacufuc *d.h as becs pasu. soedmedoutthat lesentenoe ani li ftheir convie- koesuIntention." ~Ise comitte coa- *11v. mesqber for eteritie, sud» 4revdeo l a 'tedeatoîlsi arit Cii va. coi petel»' esroyverefasfl sovabilin erl ui na f Ielerepotai At MUic au semeal cf Job l get Feru meativee redt *Rlu a *emla.oan Forgiet'notet- týIiàu bauinss a fomao swclai nli:ar ni SBAW icag.5 41 Baltimore .5 5 48 4Clevelanal.* 4 4 .6 4 New York... -1 s 5, 4 Louille ... i1l9 rdWetern Le.umeu. 04ic standing ofthLe clubs 4 S I Grand Rapilde 2 3 4 9 Indianapolis. 2 8 S 2 St 'gLu ..2 3 i 3 Minneapolis 2 4 ipt bus beel reacitealb.- tIreraoftte Baltimore sud il snd thte Baltimore reor- amlttee by whicb the latter d fll acceas lu the bookt of îi outarecourse tolte ileen threaleaaed. An AU- td es au Iting tiat tic W 8slllrnore and Ohio sys- WWug aIt therate of 88,000a tic seat mowlug cf cars- 4mOitlstactor»' ln the u'ofte icrosi. Une La.stesmierW»'an- ýt- li statea erniser Wlpr. ev early Tues- 11luai lu ty 'minutes. Y soes pdusengers andl tt the bàggage 1a ail l*cargo aine. Tv. qftl"» Thé Comum- <cm»' seau tic pieu ani te W»'anoke en ne- De f lic cleetulo lgiats Bforate. attgeheqItd 'a 611o the. muids0f a m ekolelu&rcuTues- ébdldren vere e bedi» bruiaci. ~Ieasanal seigibors enp tln a nd fIL ite auromo. lutaa. ' *e mgau. vuDUwlmi la94v-- ah Itu i S.f teicar rébellion. H as, jue ppareutl»' sot Toy t, loueI'ubl wu In- actueilwogresa. B amo a tay service et- the' ult*d B1tatgm. la ..tolmg the til ithe PceAIict sal "Âside t rom the qutomas te wbtb. bis promt i condIitIon la atbtm*, te the lmJqWmg Ui <t15 in hardtoh'» tsipml'e t n Irnt abuse, TheTile oVU la ea"ilf tcblD ort ê~te NauILH b.d. vi.Wi4nd b thb ec4s *or ani the var et tie réellin. Tic attention 1tu e tact that Imr.Â'AAM. u mue Do Application for pudOa eoëunt of dlabllie dortoir dent, "nov laincd that lie vas I the heait disabi da u lanIncdent of i min- tary service, scrle It aIIaé'tkat bis deatl, wiii c eerred nearly IvOnt»'- nise yéare after hls disahlae fri thle ars»' wu lu an»' oegree related tu sucb nervie.." ______ BATYLII ]ENTuIe 13SD. fflilh Troose aga a igttAtack Tc4effruié -eodlmnattca beween Cape Toân, Af&oý aud 1hmtuwayo vas reopened fer'a tine UMWanmd tien there vs, anotier bre*k;bellevcd, iow- ey«, .benAal atemporar-»' ntrruption. TI ul* 1* mone anniién, u- grfta,ýL N* oïcet etiMt-couli ho b -ade, but the. rejiocts place Uic nnher of Mathse l iat ayvibere betweea four bundred and one îhensaud.Tie Is et Uic Brilishle mt tated. but It in b.- liered to b. more mvere thonuthe eom - nten ataBuluaayo are vllg t'> ad- Soit- VOVIC 01q iIC&ANAGUAN CANAL. Delléatt bv »«» oua. Coamttee Util cetL lKod. PrldsY'ameeting et Uic Bouse Commît- tee on Commeree bai liesn appointeti foc a vote on the Nlcargues'canal. The co-mauttee met, and afteVdalucszion cou- cluici ta pomupons .he voteountil a bear- lag oplId bcgiren 15 Col Ludlow, the -biâi et tii ennui commIssIon, wbo was reesnti»' sumrnosed frofi Londion b»' the Secgetut of.etWsr, .resumabty' 10 appear before the. comittee. He ha now on hlm var' t. WWangoi.-Some members op- PoSci dela»'on acouit ef Uic cxpceted earir adjomeuncnt of Congresu, but oti- era bela It would b.dIlseourteosa 15 Uic cMÉDIsIsioM tKIeclou te qMUstion thout a COnfeeee vith 031. Ludlow, under thc clrcannstabces, and tiI. vlew prevallc& INI*a or"noLrHO? P-INGU. cameyrnu t aae.* BocaU »en-, Ceulleslia Wyomting. Majr LCUUSIISIndien Inspet" o f [4ndcr, Wje, bus snelassfuly ueetlated tic 0H t-Uglha UtaY»'iti tbIien&ils Tbe lailus atm en mlton miles square. cuiluaclmg tia loriots, for li,@(X1 Ildre ameml taIh>t. ~ rut nstail- ~ilf~ia leB e4 attie and Ic basae-s . iepui u ablemue.The trectir vas sigai b» 278 'miiln., ho rePacc e t wo .tribea, md b»' Malor Melanghile «ontiepart otheUicUnited tet. .The apaiémas e ad»' videly' knowu for their mIcai propertles URER CO4TRAcT EOUWEITED. ISonveaWoa u OsbaeCelletor - nll tUus 4 t h cle Wak. Dcvmr's cngeihrnal uili a vomsn ai z~aesaotraelof bau proîci a fallure. Ma liai' IL PickeueIl toltic coulrset ut me 0vw a figure tbat, lu order 10 mecl cipeomes, sic vas obllgei 10 require tue iog niep t15 sy ber $5 caei fou the privi- legs ot-eolhls ticth refuse. Tie»' ru- fusmi 10 do mai, sud thè garbage bus sot liesn rcntovd. Ooufmqnentl», Mayeor Me- MuMy «e dupo-mus. Iicierel notice of retcallos of th. contract. utsalsspptia lUsdl19 uBrt. CougeuMlx -Moscy of Mississippi, Sebâtt-e çoni tt151. andi Con = nui ma iil otlbionia aspeumslai lic ctf teontm of theComlittee os Savol Ajairs 'iursda»', amdi u. a mid Mr.,. up.alW -vas hilIou, -te beatiiti aa bar, Mu. Mon# ami Mr. Hall are iotb memit theb.naval cotumttée. Tic coanrnttec vis zut luam1muon cf tic -iane of Uic fracas. Irelia MeCiomie»', tic es acerfl of t..e comsanttee, vi. vas sîSsi- lmit aitheiidoor, limathti oemembers talklug ratier log 11wy wt»' ers cri- deuial»'boti ver»' mat anousi.Sudien- 1f r. MeCloake»'leard Mr. Raell s»: 'T Pll ieam na tlecalimie a IHar." ifit th irdo,îï,rcô.cewiover sud ptad ie iin ha 1'. l oWtue. Mbr. O test 2 a iia ponDis.Mr. Mouër»lis aise 1*11, but cllasr slenier lu hkuuid a*&iseabtelch lso*p'Ma ih »- sicahl». Tieblov zs =1- e Xc isis- tipplan. Baote MuI&. i o*qtuleee Mr. già" TO i:ttU 1*1a. m hlm bekind lihe rImtipuly oublarit. l4r. Mos» fellac giallthc vaIL At tibis Juncture MMialo'- wuro bai Conguemme. rowi belveen tbciandou ,prevealci turtber onalatiatt. 3lir. Hal vus vith i MBenit»' repreicifrom con- tinuing Uie assanit. AssuIst Nat 1ýOos d e Rilae. At POrlemouti, OblO, EBhlOumond T'tOýMPuou vfe f-Maager Frank tlmoano0f th. "98$' Hottei" com. 11u4y, 'Aud su nai l*anthe compan»', itasultc Canule AMWIlarCkn duning te. prOgrees 0f thc pla»' Tuleda»'nlabt, and, sic vas arucsled sud Bni. Sle Ester. to Work. Pu bmi uing. vorimio o wi by "monil - ha Lcwgt Di, po f mee*leimi 'bu Aon omau rthantbmu earsmir» 5isi Hem -l, iii t rOg-t uda1llm à t *WIb@ rsook b»'nlad et alIm*'dema*& 0m&i la Umecasti et gulllu o ais lu mfftdm 01 f ii.mi liW as soie abdiie- usmpqt em. lwiIieo-uum~p da w rct*eatencd la bufdigaad= '. dov gland tiaie.Priees of eomurnlitld areo ohehtice.lcll*er -ser berM. The fanl lu mffethtrci ias tih us àApril 1, but in tarrnâproducts Ipester." _____ GBaae I's WE4RUUL Calme. Witht ai Caum» commit@ Wholmtal Murder sud Stuicide. Peter Egbca 'P~ ocrliie, lsd., carp*> ter, 22 r»'ertld ani aumarrli, Battit- day morslng, vthout apparent e»ume« provocation; uiot. and Insant»' illed HM.% Hermagt 1aicike amidho cildren, sext door nelghbq>m.Hec tien reloadecibit' n, and, g oins Up tovu. '»w BIUIW W. IL MuAn 00liDeptat»' Sierif Wlliamn S*reetm In tIaé)aithsal BILul aaâmm». Egiert *hot thiàesig Elu the back oet le- ic.ii, Illgimn tant»'. DcpWt»' 1mw. IRflvcem as h lthUe rIht sida of th u«14, beisn lnat»' hll. Egbet theu. madieslmeemeto tie fair grenise, lia ontmd of tbwn. A posse vas lrnmciatc 1»' ocgauulsei sud starteal lu pursuil.tI or more mien, armai vita miolguus. rtles' ami pistole surroned the groumada.Wi he @&wv escape impossible, ticemnrdee kllheiilmmeif. Miss Florenet gict lte @ister of the murierer, vhms sIc beard thc detala of the horrible aE aIr aud that her owu brother va» lthe eeàtral fig- ure of lic varions tragedies, iceame frap. tic and diei Immeiatel»' frointhe aboci. 8h. vas lu bei auffering viti t»'pioli tever. TAIS A COFFEE VELIN. I)IsbOneot EMPIOY« a Rau Vir4s FAne vlth thm BroyanEcrîn One or more employes of lie vIhiieale grocer»' bouse of Bernent. Boa bCa&,of Terre lHaute, uin., voue so deemlruo f gettimg bicycle, Ihaltte opesedsot eu tia500 packages of coîe 10e set hec couponu, for a certain number et vhuuh the mnanufactuirera giîe a bIcycle. Wbmn s change va. maie li lhe valimetiche bauidng oui lhe groundi Boor Il vutbdèn secesar»ta1remove soin. brieis troct li Bune. Atouctc bere Bovci trou lic mer-ý tiare lins made a torrent. 0f tbc blowtl bernies. Tic vorniman tiengit is.-Ia tôgo t e bti rong placebut hIe supdws vas exceeded b»' thait of tbsclsrba. Il vus touni Ibat telie e roWU ie lind door 1o lhe baseenl vum fit afofee. Anoticr Sue vaa openca, and It, 1tg% vas fnii of tic loose eo*fee. ?Is he>$%arc âot tsci iecause thla oua. Io bestialb» steam. Some ose bai es pnli.the packages or coffte, takliîs'09lie cou- posmsud throwing theecocfie lt tihéu.. For moielAme the foremaje 111 ichiýaut- memt has been reportiug d»4 4hqcouli sot maie hiae offee stock baise. viti bis aceonut, lbut b-?couli polmAtaglue boy tie shortage occurrci. XINIGTO WN BUeBNU. One Million Bllais la Propert»' Quickty Bvopt Ava»'. Crippie Creek caus>soir i eisg anatihi- ateal Salurda»' b»'a Iretat aept ava»' iu a short lime 250 buildings sud entaitea a lois of upward cf %#il6,00,viti oui»' $250,000 lusursaea Théeaerte metit- ai of iynaunltlng builiagi lu lie pat6 cf lb. dlames sat riil lerof t h. tovn. An aeceidae ceurred vilci lost a îreman hie I eg. lic vs, pia gabig chirge undertbc BiseW 'houpital vies t eaploded, blowog 'bis Ici off. The brick anda tonatl u*maa pTOCe«M» 13 ~Pasad. The empaabcêmllt- t bhil 10 lie one pasaci b»'the6ew <ehiaLislatnre and receaffl»'ignol býr tic Goveusor vas pasici by lt *eatse-1rem-45-after a spirlted debâe, vih -fie Ecua9te amnm- meulsa trlckm q gO-Thebi reesta tic Attorney»' Geerui vitipo*ers neeici 10 carry os q&cwdclslnuluy, sud is inovu as the procis ulL Kaume u ts'it ,Aequitte& At MlS». t, s Cark las been a 01 qlehy~ Mnre toi, bit le $-l*, hao boeà dimcarg- had *a110tiMii* 3.liimsy 14Mattox nnd a$k »g*g«ted ber'busban&o e lie cita- ks receveal troan Ne- Satie. rort cmiii»' an Ti et ai c -fd Tulegrasa fin u UnteS Bt. Wwr 8 t'p Comme t e athesa1 oirm. 1 -X-1umwa, uelt i iaàloa»ftbe Goeauflet P'ie" Peste B13» A1I Be. Geprge Ip. XwpM tic Aurna mbdaoul Whoyite as eiwi froutus1<1 la» the Turis imatiilles vwitiontItIa on rebeb argde ring Iseita AcssBeae reidemd ite tic UVMilci BlaCeonsul at Abeauduel4à tost 0a*urdY.- 'Delmils etI Uic affair a"h* laI the alep vas not liii- cn oul àI £Mateu OStSe liatahp i lieu teisamapho for. Mrc. Knapp ws expeflsifrous RitAle about a&anol ago,& ln moite o et i acmut reaclici mac tvees lI DIlctates anîstei, Aiez- ender W.Tenuci, ami b ti ul or- ematat 1r tic ebuirasi aMiat 1Mr. JCaaiup baileu imed) ibat lic AUKueuc, mseosar» miculd sot lhave bis "tostitl about AprAl 1, or untfl thc rons Ivers tolecabli f ccft rom enow, lu orier tint h.canigit b. sit»ete tukblis taudli» vith khrm. As il vas, the mlmouacy vis tOMpe-liei lu Icave Biais beore the lime agreci upou anal vlhout iltamil»'. It l nov itatc4 t 16 th1 ticauiomar»'bas been à prison-r nougicutis journe» to -thé eoeet snd ltaI the raIl et Aleppo detainct hlm atItUal Place fou ire deyswvile mai- ing futile efforts te force hlm te slgu au agremeut aiot te returs t> Bitl uier an»' cîreumutauces.A3r. Kmapp ste"u» refusai te ohmgur»'sncb agreement on lthe grouud tiat i. bat commlittc »Q crime ahibai 1In eW4'buobenl«e lav» f or te countary', amind tUcchr brouglil agaissl filmî*<4-eaucutuel»'y t folauded. Ho aisoealistimetl»' gave lhe vasa te naicustani tiat ie lntenied ta protest te lis United Slaem agaist ihm capul- dion front $it!is anidlbis ttent Ln 1 smerai, ami ta bold lie Turhii sutior- lics rempoosible for lic mat»'of bis faut- MAT unzB- W13 TIROUDOLI. steamcr les vit a nitieW, of War @aiha <rosa jecksonrlile, FIri. A amalp srurvei lu Jacisonvlle, Fla., et 8 o'cloci sunaaa»' malabiani ws lomici viti var malerlals for lthe Cub2a Inggurgents. Tbe steamer la»' lu mii- Otrenan, opposite a dock, aud suislrge boute lranaferred armandamiamimualhion trou the dock tathc vemuel. ItlnS sai 5,000r'fles. 4,1W revolvers, 3,000 an- citle, , 8,0,000 cartuidges anal cigit gHotchkiss and <allg gons veue pigeei ost boari. In iropplng «otan lte river lthe euel piceai p tweait»'Cabans, Who came froan Nev York b»' rail. Tien. la t1111h edanger cf luterfernce,as e ie_%. haitls»bave chosen Ibeir tIme veil. Tic rUnited 'Slaom revenue calter Boulveli ,lett for Charleston Salura», anal ever»' o fficiai onnectai wiîbttheUnitedl @tetes 1Court la out cf the cil»'. The veasel il lu» tbits and onthe.coat of Piar udel Itio, vbli province Gem. Macro contrale. Site nMa»' mel lthe Spaniab varalp IRemne Me-cedet en roule. zEARR nt . , OuIISOIÇ. $Iabsu »eaimIs S t nits for Tic MbeetaDembocratie Bigte, ean- 'entip s441atai te tickeiae ibbioukso1« to emore. Tbe tes> E odmvb&at Ire. cmiliairset0 *Ur et it hOiste t eth-tv i.lcgtwh» 'oVI tic Siate 10 vnte a sa lIt en au juestina *Uiêbusao coes-it ~ lae. isitâ&t ,avSr honnit mise. anUtsd tbe legauing of peim4rp ges. #loi&.Tieouventron entU$UVOOWt1 spphudei icmention et Precanct nhuu alarnsd sdepted a annino. tgo baoslglis orelgu polle»' snd lie âPPlmtnmt Of Botticru men ta>cainet poiltsa* bt'i!aapprorint of is icsu- cii polie»'. _ Sfttaticeb tbeAir of Frodant. Consl* 4aseraIWiliam arn e cabici ibegâateIbMsprtmnt tiat Walter Dy.- tevt tillinois oumsug asho vu con-. fifl'llOrIOUaiGuins, Cuba, bas becs ctisib'order of CaptaIs Ocucral Weu. The oo the mcienne et D»'- gutaih'prefteilu Havara on lia rfW ,trip home, a Wasington corte- m'snla graleful intelligene ta eor Coimoan d lie uembers of the Illnois dekloiîitonwb ave actia-el»' lu- trOUW themmelem ln bis behaif. Tic »'omgIF ]Xnohan, vbose vnongtui linprWs ouaMtn asesuseal thc Spaulai Gavera- menKt oannoyanco tisai an»'singe ini- cimt 0f.Uic insurrection.hin becs la priso nuce j cli. 23 lait aponwvici dOtée l atsaruesteal as tic "BanitIn- SlWmta." Ho bai ouI»' becs on lte "sad Ivo veeka andl could mot speaiàaWord 01 Upaflab. But for tic accidentai diacr-, en»' Of is-aureat b»' a Nev York neya- PatPer correspondent bc vonil bhave bes $X'ested, the autboitlcs barlng made prepfaalons ta bIlhbim under the foolisi prlense liat he was lthe bandit named. Bis Lamaber Dent âeciorIci. la Dulutht, Mia., il la roporeal tiat tic We'enhaimor syndicat. bas purcias. ei lte entlre Intenesta ofth1e bigJ.urnber Im ran Wright & Davis for 82,00,0<10 This Include, the slizmpage, hoga and lanis 0f Uic Wright & Davis conceru, ami pousil» tir logging road, knovu mu tht Duluth, islsissippi River & North.- Doulk Taiaro et Deuve,. The Amerkcan National Bani 0f Des- ver Salcà ta open Wcinsc ym noralmg. A notice wvms Potei o11 thiedoor liaI hte directort bai icetiIquiale. Tic $top vms 1*1cm n cOu ai't of internai 4lisnftmlo. Il la said ail depositors vii be e lua u iL____ , auk Clouta*Il][to])am Tic Grnsd PFok, National Bank, 0f Grand ;FOri., N. D., elosoi Ia doors Thurada». Acording tb I»ls st report lte bank bai asolaamountiug ta about $M5,000 andl liabilîliea aggneaatini about 8$R9,000. Tip eapitl ut Uicbook in $200.. COummuto Ameties for a Bride. The Count de Pourtales, of Paris, France, bis fatiter and best man, reaebed Nasille, Tena., Wcdnesda»' nigbl. lHe 111l maun»' Miss Droillari, danghter or Captais J. P. Drouilimri, vito serrai dur- loi tic var on Geai. blomeeccanea'l. lncemiar»' Blauc at Manchester. Fire ai; Manchester, Coun., diaro»'cd properly of Lie value et1 800,000. The iteaviest loi. vuen onlthe tobaeo vare- bouseor takannBrother, ,0.The liru lu blclcîc th ave beenunceesiar»'. PlendeaL Ouîîty ' ohHlgh Treason. Franacis Rhodes, Liomaul pbllipm amd George Farrar, tbre2- members of 1he Jo- banneeliutsgreform ecommitîe, pleadeal gult»' of ilgb trenson. Chicago-VCat1e, cal~mai ta prime., 83.50a le 8410%bogu aippina grade, 8&.00 th ".00; lbeep, fuir ta choice, $2.5 ta $8.75; vieat. ZNo. 2 real, 03e to 6e; cors, Nu-o. M ta M08e; oats, No. % 19e ta 0e; rie. No. 2, 80e 1ta8Bk; butter, choies creàser, 13e ta 14c; egpf, tresi. 9c t le 101pôtatoes, peu bushel, 15c te 2ke; IMWcoi Oîm, 2c t e par lb for coan- Sang gueUla bt ue busb. lUoiaaapoll-CsîtdiMlpng,8.0le t $J o8,ciiolce lBait ".00te $4410, si.,'com le Uprime, 8om ta $&vui Neb, 1. 2, <Je 1ta07C. cors . No. 31~,E) oSc; oas, Noe.2 vitt, .22 #lW 1esIs-Catle, 88.018ta 0;%ops. *80 t 420: Wrbit, ?Ne. 2 iei M8eth TO;crNo. 2 Yui i»iov et ?;et olt, Xoé 2 wite, lôtac 0 8. e; re,%Z&,80 OI£elnsti-Catte, 88.50 lb $.2~ os r P00 lb'$4.00; ubeep $=L0 t 0o .0 I ib«t. Ne. 2', 72e taN - oca, No.' né"&si»e tea m s, No. s muri, 2ne tu fte; zie.No, 2, 44Çtooe D*tret--oattlc, 8.0&45; os '.8I&D lta84m0<; shoca, eu e.» viesi, No. 2tige. técota e,ýjQeItMe; «te, No. 2vibite, 22c y«.»blo Ow c n btaSic; PoatO Ntk *h Meoi ny.oZ6ta me. alS? Id . 40c, th e r84.11. 'n' nkelkct Ko.2 sprintOme, L gn-ae; otaNo. 8, 20oet10 Iý<k;.s. Ne , WWUN 101*Ote 92c; àiiats, N6- e I _ eL"CL 9; uaI ue4 la 09br mu Oétim me. Mueut te the*E &MW& vîti secrral .c.esuci ceeeau§6esbut 0»tj eu as dati. Ur. Jocdwlu. cfor Maieua, as nusAlcila tavrof etMr. Cob. lte i Sm t. thill MIwuas le- ra thte abbdoned Fort Maroy utl- J1wT errtatioà, Nc ew les, te the Ac ltu valhilleet' fr the pucPm. et O.aUl a mitrlu for Uic Ireat- hi" et- pu ' dII'd"»&dim r. rcOa- non <Rep, Utab) wus reengused fer a cateut et ur cious Tii.lhéîesM tirs thentoff p sud ghir. Pet Uited Scftic MIIs, maia mmet thé a#.siomuttife octruwet acool vouli havta ubere.f Thlden vhtoat ehoa. et heKbil P.. sad.spoeicf the. tecoola evw a ee.iie andmithcjes tice of allclou ingtum.te0surrender their voikt ra4uiali». Ur. Tittaon atetp. Nci. iw peiiodhWmrempoot for 'ver»' ehurli 0 Cbna~nt»'.701 ie ega d It las a tuadaucutal primeile that thé. pub-. lic moueeoft thépeople should b.c pemi. cd oui»'fur publie purposes and oui»' b» poulic ocera and Instrurncntalltlcs. Mr. GIray' sali he ocrer le rai tint lte fouen- dations cf ta otersmcnt vers net br*enongi« for equal Justice snud toier- atioq, te aIL.Protcstantisrn vas sot toig- ot,»' h. u saumd> ObnlstLemlty *na8 mot fanatlclam. Mr. Pettlgrev &$m haï;ba a tiesfoc a rote en thé aetarlan achool amcsdrncnt be ied. but tiee.vaes obie-: tion te filasur tile. The@soate Wedneods»'disposed i cfth* ecclaria sebool qi>tlon b»' adoptlng a comapromisme frammd-b»' Seustor Coctreil of MissourLTi. ebnien bil, au it erne f rom lhe Sesale, provlded tiaI na mono»' tierein appropriatci shall be palti for eetlaI. ctriamaehools. This pro- vision la struci ont b»' lie Cockrel amendaset a sopteal, sud Il la delared te b. Uic ettical polie»' of the (oîcrament te rnallen» a7iopclathom foc seetarian, "9001.s ft«.,7817'1. IMM&, hum gilvln Ivo leurs for Uithe adocucut et sui-. larlan sehiolm, lustead-ot sa iu cliate abamicarnent. The. atacduent vas adoptei b»' the deccii,.lvoteo0f 38 te 24. ThId bil 111wasmot cuplecd.wbeb thc Semate aiJouroci. Tic Mene enter- cd thp e i conaideratiola et lime gemesal benion l.Ireported trot the ,'levsill PeBmion eomnltec. It amuédth Uic gt- lut pensiIowalsin la m re Toy uport&nt resPecti 19mahe. PresumPtlo f dcmtii of an cnllmtcd mans calaIif snoIhilugubare licen beardIfroan hlm for smen yeora. f proricu t151 deertion or dlàiomabl disebarge allait mot h.e abar te s pension under thicnet of 1890 If thc enllstcl man bus acrrei miet»' daysqabsecqucut a b uci ilsebarge. Il proyldes liaI pensions ai. owe illahdate trois ti i rut alipila. tien. It fixeuthie maximum lacoute of o wldow entitlicito a pension uder tiié net et 18110et 8»0per annulan. Itprovide., thal nic pension salible reducei or dis- continuel:! ezeept for trend or reeove» trois dlsbult»'anud thliaiseontinuei pen- sions vhen reeound sud ueaiiov.d mmiil date fromi hheir d ilsenuce. Several miner 6111. ver. paset Ithe opcnlug of the Semate Thorada»', isclud. ing the bill antborlslng a bridge aerons the Mimsoutri river at Boonrîlle, Mdo. The Indienuappropriation bil vus froci»'dis. -ued r h. t>att apacdmemî exteazding Uie services of the Dawes comamission se es t0 terminale the tribal relations uftihe Indinanui ujdlvidlmg thcir lande lu scIer- ait»', was ruici ont of order nesgealerai legislation. 1<1er Senators Joues of Ar- hanusse, Bat. and Platt hadt desomitcec thc prevnience of lawieusuem lunIndlait territor»'. The. bill vus thon pameti, afler lie item of i1,000.000 for Payment of lta. CheroKee outiet frai, atrieken omut b»' thae conmlittee, bad been restored It ilil now go te confereuco. Bills wero lrnssed for au addillonai circuit juge lu the Siuth Judiclal circuit, suda appropriating lif00,000 for a publie building ntt suit Lake City'. i.onsideralion of the Aicklcr general ipension bill vas resume.Jil, tfl, Homme. AMr. Hepburn (Rep1 0f Iowa gare notice of nr anmeadmenî lnmîructimg thc peusion office lu construe thte pension lawu lilieral»'. har. Stewart (Ilep.) of New Jersey cloge tihe debâte fer lt« day Tihe Senate gare Prida» balthe mnir»' civil appropriation bil îiont complet- ln l. I r. Shars -n ought te tAke np tue bill Propomlng a repeat of the law ir. la a rebute on tbe tas, en alcohol naci lu te arts, but lte menanre vent 0,cr. A proposai by MAr. Bacon <Demi.)or Geongla gliring thc Cottens 3ltes Rapomi- tien Company $ 13,000 balance eftich for. mer approprimtion bucaPendci vas adopt- ei. The bill tieu vent orer. Tic joint reowiîls gvlnsgte Senatoru Mamîle Of Imeattima andl Clark of Wyomng theii. amy front Marck 4. 1804, init«eImm on the datce fteellton, va. adapte&. b BoRie"deeddte Proeci vll it tee ik. fer Publon bill snd tic viole de»' vas emumeA la tice '.sio t tntmEu nire. Tic Hope am-couuaet n M Bénte amenditets té ti. Indien, bill amd ogreci b 5àtutfe . The etouns tcuclon vas dev9eite0privAte pension LTbiedébute on the adoption c-et mi. tiow a, thoui ao80#;l. V5aem ici. rond MI m » ulnmte toetic Boume l liepccemtatlvi Rubiiudi of Iisulefi dirionsu0 et icCOMPanles coneenMti h'tUic preobwc i aisplan. It arum us tint Uic unajorlty bill ubouli notb. adop;teaL Thé Beaté didi othlng cf IiapPo'te. OERMANY'S RAPIN> 0R0WTIL Population la 52,â44.503. mauIncreame et 2,91t4027 inive Yosra. German»' takes a census or populsU!on erer»' lire years, asluictherenls of that tikes met year. judt maie public, have eaused mincitsauprise anal gratîfieatîon. fou 16e»' sbowltaI, totwitislauuitag coui- plaints of aiulctltural andlnimanftactur- lag depresslon.thue ipopuilion bas in- ea" more rapiily lta us sn»' y e- »'csr peioi sine th. foumialion oft lb. empure, boitas 52.2-44>103 last Decemiber, as increase of 2M,141107, or 1.14 peu cent peu yeu. Theme figures saut otiter 1itUIS et Interest cuhleal trom lte eusus tables are furnisbedthetI Departmeut of State b» ' 7miile Stataes Commercial Agent ThtomaMoore at Weimar, sud bu gnys tint a etrium»' iluitralion of the lacreàse lu population in afforalt b»' a comparison viti thle French enusi.whiich shows that the incresse ot population lu France 1!s the anme tve-ycnr per!oa was but 124.000. CYCLONE CAUBES TWO DEATES. Colorci People Killi lunVirginieanmd Ottasta LUluroal A cyclone, accomnpaniei b»' bail atad a ver»' hear»' r4oaufalatauack lte cil»' of Salem, Va., Filn»'aflaernoon, und 6e- mides blowing dowu several barns, un- uoofing outionuses and uprooting trecs, de- molisheal Ivo bouses, in une of wbleh vere eleveta colorai people. Jane Harris anal ber 5-yeau-old mson vere laien dcci from 1the rains, anal of th.etters four were bail»' Injurei. Tite eoud, s dank tssnel-aiapei one, came op auiienl»' trom thceaantbvest cntting a complete svstb uf about 150 feted virever Il WROUGIST BT CYCLONE. Ton KIAIeG and Tveut»'r asffdla a gassaStorat. Teri-pensons at leamt voee illici ont- riait, ltre. fatlii»andl aeveutcoa mou ~o ha -njuco ud greal destreetlon id .propeul»'*vas , iMgbt b»'s eyeose qM&c pesus'voru0 ý tomt»', Kat., satotia»' sigit Tic caros and ci ajilsaà aiextivtutcr ?dlreetlota for Ielve or Bt- tees toiles, tRea Iot ils ef ore lu» stu& lut. It pmsed about bait vs»' belveen CIllitou and Morgatiflel. Ils traci vaaged trout 15O yards t10a quarter 0f a mile lu Pisés 510,000 leunm hTaan uiema ot Itouasatovit, , burbl4 bls vite, SuA- 4v, ni-16topayi»la-.~clg-luui - liabt tac soverei lagd-Ip atrmn-book WwIsgoli auoxatlW te $1«.00 vilc hb ill Wlob bourdedai aâ».-

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