m_2_f00 Se rtisl 849 9en40î oce l duiia rre View 1052 952 4 m theoc Leithton 95a m 1 1COô41i lh a den R oc kefeller Bl 0os es 46 10 20 6 20 r. erT ysLake 6a013s1820m 8428 10 43 431 Chical 10i IC14 8 0 D0627 436 Bugs Lake Vîhla 981024 306 63 l29 4 'W Place1 Mr. Matting Dai OINe G BOUT0 s'. schoel mur 9p- *Dlly ecbpt unday. ya Linoleum 8s top only on signai, yak arn. a.m. &mr. p.rn. p.rn. a.m. Lk Frt. Win 76 different saut- Lke Villa704 724 1129 445 9 051110 eliock pies of Carpets 10 IRollins 7 10 7 29 4 51 wy seleoiLakfr716.7 3 1140457 9 14 1140 vy Selec fro. Ro efeler 734 744 15 5 09,22 12 25 ihan Latton 7 40 513 1240 r PrreView 7 5 520 12567 Mr. match and seved Wheeîîng 8 il 530 1I14 Fox L on short notice. Chcago 9 35 9500 110 480 10 45 Rome Ploture Framos Around the County. Per _____________________________every Hall Rackssensa hal RahaROCKEFELLER. it ai Mia. Hamiltoni and daughter Ireno Cou9 axe viîitlng Mria. Walter Morne. Liber John Knigge, of River Viev, 1e The spending a fev daysata thieaplace. Lake John Cronkhite la having a calltai very O NLY $11.*75. f dng for a nov bouse on Gtace Street. pri My day. p, aboyé combination Book Case is one of y Charite Strong, of Elgin, called on C.T. t.jiany bargains. The only cheap thing about Mr* and Mre. Bnrdick luit Saturday Bey, morniiig. chuîi it is the PR 10E. Mfr. and Mre. Myrlck entertained LYR JhT REEl ~their danghter, Mrs. Fargo a fev days &ý1 JST RCEIVE_____mmýthe past week. g A FULL LINE 0F CROCKERY Per els fBrrntn peutVoo Get my prices before yon bny. lirs. J. J. Rouse. of Christ Hotemeyer and Henry Mi Undertakirng a Specialty. sehverman, of Lake Zurich vere lu iii h Our town on Tuesday accc ___ Eince WiIl Knigge has lnvcsted in a fami - wdli,,ery vagon ho i kept busy o L.... K m G q RckfeF., Leer iverand lady friond, liss vasF brooks, of River View, spent the 4th vher T HE O LE ST AN D, t Diamond Lake and Rockefeller. hiorn TH E FLrankN îi rrutM tated lait veek wjth a r But a new hand à i the helm. wliereholieUil vieil hie grand-parents. bc g SIarden has purchased the business formnerly i nral.ofvMr.d ana'satondthe t e k~&p~ y R F.Roue, t Rckeellr, II. anwalatiiay, whlch vais held ai Liberty- agon qob .F.Rue t okfllr l. adwl iller pron ~sed to cater to the old patrons of the estab- MOr. Litidema.n las put ini 200 feet of DeW Gnt and hereby solicits the public in gênerai to fine sidewalk lu the neo ub-division con, lethéStock, and become famniliar with prices. and Mr. Cookman and Mn. Bergioru ilil4 NUNE GROCERIES, BOOTS AN» SHOES Henry vanHorn vas in our tovn bcd MEAT MARKET IN CONNECTION. near future for the purpose of bulld- kil]e >ie cslre your patronage. We understand Lewis Litchfield liaiav -We wlII have it If you give us a trial. anddrghood nd gs sto o! e he ___ LI -into Win. Knigge's goneral store, one Yom E.B.- A D N 9rboa EThe Dlamond Lake summer resonts .laY OGKEFELLER - - - ILLINOIS. -rfi ed thstimuler boardr to ifty-five and Mn. Barleit had about the same number anid otheris about c WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, Il the lake had as many mai they could whe accommrodate. Wby not gravel ail the A] main roadu around the lake, this vould cidc bring siill more vheelmen to this THE BEST PLAC9~E mU3Y- RV.C P. L. Benz and family aeeteti-ove TO BLJY ing fiends from Chicago. A Mrs. Smith anid children, o! Chicago, hon an iiting friende in this viclnity. Par Lum b r, oal uvni-FThe c:Misses Finneyanid Bracken, cotA e hcgare visiiing at E. Gibbons. ig Mfr. sud Mrs. Lyon, of Deerfield vere visi the guests of John Reybuck over m FriWagons, Buggies, th th o LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. for amusement. Wt .1Mr. Burk, a former resident of this wC _________________________place, nov o! Chicago, spent the 4thil here calling on nid friands. on1 We are always prepared Mfr. sud and Mrs. Dan McCartby, of rn to supply your wants in .... Wadsvoril aud 1fr. Griffon, o! Chica- Q go, spent Sunday bore vith J. ilyau. the Miss Kathryn Casserly, of ChicagoFoF, ~AgicutuaI mplmeguest of lier cousins the Misses 0 Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tule, Etc. Chevalier. Losa cm p rmi Always get Our Estimate Before Chicgo on his wheel to se dte4ili 9go Buying Your Building Material. Wn. Losmanalso joluod the family l, ________________________________________ circle sud will 8pend a fev veeks ila enjoying the country air. b WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, 111. A largo nuniber o! Waukegan friends C.1 _______________________________________________gatliored ai the home of Fred Krueger Satnrday aud Sunday tnd bad a vcry ~ pluasant tume. Muic, gaules, etc. vere Indulgod lu and a fine display of!i Iii'. iij~mflIqhi-C *tire vorks Saturday eveniug. Mo DIAMOND )LAKE. ho IIII.J~II~II~~, Wonder if Hernian, of Long Grove, isl going ta move to our tovu. We H oS HANCK ONSON Mise Loua Holiz speut the 4th of!o G o [ . CANCK ON:', *i imoi Win. insman le bsving a.nov barn Frj ulit. B. Blove le doing the work.ju LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. *s ou0gocema l aarge sgndisplayod lu front of hie * store. bis 0 Mfr. Willis Arnold, section foreman rat lefi for Joliet lait Frlday to spond the bel Buckéye Mower. fourth.ge Clipper or Triumph Mower. ofRer ýMitelolais wefitho aito Triumph Binder. Derflild. in À bg allgale il taleplace next PP1 Key Stone Side Delivery Rake. * Sunday ai Wm. Lemker's groundi. by 'Brdle H rseRake.A hut iime le expected. Cu làradey H rse akse Evairybody isior Sound money whlico FiIi r'., Wagons and Trucks. is not anIidiot. But thare ta a Fr Sta er ndAbot Bugie anSuries diveraity 0f opinion n 10 Justatt Sta er ad Abott uizziesan durris. ontintes sould money. nPrsak ZS76twO<~f Lake Villa, been bired 10o b our echool for coming year. r. George Knol Ir., and lady, of ogo, vjsited -wiili friendeat ai s a the 4ih and 5tliof July. r. John Lane will teacli the Gavin el near ltabomle for the next to nd Mr. Sabin vl teseh the 0Villa achool. Iter svheai and rye are in the , novnd hayxog 1» eli nder .The harveet je much earlier in former years. r. William H. OBliger and dangliter, >bave been visiting friendsata L.ake, Lake Villa and .&ntioch lor m ime past étarted for their hume iisouri on Monday. rnons vho have a coughlng spel ry night, on account o! a tickling atlon in the tiroat, nmy overcome tonce by a do"e o! One Minute th Cure. For sale by P. IB. Lovell, ertyville, G. C. Roberts, Wanconda. bore vas a grand celebration at tVilla on the 4th of Jnly and a ylarge crovd gathered there to ticipate in the enjoyments o! the ,Among the speakers vore Mr. rH eydeckor, Mr. Çkeorge Watt and rMr. Hughes, pastor of the M. E. irl at Lake Villa. Ride a VARSITY, a COURIER or an ABELARD. We enu furnieli ilese Bicycles an short notice. They are Strong, - ight - and - handsome. BINDER TWINE Wo hp ave a brgit nev stock of 650 Foot Strlctly Pure Manilla, 600 Foot Manilla, Standard. QUALITY - The best that can be produced. PRICES - Lowest consistent with good goods. VOLO. Long Grove,lIl. V. SAUER & BROq îo Fonrili passed Off verY qUietlY in_______ v. Somne oelebrated i lullenry, ie ai l'remont, others et Lake Villa. V/hen in Town ns. Sarah Huson returned to Elgin ou Wedncsday. Rosa Huson4 ompanie liber, sien graudmna Ray- TY TA EIIU ,d. Sic vii visit ber sou and Tt HT DLC'U ily a fev veeke ln Elgin. )n Thiirsîla3 J niy 2, Willie W ines a filty D). sack o! whcat flour. Il, put ina grain bag sud was bait some- 1 ice Cream Soda ore betweeu Libertyvilie sud bis 1 te ti Fort Hilil. Finder viii confer eat lavor by droppiug a postal lu "_UI a. Addncs Fort Hill. Ill. He viii RIl glad to corne and gel it. F L V R v ould ha bard tb convince __amai'__Q ferlng front billions colle that his any is due iv> s microbe iih it, un-an anouncabie naime. Blut une dose o!fn v',itt'ts Collc & Ciolera Cure wiii vince 1dm of ils power lu allurd PHOSPHATES. stant relief. i kilis pain. For sale F. B. Loveil, Libentyvilie, G. C. ffents, Wauconda. ~m u a .engbt Bros. had somie mure sheep LOVEBI .. THE fDIl(G( ST" ui aîîd Home bitien lait veek by gs. MrI. Paddock sud Itangit Brus. Li bertyvil le-- Illinois. ve ther sieep brougit ont of the oui from vortilems doge. Xeep ni doge eiaiued if they are o! 'a ,viug disposition, or somne one will Ory u u m rs i ylng for 'emi.' HALF DAY Charles Stuinni lias bouglit a new licl. Albert IRichiards lias mult lus ttew der miii. vire. Lunie Seliinelennmatde a trtipliv icago Munday. L~ouis Erueger an 1i vifP, are nejoiciug ver the arrivai o! a little baby girl. Albert Richard sold a bay team ofo [re Saturday lu a maiinlo Highland ark. Ignes Morse, 'hu itlas Iveen atteind- ischool ln Milwaukee 1 i home on a iit. Mrn. tad Mn,. Peter Smith, of North ortificlti, visited vitli J. 1'eglow nduy. Il. Il. Pc-giuw. wiîîvlias heen liv il 1i1) iti a felon von hi is iandv is aible tvv ork ugain. 1,0>110 Krueger. ivliile euttiitg bay tbis farniî last Thînrsdlay lîud a iveaiî in away duing cv)ueiderale l ainage. Qite a iiimi)cr frutinlier>' attendevi ie pieule ut l)ianîivnd Lakie the ourhiof IJiN . Al report a good ne. Our street haîve been ervîwvlvd wilî ieelunien tiie îiast le e Cnekv. Thii s a louvîllar sîvîviing pin.> arudlitiord s ood accutimodatimus. Cliaîlilberlaiit'i Cm ivglî llv'nîedý ctareb uIds. cupl)uît wliupiug ev>tgii. It Pleaeantialed îv nlialv'. For sale y F. B. L<vveli, Liliertyvilie, and G. Rloberts, \Vaieotîd. LEITHTON. 1fr. Rl. LIi clut ibeteuS ylast londay. Mira. Frevi Me3 ers vtiincd tlulier ome in Chicagouafler ipuidilig the uni viiihrelatives. Most.ali o!f<innpeople around uiere înt lu Libentyilue lu attend the ounib o! July telebralion. C. F. Nulta mvvc't io Waukegan last 7rday on bis 'apueder.' il took hiti usi forty-five nminutes for lourteeu lle. Hov la ta. Lasi week somne iniiap.-v stvle the aukets that are uscd lu cuver up tic 11lk ai the depot plalform. They'd )tter look ont or Wun. Davison migit et hold o! ie. tond if ho doce ho .wont do a ting." Wc are auxious lu do s littho good ntuis vorld and cau ink of no easanter or betier vay to do it than ) recommending One Minute Congli nre as a preventive o! puennionia, nsnmptivin and other serions lung aubles liai !ollov neglected colfis. ?or sqle by F. B. Loveil, Liberiyviill, C. loberto, Wsnicou. DIGHTON. The eniertainmcnt given by the ighton echoal Juno 25, vas very nteresting. It vas given hy tie ehol cbldren assisted by Messrs. loient andi Harry Daîziel, Misses 3esee Larkln andi Ettie Sumes. ;venybody iad a good lime and the aiziel children rcceived tic tiret )rlze in echool sud entontiument. gary Frend the teacier, sud the whoaas ihank the people thai came i the cutortalumelit especially thoe ho heiped themn do tic vork. The )rogram vaa a very interestitig one,, td vas prcpared by Mise Freund. We have mest recelved a large lu- roice o! strictly tirai-clan nov blndlng iiuo.oan @eu1 Mme from 6à t 7 mm»i per poujida i WIGHTr&ON. at Fred Croker's. Mie can lit you, and your purse. A perfect fit guaranteed. Cali and semy samples. RepairinigVR AK Ct ea n ing OE AK Dyeing Libertyville, Illinois. SPECIAL CLEARING SALE - For the next two, weeks, commencing Saturday, JuIy IOth., on Ladies and Cents straw hats. n ait W .\,,l & Co., -. NIINNIE Hlarvefsiers, alffl their extras furMisbed on PLYMIOUTH HIsNDING TWINE. Outr leailiug Bratnd, Beeit and Cheitpoâtl ituai kii and inuney cia proince. J. G. Weidner&.Sons. BUFFALO GROVE, OR APTAK 1810, ILLINOIS. .% n% ic u5 t s f l o e i h a relots, fer and Dean. J. F. W illiam sI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ speechi. He, ton, ntlscked tie railroiA-IN E IIi tic corporations sud Wall sineet. AI I N E U N l'ive minutes Inter lie-comn-,ttee Q crodentinis fled m tu e hall. Delei vo- Atwood, o! Kanas, ciairmnaof the 4 .Q air- mittee. red tic report, Il conllraîed action of tic national committeeae ..FURNITURE. 'ies detail except Nebraska aud ila. ira- the former case tic action o! lie"nat"t Eam'eîs, Picture Frames comBrmiltee vos revenmofi, tins îeatiag Ii- Bran delegates. Iu regard ta ichiý Clock She1ves, Room mouidfing à toWall pockets, Paints, nio-Paper holders, Ois, Book cases, Varnislies, WRCRYI ~U iALimi .b P13 orti ls tie celebrated Sleepy Eyé Milis, CREAM and PILLSBURY XXXX BEST FLOUR. A triai o! the above vili coninceo vo that viat ve say le true. 0151 PiRicEsGIARANTEED TO SUIT CHAS. SVEMPEL, Long Gcove, Lake Co., 111. W* Correspondence Soliclted. FA.SÂus.Ltrtrsigmcne ongine, tank snd outtit complote, at a bargain. FiRE uDonrte, Long Grave. 36-4 Buny pe( se"abler bave no lime, sd Extension tab's, ining chairs, Rockers, ..ouclîes, Ljounges, 'lhamber slýiLs., Putty, Brashes, Mirrors, mattresgm, Cotg, Springu Etc., Etc. 1.AT.. ýSSAC HEATH & SONS Libertyville, Illinois.- {300 1u1î11red clipper now clld rrij mpli No. 4 Mlowcrta) have Iieen aold J)Y G. H. Svlîanck ini Lake Counlty 6,he average cosi boing less ibm tea ,enta ecd, per year, for repairs. lFhey are simple and durable., Buy 011. G.. H. SCHaNÇK Box, Ltberty- Wile