tieLake ot4f Uade Monday. mg ver. 70,320 iliu lu teady. For 9,0 iti for 37,080 Ibo 16e bs 91 16c, 14,940 ibm ?Ibe prloe ilat voek go160. - un, - ; wwnnng et tai Oubfi,, 4t more- #ibelsamarogetiing W Cuba'mcapial, aud Wble Island, seem- Énaaed for a third is 'vea bisof ihe maneuce of every r'Ôombined vil l'e him ln the White ladicahion that the D*emoratlo convon- ah Chicago July 7tb lnd ouée duriug a ~thtst $500 diainondsanar ~et mro4 luWankemba county, lb la i truc and they cab -up a month or a, gold aback number. OAS1 tetimate mades l'y ciy effliUber oS delegates to the W.1C=y@ntAon vi l'e 918 aud W-janthorisy cdaim 1505 votes 01 -Tis vl l'e sulicient Mifto on the lirai ballot. t!ipton af thse sevoral by til administraion oad l'y Senator AUle's udopted l'y thse Sonate tu to l'o madoel'y a u'- lt thse Sonate Finance >"c biais imt during the Diaboo offered a joint Umtab ould put a very to tise luneofnibonds oofi empion set, if il lavr. lb provides tht no 'be'ismued unil thse Prosi. acquaint Congreas wtt ty for iheir Issue and "lfb* authorîze their psy- Il il not become a lav, gOod sud ufficient rossons ~whicis latisatit could n' Wàth tis io-ibirds voie ibat be neeoasary to Paua t over ýMidenb'mveto. wha viiays tisai the stars iaud à»l flt entltled ta the namn èlMe," and that it s the young- à,osg linge la sorevbat off hie 1 bave lived under it a ni3i Wida for almost sixiy ycarii.1 "A0d have fought for I. The A 1169 of the Unied States, or 'Goe,*" vu adopted June 14, It bas rernaiued uucbauged, bSor tise addition of stars ta tbe ",an it la oldor than îhe fiffl met0oSthe nations of Europe. bMaut fiag of Great Britian vas Mi n"1801, tisat nf Spain lu 1795, 0 France in 1794, ibat of Portugal I, tbiahof thse German empire in i4 bisat of italy ln 1848. It ý-euilan. 1h stands for peace, 82 ada asAh ver vîli stand, " won neccaaary. it makes a oýod American aud a lover ci oci bresthea the -air under t.- y J. Fonter in Nov York Sun. bougi nothing oMelial eau bc M1d, 1h la knovn ibai Secrtary 'y hué probsted againat bis t"o othe Amrtnoîcas aptured bë ocaipetitor l'y thse Spaulsi A ITueatlgation bas been rnwl «. eeoenen as ho thelr gui)t baaa econosy, l'ut coi GRAYSLAKE DEPP.irTMENT. t ~MU. m. 13. SIEUIAf4. L". e r a. é4é66ééé6~*4«4t4444é*4*44444M GRAYSLAKE SCEIS RISIG BN LdaeNo. lu A . & kA. M. hold egul-ecualoatiofla Saturday eenlng on or before uJI moon. S. Ln'vn.xu. W.?L A. TmompsoN. Secy. SOROSISChatrr . D. Ord::eaatern Strmet ftrat and third Tesaday ve' zas. IL B. SHERMAN; Secy. GUAYSLI CameNo. u1S41KW. A.met Gnoses lAPPLx. V. C. GiEOBOX BROOxa. ClerL. Mas. SEEMAJI. Bec. ('ONGEEGATIONÂL Chnrch Sunday sa- Idloes IM m. and 1:meo m. Prayer meet- ingr Wednesday eveainge. t. P. 8. C. E. moet Sunday even1xIgs ai 0&a8P. m. Mir. Spafford, of Anbloch, vaa In tovu Tuemday. 1Dave White tois a run uP ho Anti- ocis lat Thurday- Miss Slumsr, of Prairie Viev, visited ber sater, lira. Jerry Smith, over Sun- dey. li" Wilhon, of lionaville, la vush lira. Kiddeil, miliner and dressmaker,a helplng ber ln bile ltter capacity. d Thc Ladies' Aid Society yl boldi their nexi meeting vitit Mro. EugeneE Hendec next Wedncaday, May 20. t Mri. Boyes ls building a bain on bis1 lot teccntly' purchased oi A. J. Leon- ard. ln the fal hoevili bufid a bouse bisreon. Prof. Gaggin vas do'wn irom Anti- ocx Tueaday ovening ho give the Star- HgisI baud a lesson, ater an absence of everal vooka on accaunt ni sick- J. J. Longabaugil and J. F. Clrtatisu vent ta Wauconds asuiTbursday as delogates to the convention of tihe Lake county S. S. Association beld that day. Mfr. Docker bas been re.engaged ta teacil achool bore anoiber yoar. Vie are glad to l'e ale o, report ibis, as Mr. D. s an able lustructor and does jnatice to îhe vork. lir. and Mrs. Hgley visied ibeir broibor and family lu Russell lui Sun- day. E. B. Sherman and vite took a run dovn ta Shermauville on their vileels the sane day. TÙo baud boys viii gve a dance iu BBathersisall's balliMay 22. It la ex- pected a largo crovd yl l'ocasaem- bled, for thoso vho vere at iheir lasi dance vill urely corne agaiu; and 8thoso via vore not vili vaut to es t isai they are, iko. (ood nînsîcians 1bave beoui ngaged. Wbab might bavo been a very Berl- t us accidnt occutrrd Isat Frlday. A à mn w as 'sting a bicycle aloug thse sidevalkWIifout of vhere Mr. C. B. rHarvey's -horse vas itcbed, ibereby i, rigbteuing the aunimal 80 t broke ibhe 4 hitching strap and vont nadiy rush- à le t, le sd t. ls a pile up bhc app ropriations1 tbaugistise governientovas gaa neorne vîilu fprovidoe ine-atesd ni tise yawniugdeficit thea sued aicacis flsal year Bspremaive Doekery corne oW, t) lzing up tise stuation e ad bisaI vory member 1 eo$omy, but ho wauted ita pUtd door. Wtout enternug 0 maomaiy or justice oni show- ibqors of thse Bouse $100 s for tise emPloymeuit of clerka bamom elanohsJin session, »P bemu decided upeb bly thse ky1 rw et,% *139 t l0,itcanuot MI& tstï4., alpenditureofa great preponderance of 'ealtby men ln the Sonate bas made tbat body luxuriant and extravagant inis expenditures for its own case and comfort, but t doesn't expeci the House to foilow In that Une, and that $100 saiuonth grab la likely to cont ruembors of the House their seats. Thero are pendlng before the Wsys and means Comxitte measures provid- ing for the' restoration, lu simple form. of the reciproelty act as it vas cou- tained lu the McKnley Tarit!, l'y this policy it is propos6d to give the' Presideut autbority to enter into reciprocal trade agreernts with foreign countries upon eoffee, tes sud bides. raw and undured, andI also upon sugars and molasses. Absuagar and molasses are nov on the dutiable list, thse billpendlng before tbe cornrittee 'uiic appenrs to Sund the rnost favor Io one providing for the Acrease of the sugar duties aginst couitries whicb continuue to maintain restric- tions and regulations ibat are dis- advantageons tu, the producers and shippers oi ibis country: But every precautton ehould be made as to the power ihat la given to the President in these dec lining days of bie A littie il, tissu a 4ttle pli. The H1I s gene the pil liha von. DewVtts Little Early Risera tise utile puisatissi cure great lla. F. B. Lovell, Liberty- ville; 0. C. Roberts, Wauconda. 1 Blîay peqple bave n ture, sud sensible people have no inclination ta use a slow rernedy. Ou. Mille Cotigi Cure acta -promptly aud gîvea permanent resuat. F. B. Loveil, Li- ,rtyille; G. C. Robets, Wsucouda How ta Treat a Wi1e % (Ftrom Pacifie limaihJournal.) Fîrsi, get a viSe; second, l'e patient. You rnay bave great trials and par- plextles u yourb)uaine@4, but do net theref oie, carry ho your ",oa- ai danudy or connracted brov. Tout vlfternuy bave trials, whieh.thsOuici of legs magnitude, Mnay b. baral SO her toaron.A&kind yard, *Wmr I0ck, il do validera lu * 'bu brev Ml louda el esa ~ ~. Ml-l A. - Ing along the B hoot. 1h vu caugist alter badly demolisiing thse buggy and alig htly njurng ItaoUf. Tise board of directors apeak of pasaing an ordiance proiibiting rid.ig a, bicycle on the sldewaike. Mri. and lira. edmond, of Barrinig. ton, vere the gucate of thei r lister, lirs. A. J. Leonard, luat Suaday. Mr. B. s a lawyer lu Chicago, going te sud front Barringtou daily. lb la Dlot a mairacle. Il Wo't cure everythiag, but lb vi» cUre piles. ThasabtlDOWlbt'a Wtci Ratel galye viiido, because t hm adoue 1h in isundreda of cases. F. B. LoTeli, LiberlyvMfe; G. C. Roberbu, Waucon. da. Somethlng to ha ProUd 01. Ur,, ud Mma, Win. BUMYlê, Who live l i eedau e urely fuWih»gbise Scriptural Injunction ta rêpuniali bis earth." 'They are the *parents of seveflbe~e lhidren, iteen of vhorn are Uvlag-e-even sons ad eigih daugisbori. There are. tires pairn Of tvlns. lMr. and ira. Sullivavere in the city Baburday vitis their young. est child, about ibree monhs old, and they were as proud of Ah as thongh Ah vas their fIast. They are not old yet by any meana, and tisefilgures rnay îeach a round score.-Marengo Republi- con. Congresses viii cone prehty uer to sversgiug tbe sane lu elechion yoars. Tva yesrs ago tbe republilosw voie jumping ail over the democraha viso thon controlled Anc Houa. l'y nesrly as large saîuajority as bbc republicaus nov have, because ni bbc d.iulty n keeplug a quorum lu Washington suter the anhe-nomiuatian campalgu opened. TiAs yoar thse democrsts are j tunpiug on the ropubll- cans for the very ane thhlg. The member of Congrose vboaloesnh look oui for No. 1 bead ni everybhng else is a very rare brd iudeed. Senator Teller remarked vhen asked il ho kuev anytblng nf the alleged schorne to begin a finaucial discussion An the Sonate for the purpose of forcing the National conveutions te hake decided Atanda la their inancAi planka, sud ni prnlonging bbc session until the conveonus ilad been held: "-We can do uotblng if ve tay bore, sud everyl'ody la no aiious ta get avay tisai vo cou14jnot keep a quorum boreasuer île appropriaton blle are pae-sed." That tellas e mhry. Take s dose of DeVitt's LUtile Early Risers ju8t for tise good hhey vil do you. These lile Filla are good for indiigestion, goad for lieadache, gond for lver complaint, good 'for constipa- tion. Tbey are gond. F. B. Loveîl, Libertyville; G. C. Roborts, Wateeon- da. Cucumber Contracts. Now is the time to, make your contract tb grow cucumbers for pickles. Get your Beed and contracts at M. B. Colby & Co's. 40 cents a bushel is the price this year. If you intend to plant get your seed and contract at once before you are te late. 31-88 R. W. STAFFORD, Libertyville Ill. NOTICE flaving opened a Bakery and lles- taurant in the Old Bank build- ing on Milwaukee Ave., Lib- ettyville, I hereby solicit the patonage of the public. LUNCHES SERVED AT ALL HOURS. Ibe Cream and a choice line of Confeetionery, Bread, Pies, Cakes, and a complete line of Pastirj always freeli. Open every day and evening. C. HARDEN. LIBEItTYVILLE, ILL. Grast-Seeds s"de at Wholesale and Retail :ALL 1110 0F_: lSure Claver Seed, Tim-, othy and Red Top aiso Alfifa, Alsyke, Millet and Hungarlan Seed s in- season. Try my Seed Corn. CHAS. STEMPEL, Long Grgve, L.ake Ca., Illinois. j-Applications by Mail proniptly Retiph tbarby's imrber Shop A ny.farther for BARGAINS. You know, or SHOULD that we ire-the leaders of Low prices and good goods. For one week more we quote theseWJA YX 1 DI0 %VWN prices; lien'a Creoles vork ahoes 6 to 11 98 Gingbami aprons ................ 10 Cbildren'a %siso3 8 o 5 per pair. 23 Indigo bine 1riutm per~ yarIl 41 .4 l 6OS fi Il .. 38 Ladies capes . .... . ... 12 Ladies pebisle grain shoes ". 95 Meus vorlting shlirt',............. 25 4. id Il 1.1 00 Crack Java coffee per lb .......... 15 60 pairs ladies Oxford tles "..70 You are always tr eated white at the "BRICK STORE." F.H. Kuebker- ILLINOIS.1 py M" Li " T t"l ~ ~A rirqb ««_ L.-I r nfi C- B RICWorkBlnc Wokd plastering of ail kinde .- Calciming and Whitewashlng. BEASî,NABLE PuICEM. Lettre orders al . . . . . . ... IIALF DAY,-- ILLINOIS.- CYCLONE FENCE wj à: ýee C TeCyclone Woven Wire Feucesi» swc a maniffle .-J it sttMie CountY Faim, Llh)ertyvitiê.. W'e want to emPloy twO g.>od men t.> -snvnsifthis COnnty. For fîîrther information. eau on C. A. APPiLEY. Libert3'ville, 111. BUTNNESOReal Estate Popular VAN ETG As the Cyclist who rides the WAVERLEY onIAGtyorprlENCY wtm n Chicago IDEAL. He's atways ahead. 1 will fibid you a custoiner ai rcamonildl)e rates. 1 seli alilkinda of wheels, watch cases full of wheels :Anmoiig nurîrîts chloice bar- thatru nand.-.--..-gliw, 1I ha' e tI&' ollowing: Lberty',it.le Cty PrOPertY. Also agent for f 'r twý. ýr-i -ris V. îtw 'il . Uttng w )fis.t. "iwae for Oleason & Shaff sewing machines. ctt.L-nt, t'm$4 Complete stock of bicycle and sewing machine ' ,..j>ýr i, - irelrittt, . t ian. repairs always on hand at H' . . .r. e-t irit tt'livk: hait E. B. SH E RMAN 'S T heJeweler, tr..,!erîiffl tî Grayslake - - - - - - - l OI.t F t:x: "'I. D. l1tttr- Farm Propcrtv. For Sale C. M. SCHERMEIRH-ORN t" p nM lwit, k. tr(,1,,,'i. t'e utr , tor,tn." rtit i ', curis e Tin and Steel Roofing, Plain and Corrugated l.t' t'at' tttttrov;i îî n.i.r gond Siding Tin nd Gavanizd Iro EaveTroug il 2L"Y 'air warni.t"."rfl,'.gand ". SiiLKCNSFAE, TnanSTlaizdIoV E PAIRS' t" tir'n .ri-,-rl Il." -'r li: ton and Conductors, Wind Milis, Purnps and flt,.t'.Trn.itri. Tanks. - - - - - - il 1 If \'ttlWi.lt to iiuy or rent Lake REPAIRING 0F ALL KINDS NEATLY DON E. cuiyra sae esr ocl DAIRY WO RK A SPECIALTY. - H. C. PADDOCK, MAIL .1ORDERS WILL RECEIVIE PROMPT ATTENTION PRAIRIE VIEW - - ILLINO IS. Libertyville,-- Illinois. U NS~YSTEMATICALLV 1 al attention o 1111l'>,** e t N,4A Bt hI>.he Farmers ami Others * To the fact that 1 handie the finest line of Buggies and Car- rinages on the myarket, and sel[ at pricos that wiII surprise you. Farm and Truck Wa on, Cultivator, Wind-n"iiII and ail kinds of Farm Machinery., ove n wire Fences of thie best makes, and Barb wire the Iowest of ail, and the fellows that purchas- ed before they Systematically figure with, generaly wish they had corne, wrote, wired or phoned me. 1 stand the expense when we meet, and you save money by so doing. . have a number of Corn Planters and Check- Rowers at Wauconda that 1 seil çheaper than can be bought elsewhere. Have a large stock in my lîne at Wauconda, quite a large lino ai Libertyvîlle sud ai Lake Zuiricýh. lIti! 1 hi'iievaalt extrta goîtti tht,' te Itit Itle wotuld it<'ý any Saturday ah Wancnnda, or Suutsdaày wyul do lst as e li on yoluyr îtttrttI f 1lîeli. tas 11 e. levo thebette! te day tise beticuth il s îand1 i.gre l n tyîindIt t meet Mouday'a beavy payrneuts GRAVSLAKE,-