Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 May 1896, p. 4

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l~Ji,141;Clyaru .vse year . a SorI on lu fiare, veaet 1890. t 6V i!tesemisiuona( V ' é emocthratie ~~IL Xdoyb in.1itas .l la forlce, fro liono! area .1er auint. Ispooteronthaeabe b«rte loakMul for 2ly uthe Preal-i W41ûtite paradomis- utw theae pulame Proca i n abcmlul 0alo a frces a. b uing cseueo the aW.8 o tiud tpa ge Ilo th proordufor a r-py ailan hecaholi ypb nt aheu nla ,t' hotae! Iays.May Ë"»-0g7.1. aat I niolblng abouli! li %ae lyta p frovthe Vsua ho val.1vah ta. ettv o at s gainae lte a amotion.d eup*i AJlloBrave «4-0 it ponlta olS a tenev sto tr li othn PaîtbaS lveb likily ta rif lav afflistratin nosre lwmty-tw. oir an Unoisol Bone ef Mot, vtt 1k vIla M h fo aponste iim* à moe the #p rtlf te atied gpgie, bad &hm a gesly o ha ord enmmunte l cSer m rem ua aA l ovaupporter Meveml d! a I! xb e, tseuatteviii smttouW4lImtaI emat vie4io*pfor one -or lte amp lte 4«V«v.r O$ M Ph p u t t es SI, b u -t s ovnng f euhl er»aeu Emooxa. oerL K*r& .0 1A IEstAR .Am. otn Rebe.b3in~ b&m' dam. e Dr. Shaffer ' <JhloagoMonday. lira. W. B. Iligley apent Mionday ln Chieffl. Uir. Morrifla paint ahop la8 inished and heinsread7ulaing It 10 paint ln. lira. E. B. Sherman returued, mon- day evening fromt a visit of lour daYs in the City. Mr. and Mns. George T#ompmon and Ur. anid ira. Wilbur spenI 1lat Salut. lday in the 0ity. Ur. Hintz' house la almost finlahed andv be h ready for occupanoy ln âbout tva veeka. Mr. John Hook i. puttlng nov shilgle. on hie bouse, and making othor repaire prepaératory la movJng in. lit. Austin, o! Chicago, uophev of our htUstlng bote! proprielar, vialle! hlm une!. mand limili'several Says lte paeI voek. Mrt. Backus, fItnt Chicago ha. brangbt hi. famuly la Graymabok and vill occupy the rtotu.abovya111e blacksmitb sbop. AlleunMlilen va. appoinleti manub&al, aMlouday eveninga session of the lave board. lie vilI appear Mai' 1, unbull unifortu. Do nu al ateago la Batwenalis hall tbis FtlSay ovening aud liaten ta 1he Peak satolrs. Nothing la equal tem ha. over viaited aur lavu. Mr. Lougabsugli ha. beau very nuceamf niselling lte "Nov Leader Sa! Iran." Il savos fuel anti bard watt. Ca» sud examine Ihetu. lit. Paddock, of Llbertyvlle, va. in onrtolaveTneaday. lit. Paddock la *M111 itUntlg for lte Laite Conu' I*nnrnuemsant la doiug gaod vont. aunling ban been good hroabot. te psA$ veeb. Mensr. Nevile sud Sheiman vep oitsaev bouta lb. other day an! brought borne forty-lvo mipe lira.Wlbut, of Buringlan, Wl.%., Yi*stp . C. Wlbur of Ibis place 4*4sIprobablll±y mate titis her 1à "l1èloueasit. 'hmapurchased s lot:nuIt. ofets uli hü- ouer lir. Woievor umdati 11e Luluar mabih i tâthme vils Bev, Dasey oau $<müuy. *They bave ual ýyel.-0 i!fe4 'to ïretuiW hors,-but LtuMvi' hemâbui la.gre.iliuptooi!0".i counlng bock aot«oldh omoe. SUU&SY mou3, thY. P. 8, 0,n'amot lbla dlatl* IiihoiS à eonvomtio la, tise Oongrugatal ohurçisbet "sS plac. Gooti apen boadantiingfflra vi» b. la Mtendmles a"d programme bus boWi41 Prepaeti faz boIt. lthe -florucon sud oe~ln I li laoualàamlrUa1O. Il vi o *lI ev.rltblug, but- i,. pli! e epou& . Saivo tub dobe«Ai» huIt a Ml ài in hundVeM 0fosis, 1 P.B. LèVuil Lîberlyville; G. 0. Eoberid, Vano-. Are yau comiug te apo lse Psa Blutera? Thtis Piday evebing N'i Titoy viiiappeu 41 te liaylaW in Batlorsisal'. ball. Thiq, *M- l». probahly lao puath l.e revnlng o te liay Quoee. Ton cents admiaa$am.i lco cremansd caebavii le mervt. Rlalug Sun Ladge Na. 115 A. F. &,A. M., bold s von' littereattig meeting lat Saturday aeoing. Win Yeo and . E. HoarS vetor nife$ trough thlb.mynteieorfailte si FPrs Masory. am lb the vilors Prsent ver. -fOuma . Glibertand E. E. Ford, of Waueonda, au! Judgo Joues, iD. Webb, J. Boae and S. iD. Talcott, af Wsban Luuch va. aotved. Farmersaran you buylng broas!tire viteal for yonr vagona? If y(m are ual you ought tola h. If you nemi i*M viteols geltbahm bras!. Tb*te*m tequirea lt, sud bei!.. Il la la iy= ovu lutereal. Il keopserh. toin l betlot order, sud your leam dravalte las! easset. Yau are sa. mueS inlorest. od lu thislav a. saybady. andoi! ut la trylto observe IL. It la not rlgîdly enforced nov, but wvîlinuaByOSi or Iva It libely i' ile . Tryte, ha rsady fot IL. Thme exaeple of W. W. Irovor, Emq., juslice o!f1the peaqe anti a proMmnenUt cltizeum aIflit. Jevett, P.,la vartli a! emulalion. nHoam: "I4»Vet leave borne vithout a bottle of Chsmi betls'Colle, Choierm i M!dttthoe--a Bomedi' anti alvq's roottené Il la my fiaonda. Il in th. boat I pVo We&, anti neyer f alla la gIrluuedal relief.' Foi salie bY Y. B. oei Liberlyville, G. C. Roberta, Wuenm Tîàim Fou ànHadon.p i blacks, sevou anti «Sgbfois 0i& voigh over 1200 osas,' mt*lcJC4- Wl» watt sin¶trsor doublai. uoea drivera or vert om., 8-3 CHAS. Smaruu, WOUeonda.4 111. buy thtn 'erIoy a, el R U N CN Also agei Complete s8tock of bicycleý reptirs always,, E. B. 8MHEÉMAWI1, MAI we wbl seil at th, lion. roes warb aitoos 6 tail.. Ohilroa toes 310o5 pet pair.. .. dto 8,I I 1"«die plu,"grain s o» 01 1, I 40 Portla'"s"Oxford lies 'bcines. ,gnacltIne e1818 pet rd. l....... ceuvmu isem .I iU»mt IogDupôfi lt;Idoing IUn vork rqufl .4 10 WthOfr As aiea, fflokir 1ou to Ourplais wua a brrin, rualing h elaltua who» eybod, ntolrectired r4>4l C* * ot Ma i* . ài oy of a handreil aud Sf17 th tand he Odvemsàeul patent, mtIj %f.salsro=br ingp% W mlv. 11<4hu iaI la pouubo the aeeured t1.7 do have la do vhat la boua c bdown bil l uemaer lu ou.v, but cafled 1the. "anemmv, w ork. Wb up~ êw . a, il soon gol as liresame .u th., diluto lpped st on. mine on vhloh lhey f.0b p m w a *b vqInup on lt.ealher aide. AU il ndvero vorking; vé vers o lid theMine .,mmq MLsetno ï ns van acre1 and acrea af aIuinpage, liaitpaid many lmousaitnddollars. sna brât = 1 ý Isé - èàjýý qM , were im hadb"been out for te vau dowu five hundred and 1117 let. pac" 0ui Ma 11*1104. Lmv miflaor hauled la the mine. fur AU the are ln 1h18 district looked we la am n l Maftw iimberinri1 vgau uter deilallon. nand:n:ta purtlof:aivr meBt ntute up to lb. bIt 'w. coula or gold van visible ta thé oye. But Md a Jutisav *.m t weVerta&14Mud 1h. ocelouimlcrash- 01- a ou. hundred dollars per ton. At searl on 1. "ove t'h. raad va. a mil lu f ull haullig avay a dump. Upon ivesi- Rai"' ~ ~ bisat. The rond cotnmeuoed la h. gallon ve tanna! out, that vten lte re e ,ur7 very aleep aud very rough, beiug cul mine vas vurked, tmis va., suppoaied te *0ÂD tDmar upvlâh 1h. heavy luada aof lumbor la bc vortleaa, but 1hveto renimaig lath Mg*ofsud logo. Ono vondered hov a tond good vagea hauliug t"la lb.h cou- tbo- 00e t #iiUi le Ilamd. har om I bo Ü*s oha. ý une Ou. old b.takeu down 1he rand, vithout ceutrator, boaldea payiât 1h. ovuers w-u h wu e«q4 * POs.s jqn okilhiug mani and loem sud breaking a royalty, Ihat ln 1h07 pay t1h. ovuers Ibree Mimatu = fS$ hto wagon ail la plecea, aud accidentsauan ageed per cent on the groma wen «« M doMý,md U are ual untrequent. For soversi hauts receiptas. Th cncentator la a milii itioa le ~.untnant Inbotor. vo reaced our jaurney'a end vhich oriuabes m le ores, aud ruine soono1ofeélu- veoc uld diiôego 1h. ater over plate» which va.hea off leban ie trm U ~ boeho dumptof a fr up lb. manulain the vorthiegapart.% ami catche. th. -~ * l~ ~~ ~ aides, mile. andto iles abc"i, and one heavier parts vhlch contain the gold 1 *MV" r lia".Md f 1hé grnt i lit10h.bc aoucame or ilvet. This ln thon seul 10 the ou10tO"b" *09e, tegoeun u StJ» àud theamellera, by tbi"meane or. viîci to frý., Aberý - - ïdg e 00Otm Oý d*'Aer,, .00d wofl et ay iolbéahippod la 1he 10 m e m g tiovy r n efr abovee uUyi amenter and lreabod i. reducod. lut wi sèressud soàea af auov, vwhlub that perbaps an. caroa.d mighl weaotaO hal.w ~ itenover molté. I t1timon gdored il Irre mut ono or tva hundred tous b»,,dhul*eerrac thleormous of 1the are lu iliaformer sate. I1aeked wMM ~ <so «. 1 tor elgitl, butItil a. ual many daya whylter. veto no auelloalu tmono ami! ~ ~ th von Ige lier, her vi belote 1Ilhadt halpuare, or, uoarly campa vhlcbhanàde smuch are a a 6tM Mdlo vle sme i returni! a. igit. W. echdIdaho Springs belng haudled bhre. The explanation vJs. the >m bote about, four o'clock ln 1he atlornoon, an Ihal 1he expauseof a hipplngth 1o 01 ee lwI y a roe otosud vo vote ready la rost, havlng coûlt rom the valley, and #soc fluxana as ou the.wuaseveral blakestaveled. about fifleen ulle.,,but a. mighl lbe neeadd a. uhmr aU vo versloti qut. a numbet <of wegolhardened 1011, wvOalten made expenalve, titan ahipplng the ore la vus a m @Mu woverysUe tuuch longer trips lu une day,and vare ameilors. And 1 h.lleved it Whou 1 Chicgo lkeswhic are noar a. tlred. floea vahuar ouiawv the reighl train of aine or ton IUOq, fooet aboyea m o ve ,sud aoah pobure takou vlth 1h. Jacks paeked,. cmr.dome lu dravu b7 lhree of Iho. î%r&,t, patef thom Severlug weuly lreanember our trip linlte future powerful narrov gang. onffie., air$> Bus veSve il up sud 7ea" alther of vhlch atone could. han ie 0 s wo h~ i<~m .n. Th"ln<t Idaho Springgsla a tipical minlug tout one huudred cars davu lu 1he vo mp. v t wo ieOMMf 1h. c madthat lte1the lndualry val.y. AU 1h... enginea bave frami iuu* ~ vitoRe o.ojpmi onitaI0 a .pl&Sace ve, sud &Ua ivomx la elghttdriversaud not mot, mat* bÎddin w t ne umeig la gh do ual for a moment lhaulvaoorl hoo ectin holght, ve Ob~sl for Idahto Uprli*s. .i v thnkilla one a1 thome camps îiclured - îIaho Springs, lias -an lnaatance fae*ma O=e ;e »mamtnp artaa g aepaid nlA eeti -Y1 m1 ouainthlrashi dimd navel. Thom, <1878 of %boat 3»10ansd axtetidafor about naell.eMnpgm, u o .n emaoa.I a.eecro1111, tht.. miles lun1the canon, with harly ase #o ssupt4g I di! unot x imete .an lte Georgeown brsucil OlitIhe more than one alreet, a pecularlly af '*b.tboe 1vut On . PM"ceor Mmler$ Union Pgcll5e Eaway. but nov under thae nunutaltovua. Som. at 1hns or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h dId btvte orecede110t'verihp 0fFrank Trumtbul housan arabuit Ivo or thre iundted or died, but wen e dth ai!undet viataelanov alyled tl t aboya 1he lave ro1erand! teach W. oeud, ma tartot uSmyt. ieafr1. Ia ie d >y a long 118111 aofaira. Rer. for àlW5v m ou ,<>< mm overloto1 I v lte greal uuiug teatuu, wagon. la nmemavery rammikable minerai *m canyonIWO eve, ld il cerruing iv. la oenrItons, drawn luy aprîngs, vllb lathousoa, sud va. éleven mulea, but lhe.e mule. are four Immnse horaea. A born. vhich la bo volt patrouized. Titey are very mont avftefY deOeptive, ..ecladlîy veil~s& mthon thirteen or fourleell trougly taiuled vllh soda, and are vison one i. goinup UpI m ery sto huui«rod laf 11111e account, tb. calleS soda apringa. This place couil ho labos, and lte bonraare un.arthly break. ounlte hlnd vbeels nerlY be made famOna, thal ljeraoh more long. But on lthe bear oreoit aide a1 reait hall vay aronud. The tour vheebs th&n i11la nov, Iif thepm#Iy ownlng the the pao 111la very geai rand, UMat la have a double lire, the outalde on apring, ligd L111. ntauol mabe lte for ounainros!, a lie mylnoalen one Inch lhlck, and I vas propert Inprovemets, or Oelmcliana la 4-ve tliled aun1i». Up." W. bIft al fra hyol l.. itlio aliera migut do tlb. arne, but il any fliflos of 0$rauheu, but thora 44dtwa* Te i, naI Cly I1 ga «ue ofone Offera hlm hi. price. heaI ance been gaw igt, sd éy » ltila e"te*48 edilug UD 101the mlute, double. il aud of course thon the ve pmsdvitre tseslia! ben ce vloh vga lire. or foutrtuila.frot gale i. off. Saloon, men, la predomi_ beumat bldigsmvrs e il n uete lave sud ait four horses vote Date lu the mlulng lave. 1Iwva. lI ortt bai.A hovutsnoongvo ruit ocver.d vlth lamer, vitit nothing but IbM & mjuhog town o!flvo Ihoquon nh p e. no n rly a igtà 1he empli' lruckso ateop va. th. rond- inhablance dstaributod mare mouey me1h , vtaia rouni! um suan iboanThe men tldtme 1h07 nuade two lu a yea Isa diy lua airming 10.410 let oacume, sud Rr. ot ripsa aday, sud veto paid ane dollar district of f511' Ihousatud. aud I coula unpaekei! la rutI the Jacks sud est pertonlaut looks like good money, nel douliî 11. a. a genoral thlug a a mais vitet vs ompoei 0fbrei!but 1h07 tld me by 1the Uie 1h0 iner mObeStht.. or fout dollars pet ant luch, mi! wuI n edoverUl4 a P.94 l4or helr born, eoo, vbIÙcb by day, aud as living ia high, t ail goos mat. liai t., sud rfoua it4.lioeal %bway In tory oxpenilva up llte tu£h&biuving. ao tu My outteayt isud fov ha r.e muIOtntllIilava ougiéthIis plc Pho ul ce m oal aI a nd lime. W Io on l rty-five mile. frotu Denver, 8paco forlidi iatmore axltded ye ad etrtedon or don thy di netmake a very largoe alary, account of cortrtip. W returued t 0i .U comiug araudte compare! vlth the peril of thosa Our home lu lIluais val lesad with lrwovo am l anoenylumounlaln roade. Wa vaul part vay eontrlip and greatly 'houollted bi' mat E mountaus, vitere vo coula!look uP t le- m'ne aud il vus a wonder ta mtiluenloYblo <lime a1 Colorado. ou$ on th. plain.sudaf ailU the grand mtu~14a1thay id po<1tabreak lt e ~ue Mally autItheaiglts vill nevet h. 58<110I oe ~ t~4avacou~of 14 111 $ P4(~elior ie lit4uoyer iqi o tgtteu, sud roalizlng thât we ha! ~.,s ~ .athlIe gorge, I 4atIy picn. '111e rainaeseou but one l1111e corner aofImat I at! judge about a os, vei.a"" WA111t1 lt. ruad lu baScondition faus i laae, vo eto m i lbhemore mehogîv.e outid ,ffl the mqo sl01 411 te aun, l uel belug Imupossible lipreiuied vIlla lIa grandent. i 6EMATICALLy 1 cal Whon ln Lialvltin-- Il, attention f-tb> -qu_________A ___XLFT' Farmers and Others To the fact Jhat e arn stili head-over-heels in the Fine Carrnage F*rm uand Truck Wagon', CûiItV#trWndmIIndaiknd of Fr~M ~iJéijiW~.y wtt ~ U~thebest makes, andfiarl'wirethe Joweït iaIadthe fellows that purchas- *dbïf4stlhoy >ysteratIicaIly:ftiurewlth.,ger)eraly wish they côM~e. 'wrote, wirecl or phoned me. I stand the expense when we rn0t. andl you save moniey byso doing. Have a large stock ln rny Une at Waucnnda. qulte a large ine aI t .4b tyviIle ud ait Labe Zurich.. 81111 Ilt'.veau extra good lima lu bit me vauld bc ay Saltipi at'Wauoonda, or Sundsy vli dé ut swloyurîr rmcut as Io l'ove tho southte &W dy i4ýbetorthe "Sedi" l am ngremly ilu àeed Of rmongy titday la ua.. Me0W~hnmiimote, kTTAIGS & TYLOrS.. We now have ln stock the best se- lection of garden and flower seedsi ever opened in Libertyville. Corne earIV and make your selection. We are making speclal prices. on our Immense stock of canned goods. Everythrng in this Une is new, fresh and good enough for a Kings table. If you waht a good quality of tea.or coffee for a little money wé can suéw1$y your want. We are leaders ln ail klnds of groceries. Our prices on our meat market gobds are as10w as the Iowest and we guarantee the quallty far better than can be bought elsewhere in town. I (iood cofe .. . . .22e per lb, 1 eau apricotga................... 15e Gaod Japun'tea............ 27)Cper lb J cai white cherrllc............... 18e 3 cana Lniatoek .. . . 1 .. .25e Baàklug powder..... .........20 4 cana corti .... 250 '9 ibn navy beaus ............... 25L 2 cana peahes ...... 25c Corned beef and boiiing beef,,.3 to 6c I eau plumbs ............. c5 T RIGGS & TAYLOR. k. WALL PAPER. '13dVd 11VM preeCo l okilqa re t- l "lsuofoih TiA omr ahnd împreuentove - msured. ait3 eoflllfuel' lD eadershp ,41 e, gu C.R.S LIBERTYVILLEZ. Puimpse Tîând WALL PAPER. Yes We WiiI Sel From bl per Roll Up. CALL BEFORE THE UINES ARE BROKEN. Yours For Business, F. C. S .MITH & SON. We are always willing to write 'INSU RANCîA for you. Now is th e time for Tornado Insurance. -%-WAVF-LFV fPICKED Up HEIIE AND TEE Local Items of lnterest to Libertyville Readers., Star uo 1evl'aumme gir 'Trs D rw er hoo ta b il. Vltb ar eebo c, ovit. W those of aneun date. A ose f b er asforhdatea Anan o! vbaii fh utI reaS. mak l nto ieho ebake, frthi Wh e lnie awaOkeid ache, elleno lise pt. er vnd aint on TI donslaeplats er ona Peat.o an donstye aetwllb osbiat. A Wsleea aS teov id Lord knuv sva ad ndLr nw Aud t eulettvhiudaat An eboi aI ethëvlny ndon Obisbag. idesbtinockon B oanbe amb te aioletro The eveeuuu lhei-ieal.tho Ug lae e oe i suleiiic-. teU lhe roit avedwdiam.e am e TherlPstavbutwathoa Ibaenta blin lirluybt he t ad i"bis br m H r y emara18on btheaist hot euapyesthon them amshi au hie lMax LBeau cigare. --(h, Augetîna o6 fe.' he maya. '"Ibose orbe. boy brlght Ibe>' shiner" Ana tho e ringa Lougfellov ilu and qeotea 'Evauihulz.'* Butl n tbe middle o! the verae tberea coreli a crwi adsaS r>. And stars tluoY ammaet- tailItbaual I hose lu tbe ski! Lave movatm.nov P.w J. wer .setona 11 lirJ. ierlck 1lalpovu lir.JinLebsh,of Waukefati ealled oa liii fatiter'resday. Wmn. SpooneofaILàbo Zurich, vat on ont streeta Tuosdai'. Mr.insd lir. Gea. Triggs apol, Sundai and liouday lu the city. Wlater Darby apeut Sundai'a Crystal Lake. Mias Dol Schanek vas lu Chîcai last Thutnday. John Moore, af Highlaud Park, va in lave Tuesdai'. N antà is bsformer. A. 1. and D. N. liallory ein tolu as ut th. Paul MacGuOfn vas lu Waukegsn Sauudai' on business. Chsa Carei' apaullast Wodndai' anti ThuradayIn uCbicago. Loy Schauck titi busines luthe di' hi' lthe labo lail Thutadai'. Benn utertilld moved Mondayi lul I. B. ltay's cottage near th1e deoa. Warren Heathita lamakiug alal affcot!" su! incîdeulali' taklug in lte lave at Springlield Ibis vei. The Darbi' Bron., viii eeet s barge bain on 1110fr farra near Diatuond 140ý 20x70. Jno Darbi', of Nunda, vilI do th1e varit. Fletebar Clark lias bonght the lut ovned lui Dr. b(nlght on Milvaukee Avenue and vîli oneet a boita. thetoa in the nemi future. A nubeof utlocal vheelmen rode tk Wheeling Sundai'. The roas a ert good vilb 1the exception of sautali place jugt Soutb a! lavu. Tha Waveriey Club met Monday nigbt andi transacted business. A nea' cap vas seleeted aud a number orderat thrô1ugb C. IL Shterman. C. M. Guhatu sud lamiIy, o of tte. feller, 8tarted Tuesdai' for au extend ed trip throîîgh the voat, Ha expecté taO lue gone muaI o! the aummer. Tom Corlt asys thora' yull be considaerale ,buildiung lutLibertyvillt IbiHs sprillg thaI wa haveu'tlilgured ar at ail, aund 'Tum kuova ail abouit bnild 1 cheladpropose lthle Ps beît o 11ev popover i lite eemiftThfor fe. eelMr Hinvte i.noutureeivlng afficiaurecoeue ofor e oceonl I sericentroe!s! a.rauhIn«cation sferiereapprecaan arenIdcaiono ufrergtug a oreiiteit vu&l0 vilaiu ut1e ae lrien roahfo au peul b te n ua e i oaurne ato Of pplecialn foi lit. Hoedr.usI o vat 1eeat o re. liertam vi beha. henueof een dorm oi bu tboy wunltsecurblen dt frotu ,btd sud il vheu yo talentfurli rnotIce aang wenlu attend. rh otc F. B. Lovel l as ordotod a aada fountalu of a Nov Yorkt irn. Itlai ,-fiue as sutk,' and Ihat masu Carey wili hava mure lady finonda tha lte svenage marIal hereabuns ever dareti dreaun of. Nectar o! Greenland oui a »welter- lug bot duiy, served by a atravberry blond in tee creutu arrai' vilh au a,îdsble atuilo Ibruvu in, vi» lampt lte muaI conservation mai!. Oroyi -orlghinluit" Ibis tîtue, and belng a 3 sucepible crauture witb a veabnem 91 large proportions, the ginls il undoubledly hava naauy a drink oh tee cromsod au in ai] tsl. iclouanees vlth lithtI "doightful fellow.", CHANGE 0F TIME TABLE. Comunonciug Sundity, there vîli tue 0 Boulcteanges lu the tilaub tima table. eThey are hoplng for a thetrte trin Il aloug 1the lino, and Libertyvîlle Poo- pie voul! paîranize I ibaralli' But a y1trüainsd il ia hoped thieY vont bigot us. Smabl fayota would be appreelalo!, dsad if vo gat a thautre train on Salut- day nigbta uly7-thatwili I le uoSl a e El 'i go Mi W VwW q Ir ri m y ing nad polies. It is without an eciual. John MeCortulck bas graveled tIie ro udw.vy fro i hi, b rî u 11t e ig l- < 1 handie the High vny, uoded 1t1e aides o! bis lava sud11 Grade wheels and iu sevaral allier vai'. made big im- can suit you. provementa about his homo. P lilas Clara Mi111er, who ha. bt en so doclara have, ala rn atoscnsuta- 4ERM AN, 'docsn esi'II i te utivugonlan! t tions vitan ber case waa thougitt ir 1i1neurablo, prouunced bot ont of i ~ danger. ibiis lvîcomo Intellience9 - - IL.LIlNOIS. la.11er hoat of ioda ito bave au long hapeti for ber recavot!. - Thomas Corbetitbas seopze the as UA'k f LiS ou at te 0ereet a tva slori' tuluig Fn A lari -e a d varid 24-. on Leits Haubs lot n1 Millvukeée Avenue. 29t. BçtW pro- une ~ H~r4 arep~s l put up a fue* *ilfe of lin .ýf afl w r roe" b ictvlIl e a «eil totho gwFred Sedamula oea'atlngfor puii4 ~scaIna te collai sud wkvt. lIOMUaIeSon the building immedlatèly. and :Cutlêry. The uesTrigge vift orect a twoatr txé building 60î65 feelaon the propet- b est oul can onf th e urhsreanMiwkeâvne Tbe uppat floots iwi.licnlishod off maret a lisa itb store roonu bowo. The m ar etbouse oecupying th1e site asva. la lit. Ttigg's properti' au Wrigbl (lm Pipes, Fltlngs. The lifth sunual convention 9f1 the _________________Labo. Couuty Union oaiCh<isllln Endeavonrs yl be beil l te,ra IT PAYS TO TRADE W lBe COLBY& See Their Bargains in., RPETS, CURTAINS, WALL Pi CLOTHS, MATTINOS, RU( CLOTHINO, ETC. 1 m [A Plesse btlug home my jack-acreva anti oblige-L.J. B. Avisa. Frank Netu ta vaitlng on enalatuets et M. B. Colby & C's.. The nov aflâcera of the village boad asume their dullea lMondai' light. The Wavorioy Clb meel Ftlday uight (lo-night) lu Dr. E. H. Smllh'a office. Businea. afi mportance. Al membera atoul! bc preaent. Thora viii h.asleap year atravh.try festival et lte 1. 0. G. T. hall, over 4eo' store an TueMday, May 6. Evori' on. luviteS la attend sud eoyaia joli' ood lime. Parker Btom., of Chicago, have roui- ted of Charles Appley 1hebat. an Fair teel andti vli initaltherelu s -,string" o! barges. HomsaSella, af Waubegsn vlbl have charge of the tarses. Little F1111 LoBeau oxperieneed s pain! ul anti viicit fartunatll'did not prove a much more mrions accident Mondai' morntng. Phil va. lerning or rather layiug ounte ailing vblcb *dîvidos 111e barber abop auid bis baîhars cigar store viten ho silppe! anti fl lu 11he floot, a lau! peucil lu hie valat poueo penelrating hie lover lIp sud alghtly cul ouItlit. gum. Little Phil nov <'mries bie face in n a "seling" sud vova lt.e nei lIme te balances on a railiug he "vau't." R, IATS and CAPS Styles anti Prices la M CAN FIT VOLTE HEAD Wo Cati Filt our Purse. W. carry th1e largeat stock o1 Halsand caps i n contra Lake Coutl. TRUNKS us viten in ne,! of a Trunit. Large Trunks. Small Trunks. SEWING MACHINES. Buy a lîgbt rning "New Home" sud ate mouoi' hi' buylng aI un. The -Now Hama" la one of the best ma- chines mado. To ryin Ito lui. ACAI cg H 1 T, wFaîraPlay A number of our atîzelîs voe notiiied la doutit disehargiflg lire arma lu th1e village linuitm. Tla@a good thiug. but at the sanjie ture, lit. Marshall you maust get alter tiiet ait. Wo rail tla appreciale 1the distineioit, wiera arma of the boym sloot ut a locko utgeeea paasiug over 'oui «Nme otber fellov shoots birdi eitilili tb. liuite. The boys gel called l luf- the aller feblout ahoots utI hie'own pleasure. Hov abolît that Miai? Cockerais and Eggs. For Sale 1 have got the dai8y heu. thia souffla sud vould i ke to haie Ltereate! p«ell el muid eXaiuite ~thm or ville for particulara. atud if 1 have ual got vihtlyouvaut W'Il be glat lalot you kuove vito bas. J. P. WInmrÂM, LibortyvIllo. Ca01ambe, Pickles. lmbe yoww ýc<lutrm à lot cueum bcr pickes 4 M. . VlhY a Coastore. Prico 4â* bu. Cam use abont 150 acres. B. W. 8lIrrOitD. Food Mill Nattca. W. vwiU do Sustotugrluding (corni sud cob-;.i»t5.grainm or corn sheiad sud groutti) %.ay.Tusmdya. n- dsya and SaturSaya. Tht.. grindaa aud pLenty of paver. 0. H. ScIUNoxK &SON. You abouti! eau ounlits. H. S. Hutibutt and inapeter ot aock of millhney belote baying. 511e eau save yen money. Cult and! see no trouble la showv god. Chamberlin,@' ough Remedy the Boat and uMot PopuAr. Wa a»U mars01 QhaanhorIa Cough Bamedi' than or ail lboi combine!," vilas Meussi. Kenr alios, dtuiggiats, 01Mrs Ps Telw mmy.Ttaae ai ilaonehm pinooa.We ..CARPETS.. DRESS GOODS. I ALL WOOL INGIAINS COTTON CHAIN INGIIAINS. TAPEST1IES EMPS. CLOTÎibNG &WrLargoat Stock. WrLovaal Pnices. men'u Salise$5. up. Kuee Pauta Suite $1. up. Wool tvo Pilee suits $1.10 &WUui clothing in aIl ungit lot Spot Cash, wbicb louables un tlaBell et a van' 10v prie' vo have the ouly gonuine Bail Bearing Bicycle 9110e for Ladies' and Gents... Bicycle ridera shonl! leave thoir ordoersat once as 1the demand ln veri' gresl.. CaUInlansu!see tIbm. SHOES. LADIES' GENTS --and CBILDRENS SHOES IN TE ATEST STYLES We carry Hondermou'a Sez's, Fargo', BR..!'. sud Lobdeila. Oui stock of shos lm larger thon ever.. tl-Prleu nevr a. lo'"m WALL PAPER Gond wite bocks 5c. Gila 7--0e Largo amsrtmeul o! patterns. Side, Ceou- lgsud Bordera tla match. Oui stock titis sprlng im argerthan ver es. rieS lu i Lbertyvile. ARDEN SEEDS r Wo are hesdquuarteré, 1 for Gardon Seeda. fEEDS IN PACKAGES. EEDS IN BULK. A large asottulet 01 Flower Seeds. Our Gr Deput te Coul 10 bmers oct 1 Aul ot CROCKÈ white ve. Diner Glam Ida .FLOUI WASHR3UE< M"etE i be .bur Everi Pothapi yau are Daot avare Ihat ve carif r a large assrtient o DIIESS GOODS WVa are guakiug dre... gouda oua of outi speclil Unes. Men's Furnishing Goods. Jekela, l'agis$, Ovat- al, fiirta. Uîde- wenn Roier', Sus- pendet, Neck Wear. Goad Goods-Lov Fric.. Iprove! Wnutoli I Wa.ibovsrd Tube Clotises pila Clotbes Unes Cal is e aur Wasisl5 - REFRIGERATC "New Perfectio' Hardwood Refrigerftc -Charcoal Sheatho4 Dry Air Circulation. Solid Bronze Auto- matic Lcm Leave your orderiL fore hot weather. 50e ur Fedora Hat. AlacI at $1.2 5 and $1 .50 Latest StYles Stiff kh 'and L AilSizePrices to1 Ladleý,,walsts,35c Up. Ladieà Rlbbed Vests 15c UP. Celluloïd Collars IOc. CelluIoid C Reéady made sheets 81xg0 inches' Ready made PIIlow ct Lace Ctp-*4IUIs "-a yard Ir 9- m o 0E 1- ___ F - --l Li 1 Order ad Measues Tabou .... Over 400Sanpl's ta elet fron. Cailin M sud 0 them. J 1 "83dVd IIVM - 1 LM-ýý 1 ý 1

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