Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Jun 1896, p. 7

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JoUdb4r, tMUW egPortlandi Daiiy Ârgnu, the animal la1 widu Ldis E. Plnkba'uVelabîs the only dog regulariy oinployed at fl7 Compound liasdoge à antiwllver co. Uliiaîouse lInlte district, andi ho per- tinu. te doln eradlaing thse. farfui fora bis duty Ini a nianner that la per. fectly satisfactory. Hie la attamchedt the ligialhouse at WoodtIsllandi, off Bîtiteford Pool, andi bas been tiacre for a nunaber et years lio la the constant companion ofthlie keeper, anti lias learucd nauci of the turles of une of IUnele Sam'a lonely watliers. It Io dustomary for vessels passing WVood lslandt give three bIais t fthe wllstle as a saInte. At such times thé dog runs lu bbc bell nope, eizea it ln bis mnunt, andt uga vigorousoly. The J dug never rings laheul except aI the I rlgbt timZ, anti neyer missesl ringing it wiaen itmlloulti be rung. Captain Oliver, ef the excursion \ ', ,,steamer Forest Queen, -wau the first Ilealae complaintase littho midorslooti helper-Ibat thse keeper osf thc Wood loi. by physicians. Ail woxnb and ov"rtn troubles, - Orregularities, whites, bcanlng-down pains, dlaplacemcntc, tendency toecau- qer and tumor are cureti permanentiy. i1 " I teedasIf I owednyIlletooyonr Yegetablo Compound. Alter the birth of my babo I n'as very miacrablo. I bail a drawlng pain Ln îthe lower part Of rtay bowelz, no strengtli, and a terri- Ible backaea. E" ery Isyfailed. Mfy h uaband sali If 1 would ta'y a boeofe your Vegetablo Compeunad, ho vroudt get it for me. The chnange was w'on-c denful. Ater I Lad tak.en the lirait hait bott I began te have gieat talth in IL. When I Lad taken thirce betties, 1Iwas well and growlng atout. It la a4 plcaanvo for me te isrite this te ym 1 1 only ask vommon ln any waltad with leniale troubles te try IL. Mua, ABacA Iven, Pittaferd MUI84, Rutiant Co., VI. and liglthiouse hati tra!nedte horing tbbc Ih f A bell. Several huitreti excursionists on the boa, sasv fle (log lugging at theL bi ruie, andth iev afterwart iqtade DOML AIThev icarruc lituaIiln'as an olti sloryv To o eion Awa 'tn icles of wiîlî lte mg, anti thalt uring a fog the e Real Valeto heUeeras o patient iaîautuml îrings flte bell vn lhoutR B ! l L empalnlîtg for lîcurs at a lime. Heo lasnanver been kuo%%n 1tetiesertI lisd *VpU Wo u U 15051 whlieh a nittre ltimon an beBai . "ChwIng and Smoking" f-ornsonte motfte men engagedt t rinagl (Ib Oei UAN.EBVOSend ATI.MYPEIIC> fmg belîs andt end ilightîbousca. k O B A C CO. At îtctîrly every lighthottse htI SAV YOUR COUPONS (OR EMPTY gu:mnds te colýtIl i-re la one titg. anti ^OS wiNTLCOUPONs APf'EARi AND CET swîîttiniîtcflt- k(eera hs ave auveral. NEXCHANGE FREIE THE FOLLOW- Ti- el owieaa h og NO VALUABLE ANto UFUL ARTICLES a lîybu pwil wm lt tg * VALUABLE PICTURES. 0 lttm'omte hoir1t, aitl larc auî1jist asg goodp * lsane Wat Celr Foc-sIllaa. bAd- * asti mîmau c-aipanius. But, so far, as * pm Mar~s ieîta.,isme 14 l lam *iikuosun. lime tog pic-turetl hcresith ln * Ylgaae4m,e ia juck, es taljctu. *fle oîly )neit uitia stroven 10 Uc of e * Soutilul veelle% Scèes, Sorks of Art. g> umît>: reumirvive 10 bis imast'r. siste OzZO lcheem, 4 ouljet. I a neies1 a Ia Weafcat Wle Clereawea,&fier fa- O Il a 'nîaps edqstsith hel ,latasUlt,lu 2timice4 4 eljecîs. O a bs igliy satel by hisowt o *l #0 kMESISING ON APIY 2F TiHE AOvE. 0 ,uI ntunm'jy %noulti nul bîm titý it. lie Ioa bor ot'a. E'ed, eil uà t O y a nioîgrei dug. bî'lng more nearly a * i . 'M 5euari tUidauetu.i, Oisltt'pleid limanu anything el-te. No par- l -Y a eb ap'raed ang * CHIIICE BOOKS, O 0 i-tilar effort was Dndme 10 teach iim cm a-l iemstalra,d M eat. e150 se- * lisduîty. lie "pi-kedIli)u"'fruna oN - * lan-ed tiJa; by mli; uAwothn. 0 servati ,t)r, and ul ilook fon' lessous 10 : T'OsACeO POUCHES 0 jnitiku' Itit )ret *en. jewsià* 0uvemimmt n mtue. 0-jThe anintal la perfectiy contentel *PIPES, 0 vith his lot ln lit,,, andm. as lie la n'el * mah Dis, 0.aatee ~ 0 fed andîll cIbiouseti.lho lias uta reason * PGCKET. KNIVE, o conîifflain that bee bas Ieen forcedt 1 * mia Maen ah'ac. raI P ul:î, ave off lime usual habita of tiughooti sai pegdIelye ld WmS*g ltsdl. n* a.tI ttg nt tlie cutiof a rope te ring ale *Hqlhseiê SeeSsl. M,ltsGrouad. bell whiltlc uili n-arn marinera uvho * POCKET BOOKS, have lost i iIr wiay in a fog. FadOcalti i.ethr, Ladies' and GeaI'.S __________ * CYCLOMETERS, * May Prove Interetilng. il0 miOMle RePsaI*q. Ft>raumytire hilcyclo. SNot e',cry cr:mukla a genlus. *EXCELLENT >n Face WATCULS, 0 Thme soidest words are etuLad = F Th ,ý ePothWach ara matir 0 No iliu w o knowNs lhe is a f001la ITheWoeks"coaIta at atil ,'..s.-iMîs9p ou. iodate. 'lbey ntlt ss-radlcrtwu îu-î:t'lugbriîunlmuomr * for a lare flime tifonty erdtuar,iy raietfor., t ) besisbrg tn M ei te q.rnoueep1~tiowso ecura Ail Artlice. I hetpie gi-t l-i. 2%u Mqtuaîs ta1.-A le er,1 4 a tr Ie r~li-etd ' iît exacts no sacr-ifice anti Maiii Pouah Tobseco 13 old bi ail doalc's. clitiiiîo reîvuris. u-llbaceptdasouna. "azRsslat Tmo rittigit roand la ofien the shorteat m a11 MWr ~ cupa, 4 eZ." BEqmtg Ba s autwe Couai. uOi ILLUSTRATID CATALOGUE ilimina Illts lrle.'cdbîianotyw tancIr TiNI loch oros. TobsacoCe WhwJIng, W. VYi . llAi.1 No. comipouse xchanaed Ze;erJol~i, 1, 137Ev-ciy man Is bis o0w-n horrible ex- 0f course it's imitated- The pca-.itict la the op)tlimistgi-onn anything good always is c'imr that's endorsement, tiot a Timre are lays n'hen the roati sceuns ê te Uc ail tup billi.h pleasant kind, but stili en Euerv clîilti la an Infant protiigy 10 l dorseinent. HIRES Reet- iita umoîber.L beer is imitated. Soeieeofle urefer to beip te w'ori e à .,.1 a î.,.uu,.c..PuAi,. furvard b>' iLkngil. I Il. N. . 5.-li i en aliive hardest for the timings 0 tbey do not neeti.C I Inteail of waltiug for yotr mlip te 0 conte in senti out fanober slip. f r~ liutplinesa la ofti1wo kintîs Ibe kint Ir you exumet tu get andtihîe kinti youti tion'b gel Pifi Clothes. t The trooti pili has a good ceat. The pii coat 111r«eS tva purposea; it protocts the plil, en- f abling it ta retain all its rornedial valund if. SILVER PEOPLE URGE HIS NOMINATION. 11 A Doflnltiou of Their Position Set Forth lnuan Addreau te the Votera of th. Country-Vtcw.e ofThets Who ("Solteti." Bilver Meule Manifeste. The silier men wto waiked out ot the Repffllcan convention, with ethera of 1he aame faîîb, bave isaued a étateutent adi- dresset thIe people oft1h. Unit'od Stamtes antisite national conventions yeb te ho elob. They aay lu part: *Tmerelano aanctityItua as.»jParty oases sunthe tcmark ot decay ln set on Individuas streagt1à la lthe nation wflen an absolule 6 o a a itcartrnizstton cericea mon sudi estabilahca an tusincere seniion ta Partisan raie fto1hes»Îe of power. '*Tlere bas been graning ta Itei country, ",Bd uwelin wltt sa b tional eîetffoa lisreatî ussoetIndepcndaat r nkeres and votera. whlch, tailiag'withia buPtee aCentrai, bas gravitateti betwoon tbs. tv. jgi-cal partie.Mance 1872 a'XcspUug paesir 18718) the penditn bas aan foai de ta aide eaet fourra a luw1a% the Reitbticazr parlyeeteitsPade. la 187 Democracy ctaimed tae election. lu 1810the.Repubîleaparty ciechetl. la 1884 lime Demats electeti. lu 18M8 lie lepubt- euns olecebem, and la 180)2 the Damocrala electati. la 18M . nti) witia a faw veeka, il bas beau cornceded t lb eiLpblcn Theoalgners a t la beeause partir press- SMs maie verasera te the people b> Party perforanace. Titey deciare furtber: *'E-ring ai] tisi perioti ve bave lacked a gi-est constructive, admtinistration. 1h b.. Comas a aource et reproacit tea ay man ttli ee beutd dare ho ressourcealahegiance to an erganlzaîlon.. idca have been ezjtected te subaIt their viewa ta thte dictalon etf eeuicutioas. altbough It la of common knowi. atire ltat coerntions have beaenwayed ta lb.t ilewsansd declaraliona net monta proved b7 he icmaie of people aorfortet weltare.' Theailvermcanfui-t er teiare: "Tba dts bas cerna for thte performance of a dut y 1talie country. Parties mteuot- liii their uaefalness. but tritsacier tae- anme. obaclele. Every genseration of fras mea baa a rîgmi lu attirestht Iutsetofpart kuovîctiga anti present acqainemeat, ant Iif the enforcemselit of thocatrottan &asl mike rneceasary a departure f nom thme party o- paulsatiou, the peopte have titis nigimt anti ril cxerciae it outil ttc nid parties ahaillno- Tei ta time traIn or uew partmes ha crealcîl te ens ,et i1l 1 nw *'W. tmitiI tLalt l ttreat work of social revolutîculu intis couatry monelary refonin is lte enat reqamamue. atd a o pley. hast- C i r ap r m l c n g l i g o o t r e cu m u a. e a u t a k e li s p h lc.'iaconlinsimatiria turing Uic next t Ou rer tOui-preseat lissancial systeni 111t trýia gdowa opon the Amerlcaa people ht cluouf Iuîpemîdlng evl ta avent sytiet ettonît lie thte rat thougit of ajateufecn adti tiraIpra>-erof ail] patrtote. tOur very Institution lu at atake. With a rapiLiiy le- craaalag populiatioun-It wldety elvaJiing demanda.,lthe basaaof out inoney ta relative- ly ccnlnactIug cliti people are paasing tain servitunde ail lthe moi-e dangeroua tecauma Il la net pityslcaliv apparent. " Ttc nation itscit, aasIti other nations. la ioslal gthe stnrdy eouratge mvIlch roudmaka il teflaut lInlthe face of Injustice aud Inter- national wrong. Front the tai-mer and tradesman a te <overnmeul.t tere la an apparent sitninkage fri-n glivig offense, lest Uic s-engeance of ltbe offemmaclfinaactal powera dehceati. Busiaeaa miumt yied sane portion of Ita inter-national ihltiest nse mlighty fonelea cremillor makle s destructive dentant. "Wtere willituiiscutiIf lthe people de- line ta 55i-t lthemgelvea? 'rIe coui- rannot miuetlsuoger ezIat free andi lude'peutti cnt agaiaat ait ltae tetolte s-sid. non clin uta people smuet longer be fi-ce In tha nobitîct euse uf the teni. Iflime tUnited States as a deistor station sdial fiîllow the poulIcy dtctatd hb, the creiîton nations. "W e produce itlthe neeaailea of ire, wile otiter nations constmie oui- products. ta ttc race fon existence ut ila t'ouatant atruggle betweeu lte prosincer andthlie cou- sumuer. Oui- present systeni of monsey melib- ci-stemy suumlts 10 site test-e aîud profit tif lthe credior nations, mess lîg us euntme and as Individua)@ a prey Io tite mîtaey gatitening sud dcsduy clteameuing cf ttc oit worlt. As oui- deblte creditors atîroa lu- ci-esses ounlthe masses of tite nstion, lthe pi-ire rot tumnispr-oduction on stme fuim audi lanlthe orkattordecreases with appal. Uîmg rsptdlly. exact Inmg more sud more toit fromtoui- citiren mtaml a agisen demand and holding over ltetr heasth ie titi-cal of conttation Io0 Dtfttheir obligations, ieav- Ina thens bai-e anti defenselesa. 'The onuy i-emetiy la ta stop te talllng p rIcea. lthe tîcadtegt cuîre@ of national )Ife. iIcr-a ever wsil ceusefaltiag unier a sîigle r omma staumiaxI-. Thc regtoratiori of tîlîetat. mmr by lthit countîry ws-ll doemt h ie baume of ort oss'veyvaient. la tite u I-illdoule lthe stock ot pi-imoaiy uittuey cftlthe simi-It wili @top ftmllng prites andm ateadity eues ai. lthein unthl lthe> r-gaii timeir normaul relation le the votunme of debla and ci-edit u l lteé world. 'We have cndeave nl a plain wsy lu set ihis matci- bî'fore the eyes of otîr rc-low- ,itlrens. W@c Itvoku a uniton of ail nts and att parîties-who belîceetlistene adconta toi- lthe liumîth of justice." 'r itegner@ then pronouince si eiogy npon itenator 'relier anti aggest Iiasta 1ail ums tîsmal cons enti-upta l 0 beuti dau a can- didate ton ttc I'resfmaeney. r1OPULISTS INDORSE TELLER. Isue an Atitreas Coulin on Ait fit. ver 'Mer bs tupport Hlm. As thc resuil of a st-ries cf conferencest beta-cen the' coummittees uîppoinleti ly the seceîiing ails-ci-nien te e eccal ihepubli- cau conventionu anti a conimittee comtpas- Pd of promlinent P'opuliiste, an atidTreass ba bran issuctitrîîm ltee itcadquarterc of lthe Pemplc'a party national commiltec in St. Louis, ativsiing lPopuiss tbr.tughoutthe countiry toa nme Hlenry M. 'loller ot Colo- ratio their national standard bearer. Ina- medintely afler tte silver men waikcd out of ttc convention they appointed a commitice, cf stiieh Charle's S. Hartîman ut Montania, Senator R. F. Pettigren' of Southt Dakota, C. F. Canion or Uta h anti Senator Fred T. Dutbois et Idiaho weru nuembera. to confer sihta sirnilan coon- milIe of Populiste. T'rtheveaing aetlthe liantera' Hotel îthey met H. E. Tgubeuek i llinois, chai-mati, Dr. Hovrnrd 8. Taylor ot Chicago anid Titomas M. Pal- tqson of Denver, et the national Popu- iist.cormitcee, anti as a i-ccit of tbat and subsequenî conterencec bbe atidresa n'as Icaucti. (hairman Taubenéck lu an in- terview saiti: "rThe secctiug cilver men of the Republicn parly sudth Ie Papa: lis bave, as tte nesul t oui-ntconter- esncsa, corne ta a perfect agreement .. te tbe future, anti bencefortit we wiIl work .1nngtlme a-meIh." ',He.i-tilt_ c of tha e r*"Lakei Yaare age the terrestrWi mevemient raiseti the Johanson barrier te dthe Brio basin s0 bigla that the waters of that laite reacied not merely the level of Lake Michaigan, but the point of turn- e Dg ail the wvater of the upper lakes bInto tIhe MIss'ssippi drainage by way of Chicago. But the faius were then cîîttiug tiarougi the ritige, anl when this was aeomnîuilisliedl, before the echange of idrainage was compiletd, the surface of Laike Erie n-as iowered by mnany fcet, andti uttathe falla vere re-etttab- lisîmoti for sonne lime longer. Slowly, year by year, one secs the cataract wearing bnck and suggcistiug the tiîuc wien the river will be turneul intoaacr:es of raplias, btanothers'lce ecause inaia work, anti one Dot easily seetu-nmcily, the cifecis of the chang- Ing of the level of the esirtias crUeLs i-rotu eoinputations tt n'as founti that for thefilrst 24,000 years of the lite of bte rivcmr only the Er-le waters flowcd by ia 0f thae Niagara River, anid for wiiiy 8,000 ycars have ail the waters of the tpper lakes been footing the talla. If lhe terreabrial niovemenîs contin- ue as a t present and there appears nu rcason to tioubt it, for thse continent was torntcrly atiy higher than now, then In abiouit 5,000 'ear the rua cf the Erie basin Ipromnises to be raiseti so bigla tisat ail tho waters ofthe upper lakea will flow ont by way of the Chicago Canal. Thust liee duraîlon of Niagara Falls ivill bave eonîinMîe about 37,000 years.- Poinîi.m:r 8( h nec M.%o6thly. Itese for tuf .rmation. Couigt-c'ssutlan George G. Symea n'as first nonintdm for Congresa iu 18,S4. The retiring Congressman was Bel- tord, 'lime led- lcadeti Rooster." Symi s, like Beiford, bad flery reti hair. Belford was present at the convention, octuîîying a séat on the platform with the rhirtmn. After Symes had been plarvil lu1 noîmination (gays the Chicago Tinio,-ili-raidi a red-hicaded delegate front L Cto<nîty pittetIninomina- tion LîetTouwusentI. Whill ie wnas prepprimtg fr lils coup d-etat, as il wei-e, .1. IL. liodIgts, tce man wvho was acutIof iltiavmngr stolen bbc rof off the'Ai 't îmitmtiary andi solti il foir oudiriou, lmlîtîself a delegate, aroise andtI lltrîtîti.- -11%Chamîian, I rise for informtion." "State vour qulestionî.-l'ie iurlano Ileot1ges looketi sii t il aIBeifttrî's retiltop-knot, ret-is Py4t-," for a imttmmmucut on syllies' fil'- tuttI it ri, w ith a grin, gaz7etiat tlht- fl.îtiing maltte of lt,'man fromn lik',.:t:îinslow I tdia wled lls question: la li~ t-, lSelîitltor :titiou-austty Snîm, -r Homes. In hlt" eic rt-gltHs eofNWisconsin, Norîht-îît lluh întî-, tIowa anti Dait'î; lt-(rt-rirt' ]l1Pî1-rtds or citarîinig localiî it s re tîtîiti i ii ed fr rrmer hoDte.ýNt-tt v ail are itrtimet on or uear Iaskee %% Il.hth ai-e nuit teen fisheti out. Thete rt-sorla are 'eli! reached by rail- way ai]ratnîge'tin varîcryfrrm the "full tires- for diiter' 10 lthe il;timîik-ahirt cos- turne fotr eî-ery nt'ai. Artomt he lim't are nanmia fait lia r iOta itV etofou r r,'iters es lthe pt'rftectitntîofotlittrit sutailner re- moots.aNeariy ail orflthe NW-.coiisin points of interest tire cwIit s sitîthritdistance front Chicago or Niultt ake'.antI aone of tem are so fr r aay frotthlie "biîcy niar iIaof civil i-t ti toit' 0t tIit r ta nnet be reacitet in a feN% oitoftrif rutl'iy fre- qtît'ît trains,. over lthe iiirueî nid ini tie Northi -elthe" M ~ i1liaulît' andi St. P'atu lItaiiw i'v. A I-r ofîîîthe prjiriîîii reaorlS. w ist 'otf ilninier hoît'!s ant i toarîiiiig iîîi'î-'titiandratitsafor boaird, ivill ttc ati ont- iicatio-muîn 10 F. .4. 'Mller, Astr.î,î i-ietr.l l'aga. Ag-uChicaigo, 1it. Ail Chippeul In. Titey usere sitting li liche riitutfoot Saîloon (relaies lihe Nev York Tribtune), anti were diseiîssiîg lime siiuoîlîtg of a man whio lhatisoiti a 'a mii"hne t a uîîîîtiber of investors. I-iiiutiiy oui 1-rtc Silver Bill, w ho geuo-miily suuîîîned up tce verdict on ever v e-et for lthe gathiering, saitl: "BoysR, If tiîey la lu be a monymnîct pumt up lo iite de- ccased, i, aove timet wechcip litn'u have eut on it some words I ouct setu oit i grave In Californy. Il svihl shtowv we arc Dot douvu on thc galoot as long lis ho la gooti an' deati, au' it l siili e a peuverful strong hint 10 others to go au' not dIo ikewlse. Thiemw'ords w-imz as foiios: 'Denti loves a înliing suai-k.' The boys chippe IniDat onice. 1tonieseokers' Excursions Southi. Oi thltih na t oft t une, aise MYl 6i, 7.'20 anti 21, ant iceveraI dates duniig Aîîgîîaî, Sepîcînher anti Odtotmr, thc Cil;- cago antiEtatern llinois Ilalroati w:l oeilifirat-ciaaa round-trip tickets, gooti 31 dava fron daite ef sale, for one tare, plus $2.00. for lthe rouîndtip, t ail pointa ini Fioritia and the South. Tracks, tçains, time ail the beat. For further liorma- tion admîresa C. W. Illuaîpbrey, N. P. A., St. Pault, Min. City tickèt office, 182 Clark street, or C. L.. Stoe,.. (. P. & T. A.Citicago. Opium Consauption. Thc 400,000,000 of people of luini anti China use annally 50,000 ciacata of opium liant cost $500 oach, andi 200,000 the coronation lerrkesuofttheCzaro Ruuuia, and for a peeullar reason. Ho i. almost an exactcounterpart of the Czar ln personal appearance and the Ruie inu police refused to be responsIble for bis safety whiie ln Russia, claim- Ing that ht would bave been equal te guardlng two Czars. Whiat that would mean noue know better than the Rus- sian police. ]Rome Wamn'It LIni n ealiay, Nether are the obstinate mialadira. -teIhe remnreai of witleh the grent rorrtcîlse, wls- tetterO.Stonwýeh Bitera. la adapted coimble ln an hour. To peruist in the ýue of thia l d es .m standard rensety la no imore titau juât. iiii- l d e s C lo)Umnes-q, eontPatuln nîlarla, rheumnîtîin, W ith a btter understandtn kidneY confflaints andi nervoumnesa are traniAet nature of the azaong te compIalula which It eradIcales. 10111Ille which vanlah bofore forts-gentie efforts -plean Obeyed Orders. riglitiy dJrected. There ia Mims Belle-Mary. remnber 1 amn at the knowlodge thatsn anyl home te noue but Mr. Verc Browinkins olckneas are Dot (lue te an tiais afternoon. ease, but simply to a cons tion of thse systcm, whlch Mary (hall an bour later)-l've tbld famly moiv, Syrop ofFie four gentlemen cellers that you were ly rernovo.. That. la w - at home te none except Mr. Vere remedy withmillioniof ami Brownkins, miss, andi they all went evcrywhore esteomoeed se o highl away very angry, Indeeti, miss. Titi- who value grod health. Ia Bitsg. off ecta are dnote tetMet, tbat one rexnody wlalch prometoes ecaaness, Nwlthout debilia Negiect of the hair often destroys itos sonwihtat.Ii TitslitY andi natural hue, andi caumein il teor affnionwhichiaodtegtIt flou.Before il la ton iste appiy liali Hir Reaewer, a sure re-rne<y. a1 fiial ffecta, tenoewhu S The Danubhe flows through cotintries Whih is nanuaet nedy theCjt ln which fftY-two languages andi dia. Fig Syrnp Co. OUIy and sold by ail n utable druggiste. lects are spoken. It bears on lis dur- Ifl l tho eo~ynent of gond hoam rent four-fifîlîs of the commierce of and the systeni la regular, thon 1lý Eastern Europe. tives or otlrer remedie4-u-e Bot, »«)o Il afflictedwlth any actual diaoauo- mnay b. cooemendod te thre zna- a Ilall'a Catarrli Cure. physicians, but if lun ned of a a Io a con titutonai cure. Prlee 75 cenit. thon one ahould have the boat, and the well-inférinedeverywhere, u8 There l îsobaloIy îothing cIsc ut1 ustandi«most g rl we cati -et su mueb or for nothing as adrice.__ _ _ _DÎ I j Pino's Cure for Congumption lias saveti lme large doclor bi4s.-C.I, Bpker, 22 Regent Sq.,Philadelphia, Pa.,Dec .'5 Gise aiooserin te ny kuîdof s1 le and a runawvty hors sut a circunai- stance. seixe. Pure Blo a entiellaehealth. Now le the . hUftli55tlOlluuidEaae tie epurify andi onrich the blooti, adFM Iiati p flI, *7&Orielenua lys vgor and vitaiity, by laking - F RIlSt% I il WhI .rmmesoit. santal elimat. sud due 1e Met'd Yrre .eta 0go thela Hm S arsaparil la lidL. r TeOne Tnt. Biood Purifier. Aldrtiggtsts. $1. Hoodle Pila cure sui ier la 25cns MUW$t * Obt. la 1871. 2ba4Ue aeld. 3Uarnd a PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS. t.N. .£mm5-V 'b i i "A Scorcher." Tobacco Sk a y 'that ,ýïBATTLE AX isa i"scorcIwer» it sels so fast~ Tobacco. say, it is a 44scorcher" bc w Icause 5 centts' Worth goes so fat. Its as goc as benidregardku of ' ot.Theîïcent 2pie is alniot a larg'as the other felows' 10 cent pWee.~ &Brevity Is the Soul of Good -Wife, You -Need TV I te

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