Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Jul 1896, p. 3

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CHAPTER XXIi. The Gcbvsrzvles -Peus,leadni r e &0 cotiieact ut Switzrland oLa 15, il ae s el kuovu te moutaineers, bocanse et Lb. napiti mauner lu vbich tbey eau crome from one countri Lo another, sudr eloo because of the magnificeslt viewi tht Lt presents a tb. traieier. Mareover, it offers La hem à cliaice «Mier' of makng a passage ever Lb. snev- clat mountains that ris,, sud serans Lb. great Scliarz'veizo glacier, or et keeping to the patli that, s-bile isîni L tihelgItL t smoue paces ot 10,tkIO tee, la, except et the summit, perfecily passa- ble la gondi seatlier. It la troc thtsicie vo. even wyul, on the tih. sholunm gidtiy, or valk careiess- voutnid ik lis lite, fer thongli sbeve1 hlm auly une tevat s-ite "borna" anti "'Piz." hles- hlm there are aili te ra- vines ilirougb s-hich ren the boilini ion- renta knowu resppetively as the *%cbwarz" andthte "Weiss" rivers-nriv- era ibat curry witIt theri huge boniter ane. anti pin. trees vrencli.d trerithe r foots; dry slopes that fait buntireda ut feet dus-n ilîju île vsiley blov; aut aise tise Klinu(on uitile) Sbvarzvelca glacier, a Dame mu glae i, nt because et is pmaliues tit Lo miles long, anti Smn, hait a mile- ucs-hut Lu dia- linguIlh tnr ile' Greta -Sclwarzs-eis glacier tat haiîg, abuve ou Lb, other aite et the La. IL ln a loietv aujd grim rndt a rend lu vbîcl ne Lrd je heunîl or sau ofror tlie the the vilage o! St. Cbitoiîh la lftt beiint on the Swss sideteciiilhillage ot Sauta NMutie erpelîctiou the taliau aide; a rost ithat s is t tirst, sud ai lut. tibreugl fin suî,ds anîd pin.e trees, but tisatinîu le mile îu îthiiîig but s path, <t in iî,iii- paiîtss andijite'tiin othens, &long tIe granite jidîs e! tIi- rocks, andi haugîeg n many Places»sioe the Valley fsr lelî,w. I'stcbi.s etfcîîîw aud pleces o! rock that bar, talicn tnim ative, alune re- the vies on the aide erthîe pett; on the opposite aide o! the ravinluei nothini but a hbug- wviii otgranite tab oîts no sues, se li;.jî'ry le it; but abute s-hidi bangs,.wh-tet.anti gray. like île face ot a conlse, île gîa-iî'r trni ihicli tl, pas& denlee s îu .nne. A leuelt ad iît ni uroad even ln ih, daytiicî'. lii ea fus raysetfsushîne manage t,-ii,-itraie IL ai uittii, vbeu occasionallr saijati ot touriste may b. Met s-th, ailliî'n soinetimes tle voie. et s gostherul culiug is flochis ries trumn the Valley tiios-; but icuelier anti more grii, sud mnie.back aut intpeuerabi, at nigît, anti nsneiy on .rer then truct by 1human toot. Fer li e ebsociti stuempi LIt. paasage et Lb. Scbs-rzseis l'aus t nigh, unu- les" ibore ver. a bnilliaut moun te ligt bilm Lreugh lue ment taugerous parts, vondtatke lis lite l in hs-n bauds. Yet, on an Anuxnt night ofthLIe year lu vIticIthiis tsi. in toit, aud wbeu tIen. vwas a moue ihat. being near lis full, cou- eequeutli rose <t, antialloue tili ueariy tisyllîhi. a mue vas makias- bis way &cross titis pas.@Li te iy. Miinis-hi va. cose t liant as. viti veary stu'ps, b. deaceutieti sroug-levu &&th lu tle puLl s-hidi, for nas!- ty, lbet a rudie bndrail t mion attacliet ta Lb, side ftri si ic IL vilsect-sud seached a iriuil plateau, the ire, per- has, of au ordinary rom. snd freri vhlci as-fin Lb. pail s-eut on. Frem ibis plateau seleied dowu, ton a huntredti oruiunmore. au airiust penmen' ,dicolar moraine, r"giacior led, eatu the fout ofthic iay île Kiin-Sclivarz- Weiss, vitb lis crevasses glisteuing lu tue monunight; for tb, moun blad Lppet even the great rieuntalus above by nos-, anti ligbted up the pues. IL vas erîteuily cousiduirut a danger- eua part ot Lb. route, since. beiveen the etige efthLe plateau andthte ide ufthLe moraine a soutien railiios hait been erect- ,et, euasiting oftwio short upigît pesta anti a long cross ene. As lb. muen eacledt iis plateaui, hold- ing te the rail -il uone hami, 'white 'itl tte ther le useti lis alpenstock asas valkîng stick, le e in-îlted a stoue-lL w2ay bar, beu placedt tere for the pur- pose-large enough for a seai; anti takiug off is knepsack s-eariiy, bcaLstdos-n upon I. 'Time presses." be mnttienedt i beit, -ietI hmut ruai. Othenvise h shat] uut be et Sata Matr. by eight o'ciock te. merrov. h eau go ne tarîber vithout a ret.", Tbere te an intiefinite feeling et avtul. nesa la heins- alune t ight ariensat tus Mtountansin kno'iugund feeling tliat far mUles areundt tIele ne tîer creture la Leî, vat, colt solituîdes but onreelves; mutd thia mau lad that feeling nov. "Hews tililhs- awtci thie pasla!' he sait te himsecf, 'uith nu sout hut tht ereaking ofutihat glacier beie'-vltb ni burisu beuns ber, 'buLtnie. Te, I sheuit b. glati 1 uni loi.' At thia moment a tes &oules lu tle mon- aine alippaît ant fi tl inltuthe glucier, and tue man tuteti ut-the distinct coun tisey mate lu tIat 'iiderueec o! silence. Then, usle est there s-ains- up t the anoon anuthLe s- wabe.ihlm, le con. tinued bie meditutions. "It la bes," he thons-lt, "that Lb. pou: oIt riother tilt net knov vIen I said good.bye' Io ber this aficrueun, unti eh: bide rie courie baeksonn, that I .1 eli neyer curie back, tat Ibuad atarther destination ihani Itauy befune me; liest tisai my tather dit net kues- tIat s-: aboulti neyer meet -sguio. Neyer, neyeri Ah, IL la a ions- 'vrd." "Y,î Lt must b. tenu," le veut on. -if 1 vaut te tras-ibis rilserabi, liteout,1 muet do IL cscs-er. than lu Enslanti That îieuîh-houud viii surely inti me tisere; ktila possibe iliat lie viii even traci mne lu Lb. atipoee. Tt, if I ver. sure that lie in lylus- about-bavnni ceeu my au a reparation ton mi crime. But vbat e s la my future ta b.'! Am I Lu live s erable existence for years lu nome distant ci country, frlgbteued uit eveni tannî face, ti dreinîg In rrad eveni nevepaper that reaches, me for teauxtI c haI se. myseif ci denouncet inlIL, aut neyer kuaing asfi momet' peace or tranlquilti ' Ah, Ger- vase! 1 vouder vbat ian vonit îay If C ion knev that, ton îonr saite, I have sut- ifieti every hbecot bappines uittis vorîti ant il my chances et salvation lu t] tise neit."a He veut hack tLte igia tone atter ut- ii terni Lies. tiougts smt u tovu veir- h lii upon I. i "If h coulti knov tbat Lat Spaniard h vaitbafBeiet aiIt anti batlet ail trachi o! me, I rouit make mi arrangementsd moe caîriui ton leavîni Eùrope, mîght t even look fors-ardtot returnlng La Eng- land suri, dey, sud ipending my lite Llere h s-bile ,zpiatiug mi crime. But vhilie 1i knov uothing, I muet go un anti on tlIIIet t lat I reacl surie place vîcre I mai teel site." Be louket i a bis wateli as h. spolie ta ir"Ise, anti asv ihut the nis-hivaspae- lui. "Anether ir, minutes' ret," b. sait,à "eaut I viii stan again arenste paie." As le sut tien,, takins- those lait ive minutes ut rest, Lt aeemed Le hlm tuat Ler.s-i surime other sus-t eont break-1 ing the sîilunese ufthtIcnighs-Iurething cse, boites Lb. uccsionai cracking nise mail, y heiiglacier beles andthLe suli-1 tinet rour o! the torrents lu Lb. vsiiey. AliIgbt, regniar sounti, that novheret e. but lu s solitude like this s-cuIt, per- haps, b. hert, but thal here vas perfect- hy distinct. i carie neuren anti nearer, anti once, as iL appreaclei, curie smuii atones ver. dislodîgeti anti rattiet tovu truri above, anti fel vit a puge ou Lu Lb. glacier belos-; anti then, as it came eer, lie knev tht it ILas mate by the toot.stepo o! a man. Anti, lookins- up. bsaav a human figure deeceuties- île pat tute eplateau hi vliel ne bat cori,, anti tautilu ot cieaiî deineti againet taie mouuighL "hl:inlesonneguide geins- hume," lie sait Lu hîet. "or stantins- oct upon au .anly asleni. lies-firliy h. descends Lb, puL.' The rau adraned,.anti b. vatcheti iri curiouply, noîlcins- the easy -ar lu vhicb le came tio'v île neugl-hevu stepi, scarcely ouchlus- Lb, haut-rail or1 nains- the beavy poîntet stick b, carrieti lu place ofthîe usuai uipu-stech. Anti h. noticedt that, beuitie bis knap-r sack. le carniedthLb. eavy cou eof rap. iliai guides use ilu 11cm ascents. At lits the nes-cerer reucledtheLb pla- teau, anti, au le tuuk tLb.isat tve un Lree stepa ihat led un Lu it, lb. cmv that tuera vas anotlier rau upon IL, sud stoppet. Steppeti te gaze ton ou. moment t tue previeus occupant, anti then te ativance tes-art hlm aud Le standtoLeeing above hlma as b.eset upon île beniter aone. "Yen are Philip Sînerdon," lhe sainlas voice that sountet deep anti holîuv la tue utuer's esr. CHAPTER XXIII. Utterly astoniabei, sud wyul anotlier feeliing thut 'vas nuL ail astonisitrent, Smerteu ruse and itooti betere hlm anti sit: 'h do eut knos- ot vbat importanoe my name can b. te you.' "TYour mane lu o! ne importance, but yeu are o! the greuteat teurie. Wlieu I tell yen mi narie yen iii untentaut s-wh. Ihini Mis-cel (iuffunta&" "G-uffanta!" Suertun exciaimeti. "Ont- fauta!" 1 "Yes! Lbe trient o! Walter Cntait" 1 "Wbut do yen vaut viîh rie?" tue etiier aiket, but as b, asked be kues- tue ansver tbat voult curie troithe rau betere hlmn. "But oee hiug nov, Lbecs-h ten min- utesaugo h vanted more. h santedtu sec, sthen, ifLb, rauns-ber 1 sons-ht ton lu Londion anti ai Occieve Chase, whom i b ave tolluveti treriplace te place iiih ihave feunt hlm bre.,vas the surie mun I es- stali my triendtoLu eatl inl-" t "Yen isav Iii" "Yes, I1es- i. Anti youeuuhL. ran s-hodtdit !" "IL la taise!" "IL la true! Do yen tare tL ell m re h lic. yen, a- Bah, why ebenît I cross t (trta vith a murticrer-a thie!!" "I ari nu thiet!" Srierdou sit, ie an- s-en iing nt tels opprubricus terri, even as le tell: bis guilitproclimet. "Yenune! Von stole is vuteli anti reney becans, yen thons-lt te make bis rmurtier appeur a commun one. Anti ao liL s-as! Yen mies' hlm becaus, yen tearti be s-unît dispojasesyottn master e!fs-bat Ite unnis-hteoiisiy held, becaua. yen theuglit that yen s-nuit loe your place." " lAgain 1IBauy ILla taifs,! I batne thons-ht ut self! I kllet imetye, Il-be- jcause 1 lovet myfi tnîj, uîy aster as yen terr i hm, liecause le tîreatenedt L -curie between Iiriandthe ws-can le j luet. Eut I hues-n o! Walter Cuudali'a jnoble nature, as I knew it atiervards, nu power ou earth coultlare intucet rie Lu e do sncb a deet." "IL la intumy ton sncb as yen te q)esh utf bis noiity-bnt enougi! Are yuu r armedtot-eigbt, as yen 've on tuat e "I bave nu arma about me. Wby do dyen aak?" r "Ta tel ion tuat ne arma eau uval ,yen nov. Togmuet conte 'iiime." e "To s-bere?' 1 "oteb village prison at St. Christopb, There I will leave yeou tiliyoeau b. f taken te Englunt." l'For tbe'tirât ime since lbut ëlseen Lb. 1areuger ot Walter Cuntail standing be- e fore hlm, Smerdon sSileti bitirly. k "Senor Guffuta," le sait. "yon are ,e yen big anti trng-it may s-eh b. r itouger than I am. But yen overat, < on tr-LIstanh l if y-%, tbi lah ta ILLINOIS STÂTE NE ba, bsd ulsed hlm by the thrcat, amA rita the other sa m ad encireled hia body.*- "So e Wt," be hiased lu .Smerdon's est, It suite me botter than a proiongedi pun- laiment of your crime would do." For à moment they struggied iocked to- ether, aud ln that moment Smerdon, new that lie was doomed; that h. was bout tu expiate his crime. The long, slnewy band of the Spaniard bat was round hi% throat was choklng hlm; bis own bluwa tell upon the other'a body harmlesoly. And lie was heing dragged towards the dge of the moral ne, already bis back was against tbe wooden railing that alone tood between the plateau and destruc- tion. He could, even at this moment hear it creaklng with bis weigbt; it wouid break ln another Instant! "Wi1I ypu yield, assassin, vLialur Guffanta muttered. "*Neyert Do your worst!" H. felt one band tlgbten round hie tiroat more strongly, be felt the other arm of the Spnlard drivlug hlm back; n that moment of supreme agony ho heard the breaking of the raillng sud feit t gire under him, aud then Guffautasn bande had loosed hlm, and, strlklng the moraine wlth bis hend, h. teel down and lown, tMI lie lay a senselese mass upon the white bosom of tbe glacier. And Quffanta, standing above, wlth hls head bared to tbe stars and ta the wan- ing moon, exclaimed, as he lifted bis band toe the beavens: "Walter, you are avenged!" (Toelie contlnued.) ASLEEP UNDER WATER. Eow Divers Bonsetinmes Loaf aud Sol- dier Away Their Tinse. In an article on "Divr~rs and Their Work," Fra.rney Steelcroft declarea tbat lt leafnot a very uncomînon dulng for an expert diver, now that dlving ap- paratus he1sbeen perfected Lt thepoint of entire Fvellabilty, to tale a quiet Ilit- tLe nap under water ln those soundlee regflons wbere no dîsturbancee. unlesa po.elbly that made by a too luquillîv Ohark, lalikely to occur. He tells of one man who was M thLe bottuni uf the water ilu a barbor cdean- lng a ship's bull wbeu he becanie tlred. and muae up bis ml d Lu kuock off work and take a refresbing lîttie sn.ooze wbere nebody would be the wlser, aud there would lie nothing to prevent Lb. Urne no spent from belng paid' for' among his beurs uf work wben bc e r- celved his wages. Unfortunately for bis pla-n, lie forgot, wben lie dro-wsed off, te secure toehie wrist-as muet lie doue wben It la not ln une-ou. of bis Implements, a couch- gras. brueli. As his hold upon the Ilglit brwsh relaxed IL rose Lu the surface aud flostted ooueplcuously near Lhe aide, ut the vessel, where Ltwae nutlced by bis cumrades on board. The officer on duty promptly opened communications wltk bis submerged subordînate by telephone (a telephonia attacblment belng one.ofthLb recent Ion- provements), and tb. startled mans, atter bavlng bopelessly commltted hlm. self liy blundering answers and hait. lng explanations, was steTuly ordered to the surface ofthte water, andl dis- cbarged au lie ernergt'd. Another and a lazier diver, engaged to work upon a wreck, once weut down with the dellberate InteniIon of sleepliq for an bour or more. As soon as ho toucbed bottera h. iesbed bis air-pipe anti lite-hne te a spar, and setteti hlm- self coifortably on a rock and went te sleep. But after a tîme bis attendant at the surface noticed that th. lite-liue sbowed no moveent, andi gave the. Lwo qulck, lnqulring tuga Whhb or tb. signal, "Are yeu aIl l nglt?" No au.wer was recelved, andi It ws fonnd Impossible Le ubtain one, or te draw Lbe diver to the surface. At length. atter an Interval of Intense anx- lety lu wbîch the slumberer's lite was despalred of by bis mates, a second dîver was sent down--aud his wratb when h. foundth te supposed vIctim, swe-etly sleeping, aud the scene tbat en- sueti when h. awoke hlm, waa tunny and bordereti ou the tragical. A quarrel lu divtng suitse t the bot- tom of the sea bas not yet tounti place even lu Lbe lugenious pages uf M. Jules Verues sulimariue literature. Foiled. Moritz lnusclî, in bis -Lite ut Prince Bîsinanclik," gives a bumerns sketch of the scientîsi. IHumbolt andi bis dis- appolutmeut wbeu b. was not allowed te have the talk aIl to blmselt. Per- haps tbe best ut the anecdote la the mode uf narration. Ilumbolt t ad been gly'lng one of bis fuonus readînga et Lh. royal palace ut Prussla. Somebody took up the converuatiun, and sali se many luteresting thlnga that everybody begantu listen. Hum- boldt wffl beside himself. Growllug, he filled hie plate witbi a pile of goose- liver pie, fat eels. lobster tailesud oth. er ludigestible substances-a real moun. tain. When lie coulti poeltively et no more, lie could no longer lLeOp quiet, a.nd se lbe made an attenypt to get the. conversation luto bis owu bauds. "lUpun the. peak ot Popocatpetl-" lie begs.n. But IL wes no use. Tbe narratoi 1ume Hawl« u wa««dsg àab1 f user Oetralia with a traction engiS. Tb*e bridge collapeeti sud Rawle v»s kiled. 1 OCCURRENCES DURING THE PAST WEEK. Eioody Work of su Inssueli Jealan. Italien ut frockford - DeepondOnt 014 Couple at Galesliurg Ki Theus- alvre& Murderer Runs WIld. Jan»s lFrench, etfIlockforti, methlis vUs Muuday valkicg with Mru. t'itzPat- rici, lHe oliy eeid that lb. waà ging tu kili bils wife. Mis. Fritzpatrick tellinl a fant anti Mr@. 'rench ata.rtedti ovant th. bose ot Oronge N. Gorbam. Frenul fred as &lhe tuned, the buliet striking b'.r in tise bresat. He continuedt Lu ire rap- Id&y seuLley rmn enues Lb.elawu. The wonun read»ed etiti.poch anti grapeti tise hindI. ufthe ii. toL enter tise oum, but vs. tragged bock anti eugageti luaa hmnti-o-haMt confliet witb ber buslianti. AtSa ls h. openedth,-ii.door eut ran lint lthe parlor, lies-huebauti tollovesi andi oathslued Lu tire ut lberutil mii. feu to the fleur deaolti visigbt 'vonutis lu ber body, marny chuta going vide ot their markL Albient Banker, Who ies next douro ran into the Gorbari bouse anti grapplet with Lb. murderer. H. vas ahotie t he i.Gm. lFrenco reiu eut a&timet Uomat.y Uiurk MI. A. Norton and ifred ut hlm. Fireneli Llrew aw*y une empty re- volver anti dnew another. He fret ut evorybody lhe .aw. Neigliboresarmeti ont of! their homes arnieti wiL ev.rytblis from rifles to atone. anicbased tise mur- dorer. Ail thuir chute vote wild. Frencb ocame to a standt nuthLbtnkofthLb.river. H. fired tour or ie imes &t Lb. crovti, but was c tiret that Lb. laatt îlots venit vikL Hle tbe u ued a piatol on andti red a chutt Lrugh bis cheeks, mime- tug a vtal spot. Itîto te rivèr. h* mouglt to endi is lite by tiruvuimg. but tva policemnen jumriset at a rovboat a~em t lbant anti puiletihim ont. He voulti make nuo îteenet iu juil. cuying merely tait lie 'ise suri-y. Frenchi leau Xluli, and wite tineafeeeun«biy jealmse ot hlé vite. A few nmoulus ugo h. waî put unter boonds to kuýep Lb. peace, Itav- iug hresteued lienlit sith a kife and a revolver. Bilr Rewini F.vent. Tii. egnrta ef Lb. Mississippi Valley Rowing A6saiu in e of thebprises wviîci the husttînig tow-n ut Hulant. MJidi., bas captinret for this seaisou, anti the Lisysands et vîsitun, uitthLb.sommer mesorte tuer, 'viii witu., lou. utthe greatest evenia et the aquatie vuniti. Hoilanti 'vs aidedtini lier efforts te geL tiiheguttu. vbîî'<î 'ili e helti Acg. 6, 7, hy Manager Owven ot the Holanti-Chicage etesmet i ne; and that gentleman in ai reati rs'aping the. res'ard foe bis ai n bookiing cL reny larguiy increseeti business. T'he MbmieMppi Valley A»oolaLion in- custe b.Catlil sud Delaware Boat Clubs o! Chicago, tb. Mutines and West- ein ot St. Locis, the Detroit Boat Club, anti Mutuais et Detroit, Lb. Wyandotte 1BcaL Clcu tf Wyantiotte, Midi,, the Min- nesotas et 'St. Paul.. ibe Iuriies ot Min- nsapoh, h.Lbieî'îîo Boat Club et To- route. Ont., i«e London Bat Club ot London, Ott.. the Grnda River Boat Club o! Lansing, Mfidi., sud tle Grand Rapidis Boat snd Lbmuoe('Clut ofGrand Rapides. Il is probahle tbat alLb.he" organisations wiii enter cr Taheb.courevil b. tue regulat.iosî une sud une-bal! mile, viLli turm, on lark lake. Humband sud Wife Taire Poison. Mnr. ad Ms. Louis S. Gutike, ot Gae.- burg, vere discov-rpoi iu an u onscions condition Snntey rixorning by their daugli- ter, Jeninie. suid tluy coul t uLle &,roue- et. Boit iteti. 'lh. symptome luticat- î d poieomng. 'T'hevca.e vas a myotery iuntil atter Lb. ariiivaltoLb.hecoroner, vho toundt a lerte, signodI ly MNrs. Gatike, la wbldch.iesays tLbaL ber lnuibuntianti e b.aittieterminedt tedie andi saketi orgive- ne«. .Te letter gave as a re-aaon that tliey bnt lest ev:'nytbiiig they bd sud titere w-es euttang mtore te ire ton. IL theu providet ton the distibulition o! $5.- 000 lnsurance poiicy in the Covenant M iî- tuaI Beneroiiît Afflocistien amnong Lb, ichiltitren. 'The suicide s asn liLb.h reemout fiuapondeucy antd hotula od plan- noedtoLutdeet xthe sai.e imue. Girl Cannes Two Demîhe. Archibuit Âeke'v &hot Arthuri-Calithan Liree times anti thonî killeti hirseif aut Kingston SaLcnti'ay iiiglit. Askev's daugh- 1ten vas toppiug -t Caluha's bouse ont there wvaa e-l evente vay she lad been Leted. Ask*w calieti t Cellàaitu bouse andi abeuqth ie girl. When Caila- liau remoneotrateti Aseu drew a revolver aud chut tbree tinies, une ofthLb bulleLs gulu.g tîrough Calubjune lieut. Then b, est towtn on the pei'eh anti askcti alba- in'a tongiteness. WN'ea ts sWas de- nied Askew put tse pistol Le lis os-n heati anti hi-w oct hi@ u'vubraies. tstate Ney@ iu BriefL A fneigbt train ot the Chicago anti AI- ton liroke in î'vo 'vIlleou the grade bu- Lweu Alten anîl Gùdfrey. Wben Lb. twu sections o! the Ltran came togethv'r BrakemniauGrant t'sa:o! Bioommigtoe ws o àhNu tdeduth. Condoctor hiuyt s-a, bath bhurt. William lzlumhurst, s Washningtont Counti fariner, esiting near Venexly, vue bitien on th,. bi by a nattieseakî'. His Luoe 'as auiuctîteti. and ti sa B Lought lee uit stffernon mur, sprious resuite, bujt b.c'vas tjîken violently il. s everal days icter antitied inlugreal agony. i rRobert W. Youîng, <t-bu vas placet un- der bond at Hillaboro lx) awuit tue action ofthLb.grand jury on Lb. charg~e outmr- rderLug bis w-lt. anti taughter, returuiet Le hie horme inLu Diîjetsleu, to'n miles sojuth o! liil.dlioro, turiday.Aboi u nk lbe Alil Lb.distilleries of Lb. Amenîcan Spirits Manuufaturlng Company et Pea'- ris Wetiuesdsy afternoon madie their lutI mach, ant i wll obla o uwn for thie cesn as quickly as the cpirit@ eau b. mun out. The Hancver, Manhattan, Great Western aud Wondier are eloseul. Th. Monarch dlatillery, which closed nome ime ago, aud resumed ton a speclal cas of gootis, wiii maire iLs let mash tblc week. The Atlas distillery viii <heu be the only bouse in operation. Ih bas retinceti ci- paclty tu 1,22'0 bushels per day, ut wblch iL wili run: uuring the remainder o! the.0c summer sud iîîerease this fal. Neanly el ail the catie whicb bave been ted turing el Lbe aummer hav, been ehippet out. AUIl te wareliousets in P"i-ui are weil stock- d et witb goods sudi the shipmeuts continu. t ouly a tair average. h Henry C. Rtogers, steward cf the Petite Lake Cluibbouse at Lake Villa. vau drowueti Tuesday eveulng. Mn. Rogers P Itad accompauIedf a bathlug parti on pe- i tite. laire, sud lMne. J. K. McGIll, ane of the party, lu comîuîny wltb ber son Her- bert, liat gune beyond ber tepth andi caîl- ed for beip. Mr. Rogers responded, andtD caogbt Mrs. McGill as mli, veut dovu fort Lb. firsL ime. 8h. tlrew ber arme around 0 Mn. Rogers' ueck, dragging hinm dovu witli ber the second ime. As lie camea up Mr. Rogers left Mrs. McGi sudt etruck out fer the shore, pesu-nably to geL a boat tu help Mr&. McGiiI, sud vaa taken wtl crampesud suuk withîn tiirtY (feeot bhehre. The sou n lu 'e mfan- ime had gone tLe sh.ilon. sund 'ecured Lb, assitance et Miss Helen Norria, sud b Lb. twu got Mnu. MvîI iet a bout sud tte Lb.hlore. A iliootiug aftnuy occurred on Lb. street t ut Sullivan Moutiay nightitnluwhicb Wil- liam Johnson ihot a young man named c F'rank Medanis. The mou are biarber@,1 Lb. latter uwuiag a &hop lu Lb. bauk4 building. Johînson bad licen dischargedc sud vowed reveuge, declaning bis Inten-à ion ot killing M,-daris. Tie'y met ou tb corner ot Lb. public square, wb.n John- @ son, b.iugp drunk, dnew bie revolver aud q commeuceti sioeîing. He fired turee. ibota, Lvu et which took effect. one IlutLb. lirat, Lb. other in Lb. 1,f t cbeek. lThe bail vhicb &truck Medanle lu Lh. cbeek cannet b. loated. He lad ou a 511k4 ahfrt anithe. shot Lu Lb. breast dîti ual penetrate b. shirt, but carrieti IL Into the. woiud a short distance, and vas pilled1 ont vith Lb. ganîneut. '1ihe phyaielant hope lie may recover. Johnson liai serv- ed s terni In Lb, retorniachoul. He sM- capeti under curer efthîe darnelàs. Engineer S. (G. Hammer sud Firemais Louis Atb.y 'ver. killeti sud Firemax Fred Smith tata lly injuret lu s collision neveu milesusaint ofQuincy Wednesdc.y moruing between a wîld Chicago, Burling- tonan sd Qoiue.v wiîcli engin. sud a Chicago, Bunlington sud Quiucy trelght train. The swtcl englue had blelped a freiglit np the grade tLe ubsuka station aud starteti beck tLu Lb. cîty agaluat Lthe tîme of the local freight. Tbey colliusie su s curve sud luth englues ver. demol- Ibiset. Engluser H-ammer o! thie frelght train vas cruaiedt Ludeuth lu bis cabi aMd plnued agaluat Lthe beler,,sud bis fire- min, Athey, dieti botore medical aid! eniti reacb biua. Fîreman Smilth of tii. s*itcb englue had eue leg cut off and Lb. otiier crueheti, anti may die. Engluser Vansteenburg et tlie cwitcl engin. saveti hirnueif liijumping. The accident Ilesald to b. due wbolly to 1'austeenburg's rock- leoanese, anti h. may b. presecuteti. Fn-g gineer Hammen livet Iin Galeaburg, b*, others nilu Qiucy. In tue Circuit Court nt Decttur. lapon th. petition otftF. M. Young, Jodge Veil appeluteti J. Sherman McClellan aud George S. Statuer receivens ufthLb.Young Brothers & Maris Company, vbulhsaie grocars, sud enteretisuantirer tucsoivhig Lb. eorporation. The recelven, at one gare bond la Lb. sum et $150,000. l'h. corporation preceuteti s statement, show- lIngassete o! $19,OCK)00asutliabilîtiea et $112,000. Members Ray tbut, shaving tb. aueseLa30 per cent, <bey wvîli tlen bave mare tuan enougli Le psy ail crediturs la full. Iu Lb. bill ot complaint slow col- leeLlond sud geral businees depressîon are said Lu b. Lb. principal causes ofthLb trouble. Another thiug vlilcb dues nuL la fulli appéear lu Lb. court proceedingi la Lb. if4cL that F. M. Young, the general man- ager sud beavlest stockhoItier lu the cou- cern, bai been lu delicate health for a 1yesr paît. Mr. Youg heatiet the peti- ion, aakiag ton tbe receivers. The otlier emenabers viii reorganize a new company as soon as Lb. affaira o! Lh. exstiug con- cern eau b. cettieti. Fiveumaîket meun roibe theLb.New York Bscuit Conmpany, Morgan anti Rau- doipb * tze+ts, Chicago, ut $1,750, fir5 minutes botore twelve 8aturday. Laugli- er"-oatbs snd tevoîvrs aecompauledth te deti, whicb <vas uccomplishetilalues than 1v. minutes,. The robbery, one et Lb. bolds'.t eve: perpetratet inluChicago, leftILb. pollee department paralyzeti. IL Loolk place *lLblu s block anti a hait o! rChie! Baulenoch'a residece, six blocks fnom Lb.e1).sîpaines sîreet station-Lbe headquartevsetfInspýcter 81.5-sud but a short distunce frein Lb. Golden Rule smore, vhege Marsalli 'as morteret. That one ut thb" languîot mercantile estab-. lisbments ccclii b. entereti ut bigli uoop, nearly àa dozen o! Its crm- ployes errorilu, a large suri ot money taken andtihae rnubies cape, sent a t -ave eY exclienient ever Lb. clty tiat madie tiie poils. eliciala tremble. Oblet hiadenoi'h 'as in the -country ut Lb. ime or etb robbery and a telegram vas sent n Lu hlm. Seventy-îire Mslce officen, ver. -detale oeti usotin Morgan, May, Ada, i Gruen, Desplaines sme,suad Lb. tougb h district outhLb.%Vet Siti,. The ult "tIrai ecne" <tas set t* lork Ath the osual iack INTERESTING AND IN LESSON. itenectiane of au Elevasstng1. -Wboeaosne Food for Studying tke, Scriptural t.lligrently and Proitabi.Y. Lesson for July 2&. Golden Text.-"In tii.., &OF, si put My trusnt."--Ps. -41: 1. Goti's Promises Lu David la the tf thià lesson-2 Sam. 7: 4-16. De* came settîct in b is palace, rius~ enemies, aud after a period of as limitsetfwbicb are flot deflulteiy iesired to build a permanent au b.e Lord, lu place ut the Lent ln had placed the ark (Il Sam. 7: 1 comm:îuieated titis desire ta the ,athan, who gave bis endorsement t plan. This, however, wss upon tt iliet's owu juugment, îulely, for ceived a coutra.ry revelation hemss Loix, as narrateti lu the leeson. 4. "The 'voia oftheb.Lord eat" Nathan; notice how clearly th. tinguishes betwfeuNathan'% opinion, exîresed during the. dmj', b.e divine message that came ta hlmsi oîglt-Nathsu le bore meutiofsi the firet Lime. Thougli come siait spaee la given Lu bi@ lite Wl, books of Samuel sud Kings, h. ceem' bave occupieti a position nearty ase portant as Lbat ut tbe prophet Dnving Lb. reigna of David and liestooti near the tlirone andi wuas couusselur. Few mnîpu oulti bave 1-14). lie vas probably entrse the education ut Salomon, andi vag P lisent ln Lb. eveuts vbich iseeefl coronation o! holomson (1 Kings cbae. It appears fremin 1Clrons. 29: 29, UA4 Ciron. 9: '», tisat Nathan vroteaa of David'a re:gn sud part of. and this vas undoubtedly ose q01 sources of the books ut 8amuel, andi Ohroniclee. As statesman, aud ditorlan, lie tiierefore dsuv ramk azuuug Lb. toremait mnes ef il.. Among thosee bo are cafls gibets lu Lb. Oid Testament tharef moune vhos. chief service vas rnue advlalng aud varnîng kingsand others vbo vers pr,-emlneutly to tue people. Nathan belongel la &rat ciss, Esekiel ta the second, Islali combineti botii tuese fumeto.s.î 5. "My servant David;" a tiLle ea tinctien, applieti only Lu a few leaders the. nation, as Mses, Jos511118t4 "ShaltthLon bastd!me a houa.?" thesiKý dion la a sot teued negative. l'heoai~ veme l1ChTronbas 'tliou ebsit ot"~' &. "Wiiereads' aboulid he "for. -N0 that Jehova là larepreSenteti aud Lu his sanctuaryiluthe. sarne toe," psenntly, tliat Lb. king tivella &ce. Oompare tth. Ides of Go& la girayer solomo. at lse et th. temple 'n 2 Obron. 6:1s: vfl God la very deeti dveil vités mm tii. eartb 7 behold, heaven aM thé, of heevens cannet coatam tii..; boy l hl bas onuse vicii I have buit" desstly the. expreasions et tribut mon belong to a spare advsaeSd ea religonstdonglit; possibly tbe ls the lime vheo Obronicles vau bai tudr influsengu o eou i fse «epressions. Atany rate, the»el terestling contrast letween the. lion. of (;-ati n tuese twa peasae& 7. "Bpake 1 a word vlth amr et ths. tribu. of lael." 1 Chri. 17: Oô èjI "jutiges" for "trîbes," and d"is i s.em sta give salietter sens. ta Le fÂ@ w Ing words: but If "tribes" be corr.tee , q»s tseLio tribes wblcb venn daim t0 à i ohLb.people, as Dpbram,' Bensjamin, Judsli.-Tiie Ides of tise t ituat up ta LuIs Lime .Ielovssadh u poeely kept bis worshlp ln a ettle ais priaLe ta a waniterlng nation, bocauce ý raei ha t L e-ni ready for a more POe. nent and elahoiate system. 8, 9. -N.,w tnereture:" Thi. eoimnetl..* of Lhougbt. an IndicaLeti lu the IdhagE, Ontinu, in: Mince David lies cUersi IW, bulit a bouse fer Lbe Lord, wblch rsqu.à« la fer guond reRsous tienied, therefore, é*. cousideration eoflhie piety, sud espedaâly bis position as tbe chosen servant of I' Lord, bis own biouse (or famlly) ïchal bis establihed.-'*i souk tliee tram tht. mieepcote--snd 1 was i tee-ed have Cut off, etb.: ies. are tactspqo*e,. lut that the liîàd ha, chosen David f« j6 great destiny. Tihe promise tben leil >t Lb. phrase "ara lhave madtiebe a gzrqe, naie" shotîlti be lu the future tense. sgt' lu Lhe pust: "ant il l iimake tii. 5 T5a Dame." IL. N 10. "Andi wh plant then::" a frequent figure for the e-stablishment of a ustiont common in the p)ropiets.-"Nether saa Lbe chiltinen ut wlckednesa affilet Lis.. any more, as betu>retime:" Trhe nation, t lu have pe<' andi prouîpenity, wbleh wil., lesdtte b. nie w-heu l)a-it's plan for as divin, babitaticïu may l'e realiseti. 1l. "And s since Lb. limèé:" Notice that this in part or the pre-ceding vers -.And bave cuusçd tbee ta rmats" "a*s' I wiii ce use thes tu reit" R.V.).-"TUt the. Lord will mirke Lb. a bouse:" De" vid lied %visbed teta'uild for Lhe Le,ê e& bouse uf cedar; the Lord promisse taW tablish for iDa îid na lueof desceuda'5ce s royal tainily. There in a double *eW0* o! the word ' 'joie" in Hebreiw juiLst 1, lu English. This la uniý a wliolly u* pronîlse LuDai id; sée 1 Main. 25: Ibo" Lte tullowilig terses utitipromie were uew. 12. "*«e mil ft ciu î hy seuil atter ths." reterring to Se, inon lu tetiret Instance, aud at ter hini o Lthe wbole hune ofDvel4 successorson in#,Liethroue down totin.e aàb.' 31. ~ ~ ~ Î th.:nc aha u ultimtae

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