»te 10 a TO BUY ii e 87 liq' 1209 a 12 a BaWIyeeSpi guuday. I LL a i s tp ou on aiéial ýr aIways prepared %1 yo~ ants ln .. Agicultu rai Unplmetsy »In Seeds, Lime, Drain Tue, 4Etc. m7 gt Or stinmate ,Before P-irg Your Buildi na mâteria1i. Ï.4-S&ON'S, Lbertyvjlle, 111. I m8chnck~tonh' Plows, Harrows, and Cultivators. 3ere Ptows. Sattiey's H'IVmmer Sul- ws and Cultivators. Ko yatne Disc crs.: Koyitone Corn Planters 3S Morgan Spaders, 2 and 3 horme. (', (Raine> Wagons and Tr.ucks. ind Abbott's Buggies, Surries, and iation Wagons. lY SEED, '0 and 1'LFALeA, Opa, SEED CORN, ETC., Etc. Wasntflgtn Red Cedar Shingles, Sash, Doors, &tC. Estimates on Building Ma- tonial of. ait Ktnds furnlshed on S hort Notice, and Lowest Rates. LION IN NORTH-,Nn44inBiandailsAmorimnflPacir[fBegin INOI ter. lired by Bl. B. Pouler. Serai l Su by ilg&280 eh Y PiYMOth 00~ok 280ý ko .i. a khw 33 ieof thw Allen 2.&t. Bain by Startig t ( aeer) 211% 2:124 B 8ieyiSianfd others botter h 2:4 iird dam bi than Allen. son O!f14111 Ble-hawk. Miîdnîtà. loat nocoal-bîs k horse-,tandi, iUhan4SaIB. weiwbs îlm pounds. la heav li sletrog uM &dlnasgood hors oldest elta am o 0in« genreears sdareal large and smooth and ahow am apeeiL y. W. Sherwood. o!fNisouri. th çr 0 ovur o*lidn r tBasya: *'1 %tarte aI i 0raees w nnîmnu t irât monoy Ssoteonds, a thirds. n led1. drawn 1. Dui Ing hi@ raios Itar"dhlm;; instsue notedhSoes uaseFdal 2:0h; STom 2:08U Jordan 2:14', Ament lashaw 2:12:;ltiehba 1%LCamIt2:12); Lulu Ne Curdi 2.i4k iélkeHslltl-afd ther good.onea.1 'vas vith the e hore emade nia reeoro t~LI *9 He bas 1,550mie on te ln 2:08. goeh. B rea 1v olts l in ourl and I look f( anme o thom to go tn the two twenity-tl' 2:7 3-4 IlIt or boter thîs year. 15.00 to insure live colt. Breeder wlll be held for fee of ail iares disposed of after belng bred. Il Coltà ta b esettled for when 10 days aid. C. A. Appley, Owner. tYVILLE IEstate ~pwvpery with me and adyou a eustomor at aueru eloico ba.- *Té the foUowing: *eville City Proporiy. . 9-rccr modern bouge. good ibers.rûitree, etc. Pie SMo. oit ict hroomu modern bous. MêMeahade and fruitt rees.cbeap ëU ressonable toem. s"s building U2xto foot, coe for ISiiOfoolt aitram f$M ta 30 *»opei-Immg houiW, lot sud Sicalit fer mi" or rent. a P aprty. Fir Baie Milvsobee rond. bonse, larg =s l sgood veila% good cfa- l~uo.Prie mper acrepart ~em*me.ati percent. buM sar benivees Wauvoton sAYake tour miles uorh of 'nul imovuxd under good 15ion, no vasrte land, good leam ce aliug qwng n ¶ et allberaI. eha wel,, eI. lietn. fruit vo 1 YB ater. ILLINOIS.ý lI Who en v aut a nov st of Harnea, or repairs ou tho old »et, you eau do un botter than cal on RQDOLPH KRUSHAS, Prompt attention. giron to al l nd of vork. Gond vork and kvF priow asre bouud to vin. A FINE LIM Ea~olà-- P Éc lock Bheves, Boom la. Paper holders, Oils, Book cases, Varnisbeesé Conter tables, Glass, Extension tab'a, Putty,' Diuing chairs, Bruisý, Rockers, Couches, ~b rsuite.. - th ic Arouhd the. County. LAikF.ZURICH. l Hem»nAn dt, of Dundee, vas 14 tova monldai. t Louis Lomke and vife entertsined A gustfrmDneSudy L. Beip aud Chat. Shol voie ta the Il City Friday taking ta the mughtg. A large baud stand la toe a Uit nt the tovnsquare at a COUof 00. Loni Foyers sud Chai. GîTons ver. on oui streets firit of tbe veok. I Butcher Fiedier vas a Palatin a visiter Monday. M. T. Lamey sud EB. HIeimeriluger I o! Bsrriugton ver. pleamu sUarai, Sunday. Don't forget the gmad plombaisn4ç dance ai Zurich Park ou Mai1' 96.. Beveral brassasnd cornet baunda viiib. iu attendance iu tbe- aflernee. At ceiebrated orchestra, inclading harpe vill furulah music for thOotdlpiug tbe ligit fantastie. Joaeph Poterkort, of Dliaond Lake, vau lu tovn firai of the. veR Frank Weudt. of Cbicago, transated business bore Tueaday., - Tramps are qute nimerouls. Every day brings severai te the l>sck doors begging for a bite to est. Base bal Bnnday at Zuricoh bail grounds, Ela vs Zurich. Garne Called i 1:30 P. M. Courtuey liros. ahipped .averal Car 10045 of cattie to Chicago markets. Jako the harneas maker von tbe cutter. The Zurich base bail laine played their fIrst game of boa ait Quentins Corners Suuday sud voie victories. Score, Zuic's 20; Qilitita .Ca»nis. Louis Luerson, of Fluas Grave, vus the guest of Wm. lohinan Suiday. Wm. Elsuer, of Barrington, did business hors tais veek. David Langbuer sud famlly viii soon more Imb hie Greber bouse.. 'Remomber duetor Aiverion bas ofice houri ta Zurich every day in the t okeymeyer building. Our tousor latsgotting In a nice lot of savlug Ceps sud bis rack looks very ornamental. The Metropolitea string baud la ,d meeting witb great Essor. x Win. Buescblug sud M. ioblin"n bû of the Corners vere It oya M daS Mr; ite a ev galteba vers bere sa Sunday. rs Eichmau's old blackemitb ubop vas aumoved back about oighty fost Wedue v- day sud vill b. tiaaaerred ltoabara e. A nov sho wvii l e linCourse of 11 erection ln about a veek on tbe oic Mt he site. fli We mi &g btejll you luore about Oue ir Minute ogicure, but you probeably i kuovun t ia *ur4 aa cog. Evury par rmA y o cuge, col hoarsen:se. t l sn spcifavorte rd. for obidreu, baing pieamut te tâhe Ma or, sud quckinta uriig. F. B. LovoU, ýeLibertyvillo; G. C. Roberts Waueouda. GU.RNEE. Anotiser tzlin aaBuuday. W. 5. Fric. vasa Cbicago viator Chu, lý kmr bai rented H. M. Havre yen ieaM dFred Potiera ev piiuot ý1. la à flueone.. 39.». J»o. McClure speut Sunday W#b frionda t a ston. Fred MoCrakon. of Soutb Evanston sputit Suuday viii Brt Bracber. 1 T.W., tevart sud À. a. Chaudier nmAé a flying trip to Chicago lut Fred Pope, Of Chicago, la apendaug bis vacation vith friands here. Londes Wsofid haîtihe miafortunxe te but i foot qit. badly Osne day MeV Urt' al Young pe%ë.opleojy evîry évug ithticLebianhlob Tbere Iille a&'Bible Praanl and Uacred Bo00 'Ss106et ah 11*M. L ohuch ouiBuuayeveuifig s '3. <lAGES LAKE.' Miss 0 aosMiaoula vsiib rais !.s mla ChicagO ae presa.' Ii.rO te -ho bQuurtoley Ueetig îi ii i.eu naît Budaq. V" Pg kligIM Wiii ot b. pW»BliS üUWmoie la vlsi a IiN. b P . cfWho abt la me4tieuoiI fr.Dhroor t . . cilrm , ai eC U .Ica o r« At bis faimndany. ~To ~,,jatiàbMeeeWildelsOnul sIý4 Tom Rudd laitTIrsr4ami dîimti n fayor-Of and&. , cbol 0eue4 -laitModY i" 10 funèal e0 -Ira. Ilyàà er laoi rem. ,,ra4.J. Sl1o$dat 'no bas been spend- 6 a 1ev day. vlaitinc frtaude ta thua ocety ba retued to ber bomne tu &a City. IgemFoo'% cildreg bave the. Misa Agieb Devine wbo hmbas bo ury alek là alowly reoovertag. John 19009" bu moyed Intq the aéaley houa. Mr. sud Mis. Lux sud Mr. sud Mis. 'etersoâ, of Guruee, spt Bundsy wM relatives baie. Prof.* Kennedy sccomýauied bya tuad if vlatiag vith his mother Mis., Murpofi ysa diedat the roadoe o ciber.son, James, Tuesdsy- Lprit U1. .DeoeffdWas kuov aMd ugsctei )i mmn, aie bolug one of ho obtuu«ts attis,. iu the tova cd Warren ad Uveo ln thils ioclity flot .say yiaisýTii. fumerai vas Iaeld frein $t Jiar churoh April 23. N. B.* LiBERTYVILLE. Mms.Basais moved ber famiiy to chisgo lit" monday. Mr. A. Stolaman ha rented tbe Bue fain, formally occupled by Mr. Boenke. The lavanit, Oneal vs Thonm Rudd tait Satnday, vwu deoided iu favor of jibe doeedant, Mi. Eudd. Mn. G. Sboheci te on the sick liai 'niti iinfamitory iheunatisai. W. Morma are uoraping the ronds on thila aide ethe river. 1wbaithe ti.matter viti our basei bal aine. Mr. Berron, o!f<raysiake, han o:cepted the posalion as ichool tesoher la oui district. WARREN. Fine grovlug veatber.1 The finnois have beon hiuderedi vitb tholr vork, oving to the frequont aboveris but nov aro about tbrough seeding. .Amoag the late arrivaisa t E. J. OrliNa ia brigbt baby boy and aIl in veil. This aSounts for the big alie E. J. vears o! laie. Among tboseevho visited lu Chicago the. pastvoeek vs notice W.S. Pruce, E.J. (irhIfn, J. B. Bracher, Ed'win Potter, Elmor Rose sud Chas. Wlbur.1 Dld you al Attend the milk shîpprsa meetiug. ai Gurnee. We loaru that severai nov inombers vere secured. Tbats .rlgbt beop the bail rollng, but viii vo ever et tbere? No, not as long as milb ahippera lot tbe dealer bave tiie miik aithieir ovn price. By sud hi' ibey viii psy thein for taking. DI.AMOND LAKE. Henry it veut to Chicago Tuesday George Ont vas in the City on busi- nom lent veek. George EaY viii buiid an addition to bis houas soon. cam tor C. F. Nuits and viff. tereJa cagen turday ngto!li vne A oflleras aufl Ralph EDarby's Barber Sho p -Ia nov looated on fiprague St-, lut domr est W. C. Triggs Bhoe Store, Wbero ion eaualwayosugt your Shaving. Haîr Cuttlig and Dresslng. Done In the latne ykOf the ToNSORIAL ANTISL Gir. ame a trwa. I Win phase ion. Balph Darby, - Libertyville, M1. H. H. PEGLOW. BBICK work Stone Work, and plasterinig et ail kindg.- Calciming and Whitewashing. REA13ONABLE PRICEM. Leete orders et.......... oo'a BALF DAY, .-ILLINOIS. saleataai4Ittail PureCQoe laIm r and ilàrien 5sncy SeeI çrnn. CHAs. STEMPELP Long ovYOqLake, Co., 1llilnols. ggrÂppl1cations byMail promptLy, We have men's and boy's Iat* lin,* shapes, colors, and qualities, .*l ', 0 Fedora's would be cheap at $1.50, çý amine themn and you will agree with usè Our8Seeds - are the Best Everything in Garden and Field Soe.< sold at Iowest prices, quality consider Try our 90 day Seed Corn. Cet. OU-r Prices Before You Buy! Carpets, wall paper or WE can save you money. Long Grove, Ili. lace curtains; V. SAUER& GO TO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FOR 1 "Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,#- '14 PERFUMERY, 19OAP5, COM BS, BruBhes, Trutsss, Supporters, Shiouldcr Braees, Faucy and SToileôt Articlces, Books<8tnd S.t:ttonery, Oye lituffs, Glasg, Pty, (s PAINTS, GILS, VARNISHES. PATENTMEDICINES. Î4 compounded at ail hourg. LGods Carefully Selected. Only thi icaretui q eBes4 Fred Croker,,@ suits Pro m $I7 O~$40 A perfeçt fit guaranteed, Repa«inq Clean i ng Dyeing Call1 and see my samplos. OVER BANK, Libertyvitle, Illinois. M AX LE BEAUý*'A IDNIG HT' CIGARS Ei ,omCANT rBE 0A! .11Y1) Y P}IS ÀAIDAIS ASK FOR...- !ILGA Rl' LIIPINQN <ifgo munia ir ie-füll f fragra JOÔHN BOYSON WILL DELIVE R PURE RlV.ZÉ ICE DU RING THE SEASON AT 30 OTS. PER CWT. LEAVE ORDERS- COLBY & CO'S. AT M. STOIFEÈ J., G. -Weidner & Son's, Aptakisic and Buffato Gre ---WE CMLU1Y À'jf)0D LINE OF-- Ready Mixed Paints,,Raw and,3oliIed Lin- s~edO is, lrgea~sotme"t o Pan Whitewash Brushes, Cabotlneum or woc4t, preserving Paint, Gdalvanîzed and Painted4. I Arb Wire, Keystone and Haish Woven-, II ire Fencing especially hcla ted for 'Ir p09 fence, Etc. rimé, 0~~ ni 'YVIL- ITAL ILLI .L.r.9 A&-&--