Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 May 1896, p. 8

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-rN LAKE COtNTY,- TO BUY Lumiber, Coal, MiI-Feed, Farm Wagonsy, Buggties,: :RTYVILLE, ILL. tsupply your wants ln .. Agriculturat I mpl m-ents, Grain, Seeds, Limeo ran ue Ec Always get Our Estimate Before Buying You r BuiIdinÏ Material. WRIGHT & SON'S, LibertyviIIe, 111. f~ar Imlements, LUBERTYVILLEs ILLINOIS.* Five Kinds of Corn Cultivators. Key Stone Slde Delivery Rake. Bradley Horse Rake. Clipper or Triumph Mower. Buckeye Mower. TimhBneè F ish -Bro's-, Wagons and Trucks. Staver and Abbott Buggies an dSurries. Vombination snd three spring Wagons. Drain Tule, Lime and Cernent. L.umber, Lath and Shingles. b 07 UeMiiel j>.. oe~ aOE SWise. 09 h. IL 5m.ILUM. P. . U. 0800c Fit. 8910 ,4 u 1!x Iole 9- 1 aS $0s .... PrIew 1ev ni 919 soi 1214 026btojDiss 48 6.14 a 22 100 10055 à1Do 12 M 09ol45n.....8ô36 1240 Loila 9 51 il0m 5au 1208 GOnG 5DOUTE. a. M. à.UM. &. P. Ml LakeoYilla l 26 7 35 i Bolrs ms31I 7141 InT. I g Iteeor 441 802 il2au dos Leithtq n s4 61 07 12nU sU Pmane<lev 84 m 15 125m 61u 4atsie 9601 8521 les 421 Clileego 30 144 47'4044 *Dally exeopt Sunday. a stop ouly on sIgna. Around the County. WARREN. Fine growing weatlior., J. a. Breachor vas a Chicago visitor Wedneaday. A. L. Wilbur was a Chicago viaitor lr*t Monday. Mrs. G. Odeti ià entortalfling a sijter from Chicago. The orchestra met at W. 8. Pnlce's Thursday evening. Chai. Tuer ventl~tii Chicago, Wodeesday wlth a caloàd-of stock. Miss Millener, of GrMad Croaang, vas a guest of N. Lamb and famtly last veek. Harlow Combe, of Waukegan, at- tendod the May party at Orange Rall lait Frlday eveniug. Mn. and Mrs. James Wilbnr are visiting finonde and relatives ln Rochelle, Ill., thia veok. Lyn Woolley bai a fine nov vboel, bougbt of J. R.Braoher. Give trima cail if you want a gond vboel. Welimderstand one o! Frank Rook' little boys lu quit@ Blok vith lnflam- ation of the bowele. We trust ho vill soon recover. Mrs. Frank Shepherd entirtained Warren cemtery eociety lait Wednoi. day afternoon. The eociety vill moe at Mrs. J. L. Swaxer'a June 3. Mrs. Phbeb Day. vho lim been visit ing ber sou E. J. Griffun and othoi relatives and finonda bore tho pasi month, retarued to ber nov home Ir Nov York lait veek. (Left over from lait veek) Win Üy~, of Chicago, visited his parents Sunday.. Miai Mande Jefferi visited fionda la Evanton recently. Misse Viola and Lillisu Phelpe, o!i Chicago, are visitung at Mn. Bilas Wights. Mi» xElvia Gillmoreo bnla onking in Chicago viaited ber parents at thits place recently. Mr. N. D. Prats and famlly, of Lake Foreit, roturued to thetr sum mer cottage bore lait veek. 18inesAnnie and Lizie Nicholas formerly 01 thi place, nov of Chicago are visitiug inonda lime. Mr. J. B. NcClery and family, of Chilcago, have retuned te their aumoer reaidenco at this place. Rey. A. Hamilton, paitor of tbe M. E. church ti nov enjoying a well eaued vacation visitlng relatives and ionde lu K"09a& RBo. Mn. Lolyd presceeaduring bie absence. The Ladies Aid BoietY held at Mrs. Taylor's vai lartlelY atteuded. OlhIceni ver. elected for the euing year. rThe eoclety le lu a flourishinug cOtdI-1 tion. Mn.. Stepheli Druce is presidont. Bme are absolutely painless wbeze DeWitt'e Witcli Razel Salve ln prompt- ly applied. This staternant ila mue. A eretbremnedy for skin deseas, cbpe ande anid lips, and nover tfaile to cure Piles. F. B. Loveil, Lib- ertyville; G. C. Roberte Wauconda. ROLLINS. Il. Edwards and M. Kepple were et eNunda Bunday. Mr. and Mns. loyston Mcl<enzie, of Chicago, visited relatives here lesit 1,owek. a Mr. and Mrs. Will HLnilîton, O! Chicago, viglted fis parents bore lest voek. et at ate a bere f as Ellsbeny. Ono o! Elsry'of bos had a bOnonfn vr. ch rs ubsla upone ofe whieh lioesulvbl b vasingnaemie o near by. Tho May Partygivon by the W. P. C. va8 a grand auccesailait Friday evon- lng t range Hall. Prof. O'Connorm orchestra furn*ibd the munie. Ice cream n sd lomouade wvas eeved ho those vho wished and aIl soemed bout on having a good time. N. E. LIBERTYVILLE. <Crowdod out lait veek:l BooD, to M. aud Mrs.J.A. Gallagher, a son. last veol. H. Fincutten in draving gravel ho Lake Forent. C. Gainer made a flying trip to Ra- cine last Nonday. C. R. Sage and vife have moved into the impson bouse. M. West, 0f Waukegann visihed fieudu lu ibis Vicunity Buuday. Sheldon'a lumber bec et Gurnec last Frlday. Mns. iilbard, of Chicago, who lbas1 been vislting ber sion retunned home Mouday. Lait Friday, M. end Mlrs. Jooep)b GerWood weno called to Chicago to attend the fuanerai of bis brother-in- 1ev, wbo vas accidently killed by the cane. A littie 11, iben a littie pill. The ill la gone theo pl1bas won. DeWtt's Littlo Early Bisons tho littho pillé; that cure great Dis. F. B..Lovell, Liberty- ville; G. C. Roberts, Wancontda. WARRENTON GROVE. (teecivp,<l too bte for Wlait n-k., Jno MeCorrs bas accepted a situa- tion lu Chicago wlth Swift & Co. Miss Finnoy speut Sunday witki fionde li North East Lîbertyville. Mn. and Mne. E. J. Carrol pent Buuday vith fionda at Gages Lake. H. Langhny Hutchinson la the happy posseesor of a nov horne aud buggy. Meuers. Muihaîl and Donelly vure iu tbis vichnihy on business lest veek. Mrs. Doulin bas returned ho the vity mter spondug a veek wltb ber sister hore. Johnuio Broher kad theiif.rtune to blov hhreco f bis fingers off with dynamite. Mn. and Mns. T. Moran, Jas. Clark Jr., Mesrs. Bidingen and Jackson vero gueshs of J. Clanks Suinday. ME COL Easier said than done sometimes, but weG are prepared to furnish you with SUMMER CORSETS, SUMMER UNDERWEAR, SHIRT WAISTS, STRAW HATS, PARASOLS, HAMMOCKS. Elegant patterns in percales, Iawns and other fashionable goods for shirt waists,, and dresses......... .. .. .. . . AIe are selling lots of bicàycie sundries, VVsuch as Sweaters, Balil earing Bicy'- cle7Shoes, Belts, Golf Caps, Repairs, etc. Long Grôve, Ili. V. SAUER& BROO.' GO TO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FORI >B Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, >P î4 ~PERFUMERY, SOAPSI COMBS, > SToilet Articles, Books and Stationery, Dye Stuifs, Gluss, Puty, R PAINTS, QILS, VARNISH ES. Family Medicines axdid 1'ysicians' Prüscriptions carefully COnipouId(ed at all lionru. 0 ods Carefuly Selected. Ony thie Bes. tbF *e Fred Croker.. 5Suits From $1 7,.To$4O A perfect fit guaranteed. Cali and see my samples. Repairinq OVER BANK, yeing Libertyville, Illinois. E ~I" M. and viited their on Z > < William,et Gages Lake.Bunday. BRIGO.XL B ~ ' z G . F in c u tte r a n d G . a n d B . B e k m a n <Rece ved o La ie fo r la it w . . M L _Ms Jh Hteinvyil 0 M. Guerlu had a barn-raliig lait Frd evan asl regin IL ~~~ o ,~~ n ~woek Wednesday. I1h la afine:hsrue-reoty Wacnî,l t z> 24teriopos. Elfern- M n oMn an Missanolie J.N.' Gilbert. of Wauconde, nmas ail weddin of eCAN'T BIE EATr- Monday ho attend the vdin fcahoT ai Barringtou, Weduesdey. orf Mr. eud Mns. Bon Wagnor. J. D. Lamey aud George Maiirnî- VHS PASTEST STALLION IN NORTH- No414lu ianluls ACORNERS..-b.-dingervene Wauconda visiitort? Beînlav. No 44 inRandQUENTINSca CORNERS.,gis Dr. Lyle and B. M. Lolt went flisfi-. by NILLINOIS ho-r. lymouthIl. ,l <Cre < i <,S A I>AISI* EHN ILLNOISy1<r Ar dhy IL. IH. Pooer. sBrn.aSir. (Crd ded out luit week.J ing and actually eaught one Islîh r. ASK FýD sunii if isiack-hewk "13$*ssre of Ethai.Ur emnuaebada wr lant emm Rmanel s long. ir ' ~ Alliir2:2%. Damn by Stalight (Pacen) 2:l73sOr frs enhr t. 'Kln-EmaKmati io iln teA K O . sou of Mu Kay horse g2m; mond <dam (p«<-r;i ng cornueai eent by Kng Parao, (poerýstreof RI.11allposition lu Mn. Piugges aftone . NhIlicI, by King ale<har8adoaethefr eo 11IIal Mn. Fred Kropp la having kils dweil- MiessFrye recently remdgnied. "fr\ agra<sI"ii s i toan llen. cf Ing bouse rpine Littl h yuold Lauin er bii.k-tawk. W. Baker lias houglit a nov two foîl frntm a two itony wvlîdîîw lireakiiiîg hidiihWghtIs' 1100îcC.aliîfchn. <iliIIiseahed family carniage, bier leg. Sile n apidly ioiproviig. I,<hutud, str gîsldu<aîi<<r..0rbaýe bal dance lest Satunday Atu h oî erd uro n Blis odanclsai îw .!onilnlgÀ ..i.ol nîglit vas poorly attendod. Geo. Stufewhoe!er, dll dThursila.3 au n idai lrge air.! Ilanth<d sho w'great îsî.e-i. F. W. Nlewo f t-~..l ho Fishîng and 41cycling parties are morning. Ho wlll bie adly misvd hîy lfoi nier owner or Mtirilgbi t saa"I -.artedbcongqieumou.alrtkcvh. lii ai in do) thrdfs uiiàngdiila n i. Dur- TElaiecornet band vili !iîrnish lic Wlim., ai eundt Àl beoho J. Q . W EIi. ilfiitknw i".NER S&NS iîg<urcs i startu-d hlm ag il u-hiuse at Palatine Decoration Day. Wlim Hl iirtin( r nulrt ones u.Fidl 104!. toi..ïists h tot Jo,, ond ,Fdai :4 bu asa2:044j; jiaiMr. Conrad Beîp, of Chicago, la boe r olwieoleîil rk i future:1-,Amet asawjomp. Ho la il irst <lis . S i-i-P- (bnîil2:iit.:LinMo- Curie 2:4' ;o spend one week visiting relatives painter and peuple ouight to leuwla Wlhkk Rus-el2:6 sud thor gin.) ini-i. adodnLtbr.hlpn ad <as with thuso horses lie mail.- bsi reord. adodnlkbr.hllgbu.-i~ ~F ih aHe- has pawod miles on tue In 2:.4. He has Bone !armore are complaintug about Misa Delta Gleeson neturnîc froni h ih Place DNIGH ~sred a fcw cots tri Mssouri aîi]t1 ook for the euh vormes doing lots of bm-m sud4-o 1I!~~~~~H T, suleo! tlem tggo In the <w.. t w.nty-flyoSude thi hm go:e Wyeejut:ytOtrYle thelre H tsa o ulrPrc s RCR .173-4 list or botter this rom. ase reiport lots of ebinch bugs agatin athe cit ecehyileof r the aIe-Y-. RECORD 2. on.Ttenddthwedd ing o lae! betrther. 1ne rs$1 5.00 ta masure live Colt. Breeder wilIlois hold for Theasoni' Corners base bal oThe vreddine oke rilhlher.-~B Y Tuisrvlc9eee ofail mares ds e f at ter being bred. .-te-oaYedLake Zurich heammlatit f thnieMse Fnrynl<eMiute The latest styles in Straw or Feit Ail colts ta be settled forwhefl10Odaqsaold. RSudlhaielt tvOnrhyoume rnd.Cuhue;saytl le I C. A. Appley, Owner. o! Quetiu'a e rs ne lcasih. o ur Rvrspuchaorefo atsa op lrPrc s VIE TVLEILLINOIS- iXLK.Btter medicine; btter regult; botter Mise-Mary Tveed of this place tny 1. F, B. Loveil, Libentyville; G. ___________________________________________________ isihed vithi bo cousin Mns. Levis C. Robents, Waucontia. _____Lobdell, of Grant lest vook. A numbor fnom thbi place attended CUBA. the funerai of Mn. Peter Cosaman, cio! elp o at o if vý. e' COM BINATION Rollins, on Bnnday elternoon. The ~ tI atw-. FFER . .. .reoains vere Interned lu the (latholie V. E. Davlu madi a tynp h o F1 M o _______________________ omtery uh thet puace. bis wheel. y The FY" Lake comtery association Mary ONeil rettumned honme fnein the W£ OFFER FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY met viMn. L. W. Rovlng, of Lake city recontly. LreV reyi bv tbt trs THrE CH-ICAGO INTER OCEAN AND faivith enfnienduTlu <lits Large Varety ity n at.Bv FA Oh S os, -. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ... the socity 'wi be - witli NmL B* J* Mary and aura ConntnoY bave ne- APTAKISIC OR B F A O G O E ,à,îgromarkably lmv figure vben ,clubbe(l" on ordered togethe« a .Acrdia ~Zl I,<><~nviationo h bi hm.____________ May 28. A oial ivttin Misses Muraia'ero the guosîs o! C. NQ !G a sS e lui csuadIdpodn,îyer-p~ Busy people have no Urne, and Davlumand !emily Sundey.NO I EG rs e d deiilepopbihvsn iclnaio h rale, 01rhicaguontenteiniiigleaïd leai I " ~ ~ ~ ~~4 6use a slow nemedy. One Minute hemse'Rto !Ciao lvn pic aey<i rS h tWo--l m oa BuladAy Inter Ocean and Indopendent I ea8fi36 Cough Curewsespnomptly and gives Mn. Wm. Doules. of Barrlngtoni, tauiant in t] e Old liaiii iiid pebrmanent resulta. F. B. Love», Lib- calîod on in nl Cuba Mondey. ing u M\ilwatukc- Atv., Lib- LL iNPns OF ertyvlllo;,Çk. 0. Roberts, Wuomda. Rob. Renoldson rexuqved bis fenuîy vityille, 1I hcrtqy si(cit tlut Pure Clover Seed, Tirni O e nMCorremondiflt*. fnom Chicago ho bis ferm lu Cube ne- patronfige of the public. othy and Red Top ali pendent$s04, IFée1ing, 1 àdiislf0W1!. Qatmulbmtouryoltng people LUNCh1 E RIVEI>and'Hungai an Seâ4 Va are 4leainotheobill garniecornes- oouriyh ttenodte bll amoaI akgk1~ob T 4L ioi;~ ~ In season. Try P. 1r- u~Ilçm - - liq- . 1 1

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