Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 Jul 1896, p. 6

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~~IO ftc NetMio Convention in Session. ~WHITE 18CIAIRMAN. 13old @nd Silver Forces Try Their Strength. Gr OenC Demnocvtfc Gathering et Chi- 4»oCage ete oOrdu-4iIver Fbr'es Pire tha Viet GanuAmtd mach %a- tb.t*msca-Davîd M&BlltIVriai B"eic - Former Aua.anced ài .1eompos'ay Chaîrmau but Latter la SeSaCd b, h. White natal- IlaC-Witd Thrang uthe fl&ietI. At-neon Tuesdta> ere asaembled lu *0ic encgo Colisenm e polîical conven- tion vhich p-otnuxad fa tank vifli fle <oaiet notable erents oiflice kind lalutfe i bitor>' of fliua coutry'. For da's flic l er-itfhficrival factions ot anc ofthfe gmet pollitical orgnuizationa af tic Unit- 'itStates lid ed cu hîrling af amie an- ietier inretivei amnd flreafs. Tocsae> .thcy Met fa liegin the actuel sfuggle ior th. contraI] ofot jîiprt>'. Jm The convommion hll idoors vere opened tIl a'clack, 50and tlose- <ntiled ta admis- «lia permitf!t& 1entler. Af 12 'cýock 4~bO ereuft legimouf baud took ifs af a- 'Iai lichebaScon>' aven fhe chairman'a "lii, è4 anddiecaused aveef liarmon>'lS '---4e s'IÎed tae au liceconrentifou f0 order. Ticre ere flic <aId mon tram flic i lent ànd thouglifful: the ibvon -OMM tem Ilie Sonfli aad West, jablant. .aggrffiivc, and nhala> th; flic n *Mqres, for once iAu eirlA s wtcmmau * 4i<tai ao"fgl thefic goveramet: the t.btierageatienicn, sali, l in glufi-mm -,Oàey cuIts and lrod-bijmmed aleucli le;e lWotern aivei A1I4; h "bert- ~ t ha or f laI Candidate, <ICi the bî tha ! liïdol sflcklhg ouftc&U 0,cr --ebl Cice ver-c fetures offlihecrovdn <bit loade cicr>' vehiele of transporta- tics outluvsrd boand turing the carl>' Atter a week of flic bardent kiud ut buatlint, lmao l>' among flic supporters rERMANtt-,'i CHAIRSIÂN WHITE. i PL ce th th th ww bi w ei u w' IL of flic score or 50 ut candidaeseafor flic acuef ion, but aise eamoug flic mon vio vfe e@training ever>' encrgy fa have their b va>' lu flic ramiug of flic part>' polic>', the tiret daty of flic convention davned- vif l bt on ixed certaint y lu ve- namel', flic adoption oi a frce-clAver piaf- torm, .favoring thle uâlimited coînage of cliver cfiflic ratio of 16 fa 1. Thie&Hier mes vent down lu flic convention hall in a rlumplant mood aver tflic aured tact hat iu a convention ai a iffle aven 900 deiegafes tlioylied a lit fie 'over 600 votes picdgcd tre licteif mefal. Banc- 1>' s two-thirdz; vote if waa, f oo, sud fhil fh l' lomed wuicd. vbien ulfimatel>' uni- tcd fupon une iman, insure the nomination et a ailier canîalffae opon a ualver plat- ferai. '£be gold men, fbougli lu carmi- nartl>, vent fhoroiiglly unifcd and witi a ieéd purpose lundvie. Tlat vas fa place in the chair as tomporar>' ebairman and oalnfaAn min tîalIpostion David Bei:- acf t HuA itofNew York. Neît f0 accore lilmuas mmclicontrai o! tle per- manent organization ofthfli convention as possible; meif fa force, flirouglithelit-a ventage tbns gaiued, îome sort of cama- promise ounfthc coinage question. 1 The convention gatlicred lunflic baud- aormest and most pertoctî>' appoafed gerer prmpared Au Chicago for a LI~ I assemblage af reptescutafives of -b ~olticsl part>', and if la doubttui if au asng'macomplete lu il detaila ai la1 ibe Collsenm evor lias becu offet-ed for r'resvctlon purposes lna au> oticr cty. P* ie delegaf e passed lihedoorkeepers -0« M5usd tliemselves lu a gigeufic foyer = eatilre id&li oi thebuilding sud fai' # sagas tii; wide, the not h end ut v wasdrapedl vitiinammof b fagï. ;te&c dacen otrances, conapîctonal> letterei, efforded c mensof accesa lir vhich boîtera of tickets for seati fic h diffrent sections, couidtiud theîn proper location vithout trouble or 'conusaon. A forcit ef chaire arose ounfliree aides u émphitheterstyle aroundtheflclvel âquare ia vbidli the delegafeaveretost- ed. A pecul"trl eta the arrangement b>' whieh &escta huit been prepared fanrflie deiegetes vai flua utter iuapoaslbillt>' ut *eu"iite tha squre b>' any oe ancinig - t ppr privilege oaieng there. There ve I Nl«i ,gae fr deegafes, flirt>' more tics vere'gapAred. FAffocu fbouand iir oe gl'en' op tgapectefors. Tic pilen's piafforpu vas on f lecast et Mo aieall laexaetS>' tAemld<e of <bat porties o! the building wîleli va %mieSfer Convection purpoies. Oniahia <g1stee~ieta ere 700 chairs. occpled ~"dIe aSaIs.d gos." Attfli immo- Y4uidgitead etet he prealdiug ciii- *'g.~Ucrmbut on c lover levai, thore ,d*S it3'ilxseati for reporters. melu- tieait aide ofthtAe bail. At *and acth ends ltheevere pro- U Umore rees. Those ~.. ieucevre t v wf i bte Caftan I a tertruely'n flic colora mdbIna bontng prevaleu Tie tiotf boatti fente il.' t L ag. Everytiag, arolad ftlic peeker's aIqfcon a t~auf'fitr tl'reOn. Tliree nioles divided *e doet*fte' ,eate buta tour sections. The delegafiona 'cr0 aeted aîpliabetical>', beginuing at the extreme riglif nifliceclinirmen, or ai îe nortlioasf corner o!flice square. Thus te Stales liegan wifli Alabamau and ended SIf bWyomilng. Tebegraphie mnd toiepionie ncilut tes -etc bebicved f0 lie ample for an>' posai- ble emergone>'. Sixteen private teiephono rires rau tram flic reporters' tables to iglif nowspapcr offices. Tlie Western Uion Tebegrapli Company>' lid slxty wres in service, wîtu tacilities for an Icreace sliould the>' bu needed. The national commuiftee baving passed n contesta, flula Ic hera>'thflic <adu ilver forcesliiued up linflic femporar>' rganisation: litste or Dole- 811- Sound 1'eruitory. gales. Qolmi. ver. mono>'. Alabama ........ = .. _n22 Arkansas ....16 -... l .. Calfornia...18 18 ... Colorado......... 8 8 ... Connecticut..12 12 .. Delaware .........6f .. .. Ilortda-.-......---8 4 4 ... teorgia ......... 26 ... 26 .. Idaho............ 6 ... 6 Indiana........ . 30 .. Ioac...........2621 .. Kbmss......... 20 20 .. Kentu* ....... 26 ... . Louisiane. 16 .. 16 ... Maie........... 12 7 5 i MaryliO . 16 1 Mâmsathmiseftta... 30 30 .. .. tîmnqeota . 18 12 f AeuIrlpi-....18 18 utl*sour .......34 - 34 CilAulusANIX AXIEL SPEÂKINO. Montfana .........6 Nebiraska.... 13 Neyada.......... 0 Ncsy Hampable.8 New Jerscy..20 Nov York...72 Nettb Carollue... =2 Nanth Dakot ... Ohio........... 46 Oregon......... 8 l'enaylvanla ...64 Rhoede taland....8 SonfuhOroltus ..18 Tennesse...24 6 6 22 . -, 6 46 8 18 24 NevwMelco..2 ... 0 kLciionul....2 .. Totsae.0...M 10 506 30t Cliairman Herrit>' pcriormed the dut>' ot califg flic convention fu order vifli n gavel vliAclihliai&a hutor>' dating bock the f ie le orthfli Pharaoha. This unique gavol vas tht- <if t ofOssianGuflife, ut Chicago, who prcsented a simîlar <ift for use et fthe Iepubuican convention. The head ofthfli gave la carved f rom a piee of oak nhlcli tormed e part of old Fort Deerboru. Thie lindie la alsco f1 0db. but from c troc vhicli vas growiug on flic pr-osent slte of Chicago 7,000 >'esrs aga. This frec vas anc ut c prîmeval foret, covercd b7 fthe debris of centuries sud hlddou autil e tcw monthli ago, wlieu excavations et Shfieilld avenue brouglif the greet frunk f0 liglit. Thos the oak,; cf two perioda centuries spart were levied opon for flic gevel. Tic gavel wben reelved b>' Sergeant- at-Arma Martin, wai accampauied b>' a lot fer from Ossian Guflinie descrliîing Ifs liator>' aud a satfemeutftram Prof. Up- hem etfflic MinnesoaeHîstorical Sociot>' rg theficage of the treec tram whicli fl' hcudloie jemad, ascompuf cd b>'eminent geoboits. Cluairmen Hennit>' vas sicotendered flie use oi a gave! made from ftle. plat- form upon which George Washington stood vion iuauguratod Prideat f thfle United Stafes for hi* second tem in flic Scete chemior of Congres& HaIl.Slxtii and Chestnut treefi, Philadelphie, an Match 4, 17913. Tic gavol vos made b>' William Jones, vio liasnliecufthc janifor or Indepeudonce Hall for a quarter air centurt. 'rie gcuuinenes o etUcme rial ta certiiied ta b>' Andrev Jackson Ifell>, wbo lias licoufor man>' >'Ostian afficer o!flice District Court ut Phiadel- plie. At 12-:50 o'clock Cliairman Harrit>', of thle National Demacratie Commltc, vitli fli convention gavel Au baud, rap- lied iondby for onder aud infnaduced Rev. E. M. $tireasvlio ralsedl bis bauds ta leicavn Au an invocation for 'viadom, peacceand good-wiSI arng flicassem- bled Democra'>' ofthle nation. The vast assemblage, nuuiering over twelve ftbon- saud peoplc, rose and remainod standing duriug tie devotioua. Aftflic conclusion aif lie prnyer the cliruan cunauuced thaf ftle Nfainali Cammitto. lied reporfed Hon. David B. Hill of Nov York for temporîr>' presidiug officer a!flice convention. Then lie vas Anternupted sud flic sîbver men badl theit chance. Cliairman Harnît>' recognizcd National Cammitteernan CîsYfan ut Ais- bama. As lie rose flic murer men sont e miglif>'ruer af applanse. Betare hoe lied opened hi. moufli fli crowd kneir vlint vas comlng, sud for twa minutes kept up a hububliflat drowned ouf is voAce. If was irelb knovu Mr. Clayton intend- cd ta oppose flic natioal Acammltf ce b>' n mînorlf>' repo'-t tavarlng Senafar Daniel for temporar>' clairman. Senetor Dan- -i -~ a.....30 .ie.........8 ae....24 fies neme vas vildI>' ciiored, lîvr del- Ieg&eiesrislng tram tfliin eeta and tan-' lu their beCs lau Uicair. A baaty te- 1vle fth. etcoverei- b>' fie excigit tlic hande ot the convention. SMichael i8. Tarpe>', ot Californin, MI- lowed lu tavor of minorit>' report. '*The moue>' question," said lie, "in the eul>' question ýn whicli ftle Demtocracy of thec country bisan nnterst ln th!@ cool- »aigu. IVe want ftle teuhporar>' chair- iman o! this convention to souîd flie ke>'- sote of thus coniwitién and to go to the tosntry as a deceratlon o! our views. We are determluod that tbft keynote wAlllie a silver speech n harmon>' with tlie views of fils convention." A V020Y et eheers greeted thus blief andl outupoken beclaratlon. 1 Mr. Ladd front lîlinois nddressed the convention. H-e sald: "Tliere Ae no an- tagoulsîn to Benater HAll-e <eat min, an cble ma, an honest min. If fi sot tg turn down Mr. MIL11,es bas been oid, but It ls taelic recognized au a majorAity 4îf the Democratlc part>' ot the Utefd *ktatecc, and that la ail. If flic couîmlfte bas made a recommondatlan tht vo do inot lîke, imy vo nof vote eaanst l, and Inhen we do t exorcise the greatest demt- oeratlc privil 'go lu flic world of voting esi we pîcasot" ,.Mr. llarrit>' then put the vote upan flhc tînotion tht flic narne of John W. Daniel, e!f Virgîia, ne snbstitnted for tht of flsvid 'B. Hlit ,of Now York, for the polît Ion of ternporsry cliîrman ot the convention. 'lie vote resuit d: Yeas, 5M6; nays, 349; nat votiita. 1. Escorted hb> the comrnttee, the tom- porar>' chairman, Jolin W. DanWe, of 1'ir- gimi, pasl hi) ta the llatforrn, wlierc, wlcu lic sî:pesrcd, lie vas rcceived wif h an immense eruption of clieers aud yells. While flic delegates aud everybody cie ln flie bouse vere yclling amd cbeering Cliairmoan IlInrit>' passed tlie g:vcl over to %Ir. Daniel, wlio took it and thon ad- dreamed lie convention. Wheun'.%r. Daniel lied concluded, tlie seécretar>' called tlie rolA of States and territories for flie aîpantmeut of comn- mittees. aller wbieli the convention adi- journed uutitl 10 o'c:ock V'enesdsy ifloruingI. rSCiNt> DAY. 'Tle crowds began pourinur mb flic (olieumu sqhortb>'tr cok ens I ~ dae nuoruimg, butmthelieliay-e>'ed de;e- -~ gaies, min>' of vbomlied bldan aIl- niglit vigil, vere lâfe in srrivimg. At passAoned ple& for Booster Hill. Mr. Mc- 10:« 'i olock Teniporar>' ('lian Dan- Dermott snid tfif Afwoobd net lbu proper Ad ebl l the courent ion fa order asudi<- fa avortonthle ftraditions o!f tho D)euja- etted Iliaf flicsAisies lie cieared. Rev. Dr. cratie part>' in a thoughless menuet. Ho Green, of Cedsr iRapids, love, offercd srgued sgeiusf turning doîvu a man vbo prayer, et flic conclusion ut wlieli Chait- for ycarsbli e lcouprominent Au: flicDem- mnDne aidfoIh eoto h ocraic art, ad wosewors, I ae àcomnmmttec ou credenfinis. Tlie commuit- Demnocraf." nre bnown thec lcngtli and tee vas flot renid>' vithitimrecomemas- lireadîli ut thelaend. lHe declsred fta in n yuaioscnetn at froc sulvrt as a sufficient nueot>' lu thie fins wauI inomniolus conshenrpt :wbci carnpaign iifluf strfking ouft ftflic be-ursastuatb tlficeptis5 giuniug af flic ver>' found-f ion prinetples reeircd. flepr>.Mr. SieDermott as giron Tlie convention tired ofinlnctlrit>'onud aieru aplut houtcd for apechesc. Ex-(.ov. Hogg of Then ex-Goveruor Waller et Co.unec.i- Texas vas calleïf and spoks' for lI au e-ut sfeppod upon flic plat torm mad lent lOur. Hie urged barumony emnd raked tlic bis orafor>'te fattfhlicdeisgatea fliauglif ifpuliana fore samd aft. wus c conciintor>' speechi. Ho decbsred Semator Wh'ite, of Ciliformia. wlio bail tînt bath HilA sud Dei Their uamcs sliomld1 ,hieered togethler sud, lImon fhrew ontithfec OSSIAN OUTTIl 11à flic delegafea werc qu cating fiat HiSli e ma man aud Daniel porei Mr. Whitney sudb tram Nov York cpil ton tînt HAll and cliocred tpget'ee, aW tenitt at a demonafr SCENE IN THE PitEM SQUAAITERS. tie weto <mont mes. becu select cd for permamnnt harnian b>' lie spakon togoflier, tie silver mon, tien reliered Mr. Danierl vaîed togellier. HP of the gavelica sbcd the fmrt Amr picas- olive braucî, whieli tire otthe coavention. Thegallcriesmliouted ____________________for Blackboi, Hill, Bt>'amm mmmiAltgeld. "Kcntucky Jec" made a vigonous specechi fer tracealier. Senclot Hilsud %Mr. N Bryan vere mot present. The crowd slionicd vociierously fot Gar. Altgeld. 'Tie Gorernor sîtcke feror cl> hall an ~ Ih T ; Aour, sud froarnstart ta finishhliei address "N vwas a bitter demunrlet ion of tIe capital- lsits, fat snd neer. J. F. Wlliams, ut Maesgacliuseffsq, folowed villu a free ilver --speech. He, fao, attacbed flic railmomdâ. flic corporations sud Wall tréet. AND nt&5 GAVEL.. lire minutesbIfnte hecomuuttoc an credenîlals filed ilotoflic bail. Deiegafe uck foa"se, b>- edro- Aftwood, ot Kausas, climan ofthre cana- ado tomporan>' chair- milIce, rend flie report. Il conirmed flic mnent chliumuan action of the national camnuit tee in ever>' hia fellow delegatea defail exccpt Nebraska aud -Michigan. lu pbeoded tic doclara-tic former case flic action ai the national 1Daniel shonld Z; commitfee vas rerersed, tliu meting fIe id t bore vcs an st- Bryan debegatea. Iu regard fa 'Michigan, tration vien M'aller __________________ alioufed thef lie would blie iclafman fa bitaI nd voubd ta>' viti flicjanitar wien ever>' et ler mon ld lcftf flicDema- cratic hlsl. C. S.Thomas, flic national commît fore- man tramt Colorado, vas tien lut roduced amid flic plaudl aofothefli lîver mon. Ho declared If vas unuunheim'd of procedure for tic national comnifteo ta attempt ta force upon flic conventiou a chaîrman iu opposition faeflic aacerfcined vibI ot flic mejorify. This vas flic reason au minori>' report lad oser licou prescnfcd liefre et e convention. As ho pro- ceeded thfl sr deegates cliecred, caps- cillw>' vic le peul>' delared fIef lue and ut bers ai the West laid long iccome indifferent te- wbaf fie national commît- feec did. Ho nmade a îtrong point wben lic toid tIe conventýàn fliat four >'ers ago lie iad cdvocaed 5fr. HiS's nomination for Pros- ident, asndlie sud ut leraIlîbe him lied liecu rctused saliering. Thcy lied heen crfcd dovu; ifenator Danieîliad licou cnled davu, liccause Mr. Hills apponoat, Mn. Cleveland, lied cotrai etfflic conven- t ion. ic emejorit>' o!flie convention lied a iglt f nome flic femporen>' pic- sldlng ofilcer. The impatience o!flihe aliror mea vent- Pd Itzecîflancries of, "vote" vucu Mr. Thomaisftnielied, but Clirman Hennit.> ecli.d cort Ciet LcE.WOllr. -cf Ala- WREN IiÂtÇIEL WAS CHOSEN. the commlttee decided f0 baVe the mat ter open for future action. Chairman White put the motion to adopt and declared At carrlid b> a viva voce vote. The seatlng of the Bryan delegates was received wltli tremeudona cheers b>' the convention, and ithe Nebrashens, wlth Wmn. J. Brysn on their shoulders, marched into the hall 'mld a renxarkable receptIon. The gold delegatea from NebrskjL retired to seats lu the audience. On motion of Gov. Ait- geld the convention thon atiurned untIl 5' C'elock. TI'OUGHTB WORIY 0F OALU 1 ~ REFLECTION. Ti- 7-- Ive Lenson, and Whes'e If lMer ne Pouad-A Lered cadComicl*o Re- vfow of th.eaie Leason for 3.1>' 12. Golden Teit .-"flcvd vent on sud nlw reat, and tflic Lrd Oodaofbotae rai vifli him."-2 Sam. 5: 10. Davlid. King 0,cr AnI Jael, iafthe aub- ct f tli esan-2iam fi 1-2.Short- Ir allerthte enofatlag of David b>' thc in of Judablàt Mabron, flice*rmaot e Lbne and David met lnbtle at Gîb@on, orta et Jevaaclm. and Davlid won (: 12-17>. la his fligt. Abner inaceif- oefensa, kIlled Asahel, Davida iiCi>bCw, Whio Peraisteil An pnrsulag hlm. The tvc brofliers af thc4lln man, Joabi, David'a ebief tencrai, and Ablahal. vaved yen- secnce On Abiner. The>' postponcd tfir revonte. hoseever. and returneti to Beb- aon (2: 1"~2). A.boeig vartara follovid. ln which Dcvid ateadil>' gaIncd. Abner. toe"ot ngdeteef or bic plana to make lob.- boahath thie actuel ruler of the Jand. mcd. àquarrel about a voman flche cslon or breaklng off bAc relation vith Zali-boahef k and Immendiatl' made orertnraa ta Davîidt fur a trensfer of bisi forces (3- 6-12). Dcvid aeepted tic proposition, citer bav- Ing dcmauded and secured the retura of Mîchai, Seul'. deughtcr, vio lied. bec hie vite, but eas nov marrfod to another (3: 13-16; aee 1 Sam. 25: 44). Abner came te Hebron, wa-j courteoualy rceived, anti pramlsed f0 brlng f le armiei of Ilael ta Davfd'a standard; but aunlbis va>'back ta the north, lie vas recalled b>'c aai messgetramnflie deceittul Joab, andi treecheroul>' murdered et Hebron. Da- rid iaclaimed aIl compliclty la thls fouui lied (S:'01. The final act ln the tre- tedy veasflic murder of Inkboabuth by two ofai iown chlcfteaan. Tu>' pald for the crime vith tlirlves (4: 1-12). !uuggetlone for Slnd>'. L. Rcvlew chapte 2-4, and rend the leiton eareful>. 2. Rend the parclat'accunt ln 1 Cbrpa., 11- 1-9, 14: 1, 2. Note diffcrences. A)»O reed the cataloguie of the warriors of le rani vlio came f0 Hebran la 1 Cliron. 12s 3. A study ci the topograpi>'of Jeru- saicu andilst environs vill aid in the un- meratandlng oftbhs letton. Itad flihe rti- ele ln Smlth's Bible Dlctionar', flic En- cyelopedia Britannica, or other work ci, reterenco. Sfudy alto fihiftor>' ot Jeru- iciem au Andicated An Jbah. 18: 28. Jud. 1:$ 121; Joali. 15: 03. ]Explanatory. "Thon :" Ver>' short>' efter flic dezti of Iai-liosheth. Hia murder loft larae wIthont *yen a nominai riler, Mephibo- icfh, flic ion ot Jonathan. belng but a boy. Abuer'. deafli lid lett the ation without à defendor ageinst the Philistines. Hence the' lied two urgent restons for ieeking , thc protection of Devld.-"AII the tribes of laraei:" According to tlie cataiogii given in 1 Clir. 12: Z-1-37, there vere up- varda af 350,000 varriors vlio came froms the f volvo fribea. The large round nnm- bers fliere givon are donbi li nfendod ta lndicafe that it vras a great popular movemuot.-"'rby bouceuad tflsîl:" Sce Gen. 29: 15; Jnd. 9: 2. Note tlic tlree restons aseigiied for thé election ai David.-"Tbe Lard said ta t lie:" B>' his servant Samuel. Sinca Davidhlied.hun king over Judali, buov- edge of the car>' notating et the banda of SaueSlibad probab>' becom mor* widespread.-"*Tlian hait feed my pas- pie:" Tii.ligure of a ehopherd as applioti fo e raler As ver>' ancient; If fa iound La the old BabylonIen Inscriptions, and la common alto, in Homor. "A longue." A charter definfng the riglits ot king and people; sec 1 $au& 10: 25.i According la the stafement bore, flic remordl ta J eruaalem tolloweI imumedi.' atel> afte r thle anointing. fCom>pO everses 6-10 vitli 1 Clr. il11 P - Jcrt:saicrn:" The city itseif la>' lui Ché (tiflic a Benjamin. juif over the northern border of Judali. If lied nover lico u ui> couquered b>'tlie chidren oft ureS during flic three centuries iuce their Outrance iuto Canaau. 'Tli Jebusites sf111li eld the 'cifadel, on tlie enîteru bl wliere thec tom- »lé was atterward but, vliich le probe- hi, wbaf la mesuf b>' ftle "sfrongliald af Zion." Men ut Judali aud Benjamin liveti en the lower ground ta ftle norfli. Jera- ..lem was an ancient cilty, tliougli it doce nof corne luto t he histor>' ut Israel util comparafivPf>' laIe. As Hlelron vas weif 'fitted for fLic capital of Judali, no Jerusa- lem wss admirab>' suited ta lic the capital aif t wliole nation. It was practiceli>' tlie center ufthfli land, situated on Uic 'ridge uf higli <round Iliat musnt ram nortli ta soufli. As a tortress if vas unequaled;. 4eep ravines surrounded it ounflic voit, asoutli sud est, ouifli te uorf h being open 'ta atfack oxcepf nt Immense riai ta flich hostile atm>'. Ou that side At vas de- fended b>' fli Millo, c sfrohg fort cli- ready lu existence. It viiilic romembereti iiow long the inliabitauts of Jerusaem held tlie temple mount nainsf the Roman atm>' under Titus, lunflie firif century of 'Our crs, and bow if was tinallyCakeà by, 9frafegem. Theiotopo;rephy ai Jernsiaem, ln s111lu n me contusion. iome holding Cliat "the cit f>' f nvxd" vas ou thie west- ern hli, others fliat At vw'iou the souCi- era part oiflice onsteru, namel>', the tom.- pic, Mount. 1. How Davld<r-94 th tAi rone. It 'coattfli ies otJ gftWt <encraI end a klng's con, but David hti&ao.baadil their ,cruel mutiler. M'kkcê*ss.,aaaght vAo lent deeda smd flie. LO4ivas.sued Choir crimes and led bins iomvag*.safely. 2. "Thie Lord laid auto tbee:" Ani- 'est men respect a man dîvinel>' cafletg 4l. Noting mû theoleil nns t h&ulibost

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