Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 May 1896, p. 6

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Ô PTÉV.-<(Continued.) 1 -qoaamnderstand mai" Cannaall "I smpiy rant yen ta tell ber 1 tathor aU ibis, sud lie marriet! as :rOelore., 1 caanot bcber bus- toli y@% 1 *bal]neyer m 4g ulllI nAsthat sbe*WO 1 el.dluelon. As for the. dUe, bae o*charma fan me, ast! Uwmthat 1. Who have beu see bouldait aut ta toite Four aryfron ye."0 wuold bave me Urve n b.ggawou tyl-actutài acharlty vwhlch se etta nitbdtav at any Mo- né yen have aea fit te suddenly a- yxevelit tb.hemant Important crisa Nét."H spoke, bitterly, almost te thé ther, 'but b. caunto PWi».W te anger. Tii. eider brother IOvon forgîve you'for your thoughts ,~Gervai saIt!, 4'perhaps you W~ bat you w"m donc. I shahl 4 ~ lrdmmotmwemy marrlage ter muet ho abandon.d." y. Il nU net take trenty- te prove wbether yau are rigbt for If I ae the. cetiicate V*f~tIIrli éenmgob-" ~ '~ws~"Onaahlmklproducing IL. OM k'po kpt silence ne banni conld ~ '"~-u'omtpossible harm rauld bave Iom dou." "1oue ou earth bui yen knev tiIs mIren mliiyeslerday, andut wt as lu your paer te have'let it remalu lu oblvîca. itat, tlough you bave ciasen te bring lt Sofern!,thene le one caonsoation still leitq te ma u I te ot yaun aieppîng imb my *baes, la apie of your weaIth, yau rîll tporst have Ida ltaugbton's lare. Na ttaIkeaerer depnive me ofthtit, thougii thé imay ever b. my rite." "Irour utterancea ai ibis morning t liait prove yau ta bc unrarthy afi i," Cuandali aswre,. stung ai lai ta anger. "Toc have Insulitd me grossly, flot aahy lu your aneers, but aise by youn hebavior. And l'hbave hat alle'ompassslan for youl1 bat! intendedte1 let you tel ibis aiory ln pour orn ray ta Sir Patul Raugbton nnd bie dangbter, but I have fier ciangod ni Wuat!. Ven they returnita town. aften AsM eot ci eek. 1shaih caIl upon Sir 'suiiand tell hlmi evcrything. Even though yata, yoursolf, sbaîl bave spoken ,&rit.. "G'oebc lu! I rani uthing tram you, àt evea yonr comp)assion. To-nigbi I shah leare Miis otse,,sa thai I shallfnot ho ladebtet! ta yeu for a roof." "I am sarry yen have taken itlu n thl ,lgit," Cundaîl sait!, again clming uns- self, as berefit ta tie doon. 1"1 ranld ' have given you tbe love of a brother, bat! "If yon gir, nie the feeling liai 1 have for yeu, Ilus one of utter inret! and! con- temptl Bren thougb yeo b.cniy brother, 3 vIE neyer recognize you in ibis rorld, elhien hy wror action, as anyîhing but iliF bltterest foc." * CaMaiel looket! fixedly nt hlm for one moment, thon ic openedtheii door and! reàt ont. Phlp Smerdonn md nlchc« is trient! eareigli ubnrough lhe inerview, ant!, aIth.àsglutiere 'vas cause for bie excite- meut, h. ras urpriset! aitihetransifarma- tien that b.d taken plAce lu hlm. Ht b.àd airnys bocu gentie and kindtet * evM ~ oune it nmb. ras brongbt Ito edtteet; non b. scemed ta have bocome ja fury. »ren the luofn ai nme, ami lands,,ant! love, seemed haedIy ufficient ta haro Abrougiit about tlii.violence ai rage. ".Il rouit! ahmom iiave been bItter to biave remainet! on friendly tenus nitb hlm, I tbink," hc saita. "Penbaps bc tbaagist b. ras aniy doing isjuty ln dis- eloslag blmaself." "Perbapesno!" ithe otber mid. "But, as for bing frient!ly 'uiti bum--Iwish ho rere deadr' CHAI'TER VI. Bir Panl Raugbto's Ascot panty bat! bimea exceîlently anranget!, eory guest 1beog speclaliy cbosen nltb a rien te 111,la anhanmninous noie. Bewaoat ras a cisarmhng villa, lying * suot on the.bordera of the ira Iovely 4»«U« of aiBerkshire and! Surrey, and sotell thj beautiea of Nature non Art tIieMtsagb Sir Paul's selectîon af 40cisadt!bea admirable, disappoint- limet bat! came ta imansd Ida, for tra vise rouIt! bave been lie ment relcame, ti.Cundaji ad Lord Peaiyu, b.d wvtt tee1055F~a %ey out!dnot came. Tho a 4pms"obtter beau v ery short, and! ibO çPlantbon glveu for bis refusai ras twta*héorne, aguin -preparng ta leave 'IW>id, perbape fer n very long pea'iod. 1'4Mlu Ait! Peniyu'a b.d beau ta tue of- «èt lkat scie busiaess affairs cauneetet! lo;trà7Me-t'epetty rouit! prevent hlm trou leevlas lova durlns the reek. Mesooven, it ras dated frm a famhlon- ffl bte!lnlathe West Ent! and un t ou Vibes Ida readt tee iters @ie rai -.*«4Wwtroubled, for oaie ount oelp Ào*,Ïuiata tliaI ler. ras omhlng more ata mragin the tact liaI tire MuWho »« %-oaggetIoteber asdthticman wno b.d bý t er oulj' a fer uîgbts ago Ybfoh have abstaluet! froan camlng ta quWteiweok w1th theu. At &Oironderet If tbey canid bave »oM Wuarvled-but tien se reneetet! Mait >liat orss ualpoasibel Surell Mr. baI roit!net bav, tait! Gervaso that ii e W propomet! te hon snd heen refusat. in. rst te hecr, rom liat i ngbît rd go verglt! but ber uigt's rest ras tbo1 liesr Fpart lb. fiasbiug af lîgit- Hem brain muet have rtlnned ht abe b.ed rend iD Walter Ount!all's lutter liaI morniag, for uhe dreamt tuat he ras tait- hsg bit facael etcfehon;,onhy It seeiet!' liaI they reqtbak .again Inathe coaser- qvstary attacet! te ady ipCbotenton'a hall Oi. ras setteè4s 1h. mare place as she hat beea vibes ho tokliea oi bisw loe-, aise couit! beit tie t!reamr aIrains.or, the vorr sains alts-notbirn ai ohauget!, except lweaItIlseemot! Iarber, muclu tark- en; anthe o utl de-BIllemare tisai nec- oasIse sformt! ndsa bis dortmat! eys fixed on ber. Tises hbent ovq rand! blaset!ber gently an tue forehesdt!-oo i «Il meemet a ber dreaic, wnt saInotWa 'ehan a lover'a klae-t" d iM: "Fareii.lh, fareven! Iu Ibis nanît! ne Ino shall neyer muet agaîn.". Then, as ho tunet te go, sie mmv b.- filut! hlm anatiier tortu nîthitil face shronde!, but wlth a figure liai seemet! ronderfuliy familiar to ber,.and, as ho tacet! it, it sprng uponuim. And! nili a sik abe aroke--avoke ta mee the. brlght sun sbinlng outalde and! ta notice that the bands ai the cdock polutet! te noariy elgit. And! her fOrsiactian ras ta kneel by lhe aide af ber bed ondt! t hank benven tintIth ra anly nat!neam. Hon diatunbe! nemi made. her. perbapu, a littie pater usan usual lu the mornlng, but badt! lis onhy atdod a more delîcate tînge te ber loreiuesa. As mii. stand taikiag ta young Mantaga on lbe veranda, tis yonthbebgan ta niai uhat ho ras Lord Pealyn. It ras at ti. lIme tint, ta the differnt groupa scattered about lier. came a ru- mon tint a horruie murdon bad been commitie! la London lait night, or eanly liai mnng. A fer pensons, nho hat came dora hy the test apeciai train, bat! heard seine- tbing about it, but tiiey dît! net kno any- thlug ai the dotailira;ndt!1*0 or tire. copies of tlb.tiret edtioas of tiie evening papers aa nnret!, but tuey taIt! very lit- tue, except tint nndaubtedly a murden mad taken place, andt! lat lie victian ras, ta al appearancea, a gentleman. "*Get a paper, Montagu," tie baronet sait!, "ndt! ius sec irbai h is." Ho caine baek in a fer moments. mvr- ing succeeded lu borrorhag a second edi- tion tram a trient!, and hc rend out la ibern the particulars, nici re by no menus full. It appearedt! tnt, afien the sabrm In Londan ras aven, nbicb ras about tiree o'clock lu lbe morulug, n polcemangoing on bis ralk dowa lie Ml ai St. James Park, hd came acros a gentloeman hyîng by the nailinga liai divide tunipari ai il tram tie gardons, a gentleman nom ho ut tirsi took te b. ovorcome by drink. Ou shaking him, boreven, i. discavreet hlm la bu dent! and! be jiq hougbi bc miust have béeà trnck by lighinAji. À -funiher glanco ahoret Iat iaisrail not the came, onhe pencelvet! that lhe deat! mnisu as stabjKâ in tie rogion of tie henrt, tIsa i is raicb and! chain bat! beon rrencie! aray (thon. b.iug a braken piece of lie chahu lefi in the. bitton bale), ant!, if bhout! ada, ies papers and! pockel- book inken. His unibrella, rhicb ras nitiont nny ane or engnnviug, ras by bis aide; bis liuen, wiicb ras extncmehy fine, ras un- manke!, and! bis clouhes, althaugh t!rencb- et! îibt! sot! andain, rerd of the, iost possible qualily. Thai, up ta non, *55 .11aithe informa- lion the papen poseML "how readft ttNlmof a mian being mu id , ï!in mui#"mReplace us tual!" Ida sait!. "S*Othé, l murderer cannai long esmoer It ras a glonibawereuhsg ufler n gloni- 0ue day; and!, lovâe hsugbng andt! alking, nome fliiag, asutses.t! iscuasing ithe day's nacing ant!d aielaiing on liai of thé marron, tbey s»où fongot ail about tie tnagut!y. Net an. ef them luPlosed tiat tie mur- dezlet! ua rai hhhslyta ho knou-n ta thon,non uhal lie crime bat! brokon up ihueir Ascot rock. But rienihybt gone ta thelrrmniata dremi for t!iuner, thoy l.arneà a uathe dont! man ras kuomfi ta them. A teiegram bat!camne ta Sir Punit rou bis huiler la Landon, saYing: "Tii. gen- tieman murdenet! lu Si. James I'ark tast asigbt ras Mn. Cuadaui. Ho bas been idontiflet! by hie butter aud servants." CHAPTER Vil. About the. ame lime tuat Sir Paul Rnugbtan receiredth te telcgram troua London,,ali rai taklng counscl nu oùe an Ira o ai be eder gueltm ail ta rhethen he shani& t!a once tll Ida the dtrea4iiuî ners or beave h ltiti tiie maruing, Lord Pealys entermt! ii hotol lu lova. RIs face, nhleh asnahly bore a gond colon, rai gbsstly. pale, his ,yes bat! greal ballons an!d dep, rings aront lieu, ant! erenhlm lips heoked esaIif tb. blond bat! lofthem. H. b.d came irtis club, notre, mince It bat! been dimroeret! nUo thi e- int cf lait nigbt's lragedy rai, Botbixg aise but lhe mandâer bat! becs talked! about, as nu s lie ecau.levIwery club sand public place la Londau, ant! b. nov moult! tise stage oetheii, olelii tiste Meunnet a man rba ras eltier rq reak or vury veary. Lord Penlyn entenet! bis room sun& tomb Up a-lette? tuat vas lyIng on.hlm table, sud proceoot!mlaopen ht ts ilaSv- self et t~ aelm erylt r 1 H.entat! t earefully ftram beglnang ta eut!, and t!len drappe t lu n be. faonas ho Pitbis bande. up taehsbe.t at! all- "Muriter.t!! Murderedl Whon ho bat! nritien tliiletten only se bout befane." Ant ten b. repi long and bltterly. The lettenrjan: "U. rother-ine _I _ __ou a.tB- 01> tiia ýtea1bable t»e you alla an l6 "*Remember, thorefore, what 1. by my rlght as your eider brother-whlch 1 exert for the firat and lat time!--cbarge you ta do. Retain your position, stili b. ta the. wrnd what Yeu have been, and dévote your life to ber. "Let ne forget the bitter rords we each spolie ini our Interview. Our lives are bonnd up inon0e cause, and that, and our relatlanoblp, should prevcnt theîr ever ho. ing remembered. Your brother, "WALTER." Whou he ras calmer, be .pîeked thie letter up agaîn and rend It thiougb once more, havlng carefully Iocked the door before âie dld sol for ho dld fnot nu hli valet to see bie emotion. But the re-readlng of It brought hlm no pouce, lndeed seemed only to increase bis angulah. Wheu the man servant knocked at bis doar h. inde hhii go awayfor a tImel ai ho raa .tgaged ud coula fDot bo dis.- turbed; and thon b. Pasoed au heur pao- las up ad down the routa, mntering ta bnselt, etarting et the llsteut msflnd, and aearly mad wlth hlm thougàtm. Theme thoughts he could flot cle he dit! set knaw wnet stepeto Wbat ras he ta telldM or Sir Pauk-aor was b. te tell tbem anytbiug? The deat! mon, the murderet! brother, hmd enjoined 6à hlm, iD wbat ho could not bave kngtrn wai te b. a dying re- quest, that"be ras te keep the taecret. Whr, tiien, tiien should h. say snytblng? Thl-re ras noa neet! to do sol He was Lord Penlyn nor, there ras Dothing ta teli! No one but Piip, who ras trust- wortby, knew that be had ever been any- thlng Piae. No one would ever knoo it And ho sbnddened ns b, tbougbt that, if the world did ever knoa that Walter Cundal md been bie brother, tiicn the. worid wouid believe hlm te bc bis mur- derer! No! it mueat never be known that h. and that other wrer fthe. same biood. Hc rang far bie man and told hlm ta pack up and pay the bill, and takre bis thinga round ta Occleve Hanse, and! that b. abouid arrive there Iste; and the. man seemed aurprised at bis arders. H. ras n qbiet, discreet mnan, but ai b. packed his master' h. reflected a good deai on the occurrence* of the, past few days. Firet of ail, be remcmbered tbe viait of 'Ilr. Cundaîl on Seturday ta Occieve Hanse, and tint.the footman bad toid hlm that he had heafrd tome exclted conversa- tion going on ae ho bad passaed*tii.rura. Waa tiiere any connecting link betre.a '.%r. Cundall is it te bis master, and his master ieaving the. bouse and giving up Ascot? And wa there nny conocetion betreen nil this and the murder of Mr. Cufidait, and the visible agitation of Lord Penlynt He could not believe It, but still it dît! opera strange that tbis visît of lMr. Cun- dals shouid bave heen foilowed by sncb an alteration of bis mastenhs plans, and b)y his own horrible deatb. Lord l'eniyn walked on ta Pali Mnhl, going rery siowly and in an aimai dnazed state. and snrprised sereral wnom h. moet by bis bebnvior ta tbcm. Looking very wan and miserable, he walked an to "Biack'a," and fiiere h. fouuid the murder as mucb a subject of discussion as it was everywber. ele.. (To be contlnued.t THE CHANCE PASSAGE. lit FailId ta upprth. ECOtchmail tu Mis Practice, An old Seotchman bad a roommate in New Yoank who was neai fond of early rlslng, and neyer stlrred tram hii bcd untîl the breakfast bell rang. T1he old- or man consldered Ih hie duty t a rm the Young man. agninat the effects of Indolence, and at the anme ta Impart religions Instruction to hlm. Every moaing the. Scotcbman aréeo at six a'cock, shaved blmself, and wheu completely dreesed shook bis Young frlend and addresaed hlm in luis man- ner: -Now, lad, yon ste. niat hita gala time. Here 1 am, dressed and rendy for breakfast, wltb haIt an hour la wlilch to read a chapter In the Bibi. and ta commît a verse ta memory, whlch may serve a useful purpose dur- lng the day. Non I shah aopen the good baak at random, and rend any verse an m1lch my eyo chances ta llght; and 1 tlslnk ICtmrbable thnt the. verse nl have some apecl application for the events ef the day. Meanwh.le, there Yeu are, wit barely enoughtlIme ta dressforbrenkfastfland not n minute ta spare for gand reflectlons." For a week or more tiIs nddresis ras repeated eveny momnlng wl itlte rari- ation, and the chance passage rend aloud. Then the. Younig man gave the~ Scotcbman a dose of bis own maedîcîne. It ras a cold mornlng, rien thie Scotcbman, wenrled by 'laie hours the prevlous alght, orersIept. Tii. younger roommate arase softiy, dressed bimseli quickiy and arouset! hlm. "Hero 1,4m," began the couvert ta the new gospelaf early rlslng, "lu complts ordet far breakfast and readyta tutu ta a verse lu the goot! book nic May serve me a usotul tutu dnring the day." "Wefldope," saidtheti. Sotchaan, tub- bIngis banda. 1 "Tan kunor, toa," coutlnuedl the Young ma, nîtheut aamslie on bls face, l"tint onss bauds may ho dirçtted by smre- thi gthat la uot bllIM chLnce tea averse vhlcb may ho hlgbly alglcaut" ANNUAI.. NOAMIMMENT IL.LINOIS G. A. R. Lar'gest Qthorturlng .Il l iatary- Ma.y of the 1BcYO Mail! Be.. Tkare Before-Cochron Elected C'suimaader -Oalesbnrg Uetm the Next Meet. On Htstunic Oroant. The. veather ras perfect for the. en- eampmeut cf ti.he lliois Departmnent G. A. R. ai Gaina. Visitons rere present la multitudes, snd la the. parade Tucaday prohably 5,000 soliers and civîlians wre la iUne, and the. treeta wrepacked wnu spectators. A very pieasing festure of the. parada vas the publie seboal cidren, 2.500 lu muMber, wn e re. tationet! abus the. lIne of match. Au the veterans pesuet along thec hiren sang patrietle vonga sud strewed fdorera lu thelr patbs-ny. Believile's crack mi- litia organisation, Company D; Cou- pany C of Canbon. OEN. dm1., sud a section o0f Battery A, Dan- QU.POW'ELL. vile 1. N. G., Com- pany B, Kentucky Guards, andtheii Cairo Hlgh School Cadets aima psrtîcîpated in the march. Camp Oir., wre held that evenlug et the Cairo Opera Hanse, K. M. K. C. Hall aud thie court bouse. Compettir, drills and baud concerts wre. mIsaheit! an the streets. National Commander Ivan 0. Waiker sud Gen. Pareil, t!epartment commander, spoke at the. opera bouse. Famed ln Hiatory. No more bstorlcally appropriate place fat an Illinoli G. A. R. reunion coult! pou- sibly bave beau seieeted ta Cairo. Mnny à vteras eau recii Ma firt riait ta lie olty, niien the nar broke out aud rien the. Ilinois troops rere massedt iere. It iras on. of the mast important uiltary poeu tunng lhe van, and cantinuet! te b. sa until the. tnilo rai ,over, T hs aencampueut ras penbapa ithe largosi ever heit! by the State Depari. ment, aud rîli b. 9greinemberet! hy thveterans fortu- Date ,nough ta b. A- o. 5HTPFF. present. ,Tb@. business meeting ai the encsmp- msnt ru. caimnencet!etatheiiCaino Opera. Delavan, chaplain: iiacmbts et thé, couacîl of admiaistration, and ' A.A Adair, af Oak Park, senior vIce-com- mander, sut! Captaha L. B, Church, of Caîro, junior vlce-cammander. Tiie veterans prapost! ta get a rate of on. cent a mile next year, and a resolu- tion ras adopted giving the. council of administration par- er wluhin filnety days of the annual on camn pment ta change the location if satlmfactary rail- road s. been grafiteil. A commît tee conslstlng of Col i. Là'c,' Col. Avery and Capt. Cadwailader ras appelnted ta vijît ithe Woman's Relief Corps and carry good wnu geetlnga ai tbe veternus. The. Adjatant's report ladites that the days of the. aid soldier are slipping aray. For the. lait gear the lasses wre 3.8î5 aud the gains ouly 2,M82. howlng a decenese of neariy 1,000 ln momabershlp. Wamau's Relief Corpo. Tbe Womsas' Relief Carpe traniactet! routine business la the faoea. Tb, 6iliers' fepôrtsI ladlcate a Bounhiing nona- diliafi oi the carps. A reoalutlen to cou- tiunie ane-baif of the. W&OO9 requiret! ta erect thé Emiig W. Lîpplneott bouam ou the. grounds of the. Soldiers'Home et Quincy ras sdopted. Mmr. Lppînct ras tiie first matros of tih oaead as sucbà ensl.sred herseif ta the nid veterafis living tiere. Neariy $2,000 bas been col- lected by the lomates of the. home, and ibis action oCh. relief carps assures the 5flccest of tie proposet! cottage. The. retiriug pretîdeut, Mrs. Fia Miller, vas presented wiu s silver tes net and a diamant! ring. Tbe eloction aoffflicers resoltet! ae fol- Iowa: Preuident-Mrs. Mary E. McCauley of Oiuey. VIe-e-Premident-Mrs. Elle A. Scrsgg of Aurora. Juniior Vlce-Mirs. Garnie T. Alexander of Belleville, wia receivet! 161 votes ta 08 for Mr a.sggle BuilIngtan of CiI- cago. Treasurer-Mna. Helen F. Bristol of Qnlney. Cbapiain-Mrs. Elsa Fsrmer of Faru- er City. Tva iiundred andt! hirty-four delegates wre.present. The. foiiowing offilcers ver. electet! by the. Ladies of the. G. A. R.: Presidet-lira. Amende E. Hardil, Chbicago. Vitce-'resident-M ra. Cbarlty Nichai, Gaîva. Junior Vlcet-President---rs. Olive Est- over, Chicago. n. O. cacinAlf. admîltedt! thue bar, but leit is praelic ta b. a vounuteer n villa lbe &W ant! Foi Indiens. I rai in 15li tasho becamnenediton. lu that yephe fouri& ci the Shawneetovn Democrt, baIl dà aoî gir. Up bis legal professioni. He 10* a part la politici, mut! trou 18M0 101.84 ron a memben of the Ihil elilalue. lu 1842 h. ras clectedta teCongresà, ast ai tie beglnning of lie civil nsr recruli ed the McCbernant! brigade. President Lincoln mat!, biip a brigadier genersi et vlunteers. He van au tie imtle ai Bol mont, and ai Fort Douehion bh.ecou- manded the igit ring af the Fedenai urmy. la Marci, 18t12, b. ram made la THE ILLINOIS GRAND ARMY MEN MEET AT CAIRO. 'hier. bnve iieen a fer changes sincethe ae*enans fuilonet! Grant ta lhe historie trer town, but thIl"boys' are es yacug ai evWs," Houa. ai 10 o'ciock W.dnesday niori lng, with Deparînient Commander Powell lu the cbair. Aftr prayen by Cbaplain Ayîiug ont! a solo by Coi. 0. B. Kuigit, tiie cormuttce on credentisîe neporte! tint ai delegales entillet ta eata in lie convention bat! icen giron badges. Com- mnder Pow-ell rend bis annunl report, ici rus very long and! touche! upon pensious, womefi's relief corps, sBons of reterani, the soldiers' and salons' homo il Quincy ant! otier matters. Atter commîiuees an nesoluious and officers' reporta rere appointot! Col. Jas. A. Sextan, ai Chi- cago, in a short but cloquent speech, pre- sente! Commander PoWehi niti s goît! medal an behali of tbe Department ai Illinois, ta ich the. reipient mat!. s partment presente! Adjutant Genai Bplnk nut a golt!-beaded cane. Blectian af 011ee lu lh. aflernoon, choie of oficera ras tiret ln order. FQn commander, P. C. Hayes, ai Joliet; W. G. Cocirna, of Sul- "vran, and! A. L Bebîmpff, ai Peonla. wre ndmnated!. A balot ras takea, but be- for. lhe rate conît! b. announceed a dele- gale tront Gaheshurg succeede! ia geîting a motian liraugi for lie immediate cou- slderatlaa 0ftute place for next yenr'a mucampucot. Naa'ulating ile nt limîtedt! ta ve ulautem. ant! Gal.bung, Daurlil., Belierîlie, Bprlngdield and! Joliet wre placet! beipre lie convention. The order af business thean ererte t t the questian ofthe commnnderahip, and! lb. final ballot ras announcot!a toilons: Scimpif . 1... 0 Scatteng . 2 Cocinan...158 'Hayes ........36 Toal ote. '1..65 Necesaary .... M3 There heing na choie, lie convention proceededt! t take a second! ballot, nblcb r.snlied: Cociran...183 Hayes .........60 Schrlmpif. 168 Total rote... . 3M Neary ..179. he rote ton next Feaseacampment rosaIted lu an easly, rctary for Galesborg, as îftallera:- - - Cbapiin-Mra. Mary E. Kuhh, Chi- cura Trensurer Mns. Nollie Underwoot!, Chicago. Counci aiAdminiotration--Mn.Mary Scout, Chicago; Mns. Mary Frost, Au. nana; Mr@. Emma Adamis, Centrabia. Delegates ta Nationsl Convention-Mrns. Elmira Springer, Chicago; Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald, Cicago; Mra. Charles Page, Annota; Mns. Jeunie Millet, Aurora. It rained hart! afternoon ant! evenlng, wbicb detractet! tram the succesuaif ie neception aitih Hailit!ay Hanse. Dur- ing the evening I'csut!ent Fla Millet ai tbe Wonian's Itellef Corps presenuedt! t tbe naval branch ai tie Grand Ânmy s Union jack ai bine uiik. fketch cf W, 0. Cochran. Wiliamu G. Cociran, the. fierdepant- ment commander, ras hotu in nousCoun- ty, 0., an Nov. 13, 1844, ant! nîti bis parents maved ta Mouhtie County, Ill., lu 1849. H. reeeived a limibet! educstian and! ras ralset! on a farta, quittlug nank ta e'ulst la Company A, 126h Illnois istantry. He ras musteret! out on Aug. 5. 1865. He rasinlathlbArmy oet h. WVest. .Afler tii. rtbcereturne tabthle fiM, tien read iaw, and! ne, aduittedt! t prao- tioe la 1879). He ha practîcet! ever aIne. at Loringlan aud Sullivan. He rais eleet- et! by the Republcans a member af tbe Illinois Houa. of Repreneatatives lun1888 aut! again lu 1894, and! vas speaker ar th. apeclal Worl's Paitrsnssion et 1890. Hu ina aMasos, au Odd'Feion. ant! heu aIrate been a Metiodist. He ii mariled and! han tir.. so» nd aa Iradaugitena. The. Other Cg.t!idates, Prouinent amoag those proîtose-! for commander wre. ten. Atklus, af Froc- part; Albert G. Bebhlpfe Peorla, and Goa. Hayes, of Jeliet. Gen. Aikini' van tocaord le excellent sudis cltizenshlp record lun iuiiont a spot He rabot-o near Elmira ln 1M8, ant! came te liv, lu Ilinois rh.n onîF 10years oIt. He liv" 1 an hia falher's tanm until 1850, andt lin npprenticed bimiebi ta icarfi lie Irade of prnuing. Later h. turned 'Iptopr)etor, bought lie Mount Morrin Gasette sut! then establisiiedt!he SavannÉ Regisben. He sindiet! Ian, IDChicago; and! InISZ1850nu to Freeporltaépractic e. .atumpe thlb 8Stte for Lincoln, enlistet! as a prlrate uldier and! rose te be a brigadlet genonal. go mar..hed te 5k usa with major genensi eud led a division aI 8la& lob. In 18WH (Jon. McClennant! succeet! et! Gon. Shermuan as commander et tue expédition agabuat Vicksburg and! cap. turet! ArkansaPosu. Ia 1891 be '*msaa meaben 0f theiUtaVracom mission, but laIes by lie bas taken no part la public f.. Peuaint a Bernsina Oseile, Coit! lu menoiy a relative tenu. The resident of Bseuil-tropIcal couatniem ahiv- ers nlieR the thectoometer fallu tao 6 degmee., niilhe the Lapimider and! ne- qulmau n lk itlai coutortable at sere For ruaI colt! and! plenty of It, ou» mui1gt0 o t he polar reglous. Tink ai living nier. ithe nercuty goes dura tg 35 deguées belon zero ln th.ehanse, la spite 0f the steve. Of course, la mach a case,.tfin garmieals are piled on natAl n man looki lîke a great badie et skias, Di!. Mons. af lb. polar expedtoa e « IBlT-'6, among atiier oddt! tiog, uld us ofthie effeot af coud on a wax gandIs hIli he burnedt! ler.. Tie temp=er&- tur. ras 35 degres belon semo;a;nsutle doctor muni have l4een eonsidorably di> couraget! rien, upon looking &t il» Candie, he disceveffl t the -û» bat! ail It conit! do te keop wnrm. Il rau secoldt laIlb, Ome Conît! et melt al lie rax ai thec udIé, but W«a faoed ho eut nei ray demn, Isaving a srt ai akoet i fthé maille staat!iug Thiene razu isIesugb, honGrer, Io meIt ot!dly ahapel hiles lu lhe 11Wt' Wall@ et, wx; and ti testaIt ras a il bonUtifu ilae-Itkb,ë~i, erof wbte.. wîth a. tangueotfyeu W4Me hburmlpg . luside 1t; and semalug et mb tthe da*,. DeÇs Many itteaka ort lIght-..Popnlsg Mettes News. Alutnu inCommosco». Aluaninnan tth le amount aol pounda ras uaed lu tie United! Bt In 188, andthie prIe. mas $» &a BY 188819,000 Ponda mdiaine 1 used andth le price batdlmpped th. a Pound!. Tiemeaf er tii. prie. tM* lt!ly to Ç i 5 fl g>0 19 hli IM2 The . arerage pnice lait yen! ont ho ran sway fraubo w enlist. 1epealedly rejected ! IJO»U L.' bis age ent! suali stature, hfi@ aihP lnto the. Twevnty.slxth M!s.wls lin-, fantry as an offlle's servant. At »Wv Madrid bc dîsobeyed the. arder ta staritu camp and %vent kltlng inua the flght lh e ngaged en any afi tiles uDtîl be Ir" capure bytheConfpderates end sent té, prsotnr. byle wbonorabiy diichargU6 ln 186M. Gen. Hayes là one of the. early settleM of Illinois. Born ID Connecticuit, b. came at au eatriy age taIlulînol, 4aUdt hb ise- enta settlot! an a tarin la La Balle Cerna- ty. Young hayes ras a student lan0Ob", lin. Ohio, rien tih e r oka et uf a eallated lantic 103id Ohiareglaflt BMd beeie a captalu befone e raWS msts" out. Bloc. the. nar h. hbu «940o ini journalies. boserai vNcClrassul Shetel" major Geaeuui John AlssadM« e. Ciernant! ram the Most PLectsrsU j at the bilg encamptuent. Ii.aln ode~ nov la bis eîghty.foutth gOar, in a w era among reteras. Ho in a produet of Kentucky, a iswyer, s journalltb«t mont tb.reugbly a saldier. Hlm y.mtki ras passet! an a farua lu tiIs 8W., la nbimhbu h$ peut bis 11l ies mb '*às4 yenre oit!.fis educatton rai gl817hM" la the comuon achools. la lmho e

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