Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 12 Jun 1896, p. 2

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IM BUILDINGS xBeasoree thse base aro teo Coge Mmperer Boyards -vas excitati canai- baund buring vad- tu lime suburbe kaowui ni attsekulm apn et Gabriel, Oeiba a e alang .the buraingadajacent V*tr Tiiegoverutant etigtise id miitanj te Clege de Ailu "Gosses troum min- pr-valees ithifrasi OFtM tise oaI. Patriolic lla aaa, Cienfue' * parts ana ralaing prisenlta the gaven- Tic suiscriptian IfflêOO. Madrid ne- ;eiluars Aliauso reSptilîiarmet fat ~eanfartnight."tike Msp Local- *8e laom nfrouasHl m. yef s11 pant lu organizins .1E exweilions ta te un- oi Ccas 400 miles aouth- vie.h. believed ieh tff etmillilons ai Ireesure SMorgani la saidt 10have ltiCard W. Armstrong, of bas nov gant. oat ta sue ý'Tark anti Boston men, Who. ihsmain anti diacovomoîl the th le fondies, Armstraong ~s atau ait Spaniarti, ic bisda. Haeîinvitciifat e hW isdeahihattht. Spanieni bM hea batbeen ame ai Mon- 4" «a"a .Amsrang a tiras- je 1ian , hi viicb, lho sait, g.uud 'ho founi. The felîme 4,1expetiois sere 1111cm j falled firough figts anoul ;To yega a go lie iaiîcrestted 1*4 Bauton mes,c-ho hmeked lmi oi twelvë mou. Ton of Frow tisasse or wert. mmdor om4 anti another relurnod. iBs»a Francisco, Ar-tutran pt ai thetEaselrnunnoli &* expadillan n'as ittet atm: &am% oarti more lieu $20, OWt&*51 Longue. e ile standing ai the clubs k=1a Basebuul League: ~W. L.W.TL .'.25 13 Brookyn -. .21 21 1.16 »îChicago ...2,1 2I .27 17 Pitlsbnrg .10 21 laI 2 18 New York .19021 18I 8St.Lotulis ... 13'2 s.119 Louisvilteo 9 .t' 'Western Leagrue. gl 10ite standing ai tht. dll *mn League: W. L W. 1 ~2 13 libuecitlis .21 E S21 14 Miwatukee ..-21 2' l22 18 Columabuis .. . 17 2 .2D -17 Gut itimîs .12 2J ïItsdoao Cracksumen. ",-abbers farcedt heir wl 1 lunch roont 4G Dir t-t 9:W o'ciack Tuesa oeblatlig aut geggiug th attackedthtIevcultit s'anlleutred tallar 4Mthie-gteel taons sora 'asecapat! vth t hein Lootl Ibis lateal pioce oi crimne eldlMta 200 feel a tite bstree *Othie business district. bustCetarvardi SuaI. W«sbaotiog case, n ehiciu Ia l ven as the. vctinitla ;k; nt Boston. A fellowas- i 5aotile Cambridige lintu 1 aol e-tlie infornitiç '8a11GWvef iTeloto, OhD gth CieLavrenee Scicutti M t% bmSelf. lt le not kuow 4 ébootiucz vas aeidentai 7& Taus Lîfe-Savers. e#et Chiaheî ieatmfiedh ,oelie gnUlantry aois n1 et tic Aneae nccrslui ainvulg personaslu the r ~.*atr sesuîting freint ae Chang by presenliutg tua tUucia Sam's cru! v aliesau elaboratelye bigimlyeompllmeutany tes Basaand Bled. superlutteieul aithea MLii) paon fartn, poison, la tIse pateli, anti Is eai f heie lmateo,à tylug lu greal agi autride là Minnesota. via batd just ariv item Arizous, d e rasideuce, cviteie Ha vas qulle pno vas absent iron t Fro Armait; " Z. -comiisit thelb. t atpck. las sud elvator rut a!Armour & C., bai uat beau aust#ined. The camplaint vas tiat th Armour Elevatar COntPasu varebouses, "À," "BI' ant i"B Annex," were ragartiad by the ftrnt as one bouse aud that grain trangferrat front anc ta aiter vas nat inspectei lu pastiag or any iapection tes paidtet the board for tie trafser. At lie satintenIl vat bargedt litheUivarebause receipts wee redated se tint tha tradeni vie ad grain sltè t lere ad sti altinte tget Iti enta- ead nud 0 ere allged ta psy storiage. However, the saine charges againet Alia- tair L VaIentina, manager o!thie Armour systh or ievatars, veVe sustainetansd star a bitter aigit over thse question 01 puniattent Il vas decide telasuspend hlm for twanty 7ars. Tie disposition ofitha cases af tiec ntliiirle parkar Lud hii tiso sous vas casier ar acçompllsiment, fer ouly tira. directalis votad taefend tient gulty as ciarged lu tiecocmplalul if lie eommittea. But s verdict t holly exon- ersting tient, or, raier, deearbtg that thie cierges batd no fouiation la tact, vas praveuteti by Ibat ejentent la the hoard wiich le hostile ta the packer. RELlitÉEFUNU 8183,531. Decrease lu Numbel% of Applications for Relief ut t, Loasie Affaira ln the stonm-ridden districts oi tie tva Et. Louis cilles are takiug au a mare eheenimi aspect. Thea lest rush ion 3relief la avren, sud tiare la aidence oi generel Infiprovement ltu lhe condition oa, tornadeosufferers. Tiare la a noticeahie tecrease lu lie aunther af applications for aid. Tbe reluiefond has reaciteit $183,531. It al parla ai the lornada district bouses are belng matie habitable once more anti temoliabeti huiltilugsare gbeiqj rapldly rebulît. la East5 St. Louis thie ork af ratorutiau goes ou steaffiJy, aud there in una abstemntothti relief ecamnittet's vork. Mauy people compqeil- Qedte lilva lutenta until their temoliahed ehontes ara repaLreti are beeomlng accus- ftontet their uew enviroumauts. lit esaone places tenants lire in box cars. cTwo Soldiers lionoreti. g The Gettysburg battlefileit as the k scane Fitay o! Ivo impressire cetemo- ýr nies, thba Iraet n 10o'clack lu lie tarit- d lng, hing tbe tedicatian ai e monument r- ta Major Genenai George Gopd on Mende, - who commantedth îe Army oi lia Polo- 1. ina, andthle second the unneiling ai a ýr monument ta Major General Wiufield il Scott Hancock, wba coaumantet the Sec- 'ond Army Corps. The Mente statue vas ,d onveileti by Master George Gardon Id Meade, gnandson ai (ecieraI Meate. The )f oraticu c-es teireret Ly General David r-MeM. Gregg, wbo commandcd the. Second . Cavalry division etilGettysbnrg. George 19 G. Meade Poàt, No. 1, Department bt le ïIenitsylreiia, G. A. iR., prticipatet In t tbe ceremonies. Geerai Henny H. Bing- hemn, who vas on tiencrel Haucock's staff at Gettysburg, teliveredth te rcao et the unveliing oaitheo Hancock tatue. osTic ceramonies ai the day crere vitutesa- et by an immense tbroîmg fron alil part% of the. East, thaeuajorlîy being menthorioa 21 bte Granti Army aud other ptriotic &.r- Zi genizetions. The Meade statue la tl' 21 -ank of Il. R. Rush sud the Hlaitocà s- tatule af F. Edwin Elveil. Bath weri 11trausterredtot the Commonwealth al 32 Pcnnsyiveuia by licierai J. P. S. Gobinu Lone af the commission ad*ng charge ol their ergetîan, anti vere roceivet an hi heuai oftie State hy Gar. Daniel H. Ilasi L. Ooau rani Would Pardon. 19 The Pretoria correspondent of lhe Lon 21 ton Tmes says: "ProsMeunt Kruger ii 27 suxioca ta commute Ithe ti sentence 28 ioflie reforut leaders ta a icnvy ite, bu Jhe other piembers oi tbe axecuire cun cil objeet on tha grounti that tbe Gavera .y ment vouiti ha chargeti witb mercenar. Is motives. Tiey suggest that they sbouti ny be conîinet for fire yene in prison. Menui me lime, lie release oi tbe alLer reformer in han donc 1111e ta asîage the feeling oc r. the. Rand andtha p»rsans of Presiden an Kruger and Sacretnry ai State Leyts ni y. more caveinilly guerdeti Ly the. police Ibm ai aven. Thme firat fort on te bis mou th c ýt, Pretoria is hing nepidiy biilt unter th direction ofll Genînen military cugineer. Crnbwds t Budapest. ilThe grouînds af the Hungenian Millei oknis] Exposition lit Budapest vera tronl itu- cd FridaY veuh visitars tram ail partsc al Âustria-Hurfgari anti many froni otb tn Efuropean cointies andthle Unitedi Stae i10, altzated hi the. laaugttrsbiau ai the corg tii mouiesIeneclbalian ai tbe ennivrse: wui af tbe caronftlou otrKing Franc!@ Josepi or Wlfc Muierer Kent it eut angr. The Stîprette.Court ai Norh Dekot ai verruleti a Mlotion fer a nav triai in tl bscase of Myron R. Kent, the. Bismerç wyiie murterar, autdhacsril ha hangat io P" teespGov. Aluin lerfenes. Kent bas ba ne- tva trials sut1 et bth vas acitenceti1 ol- b hanged. gis tather dieti recently lera lat Ohio frot grief aven hb ~sau's crime. ut$- Loass for TornadaeSaiffrers eîî- At Sl. Louis, a movement bas beau iti- augunsati te raise a foti af $250,000 more tealad thone vie last tbeir hontes thiir efforts torebuàlit. At thea lnst mee Pe lng fPS,000 vas cautribitteti hiproir cati sntgbusiniess meus4and this vill bha aesuffers money os second Sportgage. ýony Voluntss-y lorease in Wagen. The rsI large canceaaielavoluntari adraue vsges for a long tinte la lise I vcd ire; Iran anti Steel Company, of Pitteuu ied wllci emploas slput 5,000 tan anti ho ttly The contpauy givas no reassan exeept th 7o-Il lasareatoration ai the eut mae soi the tinte &go. Nov that business bas lmpr, cd il cas effordte ta py mare vagas. 8TORILde Ctty Bas ufia u EPideauic ofai uilar a51 cil Crlnte-Bpanisb Anarchite aDa Dire ai Wark lu I iarcelana-Trade Exhihîts th Sigue of Lite. vil Thievea Raid a Cash Box. t Saturday evening &bout 9 o'clock two n( despradea uterti ie . Kiin epat desprudos eneredtheL. Kein epar-ae meut store an HaIsteti @tract, i licega, bi vile Il vas thronged witb customers, e wtth numerons clerks behiud the caunal ara, sud robbed the female cashier lu ber uat cage, gettlng awsy with tiair, panudert whiîc amounted ta between 3à00 sud $Mo0. Thc vent tironga oi customers bi were 4crrorised anti'panic-strickefl, wvaflin eu scraamed andi fainted, a tire sia w vas yaised, the rohbers ired a sbt, orw tva anti foncedtihein way ta the doonr, ii througb vhibicitbay made their escape. Oua of the at ggraPPled ' hi an enPlara af the store, but wrencied imseli nasy anti lied through the crowd. This la the A niti raid sud robhary of the kind lu t-a. montha. Tbe store selecteti as the aceue of crime in alewys laear a police patrol o; box. The. movaments of tbe îpoice are s watcbet. anti soon after tbey leave the à box ta depart on theîr rounds tha hold-up9 la committedl, as tbe thugs know that tiey d wiii W wîthout police interruptiont for à i, sufllaient tinte ta caver the. crime. n EOMB THROWN INi A CROWI> Many B2relonasis Are Mancled bY un Unkflovn Dynamiter. A bormbwas throwninto theerowd dur-t ing the; Corptts Christi procession ut Bar-t calotta, Spain, sud ils explosion resulteti lu *tbe killiug at sevan persans anti the Injury ofaifliy. The perpeýratoroaitha deati lb unkuavu, and bis motive la a mye- tery. 'The explosian occurat lust as tbe pîrocession wRs entering tbe beautiful itd ancient Church oi Sente Maria de] Mai. o This ilaona ai the most thickly ppalated querters oi tlxç populous city. The sound a oi tie explosion end the diatresseticriesj oi the Injured andth Ie frieuds oi the. kîllelti creatsfl au Indescribnble penieanmong tie great crowt In the procession eud lookers- an. The peop~e wcne terror-stnicken withi treati oi ather bontbs bcingthirown, andt it vas wih dilliglty thaltiey were re-t strainati from crushlng each otiier in thei stampede. A terrific scene ensueti afler1 the explosion. Seren dend bodies andi iorty persoa severely injureti vere fouud. The police bave pýieketi up thiriy frag-1 mets ai bomba In the treet. 3 TRADE OUTLOOI< I9 000». Promise of Large Crape tekca L'uni- uts. Expectant. R. G. Don & Co.'s Weekly lieview oi eTrade enys: "It is highily suggestive that, with ces uttle belp as thera is no w f romi uew business, mrkets are go necriy main- -tainiet. Sommer ie close ut baud. andi witb the. nes crops pnomiing vel and aId stock la rge, it is no wonder thait the farm producîs are cheap. The factories a nd mille are stili waitîng fer the rus4 ai 'fbusiness seen lest year, anti in s1ite of d narraw arders et prescrit are generel! *holding an witb manchiconfidence. it !s no late tbst goiti exporte no longer nianti, for lie date of expocteti returus traws lacear. The opinion gains gronndT thut mare active lkusinega 15 10ihoexpeeted ai. ter the conventions bave been beld atnd the safety andi auflicieucy ai crojas have e been asaureti. Low prices et Ibis season -a ffect fermera very little, but thbc specui- latars who have bought ironi theni for a rise. The whent yieiti is estimeted et hait a billion busbels."' s CORNERS THE POrARO MARKET. s- t MIcKiuney of Kansas Cty blaking D. Great Profit on the. Tubere. n- James MeKinney, of tbe Kainsas City, ry M., commission fim in fMcKinney Bros., - ket. 11cKinney bas beau styleti the 'îpo- re 4 tato king,*' andt a saidtotahave more of n the product ta seil than ail the otht.r po- nt tato brokers lu the West. Witbin four re, ticys McKinney raisedth ite prico ti pola- n tees 25 cents, andi a iurther risc la antiei- or paet. Twenty days ega McKinney con- be tracteti for tha anly availabie potebo stock naw in the West, 100 carloads, front (' reeley, Culo., people. McKinney la sxid ta bave cornared the market five ytsirs n- ago, viien ha raisad the. price front 25 g- cents 10 $1 a hushel. W~heun aketi if hie of wonît maise the prica ta S, iehosait: ',No, cmr 1 don't tiunk I viii. I atmakiug a s, goad tbing at present. Now home-growu 'e- stock la coming in, and hofore it becoies ýrY alundant 1 muai move wbet I bave on h.1 hant. 'lheaa markets are daugerous thiugs ta play wit." ta ST. LOUIS MAY 18SUF BONDS. Mayor Walbridge Hu@ a Plan for ]Rmliaioe Neadeti Nouer. Mayor 'Walbitige, ai St. Louis, bas te- citedt laI thie moalfeesible c-ny toa nige lie moue! nea(fdtho rebulit hie bot-pital, remadel ant i etend the poombousa, Inanne esylunt, fatale haspital, vamkbouseaneu hanse ai refuge, ln by a bond issue. This eai ho doua onlY hi elling a specllses- slan of the Legilaaure. Mayor iVai- bridge vraIe a ltter ta Gar. Stone settiug forth the facto anti requasting hlm ta cabi au extra session oi lie Lagiatura. TssmpaBwrna aMen Ca Both. Nasa' Elytis,.-O., trmsjsnet fine ta the hern or Heny Cappell, a farter. Chap- pel'a sou-lu-laws, Willilam Hobill, vas abal sud dangerousli vountetihy ont. ai lie tmpe.Mr. Ciappeillveut imb lie harn ta aleaisetome catll andut as aval- came bi antoke sud buruadt .ta teati. Mgexbc" iChristian Endeqvor. Tise ational Chistaian ilEleavor Un- ionx afi exica maet tZacatecas Fritiay. 1t«. p. E. Clark, presieut oaithie Uailtd SocelesofiChistian Endeavor, telu vred su add regs. Tht. grotvhhaftht. ogaiza- lion lu M1exîca ha. heen mont gnalfyiug during thic isslyear. Jua is nu Proves s Falure. Tic Justin Oblal vas teateti et West -%ienne, on te short.of aieoOnida, N. Y. Tiis la a projectile, iret motm an ordin",y eafna3 b! povtier. It contalus a charge of dynamitethiat sholtinat ax- plotasantil thie projactilea almkes. The test prave a failure. S»tdai CIV4l Bill Vetoed. vprâèsial Ole elauti Saturdnj seul t. bth 1991" MI U sete bis veto of-îte evil appropriation bill,anutlluthe vas s abapbaIll, aven tise gbti-five milUe stgetîs *aiotd by lbris ea mult of tie toafado. *AUlat ,iesa streets bave luen iade passable sd wIll be cleaued op lu teu dars. la the 2ty there ane 4W0 mâlti ofimprsoveil reets, no it eau ba seeu tp wbat extent te tornado iaterrupted traMei. The de- vastated distulat comprises an area of six suare miles. The extreme limita, wera tree miles eat aud west aud two miles orth aud .outhà. An adequate idea of te damage cau lie. tormed when it iu stated that if ai] the bouses dautaged aud low, dowu were on both aides of one stee: i*bat street wouid haeieghty-ive miles long. The figura lo giveu by the treet commissionér, who bua beau trougb the autire district and front the reports af bis generai superluteudeut, who bas cut a roadway tbrough the, eighty-five ainles of streets. Iu addition 10 ibis there wre meuy more streets obqitructed by wires amd the like which are not counted in tbe total. AUSTIN CORIN KILLRI). Attempte ta Drive an Uumanazeable Tenus of Colts. Austin Corbin, the millionaire bunker of New York, was futally hurt Thuraday afternoan and died i R 9:42 tint evening. Mir. Corbin was et bis great forent and lamne preserve ut Neyport, N. H., and uu- iertook ta drive u pair of youug and skittish bomses. He was warned by Giard- ner, bis coachmau, flot ta do go, as the îorses were very unruly andi wiid. Mr. Corbin persisted, andi hitchiug tfieut to a cart be. bis granison, Mr. Etigell, Dr. L<unster and Gardner waut for the driva. The banss cted very badly, aud, lu :urnlng a corner, ian away andi threw the four nmen beavily upon the grouad. Giardner, wbohba alsa since died, and Mir. Corbin were terribly injured. und Mr. Etigeli andi Dr. Kunster severely no. Oser Cleveland*@ Veto. The Seunte Weduesay passeti the river and harbor biil over the Presideurt's Vreto by the vote of 56 ta 5. This WR. the lusit @tep lnuniaking the bill effective andi it ia now a lew. The vote was taken *fiter three bouts of spiritcd debate, during wblcb the President wast critic'sed and de- fended, the remarks et tintes belag di- rectly andti btterly personel. Tb@ opposi- tion lu the veto %vas expresseti by iSena- lors Vest, Siierian. I'ettigrew, Ilaivic eîîd Bntier, wlîile the. veto was deilŽnded by Senators Vilas, I1111 snd Bale. United tatIges Chiarch Armty. The Vîîited States Ciîurcb armiy, a body like the SaNcation arimy, hua been fonoti. ed ln News'York. Col, IIad:ey commianda It, ciol c ',t,îîtrThmas L. Janies la treasîtrer. They hase leased a building on Lexingtoni avenule. whicb on return uf (Col.ilî y fron, Europe ivili Le used as ax trin iing school. t'nltan's Soldiern Stanahlered. A Turkislî detacliment consisting af eighty-l se iil ha s heen cu t to lieces b] the insurgents in ('rete. Offly two of thi Tuîrks ecaped. The nffaie occurred neal vaie, the tosvn in the islanld of CretE whieh c-as r-eteùtly levs;egetl. The Turk ish force bcd beeu dispaceetu t removE war Mtiaierial. Grasshopper Plaque ne .Ohio. An arniy of grasâhoppers bait settled oi farnis four mites north of Ulilicothe, 0 There rere milionts oft lIeni and they navei a bIt tise tuiles long by 54)0 yards wide Fruit and crops, cdover, grass andi leeve: on the trees have digopperi btfur, tbema.'rThe danmage s0 fer la immense. rhoit Fumons Horsea nlu ii.Day. John Rteid, for many yeari a blacksmitl nt New York, died Tburclay. He wa. sueli a miaster oi bis trade that famoit trotting herses were shippeti long dis tanlcs la lis shop to bie abat. Jay-Eyc-sei Gýolds)th Mclii, Ceimeral Butier un others were regularly sent Cburch Organ Excite* Hie Ire. iler. Dav id Hlilton, oif Strong City, wi has iteen preaehing ut Florence, Kan siys mnusical inîstruments arc invention of the devil, and thîmt lie still net agni darken ttxib Florence church door unt the orgnu ia rcmoved. Fînal!y Blee*ed wllh a Wonsan. "The towsn trîthout a womnan," Ailcetoi Jefferson <'ouiity, WVia., lest !ta distinctio Thursday by the niarriage of ils postai& ter, F'. Il. Metcaif, tu Miss Laura Ma thews, of armaington. Twcnty-five Minera Kilieti. e An explosion of gaz bas occurreti 1 Fontiie's 1its et ltochebelle, nenr 51ime France, as a resuit or which tweaty-iii tminera were killed. MARKET QUOTATIOt<5. Chicago -Cat île, cenman ta Prîim $3.50> to $4.50i; bugs, sbipplng grade *.rIEs 00OUP fiv0Do A ~JMP"40-JACI N LIIIWRK e0' OUR tNATIONtAL LAW- -I nuillieh Feeling aet the Opeulug souei July Up ta 83 1-e, but theBIS Boear@ TaIre a Band lai the Fîght sud Drive Il 1)owai taO 0'1-Sa. Turmoil ln tihe Pit. For nearly au bour aftar tht. Chicago Board ai Trede opeitat Mondsy moruing e liera ceas a pauleicnluha vieat pIt. A sausetional break of 2% cents lu fiv.ihd utes ceuseti tht. liveileat stsntpeda vbTha bas heen seau for mauy moulu. T la beasbadthein honings, and for a lima t il looket as if lie bull brokers vouit hea(s tremplet uter foot. Tht. 7-cent ativanca i of lest yack vas folowet Montai tarit-a iug hi a continuationiai liabullisi feel-fi Iug, andtiwbeal openad ti e-% cents, orT 7/ cents higier Iben Setunduy's ciosingf, prîce. Aitor a eligil joli Lnck ta 01% f cents il adreuicet vithitfitean minutesa 'ho 65% cents. Thie bulle isti begnun ta congratuat. Ibencelves ou tic vsy tîtingà vere comiug lteir vay when tht. break t este. Every evailable broken vas cor- c îaliet by snme of tia big beare, andttey ri mate a rush an tbe pit. lu ira minutesw lia price bati been knacked f rot 6% ta si Of0l/ cents. The men weme irantie anti I the noise vas terrifie. Thait tht. bulle t ralîheti, aeut to minutes latar tht. pnice lI batl gone up lu(12 cents. A thurt reae- ot lion ft: kplace antiebot vont ta 61% S cents, vhicb islaver lien iSt4rtni'sa cloaing pice. Septomber vbcat lit et 031/4la 62% ta 64% tu 61% ceuts, anti0 tien allet svih July vbcat. The break f e-as duo la a combinutian ai causes. Earlyinl the. day a local cnop expert t came ont wuibh bis repart claimlng a ne-à duction oi il points iluthe six surplusC Statesandutun etlmate that the sprntg wbea t siantage, voulti ho 75,000,000 bîtsb-a elg. Dispabehes front Kiug's bureau et Toledo seidthtelMaiweaet e-oult sbow an average loas ai 20 points. The e'eekiî r repart ou the visible aupply vas expectet!p ta, show a shortege ai severel millions ai busbelo. Instosti af thia, il sbowcd but EEBUF10 JOHN IXUL. ' Slartllug Decian Rentiered t ICira Avainst Eniland. Londau dispc teh: The jumîgnuent of the Egyptin mixed tribunal declarn ag gimîst tha iegality of the uste of thauiEgypilin raserve tond fur the purpascs at tLe Au- gia-Egyplîcu oudan expeuition lias made a great seusalion. If la itermally s bait1 out of a clu-an sky,ionrte cabitiet bas hoon pusbiug tbe preiarationa for a vig- * rums ats-anice up the Nile next August lu the full confide-uc tîmîtttht. cosl ssou, fauluponi bisaF«yptian trnaurvanul ual upan the British excbeqîrer. If tItis te- cisioru is smo-laintel thle cabinet mnust cit ber cclail uniBritish axpayers la mev-t lte Y expetîse or retire front the expodition. t Tht. formter clbrnalive n-outlmentita rbeary hus ofhary prestige Pt home undi ethle luttben a loms aifdiplomuat ic prestige abroati. Smislury is bete-th ie des-il i sud the deelt sec. JACK TRIR. A MITTE. Sensatioual Story raini Voida Wibh- ront Fonudatloa Dr. John C. relût, ai Manetee, Fia.. b as seul a leIter ta Gar. Mitchell detuying ,ethe senisattouel stony that Jaîck Trice, s negro, Iat klledt tso whibe ment anti eosînîîd twa others, noar Palmetto. The hatorn ubnirws t hiat Trice's boy bat webiipet the on o a aw-ite constable. sud Wà that th, tathr of the white boy bat 'gathored a passe ta punish Tice's soie. They werc vw rnîly received ah Trice's cebint accordimfgtaite story, the negr&'s drifle doîugd"c ly eicutiun. The lasse etiret for ne-enforcemenits cand upon tbir nebtrtt burted tihe cahin and, ssithb tlot- a oxmtmîs, satred i ptrsmit af the negro, e-ohad ateken totahîe e-amp. ýn Crime aisabtother. JI Crczed by loiestie troubtles andl hainut- ail by the- loissof titi-humibne lue th once bat sbeitercd benseli anditfamily, Mrns. Banrbara aolu ecouely Young Gen- t, an usotu aiofChicago, c-nuet ilt theI na ris-mr Montdcy evenimîg n il ber 2-mnoithsa- ait ld bby iu hernarums anaîtplîmnîgeîlioh t'eep celer ofthIe channel. Motoneutd chlid n-ro bath drue ned. The 9-year-oit son Charles only escapoul tealh I er iu iug Iiautach ac'ay from tlie grasp ofidbs s,4 irenziet mot ber hoforo a daugerous deptb te bcd hoon neacheti. The bady ai the in- feuil eas recovenet soan nitentsard, Liii finit oi îLe unforlunale mther in stilliun the river. ne, 14, ta $450; vbcat, No. 2 et, 59e tae(lOch cana, No. 2, 27c ta 28c; aata, Na. 2, 17o ta 18c; ryo, No. 2, 32et. t 34c; butter, choiecceaiuemy, 14c ta 16c; eggs, frags, De c l u; potatoas, per bushel, 20e te 30c; brooatcarna, 2c la 4c per lb ion adsn- mati growtli ta ite hrueb. Iutdiaunapois-'-Catllc, aiipping, $3.00 te $4.50; hoga, cholce ligit, $8.00 ta $3&50; siaep, causuon la primte, ý2.00 te $4.00 vimeat, Na. 2, 60e lae102c; corn, No whte, 28e ta 30c; oass, No. 2 white, 2le ta 23c. St. Louia-Cattle, $3.00 ta $450; boMe 1&~00 ta $3.50; vieal, No. 2 rat, 58e t. 0; corn, No. 2 yeiiew, 25e la 26c, onts4 No. 2 vile, 17e te 18c; ryt., No. 2, 314 ta 23e. Cincinnti-Cattle, $3.50 la $450; begO, $3.00 ta $3.50; sbeep, $250 ta $3.75; weta, No. 2. 03e la 04e; corn, No. 2 -mixet, 28e te 29c; ants, Na. 2, mixeti, 21c ta 22c; nya, Na. 2, Mec ta Sic. 7Detroit-'Cnttle, $2.50 ta $4,50; bogs, $3.00 ta $3.50; aieep, 82-00 le $3.75; vient, No. 2 rat, 03e ha 05c; corn, No. 2 yalavw, 26e ta 28c; outs,'No. 2 wite, 21. te 22c; ryt., 44e taeB86e. Toledo-Wheat, Na. 2 et, 6Me ta 67e; carna, No. 2 yeiiav, 26e te 28c;oails, No. 2 white, 18c ho 20e; rye, No. 2, 34e te 36c; claver seet, $4.85 te $445. Mljvnnkee Wheat, N'a. 2 sping, 5&e ta 0; corn, Na. 3, 26c ta 27e, oae, No. 2 white, 19e le 20c; bsley, No. Z, Sic la 32e; rye, No. 1, 33e ta 34c; park, mess $7.00 ta $7.50. Buffalo-Cattle, $2,50 ta $475; iogs5 $3.00 ta $3.75; sbeep, 53.25 te $4.7W~ vieal, -No. 2 rat, 65e tae i; ecana,Ne. 2 yellav, Sic ta 33c; onts, No. 2 ville, 23e la 25c. New Yok-Cattle, $8.0tf0 l 7; baga, 53,00 ta $425; abeep, 5200 te $4.76; whqat, No. 2 net. 06e tla fle; ossu, ie. 3& Iet te Bk. oeta, Noý . 2wIiie, 22e te, 2M )ZOtele%o ~a uB UaknovnGoaes Over the Falls. An unknown tan, Ytho le supposedtal heul irmuBuffala.,c-as standing on L'une Island aethîe Link oi tie cave ai the wints et Niagara Fnlia. His bat lew off, anti lunmking a sutten attempt ta catch it the itufoniunate mnilhst bis footing, lippot inoatht. valer eut on tht. sliucy rock.,, nd la au nstuanatvas seept aven the feuls. Actor Ernauto Rosai la Dent. Ernosta Rossi, lte Italien ectar, tilation Tiurstay nt Pescara, Itaiy. Hae-aa haru lu 1829, ent aiter iaving seblovet fatee lI aven Europe ha visilti the Unted States. Twicc subsequently ha visitet Atenicis, eut amasea a fortune. He nelirat inli188W. WiII Cautest la Compromise&i The final settlenient ai tbeeastate aiflime laealmas. Richmont ef Batavia, vidow oi Dean Richmond, vas mateina Buffalo. Hem vili vas conestet Lî Rosalin Rici- mont, ai Nev York, vho compromset hi accepîiug $60,000. Chinese Concessions t Ritues. A Vienne tispatch la lia Landau Daiiy Neye reports tint the Rusiso-Chilese Bank bas abtained a concession for a railvsî Ibrougi Mancistnia to Pakia. Bach country grant. a concession eut gitarsittees tic» capital for tlis hues rita- niug Iimough thii respective tamitonlas.' Bom& tise Gins. Jtaua. T'he Western cyclones ai tht. lal monli bave canset a auttien tenant for vin- day glass anti stocke aI Ibe vrnu eUl- iug agautries lu lia West bave beau great- ]y retincat. Damaging Floatis lai Kansas. Gypsunt City, Kan., vas visteat hia eloudbnrst Tiurstiuy ulgit, andi peoaple vere comnpelled la ies front hem bhousses. Parmea aoag Gypsum crecis fo& miesa" eiavered vith tramt four ta Cea fes'of d!thet lamu ts1 LWee'k's Prceediage il theall&s8 e lougree-Important MUcusures Dis- tassai sud Actai Upeau-A I IMPal' Lia Ressnte i rCh. Besuesi. Thse NatIauMI 1Soo01. The Sanale Tbursay passet tht.filUet- eese bibi. Manufacturera of fille&l heese ara taxati $400 s ualîr; wbolesuec [eatera, $250; relsil dalers, $120. la Aditian ta thase taxas, the pratuct itzeif ahsxad 1 cent pen paunt, anti importeti let cheeac in taxeti 8 cents per pounti in, [tditian ta tia import duty. Ail package* nat ha brunteti, anti dealers mtust dispiey h ig black aigu an wite grount, bearii cli vont. "FIiltCbcese Sait Hlere." rh coutraversi aven the number ai bat- ae abipa remains open, Mn. Quty's na- :n Ihat lha Banale recede trot ilse aceutimant met ucing tbe numbehof ai ips ront four ta tva being toeeaed-17 ta 83. ha Sonate alae tefenlet hy a vola oi 17 e 31 s motion Ly Mr. Lotige oi Massa- :itusetta ta recettdfe irnlts amendaient elisting ta soctarin Induin uscools. Bills 'ere passet as foilowa: Gmanling l6(> tres af i nelta Biloxi, Miss., tan c char- table utospitel; aulbomlzing the. appoiunt- meut ai tht. survivons of the. Lady Fraink- ýn bsy expedtiion us sergearata, retiret, 3f the uriny;ftonthe Improvetuen ai Fart Smith, Ark., governient resers-ation, nti [bill construiatg the. ltws reiating ta the veart ai llfe-saviug medels. By e vote: t, 153 ta 33 tht. Hanse deciled against te cintaio William Ellioîl tramn the 'irai South Canohine district eut gare ce sent bo George W. 'Murray. Murray ta e coloret tait and iii tLe Flibtist Congress vas saed lu bbe place ai El- att. Murray e-as gi-eu e runntoa app!aune eheu ho cametorared la bLe e-arinl. Mr. Eîiott is the rnlh Deo- crat ungealed by the Preseut Hotise. The remainter ai tbetnay enasrniialy accu- laed in ieteling lthe case ai Merlin vs. Lackhart finthIe Seveitb North Cana- usai district. The SennIe amnontmcuuta te the Liii ta retire Commnder Quauek- ul,îash crere audapte]. The conference ne- aort onu1ulue bill 0teptimion the ii'ivmow or te laIe Senetmr lGt-rge Speucer af Ait' ente ena egreeotet. Mm . Morgan gave the Se-usti'ne sp'itPl reviriai ofite Cubanu uueteaion Fniii:t. afier c-bich mua ai lhim dy w:a s penl iia ,'aliig for couference agrecemntsiiait- propriation Lbis. Mn. IMorgnu ncrgî'd thei adopution of bis resuiuttion i cuinzton thie Preaidouit for informuationt iof the uri »aria ta kenuton thte iutpo arn nn itiuu- der Yu-ti ce c e mathet li as-tt.'rThe SSoti igFnsenbedi b aa thbclaueuuna - atlion cmiasa sviolation of lao. 'M r. Mn zn nd'e-brh,-red hict t ongra.aa aui luinmt tdionrun witihautint borizn ng thbe lresi- -lent lto seutn'umvrslîiis i)(Cuba1< ieita t he retease ai the Aninirin i ricio',r. On the stuggesatiomn omI r. Sliu-ritin, <ittair- inour iilt'e oim'ittutec artFar-ginitic tarYis, thue'Sitt e ent i i asecret -mt s'bene. afer e tutrtbcn argmoumnt hy !uir. \iorgan, bis re«iutimtt itashulacei un the -ilenîler. a parlianeumtary nias-e <quis-.:- '(ut tu tilponittgzitio ui. Ithe Ilotrac. %Ir. I.estrurc eliî',inp hi.g-untte .equestiiur the lresidiînt anti lthe aterai ,-siet afficcrs for a dut-taileul statenmimnt 4 the renuovais irortt office sunc Marcii, :. 15113, andulthe appainutuetsisalnce Oui 'labo. logetlier euth the numier oi ex- -oldiers vba utave heen appominte(]. pro- 'noteul. mediacet onreniaset. The nî'sîii 'ion w»as eopted-147 ta 48. The voie un lime cnteabet elertion case o a tinit '-s. L.ockhart froni the Hes-erathNorth Cau- mtlta district resultet 113 ta 5. Mn. Xlir- inu came tare-rar nduttook thé xcith. Tue itiîtker-Downing coniesu fretillinois ne- . ited in favor ai Mr. Itinaikur. Prem-sdent (Clevelantd Hetuiniay relocul lue gei-ral defh'tvciuy apupropriation Liii. The i'îcsidctit obîjeeboul ta it lticuise af u)roi-iitis fuir tLe payaienit of Frenc-h ultaliatioti and ('bouteau elaiuî andut aher teins witichb ho os not enummerete. Wiema :le rmessage wsas reedtla tle IHanse a nia- tion lu peasa ihb iilnotvitustaimrig bhc melo w as iuiui-'41l iii149. Tiuer-uulthe lomîse promnpuly sent ta the Sinate e uesv 'ulit nithoul thme feetmres ta irbieL tLe Preaideulut ojmcted. Tihis cas nat <lone î-ititout sotute aluiriteul du-hal, dnrnitg n-bie lime i'resiieit ta, liitteriv eltaek- uA. Tue Senete busti harely e quonrut, and aoutbirîg ai importance sîms doue. The nov deficienny bill, fremedti t me Lhe olîjectuma iibo te resitcn's mecerît veo, pcssed unnlime Senate Mtondas, asil i came fron thbe Hanse, ami greci cheor- ing. WLen the imstmigration biii vas aken tnp'MnI. Morgen ai Alabama spoke n stupport of is a enduuenl, Ibat the re- 'utnictiona af tht. net shouidt a elul pensons coting te bîmis conuntry f roufi Cuba. Ho sait no country bail contniu- utet e beîter class ai peaople ta tbis coun- trys poptulationt then Cuba, li thIe Hanse, the Sherman resolution relative ta V'irginla bauds n-as edoPtM. A specici 'beflciency Liilpnoriding for lt.e pay oi salaries of nienbers acetil Ytic House anti for severel othor tin maliens as passet uter suspension ai tht. rulea; aisa sL biil te eslebtisb a site ion the erectien %)f a penitentieny et Fort Lensvensvortb, Kani. The couferouce report oui Ibe lu- tian appropriation bill contîiinhg the compromise relative la the ait setlers' claim vas agreedtetaneutthe bill sent ta iorthar conferenca. Mm. Danhel, agitin celiet tmp tht. AltiriUitlerood contest- t't clection case. This arotiseil tie ire ai tht. Democrats. Tht. question ai canait- eration vas naieia, but Ibis .time the Hanse decitat, 130 ta (18, ta canaider the. case. Durng tbe progrof a4e arail eu many oi the'Damocrals lait tic hall. Mm. MeMl.illin ai Taennesseattemptete tafonce -i division on lt e ouf.rt.uce report ah lia District oi Colombin bill as a menus ar ter-elap)lng that no quorum va p-ft

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