go Compuasahe chseh te a Gaden, w»éw«otr select Vwieun ad et Tue Gàr4m et a<I.. 'A he oté ars Wabluaatfare abloom viiib yadotoç-àWtée arieus are te- Mag Saïashie aÉmil domninantit ii. Mubau la Tory suggetive sum proctiel 'Tiou sWt a it b 1h.a veteno!, ardeia," Thi BIble la 4,ggt osi ee. We bave lu it ftulttec rbiytbn, sumd bol! lsery *n4 *4tavWtq aettieshg, sund ruptrqua ly- 3anUstlqand! !tol Ipula-thou «I$resad la style more solenutian lItai et Moustgaom, ryne. ol! -ti.itia tr MAtait, more terrible thtaItbai t f t 19,0e naturel lis a i et ofWerdovohb au a oeoaios!tiaahast et 1'cllc4, @Sore tender tuai liai et Cowper, mnre cleaurtb latoi 1LceMZ M M S,~~ ths lames orj pq ntj~ LIsudAP& oud peurs .er,,!. -sa0iil,,«Mlua ebtlainEryuhâg 1h18 Wkow uch. Maies beautimu4 tram tée plain sBlee Of tic aummer tinoshlng bSmte Ithe dangfiaera of Nabor 1llIlag téetrougi for tie camuis, tram tl i lobPoole et Hochbon OPta e cpsatmist praiag Go! vi1hthet diapason caf atormu snd vblrgvlnd sud Jobs* lnager eO(rien, Arcturus sud tée Pleinden. A Desutîfut Gardon.. idy tet lends us into àa cee f suna- mer redolonce. The o 'n! ia aagresi nany teaualful gardena.' Charlemagne deidi te tue gory et hie velgu by deerea- kg tittii.: h. establ.éd i àtbrong tée naln. decliling even iti. asne. ofthle leves t e plate! tiers.Hem yIV, et Moulpelier, eotau&Lshe! garden. of b.- ltcihmg tesutr ani luxurIance, gaténr- bg lotothein -Alpine, Presansd Frenci planta. Oneftheia. avetent spots «u uurth wtva .girdeu etrShenton., ie pot newitingi -basémades but Mflle impession ou lie von!, but bis gardes, "Té Lesoves," vil biortaL. To lie naturel adrautage of ibat place vas brougit itie petfection et art. Arbor snd terrace an! siope andi raout temple sud tessioir sud uru andt outain ber. bu! their crowsfug. Oak su! yev andi husel put forth téeir richesît oUlage. There vas »e lite moe diligent, ne seul more lugeai- tous, thon tit t fStenstoe, and aIl ihat diligence sud ganua. e brauglit te the odorument of that Oee reasure spot. H. gave £300 ton la; te elod Ilfor £17,000. Au! yel I am lu tel] yon le-day oetasdcii- er gardez thaua any 1 bar. mention..' Il te the gardes spoken ot in my test, lie gardes of the. churei, n'hlch belonga te Christ. Be heugitit Ltbheplante! la, i. own uandshli.&hall have it. Walter Secil in bils outiay at Abbttord, raine! Ibis fortune, an! nov, la tée cnlnsow o- ens ethtis. gartiena, yon eau almost tulak or Imagine abat yen s e hblooti of tuai 9= 'ai broken heurt. The paymnt et bave te 111yoat mt Crists it ChrIsts deatb ver, ai. ouilay oet Iis biautiful gardon ofthle ciiurk.!!tvLcii MI test apeaks. Oh. boy Maury ha sun tours an! paugsansd agoniesi Tell me, Fe vomen Who sav hlmhan!TeUIn. jr xctiesers veltetmn an! let hmdowu. Tell met, en soutuai ddi bide, y. rocks thst f.1i Christ ioyed tue churcii andi gave hinSelf for It. If the gardin etflthe dburch teleugi to Christ, certalàly h. bas a rigit te vslk lu lb. Con.,tés, O0 blesse! Jesus. to-day; valk nup sn! doua , ai"le.an!plunch vint lion vllt ef aveetueus for thyself. The cierchi n y Ites la approprlately compar! ta s gittien because il la tue place of choice lovera, et select traits au! eft torangla Irrigation. That voniti 'he s straugo gardos n hihlcb ere ver. ce lover.. If novher. el"., tuer vouhd ili aleug the botrders or antih. gaiovay. Tlhe hemelleci laite vill ditate acam- tblug, if itemily the okl-fashione! holly- bock or dahlia or dattodtl but if tuer. te langer means then yenuwil luti iitheMexi- mau cactus and blaslng asalea sud clusior- Ina oleander. WeU, nov, Christ coin.. te Isagarden, and b, plan tter. somot the. briglest spirite tiat evor flover.! upon tée von!. Son. of tiena are vio- lets, inconspicuoua, but mset as heares. Ton bave te search an! lu! tUien ton te sot se. Ibem very ot ion, punbama but yen flu! here they bave beèa by the bnlght- oued face o e té ml!!asd the sprig et gersuluan on the stand anti thé nev vin- dev tuttalus hueping ont tée glsog cof the sunlighit They are penbaps more 41ke lb. oauneltu.creeping aveeily aleajai! lie tioru nd s briers of litqe lrPgis tpr ehl ia sudmaur q. mnt~ Kic W..ion. gmreat black~.tau lie bas ubun! tuat iier hase sgov@WAI ail over wfhi lovery Jasmns, suap.l airdenut aMi!tté Marteau. 1%0»se ove lu CrIsts gardi are net, Uka' aie su- tovev, gaudy la the git, but wviere darnesa ie voer sa UIib tBaue ts, b. corigr W ttér. t14 aie&s!iit. blmunsg eses. But la Cielat'garden tiare are placti liat nsr lm bet.r cenpare! te theNu mai caels-*iorm s uiielt, Ioveluo vihhis, nimwvu shrp ""ntset cbarrie- ter.. Th" "Wund alubost ëee as.t1 touches lWon,,Tie are iardtO handIs gon ish ilise "oteI o1ti pa on!-pbhro peulr tempe.", "Ai,"4 oai! the niisgte theider, "I couhrel more temper la Ave minute. limi on So in lire eass." 2bier s fa1e G»rezea htis la-ard« ftuemsemasnnte de nlghlt titan for chi mes10-40riait. Tiigrae liaI vomi!!lav«'ote yee é venli beivnm *Igtt; AMep voyua- rotéer from ~noehug a 'ai lea,1h a! f risa! via che te *ess!sal! »I dam sot $e1à thch svlalMI& mÀie, ho -lea' Ave. sai sua dient, eluavu lik- peoauve,, mose k.e e naomet- Mob et*&ue" héMa i Laherls t. Passa, CiiryuostoMI6 Wyclif , Latituersansd Sael Rutiertords, Whatla otiier men «Là a spark lu lien la a confsdsgaoq. Whau théy aveat, iha suesI g rea du* of bloec& Wb.s tber pray, thelr ravte i'entece.t Y#ien iiey ixb4ut tlea eTber- mon" a.Wbuen tie l, I la a Martyr- dont. Ton lnda.gnet Maur rosasD the gardema, but o6t?, a te* "Glkat sAt- Il," MNezaar, "Wby don 't, on bave mm oet aieala aie chunr1 -sur. "Wby doa't roi have lu the voeu! aMr Hinubolits a!WeilcnnV'(.4g to seme ten talents; te anotier, ot Iu Ibis prîtaes rthaiechurch vilc Christ bas >Iat! 1 aWlso la!the 5.. draps, beasttuLhet coul looklgg, assai lnsy autbpr Phaue of viater. I au"n lésé Cisholjs Who are 1recse la tisir lastes, ugluaedom.ed.p u s aevrffl eund as col&, TWY » ever @ahsur am éra. tuer meser gcet ,Ited, thuer M Wr a, - a'tbing r,Àly, tiy, aérerdo auyhiulq preclpltateRy. The pu osineer Upter. té!r use envet hlteha, hheir Indigol 90,9o1a, they U.lofe umgor »Yi. 1ynyr ru nop te C alti1rê- *a- ma& ib theumuaigetrli.ejg have ne staccato possages Christ Plant- ad thaenlua e.echnrcb. and! theymuei ha or son. service,, 4< tbe: veuld nel te téere. Snowdrops, alvays sueudropa. But 1 have ntoit!ldyen et the most beantifeni lover of al ibis garden apoken et la tiie text. If Jon se. a century plant, your emotions are starteti. Ton say, "Wby, thls flever bas been 100 reara gatierlng op for on, bloom,, sud it viiihb 100 years moe betore ouher pelaIsvMi comu ont." But 1 have te tell yen et a plant that vas gaubering op fron aul eierulty, sud tiiat 1MM00 ears ugo pot forth its bloom neyer te vitter. It Io the passion plant ofthie crosal Propiets fore- toi,! h, Bethlehema siepherds leokel npo ht lu the bu& ,the. rock@s aiook att baril- ing, snd tue dead got op là their vlndlug sheets te se. ias full bloom. It leaa crimson lover,-blond st tii. foots, blood on the. branchas, bloodf on ail the lestes.. ite parfums La te 611 ail léenatons lis icosaih la heaven, Comn,40 vin!., trout tée nrtia, au! in!. fr4b i theseti, and! ulutis trah tée maitand vinda troathe. west, and boesrte a&l the artué ve.!ee smelaig sver of Christter Lordi His worth If ail thenations knev, Sure the. viole eartii veulti love hlm ton, Fruit ta the Garden.. Again the clinreli may te sppropriately comperte tasgaffien becanse Ih lna aplace et fruits. That vcuid b. s atrange gar- den vhiched l In itne burfles, ne plumae or peaches or apricots. The ceamer fruits are plante! lu the. orchard or tiey arc set out ou aie sannuy hllalde, but aie cholceot fruits are kept ilutté gardes. Bo, lin th worid outaide the, cburch, Christ bas plante! a greaît many tenutiful uhing- patience, ciarlty, geuerosity, ltegrt- but ha inteuds aie cioLmet traitte te lu the garden, sud, If they are nul ther, thon shame ou tue cburcb. Religion la net a mer. seutimentality. tlaàpractica fe-glvig, beVýtiiuI £bjnebody. 'I dou't tee vint rour garde* ot the churcb han ylol!ed." In regly 1 of mercy? Christ plante! every ose ef tiernt; bu plagie! them n lblis garde. When Christ gare ight te Bartimeni, te laid the. corner atone te every blini! out- lum that bai crer been built. Wheu Chtlt sootue! the denenlate o GaiUlee, lie laid tue corner atone of erery lunatie asy4umu that han erer been e.tabllsbed. Wiieu Christ sol! b te eslck man, "Take up thv ted sud valk," te laid aie corner- atone or every houptal the venld bas ever seen. Wbeu Christ soiti, "I vas in prison anti ye vl.lted me," ho laid the corner atone et evory prison retenu association tint bas ever heen organise!. The churci of -Chirist la a glerlous garden, spd It la fu et fruit. 1 ka.vthere la somepooi fruit In It. 1 kuov there are some weeds that ouglat te te tbrovu over the tenue. I know thére are toeu crab apple trees that onght te te ent dblau. I knov uher. are some vilti grapes that ouglit 1te u proqtei.' But are yru goieig te destroy tue viiole garden because of a littho guarle! fruit? Yen vi id luorin enten beaves lu Fontaine- bleaï4a,I! wsctsa iai ng lu tue tairy gr, or ftae Champ& Ilyaees. Yen do net toar down an" déutroy aie vhoie gar- den beeause there amr ew a fv pimens cof gnatied fruit. I admit-them ams mes anti women luaie chnrch vbo o4ght net te te thene, but let us -la, mat as. frank anti admit the tact that lter. san hundretis sud thousaudsansd teu ofet lpusauda ot glonloua Chistian meu sud vqmen-boly,, blesse!, inl, eeuaecrate! end tmmm- piaut.T1 sP la go grande ,nome~r col- Tiare a e artthe& U a lia lies! vise elgleu ot 5 maI4p@jiam Iiili te yplal rIver. Why, lu aseismu nie thlantom eu .IfrSt.PacI <mcv rte.us a pumoneerat catalegue cof tée fruits grovlng in titis eal gardean et Chrit- love, joy, pence, patience, cii$iy, lasol- uni: hinduei, genîlouess, nency-gloriona fruit, enougli le 911 al the baskets of esrti snd bearen. The. Wat.re! Garde.. Ajin, theé ciur Inlàmy tet la appro- prlat* lied !s a rdon beesuse Itlai. her- No #&dép e. oul >v- *gaiÏii Ui.tébI .f boeutt,Î- OUit bélp." Fia. lithe mpuu n o1Gw strengtii ihere lowdove ivera ef #la&- nos.. "Thre lea avser <h. stisuna vie- ef »hail make geh! the clty et our Qed.1" Frésohlàg the. gospel lieon. etthaiesu- duels, The.Bibi. la anotiier. Baptisi and the. Lord'. sapper ane agnedocts. Wateri e siake the tlaleatwator te vash the. uncléau, vtr toqsd bih np lu tii. 11gbt cf the Bsn0fegt geouo% osj iMa- Oh, vtutier. ever e àsrdona 50 bqto.q #Y Irrigetei You e.v <lIitthé beau' of Versai sand, OétAi Ue< d et ion muci 40pn thie éuta vdter. 1 camse te ibo.lottelacé, Ob**t vortit. oeeday vienetrangers ame amtte boq4d.It*sd. but b: sosJaduéaent wul&d ,oyf., scecd as petsn* illa au Vns- &5.i.n es an Amoiea,Iest lu, and tie i.gardener ventir e p aboie, tbe sala o et aone aud tumsd Ca té4Wva**., le 1z leaedng on lie kg vown «Wiax doe fron *ete lustop u.tll I e.a unM« 1 covud.esh. ommdqd 9001414" ai1 Ou«. the. hIgb Oeoaést&aM eitms* 9gbtmsu nave lu q. tmhie -a4f ut. St14gJ4 - *,et -40d mrvugiàemop i p abovueleadotiontros aimera,, singea aoptuion mme. o - .2 Hatl i Iàejrthe lateh of the, gardon #et,sa1dlook te s.evbo leomag I heheue I.voh.ofOt hin1stimmcene t my gardon" Iuay: '"Goe.% la, esual W. bave been valtint for thes WMk &ai tbrongh the. patis. Look at lie lowetm; look et the fruit; PS&k thaât vW"ithon WlîtL for tlymsft." Jeans corn« lie the gardoen sud op t» thai cli! man and touches hlm aud sors: 'Aimnot home, father; net mauy more aches for the..1 uRi neer leaye tii..; take courage a lit- tie longer, and I viii stead*y thy totterlug staj>e, and 1 viii soothe tby troubles andi give tie. rest. Courage, ol! man." Thon Christ go.. op aothqa garden path, and h. ébases te a seul hi trouble and saya: "Peacel Ai lel veIL I have seen thy teurs. 1 hase board thy prayer. The. mun oiI oi omit. thue by dey nor the moono by nlhtTite Lord #hall preserve the. fron aIl 0,11; haieii preserve thy soul. Courage, O trou*! sapirt" The- heaven et, yor-litti.ones vill net lie fairy begun outil m s e t tere. Ail theii. %nu shovu tiien by immortels vii not ma» thens forgetyen, There they are, th. radiant thrcugs tint vent eut frttim your homes. I tirow a kuss te the. sveet darliugs. lbey are-ail veli nov lu tb. palace. The. prippleti chîlti ha. a soun! foot nov. AÀlitti. lame chilti soya, "Ma, viii I tie lame lD teaven?' "So. my darlilg; yen von't te lamn, lu hearen" ÀA uttle sick chMidsoya, "Ma. vWi I hae slek lu huaven?' "No, ter deur; you vont te sick lu hearen," A Uttie bilait chl soya, *Ma. viii1Ilte lm! làn bearon?": '*o, my dear; you ven't te blinti lu beaven. They ore ailel tuere." 1 notice that lte lue gardes. soiaptlme have blgh fenees arouud, them and! you canuet get lta. It la se vill a kpg's gtu- dezà. The only glimpue you ever get.et sncb a gardon la viien lihe king ridée Oo lis opledidcgarrlage. Ii lanDot sevlti this gardex4,ails Klngo gardon. 1 uhrov vide open the gate and telli jon ail te coin, lu, Norneu090pola relliott.Wbogae!e yUll, mnal. Comnv *tema esert and agarden. bManyof youihave bled the gardén of t ail n'à dlight. Yon bav. touudJi li as becep a chagrin. 8l w"a wàaTaeo4oreHfook. Be madl. aU aie n'on! laugi. He makeq ns ilaknov viien uc rend, lt poepa,but lhe coulé net unake his ovu heurt laugh. Whille in tii. mldal ef hie testivlt lie .eoutronted a loo&lng glass, epil lh. sou huamslf aud ». l"These, thetola truel 1 look jnst au 1 sm--don. up lu body, mmnd sud Purf.". go it vas or Shenstone, eofviioe gardon I told yeu ai aie b.glàang of ny sermon. Hie ast douna ajid thonsehouer, anti said: 111 bar, lest my rand te. biappuess. I am angry sud ,nvious sud frantlc aud tiespise everything &roundi me, just as it tecomuca a madman te do.:" lieavtsaae. O y, veary seuls, coin mbCbriat'a a'dat-day aud pluck a littie hearts- ease. Christ l.aie ouly reat sud theouony pardop for a peytnnbed spirit. De' yen t' tlaink jour chance. ha almost coie? Yon men anti vemen viio haro .teen vaitiug year stter year for noine gooti opportunty, lu whlcb te accept Christ, but bave Poat- poue!l It fire, ton, tv.uty, thirty pentu, do yen net fuel as If nov yonr hotir-ot de- iivoraqe sud pardon aud saivaflon hué corne? O man, vaat grudte hast thon agninat thy poor seul that tholt;it net let It te soveti? I feel as if sairation muet come to-day in somo of your heurts. Some yeara ego a r.sl strnck on th. rocks. They bail offiy eue lifeboat. In tuait liteboat the passeugers anti crev ver. getting ashere. The. vasd hlienu- deret aund vas sluking deeper sud deeper, and thqt eue boat could sot take the pus- senigers voq swlttly.* A lttie girl atioé pu the: deck, valtiug for ber tutu te jet luto île-boit. The. >o~ cane anti mrnt,. Camu vet, but ber turu titi net see, te tter a wvikle ecouil n'ait no li &Moe.leaiaed ou the. taffrail sud ~i4qpglt the sou, crylng te tbé bqn*i a: "Sve nie nextltEave mue nexr' msny b,: a..sabote lt. jGýae*cj, 55*1 y 4'Mare igng te ki plui Otbra hbave acceptel tlegp;ca ChrJow, bi4 yen are lu peril. »t _hle mmentntaire a'tnuah for, y ,j.içpr*1 eut», çày1g untîl Jeu»m' be.lLspr on.au! hearga sud earth ring' WA* thi.ecM: '14pe- nexti Bave ime neetr $eis la e% th y a vationl ç~sSlbtt,athe lami for seme et- If ~~ aboM totemILavay forevW.ý Uâg'ieILtell. ~h>lau a hnder bath -ia tfie, bgay. Shshoves off. she hou oflen veuld Iahav gte eteas S14ADEB OfY GREAT MEN HAUIIT THE CAPITOL. A Correepoudnen" Baya Auog Tiien Are the Cgiite «of Prooliapt John Wieao ud a lack jack oa. &Po%*ta Hleh Lite. WnilaW14esrtsapeadceoeà dii an& raie stock fot t ieglsa 'farcah ie ton té hlm~~~~ trplteu ey~ at hte bouse lu té elt sud oui! yn I ilir plain, ursoe14mttrnlh. T cCap'-e the ~ ~ ~ ~~i uuau oaeh h am.! ei abou are sot lippetereta unseen, but t eh des0f les tea gulabe! nen laî, im alu a lsty. Tr.ii 9.majsticspIrtig f John#-%uucy tous, ortenc PrSwet et Wt Ute on a Ma sslisftubdnie 1, ad tak Johs n A.he auday a" on hIc i sd fisori, aeI dtebasofi bygntemen well7«-hall th"er lieveatoa teb police be enoubtae tAntelv Jack- soe nea vaslungrate aci 4 1829, dma&firntirMfrThle! ilet prival. liots am nt a Fe2, 1848,tat bsen dbutetv* ahads lie a epre tseatenau!he saug 'avsy vas TmaetDulsa ssaegou f'Jhn Has t snddeuy once Ptra ulet thentedr bonJ arohn seAa lfa lavfield otany horurslaterb.dl.tevbuot yaitotmur mcuhals hvertre..b Wren htthe r. vas ble nrueugck Buildainaier arhti a oeone hlie Adatsu te d!r Adonis wgaa lhtly te pats. et wset m peb-. p21i, fl vhc te Ii. x eient a! !itaUm u. e Bosep chntie, avbis a ov aWaw allWsd trauier bputa «Mon ttii s~.h- vleum thodny grdulie roade vs, lte t l4ug- neis. Attertthe. suis ugre teseHe! au botatepaces lu tue bail ic her eansp bos lfor accodiug 10 iii. bt a homr- mure, wloredscl. u<, ehv sr h Itwiiol etoc lng lie hettéqats- irnu vhat de'e tonas, rs &!ot Builangranti finarii passe uwliou aprntîrthnvinpfdamuud ii I frm lacte fe» ut oror the giog fl u la wtiipo the e-reshn aily dop4.lta terud standçr an!tau the . olit gl oatvli- ae! ae tecaitrry entame.*dae, shouai! aee ofaeb. a, n! nt nres.ie ginth hat t e.mv n Wtatp poaces ite bantuecgise té shon fr have Ils eteebe lu tVI- wr.sldqpt'ocein, tesdt thrbe om. vie mon waeàaiqra rce her adlers, L lu chmr and. Irinaeti purîment.tht r Wials vaise udenh iIe obyr lac auronzf e ath, s nr la 87the dr.- naing e! viiihlmoufiesof o 22, sh. del.! teyfr theee ah *ocks t aVo- Tiaparthitin aposd te r.jtress tits or ginu at pece. is dcar!te omueanftn of nddeb.2len nd vla net onpeteif a in uai ate . icl ali Wspon prtdtob the aprac t ot etth Thie spicrets lackakLan la asl! aluies attr2o'c hemle mgt.-be the Seâtqr e ou Mlthr Afairs e, And la In te earte cie..tue dont trhltMr. glanslftldea.Nv. 1tue1corrioiêe.- maie wit inunt cerNou.,22. Tnhe zi.rlafier tii, mos suehotuninlet a- The appre!eatition ving w riîne thl pormanJiopassage th erehte- Bp 1* es telfs o tenlb. ac ftultea on of ath e th rvanoaseus.i ave saU- Th siiolacktîack la inrrads teumele at eune n eatl teln - à atafep lb.oreunda vOlw genilas At one tie sormes oft4a om e ee rubi- las îjr ta clse t sedoo tua lnnoide lngma daldy tevgst anite heur hW ystrto pangetrro etailthe eapI of as!"tes tvil! setheork vito A plae t irecmns n w t t eu.ondofth ln b f' bic it viiseas tlyhaat th à stteuM p 41la the- lu no laceM luh 1vs iî, W tdIae libebeatl5 abatge m a gienee, tierstares a n ewrlow aà an nt oeb 'flpUupaW~a .kln one lab DShEl#~I~ éa on>. Itl g pa1 Ilhe ete Convent.ion la «U eIip ~Vatâte Largent la Sevural Tài The. Iowa Populilt 8it. vson a~ held ln Dus Moines 'Wai tii.lorgeut l sevoral vesr.AUl but es oountiop ver, represented and about 000 delep.o were present. In addition toatii. Sde leaders, National CIirmu B . ILa. beneck aund Gen. J. & Coxey 0f Ohio e present sud made speaehas Tii.temper 0f. thé eougon W-eeeilltw a . radical aclieu vas avoided, tihe cOmvuý tdon falling Lu Une uti lthe vicié GeL . . Wenvet. Theve vua ae erable underçurrent 0f1SiesuttsIk i tbe dele«gte.,and! the. -ope vWqas £ts expressed that the. Democraile £ofl".ste et Chicage o cVd spjtOU thq àil"r 9ý tion aud botiavus.nt aa1qs If tuLa i. donet l opulatdele4 tlon at St. Louis wIl.nabdsebty $ te have tii. gliyerDqagmuçtlnom""4 ,fur preskient fIadoiued, spelally U tbeuld te the utp. ails. Weaver, wl6 acted as temupora.ry oharnan. sai!: "If we loue the. Ogit liais*a$1t,19111lié death tu out cause abidke 0f îeolto If the. saki! mien vie th«vil! fAl 8M000O.09 tr easnry -uopinq aq est-bçartqua ws.,Tbil -ti. u. ame ln tba crlis and must vin,5 ,àfter bis add4aw et the .pehl.g of 'tii e miittee ou '=utia sa tedl tbe follovlug uiàovty .reb*tt Reaolrrd, Ttiat the. delegat.. te ti t Louis onventSon b. lutmtrddte d alln their power te socure a union 0f ail f ar forese on a coxumon tiekei u4 platform embodylng thie u4*né~ principles or the Oipaba platfornî, vlthl furtiier resolution favorlng thie llale andi referendum. The minorlty report uns: We recommendtheii adoption eft tis Omaha plattorm l lu fdivth initiative ind referendum added. After a brief but ezcltlns discussIeu tj'e majorlty report vas adopted by au, Ovqr vbelming vote. The. folioving delegates te the St. Loqis counention were selocted hy the 4Wuli4ts named ; Firat district, G. W. Davis et Loslt andi J. M. Hollaud of Henry, second, 1[r. C. W. Wlrth of Jackson and T. Gray or Muscattue; thîrd, lau .. « of Hardîn and C. G. Col!hu,.f. havk, fourth. L. H. Weller'of sau aud M. H. Daly of Floyd; fitti, IL Calboun of Marsiiuli and L 1 LW-4 x ef Lino, slxth, B. W. Brunt of Keokik anti John I. Clarke of Monroe: sevetoi. Klemu Wheeler of Warren anti P. P. Ei ers of Dallas; elgbth, J. N. UeCranabas of Wayne andi E. È. Wlllets of Pages nlntb, A. M. Hutchînson or Pottavata- mie snd . H. Hull of Guthrie; tentb..i J. C. Baker ef Palo Alto and Benamin Spear of Green, eleventh, John Bovine er Woodbnry anti M. D. Baume, of O'Brien. Gen. Weu ver was chosen te bead the. it of delegatea at large te St. Louis by, acclamation. BROAD GAUGE PLATFOIIL Oio Problbitiontts bandoa Til Flight on tbe Simule Jeune. ýn the Ohio Prohibition State conven- tien at tntilay ther. was a apirlted con- test over-the mner plauk, the majori.ty orf the committe. favoring the free coin- ane of silver at the ratio et 16 ta 1. abd the. mluorlîy ativoeatlug free colosse ea$à ratio tu ete ixed by la-. The majort7 report uns adopteti. The platform de- elires lu brief: Fayov.n wan..sufao; opposesallen ewbnerahip of land. tarera geverningut contrel of raliroada anti telegraplasî d#O. ettes the raiaing of revens v ou property and Xo e4 urdae é ta te lovied only as a meaus of securlsg equltable commercial relations: deciares for Susday rest; opposes Publie appropri- tions for sects.rlan purposes; favors îhe electlom of preos4ent, Vi-President snd Senators b: direct vote; favots literai pensions., aukafor a revialon oft he la"- gration lawa; tavrs lettiug alieus vote site, eue year fromu the time of funat- utnilsation; favori the initiative andi ref- erendum, andi declarea for f ree coinage at 16 toi1. Atter tue plattortn hti been adopted the followlng Stat, ticket vas nominateti: For Secretary of State, Alvin Crabtree,i of Springfield; for Supreme Judge. M. B. Chose, et Marlon; for Dalry and Food Commussloner, Joseph Love, er Cosboc- ton; for member Board of Public Works, Charlet E. fleif. Of Cincinnati; for eiec- tors-at-large, Rev. .ý'. W. Bag ofe Mount Vernon, and J. W. Benfielti, of Dayton. Nine delegatea te the national conven- tion vere chosen, as tollowa: G. P. ..acklln, Dayton; H. A. Thomp- aon. Springfield-, Henrietta G. Monroe, Springfield; U. S. Thompson, Springfield; I, B. .jogan. -..mnne: G0. T. Stewart, Norwalk; Seth H. Ellia. Springbore; P. e. joues, Wellsvllle; Florence Richards, Ottavài. IdrePrealdtut Cleveland &ad !the Vise CoînageefrSîlver. The Alabamna Democratlc State COUven- q~unominated a fu ticket, headedbâJ T. Johuston for Governer. The UNad $tlffla4opted advocate troc celuageoT ýjgw#r ut 1(; te 1, lustruct the tventY-tvo dlgates fron) the State te vote as a unit ,'o. ail questions et the Chicago COuven- aa vocate the repeni ef the 10 Per 'étstate bank tai, favor honet olec- t$a4 anad the legalsîng of prlmary ele. tlâq, The. convention entbnalastlcally7 4pg4à">d thi e ntion of Presideut Clive- foreigu pollcy aud ithe apPoint- * *othorn man to cgblnet po.- tdlsapprorln t ilaacmt*po- votes l. th& varins staie. ot SERIQU A UciieiarIg der imue. beol, fta" lathie OM louai tvo eglgt fslth. Tii. die4lhi of theic raeDe ia falth. "If r ad a! kk." b"~ A u *eumIna.' .iMW. au a mustitd" .otens.1, en lu ti la tha englection nom "Accodng te rour fif dee net mean, se M power, but rati.er., or. Itle Pr(werly' yonr fath." Not proý tien. "An! Il abould ohmj tien skn ho GQed. T nature vas forme! ita And tuer. lea a spivt <iodwm ardasrespecta-t lia. Ablugs e tbr est ud ni fusisixemffla "We bave dom e lat wi dnty 1o04." iiVpOMMfA Io t qi Lan.foi ttétfreain , labeus «eqllntl lu la Iniet et auiheniiy (Luhe 7: S).' kiry, te, bar. autholiyr; g The tenlepera "lliUl-5 %!W. th" qould d",Tiiqv 2gk lu perses, butthy tirvesmanchou miaine c ofIg.ztiey coeu "*Whsn lie sayu Ihea"', Jeans, ber., va. eU01àeL forth tu la, heal1e!. la'q deeper sense, téere la liI "Go,ý" i. sali!, sud "as:I vere tissus.." hla ta.. besie! snd helppd as, 7nu(os9 ) h. "esu~, «'An! ho wvasSmrl obliierates- ourW&i'isIld sin: an! solvallon, ton. "Wiere anet ln. avers, "tazge! viti iqj At any rate léy dlM Christ; sur have t1h.-g gel a viiole liit* btq ý complete salvation.- 'FahIb meusafor or»»hidg rîction. soe tc nlnt.ys day te plain for au ra fi one ef env larffl ttw toit tu lienSded? Tinta founu! oenrltion cf t , li hei sthey ee It. 'l Conviction lu lie pulpit l in the pan', sàdpre0ei ,M munity otl" .Baste' h. derminsier feu it vion h self: "I preache! as nover sure tel Anti as a dylng mipu dybiq Wbence dl! il couse buti rusaI ef Godasver! sndda5c eft he divine eharaëien? possible," he saXa "for ena' the whol. et tia busiess ni4 Qed doih, tuomec at oee le* anti hoUl,vhich meu are se; vrai mont mon ha the usig an! vial theyr dis À woul! bte e -usdet 1 Imagined. Oh, hou laq ai their matines.sud a" deluaion. Oh, pour d"' What la it enou is aftartts fi yen meetti" Freatý Matt. 22: 5: "They msalq I Trust Godas purpose&.- the verk Christ la do"igI eartm; and!for 5m tula .tlae divine sourc. -Deu1 et clvil van. tho eolr. a grev apprehenslre gn4 4 shoul! tuer sot, taqi ku! eut onf tros eZa One day a deltettrm tingeut, ",Idulitaboith proche aee-% iùt la taklag offbis bat:gavt t the day. The rato~ hlm hindlr, ap.11, une, thc a"tl=et7 itie people lhe represeatéd. mai delve $hi. anti, but it meaut .0* fellova. 1ev sarqi, $4 eral?" Andtheb. anV«e signifie! moci. "BrevÏhii ai." lu a Ilttivile hbioeï equrabau! camp, he.êi seeme! tu eb cimd 4w Io' They âhieïMfat» M " Have ron?- 'Next Lesaon-"-eLesei» Luke 18: 9-17. la a IIo&àu1 Il neveurl g p lie face. Qo e a otlà ls é h1 Il eoms Moci âmml:1 tban lu dome t Fa»tilu4.4 for wffl. '