Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 Jul 1896, p. 7

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'besb the erfecUof it addltloal-prie- wbo-le pechape tihe oldest peinen living en on the grounda kt Deer Lod#%, on la teUnited ftates If net la thse worid. whlch thse penitentiar nov stands.Bshe la Mary Marks, a coloed voman, Tht new structure viii accomipodate and was borif la tise West ladieta 800 convicts. A pecullar tact la con- 17e70. mection witis the uadertaklag, aya a  eorriespondeut 0<tihe St. Lous Helena special te thse Chicago Record, Globe-Demoernt roenotly callei te see la that thse prison will be built by cou- Mm.. Marke and lisd a pleasant chat viet labor, and that many of Uhe amea wlth her. Site la uentally as briglit as vise yll help buîld It viii aubsequentiy she ever was, but hls lnteeble healtis beenie occupants ef it. Were It not and la kept aliveo oly by driuking whsis- able toe enpioy convict laber tise State ky, soaething glso neyer did untîl shc woald have te go witsotis addi- was forced te It by eld age. When a etlouai prison for nome time, at least, as funds are scarce la tise treasury. flEEDLESS WOMEN. hePa" aiPenialty for 'Tbebs.Neglect. If womnaoaly fieeed firat symp- teomm-nervouneea, backache, heati- ache, lasitude, loa of appetite andi ~ ,tation, melan- choly,"lbluea," -( $ et., and at once removeti thse causeevilla Lydiae. - Pïnkham'a Vegetable Pound, tisere wonîd be MARY MARKS, up TrxAq, 1-10 IF.,it OTD. * mach less cbilld s@be wa stolen by sinvers and vau * ofering. sold ln Baltimsore lu 1780. ý»attbey are Wli a woiian of 45i @ise vas taken eareless,oethefr pbyaldauintoblaine, t 'rTexas y lar owner. Jaisis White- and ithey da'ft iwhoewia ihf ids v ounidî-dSain Felipe. thse irst feale disease. Th&-e-~qtalse Coma- ecapital efTTxas.. and osvuod a hotel Pouandi atose remore. uiMfteguiari- theru. la wlilcia Mary vas bead vaslt- tie. 09 thee wt y perwýi<i e i ua At tient Iotel Sain IHouston, R. mat",osa. Ish md -, domen t Il. Wlil1atsnon, Baront de Bagtroîs. Hen- Ailh wmb rugsda a e . Wtste ra ry Smitli and other mon vîso becarne AlldrugiM hae I Wrte o, it& ldentillt'd vitl hie ilstorv of thse future i'iukhamn as LynesM ass., if yxuwish State. verts ionrd,'rs.. Mrs. Marks tells foreatSwihesew Cv auna lnterestlng stor!e of tise days free. nt oaiv o-a f~ lminedLntely preesllng tIse var wviîc IllshuldDo bealve oýayifitsecured treedom fer Texas. Ail of Lad not be.en for Lydia I inkhams tiiese men lias-e siasco beun bouored by Vegetabia Compound. 1 vas auffering haîiag ton ns and couneties flllLed atter gretly frona an attaek oet-f#male tlsem. weakswsa, andi uothiag Ilsad traed We er l-'lr are eould give me relief; visen by lthe Joua M\arks., a ntte<i colorod preaciser, ativice of a friend 1 began tise Cern- vise afterwvard% ratsed tIse roney te Pound. After nsîng it twe moutîja I prlnele reo.le uhu cf sI ana feentirl, caned.Dow Matliee.. ins been dend for yeqrs and Mis. Marks KfaIURAD ameteyate I. I-M. x i les pportedi y kiîîdly dl8lposed poisons KMKLXDansd ly a sanl pension grauled b-r the IVEN AAY- 'lO"gregatios of thie cuircis of whi KNUVESen ua n1 îaeformserly tise pastor. and RAZO RS GI. la exeh *fotr Couposswth Ho lie good tîsat doea good to ottier.- Pom i Paradise la opeu te ail kitlad hearts.- w Nm n M . l *, Bora uger. (tis uy AuklepsEE . sII u4c Striklnz manners are bati malnos.- fie Ba MO"SEUTAUALI Rofbert Hall. TOMA0 0. Heaven must i Ie ln me bofore I ina 0 JACK 11fl13@W MEU ME,0Sbo ln heas-en.-Stanford. * W Sta Hndi; Razor 8teel, Firt e Tise m<st prntnund joy bas more ot *qualty, American manufacture, 0 graeity nsnu off joy la It.- %îontalgne. " lsad forged and fnely tempered h otevaleo i ils h " F§"lue 120, ighest Gra Tise rcat e nviable ho et alI hues, is 0 teel; Hoilow GrAh<,. 0 ton. caisse» expa; lel. bosecuretise Ao -o clafemdu k MW(S ) p> e P. Langlter xîay net improperis- be lIse C.spmu ina" 10 «W50 ""« esa) >ýwmug5.called tise chorus et conversation- « F"usiTohffl la »W b, i iSSIBtI. Stcele. Pbauee. t%0usaaefaaa5g .ouos vilslbeaeepted aueoep**.."I"Empty &W iSf Idiess ls otaly-tise refuge etfsvenk LL;;SctbATuEO% esiue att.vVla.l vî iauinda, and thse holiday off foels.-Ctics- v-ithavwtmA f. pet the-,Mahde " terfiel. Ts a"~I am Tosais.Co., wieelag,8 V. ào Ceaspom execbaapd miter Jaiy a1:.1 Gii-e vlant yen bav e. Te sonie 1h may bc btter ilînu yo:î dure te thik.- <?kn Lougfellow. bu~osb Pa als, . Lying la a meat diagraceful vice; it fiast despises God, and thien fears maan. -tPlutarci. -th ena s s ThelaIw is wiorît deptis te tiose !l!;ar s:1 * vlo. wthout hee(cudd3unge ilto i.-- D S haks Sakspasre U i at By Jove tise stranger and the poor N. are sent, and visat te theso we give te ~tUnse5Mecsarn d Jove la leit-llonicr. '., ilNS eJar iuE.N.. Tise neare many tlUnes and circum.- Spaklngwith life- stances ln lite vhacu 'Our streugtis le, nch wih delciouste sitstlIL -Tyron Bd-ciants. rc ihdlcosfla-vor,*nEe.- ý-.' îI-- n.lIo-atesh t t hq HIRES Rootbeer' stands Id have dune credit to oLeigellow 1111 f i r s t a s n a t u r e ' s p u r e s t a n d L a i a s i h l l bj e p e v l p i asieti their reputat ion lor bospi- youa unost refreshing drink. y snd abilltY tesatistY tiee muer Th t Besi 6>' any test. ;a of man frons a physical stand. ca 30.4* lVIi byT. Chý1.F . Re uC. .. Iia.lm l ti.,atch .nm n Canton hrrns the tis -a4ir - ýlng information tisat--Mr. Mc- ey srose Ibis naoralng aitishe nusa ý, anti after taklng a beti, atuIlîla a tasuel gace eue dees isot ~>rb ail lhe information, aaserted is4i~~#nteiedthatla cosalained inla iis V W nw -w -w 3 AYER'S ARGUMENT. If there is any regson why you should use uny sarsaparilla,' there is cvcry reason why. you should use Ayer's. ,Vhen yen take sarsaparilla you take it te cure dis!ase; yen want to be cured as quickly as possible ind as cheaply ns possible. Trhat is wh y you shculd use Ayer's: it cures quiekly mnd chtpply- nid it cures to stay. Many people write us. " I w uld sooner have ane boule of Ayer's Sarsaparilla than three of any other kind." A druggist eites that "'one bottie of' Ayer's will give more b nefit than six of any other kind." If ane bottle f Ayers will do the work ef three it must have tise strength of three mît the cost ef one. Theres the point in a nutshel. It paysevery ýwy to use, PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATIONS TAKE A PILE 0F MONEY. Total Eiieneof lthe National Cou- vention et Ot. Louis Probabir Be, tweem 6:,000.000 end 4,000,000- Wlaere th.e MeiGoese. An Enceusene Buveuse. Fwpev~op!e have any ides of tht ceit cf a -grest national cenvention. 'flue waî wheu $100000 would bave been thought a pretty ligh figure. lu thse old' days, visen Baltimoere vas thse great national convention city, and haIlthtie delegates vert represeahed by prestes frein Con- gresmea nand ethere la Washington, and visen the convention met la theatens or halls sud tise members and visiter. iedg- o In l 1e-rate hoteis and beatdlng houns, ne donbt conventions were heîd at macla ls cat tisan typa tise hait of $100,000. But thingusir vastly different nowadmys. Millions uow figure where tena ot thon- tand@ vert oce thougisi hig. Col. H. L. gword@, ergeant-at-armie o thse Republican national committet, et!- mates tise total cost cf tise St. Lois con- vention at over $8.00000. Firit of ail iheulddlie ccuated thse itralgisi expeuses ofthtie convention, berne by the Bu»iness Mena League cf St. Louis. Tise expensea amcnnted te &bout $15,0,0w0 et Minneapolis la 1&r-. Thse coît of thseliait alone et St. Louis in net far frena $75,000, lncluding cstcf repairs alther the tornade. Other bille te be tooted by the Business Mea', Longue COPT l ItN VilANI' GUin. incrIa de li- i-aî-î- -sithila erg-su :rmiii- ý, --a -i :ar:ous prntinit aa,-ii::.. t-i tue hall, its ..for and i ttirfie prote- t.. . -.i ",' iis andoii a tbonsand t-j*e 3.%55> au-n nirelire- g i-uîir.oirnjasand tisair flo liC. di the assistat r ergeatats at- arnu, thse donkeepurs snd tise mussen- gurs, lu o1l about a tsounandanl d tIfe nen eraper correspondeats and reporters, snd tise total shows 4,000. If oscis one or liseue men speada $100 in addition ho bis railroad tore-and thi. ta a vory smal average-the total reacises $M0,000. Iu- cladetise expouses borne by tise telegratît rompaînies andthie ibig preas associations la getting ready te spread tise non-s, tise total expensos of tise Business Men's League and tisose directly interesteal n-l nul ho a cent less tisan a round isaîf mill- Ion et dollars. Allovinc 100,000 as a fair estimate of tise unnImrof e strangers tisronging tu tise cenvention city, and rallroud tickets alone for aucis a croa-d meana omething like $750000.and $M00000 e day tolleisefer hourd adl uiiginag. Tire cst oetmin- taining ha-iqnart-nrs, matie, decoratiîuus sud liti-ratuint caniiot couse under $11 00t. Tis, î.sit a:1, boss evar. tornén-îtlaî-r tise aiî!tiu-ifseni:g tise nei-sl frorm St. L.ouis tii he 1h- isatuis et iiily lialars iii tise s anu as S-ý-snr tieseC-t ut tire' tisousaitiis i f pia ate tegranas a susail or. baut i .nsidt-r;ilile tsani lias liit "rined.î. Iris iLîot easy toestiniaatu fitiser otfIis sinis, bat jr is net goitig tec, fuîr,îiirlia.sste assume that aIlthie expeih: *iira s d :e te tise cotasention urd lup aln.liost ss*u If tue $4.-t0ÇuisA nare te bc puid ent lu dollar bIUe.i,idtisese buis n-cru te hi mzdlo to a carpe!, it ssould ho ,00<)teat long and f-14)ta-et n ide, covering an unit off abouat fiftteai- cres, and tise capitol ut Wasington. if placed la tise middle off tue carpet, waiilil appear like a loy isoîse sa-t on s big rug. Four millijen dellars in giili piied in a pynamid foîur ta-et ecdiss ay ~at FIFTEEN AiRES IN' DOL.LAR ItiLL.t tise base sva. d be five fet h iigis. Fousr million silver dollaîros iould make a 1wrai mid tea teet squiare ah*tise base and it- teen fetouhiigh. Tise cigars smoked by tîte cron-de. olow ing Oive cigars a day, n-blet la net ton many. ton eceSmana wdtil. make au aile nut 7.000 boxes'of cigar-s, oa tisis pila- sould be about tvo and eue-haitf miles hlgis. Arrenged lu a tien etofive boxes, aide tiy aide, tise pile vould Se about 262 ted Shigis, or vitisin tvcury feet as iigis as tise top on tise Liberty statue tisat ttando on tise top of tihe csp~ lto's doame. Pinces) eadu) ened, 3500e cigare voulu rnch 248 ailes-or alaseit es fan as troni St. Loujs te Chiago. At an average et 8 1-3 cents, three ter a quarter, tise cigars neult coît $11Oii A statue te hi- Hung Chang vas un- veiled nt tise Villa HMtegal la Germany blouging te HW lÇnsspp, vise made a speech dwelling Wfpon tise cordial relatons existlng betiveen Gormany and ChMaa. Lt Hung Chang sutervnda iuspected tise great gît atsctory sud otiser buildings ot tise tamoîts Essen wonki. Fathor John J. (iléanon hais houa cou- secrateti coadjutor bissiop Sy Rt. Rey. J. J. Hogan ofthtie Kansas City diocese. Tise ceresaotatos attendapt upon tise cosa- secratica teck place tantise Catisodral ot tise Immaculate Conception, isicis vas ersaded te tise doora. Frais Elis, a police officer, vas shot &Mi -hlllet aColorado Spriagi4 Cole., by me. et thm ata uwdae-k -has,ad CONFEDEARg' VETÊ*ÀaNS Notable GWeau'C. ob r e Hero., et lRichmond. Richmond, Va., was fied lest Wee with Confederate veterans for their ixtis annual reunion "esday and Wedneday, and for the corner atone laying et the Jefferson Davis monument Thuraday, and probably there were more er-Confeder- ates there than will ever assemble et *ne place again. Msany looked ripou it as the lent grent ral! oround ths tars and bars.. Thse decoratori5 bnd been nt werk a week, and the boildinggonouthse principal strette Lf AIp- Arè almost hidden frein sý-ew bobind Cou feuerate anad national cIsa WVien tise conventionîî ut former Coufed- erates vos eella.d te orît,-i Tuesdaj la the great Audîitorîiutîa:lîag retateal cpe- cially ftoh:& rn.iîî. en.j iorden taced 10,00M portons, nlost;y grkazieti vet- crans. 'fiare wvOtit)p sueli a&sent au bas net bout aherd Sietise Southeru arnay was witsaing battihe la tise var. Gev. O'Ferrall delivered ai;' sddress ef wolcomne anudMayo r TaYi on welccmed the visltons te the (ity. la thse eveiing thse Contederale 3e an-îlsd Lfterary Society tendu-redAI rtectalion te lis. Jef- tenton Davis and la-r daogistors at tise fermer Whiite lieuse orthte Cosfederacy, aow tise Contioa' NîMuseuma. Tiere wore aise bivoutacs antiitheariens camps. Tise reutalon ended Wedlîesdoy eveains wilS a recelîtien Iîy tht- h;îvernor cf Vir- glula. a rueeptioniîte 'Mrs.IDaîvisanladhr dangigaens tiy theu. Souis of Veterans, and bivouaocslu colis. Thairsîlth îe- orner stîne et tise Jeffer- son Dais-emaonumaent %% a4 laid. Tise gruat parade wvas beaded-it v a band ot 1.000uritormed celldren. aud tisere vere 25,t5J0 mea onafoot and isrîeback. Ia the parole nuro the NN.orsiiful Grand Lodge of IMosons, escorte~il tiy Cemmanti- ery et Nt. Andren-, K. T.; , oVernor ef Virginia sud staff. vitta a i-iris etcadets aiescert; tise miliîary. comîniansded by Brig.(k-n. KA L. l'hi'!lp". ot Virginia; the era er o et ti ar 1în. Stephen D. Lvep; Da«i e ioini - . "î-.tion, and MnIr. Jefferson 11.1 s iai- -I îîi!i. At thé site for the mniouent tliî John C, Gnanbî-ry. etfthia. M.. I- thîrchla.seuls, offered lirai er. The Urcit l'odge et Virginia laid tlp.ecorners-r -îîîî.aund(Jeu S. D. Lee delivr-rd thse <in i i. DYNAMITE FOR TCRNADOES. hov a (toverussuent teientist .. ould l)cstroy lteahh Dealtuar Chauids. "Fifty yea ru lience toit a bi.g ton-n la tise Souilivi-t seiii bucsa ithiut a tornade trop," saif l'rotf. Il. A. llianu, et tise is-tensr bureau, tiseetliter lay. "l'ThtinlO hba arriva-d -ht-ai erlutissattention muei ho givea to findîiignacaens oretdefense against the-e usiirlîuîg îtonsos. As the so. called cycloeiehilt be-i-înaes moure tîickly popnlated. dis:î'tîr-i trimathis couse vii gnon' mari- frtýi-ji;Cn. -'Cy balet !S that auj lois-ti-i tua r ilou souîd ho ren- dered sai- ai lut torniadùes tiy a strie, ut Iuikoutît .1-11.0 i-xteuîîded iluaa ne ti'em ntirti s-ioI,10% su as tu intiiope a berner onti 1eilî-ir -L ., -thsen-est aide, c-onies. Ti-sl. o-rî îtld be usade'et- ted ive l'y liti-a i t i 'a5siutfdynamita bons bs iin--iý-il w ih t tic sta tien.sisî ssinu'. I t isetil i,,i1,viitica- sa ry te keep guard ail tise tin- luitititheminaiitointed for the puioise silîll oniY go on dnty .nhun wnisniiiiig si a r-i k i irnitise n-euuler burarus h:;t î-oniiîtioiis Nwere tav- tiraile tonr On i-,. ii ii-ga tunnel clond oinsahîgth l iixterrwould siînply siîiit uont .1i g t îi-.îr (eticilgisand tisen toli-ilaoffthei -anr il gi- s laiclisvouid blow itt u suaithP iiî-iii. 'W'ist reaseon is thi-r- tir itoubting tisai fuh. mt iiîii 55uilaI lii -aitci-i-u iiI Do we ft know -tuat it a Ioisit itse. lire sensetinies dis;siputel :and ri-duced te harmîcainess tîy the' iritig ut giaus trom tiareotened sîipq? Aw iti.r-aliit i-i notis- luog more non icsthatin iiarinetornade. ticcasionaîly tisey isoît' tii-ii r.- Otu rua ispon tise land aand traîîstîîn aî îlinslvei lut o'cyclones., If tise teraa [i whri net dtstroyeîl Iiy the dyia:sniiti explosaions, Il w-oild lie liki-ly tii bu deîri s-id iotseuini-h ofet livniergy is te bc reîai'ri-l incapable et îtuing hIsins. 'l'lie' cost oftiinitaliin5i tua-h syste'ns etfiefense iiirougimh t tise cyclonse litlt w-culai net a nlit in r00 yeors te tise $10.000000 iv hlidi the rei-eut cnlansity la said te Soi-e cis.t Si. Louis. «'Musoiey eîîglat te lie a îiîroilr iit il bj Coagress for studyiîig tlas strang(- nu l1111e ,snilrstood phenonienaîn. Il s tinst important t lia t ne sîseulil lea n ablint the mechisiofettIhe tornade a yaiernligi- cal dstîsrhaîîce eclabofseet rryiiîg $10,- 000, w nonthluoftproperty lu teta minuîtes. Ail nu kiiosi oh lrsen s th îat tua- eîergy et tise cyc:one' aîust lbu lecîriril. lun n otlier woy cetld the destrtuction catised by l ho acconîated ton. It is olnys ac- comniaaied by a severe tisiuler slorm. Tise n'eiser bureau reoet sanystisat dur- ing thse Sh. Louis tornade tise 'eleetri dis- play n-as ereeedlîsg brilliant, the vlaule voat aud uorlhwnest sky iseing att alnst coahluîte-uss hIsse eof lîgis. Intesslyvivvidl flashes of forked llgistaîng weru ontlineil ln green, bisse andl brigist yeillosv ogainolt lise duller ibackgroundtlocfnover-ceasiuga seet ligitning.' Evldositly. thausat il aeceasary thaot ve shotsld tins oua e aea et dtsstpating tise eîuctrielty witls viici tise destrusctive tunnsel elossd la chargcd" Tise purona vise vere dressneî by Ithe coilapse cf a vwharf at Bostona vere James J. WVosibtsrn, Il yunns clii:Johna F. Colo, t9 yeors old; Johns A. Leani-, oged 13; Laivreuco MuDeloîeil, 10 yeans. A petîtion has hoon tliluhIefore tise Attorney Generol of Nev York Shatu asIt- iug tor-permission te bègýisiaunfaction ia the Supreme Court te anusl tlhe charters ot tise-varions Brookjn gag companlet kaovnans tise kitookiysi Union (las Ceom- pany, ou tise greunda that they are violet- lng their charters and tise lassoe the Statte vbieh ferbiti trusta. - ]E.L0. TILUntea* 'm i. ie.-- a -A b fer aemet.ue, Teumatwbo tu charitabie te 1I,1l 10f ti.ns i1 ths egons of thse gland. ih lrt dis bit. Hostera tonach Bitters, sur dS dear sir. or miadan-as thae cage mar be-l what you require. liasten te ose, If yen ore troubied wltla taartisuru., 1 lnteeitem. acta, or note that your Akin or the visites 01 jour ejes are taking a saitow bue. Boston Attea' Botter Water. Boston le preparing te spend 1,0, 000 te get a better water supply. She wiil dam thse Nasua River and build an aquedu-t and an Immense filter. liomeneeker.' Excursions South. On the 1thb and lOtis ef Jane, aise JulY 6, 7. 20 snd 21, and geveral dates durlng Anguet, Septexaber and Octeber, the Chi- cago aand Eastern Illinois Ral)road wil oeil first-clags rounsd-trip ticket@, god 31 days from date ef sale, fer ene lare, plus - $2.00, fer the round trip, te ail points in G a n s « Florida and the South. Trualle, tramn8ýG a ne s~ o time ail the ho, t. For fOrtheP1-1rema- tien addresa C. W. Humphrey, N. P. A., a-JIt.hun St. Paul. Mion. City ticeket office, I12 VjWnafnt natureofthemm Clark Street, or C. L. Stone, G. P. & -T. Ical illa which vaniehbie A.. C hla. ot-uleot-paU rhly dreted. Tisere in'0 Some workmen ln a Goriaam (ý. rH.) th 0 owedge that se many oerpenter siaop have a queer pet. ni. ask aemo uet a tsandsome butterfly. whlch lias stayed tices et the-avstem, whteh ln thse sisop ail wuater anad la vea-y turne. famly laxative, Syrupef PIg* ly a'emoves. That la whi1Z liait. Catrrh Cre. aed5y7with millions eof==lt la a cestitutional cure. Price75relata. evO**7wlueo gon edse'Tt&gU endewaft due to thse tact, tuai. A deaIer soya t:.ýere 14 more steel used oee emedy whlch promotea1 ln thse manufacture of pens tisan lun ail ee______ itou eblt thse sword and gun factorlea ia the 1a- ptqo*ant, ln order to gel world. fi tcta, to note wheu chaae_-'tht Iyen have thse genuini Tihe best way te avoid scalp daseas"S, «hg ig MAm.r actureanay tbe haîr falliug oout a nd premature balduesa P'yu Ceel, nmidb la te, use thse best pro-ventive knowufer I3rup o. ouy, ad Mt that purpse-Halîsa Hair ltenower. Ifl the enjôymet of g"M Leaenhîock and Hîimboldt bth say ad the ste15is rgl. tIsat a single potind et the tinoat spider îfivso Meetedth a amal webe wouid rencls around thse world. Ma e« S ddt b m Pisom Cré or Cnsuptin ha ben aphymleluksa, but If iu need of a1 Pis's ur fo Cneuptcialai b ,na 114no Md have thse bu tamily medicîne wlth us &Ince 186]5.-J. R. ths nom asedveybe@4eà Madison, 240y.)42d n Tp.. Chîcajzo. 111. th e c -balor aud la anwes In ail thing8 h ia botter te bope tIsaitueaIg'emegurla te despair. PATDITS. TRfiAÊE âU ali tnu tu 5111t realize tise greateest asnouuut et goed tIn U9b shos test Mîme and at the teast expense luy takins HoodÀ'js S-arsaparilla 01 Thas One Trie Bood Purifier. An drugglsts. i.JN iîtingse ooda Pille a-ay tu Lake. eayto operatew tokaohguw p" thp~ EVERnY ýu1MR 1INIE CAR MAKU-MOUE MONEY IN YTHE MIDDLE SOU"N. HOe» anmake tube as Mucli. He can mtilhiiNortisern tarin Md gelt uIe as rums y ton y clown bere. W emi l mproved Famaus for $8 te $2u an aere. Piefly1u o t tbemn. No droughts. Neltiser toc hsot nor toc coid-cltmate lust îiaist. N :1m ame eosnlng every week. il y u' are loterested write for free PaMPalot, lad 55M al Cr q 70u wantto. 1h a plesaure teustoanser thair. SOIJTIERN ROMIEMEEKIERS LAND» COMPANY. Romerdijo, W ,///I lut" "The North Pole miacle use cf at Always at the fiont and wbereve "4BATTLE AX"t goes it is the, t tng in sight-,It isasre rnarükable fori hs fiefavor and qualit asfor-itslo-wpri"ce. A5cct~j of",BATTLE AX " isa os large as a 10 cent piece of any othct equaliy good tobacc. "A Good Tale Wili, 'Beer Teill Twice." Use Sapoliolý U )se . C ý M. U 1 iZ,«£--4-î4lýl--ý-

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