Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Jul 1896, p. 7

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#Iffl'g Pls cure biiot*io%sl-.lee --plitentai liard un Hat*. The. resutofîth ie excessive bowitig la that Paris hatters do a large-r bti- stea titan those Ot anY otte-r city. Notb- lug ruina a bat go qulcklY Ra costant -' bows wllb it. inu Londou. wbere men otre le@% polite-, a bat lasîs Imice as leng, usuaiiy gvîng w-ny trt unt te crowa uate-ad of nt tte- nape-, or briim, as de Fre-nch bats. Abb- Bc te begnongni! tiis century Do te-er titan fly-two voicanili- enda bave rime-n ont of teata; nîne- teeu dîsappe-areil, belng submerge-i; te e thersiemain, sud le-n are- now finala- Ied. AN OPEN LETTER. WHAT MRS. 1. E. BRESSIE SAYS 10 AMWERICAN WOMEN. Speakaet wEdahiGsIs justice to my saftrxug asioteM i 1 did not 1tau what LYU F . Plnkhbamle potxnd bhs d«P f or me. a" M A t trom"b blzthofmy chlld until lie wa fonryears Old,l1was in poor - health, but eel- Ing con- v'uced that b7i1t of the ailments of women wera irnagined or £Isecuclti- Tated, 1 fought agaînst mny badi eel- ings, unti11Iwas obliged to give up. My d isea 'e baffleil the bet di xtora r1 was nervous, hysterical; my hea.d achul with su ,-h a terrible buring sensation on the top, and felt as if a band was drawn tighty abore my lîrow; lnfl&mînation of .be stomach, no eppetite, nausea at he sight of food, Indigestion, constipation, bladder and kidney troubles, palpitation of the beart, sttacka of imelancholis would Occur without any provocation what- ever, nnrnbness of the limba, threatlen- inq paralysis, and 10e. of mcmory to uch an extent that 1fearcd aberrationl èf the mmnd. "A fricnd ailviacil Lydia E. inkham'a Vegetable Comnpotttd, anid apoke in glowing termas of what it liad done fur ber. 1I began its use and gained rapidly. Wow 1 arn a living advertisement of its ierits. 1 had flot used it a year when 1 was the envy of the whole town, for my rosy, dimpleil, girlish looka andl perfect hcalth. "Irecommendittoallwomn. I find a great advantage in being able to say, it in by a woman's band~a thi.s great boon la given to women. Ail honor to the Dame of Lydia E. Pinkhamn; wide auccese to the Veetable Compoundl. Il Yours in flealth, Mam.1L E. BMBE- air, llerculanenm, Jeffersn Go., MO." Thie ratest fledlcal Discovery of the Age. KEN NEDY8S e MEOICALDISCOVERY.0 DomL KO!D, OF MMR, MMS, lias discovei-ed in one of oun conauon lu-weeds a remedy ta' cures every rcaf Ilr umor. Iron te monstSciotula down to a common Pimple. lie bas tried il lu over eleven hundreul cases, ànd never falcd cacept ln Imo cases (boti t tunder itomo). Hie bas now in is pssession over éevo bondird cerlifcates ofils value, al mitiin twenty miles of Boston. Send postai card for book. A benefit ta alwaya expcrienced front the first bottie and a perfect cure la mar- ranled miten lie rigit quantty is taken. When titeýlungs are affected il causes shooling p ains, like needles passiuif titrogi t lient;te saie wth te Liver or Boweis. This la caused by te duct bing stopped, and always disappears lu a week mter taklng IL. Rad the label. If the stomnachi t foui on bilious il wii cause squeantlh feeingsata first. No citage of diet ever necessary. Et the best you cn geti and enougb o il. Dose, one tablespoonful ln mater aI bed- Urne. Sold by al Dnâggists- When you corne In hot and thzW,-HIRESRoot- beer. 0OLOD E Y ES C* ! M en 1119wWb whmmb.ePsy nwthon Ib" I H-, Cha de Chi of bet sud t con of wl vci cl. eat aIt wi ini et fi as th! da ho t- ( ( CANI).l>ATES FORtTHE-. DEMIOCPATI t-cke-t. andifut le' stuiti ucu-Isl in iis the En et o-i luCie îl t ouit cîiun' l.The j WVest lias tth- iîulk of titi- na lliilater lat the fie-Id. as a gbtuuce -alIbte tlboti itî bt1 shows: A Long Lisi. Here tare lthe tantes utft lo- mer, Iîîn i:l ne pualucuiby their resp-clive tî utaus for lte nomniaition:-- Claude Matlthem5(gsut cr).,u-ta James H. Campiebil(the pîaiofrui'Ot ii.. John If. Sehul i(the ptiuru.iuuuIa. HenryvNM. Teller i Cl -r.tloratuli Danhlà Bennetl tii tg-Idt. Newv York. Wiliani E. Itussil i te plamrartu.. Masos ebusetta. William itatbs Non-bson (tlite platfîura). liii- Hore BItou-i lpi n. lai. Rober't E. l'uitli'uou ihile j)[alfurxn. Penn- Richard p. Biuund Mîle i ssouri. J. C. S.i-Blackbiurn -iiir.Kemui,,y. AiliE. ttit -s-t Ii- 1tltfariuu. lîllis. Johnt Urlffeii tari[lee goluht. Ke-îitY. Richard (tint' (911i.d), tauiuseu William C. W1Itlty irguitt. tNew Yli. John T. Morgant1Ilet AlabRnua. Mani of ttose in the chutve liu.t are con- sîdered lnot tul, r a gitost of a show. Serttari Cairlisb&'s itu1tciion-t-e bbaated hi lte de-test of the go1nl force in K<en- tucky, aud lthe act Iluat ltheStale dele- gation gues lu ltte culîetuttîlias a unit for Senator Blackbuirnt. 0f lthelter il can lie saiti that ite ducs itot lttebis can- didat-y ton serilitil. lie is onue o!ftthe leaders mite15ai that the coîuntry la not ns-idy in vot- for a min o-eariuglthe Con- tede-nate hîuUi. He laia bt-lit-ver in Horace Boies, Rai lthe iueseîut otutiouk thte Kentuiirtils iiiguI îlow o ebutai- ueas toi- lte Iowa naln. If lthe second place on tbe ticketl go". lt a Suillbera otan, Senator Blaîckbumrn la considerol bo stanid as gond achane-fasamy nue. Sen- atI;r Morgan ut Altîlaultun. mitose puai- lion is moct-hie saine as tha t lthe Ken- tucky atattsmntti. oilgel a gonttiy suce of voltes on the iraIiballtt.bul t eis not bsnking beariilyouilthe ionuluation. Th.E asl's Por Show,.. Ez-Secre-ler il~iliam C- W'hitney bas retuseil 1 lieac acandidtlne, althouigi s i-e-at many et the Baste-rn dîleegatéa meniti stand neady tb fight fer bita nt the drop efthIe bal. Se-nator David B. Bill has cornmdivit-os mblcb lthe slveritcs wnouid ne-ver eceept sud lte saune t-an be said ot Secretari of Stale Richard Oineî et'o Massachusetts. The Bay îStte bas s 0candidate'in ex-Geov. William B. Russell, who leans temard told, but mit o muid probabli accept lie platterm on the cur- .J-o.Thomas B. Pattlson of Peau- aybnim..thme endU&Itae ofWMSM U es-1 OT TIMES PROMISEO AT THE Man, on tlb CHICAGO CONVENTION. cal] themu âanoeeQf Eseteru Men for the Preel Ibe bd dentist Nosanastilt Net Co.idered île oi Good- Boiea Of Iowa a ilight il uo Favorite Over the Otiiers. cours Blan( knou A Wlde Opein Race. adi P'rom present indicationaslthe-e miiila. efigbt. are exeiteme-ut te lte square Inchb mm- umni -dJ lItothe Democrallît convention at depei hilcage titan eyer be-fore ln lt.he lstory mani fte party. it mili b. a mighty clash twteen.lie silver soidiers efthtie West ad South sgalnt the golden warrions oft labl he East. This wmlibe one testure of lte nîhat. Astte leaders on tb, olter aide Ai] lte teuce acknowledge tisaI the llgblhav viI la. short and bitter. and that the ail- consý er le-gion will voie tb. roost. Slatisti- strei îans have figured Ihat tbe salIer de-le- at ti rales miii eatnmter the others imo lu îowî Me. The te-store of the combat mitich it li tracl the gaze o! the nation, and mhicb Mlat wili hring olut e-eyenounce of fighting stu if ArIl ne-acb and eer-nide-legate, miii be tbeColoi -eée tor ail slriiggle for the nomnination. eou N~ pre-sidentiai convention lu the bislory elar )f thecenI-i mwas ever sucit an open at- ne-ci tir as Ibis priomise-s te be. The-re are Idai more candidates lunlthe filt Iatie-rer be- 1)1111D fre, andi the chance of one mtan la as good 1,1 se the aext. Il moutld net be a surpriaing Kan ning te those skiiled in te awy ot poli- lKen lics If seome manti, eb.lackest kind of aIL a ark borne, bobbed uti n the eleventit la, heur and swepl lite contention like a Mai yc1one. Ifany people expect titis te M lIl happea. Chairman Harrity, o! the na- Mis, iongl committee, la one of thent. Mi. That s Western mat i mii galluer in lte Mon nomination la prscîit-ally concedn-d. Tiebe F»uth bas soune hope, bot the couler be-ails N. among tbe Sontiteru leaders %ay the lime Ne sn not ripe for a ri sonth o!flte %Jason Nor ad Dixon uine te heai lte De-nocrntic Nor tieket, particuiarii oea mio mear th. Obi, Confe-derate button. Bot a aturdy figbt K WUIi b. put u.) for lthe second place ou lb. Rhc c videl titis Nus tenIable* aàllt S5let. ---a ti.tbogeo et y IWMM A. LfEoe WO«AN WHO ASiroN. uHoWteras sooech Bitter. la the.lie« 00, lïci few of the. leaders are bettili ISHED MER FRIENDS AND ItsClan. remedylaz tiiorongbly as lit dow inpbell cf Olie, Boies Of Iowa, Mat- NEG4OS tipa Ion end biii.iusness. and affordiflE safs 'a ofIndiana, Morrîson of Illinois and Near to Deatb, but Reeîered éo Cem m ad speedy belli la malariai cases. rheuma- d'of Missouri are consiilered bo have pleteii that SIhe Ilias Beeti Actcpled tient sud liaati.ity Or tbe kidueyS. *et chance, with Boes a mlight favor- hi a Lîfe Itsurance Compiiany as T ni fAede l edn )er the others. Cniçbelisanys lhe ooOd XiUk. Teedo brenl edn t out for the uominatioit. but, iet p1om lCe Jouimal. Letri..on. 11pt. monse froin Canada to the Royal Zoo- e, wiii sc"pl, if It cornes bis way. À brighî utitle wuiaiî. rosy and tresh logicai - arden, Dublini. id, Mathews, Boles and Morrsou'ac- frott ber huîîsehoid dune.s, drutaeC mW, dedge they are ont for it and their echair befure lte oniter.a ndroaîkeidintith A cIild Eujoyo àrenta are preparing tb Mire a galiant enthusiasiu ahiiiig in he r auaPingltack Tepeautaergetl tonnt ' These lotir are sing-Inrly alike t in es..1Ti laatfaor e eato n y ways, representîng thee sînrîîy. In. Thepeople in the prettv village Ot soothilut; effectil of Syrup of ige, when Leed Ceter Me, lave witched lVirh In nee-i of a laxative, anItif the father adent, aggresgive, Wetern type of ome înlcrest the reït,ritiut 0 ta Ol)te : llt t iiood. heallh of Mlrg. W. L. raticiq. tvife uf the toler be costîve or bilions, the Most SILVER AT CHICAGO. pesîmatster. Su -geiteral were the coi- griitifs-tug rtsuits tollow its use; so that meula on thig iîilerestiuîg case tat the I elt etfniyrmîykou wriler who visiteil Mrs. Francis andilI atliq eery fataiiiy lîou d av a otti le Showiau tice Relative 6rength iearrued front, ber that lte tateiflttt'tre -__________________ave___ ortle of'the Twa Forces. gardirg bier troubles antd lier suheteltet Tlitrty days are requlred for. mail te Il the Democratic Siate conventionis exlricatiun tlîerefronîi are eitireii true.trelh ing been belli, it is possible now to Tuat others rttay lic beiteileil )ylber trvlitwCCfl New York aud Cal- sruet a table showing te relative azperienee.Airs. Frt-ucîtbas cnenetîelcuita. ath of the lwo factionis of the parute t allow -ber stlun lut appear lui prini. "If there is anlytlîiig on parlb 1 drend Sunniay tu fle Country. be Chlcago conveuttion. Il 'a as fol- Morte Ihan a,îoltt-r." site sait1. "il là toi sec Cbeap excîîrs.on t;ckets ici Wisconsinl My naine in tepatera. Bu i tas es resurti are sold every l-riday and Satur- Pires 1 colique-r inirepîîeîuaîce aud gv nb- a yteCicý,, .IlNtueanS. @"ver. Ol-licy te saine crelit t10the envie oayh IeCî9g. MYkean I ains ------------ . lite as 1 woultaiil one Who lied dàgged Paul Railway. Buirlington, Deinvan, a Wauke-sba, %Miltvttkee, Lekitart, Ocotto- )taou.......................--------act. 1 hav-e eitolilcd ny preserver se mowoc. Madjoori anl]îîany otlier altrîîc- necUicut------------------------. entbiii.-tiatiii und unreservedl!- have tive places are willîîn easy retîcî Of Chi- .ware ..................-__-..--- o suglit out sulTerers and recoumrenUed t ho cago. Fror ratîeandlotier infurmtion, rida----------------------------. 8 remed tu et)nmaity friettds eud ne- apply ai ticket office. '95 Adams sîreel. or cia---------------------.....ujittauces liet aireadi- mv teithitors a5t Union 1'assetger, Canal, Mad- ho ..................cuiarly fcal i e,'Pink Pilla Fzancil.' aol ........ .. 48 tB l aly yreo--ry ia outhilig Ihat laion and Adait streets. _-----------------------îe .woitdertul. 1 knaw tbnt tbers nus ............... .. 20 areseMarly testimonials of meieitiefIn lThictedbya avound to h-ail lte one isiana----------------------------py as mach heed as forîtîerly, but>j do- ne-----------------------1 wish folks lvho are snffering -qld e yla il-...........-..-..-.....-.. 1 meuiber tat t'Itl 1say cornes rigaf frôlai Hall'. Catarrh Cure sacbusets--------------------80 the heart tif a wuniîta n o feel filaile o lataken bterusiiy. 1Inîce 13 cents. !bgan--------------------------.28 had a uein letise of htappyî lite given le lier. lNgsotA----------------8 "IEevNenr go 1Ivn a alictedvilla s1-Ip ---------------ervotte prv,sarati&un. Nlv exitece until It ls bard lIocutivInce a iazy man tai mo r .......... .84-t uur gi %a al j raggîo iia O .ti - ris- loielut tee c tii lai bd luck. raaa-----------------------------r. Aîîyone iunte village will tllIYou -oile-.-.......-...-......... 6 o f M m îîdliiî. Mv biouil seettted fi- He wma taiiY, p.ionateby in lov-- e Hsmpghire..--------------------8 hausteil frein ny n'isand nonth afterwn w Jersey------ _.--------------20 monti 1 g-t-w weaker.1 iette aleta wuby the rnati-iesbeattty of ber com- w York-------------------------.. 72 titderrake oitly teliîghre-ut hbonseho!d pleie-i. Glt'îtn*â Suipilir Soap badi nm 'lb Caroline------------------------work, and evt-iIheit 1 cotid pertoronIt partedi he charui. Of druggists. :. aoa........ . only by sloîwandl caretul iniuemettts. iai r egon 6 ~~~~~~~~Drîng ilU lite«esorry Miia n er uîs nt lib i iitnsBmme u nnsyva na---------------------.4ii1was unit-r te -re of chis doctor andl grocer. aud wiriseru ts 1.bitt is.-e.Ifat li ndetsan---------------- Iat. buttihfir ii,'iiciîîes helpeil ne enly sA.WàiSiSii(C --l'ar.215paa'i ____________________________spasmiîdiî-:t Doi tdtheit 1 (cil mbi-te- hutt;,ofttiLy Ilittrted, Offrr sdittg. a lapses luirf' Irîsraliiîg than ever. "In fl(,i'niglit 1 iseil lu lie' awakenêd Mm',.Winli's itooTHN'a srir for tI>&irs hyty he 111051t --nu î.ing 1pains iiinMY s.i . eaUýiabt berirauj jil a.nd nus ubligî-d osfie v an u«ýu oc t L&ot pe ltsofît îî I i-f l teîliîilte hat teflot'- lor il(- i.,fr rt-lief in iiai- attackOi. A ~~~At ittt ii ii -ii h-ittio's,grav e thit r 1 ieti- ti o î,itinftrî'quentily. ~e lite E tnp tairs. yi jiitii.e,. ver nty )lts bauud's= store, antiid -îîln ite starwfli I tretli - ir n i% ,1i ta 9,1171:rt of ail1au sbîde vtfr lieat-jus in unuler t1a descend, suc. nt te t'mrainOit îny evalerntre- suitiîig ftrin-i thIis sliglit exp floui. Oc- - caaiîî, 1 irîtn-il file nî'igitlîrs. but 1 - mwas ta îrî l oait atnd restta urt-cuver 1___breathihîl i-i c'le iî~ant n-evaiCîl. -In short. ,ilci tt s .îî I it i î.d live. .J "Ont' LI.vIi % i îannduetie ot't f Dr. Wilia W.tîtî"lik l'is ffor P'it'eleopile. A ) s and cil liii glini.%- fa tliitiiireiiel îs was wenk hi-taitutini.t'ei t fIr a bu and tries] tiht-to Tiiha i t %a, to iars Agu. Now 1Itail metn3sCa %ewt'inomtiî. ls't lt ionduirfîi?E "'I luni-t -lao ne of titane-excriu'ict- y lng pt.t h- inl!10li, bt-tr' tr a lear acdtia hatfVui - i il i--li-t 1' v utpilla E helliîî-l i1iu. I;il)t. aîlîî11:S 1itiicati do MY utirli t-i.-îi% - bitt:giklin iWei;ht tonsti ili l ;iu- iui sicii a.i--tly lite- lient- i. iii a itlî îî 1lii' i vias ex- * aniîî:.-i r t'îîtiîlutltfe ii-îîralice and E mas i-- l uii-talinglvliîftertatare- "D e a iiiiil -ili i e t liâ îiiii'tili it i n- E 'P:,il. l'iii-i' ai l r igi t îr nviltge- I ha. tlit tab.ei il Iîn f the rf.uiî-tly for J nie tîp.buit àat il-- irst sîtuît uftrouble I kuuw to v. at refugtit'îu l-- "L.ast yvar fil,-aitt. NIM.A.Blus- sot, ut Diy'iitl,.. t)0 . us lere risilin me. Site nis .iifftilig frnitlat-k of VI- tlity andIleiart traibIe. buot sie iras ___ tepi ical altout iiy riit-t'y 1fiet tis I"T'O 'Y'ou have rt su eitthit.uînsiiutilvi to- îu.At lest, "a NA boit tver. ahe Ira-dilt auj carcieti uo honte tii tiiehtr ftluh -ie ienttt. A lihttie tihile ago 1 uct a leir-î,rfro ber ant in it lsait1.'l i cii r-t tht ilstaluGo sud i'ink 'iii'. ' Sut ais.t, o r.uicthal lier busband liau it bii 1ra-trttd, but itad be--n rn-toreti by thieri-- \Ve te-el îfîi)b s nii N.îât sie-it a auner- eign cure c.aitîluit le Ilaot, I îiy kuittu. i :A&T, t" ~Thait is te oîilv rnasýt wliv 1 attuttemy tanetabEil P L1 i CI E>I)1ýTlALN(jýUNATON. iütvalut-m i it-i-rsmiîlIîi iii tîîy u Souitniîuîlns iack lu lictitît. for i ni-ter el an iear.aoee------------------- -~- --opuitanîtiiitil las N lien a v-rd .fcuie 'h ,s es T eas aiFrL:n-i :- r""lt......... .. .îî -sr:s recomnueel'hik l'il'!; sStation Th benst se S ".irg ia------------------------- '4 - AgexilC. Il. l-oster, if Leedi Cî-îîlcr. aud Wet % -tll'o----------------- t he- repoter toîitb huiii ,itrIliiig theiplt- T test tirgti----------------2 .~forin antIaiting the-crrivai ufthtb-- tiriiug ar ui'yolilit - - il - 'I rain. n.%I losier, %ît , lita i it futthe nMost ............. .....1 - lrîîsttority. capable auj ciutrgîticnien Ta ae f"B - itee iniio! of tht- Maine- Centîrail îtR., 9 ~ F Toa...- (4 -petru l istial ;Fod beablhand pirtsBut ood u li end w-e made inîliry ian ti the cause. CONDITION 0F T,-lE CROPS. "Do yoîî kiote-." reçtiitd lie. -I tik r h te ali %vinler Whenl larseelAblit Endcd I've malle a discoverv - or nt ealst lira.T eohe halst an o rni.t,-uLokti Weil. Franci s bas for nme. 1 have ipeni in itoor I It Is as big alrnost bealtit for a long linite tîa hlI-rt t rou- Rt-portos e tht- ci riiitof te-crut.' blae narioisiy coriîiliuateii. iNe hlave been M other and poorer 1 flruiiiit i(0uitrty nud l icn- erP' ,)ft!lîy inleresled IluNita. Fraricis lo-u effîcct cf teuiciitLaîr on tht- growth. derfiîi recovery titat t nt uni-e îtîrticlFacts ae acs receite-jat lithicigo is fow%s: ougli test. Sa. about 100 molt,lafo.I y tsl. Five cen The - fator-al-ut u aîîrcnîîdiions of boîght thlie first box of Dr. Wi hui ' 'ik SU AL- 1'iiia Onl'tivo Mntheb, please notle, yel te preincilsinn-ek luavc cnuatiutd. iiil--r aIreatlv Iarn sui lunch i îh t-hlcit rnpid iru-grCus lias bt-un malle- in beller'abeta lutilli), ydîties, su sai- tbe- cutivation (if Çuuit epec-iaIy corn, guin fihait I quiouonte rold lu recovery. atnd the- harcstiuui ut(tfîiier wbe-nt, tîhicit that 1 te-el like a neit man. is aow weli ajt aice- un te more norlh- *'1 cati uot waik witlîout the fatigute I ery districts, anidla pratical!y finisitedu once experieuced, mu heant affectont np- snsullr ections. Corn buas nade peas 10lbe relie-veti, and I have jinte-J in aoîhernthe Pink Pilla Banîl ba otur cunalliîity' good pi-ogre-sa dring the we-k, andth ie Mir. Foster cornmeneed taking te pilis gene-raI condtion 0 f this crnup ise vry at- ai a fime w'hen le mas coîsploily prs- istaclory. Ih is now be-mg lait, hi as tir traIe-s. afler hae bail stfferesi guuh s sev ere C norlh as 'Missouri sud Central Illinois. attack of beart trouble- Ihat it mas ne-res- In te Sate oftheCenîrni Missi"ppi sari ta carry hlm home frointbis oitice. andIe Sîe s ut lie Sleswer ince then lbe bas tuithfuliy adhered le anu Loi--r iassspit ~ail-rs t-bee-thé remedi asud is costantly imltroving, duriiîg thte firit lbait fotMaycultivatioti 80 lit go ai to excite ihise ettusiasni . Ivas mucb ds-lyed andthebbccroit tve-n and hisaratitulde.- - ( /jL gra«ss. the fie-ls are- noix mosly free front Dr. W illiaine' Pink Puiis conlai, In a we-ede. b T-so, Luiiisiiuii, nîîd'tortiois condeuse-d torm, #Il the elenienla neces ot Aranaa audMisoii-aipi crn bsaary te give- iteirlite and ricitues a tuthe- sfferA rn adroisssipp ari corniarsnlo d îdi-care shattere-il terves. i'ink "NJx Jas1'iluz àwith Pearlinet Le us from that dreadful rubbai -the original washing-compou 1 -l that it can't hurt us-CSÉU with imitations I We'd rather ute ."u -Cnn Atonei idy Hom em Use That'a the stnd to, dealer on the VEV4 te SKIRT BIND question. If ho wiII not supply you aewIL byHome Dresamakig Made Eay.' 7sW,ý hyMiss Ena sM, Hooper, of the Ladim j1 journal, sont for 25c- postage pald. 3. M. & M. Ce., P. 0. nez 6", N. y. 0<3'r. a ICyaLlaiSTS Mou and ALL PAIN. Âf#&w Isard WOBK wo EXEZBEMMU raau dd a t. AVOID LIERNES. REFUSE SIJBSTIIUTES -Weai, Watery, WorthIS. epull's EXfTIATOIIIT omILMS ~?r 14. N. Ut. N.a- 1, i*fl up agait a Good Thing. ;n in the world why ;o well ls because they is one reasan.,for the ATTLE AX." y is only haif the story. ie size of a 5 cent plece. tas a 10 cent plece of kinds. You can buy and see for- ats isn't much ta invest., 1

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