Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 15 May 1896, p. 3

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ItEV. OR. TALMAGE ON "DBEFORE THEY AJOURN.' ne Wmte tomue Tblnge Dons sud SouseMoesUudonc-A Grand and liopefulSet-mn of latascet la Ne- tional Leuisialori Our- Washington Pulpit. Neyera-as atintelien or more appropiate sct-mae than taI lreaciteti hy 1ev. Dr. Talmage tat Suinday mrnfnug. 'Flite aul- jectwasa "Before Tbcy Atjoun." havung refereuce la lite esrly dissolution of Cau- gg#esan sd tbe lext slected a-as Psalma <y,. 22, "And lea,'lt is sentori waidom" Beuslors luntis tcxt standi for awmak- a ra J01Iejit mastite lord ireasîrer of te Saptîsn Geverunirut, ad tît, ngg ter greal thinga n-hicb lie tii, accordiug 10 Mr text, wnsa lateait bi*s eusiors nis- 49cm, sud i uy uen on cntlb eglit 10 lie endoveil a-itnisdom il la acusiors, vbclber tlieg standt in coîigpresse, psrtia- tucuts anr re-btags on a ssemblies or lt-gis- Iodures. Blt puir decialous fnations go ut or doan. 1,avwukers arc someliintea se tempteil by ltrjudiees, bg secliotual pt-cf- creuces, l'y oîportiully o! peracual at- vaucvîui,- *i'i ti ndrî,i-tiesi atinlubesl ta, do us so dutititi fil ltitbey ongitto leli prayetl for; nid u riîgdiin et-g ios- aible -it, i 1-iof a-ver%-lg criticlai-t snd tltîtd titiC-oriattt-. . -i nuittof te titnte tle -o. oitr pulicIteien arne no oft ite targi'l to Lie shut at, îenily because tht-y iltaîru enjtintî-u,-e icit otter Men ai;t-,but C9-1 u fot reacit. lit more ij on:î'- rt Itule n ut-national legiaitri. ii; ai thet î-tî-o!fte Unied i9tstea tat1i î. -îyimagino. The wooe- "ale Lt{t îug ou o.r putbleunuila aitp!y damnablte. By rNdesInc luWashitgon I banc eme 1tof u*tîtt a uniîyof ont- public men are îsria.ýtu i'r useprccculted, aud nmre of te 1-ttif titt'r. te uDtest lu titeir livt-saiti uoât faittful in the dis- charge o! thl-.t-tiles, arete mortec- famed. Sowte Jta:1ivautltepreacit a st- mon fron thet- 'xinl Il.Pet-ltr: ~'Titey are ont aIrai'] u ;i-tk 'vil of tiguitanies, vitereas mugi-, hi.nuelu are grenie~r lu payver sud nght,. itiug ual rallit!- accu- "Ltions againal Item boe te iLot-i. But Ibeme. as naturai brtne hens, utade ta etle ktn sud dc.îtnoycti, sî,cak vii o! te things taI îbhey underianti nt" go coneatnt anti utîilgusu la Iis mot-k o! depreciation and l a-dalizaitmuin re- gard leo o r pubie ieun tai ahlverte land tutre ore thtw,'nbo suppoge thjtt ttc City o!f Vaahiugon i th ue teutt- ro! aIl corruptionn h a, o it n iiis ipart-ks, and ilis ,lut-.tuian sttuuiry, and iii tilde ercets.anditsta irt-lituctuit-l synunetries, anti tsali, t-i T îoui-si l !iItiftih e mot be',tttt:l c,:i tadr it' sti. tbut bas te ye h îtsi c rtilzi-ttîtîî. 1 have S-niibitu ot u l- .t(1f. ni n iitte more titan maxi ut,.îtia o! tuy t.sileuct- aud 1 do nttt thiittait>-in ttii ve iCam- hlan ie"tiiuon of any tli-r cuy ou ttc Amerucan eCtîtittft:kt. Ood in teConstitution. Thte gin--. if on.ttvo boe-as of natonnl Iegisiaiturct î1situa iuil. and adjourti- aient o wof htinl-î' f!iwi -ut4ii lo'iiet, a uiprigbt. attîl as putrtiea "ver gra'-î-d the capitol ivili -a:e tce'.'VTe tai or tht-ce titilttýte ..toutreiks n iiclit îu havne no1icý,-tl îî v nile more cotu slicttuon te dignlu iti' fhe uueruty, te eloquett-i.. the fidt-iy. vi-t have chiraceeuized itse.ta-o latin-vs dtinlal the loug mouithi of initj,,rtaiand surio-tiilit- eratuon. We puttîa taIt)arount rtta men o! thte pasi bt--autie titey nere go rat-e la titeir tinte. 'luit-scua:e aud bonse or rcpreacttustives-avte ire suci men irbere oce titcg tatioie. Buit inl l teun- til afzet- tht-y arc- tend tat tbey wIll gel apprecisie-l. The n ut-d fiuds il satfertt pt-ise te deat tittn ttc living, beause te tieparmei. tatVint- s ieavy plie o!fnar- bIc abot-etemi uag ot viae la beome t Bult cfore te ganels of atjonrument drop anti te duora a!f Capiiol hilI abui titere are oute or tirO thinga taIont-bt to be doue, anti let us pt-ny Codt ltIthey Ma 4s i aet'cnipliited. More forcibly titar @net- tefore cougrcsastas been imiot-ot ta acknowlctlge Got lu aur constitution. Ttc Methodist Citurcit, a citurc t tiat ba .,lmays doint- tlot-ous Ithige, bas lunii recent N%ýImingtout coiifencice requeslec ont- congrvss te ament te inttortal tiocu- ment. mhiicibas heen te fouttion sut waasd dame of ont- United States Gov- eament. tg lusetingth ie n-ortie,**Trust- lut- lu AImigbty Got." If tai amenti muent is matie, ilt ili ual euiy picase ait te gond people of tUicoeuntry, but a-ill please te ieavene. IL mas euly an cnet- algtt or a mental accident tbat lb. fatb- ers nîîo matie île coustitution diti ualinu sert a tiilcy wirstipful aceteire. Tite; &Il, su fan as tey amounltid to aufytbing, Iteliened inlu Goti, ttc Pattier Alitbl te Maket-oa! itanen anti earth, sud ln Jeaus Christ, bis only tegotten 8Bon." The * constitution woulti bave liesn a falint- *bail IL nt becu tor bbc divine interfitreuce. ý sa mater of gratitude ta Aluilght kod gentlemen o! the Ameican cou- gresu, te picasedt t Insert te faut- worde I - aut-gestei by tlie letoiht conféence! Nat ouiy hcause e! the khdnea. o! God ta tis nation lunte pasI uitould sncb reverntili insertion te matie, but hecan.e e! the tact taIa-e are giug le amt ti- vine Interpositicn thl urtber in aur na * tiouai islory. Tiis t-lansd silver ques- f thon a-lu neyer te acitliet untl Gotinese tics IL. Tiis question o! tarnT sud free trate ie -h nener te setdMed nut iGot set tien it. Tisiaquestionbteec te East î antite West, a-icbh.agetting htler and btotter sud looka tamarti a republic oa! Il Pacifilc, n11 utecsetliati nlu et. s tl IL, W. neeti Gad ti u ic120 genuu 4 n ational life, anti a-c n'hl neec hli!1,t-.e lu tte next 120 genre. LUI up gant- tends, ge enerlatint- gale, o! oui glolans constitution, aud let the King ti * 4joty camne lu! 3ake one lino o!ftai lut, * morîn docment radlient -tomnl- Agalu, before thc opproachîng adjouru-1 meut 0f our*American Mhgresa, lit oughti toi be decidedly and torever uertted that no appropriations le made to setarian1 sebools, and 1h51 the courtablp betweeni churcb sud ilote lu this country be for-i ever broken Dp. That question aireadyi seents tcmporaniiy attled. I wisb it1 miglit te compieely sud forever attled. Ail scbools sud ail Institutions as weli as ail denomînatious sbould stand ou the saine level before Atucrican law. Em- pertar Alexauder of Ituasia, at ie Peter- bof palace, akeit me bow many denomi- nations of religion there were lu America. aud 1 recited their Dames as well as 1 couid. Then he ssked nie the dhffereuce hetweeu titent and there 1tbrotte devra. But wbeu I blid hlm Ibat uo religions de- nomination lu Amertca badl auy priviieges above te others be couid hardig under- staud IL. The Grcek churcb firtst lueD- sa; tbe Lutherau churcb fiit lu Ger- many; the Eplacopal cltnrcb firstInl Eng- landi; tbe Catholic church tirat lu Rome; %Mohauntedaniam firtinl Constantinople. The emiperor woudered how il vas posai- h!e C~ijit ail the denaminations lu Ameica coulIi stand on the samne piatform. But se it in, sud so let lb ever h. Let Ihere hi- no preference, no partlity, no et- teiilt to beip oue sect an Inch blgber than another. Wasington sud Jefferson, aud MIl the early iresidents, sud ail the great statesmen of thte paît, bave lifted their voic- againât any sncb tendency. If a sebool or on institution canuot stand witiîouit tbe prop of national appropr!a- lion, then let that Dehool or that institu- tion go down. On thte other @ide of the %Pa the worli bas bad plenty of illustra- tion of cliurch ani state unitel. Let us bave nione or the' bypocisy sud demoral- lzation biotn of that relation on ibis aide of the AMiantie. Let that denomination conte ont alcad that do,-% the' mont for thte cRU,50of (loi sud bumanity, men, in- stituitions andi religions getîing what tbcy aciive by titeir owun igt arm of net- fuluesiand fDot by thte favoritient of goverumpnt. As yen regard the weitare anti perpetuity of our institutions keep politics out af religion. But noir titat 1 arn sppaking of national aff'aire front a religions tandpolut, 1 bc- titink myself of the faet ltai twa other gare wilI soona lift tand fail, the oee t St. Louis sud te otiter at Chicago, sud hefore 1itosne national conventions adijouru 1 a6k taittey ckuowledge God lu the llaifortos. Thbe men n-ho coutruct those pînîformis are htre this xoriug or wiii rend theso aords. Let no politicai party 1think it can do ira dîîty unleçs it acknowl- edges titat God bîilt titis continent aud r.-vtaled it at the rigbt time to Uhe diseoverer and a-ho bas reared here a prospertty whiîehabaiecu given te no otiier îpopie. "Oh." saya nome one, -thc-re ,are people lu titis country wbo do n,î bl-nc in God. sud it wguld lbe an Îyîatlt t0 tbcm.'" Weii, titere are people in ibisi coiutry wbo do flt believe lu coni- ni-u deceucy, or comnton houesiy. Ior any ind of govcrnment, pt- feriing enarcby. Yoîtr very piatforrn ian insuit t0 Item. Ton augbt net te regard a nian wbo doe nt helieve lu God atty more thoan you abouid regard a mian w ho refuses 10 beliene lu comauicu decen- ry. our pockctbook is flot ente sanme- nie*nt iu the presence of an aihlcit. God t3 inte only source of good government. 1 WNby not, ten, Say no aud let the chair- r tait of te corumittee on resolutlons lu 1 ozir national conventionis take a penful of iuk and mt bold baud bead thc docu- nment aitb otte significant "wbereas'~ se- k'iowled.-ing te gooduess of God lu the *îast and begging bis kindus sud protec- tio)n for the future. W'iy, nîy frieuda, S ii co-untry belongs to God, aad a-e aught eini every possible wa-atebacknua-ledge it. fFront the nmoment that, ou ap Octoher e nîoruiing. 14912, Coltîmbtits 1L~ed over tie &ide o! thte s1ip and saw 'h e sanved t titfl whict maie im tbink lw ps apnar oau initabiteti countlry and saw ilisa a titoru a sad a lusier of bernies (type of our bis- .- tory ever since, the piercing sot-ois sud e luster of national jos) unutil titis heur our counry bas been tîounded oâ the tnorth, soutit, eastansd a-est by the good- tnesa of God. The Huguenots took passes- sion of the Carolinas u inte name of Ga.. 0William Penn settled Philadelphia lu thc nome of Goti. The Hollanders took pos- session of Newr York lunte name of God. The pilgrim fatiters settieti New- Englanti in tbe nome of GodI. Preceding the iraI gun of Bunker Hill. at the voire of prayer d ail heads uncoreredL Prayer ait Valley Forge. l'rayer t Monmouth. Prayer at 1- Atlanta. Prayer et South Mountain. d Prayer aI Gettysburg. "Oh," says nmre 1- lufidel, '*the notheru people prayed on t- one aide and the soutberu people prayed 1-on the otiter ide, sud so ht did uot antonul te anything." And I bave beard gond Christian people coufonuded with te infidel statement, a-heu lit la as plain te me as my rigitt baud, Tes, te uorthern peopîle praged lu oee nay sud tbe sonîh- 'y cru people prayed lun anotiter way, sud Goa anemvereilu bis oa-u way, glving te tle nortit tce re-sablishmnt of te gov- Serumeut sud givina ta the Southt langer op- teportuniîles, ianger Ibau she l4ad en ranti- re cipateti, tle hannetseng of ber rivera lu e.great maatactqrng intLreste, until te 7 Mobile sud te Taliappoosa and the Chat- l- aboocbce are southeru Mprrimiscs, sud In bbe unrolling of great southeru, mines of a, coai aud Iran, af wbieh th world kucu id uothing, sud Qpcuiug before lier oppor- a tunulies of a-ealtb wicb a-lji give 9 per le cent more of affiuence thon suie ever pou- Il-slecd, sud instcad of te laçk h4apd of L-Auscican slaves titere are bbc more lu- d- taricus black bauds o!fte cool sud mot ,t- maines of h soutit, wbicb are aclîleving -c for ber fabulons sud uuimaglacd weilth ýt- t Ad titere are domes of awite blaoptîl d a-er. apreadthelb a-ite lents, A nd here arc lowa lu the truck -bere Mmcetisai 1AMO0A ams, Mar tIl foud tat moral, sud rqilsions lafluoncei a-ct-e mulbilitd in smore, repid ratio titan lte population. And t»Ibatherc &al»hb tour doxologies eooulug frgm noth sud 8outh sud eastansda-est, four doxologies rolilng toward cacb other sud meeting midçetlaenl a-it such dash of boly joy tbat theY, shalltcust 1 lte etht-ou.. Aud iteaven's high sncb ncsouud again Witb peace ou cartit, gond vii to mon, I tAikt a steP father sudsasy that before thc tavela of aur ena. aud bouse of rep- resctatives sud aur poitical conventions Poundi adJourumntu there ought ta ho pasacn awa or adopted a plank of intell»- gent heiPtulucué for the gregt foreigu pop- ulations n-bici arc comiug amatis us. Il la tao laie noir te dscu"s iretiter vo baU better iltentcorne. Tbey'arc beres Tbey are coming Ibis moment tbrougb the Narrairn. Tbey are Ibis moment bak- ing bbe final full inhalation of the frnee air cf America And tbey a-ill continue. t conte as. long as tii country le bbe boul place ta lireI. lu. Nov, IsY, Ilte Goverument of tha Uaite4Sts.Issgo commaudcd hy anc pofit. Ical party or both poitical parties, givq b. cvery immilgrant a-ho lande itere a vol- ume, lanrnd type and velil liuE for 4sàg usage-a volume contaiuing lbe Declara- tien cf lndepeu'lcuce, te constitution, oe- the United States aie a chaltern o. 1ia spirit of aur geverument. Let titere hle sncb a book ou bbe sheif cf cet-ry troc Il- hrary lu America. Wbiie te Auterican Bible Society puIstea ite nlght baud of every imîmgrant a copy ofr te Holy Sciap- lurcs, Ilet e Goverumeut o! bbc United States, cenmuanded ity sont. plitical party, Put mb toe le! t baud o! every im- migrant a volume instructing hlm lu Uic duties cf good citizensbip. There are tbousands aofereigacra in ibis land wito need ta learnutitat thte ballot box is nt a footstool, but a tliroe-uot semething la Put yeun foot o, but somethiig te boy before. Word. of Iflop.. But irbetiter metubera of te national legisiature or delegatea ta oue o!fte na- tional conventions or pivate citizens, icI us cultivate Chriatian patrlotism. Oi, boa- good God bas been teans as a nu- tionl JusI apen Uicernap cf te continent as ae itli aitaped for immeasurable Prospetities. Nai'agabie rivera, more lu number sud greater titan of auycter laund, rolllng dowu al aides mb toe ses, propbeaging large manufactories sud easy commerce. Look aitlite great trauges of mountains, tirnhered a-it wealtit ou Uie top sud aides sud metaled aitit aeaith undet-neatb. Une bundrcd and eigbîy tboneand square miles cf ceai! Une itua- dred sud egbty thousand square nrtles a! lt-on! Tue trou te pry cultlite coul Thte coal te forge sud ameit te l-un. The land se coutoured Ihat extrerne meather itardly et-r lasts more titan tht-cc days- extreme iteat or extreme cold. Climats tor te moat part bracing sud favorable for lîrawu and brain. Alil fruits. Alil min- et-aIs. Al bat-veste. Scee-y dispiaying autuomnal pageantry tai no land ou cartit prelcnds te rival. No Southt Amenîcan earhquake.No Scotch miate. No Eng- liaitloge. -No EgYptian plagues. The. people of te United Sîtto arc biappier titan any people ou nt-it, Itla te teati- mony of et-erg mau ibat has travelcd abroad. For te poot- marc sympathy! For tte industrions more apportunityl Oit,boa- gond God mas te our fatberi, sud boa- gond God han iteen t0 us sud otîr cblidreul Te im-iesed le bis giorions iante! To hlm o! cross aud tri- umphl e eonseccated te Unted States of America! Thetre at-e Uirec great t-csoens w-iy jou aud 1 sitonld dûoaur test farthtt& couîntry -tht-cc greai essons: Ont- fatitera' graves, our cradle, eut- cbldrcn's blrtii- rigit .Wheu I gay gour faters' graves, your pulses t-nu quicklg. Witter they s.cep lu city ccmetery or coutry grave- yard, titeir t- ei veny precicus te you. I thiik teYlived a-cl and taIt tcy died rigitI. Never subit bto have any goveru- ment over titeir tombtse ther titan taI gevernteaftunuder a-net tegliveti sud died. And then titis country la ont cradle. It may have tockcd us very tougitiy, but it wu a gond cratile ta le rccked l. Oit, itow mucit ae owc ta itl Ont- boybond sud girltood, il a-as spent luntia lessed country. I neyer bave ang patience a-It a man a-ha lalks against luis country. Gloions place la ho bot- n l, sud a guori- o us place le lire in. It bas heen ont- cradie. Age. It La ta le ont- ebjîdre'à birîbrigitt. Yeu and I will soon lie titrougit. Wu mil pet-tapa sec a fea- mort sprng llosornt, and a-e mli penitapa sec s fea- more nummer itanvese, sud ire mili 1pet-tapa galber a tea-more autumnal tfruits, bt ie are te baud tIs Goveru- 1ment te eut- eblidren as il a-as handesi to ?us-a frec land, a happy landi, a Chisitian ?land. Tbey are nolt te b trampleti hy 1deapotiant. Tbcy are nt ta le lareratesi .hy erucîties. They are nal ta le frigitt- 1encd by anarchies. We muaI baud Ibis 3 Gonernment l ltet aven bbc ballot box. -over titescitool dcsk, aven Uiechclntch si- tar, as a-e bave receiveti Il, and change Stem solemnly ta put thein lite beta-ecu il ansd auy keen siroke taa-e-tIti destroy Il. eAndi thon, Lot-- God Alntlgbby, a-e put, :- a-lith , toussd at-ted prager, mIn hy i protection titis nation. Rentember ont f ftkUera' hieeding feet at Valley Forgel vr esauaber Marlon sud Kosciusko; rentent 7- bar thc cold, aud the bunger, sud bbe Ion& r marci, sud the fever bospital; remeutter i- tiie lest-fui charge a' Bunker Bill rentent ,fber Lex>ngtau sud Yorktown andi King'& i- à4ougtain anti Gettysburg; rementher n Pern71s lisible ou the luire, sud Hampton gRoses, a-pert-cebcCutmberland a-cul 1. dowa; renienthet Wa*tingtou'a prayer by ite canpôre; rementber Plymoutht Rock, sud tpLi dg ani ite Savages; ement ber Indjependeuce hall, sud bya tnbv l e lubi- RÂAND ALWAIYS OP~EN. BARON DE MIRSCH'S BENEFAC- TIONS WE4tE SCUMOLEIS. Hils beath Wilil I'ot Interfere wltb Man,' oitlm Plans for the Anselora- tion ot-ae Race-min Fortune Was Lergely If-Made. LiveU Libe a Prince. The deati t o Baron )faurice de lrs.-'b lii Dot pnb an end to 1big prine- iy beitefactions. Main>' miiUOoette fund ticitictei totoheiamelloration ef the couditUm of the oggecuaed Jewa iu Europe, aud to other charitable pur. poses Upon the degth of bis son, stil remualu for diaburseutent lu yeurs tui corne. The Baron'a tlle was Inberited f rom his fatber, flot bestowed lu reeog- nitioti of bis pbllantbropy, as, mauy bave !bupoed. fIc égeéàtèr portion or his e:iormous Yveaith was won by bis own efforts. It was while travellng j4rough tbe rlchi countries bordertng on ,lie Biaek Sen tuaI lie conceived the Idpa i or the vast enteirrse whlcb laid the foundation for perhnps the greatest lu- dividual fortune ini Europe. This wiks the buýIdIng of a raiirotid from Varna, ou the Black Sea, to ButaPesth. Il iii roughly estlmuated that Baron Hiracla died ortb $2000,tO0. In 1&%.3 bie retircd fnoni tbe business Of mopoy- makiug and marrled ISS Bîsceofs- beim, the daugbter of one of bis Part- ners, wbo brougbt hlm as a dowry 100,- 000,000 francs. This motiey waS lu- -ested spart froin the lbushtiud's weaitio. Husband and wife gave tiîenïiseivc UP to th,? business of dlstributiug their znoney among tbe poor, sud vied wlth eacb other ID good deeds. lie founded f ree schools In Egypt, Asiat1e Turkcy, and lu the countrie-s of Europe. Those charities were cblefly beneticial t0 the poor of Uic .ewisb race. The Hebrews of Poiaud and the country of the Daq- ube werc bls favorites. Four or fire year's &go he gave the Governmeut of Austria 12,000,000 francs for the estab- iishmeut ot non-setarian seboole lu that country. About te sanie tinte hu douated a sîmlar amount for the cdu- cation and Americunizing of Russian Jews emigrating to the States. Baron Hirscb iived like a prince. H4q malntained lu the apost elegant fashiabn magulftccut residences lu London, Par- is ud Berlun. Hie country estates werO ricb aud prnccly, more especlaliy bis langeai esate lu Moravia. He residefi chiefilu inParis, aud lu that city lhe bad a great office filied witb recorders, cierks sud managers, wboseouoly occu- pation waa that of carylng on tho charitable work of bbe benefacbor. Per- sonally the Baron was a vcry bandsomie man. He was of mcdium hclgbt and giuccefuiiy but compactiy built. Gen- tienesR and iutellectuality were strong- iy uaanked lu bis face. is cges were large, dark sud soft as a woma's. Hlin continental lite gave hlm a thoroiigb knowiedge or moit of the Languages of Europe. He spoke Englisb, Frenchi. German, Italian, Spanish and flusslin, aud waa famllar iitb many of the ob- scure tougues et Europe. lic was a main of pollab, duo bis knowlcdge of po- litical, social sud ecouomic questions was broad and deep. It la said that bis glfts to charity summed up more titan lire. &%Ton. The Viesem tahe their pleasure as rlrxAg, tb" do thMa eule; but menus sud conemica!t mtU regr: lu is evenung esla Uic tact tbsg h. must pag to, get 1Dbblits own ropuis aflen 10 o'clcck. Viena la oue vaut systent ot spart- ment bcuges, anti a bouse-master ia lu charge 0f each one. At 10 o',piock ie cke the front doon, sud any oue desir- lng la get lu afler that bout- amuet pasY bilm, anad bte old reaident ha&, ne more right ta a key.than lte bird oLpaaffge. The bouse-master la ne respecter of persoa. Several imnes we bave raed. home to oultut i, snd once soý narrow 'cag Oun ecape that a-e met hlm ln tbhtahl, kcg lu baud. The chagrina-i expresion ou hié face made us happy ail Uic vag up-stalrs. A MONKEY'8 WARDROBE. alvuns.sthe UjmPat. 'ecouasd' M.mAqy lci-Ait sssUou. A wlite-fa&ffl ajf.uoume Vouti cd by s member of lhc Union Leaçu. Chbbo!tNew York. lsý,te a s4g=yl bis wuag. Hè ia eertai r)ý1h ebuiat4a ed and besl grooeouncti iman'lu lthe a-orld, sudi-et-y appropnitelyleha n#ed Brummel.Il as lu London recetly tuaI tIbO wuer concclvcd the. idea iof provldlug bis moukey a-lihdeceeut clotbcs. Man, te angued, owcd a <pur- tain debt o! gratitude te dcead monkqys. a-hil they couiti repag lu no beýter fasitlon tItan b>ýbaa- l.g a deceait ceps'- besy la bbe living ones. And to 1 tin torcible reasoning Brumumel emes lîi wanîliobe. fils niaster geat tb Poole. Mn. Poole lenlthe mont fashionabie- n-bicb uteaus lte most expemivc-pli- or lu London. sud therefore ln, the menti. One bas to le lutroduced ibe- fore l'oolc miii make clotbes fer oue. Mn. IPoole seul Deut, tic fanteus Dçnt, lits buaticutter, la measure.Brumipel, and wmithin ta-o rceku tbe monle a id 0b thea etest 11111e vsrejmdà & .qvr 1mental uaonkey. poageopei. U.$ suit la matie cf lt e oq.tiieat u#l faced a-ulb satin, snu tltcled tlwm$ out a-ith silk. Hie walkiu g eeta la 111S NEW LONDON CLOTRES. of beavy EngIisb tweed, and wben you sec Brummel witb bis cap pencbed jaunthIly upon his bead and a waIý1nç stick lu one baud you biave a vu-id Im- pression of having scen somctbiug like ht before-probh)y upon a trans-Atlan. tic iint-r. Hl* pyjamas are of the iight- est, ituest Chînese sllk, and tic mon- key bas become so aecustomed to lheni that be refuses te go to uleep without bhem. The bath robe, ihlcb la of some fleecy aaenlal, sotit to the touch, pleas- cd Brummel so muci that he actuaiiy learnud to take a bath every morîging, for the pleasure of feeling it upon bis back. 0f course, Brummel bas à valet te looi after hlm, and yon nmay depead upon It ibis valet carne bis wages. Thero is no monotony in bis life. THREE 0F A KINO. Steer that Hia@ Tbree Horne, Threa Eyes sand Thuee Noatril. There werc many atrange animal» at Madison Square Garden, New York. duFiug tbe receut animai show, but the. strangeat of them ail waa £a steer wlth three borna, Ibree cycesud tItree pos- trila. Be la the straugest auimal lu the country, ln tact. Hie owuer eails hlm a "1three trne wiuner."' Bach o0f the qucer auimal's tbtnee borns la perfectly formcd. Two of them are wbere tbc borna of a pertect steer ahouid b. sud bbc tbird la about mldway betwecu tbe others. Two of bis ceearelke those 0f 5an ordlaary steer. The third le fnot tully dcvclo<ied, but it la anuceeuevertbelcss. Eacb of the trio of umtrUa la weli propogtôpAe< and te animal brethea and siakeii wltb ait itbem. lu a e= 8=, Studyaing Ue. Golden Tet.-'He thal ybicb la lesit lW muet; anti te thit lea ls unjuat aise in mStc." Tte lessen tlis a-cii ré 19: 11-27, aud hot for Praseico!fte Peuns. Ttc key yard te IMis pu ciation. Yen bave a tel estituate lb.? Wbat17 Ther e-eeta-o bthca the prodige] prodigais. One waas stance lu a fan cousnt-y. négigenî aud. lu a seune rt ,Oid1oing ontoethebeý tibis tder proigal, *',thon me, anti ahi that I lAovIo, litle ho had sppreehited bts tinte aioly lu the aRel, have- been eujoyiug th*. ftter'a bouse sud sbarlaV vig-ils for te long-lest soI. o! mnany lu tte chut-eh, ions opportnnily, hiiinlg t-la-lut ime andi talent te tiings cf Ibis lite a lutrer business cf île in .s lessan ougit te10 al us te uir Chrnistian tea-aresi>p berîr for tbbcocrnfort et-, lb eouafent ef existence; w »W- ltse met- e atiing cftsaI. mrail, a-c arce tntitis est-ti ist-511on of a trial antid ont of life ton GeL -Are-W A int, fitst of! al frte thte gresb Teaer. 'As lheat-keucti te) thesetbinegsi spake n panabie" l aa atitian ilustnaln Lord gave a psaaI. te est tion; tere te gives It te balaI sudite luIl lu te msay longu set-ne a double purpsa like tc heteutiterns o 7tr tw,- istaigtht;asd like t.bat-b, 1V stick fast. Thte panabue was given be "Dith te Jerusalem"-lbe pls lt- lte parnitie. Anti menti nîn-aga brint- lte ory 10 Tlie ptory aund1 eaontoo., were tiikin1,g, as tbey app - Cily,"ltaIt te kingdtiat o iitîîit'siiately appear." Asti il ferently front i taIticbhe A ct-oss ripou a bill tap; a t-h te vale. PresentIy langues a upper ont. Sa contes lje -by lte wsy of the cross, andti fashion. "Till bc came!" "Uccupy tluI I conte" la tbe te tite parable. Failitfain. l'roviug eut- rega rd for ttec t by our apprecialtin o! bbc llastening lte comiug e by usintu îe present glft outselves tla-the present ae ta-ant "occnpy" menus, ltiIt et- do business. Are wc tues Or are a-e preoccupieti? "Loerti, lty pounut." Aemst noun strongly. Il a-as Baet li pnopenty, cave as a trust. Neti gain te setvaut's. Ilt s &# thue penuti itaci!, praperlyuse&, gitts, rigttlg couditioneti, mesuý lut-, but thte givint- la sil cf o, "TeD cilie," "fine cilice" tut-es cIcat-iy teset a tiiffée-ae, ln iteavn cacordiug te fal hthi Sonicone bas Juet ieen "Tea, tut bbecacnary birdan bot go telite same foualsia, aille drank thei fih." Butv., ta Conte. titough ltbe hof à g tcaa-cn'à teliglits nlIwitte Ponr of a csuarg bird? "Mine ownua-It usnny." Tics wauls anti expecîs mot-c Iban tb" talent fit-st gven. Wbeu b es-vsM tte one tlent, in Maîtbew, dug, o! ils tiding place ilu tle es ttii 11 seteit ile10bis master vltb th*,,",- "I.o, Iluere thon hast that Ilathi %vas, aItte saune tinte, speaking 1,, l7 aud îîuîrutitfuily. Goesi. e~ ownna-It usne'y, 1. ce, tle frl;~ "u-et-y brauchin l use," asys O Jobhn 15: 2, "ltaItest-est po$t ï takelt an-ar," sud 51o, , 'i@et-e Fatter gloniiedt lt ye lieàs' muet' s0 shal ge e nty disciples." "'Even ltaIt e bath shafl 1* a-m," i. e., habt, i l possession. There st-e ltre. siuaÀ N telJ by the man a-ho bides bie l1Q at-ainsI Ccd; 2, against bis SUq agaînitt bimself. AUd hiere la lsk punLatmenl: 1, te nisea lbhe s~ o!rUicetest; 2, bce becs wbst e seûeî lta bave. Chetrches andii aIs may lest-n a grave lesson base. t "Titae mine enemiea, vbiei 's tbat I sitoulil relgu oves beo.w, -local coîoring la the pst-suIse, i ece beint- pnotably to an lck kuomu aitte dime. But tichbse abidtint- ee. "We i sot bsut Cte nigit oier n " a-ll net serve -tte rigtblnIking. «"Be mutIrla yoîî Ihouigit l?Gel gan rtdatiy "l'p ivitit gant-heara.vW» -nIli10 devêtion. Wbatev;r w doing, keep the iteart fer GaO& tilt te conte. Ours ilsa Tia #qart wmît prager. Matthew- Il: "Let prager te ieey o! th*' aud tboit bele .evenini." U10, tte pountis. Baare elt-trustý, o! possession. Ttere mas ne cemý g-ailiitre tli ttc Mater ms.e tiot self. Look anly tae d for "itacrîbeil upon Uic cross wa"'uç

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