-IN £LAXE COLNT,- TO BUY -ouber, Coal, MIBl-Feeci, farm Wagons, Buggies, *'I'*RTYVILLE,_ILL. .are always prepared 1suppIy your wants in... Agricultural Implements, Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tile, Etc. Always get Our Estimate Before Eu Bying Your Building Material. WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, 111. ý41arm Implements S CI-ANCK & CON, G. H. CHANCK ON," TYVI LLE, I LLI NOISI re Kinds of Corn Cultivators. Key Stone Side Delivery Rake.* adley Horse Rake. Clipper or Triumph Mower. ckeye Mower. Triumph Binder. ~i Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. Staver and Abbott Buggies and Surries. ~ ombination snd three spring Wagons. f Drain Tule, Lime and Cernent. îmber, Lath and Shingles.f <n o Co É rxW4> e O..-,Op KSTSTALLl6C4 IN NORTH4- REN EILLINOIS f)NIGHT"o RAD . . 2:17l3-4 No 414 in1 tandalls Ameican Paclng 1tagis- t.r. Bred by B. iH. Pooler, Sari as111. Nrcî iîy Nigr25.ha by Plym~outhi lioaik 2:bo% son 0IHills Blak-klaak 2:313j. sire o! Ethai Allen 225ù. Dein hy Starlight îeacer) 2:17% son o! Me a Ky horse, 2:36; second i iarn pa-rî by Ring Pbsraoh, iPaSeni atreof! jhiallI «1:12%4. Bsa'ley 2:18'iand tiiers botter than :24; lIird ai hna by than Allen, cson of His Bllack -iawk. Midiiglit lsaefi -dMck Iîarsi.staIndIî ag 114. hande igLh. naiglis lui(K onnds. ice il v boneil trigîalsle uIis a gaaad lhm-. lts aaataaataai i ai c, aanaîîag »K2 yaai i aId andaaîar. ail larg-a uaIa.irijo t sna haav àrit 1p-a. P. W. li.-rwNooai. o! Mîssoýurh. ilia faaaar owni-r of Mîaflaglt sers: -1 sIal a-au lainalnli li ln 41) riais*s- viniahg3o i irHt. mana-ya SSi-, tiials.1 Ilarais. n îaeed i. iraiui 1. Diii- ng lis racess1istartedl bIna ugainat seia îataal IîarsHa-sai, Fidal i:u4î; Storîîa 2a:tk- Janea 2:14; Alniîant Bashair 2:12:;leaIul 2:1'1' Ch(laaiS 21204j>:Lehai Mc Curdy,:4 WIlkle Rusiasell 2:16 sud itherr doonae. Il iras mita iseelira-aie homade bis reaara. Ho lias îîeced illhîs on lc lu 2:08. He- fias slred a fa-w colts lu Mssouri andalo iaak Var soe-o!f Iaim to go ln thé twtuatwaty-Ilvta ici or latter thileyeer. W Il 5.00 to Insure lve colt. Brooder will be held for Moec fe of ail mares dlsposed of after being bred. Ait cote to b. settled for when 10 days old. C. A. Appley, Owner. ýTVVILLE* ILLINOIS.1 MINATION F'OFFER FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY -TME CHICAGO tNJTER OCEAN AND L.AKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ... *960inig reraarkably loy figure wheu "«cubbed" or ordered together: er Om0ean and Independent, 1 year ....................... $P 90 u 1 " , '.4 ' 1 ".. ............... 475 S4$0eU*4apluter Ocean and Indepeudent 1 year .................. 6 l e > * tPpular, Repiblkan News= LOfIx IL 925 945 5là 1222 R. 1030 r flU 1008 6&lu 1Il" ýÉ*e do 10 m 5 610 i l net ..595 . 5958 12 t eFa 9 51 il110 645 124tg 00180 BOUME à. M. LIli.. BM. p. M. 1 Vll 26 735 1180 a a 9n 431 7 41 Frt.a ne m jk 537 7 67 1205 à m " 41 e902 12 30 606 i6tn 41 07 l'à45 6Ou ral ie M48 15 12 57 a im 8»ail 501 Il21 102 621 uielns 8508 .844 114 65w <Jicmgo 630 10 45 Frt1.7 de *l»ijy except Sunday. 8s top Only on sionaL. Aroundý the County. ROCKEFELLER. Dont forget A. M. Brlggs Audtio» Sale. Mr. and Mrs. Booth, of Trevor, ia vlslting Mr. and Mn. Geo. Bea1ey. Mrs. Jeesie Wilcoz, o! laffond Lake, viiited Grace Cronkhite one day lut week. wlth Mr. and Mrn. Frank Browjî thîs miutmer. Mar. sud Mrs. Frank Ruppert, of Long Grove, called ou friends one day lest veek. A. IL Bnlggs edvertlses a ,big section" Saturday May 16. Look out for bargainu. Artie Berghoru bas for the peut week been very elck. Dr. Travie la ettending hlm. Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Morse, of Libertyvilie, spent lust Tnesday witb Mrs. J. F. Clark. Lily Gleanon, of Chicago, spent a few <laye vith bler ieter Mre. Lewis Litchiield the past veek. Mr. and Mrs. IVill Feddier, of Chica- go, bave moved tbeir goods and yull occupy the moins over WIU Knlgge's store. Mrs. Laura, Cain, o! Dlamond Lake, bhs occcupied roonis in Byron Smltb's bouse and wuli live tbere during tLe summer. It'o uet as easy 10 try One Minute Cougb Cure as any thlng else. It'î easier to cure a severe cough or cold with IL Let your next purchase for a cough bie One Minute Cough Cure. Botter medicîne; botter result; botter try It. F, B. Lovell, Libertyville; G. C. Roberts, Wauconda. At the lest regnlar meeting, o! our 1. O. G. T., occuirred the Installation of officers for the comiug quarter. C. T., Cura Burdlck; V. T., Henry Coudrey; P. C. T., Lottie MoBrîde; Sec., Lydia Lawrence; Flnaiiciai Sec., Warren Derby; Treu&., Frank Cronk- bilte; Cbap., Effle Berghoru; Mer.. Lester Burdick; Sent., Dean Aynaley; Guard, Ira Doolîttie. The lodge ls in good working order and extend 10 our neighbor iodges a cordWIa nvita- tion to visit us when ever the oppor- tunity presents Itself. IVAN HOE. Mr. James Davise is able to be, eut again. Chennue Shuman called on friands bore lest week. A new piazza adons the front of the cheese factory. Mir. and Miss Brainerd visited the city lest Saturday. Mars. Radke Las Lad a large addition put upon bier biouse. Mr. Win. Skinner bas retunned from Joliet wbere Lecbbs been for some tirne. Our yeung people hope to attend the Christian Endeavor convention lu Waukegan neit Saturday. We understand that Mr. Averll lis been reteiued asteucher of the school here another year. tirs. Wells vas appolnted delegatt te the Stete Association of Congrega. tiouai enurehe 10 bo beld et Auiroris next week. Mise Elle Davis bas gone te vieil ai] amuintin Evaneton, villi whom eueE jntends to vieil Cahîforuleaud placeî ..f intereet ini the west during IhE vouoiug summer. Dr. Eerlîa, of Chicago, Nvasecalleil last week to conneil witb Dr. Chbau aadtlowa.y oit he condition o!ftiri Anthony Putmn who bas been illi 1long lime. The phymicians agrie sut ail hope for tbe lady's recovery. We might tel youi more about Onti Minute Cuugb Cure, but you probablî known that lt cures eaeîîgl. Everi one does who bas ls,-d il. It le i perfect reincdy for couglis, eolds hoarsenees. Il le an especial favorit, foF ebldren, belng pleasaut to tek, suitquick lu curing. F. B. Loveil Labertyville; G. C. Roberfs Wanconda VOLO. The very warm veather still con- tiues. We vant raim. I!sny of the farmers wiii got îbrough plaItiilg corn Ibis veek. Mns. Neole Wood, of Oak Park, le visding ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paddock. The sheep ahearers are ln this neighborhood tbis week. A ew weeks earlier than former years. It'sa&U the smre, a sliglt oold, con- geated lungs or severe cough. One intute Cough Cure-baniahes thein. F. B, Loveil, Libertyville; G. C. Roberts, Wauconda. The many fbiende of Mines Nellie MoCabe are sorry to hear she linflot lmprovlng very fat. We had hoped when the weather became warm site would be able ho ride ont. At prepent she in confined tb her room. The rant cemîetery society meti vith their president Mrs. George Waite, Mlay 1. Thlrty-tvo vere present, $423 vas added to their treasery. A very enJoyable tii». vas enjoyedby ail. A number of visitons vere present. The non churchà goera vho meet ou aeoraly invited to meet with the obTtweh people for wu servioeson - wu4bo mqoh PIasénçr -*#à *b the" acrtu.snL.e fi» yet"e nlgb.away through theft far. Thalré ham been a grat <laW of talk the peut few yeara tha a rail. road veu golng to be bufit ou this lino. rAIt dntS the people bAd ith ln thair talk but they have leaflîed fromn experiene thât 1.11h vitholut work Je dead. Proma prssent indications va bope to have a ralfroad bulît through this setion within a yeer or two. large bodies move slow. FOX LAKE. Mr. and Mns. George Eaine's visited at E. Brownu& Sunday evening. Mns. A. Tweed of Ibis place visited her aunt Pars. George Waite recently. Waker Townsend, of Waukegan, attended ohurcb et Fort Hlli Sunday mornlng. Mr. and Mrs. gavage, of Waukegan, are viaiting relatives ait Foi Lake, Antioch and other pointe in this vicinlty. Burns are absolutely painleus vhen DeWitt'a WAiOII Hazel salve te prompt- ly applied. This statemant le true. Apret remedy for skin deseases, bap~edhndeadlilps, and nover raals to cure Piles. F. B. Loveil, Lib,- ertyville; G. C. Roberta Wauconda. Mrs. Mlçhail Graham an îld anal respectod resident o! Long Lake, (lied on FrIday mornlng li ber hîome, and was buried on Sunday. The funeral services belng belet the Catholicebureh near Fox Lake, aud the Interment taking place in theie Catholic cemetery t McHenry. The Disciples at Fort Hll have1 decided to keep their present pautor for the -ensulng year ho vhlcb place le will scon zuovo bis familiv liere- alter there viii be services et the Fort Hill church every Sunday morning and evening. Sunday scboul lit 10 o'clock e. nm. promptly. DIAMOND LAKE. The veather je verni and theo roads dusty. Par. Geo. Mlitcellv as in Wankegan lest veek. Abolt thirty.fivc bicyclists were ont bere on Sunday. A nov churu lias bcîîî put ini the factory Ibis veek. Mr. end Mrs. E l ilni, of C Illeuîgo, uetr, uip over Sunday. The foundetion of Oeo. tlîtiîîll's nev bouse le neariy completed. Miss Emmna Undemstoek, of Long Grove le working lit Mrs. lMaxiuiîîs. Mr. Willis Arnold was 111) frîîîî Weukegan on business one, day last week. A nov stand je ling huilt iii tus îî for the benietit of touriste. Rîefrîsmig- mente viii hc served on short iiotive end ail teniperance drinks. It îvlli pay ail bicyclers ta give Mr. Leiiker a ceil. On 1541 Monday in Clîlcago Mr. Ernest Blows and Miss Lu Gooadman vere unlted in marriage. Both o! the young folk& have been very popular bere and ve vlsh themn aucce8s. They vil le ahhome la theirn nov ouse et Bay View (the uortb-east corner ai Diamoend Lake). A royal charivari took place on Tuesdsy nigh. The groomn la an enterprising young carpenter. and the bride a charming and social young lady. Just when people have become accutii4d to advancedi prîces on Boots and $hbGe. - cornes a gerieral reduction on seVerat l 0ni'~ by our manufacturers, and we 1ive:yu benefit, by mnarking down men'sÇGrain Leather Boots, Men's Plow Shîoes, Oh i- drens School Shoes, Womerïn'-sGrain-ariJ, -DonWola Tie Slippers &c., &c.. to old pricesý and less. it took consideérable courage to, do this, but we depend on increased saes for our reward. UAHEN IN NEED of Barb Wire, woven wire fencing, Timaothy Clover, Hungarian, or Millet Seed, Seed Corn, Paints, Qils, white Lead and Brushes ~ of ail kinds, wali Paper and Carnets re-' member that we carry a large stock oÏ the above, at prices that keep us busy handlng out the goods. Use Eckhart & Swan's XXXX Best FlouNand you'l he happy. L-ong Grove, Ii. V. SAUER & BROQ' rGO TO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FOR >B Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, 411 '14 PERFUMERVI SOAPS, COMBS, ,4Brushfeg, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Fancy and ~4Toilet Articles, Books ati Stationcry, 1>ye Sttuffs, Glass, Pnty,$ $ PAINTS, OILS, VARNUSHES. $ PATENTMEDICINES. Family Medicince s Pd i> ysicîn xm r(scripti0fl5 earefuly '*4 cornpoulidud at 141! iours. U ~ods Carefully Selecteld. Only the Best.± Fred, Croker - Suits Prom $17 7-,TO-$4O A perfect fit guaranteed. Repýairinq Catrand see my samples. OVER BANK. DEERFIELD. u Dying ietvleIfnos Mr. Bester le on the' sick liet. D en tirs. Tilloteion sent lu the it.y lon- day. Mrs. Eluer Muike le Ni îtiiig- f iensin the City. C. W- Pettîs bas erectial a wîiaî roîll A LE E W on the Wilmot fanm. Elmer Pettis is lit hie ld trial,' IID I G HTU 1 The debate Monday uiiglit at tiia tov-u hall vas very good. =A AR Tbe infant danghler o!ftir. anad trs. - Hcnry Mieyer vas buried Tue4daiy.CA TBEB T There was îraîL(iiiîig in thePrt by cl'aB BA terian churchli it Sannday ,-vv-iiîiig. Mir. Johin hiieclit li reê-periiig lis. old reideue Witilitheii,-iikîtî~î i,ýiý ! 111A p'I A u(Ccai1>yig il Ilnîsî-lf. Mar. Hîrmnan ahi l relii(le-ît (4f lIi A KFO . place lifter a lonig il 1ness liedI Sat iii. \i î uî i f day, May 1. and iras hui.-dIi tua-u feu1 Dc-ri-Id Cantery, Mondaiy. I, LAKE ZURICH. Vriea goliers srt- ont Suniday. Drap ita-îne of n'-e si Il iii. w a I «x. Luthier <lifurîl le lis.v buildinag! fence. Riab for ti-he bad stand -an] op13a-nO air Concerts. M. Hugbepr, of 'aVl-illlîa a lla-aA VILL DELIVER PURE RIVER bore Tuesday. Fred llawley, of Barraagtain, vue J CE DU RING THE SEASON AT bere Tuesday. James Dymoud, of ErgleIwoud, eaC-111 0- - E IR C ed bore Tuesday. 3 - ~ ~ r Ail kinds of fruits t 1ba il at theit ~ w barber shop. LEAVE ORDERS AT M. B. Mrs. Clars Kreuger,of Barrinigto, C L Y & 0 S O E clled bore Saturday. C L Y & C '.S O E J. Frazer, o! Chirago, wns lae Tuesday and Woduesdey. I_________________________________ Base bell Sunniay, Waucan îlet vs Lii ke, Zurich on local grounds. A littho girl arrlved te glailden thei,-P 1 he0t f M. ad Mrs. P. Moyer. P The Zurich brase baud wyul furniîsh li i~=-~ musie Decoralion Day et Paiaible. Agent Mitchell entertaiued his J. G. W eidner & Son's, father front Wisconsiu Ibis veek. J. MeComi, of Libertyville, îî'îI Aptakisie and Buffalo Grove. business sit Iis place Tuesday. CE ARRY XA "())Iîl ISIINI'11- E. C. Pagels, o! Irviug Park, is RayMxdPitRw adBie1Ln visiting bore this veek vith frieuîîl.. RayMxdPitR wadBi lLn L. Lemke and Aug. Flodier were m seed Oils, large assortment of Paint and îLestee n Dude sd arintoi, Whitewash Brushes, Cabolineum ,or Wood Mondey. eevn anG laie an a t-c F. Hitzevizh, o! -Chicago, %vas Iîiîa .Preevn anGlaie n an gliet of Fred Lt<ckuck sad fainîly' Barb Wire, Keystone and Haish Woven- Sunday. wire Fencing especially aatdfor - H H. Seipsstoreisarectivlng ageiîeral dpe o replning inside. B. Sensile <ing fence, Etc. lai Sundays baIl gamte, '29 te 16 in TE DW~ lavr Qf Elaî. The vlnniug boum D0 N ý la Mte, u ifen scoreea ntiihe lastANI EAMINB OtiVAIiIETy D()P