Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 15 May 1896, p. 2

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CÂJLED OUJT. grS QUARREL NEAR- f It-N A RIOT. Dei pro day den oc the tai stli Rný te libsOuri RepubIicaýthe Ket Out oet1he Hall-39 WiliIUvetigato Bond i 9la4 b>'. Drunken Huabanti. 5 te Perse Compr'omse. .,77 jeian Stete courcuw' tis )1oPaepls aaiment tuned ittuseti on tbbdelegatea n'ere admittet Wa j1te heur set for tise upCuiog ex ' Zsu aaie-that- heur tUlly pi ,eopie were lu front O! tiseprt House, wbefe the cou- tet fie <1., clausoring for admit- de -"S Cause Ofthtie trOnhle n'as a b rý etwen the Fiiley anti ticý p tèd a for premrcy. The pliý -,,rasno the State coin- dia e, qsod tickets te bts net ot dele- keaving St. Louis. Kereus ~#iwers were lreseut iu force c eotestii5 delegation Anîd IisM I*etroubie. Tise local cemmittet' SWge»ents recoguized Kerens as ïM tJInc Cettîee aise issuedt ick- ef = neuion, anti, haring oh- OCe ~S eo o!tise keys o! thse operaanu rjý"te 10Admit aîîyoneutl Le, idd u <caeot lu a compromise. o Cj9wq«enurs tisetdlegitîts stout in ec£ p, but ail tb nu purpO. lî1, 2 ,*er, the erosvd became s UP eo îi ve #-wcs eared su attiutt ud he On' rWbreak devra the doons. and po- Mi ~were sent te rtstore or-ltr. ct an PluiL TISEWIND'.3 FIIRY. I eC*of e Great Ilansate troin TC -fteret '5Westerni Pointa. ittrulctlewnida rr reTes-- Fe btis e West. Ni-unr lkhorit. Nets., ,y4reuprooleti. butildigs osîrtunut- fargmer numeil Caini Joiuitt was c et 0fis clothcs trithouttserinsuxi sllam>r, aud thet igh schuol bîtilît- in pL*rw#Iy eacaped destruction. At U I,q4 Ne.. thse Merebtitts' Ilotel lu't om Wt ffying iebis suttîcshîJ the, plate 1pors et tise Slate Journtal olici,; tt n'ek as nuufet; the- el-cîrte $cput raaed, tand foutr po'-hit- rEets- th ftt .Omaha hbdail n tnendîtus rxiî th lesthagton, Minu. sev-i-nl lbuildinigs or wreckedlantiont- hburt. Sterling. bi .,at tiree btilding.q.Anoii tjotin- 'I awes loira,nAlii Allier tîfi'cle tic t,11e damage teonerhardsAandt arin ne ilg n'as Try great. 10 t&ILE U RADY To ANSWER. PA Woried by @casieor PeIl'er's b j, onditi ete Iuvestitatiuu. l oMtary Carlisle bas eceivi-t a lt-tIen MÇsrnnIorrillI0etIhe Sentîti- 0 ~O~m 1tte, uoitylîîg huit et tht- Wî,e* tise m!r ibontd itirctigatitieAt RQ$Iou, and askiiig thei Secretiiny if lu-AI 1 M te b. beurd ortily, or iun v. itiuig.l .,.»retary bas reîlied t-but bci, h bWt du elîber, or bot,-balte Coi-t »e rnay direct, but hIsecaleîAttenutionuîli tq tact taisa wI a iutake ltte lto nt- tr îtbe Information vdeutiy îy i i4qlutou. Chairmunn Morflîl of thetw ~ecemnitbee ou iIixuaice baxs i it- I zo a sab-commiitee otfi tii toiutt-t-s t th ie bond salu niter tht- l'ettt- rIton, namning for Oinut nennîci- Svtit- ý Harris, Vest a iti]Vu thIaU.L - hutt- k; Pit, Itepoitican, 'andtt Joues of "ia' Populat- National Legune.S l»wig Vthtie standinsg oethte clubsd be National Basebi li League: f W. L.- W. il.t ladlpiis14 1; (Cleveland ~14)? ~b"rg ..12 Ti Brooîklyn .10 101 pag . - 3 bW'tshiigt~ -10 Il limoe. .13 8 Net r k . 7 13 -12 8S it. Lotis -- 7 15t Weanati. .12 9 lotisvil!o- 2 19t Western Leaune.r @onting !% tae stauditngtif te'clubst the Western League: 1 NV. L. mtroi .-. ..11 2 Tuiiiiaitioîis -7 t) msas Cityli 7 Milwauike-e 8 SIl , Pal .. - . 1 7 (oluutbius 7 12 muespoila . 9 10 Grand Raidts 5 12t CenI Land Dent Arranzed. >mfirntatiou ibxsabei-t>ohtai itetio! titi' 0edlal eo! Bhllt.Lt-tigsudtî e . scal ept ,-rte R h-lochester iPttsburg('ouianîd on coniiîauy -prpten incloîle 12.000 xcresliti1 d a niChîarfietti Ceutflies, Pea- j N i i, nitis nîî fs t a c.paeily ot 0. etou !coul a day. l100 ctke oreits. milea o! alînoxîtianti itq equip- r tour stores sud seseral ituntiret 'russ. Teîice in out fur f rom . Copmo4ere Contenu Ile Dyinir. Riveai days ago Dr. ('onley, lu a stet pcauler et Yankton. S. D., wilb Coin- id"ouon, thte best kîîown Isut- là ontie1ppr 11Jsarui River, ltter ou tise fitiger,. Gon'igret- set ; #d CtouI o ttexpecteiluelire. wosm le tise wethiest matl lu t-at sec- W*W #Ver>' poptniq. Wýndtorm ta Iowa. 4, terrifie rtasud wnîd stmuipamssei 0- e'Sibie>, Iowa. 3Mnny lia ritandui à*buildings i-ere dentoliauteti. Tise W#e bt the three-story Academy ut Mit- #'baUMng waa biewn off. Part ot tht- qr beilding wnsdetroyeti by th is 'nd. Ten Hert et a Pire. ,V" %ne» were burt lunanfii-(.ant 20Rani Mire street, St. Louis, exîni> Monda> shot mis Wbfe. It NeCamtbys, a Chicago pinten. dlntantil klied bis nite Adute. FI-gl la VIFMCU usotrate Pluamed Over a Sw"ptng Ct vil Gervice Order. Almost 80,000 Uovernment emploYes r. brought wlth oue sweep under the eitection of the civil service Wednes- V by the issuande o! an order b> 1'resi- mt Cleveland making a general revision civil service rutes. Th'le order la the ost important since the Inauguration of wsystenu more than a decade ago. It Les effect immedlately. Its practical lent ia the classification o! ail Govern- &nt employez belon' tbz runk ot those lijject to nomiaution b> the Presidet A confirmation b> the Senate antd above igrades ot taborers or n'orkutef, with a ?w exceptions. 'ihe ucw ruiez ndd 29,- E) positions t3 the classified list, increas- ýthe number ot classitied positions front 7 '36 to 85,135. The nnn'br of lassi â'p1'ces which arr excepted troto exaxu- itioý bas been reduceti trom 2,M) to1 75, bong maill> positions as cashiera 1u le e toms, postal snd internai revenue ýrvi:é.1%e orly classified positions la Vashington whiols will be cîcepteti froua auination under the new rules trill he rvate secretaries or confidentiai clcrks at excceding two) to the President andi the head ot each of thi eight executive j>artments. No positions n'ill herexîtter esubject to non-competitive examina- ins. except lu the cases of Indiana etu- lyed in a teacbîng capacity In the In- !an service. FOR DETTER CXTIES. lnuicipal Retorm Leatrue Meetlujg tu "ltlmorc, MiL Frientis c! munieipaul anti civil service forra gat-hered inluBaltinsore from ail ,er tise countîry lu attend th ie secontt an- sal meetitng outhe National Mtunicipal ,engue andtihIe foîîrtb national cutaten- tcee for gooti city goverummut. The tairman calied thbe delegabPs to unît-r in te sssemby-moom o! tise MuicHall. derritt Starr si-s present tb expisin the omklngs o! lb. civil service ha Chicago ad compare tise systern ln operalion ,ree uithtise'Iowa adopti luinether ies.& Il n'as a represeitatire gathertng t every respect. illustrating n'bat is best ad nobleat la tise efortu movement uow ;-ecpiag Curer tise country. rO NCREASE TtIEIR PENSIONS, Pvorable Report on Bill1 for Mexican and Indien War V'eterans. Tise Ilouse Counrittite on Pt-usions bus dereti a favorable reptor-t on lthe bil ut- rodnced by Itepresotutine Stailiugs to cerease the pensions o! veteratus o! the dexican uud ludion %ours andtithein olid- vsé front $S te $12 a otoutb. Bilg Pool ln Fleur. R. D. Huibbunl, the executiie front o! te linseu oitrmut, ais sutecemetl, oilis me aid of t-be Pillshurys, lu pc'ntectittg the -ganization o! t-le greatt-at millers' corn- )tue ever pli, toget-ber lu Ibis country. bhe ptîrpeae is lu ativauce the price of aur tnt is prescrit lots quolations, lu tdeure saxtistactory rail anti watt-r trains- )rtutiun rates anti te cetl eery sprng -but griîîtir in tht- country te bt-conte n uirt o! tise pool. Tht-me are 500 sttning bt-at millers il) tti' Uniited ta xtes. More ian 100 bave jeincti titi'nt- o iol.,oiîich ati its lîteeplien loit txuii. roachet a bt-ad et Februnry anti is non' a buna fitie ngstiza--tion. The pool bas becu incer- ponateti. Itlsaime is thte North Amenicun %llhling Company. Itla conurnonly kunownit t Mintneapolis, ln St. Pui, aI Dultuth tit in u othera Miinnesota ns the Amer- nIn Milling Company. It is the- sîscees- Ror ofthlie Sott-rr Miinnesota Mitiers' Association. o! wlt:cli Iliibbnrt ns thet latiing spirit. lteiuteseutttivma ef the tut claini lu reprei-i'ut 110 utilis hariîîg aixily cuipaeil> o! 105,(M1 barrels. Tht- îhotp xîim o! thte enganizatiou is lu tire- tect ttxm gigautie fiutung itîreste ot Nlin- t'aîtoia, non' Ibrea tel by conspetition. Humiliatton ut Chambherlain. Pni-sidt-nt Kruiger, o!ftie Transvaal, bas Vion a ramotns rittory. lVith swenti anti wiih peîu lue bits sitosnsu usrowst-s <ivin Britisht amis atîdi ver Pritilîtdipiounacy. St-cretary Cliuamt>erliu, ri'gretfûliy, nuo ioiîht.svas cieoî ltlto u eknowlt-tge i n the flottai'of ( -'otuwtouiinFritity ut Leiono bait tht- Gove*nnuucitl as rexudy te con- -eue to lthe Tranisvxtxtt iuy r-anlib gtunauntet it deinandedti tithl Ie ftuîe t wotulil nul belt' r ictint ef xtly morent Eusgiish fttru3-s. It is a questiott wiîither bhis relucxtunt concessiont is eoniiiuensttroitt wttth thlit calin andttigtîerttus att ittude ouf ithe Souths Afrie:iii It-uptublie atter tise terrible iîjury attItduthesoaoclieu it la ts reet'it-et. liit theînr e it o tiîulîtthlx>t, ittit- gi'r ant i in ite-tias il la, thte conucessiotn is a seture-o! griot Itutmiliautiontuu te tcolo- Iiii stcrti n- i t u ccipitls lais iridt- centt tiretnt o! iitperia i tu ttInî u; il moipes oetthttilossittility o!fliii' ict ne- gion nontitofet lb' al lietmmitt purt ef titi British Enmpire.l'or (CtcillRhioxdes, wotui eîtginei'rt'tt tti' Joni-souraîid. the secrelxury hai t cttcensutre autdi raite. Indiana for tcKtulcy. Indiana lepitbllcaus titcitre for-Nie- Kjiiiiiy anduthite det-gates-at-large trouat the State le tht-SSI Louis convrention turc instmuctid to "catit their rotes for WVtll- jin %eKiiile-y as tnittuetly aui cuntin- uousIy as th-rt- la any boîte ut bis om- !naution." 'The listrutetlinresolutiou t> t-be lat pluîîk ut a pltuorut, srich de-' clames for proitetitonattd r-cilwroeits-, and for 'hotîest" nîooey, favoriuîg the use et cliver on!y o-udt-r reguuluuiotîs that trili maint- it is parity wilb golti. M,%ore Pluma Tied Up. Tise 'rosident lias icaueui-atontiîr ex- teniuu'tise civil service rtîles t-o the dnterattte contmence comtmission.Tis br'i»tii ehtici-s in t-te commission lu sud OnOeo! Washington ssitisin the classi» feti, "crsice, excelît thte chie! exectitivi eues reqniring I'nesidî-ntiul itominatiot anti confiromation ity the >uati Tht ondin, ohlcb taki t effeetlUiptetintely, makes a total o! aboutN'1 Govera. nient positions îîosvlocludeti in tie civil service. Fat* Çyclone lu South Dakota. A -U storni o! a cyclonie natur p...4 ver SiuI- . D., 'hrisasy nighb 'rhe bouse cf t0.iH. Lîtîtlanti nas-altil destroyeti. Tisere ocre tea pensions in ths bouse, anti lrs. Lintitant i Itreporteti kit eti, wite ther members «! the farul> ar more or lt-sa injumeti Aaked for Prayeris and Bled. AI Chandier, a Galtup, N. M., livery man, cslleu lier'. William Purie> te hIi boneuseani aked i hm lttnay for bhlm. A 'the miolater 0-as besemcising for divis heip, Chsandler riooreti poison bute a di per of water, drauk the mixture aud dIed Union of Three Po>eg -Thse MauSalvador Cnen llhl be tresty oet "= Walxmbbllofait-M. ONLY ONE IN A CLASS WANTS A HUSBANQ. Othere Have Difféenet IdeulsetfLife -Fidelity and Pal riottotu of an Ohio Mayor Put teohe Tet-Ferdinaand Schunaciier Fails-Lamber Fire. Msarrtaze Net Their Atm. 31ra. Lutlia Wiieox St. Clair, 1resident ot Christian College, Columbiat , rit- centiy eqested ail the- nuembers of the clas whilîtsil graulîxale Ibis ye-xr ta enate brlefly it, writing thevir principal purpose iu lite. A nuitnr o! inîerestiitg auswiers esuitel. 'reit o! the ginls rit- piiedt ta it w-as their princliili desine lu obtain turther editeatioti. e 111 ar3 lt t and mosic. Thrc-e prefer quiet lite at home, thut- theY Mny1)e a cousfrtot eir parents hn thir dec'iiiiîg yexrs. One de- sires to bc a missieuarY. (lie preters a career as a pttysieiitt, itou the bighest am- bition o! aitîer Y01111g lady ia to bc a boapitlu trse. Tîtrue girls statedi tisaI il wss lisir trIOlita trurel as maîch as possible. Oîîiy otie adnîtled that utar- niage n'as ber principal purpose Iu lite. Several o! the repflies ocre written in poetry. _____ SENTENCE» TO E10 EATH. Suuimary Proceettinaeofthtie liPanisis Court Martial et Havana. Tise conrt-martiultr Iial tut Htanut et the cren' o! the Aneeti cahooner ('eut- petiler bas i-stuitet in semntence of ulcatis te ait. The boat trus catUredl tY fs Spautisiscroîiser, uttît l ltged to lutte ben on a filihusternug expedit!0it. Thse priqonens xocre itt t flos iil ti cxiii oit- nesses in tltmir dtt-r-îse 'rThe inîtîter lias excileti inlerest intu tti'statit Dcpurtiîît ut Washington, tnud a ntoewortliy ceinci- dence is Ibut uttoontet tîttil-itY Prevails lu the North Atîxtuteîtxaî n t anchor off Ni-w York. Fireunc kept hanked ou cli tbe cruisers, and teinit- coîtitibc rai-icti otiin an bouc. Autrurai Bruelias been in constant FPreiPt et ciîther disputrhes front Washington, anti Ibm non are Lt-lt at tinlil SITUATION IS BETTEÎR. Dun & Co. Take n More, Hopeful Vbcw of Trutie. I. G. Dîxun& (,'î's Weekiy Rt-vit-o(It Tratiesays: -Thttxtluxirta ut 35,850t44Cb goiti the past wet-kbxave protlutcî'inoi tn- etary disluîrhanîe Ituit once prou! ut tht- sonoduxesu ot inautîlicotnditiotns, antd o! the îîrevailiîag confiîdenceluin oter tluings lu come. Mucli ot tht- iîesitxationntaI res- mut is due lt itnultorxt iiy rettut-eidu-utaut! in som e tttutaiexs, aniniiii ami s nusuîu- the puvrnf tIhe ut-o-contittiiitnt it lx. ing gruduxully tesitul tiy ref usai tif enilî-r9 s0 thtit protiîtion exceedxs lttxttt(tt bttt coustuniption ixci-ed ueo btiyixIl TUlie genttl irnî,giarily o! uies atnti iuixîk- tut-ccof e! i-tantttfonrfluisttitiprodlicta lu0 net pretet tle mairking uip of urices tty coininax t iotus, but are la rgt-tIY iluxc i dent mshetlîur stut-i prices as are flxed cao bcie naiuttuineti." MAYOR IN A DILIEMNIA. Mtuet Dcteruine ehe Muatcal Quali. tien of a Ftrecmacker. Mao ellitott f 3Mnssiilo, (), la strug- giing ta detemmine whbtiem or 'lot- a fine, cratker la a musical instrumenit. Thlis prohlent aiseýs front the- givitug cf un open air cotcernt in the îork. Tise nsaiciuuis coîs-lutieîltht-m enittg's 1ît'firmatiii stth tht- nationali iyrnt t'îîuîu and.' tt lu ti-tien te gin'the- stittýon ucctîniittg te the du-re dtttuittd t titi tf thotcr uutiIî 10 shoot tilf finîcrackrs. 'ThIere ila aCity ord luaatt-î utbtlorieing liantut1Concert s l hc gitasiiitIti'çîxrk, anti tuio (,iet.fonlîlî- ding thti expttsding of fireexxcktns. The fintcruekera xpîoded andtal o llîplolice-- ussxi usorrestedI le nnscxn.Titi' ihavne p1citdd no1guilty aitti sili bane o Jury triail. Lîstuber IDucks n laiFtamem At Ashitînti. Nis., galnes :iîlî o-sti' pr.oîîerly ausseuîiig le 351K,11411 Stxtumn-1 day. ilo-as t-hi' ocît line iti te icory efthIe townuttlny oit-iig ot th e leadî- img tuili 1plant initteCity tad tlitrotiiug httndretis o!ftu etut-t 'unk.It uli e1 short sase-o!fto iours ucxriy M4001 sortisot pnoîterly itis tiestroYeti hY the1 fiunst-s, threc-mcnt uxui lit-cii tiven txy tei titaîe oniy to uteet lexulli Iy îrosuiutg. Il ia repurîtiitaI tfour tîters have uit te sat ne :txu t'Shores' nillI. o it-i îot-kit, ssert-h 11ti: the mattin doc-k cf Dur-i fee's plant. ivitis i8.1mO,000 () tt-ftum-1 tie, iere cecututiix y litumis.Short-s'1 bs te îerly 30,10 W. Il. Durtee bassabout 330,000 ciititi'dock. Big Fallurci aI Akron. FerdinandîlScitunittiter, the olt n ie-i k-ing, anuuti 1int-ct totf lte Atîtittic Ce- retul Coutuhîxu îîy. ossigte tct u-Akrotn, Ohtio, turnoeven ton thet- ledit- tît is credut- ors is entire pnttperty. "iTheassets lirei estirnated ti t 2,0(10.0(10, andtulthe liabili- tues wili reach3,0000 TIse assigo- oitunas causeti by henry lbases in t-be Mue-usLandi an iNNWler Poer-en('un- pauy andth ie Illinois Rtiver Pupcr Cein- pany, c! Manceiles, Ii.i, silicl si-nt le lise n'aIlin b eqîieuce oftht-e failure o! t-be cie! stockhoider. "Ni(d,' Doea Murder Again. Ncn's t-rnes froru Wiieox, Ancz, of tbe kiiling o! Ibre-muret citizerîs by tht- Kidi sud bis band. Tise report- muantes frenu Camp ltuckem. Tise viclints are S. B. Rt-id. oeefetht-e oldest anti best knootu rancismen; Guts W~isner, a mau lu charge of the st-etk for Rteidi, anti une of Ithe Hauti boys. ____ Cougreauman Coolie la Better. Cougressman E. D. Couke, n'bo wns taken serieusI3' 111 on bis; eturnu luWashs- ingon trous Chicago Tiusîntiy eveuiug, is bettçr. Ho bas change ofthtie Rinaker- Downing couteat fror t-lit-sixt-enthIsliii- nuis district, ant i stlUcutlIt op la the Houa. t t-be tirt opport-nniîy. Boy Geta a Lite Sentence. J. Watscn Hinets, tbe boy train wrecker oftBorme, N. Y., recelveti a lite sentence. His compaions, Pubt and Hibisarti, pit-aded ggnlity te maualangbt-er Iu tise tiret degnee anti nene seuteocedt t tweusîy yesr' inîprisoumenl ou to - u diet-meuts, cm torly years In atl. Danger of a Duel Averted. Represenative Moue> et Mississippi ad iepreentative Hall et Misaonri, wo recettr bad a peraouai euconatei u theb naval colmlitte-moeeaîu bava adjustes) New Jersey militsioean Be la t h, Insurgent Arsny. ItlIs reported ln Newark, N. J., that severni mniberq of the First tegimentt or the National Gurd, whîch la Iocated there, hiad accepted generous offers to fight for Cutbun independence anid had lett the city under orders of the Cuhan junta. The nunîler of guardsunen wbo .are goiu.g la not definite&y known. It n'as leurned. however, thut ut leut a dozen have nlrexîdy signed su ugreventent w îth the representatives ot the junuanand a nîîîch larger nunutter are seriousty con- sidering the nitter, witlî the Prosp'ct that they wilI Join the expedition. One volunteer is sait] 10 have heem offered a bonns of $700, tegetlier with bis tare te Jacksonville, and a ujouthly comnpenlse- tlob ùf $310. Another stntemennt is that the nucu ure to receive a bonus of $100 and $22 a month. PUSIZINO INTO EGYTT. Ratlway complete ttC Marrai Welie- Khbalife Hem 110,000 Men. Tht- head ot the nets- nuitouy is non' ai Mutirrat Wells, totînteen utiles trous Sar- ras, Egypt. lu thuxe t t es days tbe n-ork acconplist.ed îuoîlîtnBiuoibaîsîiee Ginoîtard averageî2 one mtile a day. Tise greateot drawbhack exptrintid hras been htîriig te curry front Sarraus iiitthe o-att-r for the laborers andith ie gturti. uinher- iug 1,6900it ii.t'ret- s ouiy a fimali jquantity o!ftrter ut Noîrrxntutd Il is not suitable for iýriikiiig. The. rxiivay n'ill irobuibiy ho coîîiiiiîed t At,tninamh, on the Ibird caîxînutt. Titi' khxlit's total force hta ippuîtestimated ti ut10,000O men, et woisî40(.411are arnti-ti witb ridles. bot owniing to tht- enoutnos i-'t-ul t terri- try tîxîl eqiires gunutditg i t imotii- hie Itat tli otil .couacîttrale mure titan otue-ftintît o! the nitutiier to reçiel au at- tack oftihe Egyptixt it ruy. Tise Mtchtgmn Compromise. An aniniatîxi igt Ioser theti' ouvy qtues- lion nutl'ie MIichtigan t nIiîtblicitnus tit en- tien ut Detroit rlîttrstlu3- nî-suhiti la attichnbiug h heIbmgotitipixîîk ettîred t» te lie ut int y ttiiilte si lt- i-rt k suis nîltt-til'y te ilinl!, titi1the ~subtîiitu- tien thenefor o e tIi tîîîy îittuk etthe NIi iutni-s jiolig uit forums ot '92. MicKintlt-j oxts inoti-tt xuiandttI tl-itgxtî-s itnteteil in lis t: ct . lFoutr ih-iv,-a1tt -s-a t-lange werm tiected ilIo o siithIotittîrttqî. b) Fery ixxts tItin ita irinuofet-b state .-ut-nCouttuittee. Nu More Bticm FonT. Thxe tttrkmtieti Ittu t,- ut, v Foit tînr rmoved the %vt rekagi cf tite bîuilittg, tlstrovîtu tty explotsiontin t Cintcinntati tittt it is a[> Itirntt tltit n nouoe boiestie : tinb lî ait tl ixi>t titîni-ltate ti-tut rtuini of s ut cli ixr-oiitt.uot ow crei n îisi tg ttlu uîîili* a voe istti i xthiz>ltiiti-e -oi' lltt ie tt ilst N\ l irublshl>niiiala Fashiens nI the Cotntino. te Lt tiicot Cltriiiit-l xt - itu tutiiti'ý Staxtis ; ot t(rttiittthas ailxtriui Anier cailu su1 ji-ts tt tise ixirouttt xxiiof thei c75 le Cotîfutns toItlte coint cxxiittt iii utnt-l illîîs rectcty xtlulii'i te it i bglit coturtLlit nooih iusg uua3 tif1ilîtt- elut Bled Accoring toleClublRotes. Geor- C. II8ag,, il qîutt-t auxîlgotîti ?uî turux ulynug nsxîtîoftSan Franttisco, oui- tien o! a suicide club, etf utvJer.ity, re colteti o notice ttit-he svxs exlwctt-dt, t-xpine bt-fore .tunc, andî prottîsîtly hillei htiiittse lt y saalo iuilu, t strychini ne nt th roemsa o! N.irs. Nellie Paxrker. Otessemger Vins $11,400 Dnuazee At Ilanxibl '.. t, imîlgnta wts rit Tere nu u- uthe tt tulîts coutîtUrfin$11, 41(K) i t cx i o fIL '%V.t' tîttivt.StLt-tnt muttI111lxiixtl lîtilivîti- ('01l1 watitis a. ciflc uxtîtesi uuîtîiî tcndtîl îtsijîunc in a irîcix tt W hiut ti,- s. The u t NiSt i for$2,t0 ____ Bouston RIivals Chicagon. The tîlti I -itn ucoulititotivvoiIth cf-Nis ixCiltiitliys ttitioeuthtitidivorte nu- unît. for lin llt.stx u îge Nl.iyli:ir(l hli atnd disittx.iîhof ait -velu >rtr thinorc Ilisin si ixt îîîîîri Ti is ltfut er thti tîturriage cereiuontivs cotaiti e îttrforme S. 31. Crooty lIne I'orchamer. Tîte 1înt1xîrt cf t lutSt illwîatiýr.MnIn Fitioti Depîtan tutI-atitfi-r Comîiiy wo esd xit i uctinti tii . Cronxshy, if Blu lt n.troidiit fthe u- tstt-tist Loa Four Permolie Suffocateti. Tht- Uint- -sity ILixlitg Scîtool amIle deillturg %vas hurutu-tiFour uriota r reti escaupes. '-st veuut)-styen her-ses lixý isheti. ________ MIRKET QTJOTATIONS. Chicage CaIlle. couason to pnini $3.50 Io $4.-5; Itig, beipiting grxtio $3.00 te $3.75; alîtu-i, fxair lu tîtoice, $2;- t-o $4.00; oIîu-uu, No. 2 rt-ut 62c te 61, corn, Ne. 2, '-'Nelu 291c; oatq. Nu. 2, P tole t; ryt-, Nu. 2, 3(;elii 37c; btt ebeice creamcry, 15e lu 16c; eggs, trt-- Se 10 Oc; petatoem, per bombe.. 2 1 20e; broutn cornt, $25 te 350> litr ton fi euuutîuuo lu choice. Iniaaîoiis-Catîtît, sbippiug, $3.001 $4.75; bogs, choice ligist, $3i.00 to $4.1 sbeep. conîmon te prine. $2.00 to 3.Z n'beuu, No. '-, 64e lu 00; corn, No. whbite, 30e t-o 31'; oats, No. 2 whtte, 2! bo 23c. St. Louis-CaIlle, 3300 10 $4.75; hoa 33.00 te $3.75; whleuîl, Ne. 2 mmd, Tic 72c; corn, No. 2 yehlon', 26e to 27c; ont Nuo. 2 w-bile, 17e tu 19e; rye, No. 2, 3 te 38e. Cinenuuîi-Cahl, 33.50A ho 34.50; boa $3.(K) le $3.75; sheep, 32.50 lu $4.0 wbeaî, No. 2, 69e lu 7ic; cern, Ne. mixeti, Sic te 32e; oats, No. 2..mixed, 2 lu 23c; ryt-, No. 2, 41c 10 43c. Detroit-Cattle, 32.50 lu $4.75; his 3300 le 34.00; sbeep, 32.00 te 33.î wiseuu, No. 2 mcd, 68e tu t69c; cern, Ni. yelhon', 28e lu 29Je; cala, Nu. 2 whbite, 10 23e; ryt-, 36e le 37c. Toledo-Wheul, No. 2 reti, 0G& b cortn. No. 2 yeliow, 29c lu 30c; enta, -. 2 o-bite, 20e 1u021c; rye, No. 2, 35e to 31 durver seeti, 34.610 10 $4.70. 3kilts-aukece-Wheat, No. 2 apring,0 te (63c; cern, No. 3, 28e to 30c; outs,> 2 w'hite, 20e te 21c; barlcy, Nu. 2, 32e 3i3c;, No. 1, 37< 10o 39e; pork, mxi 37.50 te $8.00. Btiffaio-Cattie, 32.50 te $4.75; hil $3.00 te 34.25; sheep, 33.25 t $41 wiseat, No. 2 red, Ticle to 2c; coma,b 2 yelIon', 33e to 34c; oats, No. 2 n'lî 24e te 253<. New York--Cattie, $.00 te $5.00; hij 83.00 b, . : - i es. m82M >te -W WQK F 0NKE. f '4 THE WEEKS DOINGS UN SENATE AND O USE. Tihe troisgrasp ut scrofule bus ne rnercy upon lie victime. This demon of the blond in often net satlsfled Wlth A Comprehenitlve Disest or the Pro- causing dreadftsl soes, but racks tUs. cecdtnsin the Legieiative Chom- body with thse pains of rheuimatlsfls un-* ber" ut Wahngton- Nattera Usai tii Hood'a StresaparlUa cures. Concerlb.hePeople. I"Neari> tour yesrs ago 1 became et- - filcted wlth ecrofula sud rheumatbstfl Lawmakereu t Labor. The opponenta of tour battie ashipasua&. the proposition to accept the Seitate ýa d o amendment to the naval appropriation bil, reducing th! nuiober ta -100. Senua- Cor Hill addcd another day-the Offth- IIununi.g sers. bmboke'ont onr'muY thigbs. in opposition to the bond resoinion lu the Pleces of bons came ont sud an operitiolb Senate. Saine [rogresvas madie on the was coneeimplated. 1 lied rhenttnativitflol river and barbor bill b> tnklng, it n lMit legs, drawn up onu t fshpe. 1 lost the murait Z hour. The ouly changes appetite, could not nivell. 1 was a perfect roade 'eme itose restoring tble nutiioriza- wmeck. 1 continued ta grow wori. mii tien o! coutracts of $1,403,000 for Sa. OnflY gave op thse docte".s treatoient te bine l'as., and $087.000 for Slivan. - Bah, Ga, harbor. A large auruber ut peu- sbon bills n'cre paseed. TeScoute agOin put la a day Wed- tion of recelat bond Issues. The Hoose takn Rcod's Sarsaparilla. Sonon ppette servei notice on the Senate and the coun- moac;temrsconeedeua. try tit il 1usd transacted Its business N and was ready for the final adjounment.My lmbe stmslghtened ont and 1 threw The report on thecicaîîtsted election case sw yMy crutche.. I am nouw atout an& of Thonpson versus Shaw' froin the Third hearty and amn tarmlng. whermas four North Curotina District, which n'as unan. yenre &ge I waU à cripple. 1 1 ld1 miec- Imousi> lu tavor of the-Sittng ember, omad Hoods Sursapamilla." URBAS n'as u.dopted. A bill granlitig the wldew HAMMOND, Table Grave, IliDis. ot Secrelary Gresamui a peLision ot $1003 tper month was paente'Iureod ' day innunguriitpd ai Investigation, tu b. co,îducted by th, Senette Comiittee onitod Finance, into the tacts and cireîîuîstnnces connected iih the sale or United Stated bonds ijy the Secretary ofthlie Trcasury S r a a il during the lame lbreý yenrs. In addition Lete OneTrue Bodi'ulller.AMi dfugtliU.$L 10 Soute iniur linaitit-sâ, thte bill vas pass.- Frepsred ouey by C. i. Blod & Co.. levlit. Mess. *ed exteuding the tinte fur buîilding a rai-pi ie - elvrmDis y teoake. routi hy the Di-onisan nti Northeru Rail. l-Iod's m-las eooag. Su. waY C(imauy tbrougb the Indian tiri. tory. Also ii h: tlu senti 10 the Court f Apîealés the c-use o! lî1ook age-nts of the ijaif A y ITe Il i Frday rutm~i lu gve cahE mi-rutier 314>0 a nionîi for recei;s cierk e$Z5,ID o r the deportation outhlIe Cana- DOLLARS *dian reflîgecevrI- îiîians finalnthe Sitte e Tob civen AWaSin Articless 0 or Mortiiax. 'riîre -are ablit -ÂN) of! - .. II Value 10te Me U»sraof thpse Th have i-cnii luMon. atiattai ieit' ci xii'o f t hei it- el relli oit i ilrThe >î-tiýo il,, Esfa nons liv a ted upoaN o aI thîe tait 1'i,];iy i itolîlsesou w "e.ireud mklg etalen np tendt passIlc. Thte riverrtundt Iar <(Ibo OWANP.EoIvous mgAN?1.OYEP1lC to ilil W.,s ctiiii tin thetle ette itt]i T B A0 0 ltee xcepîtiontth,- il.', t nifor xa deepi-p to-aO r. hrbo atihi' la -ic ii..A 1:l iwa--SAVE VOUR COUP»ONS (op HuMPT tt r l o t ' î g , . l s î B A C S N I t. c P t > &à !7 , ot A N D C E T lîît'led ix yvn" U N EXCI-ANC F l H QLLOW- t>îtxxtia lltilroait(,niax l o s titING VALUA8I sto IJSEFUL ARTICLSI1 O r I r t i i n Tt, i i rx ix,4t tt i i tV u * V A L U A IL E PIC T U R E S . * ititgi rt-riutln i ltri .1i( ttit w dlscsme WMstoClrcst, s, 0,d t Ntma.xa.Both lbotises udjourue ned 1uti feclesdiganea,o l1415 l .,tjeols ,lMtiîday. :Fise Psstel Fac-si. lM ies msdmcp. »sld i- In u th ett:t- i ilytîi- Sat~,a on- 0 i ,512-5x4 iluches, i,jecia. 0 h titi-dp o a r îrîrfr.ixtd i us îý lpî e auUSd Venelsa sienes. Woria or Ait.I Mmat îtetahe§, 4 sibtsa -I. le uv»t (if itit itfxî ritt. 'iii hplva t(i t ;e u S agslfoesWaler Ceter a qe asfstertI. * eh terri ttiie bz t ii ixritîxtw ;t- t.ikx.. * ID OUS adeaiseSixte lthee4soujLscs îiTîtllvIttie lia', traitt'illtittîlsîti 1ita * le 0SI .ONY 0F TUE tY o ork, alt1 li -liti f àtp tt . *5er,~eT.L.sJatrdi, ai .g --- _.- - _ f e T4î ae s' t deoeeDeefZ 5îîk-StilntguinCourt. au. a eeîl£ob spirrefst.t u-u.. or ttfu u xî3it- îssin,t In CIIi B OOKS, 11 t.I" Raid Chtut of Itiie sqt. itt. ue ~itoe by EmntaAwtbor,. ta of thiot t(tS Itttitt ff i rs I1ix, t i i ,i- *Pgga a5, e>tls yafAto 4d bt- Oureo dtaboutîttf t wenty ycatit ago, * TOSACCO PeUCN(e e aent itîn ..Ingullîsitttd . xli-cf. Me.aUi =.lcshet cu. *0PIPEU, Fîg,,têr tire lte princIipals. I %%ns *Freacà zOsIe -umtstlGeriie). * titerit! utlit iturie. andidaa otai wate- s POCIET KUIVES, h:Iig trled on sortie ktnd of a crlî,tlnaili:ckKnhses and Pue Itaies, ârialleiin~ chartge. îxtIervst-a ctinxg as îiliity s OtEdl-r tcau rn fSb15dRAM 8tagl bdi. * lil.tji rn ngxxlla epesîthet gj Il- pioiner. Ingalls anrd Poiste-r becuino *ichgent ra" SisL Blt.t-w reand. de ilivioltei Ilit att n .txtînleut îiatbout 0ie * POCIET 5DURS, FndQuad5y Lutlher, IL&ale' sud 0sal. a poîint utfevixitttt- , d.uîti-r îptttitigCYCLOMETERS, exi-li otlîir for t-tiji- tille, Itigulit ilial-, 1000%,lle Gpeatssq. Furas.yose tyvt-@ ]y culeti l'uitttna hietr. l'osier wxts ut * EXCELLENT Pu m asWATCHES, 0 unle endl ut nx long Itble and Ingliltt ut 0* The "lt PomcliWatchas am umiii. t'y* e- Itle Moter. iotîn grafitted a ltnge lnk S0 a1, r.e me." % wtt5.t Co~many ýrt fottnteln xtîxI tir,nî I tIiaî. lîting 0* h.flrteaConai2n i lii irsm"Ients te 7ceIiiii ie hebrestten sattrin lu 0 te dat-e. Tiî?ytltwera sd t.erforrnvs i a~ i,îtltti s'tt-liglk forsa lire tint f est, srdiuariy lcaret fer.W tfnl Vtr-rthte juilgi, jttry. uttl ait intditCoupons explanhow tosýerAil ArtietrPa. of ut egxil pitiriq. Thle itte Nathaîn Pirle Os coupon o" esrk & omtil -e)J> ag 2%" Ce«uint'taie10 sM»t 4 s"@"'~) J'skg& Mlsjoîlge. andilie f-il dtheliu$54) i-ut-l. Mail Pouah Tohacco9sgo w lIil du16r, Tliey utjologized ntxtxt roruîlîg and ti txIr Pese (OO eI>etinag O '005.0 atui ..eopnstasIsL pos.." Fer E,.> t Ra ont-,?Orlc.I LLUSTUATIED CATALOGUE "WMali i a!ilcstts an At a cltub> neetxng wlieie the mcm- e f esm itrr410tlgcte hm berg th tig i od m e , w ang ed lLe TM aBloh rosTobbocCoWhuullg W. V bers tlitigi Id nen wragleî l No coupons sxclhanired siter JnS> '1, iaeà solntuny sclîxiovs.tiis sceele oretir- ~ il- reti and lte Louisville Commiercialire -___No._______20______ 9______ *re ports It: lr- A teebtte ul i itan. oliose yellow cuira- ie-piexion indîcated ivertrouîbles, ofr ed a resoittiloi. lits opîtutent golup andi exclîedly excimeti- "M3r. Chairnan, NMr. Chlihmau. te ne, gentleman is ontteof iler, andti here- lo., fore canîtot offer te resolution!' o >0 The old mian replihet In an ecluali> lire. IL F. Patterson, writtlni c;exclted mauner: ".Mr. Ctîatrmnn, ltefrete BrligeîAtrt, Jackson Couuty, gentleman la ight. inoto e. Alabama. June 3, 1895i, gays. "Beini CThe doctor bold me Ibis mornlng tîtat a Northeruer b> birtis. It la nul an my irer n'as ail out of order. But, easy thint 10 ent cortîtortabi> fond fo MIr. Chairman, 1 shoutt i lke 10 Bee Prepared In Sont-hem style and the clause lu the constitutionotilh consequently oue sufera frem IL. tu says t-bat If a man is sick ho cananot Oneday, feeling grent dscomfort ,0; preseut a resolutlon." froma t au otse, an cuti negro re- .50; The 014 telion' la still wondering srhy tailer naid te ume: 'Scuse tue, i- bis hearers iaughed. Mlissey, but My> u io usoan kuon'. 22e Big _________l Plantsometising powerru' goond for dem S Marîposa Couty, Californie, la te pains. I dierensembers the naine, !0 t have the thîrd Ixrgest- eleetricai Pon'er btl~ i oetnadi a its, deveioplug ant i dstrlbuting plant In lte l*lPabis, Pain Out. 014 111y 111 l 36ec Unitedi States. The argeiat a%îg- tell >ou 'bout Il' To please bina rra, the next la nt Folsoru, UnaC0« 1 Icaied 0on bis wlfe listheir ulte 'ginia, aud the third la to be conetrueteil cabin, and wIll try aud give yen

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