Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Jul 1896, p. 2

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Ï WoOOMAN. PuisUsinas À ACLOUDBUJtST iGgLOSS 0F LIFE REPORTED a" FROM KENTUCKY. bge bow v4lait Damage ÂIeODoue te Proerti fouo -4tesble ou au Anaricau Ship taid ?'1 te N16 C@ateret5etr ilver in" itltte WiiiciiArce Bsi yta DOiccI. od oc-u Doa.. Are ProbablY flrowscd. pour 1-leseveret rainsturtu kuev et feug ýabtortKy., i. yeans vas that ot Mon- gail imsight, sud lons etflite bas reiulttd. dock Çb (liaaibridge , 29-0 eet lng, on tht Ithe *$olslI)e aud Nashville RiailwaY, vas 'Bet lsaed away, topping traffie on tirat gol bsuch of tht road. Ceuway' tille sud t«on bitms on Bensea creek vert swept avaY. b«t libela HmBlu11e reported that he vas 0ebie te get across tire creek ovina te '4 î4 bridge beiug washed âary. Persona O t!i4a fbu the other aide ofthtie crTek threwOn * rock aceoss vith a card titd to it, on ,Vbhdiaa vitteu: "Bradley, vite and '«" chlidren wasired away aird drowued.' r lm. Bryaat, tht tonl gale keeper, sud vt ilèm children vert waà?hed avai and wi '4cva.d. Daniel Mloure, late candidate o guWeonuty Judge, in misaiug. Bridges onlit *â, short lune are washtd away. It isaire- h Mooed more lives are lest, une: ,>CA BLIBLE FOR THEE ENCE. crti fit Ugt1d justice.Field Retire thet teand > ttar Will Be Glye the Place- h 'A *Wenton ,correspondent eayé that e Slu a cabinet authorili fer statiag Becretar i le inluthe eventote ~itvaacy on the Sopremue boni the presttadministration 1 vii *inite.d te filîltt. Thiis là eoef e , osiw ctnov lu view of lth d = uaillty et Justice Field being mnoved prj iesent lll.heslth te takre adventage ] ý4Ç bi is ivilegead retire. Il ecu h. Ne ~ta -dm.tated on tht sanie authoriy that the 'IMMUO7 Canule irtllevee tht lare lu- to A11111MUx law to hi coustitutloitai, that son t*.smlnhtra iof ttht saane opinion. etea > 4 tht lu t evet of Calile%. eleva- baia : *kmte the Supreme irtnch tuaiuccted bas s adetermlîoed attemp vould b.tai - flilete' hrlng op tir e cseagauto e uron S anoporttility for a tavorabie de- bre n.o r i"copie cf SI snd $55Certîficatea ft la Circulatian. wt T» e otu oucterfeits etfLUnited States ont 1'itte Srtifleates have been dlcoered Wh ~aTremar Departuient- The firgt l ,î sei5ies of 1891, check letter 0,th hi. .Forint '1iuan Regîterl, DN. Morgan, Treaésurer, ami havugth # trot gtototn.'lTe Second 10 a ef 1891, chtck letter B, sigued the nt ilmaà. egstrand a N. bhi S, Treasres',,tad havingsa portrait ha qn.Thée tcanterteits ame printed les Otéed plates.aud are very por pro- mf The portraits, latte verk and letteriurg especialiy are bad, heiltuPr burre d and indistinct. Tht paper ae - o r, a tev pitc,,os t51k thread w ben diotributed îhrough it.'l'he «eise andier et mont>-, it la said, readily detect thes ceunterfeit ti IdUEtDRM BY JMUTINEERU. pi ýý CW»tmia, HieWite, and the Second TI eli- MatestObain la 'iheIr Berthe. sl Tb@h. arkcntine Herbert Fuller Capi. l 1 1lbh front Boston, Jul>- 8, for Rosario, Of lt4ait Maisz Te dsî heug ers t e eeo m atiny o u b oard, du ning h ch de lied beta klied lu their berthe. This g , *00arred lu tire uniri. Thtireirt efficer - o ni wteh andknew nothlng about pe e , « affair. The murdtrer or murderens th 1-.paOwled atfote iecabin sud deseended, eh ýý'lon& witir axes, ciropped tirir vIctima t e.t ~At.Upon tht arrivai otlthe banken- a£ aj eail fier crew vert raken off tht je Vllééiel and locked op lu tire polie station »V té aat trial. b WAlt ON OLIKOMARGARINE. o I. laPrapoéed te Pace Strisigentet liietwctionls on Trade e i aglaut. P A. A atet comiittetetorthe Engileli 1Sois. et ofCommuns, wvir<hbas long irten Pt «Uoadering certain propesed restrictions Il.M lhe omargarnt trade, iras preseented ; 4lsreport. h recommenslsthat tecler- c ! et e f leontargarlue, tither ln imitatien a « 4botter or therw Ise, lbc prehibited& a"d p , Nst thte eiling oft ixed ueomrgarlne d IÀ botter belt iredllegal, even If soid as Wtoixtitre. .I'iere are otirer restictionsn msçeruIng registration ot deales. luole- ,Wtsrne, iahlilug. parking, etc National League.. Nolotg lu tire standing of tht Club. 0 '4È ils National BaeebailiLeague: 1'.'@sclauati .. .55 2tiilrooklyn .- 1541 l ' 4veland ...51 25 I'hiiadtlpirla 35 41 t .,gd901illioe ... 49 lliWasbingten. 81 41à Ichffl ... 47 tliSew 1York. -..81 48 I "'«*@mrg...41 341.L9uis OS ..1 5 Western Leigue. #9oDeving istire standing et the clubs 4 *tise Western League: WL W. L. .iapeh.48 2lIDelrit..87 87 'Yii. 41 '.)Mlwaukee ..37 43 W3Mp.apoUi. 44 33G'nd ltapid.29 48 VCtti42 33Cehlunmius ...23 57 Lunes alRtWife sand Chil. Tb& vite and baby ut W. D. Basaturd ce4 msoddeli t Mexio i., Monda>- Mr. Basstord lsa promineut neya- mani snd vas secreter>-out Congreis,- Ohutu, Clark. His vite vas Miss letilerbert ibston ut Waa&ilng- 'i-e sés mai vietisie vers elaimed anrday aiguh y tht Oniabegs river at neland- À fiatboat ferry uned hi ore aies apsised at 7 o'ck>ck, and et the taty-five mienanad boys kueun te hava en on board oniy four escaptil hi ewinl- mg to ttebre. Tht boat vas crowd- le a dangereux lirait When part wvi re tht stream the tuS W. Cushing d tht steamer Aragon vert smen coi- gdown the river. Nearing tire vasir ot e teamer soins et the people at tirs w atttmpted te tarn bock sud a panic owed. Tire trail shellvas capslsed d thteoccupants duinped lu a struggliag s int tht river. Mont et thein sank ,e lead. Wirile tire searcir fer the dle. vas geing on a diagraceful seene curred ettvten two undertakers. Tire- incsd on te eueetoftire bodies and gin lIke deurens. While tht fight vas ,ng on thetwo got near the suas of tirs ek and vere lu danger, of talilng into, v ater vitirtiehe dy hitweea thein. Ut thereupon rêetsed tht corps. and 't ld back Into tire river. Tht Indigna- >n of those present vas uabounded su-1 hb the undertakens lefttht scent. NOTRER RIO? AT CLEVELAND. e NosnlenMon Ot Fitteteeite and Three Broken Bib..6 Fnrthr rdisoîdere eccnnred at tht ruvu Helsting sud Cenveylng Works at reland. Tire sInikera and their sym- biser. attac£ed tire non-union mn bile tht latter vert on tireir vay te rk. In aumerous cases the non-unien- ta vers hiatn vith clubs and felltd te e ground. C. W. Jackson, oue of the 2fortunate metn.,vire vas attacktd hi a vod of union men, received nu lest tun rten kulte cils ou tht face and brody, id lied tiTret n brukea. For a tuns w polios, vhs vers great>- outaitinet'- 1by tht nioter., vert unahît to cope ith tht noir. Tuis officers on duty or ound be vers e e fiuaLiy relntorcad and tuc- .mdtd Ia tire enraged strikerm ae and reser Ing tirs nen-union mina. vo companits et militia vers ordered mder arma. Mer Spesil Power Increaseil. blucir activiti bas ireen ohitrved ai the, ivw York Cuban headQnartere duning in lent tirret dais, due te preparatieni ir an expedition virich la te sali ver>- oot on tire steamer Bermuda. Tire tiamers 'maehmntry irasail been ever- ,uled ai Phriladelpieansd ber ipeed os been lncreased. Tire txpedltlonvwhioh an heen ordered te isave Puilsdel>b18 a the Bermuda yull hi led hi Col. Ca- vers, a vetenan etftirs ten yeaWs' ar. )pi. John O'Brien vîli iravt charge et ea vtasei. Tyenty case" ut rifles sud ean>- 2M0 henteticafliseaIed eaux ot rtridgee have beta sent te Philadelphie iti thetlast tires dais, but tircse are t eue-quarter et tire var inattriai rhIi yul ehibpped or bas heen silptd 1eard tht 5tes-mV. Reports frein tht be Province et Pinar del Rie as.ert that rev tw ever iras attacked tirs faneiguens mnuathe birsor etAntonio Maceo and rat tire distase ban even exteuded among r. Cubons, especiali tirose vire bave ioen absent fer a timfe frein Cuba and ive receutl>- neturned. Tht Insurgent ader Zayas vas encantped only ivo îiles trinCuira Melena, in Havons rov-lue. A law vill hi published eeoa >rvidlng tirai these lu the army ami navy vho dîte ofYeilov tever saolihave a peu- don couterred upen their orpiraus and widovi. Horta Asserican Siecerîttes. At tht Instance ef tht agrarian leaders te German reichstag ban enacted a la'. proiribiting speculaion lu options aud alec tended to restie lt speculaion lu stocks. 'The aev law hteuod donirt viii affect serluiqsli thte sale ut American securities lu Germany, skide trora Its effect upoz grain markets. Tire auuouuced purpoes of the agrarians lu passing the.lav vai n luease the price et grain, sud Iu the ebates tiret4'ere plentîful citations uf the argumentas e reel>- advanced in Con- gres. vîsa tire anti-option bill vas heini ireesed a feu years ago. As te stock apentulation tac restrictions adopted irreaten te exciade t ram tire Germmn ex- changes a large clas of Anatnican indus- tral sud ning ami rallread prepertitu, lad are especially severe upon nev pro- cts. Iu esci exchauge guverument lu. apectors viii hi ststioned. Nu stuck cai it placed on thre lista except hi direction tf a commîttet at leasl n najority oe virose meunis are nut tmembers ufthi 'eirhauge. An>- persen .gult>- ot deceit ii placlug or prouuoting stocks mai be fined 15,000 marks, end there are otirer severE penalties for offenses against tire iaw. moasachuscts Mourus Besacîh William Elatie iRussell, ex-Gevernoi if Massachusetts, died Tbursday moruluj et B. F. Dutten's camp ai St. Adelalde Paho., Queirec. Ht veut te bed Wednes doy evenfigas veli as ever, so tan as li knova, and vwax ound dead lu bcd lu th, inornîng. Heart disease la thougiri t bave issu tire cause. His brother, Cel Har>- E. Russell, sud Col. Fi-anai Peu h ody, Jr., vert viii hlm, tire oui>- te occupants et tht camp. Lausthlin te Rang. Robert Laugin vas cenvicted a Brookville, Ky-., et monder &ad sentenceq to deatir. Laugirlin vas a fariner nea Auguela, Ky. Hia niece, aged 12 yeari llrrd vitir hlm ami cared! teu iis luvai, vite. Langirlin ce heme drunk lai Feirmnary and murdeset both iis ae< and hi. Iuvalid vite. Ht then set Ort te tire bouse te bide ii crime. Murdcrcd thse Meensr. A diipatcir reports thai dthe esenge vire carried tht neye te tise Kiralifea O)mdurman that iris a.riny iadtbeen Édefes C0NCII-IAT0RY ACTION TOWARD FIIUSTER& liq IDectaion Concerins the crew et the Comptitor_- ire la Catcagc Cr P Barne Kilis Thraeencansd lIes.lm Bait a Million Dollars DIamage. t @psin laLeeleet. A dispatch frein Madrid te the London Standard gays that relations betwten Spaiand the United States are now On an istlstactory, footing. Thre dispatch adds y that ne final decislon wlll lie taken la tht 2 case or the Amerloas n captua'ed on board 1 the filibustering sachiooner <ýompettor and 0 on Amerlcan claims for vi1lus ludemni-P tien until the session et th cortes loses.b It ie further reported tiret the Uniteud Statea wilI <ecognize Capt. Cen. Weyler's regulationi requirlng the registratl Ofut forelguet's before hie wili ailow thei thre privileeseof their foreigu citizetrahiP, oeu ln se far a theîy do not clash wlth tht Spaiah-American treaty of 1877. DRAD ]IN THE RUINS. Three Mes PerlisIhni a Street Cara Barn Pire. e e Thrte men were killed audiItear t, that two more peiabed ia a fire Bat- t urday eveuing which destroyed tht Cot- i tage Grove avenue barn et thte(Chicago City Railway Company. The dead are:t Frank Crosby, truwboy-, William U El-a well, grpitait; Patrick Martin, couductur.8 Halt a million dollars' worth ot cars sud I buildings and horsts were destroyed.t When threfdaines had gven way te irneked there was only the ruine ofthtie greaIto structure, and its contenta. shut lu by at ragged plece et waii that remialued stand- lug bers and there. 'The barn@ were ameng the larget owued hy tht road, coveing several scres ot groand. 'Thie main structur'ehall a 15-foot front on cottage GrTove avenue, sxtending back 400 feet. Rnnnln3g soth frein tht centert et this building sud ruaklng a 11T" ut the' whole, wasana addiiou covert 200 tîy 100 teet. This wing lias tirree toriles hîgir, and, lu the extreme southwest cer- mer, on tht secuud 0,eur, was situred thirti' toua ef hay. It Wa in luts baitht blaze started. Whether the ire -as causel hy a epark from au emploes pipe' Or Ou account of the crosaiug ot electrie wires bas net been aicertsined. PAMRALYZE» l>RAWING BIS PAT. In@pector of Police Mailey Stricken Twice In the City MaiL Inapector et Police George Hadîti, -ut Ciacinnuti, was attacked with a itruke ot paralysie, ln the olty hall Saturdav. The Inapectot waa lu the TreasurersI offce drawrng his ealary. When lie went tu pick the money up hie tound that ire could net do It. Mis iettBide wss pa r- ai.yzed. .Iust betere btlng piaced lu.lire cb te hi taken home Capt. Hadiey was aLttakked wlth another etruke. Owing lu hi& advanved age itlah teared that the attacka wiliiprove tatal. Ht h uone ot tihe tmont popular police ollicers in Cincinlati JURGE XSAAC PENIILETON DEAD. Prosulseut 10wa Lawyer asd Lecis- ilite. Pagses Awav. Judge Isaac Pendît-ton, the ldeit law- yer lu western Iowa and une ut tht nid- est recidents et tht State, died at Sliouix City frei n a operatien reetntly pertorm- s d to relieve hlm trom dropsY. Ht wans vnoted torbiseluqueuce, snd waa tur yeas~ Dregarded as thre brigirtest lawyer in the state. t Plied of FrigirL Il Rosai, the 10 yesr-old datiglter of eMns. James W. Forîtcir, ut Zaneaviliý.. a Oblo, died under peculiar circulustances. eShe was a iright girl, rend everythmnit ,f irle couid fiud, aud atter tht St Louis i- huMeiaut was tht victim ot nervous 9 prostration. Sire re-nd everythiug about t that calamitu'. 1uring lthe thundersturtus il that prevailed.Wednesdity she said there -was a hurricane coming. and stiffered au- uther prostration ot nervousuebi, trom tht effecti of wWh rsire died. Denth Dealt hi Deadty rPeshes. Two copperhead suakes crawled mbt tf Martin Drtiry's bouse in Blair's Valley. e Frnli ounity, l'a-Nlire. Drury snd b ler two littie children were sleeping in da rinmun tht gronud fluor. 'l'ire suitkes 7e crept In te tht childrtn's bied aud bit borir ut thein. Tîtoir scresi arvusod thre mother. who lu the darktîesu waxs itteu twice by thet aîaes. Ail are dead. g Police Report for 1895. e, Chiet Badeuocir' %sarnuai report et the - Chicago police departmeu t shows that s# the total jnuxiber of arremte madet lu 1895 la was 40,464. Total amount ut fines as- eo 'essitd 301.55, or au average ot about l. g&60 for esch prisuner. Expeuditures - duing the year wert $3,421,875.63. Tht r etiinated valut ut deparîmueut property In $1,W39,208.21. ____ Sentence on Peratta-Reavie. t in the United States Supreme Court it ml Sauta Fs Judge Laugirlin stntenced r Jamea Addison l'eralts-Reavio, convctedl #. gf censpiracy te dêtraud the Geverumeut Id iunenDection witir the Ptralta laud grant Atcase, te twe yea.rl' Impriaoumeiit aud toe ce Peaafinsetf$5,000). »iaemboeled a Pelov Prinouer. James Cox. a Luniavîlle negro, lu prison fer tIsas yeussfoc r ostireaking, dis- emboveler! Preston Neal, a- Bourbon Contai negne, lu a figtat dis penitea- tan>- st Frankfort , K>-. Cox'. veapea vas a dlu4ng-i'oom hutte, virici ba had stolen aud .harpeued. Disaster te an Expres Train. Ami east-bound express train on tirs Grand TruS road colîrder! vfti a swlteir etile noar Cirathamt. Ont. Tire esigi- neer on t express, namer! Gouzaies, andi vices homne la lu Chicago, vas ille. Tht pasuengers on tire express train vent badly sak~en np. George J. Oculi Win@ HRa Sait, Geenge J. Gonir! von hie suit ai Nev York tot prevent the collectien et an ln- iritance tax on $5,000,000 beqoether! te hie.b>-hiis ather.hit vas clairaed diat thre hequesi vmscoampensaion ton servces reudered and tiei contention vas au.' taln.d. _ _ etalseLet Teur. A statement poeepaued bY the OCe- ulialoner eofIpsmiaratien chou'. the usa- ber et immigraute who anlvedi.Glu 11 country durlng the fiscal year ended Joue s0, 189, te have been M.3267, au coin- pared with 258,W86 during the fiscal Year ]M9. 0f the whole number 212,466 were mais and 130,801 temales. fne cun- tries frein which the Immigrante came are given as toiiowe: Âuotria.Bunga>'. 65,103; Italy, <38,060; Russa, 52,136; LGermany, 81,885; United Kingdom, 64.- 637; ait uther countrieu, 61,446. The whole tomber debarred and returned during the year was 3,037, ai tollews: Paupers, 2,010; contract laborers, 776; Idiot, 1; insane, 10; dlseased, 2; returned within one year because of their havine hecome publie charges, 2&K. The number de- barred and returned lu 1895 wns 2,5M6 MAY NOT WAIT TILL FALL. Campais. flevelopmente May Marri Bond- laventiiation. Senator Harris, cheirman ot the Senate commlttte to Investigtts recent bond te- nues, says he bas nlot yet determlned whether the committe wili wait until tali betore going ou with lis Investigation or will couipiete the work, traine the report and malle it public Ibis summer. The lait meeting adjourned subject ta the cati et the Chairman, and the preet îurpoie la te wait util fail betore continulng the lnquiry, but Senator Harris says that con- ditions mnay arise Incident te the campaigu that would malle it desirable te prement ail the tacts and thre report ta the public at once. In dolug this. he added, nm political motives would be lnvolved, and the ouly purpose woirld bce tu clair up doubteansd uutounded chargesg rowing out ot the excitemnent ariailg trujm a na- tional contet Meet One fiiasatrons, Repuise. The Turks have massacred a number of Christians lu the Cretan provinces of Sphakia, Itetimo aud Kydoma. They have aise destroyed several villages with their vineyards. FUder the pretext of recoveriug the irodies ot the Tturkish sait- ors who were killed on the mhore near Kalyves a body ot Turkigh troops tried ta advanee ta Apokoron. Tht-y w,-re twlcc repulqed iry the Christians. The mllitary authorities are acting coutrrrY te th@ wishei or the Vali sud the instructions received trom Coustantinople. TireMUne- sulursu population ta Nvorkîng actively with the Turkish arrur. with the unaa vexatiotta results. Seven men sud two womeu who were engaged as harvectére have bot-n niascred nt Kortaul . Re- ports corne iu griving au accotno tf rght- ing sud pillagiug in ive other village&. These have reudered the Consuls and the native ('bristisîrs peqmimiistic regardiug the poxsih!lity ot making pesce. A dis- patrh tram Cartes. Island of Crete. re- ports that lthe figirting nt Apokoron was stevere. lasîîing un-il after miduîght. wbea the Turks were deteated. Costa Rica Adopte Gold Riaili, A gpectal to thre New York WorW fromt Colon. (Colombia. asysi -"oata RUe bis decided ru0 adopt gold as thre basis of ils currency. Thre iribitants ut Port Limon are pîreparinig to celebrnte the event on a grand seale. The present ait- ver currency in to be called lu." Women ablesu frons a Trepeze. White doing a high trapeze act at the Wallace circus at Winnipeg, Man., Mmn& Natalie fell aud wss t&rribyii iured. Rh. 'will live. brit willirbe a cripple. Her right arru was so badly smnaahed il munt b. auipiitated. thre lt-rt arm ia aise badly in- j u rd. ____ Big Elephants on s Raepige. Duriug the parade ut a circus at WVin- nipex, Xlan.. two ufthtie big elephants broke trum their kecepers sud stampeded op Main stre-et- Winnipeg bas neyer had a more excitins tinte. The elephants were recaptured with inuei diliiculty sud dan- ger. Whilt paesiug over a higi r Iestie a nc" on te Lookout Mountain incline sud Luia Lake h-liaay jitrped tire t.navk. 'thre cor vas swopper! b>- tire stonuebin brakes ini tiniettu tvent its tatliîrg on tire rockus Lous. fon Geerai Torrence. A 521,000 bai-n. a $5000 vindmill sud utîter pnîtpertY - v'e bornes ou tire $2.- tsSi.000 w'itirtry. L. place ot Gen. Josepir T. Toi-rt-ne, late etf il- Fhip Lont le the Red Ses. Tire liriir-hip (ttrfev, trour Dundee. Ilis N'en lust in tire lied Sea. vitir aIl un boa nrd. ______ MARKEET <UOTATIONI. Cieiag>-('attle, ceonimin te prima, 33ý.50 te $4.75; hogs, uiripping gradas, $3.(K) le $3.75; sireep, tain te ciroice, 52.W te $4.(X); wviret, No. 2 i-ni, 55c to 57c. cern, No. 2, 27e te 28c; eas, No. 2Z 17C to 19ic; ru-s, No. 2, 30e te 32c; butter, chole ni-n-amer>-, 14e te 15c; eggs. treili, 9c te 1o,; uev potatees, per buairtl. 25e te 40c; broum cocu, centutn to choie, $25 te $50 per ton. indianapoia-Caltle, aipping, $3.00 te $4.75; ire, chirece ligirt, $3.00 to $3.75; shsep, tommon te prime, 52.00 te $8.75; vIsai, No. '2, 53e te 54c; corn, Ne. 1 wite, 2(;e te 28c; oats, No. 2 wite, 18e te m0e. St. Louis-Cattie, $3.50 te $4.50; hogs, $3.00 te $3.75; vireat, No. 2 reti, 56C te 57; corn, No. 2 yellov, 25e te 26c; oes, No. 2 whrite, lic te 19c; nys, No. 2, 2&e te aÔc. (Jluclnuati-Cattle. $3.50 te $4.50; hire, $3.00 te 5$3.75; sireep, $2.50 te 54.25; vheat, Ne. 2, 57c te 59e; cern, No. 2 mixer!, 27e te 29c; eats, No. 2 mlxed, 19o te, Zle; nye, Ne. 2, 26e te 28c. Detrolt-Cattit, $2.50 te $4.75; bogi, 53.00 te $3.75; sireep, 52.00 te 38.75; ,Wbett.No. 2 resu, 60C te 61c; cora, No. 2 yellov, '28e te 29c; uatg, No. 2 viue, 20C to 21c; rît, aie te 32c. Toledo-Wheat, No. 2 rei, 6WC tao 6c; corn, Nu. 2 îellov, 2-ie te 29c; eats, No. 2 vwhite, 17e bu 18c; nyt, Ne. 2, SIC te 32c; claver eeed, 34.25 te 34.35. Milwaukee Wieat, No. 2 sprng, 5&e te 57c; cern, No. 8, 26e te, 28c; eau. Ne. 2 white, 19c te 21c; harle>-, No. 2, 29C te 81c; nysNe. 1, aic te 32c; peck, tuss, $0.(0 teO 6.50. Buffalo--Cattte, $2.50 to 34.75; iogs, $3.00 te 3$4.25; aheep, $3.25 te 54.50; vireat, No. 2 net! 65e te 66le; corn, No. 2 >-llev, SOc te à2c; oes, Ne. 2 whita, 22e te 23C. Ntv TYork-Oattle, $3.00 te34.75; hep.% DIAMONO COMPANY MAS A BIG BLAZE- Les. wili Reach *100,.000-Nev York Buaskers Give Aid te the TreaierY- Lite Sentence Inatead of Deatb for Three Young Murderere. matchee lua allonfire. Twe explosions, uliowed by a rush Ot daine through tht Diamond Match Coin- paay building ait Chicagoest 3:15 O'cluek TuWsay morning tirreatensd destruction tu the structure. liremtst respeadiug to an alarm touud haine.bursting troin vin- dowa aud brtsklug threugh the rouf. Tht marahai lu charge teared that the tour- stury building vs.. marked fer detruc- tion and rt-serve englue. were cs.iled. At 8:45 'clo-k fdarnes vert uîaking rapiti headway through the structutre and ron- tente, but the danger et thetire sprending te ajoining« vai net irruuirrent. Lgm .on tht ianonri Match CoîîîîîanY propss'ty yl i e 50,0.Tht Hiaut- burger Wboleaale liquor Cempatn i sud George A. Klttredge. wholeanle deaIer iii cigre sud toiraccosf. occstpants etfile building sdjuitirtg, bast counadtrablrt bY inuke arrd nter. COIN'tCTS IN coNVIINTION'. Habituai Crioaleil Act. Thirty piIoners la OhIelapenitettiri. Who are ger-vîng lite sentences urrden the babîluai critulual net, leld one Ot thOt muet nevel conveitkons tiraI ever iset-1 bled l inti, ceuntry-. Tht>-met lu tire1 prison chapel. Inr nipense tii a ral i asuedl b>- Warden Coffin.,vire statk4l, atter tire> lied tahen thirisc-a, tirai tire ObJec vs. te devise tonte means te iaise tnnnde end! test tire valditi utftire habitua] cri-- ualactI.lioses Mrhyr, a unttoru bargl&r, vas chospn cIrairuan t f ith- meeting. lie caivionei tire pisornert &galanet makirrg a nitturanct, anud .ill,'d on IlirarnMcKrîtght, te celeltnrt.-.l l:w- îer. tonraas.ecir . licKnigitl muade as masteni>- argurmenrt sud tht-n a Collection1 vas taken te, enable one ufthtie pruisoneri te tusSe a test Case. Several bunrtred dollars vas ratatt sud tuttie Morteysla proîtised lu a fev days. Jason Ca-, une or the lumates ut tire Prison, beaute el- eiter! and offeredts]rugive s harrel ut Moue>-. wvicher eaid ielied *"planbt-d -' An exeeutive -,mmttevas appoinled sad i%,arderu ('ofin grantes] permissionrt for anotirer meeting bu perfect si-range- moral.fon thre propooed test case. TOUTE COMPEL8 LES IENCY. preaideet cuemute. the Deatis Se. tendes ut Thire Voues Texans- Tht Presittert iras co)mmutes] te lin- pisomeut tor lite tire destir sentences Imposed upon tir-te Texans-John C.- Bail, Ttounas Davis, sjud Taylor Ilick- nimat. 'ihey wveto iebc auger! Sept. 4. iu tht case ot Ball tire l'reaideut@&s tiraI viileire iras been Ivice convictel et mutiden, thes judge and district atui-- ney- irtir urge the commutation on 1h" ground et the joint of therondctand toron tier rensns. Davis sud Ilickunan ame full-irioM-d dindîanuboys ot 14 aund la ytnas, ne-pectîvel>-, vithotît ani appre- ciation ut tire enoyrfit>-oetthe rhi-tIlandi cuhd-blooded homicide nommutteni tr1 themn, an. in thirm t' actWio the judge and district attorue>- trorîtti urgc. tire commutation. TO PROTICT IIESERVE. NewYrkSones %InnGld Coin. ts A large utimbr t ,enkCoitn-wYr hAvelagi-tuedr(,toi-nkir of gNew luI t hav-te ar. tî tunt leigrttd e ie - cange rmsudruovryt)ta iteret. inexp chang trssn tgodm'patutie $100(ld t- k tare 're ni-rangemP O evamtib> m"ark The i'ran-mn t tirs adeta Na trrouicBk ar. I''a- deonalutieBati nalW. .itrrnki bmirisret. detf tpîttwtin. SBati-rivof ie T baignit tir Sal arnt dvimtit th igon iasri t in te Walel t>-t dtloch tire tîer andl.0llli.(tla md hti3 n-ti ,(-Vlge ltht- batis celitl uîpn le mn-vthI n d si rî ut--sfrnttu t--sti ra r tey lre a*vi tr puii vtrDO n r on îlt hitat-oth e neil ariri an îitî cris-n-,bigut thtlisie ot dinetoras. l)i.ptcrç' rec-vcd tfroint (anea PstIe tireta lialin c-coi-i-l tht-rt- Surday ru th'- Planiant quarter,. un tg te a i-s', iricir vas rriktiks-i us a iigunnI toi-carnage. Tire irîtiren utrt f<>trtlti bai-rititd'. Tht Britruirh tantairi lrur>- landed iott cai-ying arutt-tlailorg. Austrian andi Runssia. ininint o lande! mn'Dlu Ganta and llihnlîîît. ______ Taken for Eesbezzlinu *7,500l. Cirsrk-s W'. NMoi-at, utfaverhill, Mass.. vas arn-sm-s] On tht change et enhtzzlins $7.500 in cîtrîneetioIi viti tire affaira ut the Hliveriil Aqinedtet Cempan>-, Of viricir me vas treamr.irsr. Morse ban juil retrnnd trotu Deuver. whtieire hluninter- mted lu tire Denver Palier Compeny. offert. Spaini a Wnnshlp. Tht spetrusitPatriotie League et tire Argentinehitepublice ffets tu lrtaent the k3pa.nnah Governntuelit vîth a croiser of 4,5W0 tons displaceutent, costing appruxi- mate]y 8,00)0,000 pesetas lairut $1.520,- 000). The ciier iill prebabli hi hulli ai l-Iiasgonv. __ ]Rend for Coegreea. Thoumas B. Ileeti'ias aunouncer tirai hi vîlI again bc a candidate ton the Repuir lican cungressional Domilntion efthti Finat distrct oft Maint. Mn. Reeti vill tirertl>- go labte rampaigu un bebait o: blnKinle>- nnd Hobart. Lents Bis Own Bank. Samnuel (G. Flemning, caihien ufthtie Ex- change NaLtional Bank al El D)orade Kaun. in unden ar-iest, changer! viti for ges->-and thettiefti ut $10,000 ot tirehanS't moue>-. Tire oldest OktLht torgeriez vitrl account toc tht lest moue>- la April 29 the latetiJune 21. Atîgeir! Gela a shore. G;o,. Aigelti ias fallen heur to cousid stable vealhirthiougi tire deatir ot Jolil W. Lan)ehert. The viii, wvimciras ni ceuli Silnd fer prebote, makes the Cov ernor et Illinois execîter and! beneficianl 0Ietry Refuseni a New Trial. Judge Yerkes, ot Pitadelpil a& as il aMasont« te grat a novtris ft3 ime IGetryoi-iCeditpurdim mark adsnm, ebin t t»m I tiongl epublloa Ooenmittee, 1b» choben ms the emW>em la tii. frWNO- Ins campaigua red, white, and bine sM- pas grs, botb for Interioe d.coralie and nas a standard to hg oerried là Parades, et wtaich functions hgt suggow BUb<C1t or PAMPA@ <iRAU IIowIN*. tirai tirepampa s îould i emoUnt tane shape on a staff. This la net il fret tîme pamîpas grass hat been ens- ploitd as tire emlen ofuthtir Repubfl can part-. It vas adopted as inchi ta the itepuilicen National Convention of 18142. Pantpan grass la. propei>- spqeaklng. a grams vier covera tire pampas eOf Southr Amtnln-a. but It la; now cultivateti a&l over Califorula for the *sikeoetIl&a plumes. vicirare soid b>-Soilts for room deeorallon. Thie SoubirAms¶'lcif grass le qulte hardy. and lia tuftsams magulficent lu appearance. Tht leuveu are fully six or e4gltt feet long, and ti. giovering steine ten te foui-teu tet bigh. Tht floyers are ilive>-wviie, and troturelgirte-en luches te two tutI long. Tht- culture oft tie»e graean" tir prep-arcti4u for tire market forh a consiilci-auhlt industr-. Fiorlsa are iborougill- conversant witi tirs vain- abrle eorinrtu-rcial qualities et pampas grass. anidinfst ut tire purveyvori of floyers dealinl it quite extnuiveii. Tire demanitlfon pampas grass as salu- techer decoralien is on thent irrease el- et'>- >ear. îT grasse, are drled andi colortd tit-rlthe mar-ket. anti ail tiraila lefItfon tire hlisto do lae their ar- rangements luanrakiag aiîproPriutê, cembinations. Tire gi-cal eaulY et pampa& grass ln tirought bu ru-aide la the pinine, or festners, amtire>-are semetimes ceiled. The-e are aiîudant sud fluffy, aud fali lu gi-avettrl trean- tam around tire etents. Tire na ti-ah col- or et pampas grasstg i.amost white. but rarel>- rearbe tire retuller lu tint guise- Mark Hanua ira spoken fori red, wite and blne pampas gm,aslsd red, vint., antd Milte are hikely- lu ie thle staPdt COI- ors until elect<mu day>. A Great Man's .loke Tht average Fn-ciman ta natui-aiy ne, macir an acter tiraiire appreclalee an opportunîi te play- a part. eveii viren tire part la not a flatiei-ing oee A ster- bld otf1M. Leou Say-, thes emi- nent Fre'ncb financier sud utatesine vire died recent>-, lilustratest tua char- acleriatlc. Monsieur Sa>- vas lu tire habit vi- itiug tarir year ai tire chateau ot Stors wltir au aged nuni. Hena as ver>- pop- alan vitr tht people ot tirs country t nanb>- on aceount etfiris extrema go-d nature andi bis habit of pei-tormlng ser- vices for everibedi. Ont day ie retiove te tire station at Menu, and offered a seat luniris carrdage, te a gentleman vire got off tiret; but the gentleman coulti not ride vith hlm. so Monsieur Sa>- insisted ou carryint irome iIs parcels, virici vers severs.l luntiomber. Now tire cotutry about Mienu was ex- traordinautlliInfested i vtir trmpiu higgars, vir, vien tire>-vers nefuseti aima or food, bcd a habit ot returnIaf l nd ringlug. tire belseto bouses teoho- atain a sort ot revenge for uheir treat- ment by causrug more trouble. Wiren tire great financier, laden viii bondies, knocktd aitiris f niend'as Ide, gdoor. tht muaiti.suppesiug hlm to e a e Iftramp vire iad mat cailed. aboute& Iffront viti: j et "Get onutlI tell yoo I hava nethisg fer yoiir' Then tiretcame frein vitieut lu the, vhlniag, piteous accents of a higgar: * "I'm net aaklug anythmng tis Urne- eër ieaviug thingal" Mf e dspoalted bis parcela b.'tore thes i- ajetonlsired gin, sud tieparxttd, iaugiring le heantil>-. it ,_________________________________ Sire--O, JacS i Do yeu n o, )Er. Gis- son puncinate i s tirs yeserday? Me-Yen ineapuncituted, a>-dem. Ulie-Welý l, a ay, ha camne tea fu rtp -~ eh tn Te- ilr kr punctuated It

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