GREAT Y : " AT Triggs & Taylor's Corner Store. SIThis is what our customners say; Z'TO KNOW THE SUPERIORI- ONLY TOTRY THEM.- We dlaim not ony to keep a high /grade of goods in ai I unes, but our ,Iprices we guarantee can not be dis- I1counted in the county. - - - est Mniweoa fa il 'ýr'ai hecew! i canCrn vi1 e r doz. Car, To,ialo.aa 1.4j "(r d'l', .(koo jaîu is'5 2meper 1l. Burry Caff-"' g'Adain riol 22ý voril 30e Noi cilefipeaches 11641 vorthl ss 'Th-sare ouly a b'cw of our Iargalns. (Jurmottow (sai.ivaiid LE'il.IE> Remember we are headquarters for ail kinds of fruits. - - - NOTICE TO FARMERS:--We wiii payhigestprice for good beef Ô- À%.M-TRIGGS & TAYLOR. THE ALMIGHTY $ Buys a BIG LOT of Goods at OUR STORE. Run your eye down this- ist, AiND SEE W HAT 3.00 MILL PURCHASE. 5 pounds granulated sugar 3 " box Glass starcn Ioo "ant ~o oJaea I " shreded cocoanut 3 " oat meai 2 Oz. bottie lemon extract 1Ipound good rice I1 S ai soda i bar Sterling soap IOz. ground pepper Total ioc 1 5C 25c 20c 06C 1lOc 1 Oc Oic Oic O ic Oic $i.oo- r. Il'lm 0xuu* g4olm flot f,0d Mplrately ut tiose price's. Our Dry Ooods Dep't. is complete. We are aIways willing to write INURNE<7 Yours For Business, F. C. SMITH &S1N. I1ve got 'emlf THERE 1,SNO DOUBT 0F IT. I can please you-.inl price. If you want a wheel cail on me. New and second hand at ail prices f rom $15,000 1 REPAIR A FEW $85-00 C. R. SHERMAN, ....Jeweler, LieERTY VILLE, - ILLINOIS. A large and varied Une of Hardware, Pumps, MiIk cans an Cutlery. The best oitlcan on the, H ERE IS ONE OF TWOSE BLUEF LAME OILsTrovEs. market P Uf1PS,9 Oas Pipes, lin. Tin and Sheet Iron I PICKEDUP MERE AND TtIERE.7 Local Items of Interest to LIbèrti. e Readers. G. . S p. A. A. TTimrrA@LE. TO CHIICAGO. a.m. . a.i. . p . . p. Russell **à@ Pr. 17. 5*57 Wadaworth t:w :281506 9Our50O 91 &U85 ii 9:16 5:8&m 5:14 Lrnavv VILLE 5:30 7:15 =31) s9:7 466 Bowdout 5:40 7:26 92 12:40 §M 1 02 Everett :46 7:39825g.sis :46403 9s2 Deerfleld &862 744 9M ira *076:7 :86 i hermervillo, 5:56 7:50 9:40 =M:8dL14 le38 blcsgO>arrive> 6:50 8:48-10.25 l45 7:410 630 FROM CHICAGO. Lv. n.Ps . . f.m. sm. P.m. a.m. 't.1:3u :05 6:21) 08:30 Lv. ItiieKt. 9».30 4630 ý= vjl, IC8 is e4:58 &il17123 916 8;34 10:.22 50 &17 7:27 9:21 Everptt 8:42 10121#9066.15 71M 9" iloncot 8:48 1r36 6:12 &:40 740 9M3 LJevMLE 10:46 9&U51:50 9:45 W reton 8-.64 :19 938 Rutioell(arrive) 9:25 5:49 1&00 # donotes dat)>. àuenotes Sunda>' only. Where no mark appers trains are daiiy ex- cept Binda>'. SUNDAY TRAIN 8. Lv.Llbertyvlfle. 416im. Ar. Rondont im0p. Lv.ltertyville, i9:10 a.m. Ar.Chieno p 192 a.m LY.Chic.agoSlo:3 &m. Ar. Iàbertyvilie 9:46 a. m Lv.ChicSgo 4m0 p. m. Ar.LlbeýrtyvtIle 5:s3 p.m. No. su runas Buda oniy. golnir south. vil Rtop 4on sit"l SM olloWW-At ituseeli 12:07 pm. Wadswortb 12:17; Ournee 12:27; Warren- ton 12:9w Itondout 1mm,6:Everptti2:42De..rfleld 12:4M; SlermervIllle 12:.52; arrives ln Clulcag t 1:4 p. ni. Trsin No. 44 bas been lately But on rom Duerlleild to Chîcago. Laav"s e-rfteî.î 7:20 à. ni. Sheroervllle 7:24; arrivesi Chauago WI14 a. ni. No. w leaves Chicago MID'3p. n arrive@ ShermervI lo 12:06 a.. n. Derf"IM 12. u'a.M A Lbertyville Lyric. If you want e stralght tlp on the coninu uanpalgui Just trust tna sPart y Who' F>r good nmen and trua' th.' position 10 111 You need'nt look furtha'r titan Llbertn'vlla' As youll filnd when the seagon shalh '1054. Thoe&s a penson lu tow fo dLiminnuve ize A *"pociet edjUion" of iâ. If he'd only consent to the Brsezes to throw The niodestY great that Oppresses hlm so. And try with the> otherq is luaik. Bill MeKnlnkvwould îust have to, hustl.' for [4We< And gel lef inluthe' end. Thataa a (st. Whena'nsed et lngthln lu h. Pr.'sldent's chair. (Twould take a lorgnete't,, Dls"aver hlm th,'ra'.a 'Tw il bc go et te saa' low H., williaet. Ha' wlllglv" ai'. o"'> ">.:î:în w, 01à. aj 'eîî ., Anal (1,11 mal' il the- ar-t oraim",a. T.o iaiy gra(".'ri4's ar mjent or 'aff","or î'aî of el an)"nla-,Wbut the ' un (A "T. & T.."* Wh.'i', h'lirv.'stsaiar nil I,'es anda bpinjas. For a lrathla boffc lw b. ee"d'nt b .,k far, Th'sa jman Eho isoli'> an *',:a.IV WIho .wns a roai colt tinm .N,'v.'r (sn passed. For swift.n.'ss or beauty et, . -ai Be' stnj.iàsed, Or )l" thinks sua. as 1 have bein tolal. Wha'n luI& grindar o!ecrn-w av e" Ail get a.îr Whed's, And Il--*s là.-,4ex%.,Itln tteysRay. IR appotaaa fot'l(r *'Vlau',f Ibis ilarlaaus U.. S.. Hll taîrti the,'White Hause inmb a stable'. no las Anal th.'law'utoa rasa" Trae.k so gay. O grel ar',' .hang'e' Thîis eotiutryciliise,.'. An.l ft' worid wlil Amtonlshed Is'hal, Wila.ia Our amîtneOr Man of the fi Of'*T. & T." And aur lhorpAs,-racLlnét Mliler. sa jovial îad The "*rll,>,,Iis" of offi'. W lol ra,. Miess Anu Ellis ls visitlng ln Ida econty, Iowa. Ed Swan le viaiting witli Chas. Bab- coei and wife. 1Joe Bond and c'lfe are rejoicing tn tlie birth of a girl baby. L. R. Todd and wife, o! Wanconda, visited L. IL M orse and family Wednes- day. Dr. E. H. Jemieson and wilc, of Antiocli, visited with iet parents Mr. and Mrs. Johin Jamieson Sunday. Ms. 1Rob. (irutumltt, wloionl visiting In Port Townscnd, Wasli, expects to returu to Libertyvi1le the firat of July. Wilder Butterfteld, thiatie commiaà- sioner, ls buslly at work 'restlng witli thlisile o! varions amsand vigor. FOR SALE--Star threahing, mcine. engine, tank and outilI eomplete, at a bargain. Fîîtn it'DoLpiB, Long <rove. 36-4 Servires ut the Presbyterisu cliurch. Siîndey amisil. In the morning --The Wisdaam (o! Solornon" and in th. evening "Tuie Wisaaîn o! Christ" are the themt'a f, (rliecîssiou. 1. S. Gletasan liasi seeured 1h. cou- tract (for the (-atrpenter woîk on the new parsaige laaîilliug to be erected on Newblerry Ave. eand First St. The Specîflaatîa '1' ail1 fora e Io story (ramle buildinîg 2210(et., Mnr. autal 3iroi. ceo. Herrick, o!fLake Forest, iucrinu'lutovu Monday and Tousday vi',itiaag their motner, Mrs. John Herrick, vio lise been quit. slck for the pait two vecis, but ta,4 we are glil t')a uunoîîne, convales- cent. A. G. Ayree tlied Thunsday mornlng et 6 '.i-ock at bita home on Milwaukee Ave. Mr. Ayres waa eighty-three yeans old aud lits influnity vas due 2 to advanced ege. The f uneral vili b. held Saturday. A Candle Liglit social will be given at the M. E. churchJune 26. Ic.cream snd cake will bc served. Also a pro. grain will be given. Eveiybody àa cordiatlly invited 10 corne and enjoy yourselva's. Adimissioni ten cente. Mrn. ILamtt Ray and Mis NeUlie Ray were married Wednesdey, Jane 10. at Janeaville, Wis., wlience they had gonette b 1w'oilmen's Pienic. The Young peoulie are well and favorably kuom tlriraaghoîit this section of the u'îîînty, ail(] their maîuy fiends nuit. ini viiliLg thea ilong, l)raspert>ui and lhappy ice. The 1. 0. G. T. couty Couvent %vili (a,'14,1,1at Liberi't s11e, Setm2 y, .lniia"20. Itelegete', f1'<)0 ail lodgesi thec iouity are es.pectedi a be preseut. Thîe uteruoumn session vili (w conllned taa business anal progruru of the Order. Tiarre will he ai, opetn meetinig ln the eveuing ut the 31. E. chnrich. A good îraorain lias laeen aer'ugad, whieh m ill begin et 8 oeloe-k. Everybody cardielly invîted tu attendl. Sleaders ciii confe'r a favar by let-, tîîîg us kîîow of peisonq steiting tliem, (J a, eoncîtempluted j4urite3s. etc. <sa'asionall3' va-i-laaaak the' occur- alW (i u if aii lt 'rtaiIili eu t, salere go 4411y V(.lijts of ta mi liflarlnaittue tak' plIav'4. We iilwftys epîreciate it wlicn pairtiesa interested fiîî-Iis.a4nin'forma. tiiaaf, as we atm 10o faitthtîîlly abroniele m iattors o! int<'rest. aîd aaar short ac. Illlailliîtaunee inthie eonifntaitvities the tal:sk an arîlorotis raie,. T11 usj abliat it, u'e'illIdo the reat. Fourth of July Celebration. Mr. "Ind Nlrs. C. Miieli, tof l.aa. 'l i' Pnî,hibîtîl4îists aitil liaed visLîatl fi ieîtds here tiîs week. 'l4.uipli'5 c ill i 4111ai pia'iiia' iiin iglt's Groita >i4ve. Gages Lake, Jîîly 4tlb. (ood mraa. HKinlali and son Claire star rîtrtors have been cîîgage'alfoar 1h. Tlinrsday moning for an extend'ioîalnd,'aliihmke viiit lu relatives t'a Vermout. iiîna'h anîd enjoy a good tiîne. rapidly and the inipro'vement8 give ta bîssy appeanance bo that locality. H. B. Eger lias becu doiug considter- able plumblng sud lin3work f or Win. Whitnell, of Lake Bluff, th. past week. There wilIl be a meeting of the Lakeside CemteryÂAsocation et lirs. W. E. Davis this Fiday aternoon. Ice croam and cake srved aternoon and eveîting. Evenybody iuviled te attend. A camp of gypsies la located hlîf ai mile soulli o! town. They have iîaty horses, sud some fiue looking animal'. anc amnong t1he number. Tliey willl trade auything tliey possesa. alweys d.mauding a 11111e '-bOOt" SThe stnawberry festival ut the Presbyterian clinrel Tuesday eveniîîg diti not drew as large au attendanate ase the strawberries warranted. Bow- ever a goori timea vas enloyed by al sud the refrcshments vere of s quality anîd quntlty to Inaure alarge tiur-out t0 the next oveut o! Ihat nature Cbldren's Day excrcts wve held at bthe Methodist chui'eh Sundpy even- ing, liavlug been potpoue. One velik. The éhurcli vas beaut4fully deeSraed and thoee alaiugpul Iii th-xerciee sw- »weiD*Iv1 "Slugged" In Chicago. ",Cnt" Fishier veut te ÇIii.'aago e week ago Tuesdey, to gel figures on1 nsatcx'tal for the mason work ontanhle buîildilng to be erectcd by James Tiggs. The firm wltli whoin Mr. Fisher deals ta located at 423 Northi Haisted st., vhieh loclify lias leen siguifliautly termed '-Goose Ihlead' or -Little Bell" by Chiego îîê'w s- pepen mou, sud v bore you are flot Bafe witb the pie of a deily )ailaer on your person. As then. happened 10 be no one'in the' oMfec but e "caîl boya" Mn. Fifilier started to, bave the promnises. Wlîet juist ontsuiide the buildinîg ha' ra'enbers a ling a sensation alift the eidewaik lied corne up and bit hiîtt on the bonad, Be remembers îîotirîg more and upon hae recovery lie vas minus $30 and the specifioations for the building lie vas negotiating on. Mr. James Perdu, an old-soldier rcsidlug at Monroe, Midi., vas severe- ly a0loted - vith iheumatise but recelved prompt, relef fiom painby u01* Chamber a4W,'Pain Baie e anys: At 11 .bok vould ache *0 bedly t y IIl1d7raiseup. il1 Ibad 1Ivould -ot be9~~~'.~ep.1ov lies. m0 ei ailB M. Be COLBY See Their Bargains in CARPETS, CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, OIL CLOTH-S, MATTINOS, RUGS, C OTHINO, ETC. i ..BICYC[E Es .. I 'Y we have the only genuine Bail Bearing Bicycle Shoe for Ladies' iand Gentsa..... Bicycle ridera should leave their orders at one as the demand ls VM? great.. IRAMSCal ln and sec theni. REFRIGERATORS Cal ln and see our "New Perfection" Hardwood Refrigerators -Charcoal Sheathed- Dry Air Circulation Solld Bronze Auto- matic Locks. Leave your orders be- fore hot weather. l gai. euApples 8cs 4 cana Corn Scs 10 bars $cap,2cs 9 Ibo. navy Beans 2ct. 2 j lb . e c m B m k iu g P o d e r 2 5 ts , 1 lb. Japan Tea, 25ts 3 lb. box Starch l5t:s. 2 large packages Parlor Matches 2bcts. 1 lb. Cocoanut 25cts. 6 lb. ic. 25cts. 6 Ibo. Calfornin Prunes 28ets. 6 Ibo. CaMlornla Raisins 25ets. 6 packages Mince Meat 25cts. 1 lb. Smoking Tobacco 15ets. 1 lb. Plug Tobacc 1 lb. fine cut Tobacco 1 pi. knee Pente Childs Suite $1.00 Ladies 'Waiats si Ladies Veste Suapenders overafla Sisirta Celluloid Coller Csllnloid CURa Ready Made Sheeta Ready Made Pllov Cases 25M.a mcts., Up 18010. loeVa, Usoe 26"1 56010.ý Me Bu C LBY &Co.-ý ~..--LIBERTYVILLE, ILL ~J~411 I(714), hie by Vieux.ClIaalin (713). Iii1%J ("f Ilie by Coco (712), lie by Mignon<15 LINCOLN lie by Jean-Le-Blanc (739.) Dam: Louise Michel 8073 113e9 T11E STANDARDBRED Cygne 6951 (6956), ho by Colin 1IÇ log,, ho by PsePartout (102). a i 8181iiAlCornet 104 (71), hby French-Monae Imilci rnkroit205 (734), lie bYflderim ç32,h bI Valentin (5301). h. by Nieux.CliM>* .OWNED BY (713), lie by COCO (712), lie by Mignos TIOMAS cLURE, Second dm bue802(8720) byý ILNI.Favora 1542 (46), lie yFriiao. BURNSLAKEC. - ILLIOIS.Monarcli 205'(734). etc. hr* Bijou (4996) by Marengo, belongag to M. Jules Gautret. In witness wliereof, ve have herat1 flxed the geal 0f1 the Assocationi. D*OM at Chicago, Ill., tlals lth day et .lînr,1893. 8. D. TanmposoN, Speretary. T. W. PAkLmFR, Presideit. Lî(OoLq took tsecond, prize nt mlb Stock Show, Chiceago, (ail of 1884, la, coinpetitiofl with .50 other noted 9wil year-olit stnds, the tirât prize boixa awarded 10 him fuill brother et lb sanme stock sho<w. LiN<OLN'8 preSent owner, uho h *. ~ r,, lid 3.5 years' experience ase alle 0 AZ O PEIGRE. dealer, ha<l the pick at the sale>, This li teoertify that the Percheron lie sulimita the services ocibtis aa5 SIalilo, Lincoln, lias been duly with the belief that h. will proveo extéNed for registrationl in Volume 6 of the best stock getters eve in of tUe Percheron Stud Book 0f America service in Lake Connty. as th. property of L. J. MeCormick,___ of Chicago, Ill., and that bis îecorded Li-;COLN will stand during %bý number ia 17303. sea8on of 1896 at the preibnies 1, Color sud description: Brown bey, owner for a îîmîîed number of 5001* left hlnd foot white. Service fce, $10 tc, meure a lvd éOX Predigree: Foaled May 4, 1892; brcd Saturdays only, et City Hotel Eami by the McCormick Stock Fa-x, of Waukegan. Lake Forest. TH., got by Reaper 8076 1 wîîî also attend to your bios (Matignac 10437) he by Confident colts as usel. Notify me by Ma"ido 3647 (3W), h. by Brilliant 1271 (755>, otherwise. 84 lie by BrilLiant 1899 (756). he by Coco Iow Rates. '4' 54] For the occasion o! the Demoeratie National Convention, Chicago, JIîly 7, '96, the Wta. Cent. Linos vll seil ex- curtion tickets ut rate o! one fane(fir, th. round trip. Tickets 10 be sold July 4, 5, 6, 7 aud 8tli. Tickets to lie linlted for return passage toansd lnclndlng July 12, 1896. Il l not a miracle. It wo't cure everything, but il yull cure piles. Thats vwhat DcWitt's Witcli Hezel Salve vi» do, because it lise doue it lu hundreda o! cases. F. B. Loveli, Libertyvifle; G. C. Robents, Waucon- da. T.j ett at1 Ho isI wh tii Fr Ali B. LEWIS e.'b.Photographerb-OI POIITEAlTBCOPIEDa AND ENL'ARFD il' Vieva o! Bildings snd Stock, t BABY PICTURES k A,-$PCIALTY. PuIW notice la herebyj give1 1. absfeniber Execýutnix o ae rstament of Peter Schlt dee atend the' County Curt o!Lakq ia terni ithereof ta (se holden "atS fonse ln Waukegau. lu mtcGesI 'rot Moud&Y of August next. 10. boere ail persons havlngelni alti Elitau)amareotlfied and)re 'cs.'nt the'sane to ssid Court>fg ,Iu. ELUzÀ5E2: Scabwai l Wauku'gen. May lUrm.196 Executor'a Notce. >UBLIC NOTICE Io ereby lie subseirîbers Ex titr )fthe LestW111 aidtst if Làela Countir. St sa0'r laIlen et 111e Court Hou ald Caunty. on the liraI next, 1496. wheu sud vhsrt Ig alilns sai&nst sl ad re ucted to ninr8it Weukegan. Mayr lstl. 1860 Exectirll Nqýë>@ . Weikegan. BUt...m 'i - 1 1%4 11 a a a