Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 17 Jul 1896, p. 8

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1'window Gloass. and lwiiidôw fShades. Ië-MdDiungChain-. Mm d"a hchl SnPPlies. Bruusls Carpets. kindg. ,k.Wôol, and flair Mattres adTrunks. Md a matting. tlot.iBook-eases. WU *a Conter Tables. Sýcî0theà and fHat Racks. SPiflows aud Comfortors. "Chains aud fammocks. but Vouhes and Chairs. fflof all kinks. çpon Tables. oW' is this for a Stylish Rocker? ONLY$2.8 lu est hihg for general use. sirong, Cninortab.1e, sud Showy. Look ai the band vork on îhe back. Wortu $4.00. My price $2.85. &GENT FOR HIOR GRADE HIOUSEHOL» iE WING MACHINES. U.ndertaking a Specialty.' Itae'L KNIGGE, Rockefeller,1 ~have astde Of SHOES -ý hich we will close out at prices from .50 cnS up. ïe desire your patronage. W. will have It if you give us a trial. E. B. HARDEN, ffEVELLER --- ILLINOIS. MANAGEMENT. àfflperaI Store of A. M. Brîggsai lRockefeller bas changod bands. V IROOMS SWEEP CLEAN. sgbaf sudoavor to move the otre stock of the old establisument, and vwihnev gooda. in order tedo soI1am goingteoeil way inside the a c othors. Notice these prices. They're ouiy a few. 1 have niany -BARGAINS FOR YOLJ. overalla ........... ..5eSroked bama per lb .............. l0e jud girla shsoes ....... 75e Fancy percales per yd...........05 ....... 25c':Men'. .vorkig shirts ............25 4 noyer Leaf"5lDis pail per pail.35c Matches 12 boxes .................ioc L. H. LITCH-IIELD, ELLER - - - - - ILLINOIS. ew Store! A Ne.w Stock!!l And New Prices!!! t have opened a Grocery Stare in the Knigge Building, and have a new ciean stock of Gro- ,caries, Canned Goods, Ftour, Tôbaccos, Çligars and Candies. IfAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT My Prices and Goods are Right. F. A. Brown, LER - - - ILLINOIS.1 WRIGHT & SON'S. Libertyville, Ill., H EnBESI PLACE ; 1 -IN LARE (OUN,- TO BUY Lumber, GCoal, MiI-Feed,i F'arm Wagons, Buizies, BERTYVILLE, ILL. e are always prepared supply your wants ln .. Agrucultural lm'plemenUsè Grain, Seeds, Lime, DralinTule, Etc. Always get Our Estimate Bowàl .Buying Your Building Materlal. WR1ÙGHT & SON'S, Liberty.ville, II. JIJ..Ç We ae anxious to do a 11114. - Li .4 world mdi eau lain 7 ',e.s t. er or «boter vsy 10 ldo~ -1 r abi recomuiendlug One Ma L cureo"a apreentiv oo USe Wil LU Kaie's «ad" tg anoiher oolum..1 Litchflld ofera focilbrgine. Seo his «ad" lu noUi oluua. Mms. red Rolomi> .utertaiued rois- tivea from Poori , .pa voM. Mmra.Waleiei I il5o1extertalnng fiaonde and rolfAtvios lte aos. Lester Iurdl@k »Ont a put c last veeok i iugiYiling tried st tat Place. Wiil Dreusen, of waunpeca, Wls., ma spefuig a fov daâYe ith his parent. ai ibis place." Abertif1s sart. wedu.sdsy fa Bllnf, Moulas, vhoré ho bas gous to regain his ealili. couda. Dean Aynley hin aia 1 our psy marchsnt, Frank Brovu lau bs tre, vwho soeea 10b. doing a vory good business. About thirtoon of ont young Christian Endeavornaiiouded theaDoy ai Millburit a0r luai Saurday, A vory interestiug day vas spet. 0ur furnitare deaer bas sponi 1, days of i i Wek in the city gtting a nov supply of furuiture on baud 10 pleso bis many customers. BeYr. Rarris, of Mlburu. oecupled the pulpit laat Bnuday evening sud preached to a very good audience ou ",Chrisitian Oiizonahip." it vas an intieretiIng ialk mnd onjoyed by Ml- IVANHOS. Mise Emma Coudrey viii teach the C Svan Schooi. Mmi. A. Puinam i le nt gaining muaI 6 in i.rengih..n George Morris hasa good veil nov; t] dug byAdam Titus. John Deithoru purchased a nov surrey lu Chicago last veok.0 Henry Grabbe's people are enter-d taining fienda from Chicago. Harvesting commeuced luat veek.c Grain bam ipened iwo veeka earllem this yoar. lira. Malla Payne is a great aubiéer, 1 boing unable to move borsel i nibed1 and sunforing greai pain.2 M. sud Mis. Brixen. cf Libertyvülo,1 spent lFrlday viih iheir daughter,1 lins. Auguet Wirtz. Lest voek Friday the Gagea Laktea pistor, Mr. Hfamilton, vas a pleasut cller ai J. Dykes sud G. fiavis. Miss Alice Brate veutto 0Wsshiug- ton, D. C., te attend the Christian Enduivor convention beld aitais place. Laut Suuday eveuing ihere vas no service home but ail atieudod chural ai Rockefeller. Mr. 8. Raris, of MUlibumu spokeonouthe subjoci of -Higher Feilovsbip." Foumib of July vas ceiebraiod home. Some, asembled lu Rohry Myer'. <nove, othera suet 10Gagea Lakte snd quite a numbor vent to Lake Villa. AUl report a fiue urne. To mauy July Ah vas a nad day, as occurred the funarailof Mis. Robart Swan. About the troit0ftlMay ahe began te0 bel quit. poorly sud îhe physian lbougbt ih besi for ber 10 go te Libertyvilie asay vith ber aughior lira. Babck vboeele could attend hem ranch boiter, but the baud of deatit seomed laid upon ber, for aIe coutiluuod te ail under the besi of cars tbat physicien» sud friends could bestow. Sh1 bU a lusband, ivo daughters, tbzeo sous, tvo broihens sud sevrsi graud-chfidron sud m--y finonds t10motmu ber bas. 5h. vas a anember of the Bsptilsiahurch. lrom auotàeeCorremxondeui 1 ias Fiay Bryant lo viaitng friends ai chicago aud Lakte Forest. Missm label Hubbard bas cloaed ber achool for the aummer vacation. R[aying hlarlTy doue lu ibis sec- tion sud barvestilg la vel begun. The cheeue faciory la receevicg a nov coat of pairt. Mr. Frank Smith je dolug îhe vork. ' lis Alla.Smith ha on. to Wal-» ingion, D. C., to attend the Interna- tional C. B. convention. Thero vas a base hall teani orgsuized ai hvauloe liaiSaiurday eveniug, vih Mr. Avenu as Capti l. grandpaents, Mrnsd lir@. Wm. Skia-1 uft, sud othen Inonda lu Ivauho.. E Muss eusansd Raie Docker,'of1 Evauson, bave laieiy been violtiug1 thou mother sud other frlends bore. c lira. James vampbev in suffeing front a qeeo stes 0 f rheumuilm. I>r. Evlng la tho attending physialan. P0C LAKE. lis.Oarity Eaught, cf Voio, tonded church st Fort HISuday. Dsaid Smiley sud family, of Wood. .iovlslted ai A.Twooda, Baiturday Wlliam Bamusiable sud vife, of Amhhool, vere Foi Lake viatora ilut lia Iisuad sous, of Wauoundt4 ave vlsltiug vyul ber daughter, lira. à. Klrvii.r oecego sCritienden la îlhe hippy tourbby boy, botu lai Thurs lias AMWe.oranger sud lady friond, et Digb"a, voie soon ou our shootsa Mr,. sd Uli. Meicaf, etf(bumee, sftguded&church At Fort Hin lai lAis Ale 1KingleF. of Labo VIII94 *»ltd it lra. Herbert Jobimeo f N1m3a1 BOrn nder sud uephev,ZMdO Vulamus, e01Ohcago, are èilètag ber «Mis. M. Knuli4arom Lobe. têos. li Ir Fliupmu4-0d omara* t*4d sli ua %t»a" Prof. Dudley, -ef LiA. Foreat; E. P. i4,obluç »ad John A. Ooo]4 i Oto, W wve.gumes t "rliraeLodge, SuadaY. Ir'be youu poplofroni the Anderson ittage =sudgPrimos Lodge bave an %LtertalaMoeut on tho porah of the Â4<. liaaday ,veniug, eutitiod 4"The aui tu Rc. Zoits are beeoiming more numerous *the Isa lu ntii.evefug., as tbe ssn 8iaces. la ibereaMy other dmale he horld vbere the, sunsta wsm ingloricus. The choir boys front Chrysostomes plcplchurch, of Cihicago, are di»ying -thedr vacation ait thelaIte. rbé1r evoubug vesper- services are nch euloyed by a&l. Dr. and Ui. McClure vitb Archie mid Jamie snd Mr. sud lMrm.Tagg, of Lake Feonts, sponi Wodnuaday ai Prrgs léodgo. Tbey prouounoed )rucoe s1.gain of Laos., 1 A ton Pound sud a six potind piokerel vers caughi by the choir oyliai veoI. One 0f the youtlu s.Cermau ln his effort to land the flah wag pulled off biseseat lu the boat. Mllalory's hotel and summer resori at Druce's LaIte in one of ihe moat popular ln theo cuniy. Mi«. Muflory la sccoxnmodaiiug sud velIliUkei by evorybody aud kuovi boy 10 Iteep a Lotel aud make people hippy aud enjoy a good Urne. The Ladies Aid Society, Gage'% hurch viii bold iheir annuel lavu fa sud social ai Druce's <nove, Thuraday, July 2S, both afternoou and A âine ie la expeeted aud certain. h hehoped ibat Freernan )iov xlii rouder a solo. Half a dozen of the Si. ChrysoatOn choin singera took a smii one vludy unorulng sud attemptiiig to tur about they jlbed sud vent over. 'Tbe starch -was tabenout of their store snd Buuday clothes sud the sweetness oui 01 ihein disposition for a time. They aid on the bsuk tii itheir garmenta died ln the sun. The boys* choir of Saint Chrysoatoni churcb. of Chicago, sang ai the Bunday evenlug service ai Druce's Lakte wbich vas conducted by the Recior of the church. Bey. Dr. Shivey. Lt vas a very plossani service sud veli eiiendod. The choir boys behave like gentleman about tbe neighbor- bood sud iu camp. Hou. Petor Wilams, 0f Lake Foreé-i, sntaayorivwo ai Druce'a Lake iu ihngndrecreation. Mur. Willias E*èw5Ieriece f iveniy-live years on su Alabsra planation bof ore the vii, vbere ho llshed on îhee "Svanee River' sud --Piuey Oreok," enables lm xta vin the contensa i flahng. Ho eaught a big string sud returned feigyoung again. Miss Leua Kennedy, of Wisconsin; miss Jean Steel, of Dizon, Il)., and Misa Luella Sickela, 0f Cleveland, 0-i are MissPrait'a guosisaietFrinirose Lodgo. They snd others viilbolp ai the Gagle's Ladies Aid Society lavu fete at Druco's grovo, vhich bas been ast for afternoon sud eveu- ing, July 23, if tbe day is plesaunt, othervise 1h.e next foiioving pleasant day. ________ I LAKE ZURICH. B3. Bearna has loft Zurich. H. Seip vas i Chicago, Monday. 0ur tovu l&asoon 10 b. inaorporatod. Bort Sutherland vas lu tovu lirai 0ff the veek. Base bal Snuday, Diamond Lnke vs like Zurich. Take lu the dance this evening on tho pavillon. John Sbrochi bas opoued up a barber ,hop ai paline. Aivays go to the. Zurich studio to have youn pîcture taken. Wm. aud Henman Schultz ver. lu towu this vebMonday. Frauk Knigge, of Rockefeller, was In our burg ibis week Monday vitx abfriend. Hroman Snyder vas iu Chicago last week sud purchbed a horse, harnu sud cari. H. Bmsudlng, Win. Eichman. (C. L. Rokeymeyen sud H. Svearmau vero lu the city Friday. The railmoad company bas a large force of men ai vork fhltin in luat the big mresle vork. i las net a miracle. It wou'i cure overything, but h vwiii cure piles. Thai's vhat DeWitt~s Wicb Hazel Salve viii do, becaum e hlas doue Ih lu bundreda of cases. F. B. Loveil, Libortyville; G. C. Roberts, Wacon- de. WARRENTON CROVE. J. Beudsendi la entertalning frieuds Ironi Chicago. li. nsdlira. Wm. Sporer, of Wsube- gan vpent Suuday vyul frieuda i tii vlcaity. lir. E. E. Muhlke, of Deoxfld, la vittng ber brother bere, lMr. J. Ums Josephine GaveY, Of Chicago, in spending a ev veeka vitihbem mouher homo. Jas. Chevaler vbo has beau visltiug bis fajerbpçe bas retirued ta bhis bomea eu eaidmu III. lira.' wilUimApployard reiumned 10 .ber hompe Sunday ater a short viit w,» hon parents bore. lilas Sadie- sud Mater Mutile Aikinson, 0f Rondoul, Ïver. plessaut vit<ffa lu our ile bumg SuudaY eve4ns. Saute cf aur youug men 100k the noom trai 10 Everet Bundiy 10 ses the <smo 0of basobeba eieen the avoeti sud Kelly Bros. ulue of Chicago. The Misses Cassely, Fluuey, Chevalier, Guerlu, Devinetsud Meura. quaal, Drues, utabiansd lie- quy e peai altdaysud Bvmday et ilue a ésud Gagti La4&s. luiss goan »~~esd 1fr, L. Mute*lu i .boa- ofttisu c Ride a VAR§= ________ERor an 6»»LARP4,ý W. cou fuirma t hes. Bicycles ou short notice. Thoy are StLrong, - ligrht,.,.and - handsomne., Fly Nets. The Celebrated Elgin Team Nets, Heavy Leather Team Nets, 'The Wagner Nets, H-ouston Leather Buggy Nets, Heavy and Iight Mesh Nets, Always on hand. WE SELL BUTTERICK$ PATTERNS. Long Grove, 111. V. SAUE-R&B O When in Town TRY THAT DELICIOUS Ice Cream Soda F RUIT PHOSPHATES. "LOVELL THE DRUGGIST"P Libertyville - -Illinois. Order yo"ur$Summer suit at Fred Croker's. Hie can fit yu. and your purse. A perfeçt fit guaranteed. Repairînq Cleaninýg Dyeing OVER BANK. Libertyville, Illinois. FOR SALE. !A FINE LUNE Pure Manilia 1j.1 PLYMOUTH and SISAL 'FURN Binding Twines, 1 undantahly île bout grade%~ made. j, For Fail Sowing a Complete Cloek Shelves,. Stock of Timothy, Alfalfa and Wall pockets, MNedium Clover Seeds. Paper holders, Book cases, WE CARIRY IN STOCIeAT ALLrilMES Center tables, the celebruted -. Sieepy Eye Milis, VIIIu CREAM and PILLSBU RY Dnn h XXXX BEST FLOU R. ýqw64we-qwCouches, A trial of the aboVe vii convîice y0u Loumgea, th a i v ba t v o » Ysay s tru . - I T C ri e OUR PIIESGUARANTEED T'IT habe CHAS. STEM PEL, Long Grove, Lake Co., 111. ISSAC MW Correspondance Sollaitoci. 1 LIbe hi .'rrrrrrmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lu bu , suite. IITURE. Boom moling Pajuta, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Brashes, Mirrors, Mattresses, Cota, Spings Ete., Etc. AT.. HEATH & SONS Farm Implements,is SCIANCK 0 ONI, Go H. SCHANCK C.ZON, L113ERTYVILLEO I LLI NOISI. Buckeye Mower. Clipper or Triumph Mower. Triumph Bi nder.". Key Stone Side Deiivery Rake. Bradley Horse-Rakse. Flsh Bro'o., Wagons and Trucks. StaWe ançi Abbqtt Buggies an dSurries. OombtnatilOn'am itrýees prinir Wagons. v .DraInTite .,IrLime and. ment., ~ ; 1 pkvl r 1 1 Extension tab's,

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