500,000 sqluare feet of floor space. ZvEï fOOT 1 HAVE GOT 1S COVERED WITH RED HlOT STUFF. SCanvas Cots. j~Wood Beds. and indow Glass. a and window Sliades. n and Dining Chairs. velties and Sehool1 Supfflies. and Brussels Car]wts. and Chinlam'are. -r es of ail kinds. ç.kers anid Trmi]Xs. luCoth sand Iitting. ;, bination oo-<as gitchen and Cuhr"l aIreIs, Clotiies and I1 i I 1~ t7my Chairs andlli 1 I Lmather Couelhes ad 'Imi~ L»Muges of ail kiîu]is. ýF.tension Tabes. Beed Rockers. How is this for a Stylish Rocker? ONLY$2.85 Ju8t the tiiug lor geii.ralliie. Sti ong. Cîîîîîtfortal)h(, and slîowy. Look auit hé hîi w ork <on the i,.ck. Wotî$ uM rc 2S AGENT FOIZ1111Gh; GRAD 11iOUSE1HOLU )SLWINlNh MCUIINES. Undertaking a Specialty. WVVILL KN IGGE, Rockefeller, 111. We have a stock of SHOES- which wé will close out at prices fromi 50 cents up. We desire your patronage. We wiIl have it if you give us a trial. E. B. HARDEN, ROCKEFELLER - - - ILLINOIS. B8ryan the leader--M.um.---- The Free Silver Men chose liiiii as their leader, but wîhen it cones to 10w prices 1 arnuih leader. EVERY MAN NEEDS PANTS, and 1 imbue a lot of thens that sold at 1,10 ets. tu 1,2.0o which I N% ilseli for one aUi the former price. Sugar 19 11, for................. ý.i .441 oatmieal 10 th .................... .2.>, Cookiag Raisius pur l . . Pienie lanms per 1, ................71 Lard 'Clover Leat "51)li>s pe pîli.3e Choice Candies anud Cigars. lloys and Girls Straw Hats.......O MNens' and Boys Fait Rats ..... . Boys and girls shoës . ... e Mens workiug shiirts .... .... ..... 25e Nice Lina of Negligu-e Shirt, il prices thal ara riglif. L. H. LITCliFI ELD, ROCKEFELLER - - - - - ILLINOIS.1 PEOPLE COME ans PEOPLE GO. 1 have corne to stay, but in order to do so must have your patronage. Maybe you wili want me to stay wheffyou Iearn my prices. 9 Bers good soap ....... .25c' Uncolored Japai tea ... Beçt Java and Mocha cofee.... ... c 50 11) sack Miîn lour..............95 No. 1 white fbshi................ c3l e a!lr...........31 Ham and bacon .................... l0e Canned Salmon .................... 15e1 OTHER GOODS EQUtALLY AS LOW. Our wagon is on1 the road every day. Ail goods dulivere(l free, F. A. Brown, RIOCKEFELLER - - ILLINOIS.1 WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, Ill., THE BEST PLACE -IN LX]x}..CO0i2'l TO BUY Lumber, Coal, MiII-Feed, Farm Wagons, Buggies, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. We are always prepared to supply your wants in .. Agricultural lImplemients, Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tule, Etc. Always get Our Estimate Before Buying Your Building Material. WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, Ili. W. H. MILLER, xve iur anxiua luo (Io a litfla good TONSORIAIt ARTIS'r, tiiliis Wortllt und tani hiak o! no - i pleausuaiter or belte %,uay tb do it than mityou 'vant a cleast Fduuvu ur i liy recoimudiuug One M3inute Cougil Mirb eit call on "II"iCire uis a provenltive of pneumonie, consu1imptiou ndsiultier serious iung »P.&»s o CIGUIS. troubles thlat follo'v negleetoed colda. r imeje atm iFoe ale by F. B. Loveli, UberyY"j. O. ù&àmWa M.'. ~ WISC. CENT. R. R. TIMC TBLE Lae.umner, ai ee GOING O E. Mr. W. H. Dow and faxnily, of a. M. p. ni. p. m. a. m. .m Wankegan, are et their cottage on the lJhlmgo *835 1 25 65OW Frt:.p *3o*at aide of the lake. W1lie.lng 89 4:1 Il110 4 00 The familias of Messrs. l3rawer and &ptaklal7 89 492il 26 &6 Prairie View89 2 952 08Douglas, of Weukegan, oeeupy the fleithton 89 M58 82 4 1 ino5 4 15 Lakesida club tfisleweek. [lockefelier 610 03s2 46 10 20 4 20 Olr F; Lake sin v s2ô6 n 2: 1045 31 Thorougli preparations ara made for Boyhis B10 18 83 00 96 27 4 46 the Ladies Aid Socety grove social Lake V.illaSIO1024 3 046 633 Il 29 45Thursday avauing ut DrucaS Lake. GOING SOUTH. The 'veather lias bacu changeable, *D.lly except Suday. hot and cool alternataly, but neyer s St1oi ny on sIcnal. disagreabic ait this model stiminr it.111. arn. a.rn. uni, u1ni. arn. resort. Fr1. Lîike Villa 7 04 7 24 Il 29 4 45 9 O05i1110 The choir of.St. Chrysostom P. E. Itollîns 7 10 7 21) 4 51 ehurch lait for the c ity Friday, ceor- Gira ys Lakue 7 16 7 34 I 045 414 n vrtigai( everbodyonter Rlockefeller 7347 4Il 50 08 22142l40igev2th5 n hi Loilliton, 7 40 ô 13 12 40 daparture. L'rarie Viow 7 85 5 20 12 57 Misses Harriet and Mabel Duraud, Aptaklie 8 ai 5s2u 1 02 wheelieg 8 il ô 30 i 14 of Lake Forest, were Prlmrose ijhiogo 9 35 9 00 1 10 & 50 10 45 Lodge visitors this 'woek, aise Mr. _________________________0. M. Trowbridge from Chicago eand ROCKEFLhER.Prof. Bray, of Germany. ROCK FELER.An ont door Gospel meeting 'vilube Lots of mariages and more to fo110w. helld on the grotînda of Pi'rmrose Fred Berghorn and fasniY, O1Honey Lodge, souih aide o! Druse's Lake, LaIte, viulted hie brother Bunday lst. Sundssy aiternoon et 3:30 o'ciock. A. J. Leonard, of Grayalake, waa heret Good speaking and good siuging. Ali calllng on friende the fore part of the cordiall y îitd. weak. Rowin1g and uaiiiig oiX the lake 1>4 MisaCoraHerclibrge wen toInereasing ln poi)ularlty and ftle uarly Mie ie Mondeay tbvart er w ant, oevening presants aun enimsted al)per- RieM iwMna vatbra.alldoip,.sace aud voices lire huard in msong Lr. H.Knge ndiit, !Mcen. floatiug on the evening air, wbule L. H Kngge nd ife Of cHeryduriug the, day the watars uare dutted sl3eut one day lasi 'week vlslting reis- wlth white sals. tives in thia towii. Rav. Mr. Hamiltonî pastor of Gaga's Lest Moniday Wmn. Knigge and family Lakte chnrcli waîî thrown frontî bis drovetc, Aitiochto viait their deugliter buggy whan driviug on the plank road Mrs. DeWalt Erainer. visiting parishouiers. Mr. Hamilton The familles of John Cronkhite and hall a narrow escape but sue lire grataful J. F. Clark are attending the camp to say hae was whuuliy uîiinred and meeting at DesPlainas. pru.aehed Snîîday wlth his usuel The addition to E. G. Paynes iîuouse, aloujilnee. 'vitancuimpleted, wiU add very nmach If wouiuî bclbardl tu u1voiiin( a lutin o tlie beaty as 'veli as u'onvuiuieilee suiieriîîg frontî billions colle tilait lis o! the place. aguîuîy ibdue to la microbeu suitflitelun- Miss Lottl9 Hardexi iho lias beeauat PruuotiiîcaLIle 1nanile.But Onude (0 utO work in the eity fuor somnetimu o. lit IeWitt's Colle & thoiera (Cire suili luresent aseistiug ber lather iiý th(-colviîiee hlm Of il, Power ft) etTord s.tore asud market. Instant relief. If kiffis pain. For sali If youî are in îîeeul o! Il sewîuîg y F. B. Luvell, Libertyvill.., G. C. nmachineand 'vaut one fint suill sta]r a Robuerts, Weîucuîî'tlz. lite lime callet SVill Knigge s. lie is Nineteeîi pers+oiu , %ireittakienin ut .ellùiig lots of filent. fullfeliuuwsluilu mithe Gauges ulitireh Prof. WV. S. Weleh, of Rosu'cranl, >s Sîuffay eveiiig. A l,îuîul uf active spending part of bis vacation visitîuîg jrniii lf4urshui iis I lrieuds at ithis placue befori' aîîleriug wstrualîn Ith . ubrrlugruitly. It coilege et Baboil, Wi. Ma u nîlsi and iiîsîiriiîg sers fi'. eoni ijtel hv Mur. H auniitoî. 3frs. Hamiltoni and ileugliter Irene The t .uge's Lake chiii-vlig> us iiiiru,1iî .started Monday for their home in Iowa iug' towvardî hou ili tirîrei liftar a thiree weeaks vsicit 'vill lier iuiiiituers enul glulious zeuliuanudis a sister Mrs. W. R. Morse. ,tuuw-r of streiigîli and iolue iunthe A very quiet marriaie took place uit vcummuîiity. the home of our pastor Rav. Cookaa A lairge u'îilwr attetided lthe ont last Wednesdey,the happy couple were douur servire lit 'rîunirus Louige Stnnay Chas. Tattler and Leua Stalil. of aiteruiooi. 3Muis earrages euit u chois Diamond Lakte. stoppedulit th(e, ietiuig cani iaiiy Chaxnberlaiîî's Couîgb Remedy cures canie froniît the ottiugesilu tble colds, coupauid wbooping conigh. If neigiborbuuul. Tlier>,wuere excellentl is pleasant ale andi rellele. Foir sale, earnet .ddr"-, bu Ras. Mr. Hamîiilton, by F. B. Lovell, Libertyvilie, anid G. 'Gages Lakte anidies. lMr. iuirris,.Ir.. of C. Roberts, Waucuiîda. 1.Reluit. Thera 'vere solos luy Edmnnid Frank Roney bas sace Jeu. 1S96, F. l)odge, ouf Chicago, Mibs lirriet sbipped about forty carloada o!fliogs Dîîruld, o! Lake Foiebt, anîd ubourses from this place 10 Chicago. He e seîns and a Pleauaif îîîî.-etlîg. Mr. Dodge to enjoy if. Lia paya the hlgliest lias a flue cuiltîvattî.d volci-. Auîother markat price and stillhba a good meefiiag ulîl bcliuld uu'xt Snnlday profit for bis limae. afteriou a t hait 1)051tbtree, whliu addresses are cipueteul lîy 1ev. '.%r. FOX LA KE. Harris, <of Millluurn. anid ies. Mr. llarvest and haying is rîearly fIniýlied Hamiltonî o! Gages Laikea îndi ev. Mr. lu tbis section. Dazey, o! Graysuku. J. J. Knoll and 'vifa nîoved toi VOLO. Chicago last Wadnesday. On Wedtuesday lest Wm. Nelson, of C. G. Huson xsud lamîily uast s tii place laft home for a visit witb Sunday iii Elgin. friands acrose the Atlanticeau. Miss Rosa Allen sIi t cibthe Vole Tommy Galiger wbo is working flear selioul tlic uext cli toi yeur. Rockefeller spant Sunday at home, MIS. M. B. Suiiitii-.,o! Elginî, suuli shult retnrning te bis work Monday mer uiîig. lier iîîotlîer andI S ui frieîids afs Mrs. A. T'veeui is untertaini ng lher Mucuks. itunt t ront Wisconsin, Mrs. Butler îund M Gooulil bas lad quît.. al]a ili ,also Mrs. King. miotbet of Mr,. :tion Pbit u>ui ll{tF ous, silli >tlitî Conversa Marbie. ,iuîilrove nefhs. Btîsy people have no frnie, anti Mr.Ambrcuse Rabut lîac takea uuî sensible people havae1n0 inclination to bis buney -us hidi is nou readiff >îf use a slow remedv. One Minute market et a sury lise prive. Cougb Cure aets prornptiy and gives Sutme o! the farîiaefrs in this sec-tion permanent reënîts. F. B. Lovaîl, Lib- are busy bujrvestiiig. Soxii are hlîresii. ertyville; G. C. Roberts, Wancolîda. iug fie graîin as monî as gaîbereul. Last Tuesday atternoon the peuiple Miss W îîîîîîe Ruîssell, of Chicuago, uu oft Fox Lakte 'ere mauîch Ê-turprised Io Elstie Smith, uif Elgin, aire hlpeîudîuî4i )liear that W'alter Whita's bariu witb ifs tlieirvaatimn witb their grand- nîutler. contents suas biurucd and aise two lirs. liusuin. horses, one balonging tu a Chicago The bousu.for ficu isur li patalso bis harnesses and soale neutimu vi tîtui Cermuîînsi-oul, ib macbineIry sdalid ies. tompleteul. AIl tiiuse irnîruur(veuiic.utb go lui show fhe tlntes are gettiuag better, GAGES LAKE. The Granît uu.uiitury Society 'vili M iss (;raeMasion lias iaîîusu sueel. nîeef litMrti. D Weîate's the lrut Fridut' lit. Sove ofRanamis isiingin Auguîst ..Age uierul iii'.itatiotii i> Murs. Thuis. James. xeddt ltune whtei. Mr.Howrd arrs, f 'innapois. A chulul piuîiug bliket muas left lît Mr. owad Hrris udMinitupils th M. E. ebilîrclli uthe Ihiju eo! Jaune: is visitiug bis lurotber, Ira Ilarris. D)O'eils fluneral. TheiiOsuner car] gut Mrs. Titus. Pbelps sud dîîîglîler i ut the store o! E. llichuirdson, Volu. Lillien, O!f(Chicago, are vîsitîuîg Mrs. Mrs. Rey Fiteli, uof Waukegan, i. lexilsonl. suuenî<ing a fe'v isys visifing lier Voiu Thera 'vere nineteen n13CMnieruburs irieuds beforu su itejji>fi lulii., reuu.ivad lîîtu the churula on Sîinuhy where bier hisiýail bas a position lit eveniag. flic State llefori suiouîl. D1. N. Pratt andu frienuls, to! Lakte Thare viii bu ni> preuîubing in theu Fuiorust, wiil give a soîug service ut flic Vole M. E. church i iext Suitutuiy. 'l'Lbu Gaeges Lakte church Stunday eveaing, pestor 'vii attenîdflie caîîî iuhiuý,ig ai July 26. DesPlaines. llebbhuilischçul 1.3l1).î'lni There will hbean ont door gospel und soung service citer muiiuul. meeting on the south banIt of rs' Lakeono Sunday aftarnoon utha!ps Ibrea o'clock, eonducted by N. D. PraItt. -Wake np, Jacob day is breakîng" sa said DeWitt Lie Eariy Bisera to the mua who lied taken them to arousa bis slnggish liver. For sale by F. B. LoyaUl, Libertyviile, G. C. Boberts, Wauconda. RONDO UT. lire. A. Loderski ealled on friands lest week. Miss KIttie Moran lias purettased a new wboel. Haylng is about over and harvesling kias bagua. This lieut is almost aggravationt ha- yond endurance. - Thus. Cain, o! Racine. recenîtjy vislted friands haro. Miss Miaule Horan wus a Wunkegau visitor on Saturday lest. John Llmliarry thresbled r3 e ln5 Rondout one day lest waak. Miss Kittie Horen eaUled on friands ln Lae Forast Moaday lest. Jeff Lancaster ia 10 be coagratnlalcd on bis fiue crop o! pumpklns. ItleIs fot a miracle. Il w0l't cure everything, but it wili oure piles. That's what DmuWtta Witls Hazel Salve yUl do, becuae Iti lsaadon* it ý*I*P0utd qo!4 0aeek- . I .LOveR <Fr ni ouir trtvi i cs r .ssn.it Everyboduy shouuld arrange toeltenîd lie county Fuir ut Libertyville. It wil bu lutter Ihanjuver Iis yeur. The INDEIRNDFIaT isthe bhaticiu Most newsy peluer li Luake. Couitty ude lB coustaîufly g rowing butter. Try 1h a yeur. Rey. Fathar Bolîue is doing geaI work lu bis parish. lie huis efiirgad the Germnn Cethulie sciiool bouses et both Volo andi Frenont sud hîuu ,i8ters 'vili teacli ut aacb. Fred Conversa lis a iuunusoine six yeîur old Judgc Hayes liorse vich lbus neyer been trackudbluit bis osuner thbnks ha tan go a:3 uinutbe gait. Ht 'viii probahiy enter itijai iuu tht Farmers' Rae ut tlue Lakte Coîînty Fuir. The afrmuers iii this locauity are eugaged lu a variuty tof occtupations nosv a day.s. While Peter Baîler 'vus tbreshing, Reuigutlit rts. larvustiuig, Jas. Doyle plantiîîg corn und lue Scheear Mas husking usîhers sucre haying. Jas. Kirsuin, our popîulair biaiuksînifh believes licIter linîtul are eomnîg anud il erect a fine tivo sîory block for bis shup- The utppar story wilîl bc flnlshed off for a hall, te reut. Thes alley will be enulosed foi! ticket lofice, cheek roons, etc. Volo will now have a theaire for shows, -daces, polittoal 4elîd:.«,e;uw -*a*be aaihun- 4bal Ride a VARSITY, a COURIER or an ABELARD. AVe cati trniali those Bicycles on sbirt nutice. Thuey ara Strong, - ight - and - handsome. FIy Nets The Celebrated Elgin Team Nets, Heavy Leather Team Nets, The Wagner Nets, Houston Leather Buggy Nets, Heavy. and light Mesh Nets, Always on hand. WE SELL BUTTERICKS PATTERINS. Long Grove,IIM. V. SAUER& BRO. When in Town TYTII ATil 1) E 1 I (u) l" .Ice Cream Soda PHOSPHATES. "LOVELL THE DRUGGIST99 Libertyville --Illinois. Order ypur Sum mer suit Fred Mrokers. Hie can fit > Ç .u, and your purse. A perfect fit guaraîiteed. Repai rinq Cteaning Dyeing FOR SALE. Pure Manilla PLYMOUTH and SISAL Binciing Twines, Ftr l'aIl :L suiuig ît Stockueiuhiy at n SE 4 ALLIIII \STOC Ji AAI , i i l S Cali and see my samples. OVER BANK, Libertyville, Illinois. A FINE UNE -DE .FURNITURE. Clocli ; I( 1 \ ( , Paper lîilder,, Book cases, Ceîîter tti Its, Sleepy Eye Milis, Extension CREAM and PILLSBU RY Dli3nn(.1H XXXX BEST FLOU R. Rocker4,, (uiclij, A trxil f f t lliv iu ill >uu "li Loulgcs, tt su wliIit 'vu say . truie-. CHAS. STEMPEL, Long Grove, Lake Co., ili. ISOIAC b Corrcsponulaneo Solicital. j Liber ýI iuîb's, airs .su it s. iireFrusmea4 IRourn rouldtlig il! s, Va ru isb u s, Glass, Plutty, 13rus les, M irrors, 'Mattresses, utSprinîgs l'At., Etc. ..AT.. HEATH & SONS artyville, Illinois. Farm Imipleemnnts, H CIIANCK ON, GIlSCHANC s ON, LI BERTYVI LLE, Buckeye Mower. I LLI NOII is, Clipper or Tir1uMower. TrIumph Eincler. Key Stone Sie Deliveu-y Rakce. Bradley Horse Rakes. Fish Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. Staver and Abbott Buggie~s i.ndSLirrie-,. Combination and three spring Wagons. Dr., ,Tile, Lime and Cernent. Lumber, Lath an, ingIes. -* 1--l.0-.Ilml$o 'e f f f f 4, f f f f f f f f 4, f f i i f f f i f i I w I G & mO *,j