%INUNPIAN, lASSA Udftr. 'Cirouit CIevk. mme mysoif as a eau- hÈ uU19e ;'o!circuit clerk,' be Oeoion ot thie Lake Ïiilan Conveution, *-Lavwis 0. iounv AY. the BIil Board of Trade Mimdy; offerlngýq78,9S0,11,5. i-at 14ic; 41,480 ll>s et 15c. l'wons thse h,.adline whvih a. ma"yreedclr of thse PaIr Reginter, '.vedîesIày. .'IsrId-"le. uiattonas sturdéy A.Tuompsoa, secy. SORSISCmb erU). .rdfer Esteru xss. ar A.. SsUnET (GRASLAKE Cai No. 1341M. W. A. met t. anttsd third Saturday eveulugs o! escis moutis.. GEOI03 KAPPLX. V. C. GEORGE Ilooxa. Clerk. M IZpÂH Usai, No. UGRi. N. A. meet second and fourtit Tuesday evenlnusesehi montis M.s. W. H&AJvrT. Oracle. mits. ftsshaA, Be. CONOBBGATIONAL ClurcisSunday Ber- îng a10. m.and 7:mç. n. l'raye neet- S.enlay eewlige t nu p.-ln. See Z.B..-Shesusus"dnluanother columin. Msjs. o'Connieil visited ln Elgin aud Chicago tise past neek.. ?rs. Withorell, G. É. -Wbidde" "Chica- Sc;J. Jeffers, Stevei Points; chba. Bolmesa, Chicago; J. W. CoZvoru sud vile, Waukegan. bs weduesday, July 1, oocured thse deatis of MO. Wickea u ai réuident 01 thîs vieinitY. lira. Wloka 'lm boni in Ebens!eld, Gernmmny, sY 1. 1899 and came to th8 coUAUrY viti ber ua baud and !illy in 1867. Tiseylived IraI in Fremont Center, aiterward moving to <raysiake.- Feb. 19. lnt, ber hua- band preceded lier to the- btter laud. t seemed thtisaibIg iivod m0 long togeiher even death ooUld flot orate tisem long, as lira. Wioka baA notbe ven ixice that urmeomladgly pudgmi to be united la hesven. Pour ebuidreU camé to bighlen the hontse oati ii900od couple, three oft vhom areu MOnruin the lona of their .loir parentasuffey Mesars. John sund George wiokm pif Grayaléke; and lira. Barbua G.ring, of Iova. lors. Wioka wvu ladtar LJUly 3, la the FrerniO io er ' Msase rostinlapesc. the haut onI t zué hi. oor lorg stcke»fl Priam. i a pii moion bera he a .I Peyfonat -Wa1 lo!Jb $*IL undr le ire bt p.t nopmtlcl1 The INDUPENDENÇT and Chicago one nearîy nov. -idrosa Y. T. eue. attenlon to IL. Boon aie jnmsodlier Inté» Ocean $1.90. child, and on retracing lier steps foflnd hlm Iylng ln the. pétA, uncon-__ ______ sciona, bleedlng from a vound ln thse0 tepe.C in heltleethie TH EY' RE GOMINGI wus cailed. Re could do nothlug, liov. over, and the boy dicd vithoutrecover- lug conacloune"a. A Iafged atone tour ouncea 'I wetgbt vag !found slightly tained vitli blood near visore thie boy aY. It vws the oeethée1H luother heard as it vas aprnng fromnt under the tire o! the 'wheobnan. Tise rider la, ai course. unknovn. ne la oniy romemnbered by tihe moiher as voaring liglt cycllng trousers and a roI cape sweater. las j the largt'st aînd best Edua MeMiIICIS la scoppug vicuO OS .AB Ambe4lnlaLake Courity; andMrs. Feulon, of Hauesyile. G GE A S ~apor is olmu lre. lickey lias gone ousait N ter.Bla rgt .nWg nnaBARRINGTON. i 4éupr hl its î .mn sd Vermont te visit lier sîsters. in Elgn. Nons Hougisillag, of Elgin, lea atlier- ýbansd large substrilption ~s~Eil ede~Wuea Born, telir. sud Iba. Ira Harris, parents' ai pneaeut. ÜMe it la roceiving, and its visitedu Jnlyer1prentstSOfl. k.Misa Lillie ;Harraer, o1 Evsnston. -ot d'ltinlierharentitufs eek. Miss Ada lianchester le spendlng via home over snnaday. - Wts uin tsert wo Wiscu, of Long Lake, vialted lier vacation at homte.BontoM.adlr.FJ.Hlîe. ~. eprssin suul l> lir prens e tiie lac tie fre 5rt Ths. Phelpo, of Elgin vislted rela Saturday morning, a littho sou. 0«ýgt tots editor, B. A. l)i n.n, o! thse 'eek. tivea here the pont veek. Tise Infant son of Dr. and Mro. Mrs. Doyle, Waukegsu, speni several lira. Bpeeckmas sud son are home Cianins dled lasi Wednesday. ~l~ querthlgsb. ist tsedays tise hast week vitlî ler sister from Texas ta apend tise summer. Mima Lulu Hendriekson, of Carpen- linuertig i latteMs. Uigley. Miss Effle Gilbert lias been visiing tervîlle, la visîîîng Miss ee arrie Kn8 m»and sud iver demoCrata lirs. Peck snd Mises lAs, of lme, relatives at Monaville tlie past veek. loy. Kns $0 e eoqually vell pleased wits N. Y., are tise gueste o! Mrs. Ricli and Miiss Mattie James la attending tise Mt eCi ee, !hle oei sud ticket o! tise Chicago Ms ain îHievle Teachers' Itistitute at Waukoeanthis ls tise giiesi o! Mis e lilo Da'wson ibis Roubian nvco!es Mr. Woolovet and daugiter Luilu week. ek epubatra tise cone aentio mo e t Ciicagouso vios andseîs inez Einary and Mise Carman. Of Felander Mouitow, a former resident 1,9-M &roidthudonentponmoyuceds utennca o e. shteiWaukeasu, epeut Sîînday vils lias of tialocality, cailed' on frieuds liere ,i~uaeToilad xoiser i hornw ot. a ise limoro. hasi veeli. '- ýï"os conflidence ln tiseir Mossns. Heny and LoIs Allardi, of' Misses viols sud 'Vers Pliolpa, of Mrs. Geo. Burns, o! Cicaga~,las visit- lb.oehBrya sud evail hlcago, and Ksrl Allardt, o! St. Louis, Chcg, are vîitingM.ad rs nlirpetM.adMs u. the -yO .pullt andOlilver con- called on thisiM5er Mrs. Sherman Cicigog rWsdrigh.ra. ug iti paet. su Ms.ug and tiser frienda lie past week. MSsl. Crusi. Beeso, ihleas eok. *too tem sud the bolting Ms. Cyrus Pofelpe. visO liusibeesi Grandins Payne in speudiug soutse ohuOu A suportberm O !nirysak bsie sit**gMis. Benson, lbas returned te urne ai Devi1's Lake sud vili vii St. s~bcn upr e. meu vent to 'Waukogan, Wednesday telie ot nIw.Pu bfr euu oe *ýbsnd. tise silver demociats tise Soldiers sud Sailor' meetinig, a .roneluoatau eoeriunn oe ~j e .baouiey crtan tsaiviici vas doclded visore tise nexi Miss Orpea Joues lias gone te Jack- A goodly nuruber from Sire are pro- Il*e faendrse byîis9sî.ronionvii beheid so, Mcfl, t sped tse ummr u~lipartng to attend thie Des Plaines camp- la endiosd bsupport . y eun o prebc the nvacone t ler sisior, Mis. Ford.metn hswkadnxt Il M uti ns and sup ort il b As t r esate ew suto m e Dr. M cCleary sud vife, o! Tonnes- M ise D lia G iess rec eutiy rt urned e trrepublicans, tliey vili vin, ansdlscnet ylr usay eaesedn e ék itisein frum Libertyville, whére dise has beonI thm t am i51tishey vaut le a We are sory for lis misfortune, but sunfIer home, "Tise Fines," aiis spendiag part of lier vacation. 14;it beveen goid sud silver hope tise lose la not as grcat as ai fluA place. Among tiselarge nuinher viso took Wietior iiiey il get tisai reportaI. Mr. waiter Seavey sud John Borge- lu tise dance ai Lake Zurîih ere a Irgey uun he ctin o Mr. Piait, of Drtice's Lake, asonf, viso have been camping ai Gages Daniel Storm sud Miss Martha Weri. la lsel upn te atio 01friends couducied a eong service in Lake, have returnud 1teisir home lun lMr. aud Mrs. J. E. Helse are rejoic- Lois conventions, tise Congregational churci S uuday th" eity. ________ ing over a youug couple aithidibouse, evenlng. A large sud appieciaitive EliHill, Lumber City, Pa., wiies a sou snd a daàugisier. Ail dolng wali. lmNisi oltlc bvehal oute audience vas iu atiendance. We hope d have been suffriug!o ie o The Waucouda sud Barringion Suin- sixUp A the ]pasi, but tise to heur them ffin acon. twenty-tive yesrs sud ilionght my case day sebooîs joined ai Lake Zurich Tise circus lias cone sud zone sud incurable. DeWit's Witcis Hazel Wedueedày sud spent s very piessacut tsituation is a ew Pints teken wvus lu Lovayue Bunge viso ilSalve vas recommeuided 10 me sa a day. ai iem IL. Present indies- iraval vus î tishe rosi of ibis veek. pile cure, se I boughi s box sud il _______ ot tralilose viso have been Tisey did net gel here in urne te have parformoapemntcue"Ts Min a eneral breakiug dowu an alternoon performance, but tise is only one o! tisousanda o! gtimil&n Il votld bo liard to couvince a manu1 pary "s ttisyea wil povoeveniagperfor--ane vasa vail aiteuded cases. BEzema, sures sud alun sufferlug from billions colle thut Ilus purI lie5 bisyoa vii pove Tiose from lime vio aitended tise diseuseOs yiold quiekly vison h le used. agouy la due tu a microbe itis u un- is-ue prapliets. t ouid 50cm Christian Endeavor convention ai For sale by F. B. Lovell, Libortyville, prononable namne. But une dose of ba ighleago convention by tise Milîburu lasi Baturday vere Mesdames G. C. Roberts, Wauconda. convintsCohlmles oer Cureaflr on sf pltfom avoatig Rdie su RubysudMises isuo- Home Seekeral Excursion*. instant relief. Ih kitl1s pain. Foer sale it the prlaciples of tise popu- isead, lloyd sud Hall. Tise program Tise C. M. & St. P. Ry. vil oel ou by F. B. Lovell, Libertyvulle, G. C. and naulnalùg ex-Rreseiitative tusery gooa sd misch enjoyed by july 21isî, 1806, Special Home Beekers' Roborts, Wauconda. 4 01 Neb, who, bas arays lth h rylake delegates. Tise nexi Excursion Tickets te certain pointa lun___ ,elKeb, vso as lwes l i s eeting vil ho a Ivanhlis., iowa, Minunesota, Noranud Sonih ýba dunlng hIss ivo ternis lutthe Tise îollowring gueule wene ai tise Dakota sud Wscos~inKtoeegul rium0ph No. 4Molier (Dwve bee od haillateil wiis tise popuisîos, foirisoiel the pasi veeéF, Graysîsse hotel: iri-cîs fotre for tie round trip, plus by G H N. SciManelu have benColdî , amaehraoby'J. W. Whiite, living Park; A. Ericison, two dollars. Rturu journey muatb .H cac nýaeCut %6*44CImad itreaonaly . Eriekson, Chicago; R. M. Kindor, commence on July 24,2%8 31, August lie average cuet belng legs tissu ton liai se mpopuhî,St i s ilei Galeiburg; James <Clark, Libetyville; 4ti, 7th,luts.For'funuber informa contare diporle ad forrabepaira. mitos h met a Si Lois axiR. H. Smith, Zanoartle, 0hio; Mi. and lion call on agents.on.GR.SH CKkBLbrt- *would ondorse ies caudidacy, One-____G____H__________________N,__Liberty-_____i la» iatimahe by leading pop-. Wli ev cousidor tisai thé intestines Rght ln full Basat._________________ owt auois ondoisemeuts depend are about live titiies as long as tise' How yon cau ave $7.50 by getting 4, %»,miladividual pledgoBs Yei te body, vo cau reslize thse intense an old and expeiencel lbaud to du 0»by Mr. Bryanhisel!. suftering oxperienced.vison they be your' work: Sînce I made my uai h. ______________ cone lafimed. DeWtt'e Colle & improvement on mny re-acting vbeel, - -- Choiera Cure subdues inflammation at 1 i dig sud brick s common Bize iggoflodby sanyljody .'probabiy dlfltcuity. For sale by F. B. Lovell, 10 fi. $1.00, sud for deopor sud langer -N S mma by hlmseli"util tise day Libertyvile. G. C. Roberts, Waucouds. vole eut my usual pruce, sud board rny- qpi rsmdi generally self on jobs near home. Jobs number phWitup te 376 aI présent. Write for fulli a l a t n »W tisati vtise exceptiou of particulars. if .. P. WILLIAMS. ai ate W ToUer, viso wouid have beau =~O e tise fnl populisi voie F. BAI RSTONV, . ~ki ieentiro silver vote, Mnuacurr f . .regiow . !g 1* abiu t1lise sirongesi man tise iufenro!B ck ay , - CARRIAGES 0«*aia oould have put up, sud tise Bikly " oisO tie youugesî mais ever Plasterer, A Carr ýàolled for lise Presldency wHItoemao Libertyvilie ý, bandency W10 s retsudemao if in need of st Mgk1M ig lis beasai amoug tisa ! li ,ofh party. Mr. Arthu~r C NT A T R. Gay & Sons' Carri. e o!9tMo., ithe democratieCO TR CT jCo's, CORN a Mm for Vlce-Presdent, le well....RA NBL ICS ...Das 8a * aWsaingtou, but ls coin- Mi rdeABOPplE PRICeS Dasyt8. nunon aisevisore ont- Mi retPoptyAiue oand jIngiand. I isaoote eseilfi mate! 'MOR» S" WAGONS whobe li ads nyHALF DAY, ILLINOIS. a to hie ticket. Ih le nt ________________ " 'l lia hie p rty expec s t u get ~m .. ~ - m m t U f ironlvotes fzom New Eugiand. tI Uf IU R E~These cutiator ý.*e oly peuple viso duoni tu be satisal vus ise -ie situation are tise Cleveland IaNeomtel. Tisey ackuomlcdge gr gre vony unch diséiatisfied, Marbie and Granite in camas lu telliug whai tli'y M O U M ENTS Àt#lng tlioy are snum. It 'ii M NE TS t$o >hi probable tisaItie goid CI' ME [EuT1VOltK 0F' El LlY " Ill put up a ticket o! thêir DESCRIPTION. évet, sud certaiu thati Co)r1(àpondeuco Soictel. il'do 50 if tise popslisi sud s26 S. Oenesee St., WAIJKEOAN. Wn!.fltions do flot euireý fiévali. bhould tisesu sendorse thse Cliiego thIoUgk0t ta ie mneuci lkely .......... oddeinocrats rvinsly51' A .L E I republan ti0het as tise A.B LE I ho deteat silvar. If there # Uiets la thfielbd îliey ePoorpe<. ,opabliom aucces vould PORTRAITS COPIED sud tisat they couid AND ENLARGED. ~oaegol ticket Pule y of keeping np tisai,' Viwm of Buildings and Stock. lu tise Eastern * ABY PICTURES ina lreBisitâ. A SIPECIALTY. ROUTE ~1. GrahamnW&Morton operahlng lie qupetb oide-vlieel steamers City of Chicago %iCity of Milwaukee and tise uoly robull propeiler ~-CITY 0F LOUIBVLLE-- Beiveen Chifago sud St. Josephs sud Bouton Harbor, lich1àn... $DAILY EXCURSIONS lvlng dock, foot o! Wabash Avenue, 0ilou. every ai ntng at *oSu.v -:o :»L I j I F j I I i menced, and just nearly so, and in quite ail rain falita to PULVERIZE yo Those cool Autumnn days that make cycling a& pleasure. IIGH GRADE WHEELS Make cyoling a pleasure. Before buying corne n and get my prices. Aiso agent for Gleason & Shaff sewing machines. Complete stock of bicycle and sewing machine repairs always on hand at E. B. SHERMAN'S, TheJeweler, GraysIake - - - - - - - Minois. NWWE ARE READY, to seil you TlLE~. We have changed clay and are now maklng tule equal to any that can be fou nd; EXAMINE THEM!1 TEST THEMI11 BUY THEM!!1! Grayslake Brick and Tile Co., GRAYSLAKE - - - - ILLINOIS. C. M. SCHERMERHORN DEALERHETM EALINER MILK CANS, FURNACES,'STOVE REPAIRS ITin and Steel Roofing, Plain and Corrugated I Siding, Tin and Galvanized Iron Eave Trough f and Conductors, Wind Milis, Pumps and f Tanks. M - - - - - il REPAIRING 0F ALL KINDS NEATLY DONE. DAIRY WO-B( A-SPECIALTY. MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. PRAIRIE VIEW - ILLINOIS VSTEMATICALLY ition to the fact that 1 will carry a good stock of Farm Machinery and BUGGIES nages, on Milwaukee Avenue, le, and hope Farmers and others wilI uch goods, cati and name their wants. lages, Wagons and S urries. D. M. Osborn and Grain Binders, Mowers and Rakes. and 10 foot hay rakes. Systemnatic d other makes of Ladies and Gents Bikes. Gale No. 10, MOWERS Wauconda No. 12 Cultivators. ýrs are the BEST on the market as they aifter cultivatng as It was before you com- as the rain drops fait from the ciouds or ithat condition the soit absorbs nearly or and your corn crib overf lows. My advice is our CORN not plow ut. 0 0 c z Remnmber that ive are not wholly in the MACINE andti (ARRIAGE hsii~ for tise ALMIGHTY DOLLAR, but partly for our HEALTIL and unsys tematiec cm- plexion., Stili OUR BREAD AND BUTTER is hinged on the sales we imike, Thiere, wsg GOL» inÇ aliforuiW,'e mountasius longbeforo itwos discovered,_su- i t t t t t t t * t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t "t t t t t t t 't t t t t t *0 t t t t t * t, t t i t t t t t t t t t t i I MEnTTv.LLE -- lu lM.r;M*ffllý Re, 1 1