Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Jul 1896, p. 1

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Ijnfpenfr -.W4 Val. IV. No. 38. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, JuIy 3, 1896. $1.50, in Advance. ,LBRYVILLF LODOE, No. 492. F. & >fii~rdyao!.,al,î,'îîtî.VlstIng bi-theru 6,tdl.iY wele',med. W. M. BEÂTII. M. W. JE . BROiaWN. FSa. Dr. Chartes Galloway. Office over Lovel Ps Drugbtore ROUR1t PROU I TO 3 ANI) G TO MP. M. ;Libertylville. Illinois. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. OCffice over Triggs & Taylor's. 7 t0>ti a. aM. 2 tlî 4 anl A. ic Sh.'n Resiilee Un br..a.way oppomite l'ark Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVS. NOUES TILi,8 A. M. I TO 3 ÂND 7 TO k P. là, speclal attenîtion îpîid to the- tr,-aLtuieyt . (i hr.'u e Rlîeutnui. Rockefeller, - Illinois. O. F. Butterfic'Id M. D* C. Lrsru-T,' 1! II .I"iasi 4 1i.i ~I.i Miss LULU M. S. PENNIMAN, -T l:&(i Cuor - VOCAL SAN0 ALSO DELSARTE 1INSTRUNENTAL SYSTEM OF music.......LOCUTION.. 11191T 3METHOVîS. NOUT I*EABONABLK PRIttEI Lbertyville. Illinolss. Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST- SOffice over Lovel I's DrugStore ROUliS: s to ij . m ts. i 1 Ito s p. am. lAILY. Libertyville. Illinois. MISS M. ^LICE DAVIS. Ora'imule of Arerwcau Cousess'atorg -4-ý'*)IECULTURE ADHARMONY Lbertyvllle. Illinois. r-PAUL MAC UFN àttorney and Councellor at Law, rNOTARY PUBLIC. Si'.i ittioD glv a t tW Xltoné and office witt. Lake County Bark. Libertyville,' I linois. .î i -iî ir-- lu t d-1) 11, l.aug ll Th Iti ille î,Itliiii île i, And la, kt Iw h fIt o 011 s>ou tram' John J. Longabaugh4 Grayslake -1- llinois. H. P. EWING M. D. Rockefeller, WI., J jt A.i . 1I.I(0 "?1'. .Afer r.e P. M. UNION HOTEL. Vi HFEI.lNt. - ILLINOIS. -iRST CLASS HOTEL. s..Half-way House ... l3etWet ni hitiago iand the ~Lakes Cyclists Headquarters. <jood i gpcon,,l<Iitj0ot foriraveefrrs. John Behn Prop.1 LAKE COUNTY BANK .... Wright, Parkhilrst-& Go. Libertyville, Illiuois. issues Interest-Bearing Certificates Payable on Demand. *NOWJS THE TIME TOIi NVESI i\NJ AI' DUMITER LIGHT.HARNESS? rat'm(, vt-rs. If you travel audnd et a Truîtk. i'- il valise, or anything mi rny hue, GIVE Niî»A CALL1. fipinlng ions. Proniptly snd Neatly. A groîip o1*bachelor girls"in Clhi- cago tire te bave a hanulsaiie bomne and clb, conduieted ou the ct-ooperative plan, ooit he sgenth idle. It willl .xwiilîpy a large st<ne-froî,t on iliwcfi avenue, contalnlug sixty-f<>iiYrouts, andi the et of ai vinîg will l.e from $3.311 ta$4. 5<1 pa. -wcek. T..Mrs. Alice Ashbury Alîbott iancdue the credit of foîuding the club anîd for the turne being stle ln fInaucily re..poiblle for ItL Flag Law Invaild. Jdge Wright, In the Circuit tont at Champaigu, Ill., li Friclay, decided the- state iaw requirlng the. national flag to ie cisplayed over every schlîo bouse il) the state during s-bool Ihourll in uncoîistitutional and voici. Ue quasbe.d the- indictmneuts againat <ov Altgeid aîîd the trnsteema(if the State Univeristy, an(, afflhers or paro.-hîîl sehools wlu, uVer. te of - f iîlutilig tie Ilîw. MarrIed ait Somers. Ol 'i Iîîîîîv îl î .11111fia. 21, t 1:30 oa-l.,.-k, Miss Ale. 1'. ('o'ýk, datigliter of I.. (.okand tMr. L.-.- tý. in itrimig.- .t Lile- là,ii i, or the,- ln,, imar.-îî ta lt ~ni-',W is., bYl.v .v. Re-n ai.t ley.v it. Otto> A?î<lcrsiî. witli i g-..iiandîi1a profusion.î of i-it fit..Awens. T.. tlict-tri i-is<of M. uul.l asý.lIls. %%.-l.l îng lj:ir.-làt xe. nt.-,l 1.-Mns .C. V. M ilier, tilie I Party av .dt.. th l -a,il f., I art-h .f grvn ...i...Imilhite, w1lî.r.- tley a -r n îjt l.thet- ta ltistorna wbo p.-rfornieui the cer-etii..îy. The- bridIe C.îrt-a elarmng gî.wi of ereulil nu.>siNvs-i lin.g 'a iMIi tniiîî,iiiiga of tn-v andl riliboiaund -arr c-.l iridai naît.-. Miss,. iIii E.tlI"ing afil as uiaid of lmiter îamîi 'ons- a g..%uîî of î-rc'anî csh intre a iti> lace and ij o el trinniiiigsq anîd piî,k roses. 31n. Albert Biholi aeted fil filie ca)ia<ity aoflest Miau. MURDERED BY TRAM PS- Joseph Roue rs. Forrnerly of Lake C.unty Shot Dead. La>t Weciueaday am Josephi Rogers, was attemptiug te)iirreit two tramps', about louir miles soutli o!f(itenitot, Mina., hie wal shot dîîwu in bis tracks and murdered lu cold blood. "-Joe' Rogers usas lerii iu the T.îwn of Vernon, thfié couty, May 13, 1855 and rntived wlth lus4 parents t.> the village of Glencoe, Milnu., in the lu o! 1878. He will bc enenbened by aid settlers, beiug weli kuowu ht-ne- abouts, and highly respected. Abolit two yeari, agti lie was elected Sheriff of McLeod Coii,,ty, Minia., and was acting in bis official Capacît-y ushen kille!. lie hall a warrant for tbe arrei of two tramplsaant inl -ompany wit) a frieu'i drove to the- outakirts of the towîî, wbere tht-y overtook the- men,. Rogers stepped ont of the buggy, sayil.g '-I walit you iell<.ws, wliereupîî.î,tlîey alîct lat iit, four tines, Ithe lit t stikfîig iii,> in thle ruglI> -t , ali . ini .the I. i p. the thlirî i n thelit-rgl.t i -g:lu(tlthé liîth lu thle iglit ailu. Tflit- nl etrc t ajt 4 se. i theiie- t .1lav. aifter a.a i est < tii 4,ll,,s,- . ve r a t.rnit..ry vî-..rsinig Rt lemi.t 15imiles. 'l'ie aîthorities if (Gleuc.oe tele- guwjîed (i. l. higl for tn.înps, anid Co.. 1) First 3 ma,, si wi.-it on a 'pet-jlItrainl. 3h,- w.- .-.,.î tiett t.. tIie- oiuuty jiI andt I crmieca double guatridaro.îîuuuîtIi.- ), us lr,-iî lay the carpat. af the virtfini aiî,i tîe autliors of the, 1>0st reu oîitiiig vina,. The fincriL s.-rvi,-cs uer.- lell mn thie ity haiîl ait (l-io.SatirIay. Thi.- ciiffenî-îît s (.-i-orfus-tîeli tl.e u-isa uniIit-nttt-îtiiidin a ititdyandat miirclietltte te cem-t. iv uslit-rt' t he Masoni li ,>ii-î-heu 'i îrLge-(If tht- at-ru es-s. Ctncus Men in Trouble. LasI l'ridaà- ithe Iliîîus - Londonu "a(ilvaice uit-hi" tIi. îîîglî t tii îiti Iize thte Ater the .-îrt-niiiiy a rece-ptiîîn uas 1bill bî.aria aiftIie-w ual Bnci. .'s-. bl-Ic. rc-u'î-iutelthts ers't-if and ia Tht-s' arelunfthe at-t of l)fttiîîg up gelienal g. .0<1tiîîî uais ilii il ge(l il] by jtht-m --papt-r4a and tfuis ec.iu,-r tuptheir ail. Thet-brtides' îîreseîîta s wr,- illier- onpetitoin- bills, uttici> stcippeii. on@tis a i caitifil. Mn. sad Nrs. Filuk Tht-y vert- taken bt-fins- Justice- l-ft sitilti slicu.ers tii riv~e sudt go- Chîîrî-li iand lit-ch $3.0o uî/at <ia wisbeesou tht- live o'cîack train for aî wceks visit vîfli frinit in Kainsa... .Wili Re-organîze. City. Mc. MIii. liant-n. the prnipaiî,l eneclitor Misa Cookliasi;es-n îîîe oai t-iicrs of the-Frect F. Bisi-ltff Conmpany arth pramisiug yoiig Ladies andlhais li-en ite otîjer luterested C'licagoî gcntle-i on ofî- , the sîîeesesitl tear-ters ( )f lth e en t-er here Tî,esday lookiiug ,îvt- i-tuhuty fcor the ' î>t feu yeirs. St-eli îînlirty of tht- companly with aîu mmîs lt-tn au ardnut us akt-r in c-luurc-h u t-a t. e-aîgalizi/ig the coii>îaiiy. Aul affli t-e Eîîeu or sot-id - acting la arrangement uili ii.'u(ebtc-dly lie o.istaut Sulitu>tay Scîiiil suIt-h iutt-i.ii,-t aeîaîîulplimlieci a lencbli M. Ratien ahil anud illreidînto'f IthecEliiti,-ji.voir a ii-I.j,.,-, n i,' iun ipcîstcîî-k-tîidcier tand Sbt- uulI tut-grciitly ais -Y a alai-ge, Mn. liscuiT uili asslume-thte manage- v- i-clt- iiifnl,- îiilas mus Ilils , ylathlicnie ut tofithe blu.iiic. M.3 r. ltuîuîcn Ihme c t-Ict . ut-lui g a huilai of Sîîîîîe nivi-l.s. the- Iiti Mîr. Iiiik i-s cil kuîî,us i uhui-ti-iî-a ,ssal i hicleulami 3fr. ltui,.hff htuti ag teiu .himir lii 'uit-si 1- hio h '-'t s a . haveîtiu' thiefac t. 'Yriniiiu c igli I3' cui ig munh. lie lia.sbutil, >uît il-t,, ia i îîIl capitiltu- eltipliy <if tii St. 1'. 1t. iR. fio., f(t'r ttît- past ta-. yeans alnd lies itveit u'iry Grand Celebratlon. mh>tc-tssthil i tl>e a rk. [l c hiis ls - hert utilIl be a l-ouîrîii of .1h'e<le- te ueposition ai agent ut î-:'cnitt.111 1 bratio at Fredrick's GroeFrnont We a'auln tie ta-t-evic- tthe sni'îi speakiiig. ciaueiig andîl,îl gcad m>enîttiof tte i-i itiitilitity 1hnw li.hiiig ti uic. Muaati î' ts!h'isens-t-c this n.- wiy u -ddcolipli e lon g aChili ai the.-gni îids it rt-mlia î, e priv-es. promaptriauis lites johrn.-y. Mn. nit ] crybîilt3' init le . IMrs. Fiiilî uill bta t homie i lu-tBeen Peddîer Fîned. v-ille t- tIlieur futre.CuaieSiunî,.WIi-iigwut Weekly Crop Bulleta. lilued $30) adti ts in Prlî-Iiig lit-t- 1 it v ,ek tIir, ihghoui ilî,i nIlit- r i un tltut aR Icctist Meuh Caîstai!, heficre c-cuîîîtii-s oi .Il!lio'a its g. ,,-aNvi-ry aiit Deu)is, w lich hie Shuutiai favorale fotle gro.witi f trt/ls. alid paiti - Aboutit l yt-ar .îg.îJustice for farni aork. Ext-tpt litau y shIirs nsl'iurt-ii iniid Siiiu> nr tht- sanie iii the iiintîi-est lpent .f tiie- tate, aoffense. U letfia ho.rseandcii wagoni as freluleut liglît slioa'srs u ,Nî' T ge-hîrut, -sv't-nity ut flic tin.,-avîîi lte lvtXt Lcy -.., -.. .., ,.- - - - - ut îîaiîcul lt-clfanr'ai lii, ili iug it nas lus andiicl shillue amle. W lient ailcî uyes ,nttif>g as gens-rai allaîi iuuelîis lu. tht- sîîtîk. Oats hre nupt-uiiug fast anduc of vcry rauk grsuwtb, st/ic lî.tgiuig anid ut tiftle rutit andoi su>t ure-u-,i ii ( ' un i i.geîîenally Whiliy3, fitlsare (cel'allasitithe erîîp lu giidot ndiîî. tio,, mî fi-w felda aI,,rg tht- t.uthern itt- are c-uttlng bal, b,-enI-thslheii and itiutl>tj. ,-uttiîîg sle ginuiing. Early iotitîcies are beiug nîurkcted and tIhe Iiitatt. trip anti garees ar nii extclIent .-cidtiiui 1mI tI fruiit pru, i vt tet- pleuîtlfuuî, tla-khe-rriets au-t- iptu iii1g. uisi aî'y alllem. Grand PliIt. St. l'ctnîc-Jta curt. 1. 0. F-. No., 81, a il Igiu't-i. gru i i lt- Suturtay. Ju>13 4, aut J-,resite,-4 ra tn.ut. sicI-. Rtfeahuut,,-îfýit.-, Wi-tîl îes-ruti onuîtîhe grt.uuiîs.lDanc-in ii îli a gt-ena I g.îîd tlune liaduîverfilled. Oifî-our-se-lyandt ai ytîuîrfrîis kare iiî, t.-ut lindy.u shouiîcîattendl. Nve have I iut reîc-u -ctuti irgt.i- suitct co! st*ictly irst-cîis. tsu' I ininlrg twtui.. Ciii> t-fl aitfrît,, 64 ta 7 etlit8 pet Pouloti. WiIIIT & MON. Fou t3IÂL-Twobilgh grade bicycles, oui aualy nev. Addren M. T. t-are temiUW*iDEM, lutpr c-ty. Si>ici, 11.1 lui nt tarit au utcIl tîîs tîlue as thie .îg-iliisteci on Uaclatmned Lettera. hI, -î ~s . , t<,u' ni-uta u~ u-lî. , ut LUs-h cul, î r--oll.-i i ia-.Ilink'. Mn. E. P. i .Ihl.i F l L u-,i G. 1Il. Sirsa 1m ' . M. Were -Ntaè ,a Obe-Wbat Iovc'ly turquises those were you sent uit-! But1ans- tht-y fot Paunlema of unfaîtliftlness, darlîng? Ht--Ah, no! tbey'ne al nîght: tbeY'ne flot real!-New York Eu-t-rutg Witrld. More Iuterestfng. Slunmons--HeUo! lias tht- billing aud cooing of lia uewly h>annîtiedpair nutl to you rui you ont yet 7 Timmins-Naw. -"Wby, 1 thougbt you sa Id l suas dri,- Iug you to distraction." "i wal. But tbey bave got to quarreliug uow. 1 go homne earlyonu purpose fo lsten."'-IiudIanapolis Jour- nal. W»y They Were Shut. A Sotuh Bide girl la Indignlant be- cause s youug mai, klaseitlit-n wheneabs wagu't looking. Il bas bat-n stuce fouumd ont"that absie ad ht-r syeshut.--Gene. see News. The 1StDEPRE»Jiand Chicago Lat" r Oc"D poo Harrlet Beecher Stowe Dead. Harriet fleeclier Stowe, anihor o! "teeToi.>'.. Cbin thdiedat iHartford, Coun., Weduesaday, July 1, aged '84 years. The death of Mrsi. Stowe takes from the Amnieen people a wornan eudeared t.> ali.y the greatest diescrip- tive book t-ver utitte» on alevery. Scarcely a chilti of ten years of lige eau be ftunti in ibis counitry wbo bas flot read the- book or st-en it i-eroditeed ou tbe stage, andl ber name lias been as famillar almost lu every bousebiold as the- niartyrc-d preKidets, wbo agreed witli tiis noble womnan in t- matizing slavery as a <ruel, uî,just aud uncuiutitîîtiîiial traffie. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Elmer l)ust.,ii.,rry Sports a uew buggy. Ben Buttî.îild lali the proitl father of a baby girl. A baby girl wa-. harn Tiiuesday ta Mr. and Mrs. I,-u is S-haut-k. Mms. E. W. BILu-kiiuf-r, of f )k Park. la viNitinig Mis. A. Bl. CI oe Mrs. Wi1Irlitterff.-ld visitedin l Chicago theIi.-tof thli e ek. M las M.îattie ('(,11,y, (if Iiaraonci Lake-, seiît seus-nai l divu lene tiisweek. EdSiiiStili hî,.s prîrcfceseil a îîew buuggy, a alt iy-. aliýyt-le -aiî't ilu) it." .ItîiS-laiiî î., îiîirovhug lus rest- deiic-ei, m> 'sorliî e. .y blinlîg a COMINO! COMINOUI Wait FOR THE BIG SHOW Nt liowe's Great London Shows, wilI flot exhibit in Libertyville until J ULY4th « J ULY 4the I ).n't fail ta s@v the great frée Balloon Ascension and Parachute Jumip, By Prof. Mons. De Loomis. Gorgeous free street parade at Il o'clock A. M. Two grand performances at 1 and 7 o'clock. ADMISSION REDUCED TO' 25 CENTS. D)o niot be dec* î'.u(l hy minor nt, h-penn concerne tht style tbem- melves "showvs, " bu t mait fort lie ttli&btautiftLanil well-known - IIOWE'S LOND)ON. KEEP VOUR EYE ON DAY AND DATE. front v,-ralu>da. WAUCONUA.1 CUBA. ie f.iîîîlîitiaîî for thet Catlilc E. A. Goldlig was J L %-:-- .itan lIîTheniopers bave left Grass Lake. pansoîmage is fiiîislu-iied andw<rk on thie MOT>t141Y. Tlii, F-lit Creek sebooi closes Fr1- hliii îug is Iîiîig pîsh,.E. Grne-en w as a Baril h!'I i iriiîY Ilg gli-,.. w il.- andîl îliren, o Mondayv. i Mrs. Win>. Lamphisre ln visitlng ber (2hiagoar. vistin Nts.Iteglsl)r- rage 4Snîitlu la u istiliîg litil,.- i.v p arents. ents, Mag. and NIriilgs. Ilir present witilîg. Agiles Murray reiîîrnel ta tht- elty t-us, r.un. 3rs.ll.iu3 Vjîians. A. L. Mtllen waa tonjil.. :t ol-s i Siiiday. Mrs. W i I lau .î,ituand eIild,-en., ofWaukegai mlai Satiînîlî,. Mirs. (je,. Vioty bas bt-en fil, but la Indsiianaî, anr isi tiliîg re-lati ve-s anId Messrs. lilaîk, Pnive latîlI,, i n liliirovinig. frinds ini Lîl>ertY vilI, iand, viî'iuity. were in Barriiigtîî niîîa ' Minsa KIte Caîîniney rettiîrned to Chi- - Miss De-lla E irwin i -Lut-t 1,. -r s-li. agc lasit uteek. Les Sîîîtli(iî.it.'y (log, aiti, wlhite in the Muirray district ti.onitiiav lita..lui,î-1111 8MirraY, Of Valo, vlsited bis neck aid 1 ir."i îshi t:.i . litIn>,tc E. A. (;oldiug vislted ifi,, M.' W . iliiiti-r Sunduy. F. MI-i-E. oi. Fi tuili. Siit.îlle camp Of Ivaliot lit Satîîrdlay î.ve.iing. Estt-le (,race lias cîoaetiliber gehool rewarîl. Miss Haitie W'.ells eîitertiiiicd fieuds lit loney Lake. lr . i 4 iicao.u m.îedf tuafrom MeHeîry lat Stîuîlia.v and ioi ,i- Nellile Donulea vus a pleasant Pahiler Miitr. lr.1."îiii, gi, , e i titav ay. i uaSaturday. sîser, t. ingli, aenSîîiiîy. Mrs. Eirwiu lias ic-c,, ittrtatiniiigl Mr. l'tertion and famlly visitent over Clarke W ni 'hit n-tîriwdl ioiii,' >ttli reudam ont>the eif3- ror tlIa plisît two tiie river Slînday. his îliîeî. weeks8. Miss MarY Shilmaker visited ai lMr. Mnt. W. Il upu. s, the- Waiîo-iiidii Miss uth Nev il is 4î-ittrtitiuing IGn.ibena Suiiday. furnitiin.- deaL,-r ,i-livered a lit of lier frieid NMiss Bigg. Railîreset ,Mnr. A.- V. Kimberley la pntîing down mtrse otiLaeCiit orwritjng. a ui-l oit bis latn in Cubek. tuar edes lîcLIt .îîît 'or Misa Lattra Caiitney eitbtler There utilIlibe a picnlchehd aitlMr. Fa,» ~,-i îeîly.sebool ui Qtîentiu's Corners lest G(ihbera ou tbe Fosirth of July. (,ei. ~ nîlîf ntifaiiilylt-t Tîurs Wenesay.Mn. and Mrs. Horn, of Barrlngton, day foi il fril> ta Mineapolis, ChIippe. Miss Janît. Wrighît îa speudiiig t-r visiteci at Mrs, Sennet% leut eek. wa Fal. adotlî,r places inu Miniie- summier vacationi 'iti> 1ier an, NMrs. r.S tls tie icero th MecColum,. -tyla apening s ite nSumme romlite. sita 111- Dakota. Miss Florenîce Rîîgglea sterted it ai> yi pnigtesme ihbr llîiiiiîn lias it thaiaa lnîîug -tînt- is ta Moîîday for Detrait uthere sut . >îîl The- paî-ty at Charles Miller% WUa be ýtar,,dfillen, o th liýistoe vsitbersiser.largely attenîteîi, aud ail repori a good tiltiiiiiis ta I>tinig .-nc-îtî-d. Nitiliiig bMiss Lille Sliaw retutîil jto ie u- rtie. ltog euîaurir inhmeluPrairie titi Site, Vls..on r Gerou e tht- ity. at r eawesvst wltb îietliiit. Q/tai lie lt-ariii-i, li.>uiev. r. Thursdaiy last. ,tricîtheCt,î les.we' istws Mir-.. Wi. Ilak. of.iciago. aIerit a Mr. Hanimondtl d auci aîlitî-r 0-l Mîens i lAvroo aie f.-w dav-ý ii-eethis wectk. 3Ina. Hîîk vent to Wbeat,îîî lauf tiiî,iav t. iss-dlir ni e Mss Lorf Paetersu, was foriuivr-ly a nesiderit i.! tijis pîlace attend a ueddiug. viiit eler re Ms oa eesn and sym Liertyvlle i imprving Abert lReynolds aiid Liîîîîî'l h!gg.,s tt ek aucis-as Lî,,-tt'illî r- itara.m Studay and SiidaN w îtîî Walter Matiliuger returued 10 bis greal.v frindsin his lac. ity thomce Thîînsday, aft-erseveral Tiie'an nial iiit-et iiîg oif iî .wI -il s n t 'y- Fred 0>-cen and Frei W yîîk. ip wt-rt- ek'vii ee vle cevwi l Iehl a h cliug ( t riencta in liairiii gtoi ut ut- M s. Si uitandl îî,.tber, o! Barrlng- 31'l i itCinlri sniiîîy t inigfore liant ofhe-wec-k.toin, sutrt- cîtleîtotaCuba by the ilnuea Audre-.--. l.y 1ev. Isaaicc'îî,,llîaîn, of E. A. Golding us eut ta Berriugtoil itof r. >lmu Rotilivlr: litv. (.t,i .îî, uîîîîî, of Tliunsday to set-uit-thet-li s tit lîy Mn. Stagen, of Chicago, wbo bas Lae orst ad ter. Crdalli-the- depaniment foon-la îke. î,cen visîtig t Mn. Grubero, returned vititioi ..extetice it-icl to atte-ud . Barrmtn and Mentie Dlju,,of t.. bis liane auodis Briit attenîced the- Chiîlrenti, Miss Clana Bangs, o acna I C. F. Wi-n;Hi, l D~.1aY exorcises in the- M. E. C-IureCh. litdai tiMn Harudeits Sunday. on bir As us,- pi ta press utc leiîni of i, M 3iss Lille Tidur.4lulics nituine.l wiuy 6<>Algonqjuin. de.ituiilfNr. Ilbart Suwani, .of l Iroi,i Indien Terr., usIie.- sie liai,, 1r. and Nirs. Win. Donueily, oi Chi- hie,usli- at-irrntd iit tii-hie -lit-cii teacling lu ailfî,îiiaîu Missioni. cagi. are uisitiîîg witb the lattera ofr ienhightî-r, Mis. Chaus.Il i,-- k, Clîlîdreu's Day a-as ,/lservedilt, i.- îîn-ts. IMr. and iMrs. J. ONeil. -- -IM. E. eburcb on Sîiciay evt-iiug. . Miss Hailîiati briller bas bteun sewing o! thi,spllace, 'rlillra4(lay nîîîrlîîpi. Mr,. . 3Cry ijoyablc 'înograiu Na edr llfr in 3 l.iîliînîiauthe pasi week, and S useiu ws ai tîlciùrcl it o!f6h i-i. o. u uS r ierd.tiis, wet-k fanMrs. Sonesberg. ty andî a wou oîiînuîeb respîctîci ýy 'Ira. Hernit-k ar-<-i.Iivitil t3 lcr Ctîantberlahn's Cough Rernedy cures ail. SI, usi6 4 yeuîrs ai âge aniuîtt lis liigliter 0111e anti Nîîi'nîVtt, lhave ois, Cup anti wbooplug cougb. il a hmbaid nd eveal hilren t h-tiivisiiing lu tht- City tIl i îît useck. in pleasaut sat- sud reliais. For smle e hîsi:iic aî,ise-erl iiiiliii~' 3rsi. Brockway anti Myrtlî- Dixiiiî iy F. B. Etuveil, Libertyville, aud 0. uî,,iinli tile-m Ions. î-.uîuue up fnom Banriîugtoîî ioi tht-m C. Roberts, Waîiconda. N. E. LIBERTYVILLE. ,,ic as audyaicleiii ll Tht- iic -Tburoay given hy the lî-iîîuds.Yîîuîg Peopies Misslonary Society" Borni, to Mr. anti Mra. H. Shueridtan. l)îîing the- atari last Satîunduy ton grotinds ut-ar Cube, vas largely at- a datîgliler. v-v-îifîg Mn. J. E. Glynî-b ball tht- teuîded hy uearly everyone froni theme Mn. Welts. af Wauikegau. viasiti-ilut! îîîîsortune to have tbree Of lus <ous parts, aud vas eujoyed by ll, but for Mr. J. Wt-lls' reteittly. killeil tylghtiuing. tht- sud accident which happened go Mn. -J. .1. Gullagben linti tîe siek Mn. Shiaw,.a proliiuitioiiist speaker. Miss Minule speçao arnln list,111 tiitoli oîvaiesceîlit. lictîred onounr streets Saturclcy eveuî- Sit-, vbiîtuswrung er4lg, a MrndiîlMrs. G. Schnt-k eutertaitied-i lg. Tht- plai fact-a -li-h1,- tutedti irowu to tht-ground by the rope.s frit-l o nt ,iLeiltt ât ai Sîîuday. us i-i-joyed by ail. reakiug, sud vas burt on the baok of W. fi ofien tiNorth Chicaego, w-ls I iw social given by theî ladies o! tî,e lier head and net-k; asutaiIastrepotte ohît lit-r.-on itls lutw- Iiike"recautty. NM. c- urch oun tht- Aci.dt-nîy rouîids I s veny loy. Mn. Wiîi Splîiluîau, -Ir., bas a lirai.lest Satuînday eu-eiiiig ;4Nissut-l' utw .îî .îgy.litus, urle,'a. ,ul tembî.i-I te -rt-au,,alond ikeai-e REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. the lotk-oîut. ai-ruv-t and a social tiiiie usas c-ujîyî-ci FIRON WAUKEOAM >EOIB'lEU tyvlus- . vi-itci it Mr-. ahîinI-ns. Fis t-îît,-'s l:,st Suii.iuy. '-'.Aii- 11h. .acotu ttyii3'labrt-ak i ig" st, siili1.-Wtt'a Little Early isers te. tlt- lisaci us lia it.take» tht-istsi îînîaî Isiss aIi.ggisl> lite>. Etor suIeby P. B. Lc.uell, Litiertyville, G1. C. liotlents. ttrs. EhilN(i>aloft.!iis hlaece, vu taik-iini tIei.-uight witîî <raiipiig painsuil th le uxt dclair dlrrt-îî set lis. Sl tiii 1/tii af a 1isitt- tuf hI Rtk- mu-nny v.-.d11Ia îbut g' t 11o rt-iehf. fihe L114,11 st-lit te)ile ttetasat-eif 1 bîti aîîy- tIliigH IA %vus olt leiji lien.1mt s-utlier o .II.-if icub-lî, Co, i- tIi.n iii I iiutî-rliii-i t illiI3-au.f thse fIl -s dose îs-lit'util lier. A iitiwr i/ i r iiiighli<ra lîiit-s->, sKick ifor a su-t-k mCl u bdtrieId It-retu re iIviI. ti ticfanîirrî,cî-c but kelut gettluîg u"t.s. 1I se-nt iîim tIis sanie neuiedy. îîuîly liri-dosîes tii h vert- requiired tît c-hune Iii.. lic aays he îwî-s bis ne- covery tas ibis vouiden! il remedy.- Mrs. Mar y, Sidney, MiCh. For ale by .B.Loveil, Li bottyiUesud 0. C. S B Syuder, Rilt. Misa--n. '. 1. 143 bllhtk ou tth Waukegau W d-..... $ ¶I AI lh ui/isItoi. eClit, î. E sîftl, ranili> W (teaité-,sud W te ÇQrI VralkKnigt Saylen 11:7 tl Si1WashbnuPark w d M l-'eîk kigeW. H. Bu-chus 1i, wuuter Jîîî,nSlrI nlwt a a iîîu-.W. 1S. Willlanl4, IlI1abliiiali, t-i lki7,1 SPrali"s EtShi alea a~ NV. S. Oukm, Mainblena t.!tile 'aIiutli ,, a-ilW...... US V-'ti, i îuî> pene silliii ylcit thîr i-ia >t iutI t1Bu u)ikhiuî4. -hit- e28, i'96 .ii le, tiv l. .k il Blu d Park w . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lt-ut siu.î on- iiIl lué;gbacî - liîaiuiuutiiits atel tuRot-ko- (1 ld u i .. i i ih e Hi itîsu-, f i -tili.,. I sil l, .landI W ta o -un trtnît,îu.lî im doctom's neieuuuslia lucîI eîrîi.-t ili t.' Il 4811k 7 Kikà failé-,-imé1îu e w tt-iAch (hiieilalis h 'it, I'î. f1 aku.........- tîImi.ilt-a anti Diamnl.t-a iti-uieiy, - iIl W%%-.-ui and> v tu Fi-d L ill us'îîîî pi~e vry pedy elif.W,-~~î t II t67HighlanduIPark w il-..... gav vey pétedyreief %V F aik-it. NVa W iîsiýc aI sw to er-dnand re-garditt ca, ti.lit-ot isudicilivt- V, >lent YIil Stililcff I:, 1.k il and Il il b1.1k 44 oni théu. til lut iîn haviI cs.niulal.,a. W'aii ,,i-Paîrk %us-----------------... t hIrs. E. i. Gregory, Frediî'nit-kmtc.a-i, <ha.c. ' i: -iiîous andtîW tu CinitIna Ni). I Il- i, ottinîy 1 la hu ..-.. t Ii-d EKlh-I- . bil;s9WuslîiumPark w id.. aM c-uit t fà--r lt tun thi' l. auTat Ii in Bin nIl-g.- andtI w l> Balle A Ilickt-n s *a0.fitIt ius bIdt 2Smilth di tty tit. y '~i hiuuIrcsiiiit,i ~~-A-la,, s . iid lt.. Wau.kIi W d..... J auit c-lu tt-ra ih 1 la utin l sh il. re,, - 16 .1 .iiu B&-ikti. nd ujw iciStandard Uh it-ver litiis t-- give lprompnht nlt-ifiutiu-i ..E S fi a'> Ilf6 1,11 lei 8unIt-baad» ,îs,-ct lin,it'abeîuitî une sd the- liaii lrt tIis I L t, ffirt, w id-----------WIll prînt.-'I îiiirc,--tibiîtare foittîvet. Maiury Marri&"e Licentea. niothens iiiîve txpreaaed ibelr sin-el-e graituefutr-ontht- cures li ha ected. ilamBeu 1 For salle by F. B. LàoYeê% , Litlw i l se okv, .'W- and 0. C. Robuerts. &~e~ e" If fi p e fi n Er 1

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