]MÊLA ýPýw1r7 ?" - "' "V-' M Rs Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, June 12, 1896. $1.50, in Ag * IEEETVILLY LODOE, No. 492. F.i Aý. &j. Bsguar CoUinUncatUoff2nd &M gàturdajiof1each moptb. Vsiing brter doadl rweleoned. W. LNM. X-E, . I. I. Baovi'. S * Dr. Charles Galloway Office over Love il'DrugStor BOUES n1 ITe 3 A" à 6Te S P. M. LibertYville. - Ilinoi kDr. J. L. TAYLOR. office over Trlggs & Taylor' -HOUS- 7tet 10 a. m. 2 te tand a. te 8 P. m. Rýeidence on Broadway opposite Pil Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVS. X0035 MLL S A. M. 1 ro 3 ANDTI) 8T S Speclal attentioflPald t" the trestmeflt of Chronac P.henmatis Rockefeller, - Ilinoi O. F. Butterfield M. D.9 VETEIRISA.ýIIy SIME<iN LtnrmiTnvlLLE - - - tiMet': Triuis& Tylor Bit-. UmsLULU M. S. PENNIMAN a - TmuHEH Or - VOCAL AND A LOO SaLIIAi ...mIui......ELOCuTIel Uàbrtvll*. Illinois- D.E. H. SMITH, DENT IST. OfficeovOF Lovolil'sDrugBt' 80OUUI 8t 12 a.iM. ad 1 àP M» DI Libertyville, Illinois. mise M. ALICE DAVIS. Oaadwkie of Amricen Coval Of muits. - TAHEor - VOICegCUILTURIE AND HARME Uibertyviile, Ilinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN, Attorimey and Councellor at L NOTAAY PUBLIC. ipela ttcî,tloflgivea tu Cefleectîc O>ffice With Lake> Countw Bar Libertyville,' Illinols. john J. Longabaug NOTÂHY PUBILIC- Real Esiate andti nsurence Aget Loa" anid Iareetauelmi ai ufe ru Agemnt for .Nothb (erman Loyd Si sbip Line. Grayslake - M-in, W. C. Reeves. m'yslcîafl sud surgeon. Office at Hardens Hc and one door Sou h cf PIofofj Rockefeller - lMin UNION HOTEL. WHEELING - ILLINOIS. FIRST CLASS 0-r ... Half-way H ose. Betweeil Chicago sud tie I cyclîsts Headquarte Gjood accommaotitifions for grav John Behmn - - - F LAKE COUNTY B"iA NK... Wrlght, Parkhurst & LibertyvMll, llinois. issues lnterest-Beai Certificates Payai on,.Demand. NOW IS -HE'T! TO INVEST IN LA? DIT Do yoîuvaut A LIGHT HARNI yoîs vîlI soôuu need Fl>' Netm Morsie Coven. il you travel andi noed a Tni Valise, or anyihi[1 u nMY1 GIVE ME AÀCJLL. A A oa. W.ddinur. ANNUAL CONFERENCE WARRENTON GROVE. ' v ah The marriage 01fUm Ida Alvira Wn. Clark is at homte for a few dys*~ A ru Brynt, of Ivanhoe, to lMr. RUs-se) The. Lake County Congraigatloflai Win. fater gpent a few days ln Chi we e iina e, of Lake Forest, vas a Churchos Hold Gaelson. cago titis veek.________ -most pleasant and enjoyable Occsionl, The Annal Co uference ýof Lake Ml.gsrg. Geo. aid Herminn Hutchin- the. marriage ceremony taking Place conuty Congregational churchea Cou- son spent sunday ai Druce's Lake. y»on lionclay aliernoon June 8, 1896, ln 'ened inluIvanhue in an ail days meet- Wm. Kennedy and a gentleman Grocery Departmfent. Shoe Depr ýre the Congregatlonài church ai Ivonhoe, ing Tuesday June 9. The threatenlng friend Iront Chicago are vlitiug fiers.. DII. Before the hour appolnted the weaiher kepi Rome avay aliogether Ater spending a fev veeks vih ber See what you can buy for We must close th chrc wm iledwih heMoY ndoter fou harin erl, utdaughiter e, liera r.Dunn bas ratura- $1 .00 OUR BRORS ARE AS GOOV"" 19- friends of the bride and groom. by nioon there wae a good enthualastie Daniel MeCrthy sud daughier Nel. 6 poiunds Qxùanulated Sugar Ille ON THE MARX='. Promptly ai tires ocioci the bridai gathering of tbic christian workerP le, of Wadavorth, speni Thureday 3 poand box Glosa Starch " OU R PRICES LO parti marched dowu the niole of the troua the diferent paria of our couniy. bere %vith the fuaily of Jamnes Bysu. i ni. tent Jajwn or Blac Tes 25C '.churcit to the munie of the wedding in the absence of J. C. Dazey, front Mi *0 Margaret and Mauter Thom"s i>5 lie oceand Java Coffee 19e Touilia Bugt Lace, aises Il te march as played by Misa Cora Dean. the mornîng session, S. A. Harris led Denon, of Laite Forest, are viating l.Pg uhmaCeau 8 arwtn n ieprpJ, ar hebid ndbid-roi wr he-Deoioa Srics" ain 8Ruld. 1 2 b.Fig. Golden Harvesi Break- Boys Narrow tee, lace, black, riprece<led by Little Ruth Wells and îhougbt for thec iour fr0111 the "trans- Mr. nid trs. Herman Schumiacki'fnt Fodnlt! s2li . aBuE he, eat Gladys Blacler who served as "1liower figuration scene.- This service gave wore ijiade happy by the arrivaI i ounce bottle Priles Ext of Lemon 100cMeule ies 6 tBhesilatent girls". Tih. happy couple were met a spiritual inpetils for the ciatire of a t.n pouind baby girl Monda>' 1 pkg. Corena Yeutoie7 irocl ie'.6 d oys1,a & ai lhe alter by Dr. McClure. PaBtor day. 1fotilg bar Lenox Boap oic Sîoes, vide tocs, fine eveiy of tfhe Prembyterlali cburcb, of Lake ThiePrbel fteCntyCuc A làtrgr number of our Young people 1 ponndi Bal goda Oic Shoe, vorth $1.75 and flU beutfu wsone npof te J. H.yCrhteattenieîithe party ai M. Gnerlua Bat-. on odre li ar oco u Forest, who by a simple Yet burdai u'. coing. Adver bypJeaH.ntrsud h pou argaod-rice Oic pair, to cloie ont imu and very lmpreuil"e service United Mir. CrouinV gave man>' g0od enjoyable tiente aila by ail. Total 31el.00 Buckle Plow Bhoes, good stocîk the two Young bearte and lives in the practical thoughia andI opetcd up ithe Albert Suhing met viti a serions AwTheme gooda net sold separately -U Mensa and Boys' Bicycle Bhoee b1S. holylbonds of mairinton>. The <ere- aubjeci for furihc-r diascuson which accident lest Tuesola> forenoon; vile mony over they mnarched down the cneeitoeril'bdifrt jumping on a boud Car the handie Every person purchasing $2.OO worth 0 oteraii 'rbc fon hehr t meber lo eusoition. dffretbroie, ltting hlm luon the rails,of othr aslewbeh ron th aterto emo--i,, th asocatin.the car passing over hlm and injuring this store, will receive FREE a round tnip tic the door wu& trevn ih beantifinl Tbc'n followed eof t he featitres bim sevgerel)'. He won taken te bis *floyerse enbleinatic of fthe beartiest o! the day. a'ijourninint for Millner, homtesaed a docior suinmoned, under onl the new TROLLEY CARS. beat vishes of ail the host 0f friends vhich vas served to aIl b>' the ladies whosp. cure lic la alovly recoverlnff. vin vitnesaed tbeir happy mairlage. 0! Ivenbioc lu the prayer meeting Ail oninovu man was fonnd vander- sois lîîg around on the Malroad tracits near l'bc bride lie a daughter oftMr. a"(1 rOlo the lic cbrch. The noon iotur the station Saturday. When ques. tir:. L. H. Bryant, of Ivanboe. She l important becanse 1f heoppor- tioned, lie gave evasive answers or re- 'A T W Y N N4'S, W aukega la loved aud greatly esteemed by lber tait>. fr idf feu te etcfused oit.reply. Me vas fondia litt man>' friends lu ibis comutllitit>1 other sud renev nId acquaititaflcesi later on fthe railroad bank lu a dying A C N .CO CIPR E& wbereshe an ben anactl" andalan o fot nevassolat11) . ondition, and before id could bieWA CN ACO NCLP CD > M. weresit ha ben a aciveandaise toforu nw asocatilim guninîted lie hreathed hie lant. No Theren <ais went f0Franc View Tbe board met ln spectll faitltful eristian varier among our Business claimed fthc attention pîîpers or noue>' was found on hie per- Monda>'. Tnesoday evenlng, June 9, vitk yourg people.. A sweci surprise to prontîy at 2 1). nm., durîmîg wltlcb son,.andI the otly mens of Idenifica- A. W. Rey'nolds rettîrocîlta) Elgin dent Avenu luinthe. chair. PuU tlie bridé, and one vhlcb site eppreci- timetheflc Itionuof offilers o io fla ~s a liante, J. Caimarked on Wdesa.present excepi DuBois. aî~ me e is shirt,le waxs sud Wednedanay.A petition 1> Gseu. H. Sciaa atdvery mnch greeied ber eyes as place, u hicb rcsulted lit the ne- apparî'ntiy a yoîîng mmoi. Coroner e.Hrno Rckflrwsigm11,sMpml* LcE. site eniered thme cburch wblcb bail election of Mn. G. L. Stevart, of Kniglit vas sîtmutoued and the. corpse bere Tuesday. petîtioner the. underaigned been mont beanitifull>' deeorated vlth Wamîiegan as Presîdeut and lir. J. H. taken to Weimgalt, viere au inquest Chas. Lusk, of Ivanboe, vas onOur 17Sebanoit, reapscifufy repreM -- hoîce lovers *'very largel>' roses" Cronîhite, of Rockefeller, ais ecroary, was heil. aireeta lionday. your honorable body, thai on gaîhrcdsudarragcdan as tie baft~enexL. B. Going retmrned front Valpar- day of JuIy, 1882,lie being gahrdadmagdby the lnving ad i asd'cded ttte et o certain real esisie ln hadao!be ong ad rlnd. hemetngvol le el l ocefllr DIAMON D LAKE. aiso, 1eni Friday.oft bnldgroou laoneof ie prmisng î ~ *~ tcIlool ciosed lest Friiay. lr.Iurge ia the guest o! Mn. and of Lîbertyville4 cauaed thema ore en orei, ie Ms. rnef Bovai. lmrnng lia' me. lirbeplmted, ltai lu socordanee younogromJ oee vtepoiie an 9 r. retBlw alerigtoMs in abe.i u agreement viii M. H. Beavey, 00eYun e f LakFoet hrlie Then folloved a excellent address ride a wiî iie H. liaiman vas lu tbe clfy o u Penniman and A. G. Fler,t bL. an won the respect and esteeni of ail on '.Fcllovship netflie Churches" b> Mrs. Mason and children are vîsit- iteailait Tuenday. Mlvaukee Avenue, vie?. IL. ho inov hlm. A reeeption vas H. B. Long, of Waukcgan. This ingwilli Mr. anîd Mns. Maxham. B.eC. raitof ihe ve ei avsi tefroaaipres ahonulrod b given to about seventy-five O! tbe addresa vas flill of good practieal Mîr. NI organ bais bought a nev buggy telias turi rorndtfe bt ua the wek formsi ate r ceniailae - fricudoataithe home of the brlde's suggestions sud brliogbi ont tie and.litartnessa nd tbe old horse ai An iio lit rd te er.h mîlvau te foAvenr shuld parensnt. hal!putbnhee ocloci. adaptabilit>' of fic Congregtioittl loulbtI ,iiite lost. broayfr ei distance traiith lothes mopTbe reception vas eonfined tote ~polif>' to pronnote ibis !ellowsbip. A h'" fielias i>en erecie<l around School cîosi 1mai Tlitad>oraptitioner platied, &long the'. riear relatives of the bride and groomI. 1>apellrqus ! h raictte ,clitl.,c. Mjc ieslanc iea Dorts acaion. nspn hi ( in bl fot ont2age rtoflo tirsud tirs. WeIls recolved man>' S. A. Harris, o! Mlîbtiru, tooi fthceppextrînilcl;y '. MItee i, i Snsa Dora hio! Nunda, apeut i lukeociAvnue, asu tiOt ONY beauif ni su vélinabe prenans from tnte alloed tel iReeiiisclceKiOf urnaentiluments at enhe lirs.ntW. tH. Pri W.retuilles teu ber tneier!lsn of lotdlot (1v)wu forty t liir hosi of frieuda. The>' lefi lion- Coni>' Coference.' ten>' interest- Rocieftîîec 'ltrcli. home iu Piano Monday. dlatance fromin he former day evening for a short bridai ttur lng points vere brougbt onf and n tir. 6teorgc Raya bouse la nearly Tii. Wauconda achool picnicedi on Raid Milwvaukee Avenue; tait after wblcb they viii return te Laie doubt there viili e a greafer iinfeneut onuplcft'd lic wiit have a in. lookhflg 1H11'8 Point last Friday. parties te the aloremid I. Frea, weretbc vii li etbore t luourCouny Cnfeenca a a ouse Nwi(n it is finisbed. lMr. H. McGure11apenta few da>'s neyer carried out hher-pa Foet.hr te ilb tîîuh oe eaitur nnyCofre s ntM. F'red Towuer bas been titimmng lu thiaviciitity remat>'. nnlniadiiy hv e Latheir man>' friends. A h epera .npfic uof hbilg irees, vl>li ,gvit a P. IL WMaa, of Waukegsit. vasOu publie sireei, offly te'* of Ivaniioe nuie Inwisbitg 5kW Mr!. The losîng addres8 vas given b>' us e tile ltftn vicw o! Leitoat. our streeia irai of the week. ublriy-three feet- eaaio! f an d u lra. Welles a long, happy sudmi ra. A. E. Larkin, o! Aufiot. itn uMn. 1P. Jorgenson alfer eigiii montha lim. M. S. Ford sud lmas uggies of seul Milwaukee Avenue prosperolis Ie. -Our Woni lu Armenia.' B>' sleelal t! faitfln servtice left for Ida home vere City visiter@ lest veei. mld froutage; beuoît th, k. rquest of friend a sic pnefeced le ial Waukegiin. MnîY -sucesa go viii -Mien Lors and Bai>' Harrison ne- M. Sohanck iereby petn WodenkPln.. geig îe om-hit. rn frointEveaten Frida>'. honorable body te vacea Wode' Pei.address byvi ga fwitems il-e ure and, lortyy.ne (4 ) feet * Tbnee cars were "aet in" at Liberty-, cerniîîg ber son Riaîpl, wlio Meut isit Mr. aeni Mrs. Heury' Jat returned Mlr. Jus. Norton, of Rockefeller, vwu seven (7) leet vd doun vil adon i uuc orie con-fa s n-soer'toTri>.tIs f romic heiy laf veei and are Bi n Our sireets lait Wedneaday. frontage o!faid lot eleven vil adoe tOme orteseoe flka isinr t ure.3 ls ivlin iiirîcn îew houlee t Dlamond Ms .H (21) f hcgmoeflydeci i modetion of peopleinluthisi. enediate Lar -in did nof dweli et lemglt on tlicj Lake,.is .H emmd !Ciao oeffydsrbdl d gh vîcinhtY wihmassacresd la ood Jevisiiîg relatives lu titis place. ordinance ibai tla ieretôio 310 1 hra mashsgsaatedcleres- o! Armneia toit chiose The danîce gis en by flieDiaDtoId olorvnofGaaaemdeu yupttoe w vr niens pieutc at Jancsville MWcdne8da>'. raiber f0 speai of the greet woîk keii lceaaimve Ciii, omi Tlinnsdm7of! Lone Grovhor, o! Grueayke iiiiau ou ett on H.iieBc ut. t et trelfotLbetvle u en oe iogteAieIlIsNeenly suxt>'coiuple.s ere pneaenimnd lMr. sud liTs. C. H. Gardinier are lioved b>' McGregor, cage. the>' report a grand tinte. eîoug ficheUe o! chitian seh'lioolsl a large nîmnben !nom adjoiniag tovus. eniertaliug guesta front thec ci. Gailova>' uhâi petition Ïbe teant- immense crovda front Illinois and sud college, alu ise tntehurclies anulThe club donc ifs hesi f0 make lte Tii. aumni banquet yl b. held lu Caried, ail voting la lime attnddsu toi aua-on usajn.lepe trî e v.'îinlg enjoyable for ail, eîud every- the Mt. W. A. hall lnaiead of Oakland. tioved b>' Gailova>' sudM Wisconsinateddadto ans le ue as I toign ef elplaethat ordînance No. 82 be los.ville b>' siorni. Ihi. esfhnatcd 24,000 one fon missio<ns inigeneral anîd Slîody lefi uH.cli pwleteaaed.ed peole erein ttneace.espcillyforthewok i Tukey IWednesdii>'o! lest wekwnaguut .of . F. one the trai;of te Ifvas moved ihat the olst 01 peole erelu tiecaice.espciîl> fo flc vn i Tuie>. ay for caustialifies. There ver. tvo veek. vali bc aiseriaimted, abattiilà Thte grand parade toved et 12 Ail wbo afteuded theccomfereut'e runiava>s. olme vas Mn. M. Andrev s A fev front ihis place attended the properi>' ou Milwaukee Ave., 6" 1 ocl4oci and if toni forfy-ilvc minutes fled liuîf if vas a good da3 o! cliistiaît teaut, woiing on fthe rond, beco 9UgM. W.A. inea aevleltWd cac mne o h ii te pain a given point, liaviug 3,3001 feliwsbilu, andtienbt greet good ýi11 sed ni flicth E. J. & E. train1and the i. a. .pcl i aevlelatWd eaci aaaedfr.h * otlpeople luhUe and 38 brasa bands. coîne b flic chtitchets participatiiig in Oheroie, Mr.John rsleof ae>'aê liMr. aud tirs. Geo. Wagner, Of Grays- Moved b>' Gailowa> and Colle There vas nu laci o! amusemenît, l, as a resîmî o!flice couferclîce. flic mili wagon, senttheflcencalail over laite, vere plessent callers Thurada>' board edjon. Carried. ili. te Ilparade of course bbeig flictitis district, and soîute merandifle. Ot1mai veei. Wtt. AB.umoRY, Olq featuire. Arfen dinner the exervîi'es t A pniitmîg office la conaiolencd 1»' The borne vere cemglîf lefone anY lira. F. Liner, sud denghfer, o! n ili hePar u h rz l ighlce ad helgin, visted lMr. and tr.H B o-Ordlflance No. 82. 1 'lI. i iîlflerre<li l ic-t te oî r os î plctd i ratrdneg a <>î' ulent Bunda>'. Aitordinance te vacate a poSim Corn Exchanîge clalnied lîmiterest, newspulîcr vonier a might>' bad xuzo.1 A lastory. .mesdames -.j. L. Pratt, H-edricks Mluwaukee Avenue or the Chi«agu whil crwdâ ttededthebai a ilatistidsIovr e ). !38 ot icta ofnt'1.il. Clilmen, anl aged rcfired sud Woodhouse were Chicago visitonslMiulwaukee road, so-calied la i Atitit' Iark, tbe race et ltme furh da . f ,90cnvct.ii h1att iinîister ni Andovcr, Coin., lbc. fraI of the veei. village of Libertyville. grond aîdçlsfe te p ise n- lae eiifefirfo!Texs tei nc ' t tinueft' h îirfeen ebultîrem.i le vas F.WnopIac wibbe ar Be it oordained by the Preaides Theproral o f ie e>'va us!tt t er r îtnens doc trns, bmkrbr u u 3ba lc nofi ington luain Elgin lest i îrdeY. Board of the Truateen o!flte v T EL. sorts. n lnier tiir ievapapel' tîu, bns, bul oute ' o teilot isti Bmingtons got beat. of Liberiyvile. Th rowaofte: asls o-Ijaliensi, poorwhrift' îandd irce children were alto horntu g Rss LJU Tidmarsi la expecfcd SzcTIon 1. Thot 911 thr- ~ 1ie . .f. h liiniheMw h ofthe noliil Wgels met -weei frointIndien Terri- Miflwaukee Avenue or the ChIeS0 <'e .. cotîka anîd iciilirs o! ail >rteiîsy cars tif ege lie, vifi l ima 4failmr's tory, viere aie bas been silice lustMilwvaukee rond, ao-celled l t licktt(Jii A..mer village of Libentyvilie deomtbM ers. eao secr. Mmtr .H Btjeud an cîiîTe intr o! lushid tuiîl>'. movcd frmniPrestotil tîNothi Mtbe.folovate vii: Comniclg « Ad&s rwlond..Fot....'m. q 'r .id c alne as eabese he nat dte o i siuîi ,,îSnuigoî ndbtîu lu cg. MmaBeina Spencer hms cioaed ber souti-vest corner o! lot elev e ot tvole lace riiit.dte toigtnaad eaie eroogh laiSp lae'5Lakte sud reiurned lu block tvo (2) o! Schsnekt Prop. o!flionsAtsociatiomihmscoriesltuethypocriteg te&ooket homenac Ave dal. Biebu h tu Lîbentyville according 0t fli Asocaton . Xa<Jnarb"b h stiui te >'ooif. thitlieen cbildreu. Dmurng flue va beeinengaged tote teithe primarYt>'iereof recorded lu tshee Crawforl .à ccI'Y ht'ouesuil ivncue t ivse 130l entîfgold deparimeut ot the Waucoiida seboola office lu Lakte Couni>',fla* o!j t»,,H , u1 èÎ Cîîîi à o ! >*i'. îw. wold.eecilt o lbetrie f rout the fttloss- 1bonds. alhlie d et thaf fitnît. and lie colmiii achool 'ear. booki-"A" o! plats et pq 801 A., BrePni ['e, III. ing: "illirýe weeis ugo ai Flslîn's Inlten, gting to AWilTRANanficandftei lIt- Speh..... M i. frs. Jtne's'ii'- Corner, lieuxrOttawa Laie, tirs. Chiarles erease bis invettent, bie found a ne(4)t s2nth « .on ................ .Mae %nrtette' Ail Mîa liai A5 t ine00(49thefeele aiongAUtheN BuSITE ....................... y BnudConsfoci gave blrfh to acvec uldrnt. mlnirvobdja 130nftemne TO AKGSsielt io t he norii-v.st~ 'fli nei piuicwil licbcilai are ntw livinig but fone anduthelc tîd !bndshich lhe purcitated. Ne ROal 0 tue Fegers If 4 ln tuereof, tience sonti el Th uitpene il c el eoe lnn f ons'oa ubd o! paut tri one bai! (81j) degrees W"s kelsu sti ahCog.reyah mftr î i enmuare dting veli.H.I d th.e goitiinteresi iritpaid tOn N el" becmin mre oplar Deflllisvhi imee ucr fuirgina nd lrece tots. lus bonds for 13 jper cent pnemuilini. ~T idor aud w f0 Clianies A sud one hall (8j) ige bcosieg morevif irw, ia ll e ie' pince ituietigt'd vifli sigbe' i' W' lieu ht e t elu f0AiidoSer lt iii c I~ ~ f liimihlmtlaîdule 49 leptea loit, bc eseSolwît and f0ha wllta Tu Wd .............e.... it ieib)tne sud nuea rn thintnrancl>faaecae Ottawla eLakie is abolit 19 niits froîmu uti flicpustoflice fan a box, aud t0 el FX LSaltdbUlvgtyoe ndon I Adbat ca ficOliostt he. fteu Ilreîf<dbt o.13sibdlttlîîWà....... tt es seven (7) lentla ,. drin, eartheOhi htte iii.-'iieii ilHantel ut o. 3 weiaIsn md wvtf0KariF M begning, be sud the am"s ~Ie awnSocal.Michigani Messeugen. sccured. Oit i.lsirst visif tothefic %nBwli 2145i aîtd 0 lcl5tiné vacated andi Closeils Ileptlitehnrch bc vas eated in îîev iiu5 its wol ............' en sd ftbePreident of Tbere vilI be a lavu social u lit theJohaffo-a Prali andy fwto Trstff Autelilagte resideuce o! Robert Liii et Lei hton, Home Seekers Excursion. No. 13 b>' anushaer, sud bas ever Rbce Audl Sv 1 J To sie t Su v f a'tn 5 ahrb uhrflM Joue 9 audi( 23 iho Chicaigo, Ml- bltýitesaete , aititouginunt <'s WU ............................... 20ibebyahor m- .,î-,,e>'evening, Jue 19. heecrceamiwi e $Toe ndwt rne5-(0 makË, exece nfsdlfflut ani ak yl o t've ad n uier ankee l& St. l'uirailnoad Companyili' btvn'.11 beon removed. He funiliel' ctlu 45 vd..................... 225H. Scianek thee onae 0 ilM cakeug poglla breda ue ntepep r - w iliisl[ excursion ttickets i one fart' reinaria ibat ie la nov living inonue F et tvls udv Hermami lands abuttil sMd IMEii'.,.t lIC 0! liii74* sud l. i fe5 th ialadiesoftifelicDiamonutiLaie M. E.frfu ou n < olf u tWî fh r. w%1ltae, u lt b bi 8alnsl m...f..H...a...prtio..!IliWIEe TBTEB. hurli.Eveyon uugedto ifetl. miniiesflta. Northi anl South Dakotat. nul>' ouut niyluthe.%tâte Tollaudî W.....................1700 deacrea qi lipolaaiI.'I Wisconsini sud f0 forelgu points. KSë mae u o! eX U 13 tyn tir. SentiErig.se1:et ai onofa Lae Asemby. aent . M & B. P.B. . Io Cbenliiiiuv OSea1 o! Re, nd W JuImisUi&fO Gorgeaitita kcubu Tiis odtsmoêi & si piRIS91 WMaDi Pnkvd141 invues~lnneeoAM isl