Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 31 Jul 1896, p. 2

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~:IN IOWA Li perla to re cev>i cas, e (JSTSTO KEEP THEM dil -OUT. tien Unies tht riuinal tsud IF- Ootis-Osonth Afritan r »Uhiljr Or Ivasionion1 Ons ~tsCircuit Judge hantera he1 the Iova a.ul-clgilnelle lawlir N*5,and ordered relcased on u W jeiCorpus Donald C. Me- birt wltclder Rapide, lova. Thei W l MtP Wthe.lovalLegWalture lait df E ýëst lto effect on July 4. la, i'Fhbited abaoluntely te man- la, «&le et cgretesInl te bIRbe, bh nwporatloto te State. MC- fat] ez syrested for luporting cigar- SIT 0 pfflui thon lu the original pack- lu » s applicatliou for a wit of u wir~ as niade te nitie hain- i& .J ','ttonhiyS for te peitioner tt àirargumnts ounte iecision Ot wj kumo Court orfhliUniletSStntes tetr kiMas iprohbtion case taI wet w ~tbe gante aiate soie yeari ago. suý 4 prohibition lw 1wne cîtactem t deelsioui je ta te cfecl thut1 "oaitution, itavini delegitet M thbe pover le regulate coin-M senttiesevenml étales, te bai *0 power 10 probitiit te oetlquor ntoltIe te . nion aie 10, leb original packagem by teVIl' AttrnigenralRemier a r- 1.1tbe Legilaluno bad power te r t1Importationunsuaeefutcigar- f (bd ditef otiser authuities lu su- di w 1e. Juge haubumu tohowed du OWslof ethte Supremo Court au14' cIO 6 te vi. PRSO FR JAMESON un es 0f (luliy llte Cse. etisa STramivasi Jiaileni. Loundoit jury lunte jameson Southt î,ese rolurncd a verdict tint al PI teadanti bad becu tout gnlty utbi àuget oviolaing te xîutralitY lmv i ldixig the territory ofthlie South A- t- Mpubllc. Besides Dr. Jamesi.n, te bi gUimt were: Major Sir Jolhnl il- C s, Col. R. Grey, Cul. H. F. White, C R..k Wite anui Captain HeîînY F. ri r. D.Jamesuon waas £euticec m onîlu' imprisoumeut vîttout John Willoughtby lu tcu moulus'c mtuent, Major LR. NVhitc tu seveIn I' mprsnimout anuitCapîanin u yoenlry. COL. Il. Grey anui Col. Il.h %ilim le fiye iotthit' imprisounnut - Tho court vas packed it iitpeuple. Rtell'a remanke vere distinctly 110 the tetendauls. lie began 11 fi ~<onti tat tere vus ne doubl tie bsd attaken part in orabet toi ttrin slaïs tgmaritsani anuitmaeking, ' b e juvading torcs vene mnslered i rlato u ctcrug te 'Transvaal.1 -vus no doubt thte expedition vas 1 luMJtary citracter, sutdvitelher Il *IMWd to overlhrow te'ransaalf aient or lu force a chanuge ofthelie la» theit eres t fticrs, il vais r4 an expeiition aguunt a fieutiy "BD TREASURY GUARDS. 10pfos iof Ona*ilsoluctth ie Waardi(OutIilua a irrv. lame excilemnt t ils cen-atein l bIugton shout 10 uib-ock NloiIaY C ly Ivo successive ex 11osiuua t thte ýüolt o!fte lneaury biuitdinug. Tie lw-as equmîl lu the uisclarge o! a eh gun, andithl eu m«eîa'tiwas tu-Il glong teopposite selle Of Fitteemîlu t, 'Te trménsiunY gîiards turned out itmed, tbuuking an attenîlt was be- è"Lle 10 blon tp the builing. Witli- Wqs minutes te second explosion oe- *&'adtor a few minuteterè vas 0deable alai. A conduit cOntain- ,*renc ires exteniti beneaili tic "Ill beite ternsury. Wonkiueu ee making excavations juil viit- te extenon hasemeul vali oft tie ont tonrte locationo 'e .vitur nci- ýBy suo me nus iiimilkailg gag, 1m tru notrustet ipipe hait illeit MMadut. The metiteitou Ignition o! Mabm.mtot.-ben explaineîl, tut nI al j1t vam sel off. The immense l:g- eof th it iitcwlks wtree unleit Bt- ÏOuW ite aranuitbroken luto saluh rei do] rai le cidi a ,elii II vle( mi 1y wu na mi 'te u eptg m ne lm aat Sre or le sa, lr ilat mi cm àe dm it cii Cl rifi cm i rug bl il fn ab or th gl ln in lu lu IN ti p tîdn f National Leatrue. r livig ~ itestanmding etfteclaie, National~ Baszebali Longue: W.L.W. J.. .1112I'iladehîmia .37 44 ~oe..52 27dBrooklyn .. .37 45 ~g.5 3 30Washiuugluu .34 44 e...51 3.Ne forkt .33 47t .43 17St. iLouis .-..261 5-d un...44 3Lii.,i ..21 59 Wsternane nc lnc. w*wlsug eiote tanding ofthle clubs Wes~utern Leagnie: W. L W. L lis .50 2hD3etit .... 40 3U - ...48 3;2Miwaitee ..40 491 - Ie.48 IlSGr'd iRapide .311512 MUtZ .44 6Ceolumnbus . .27 110 1- q4 Mdin era in Alas.s i=, mi00nnera are elmranded .11 \t, vbicb le uearly 1000 imiles >1f6 Juueau, Alaskta. 'iThey art, «eeo, wvicit mpty lotoTora- - thle beadwaleesuofCook'm lu- csma ao daixMllenati te l«Acs tresi off lit a r or ho- IstWU prospectos gtiteo. The l large uibeof ot onfiictig h Wkwh are likely lu causçe trotîlîle abe diseovened lui payiug quinn- Dueperado ut Large. a yaehhtoi desperato et U, INast large lu ibe vlcuuuity bt Tom. btbt' 's shtuj Mudbas slncme i Arrsai.He lu vaul- WinI Reftusa te Iamal te un e la 1 b. .r' ArwVr. Dam Goldtbwalte?, a Russlan, re- et 'an0 N. J4 adkuowwdgee Sla the si , ve tt the euWeror of ail lasgil4 ,au# hbal bowél *0 the li-. a"wuî sud wionouýawebis intentioni 4uru to bi is ntive land Bt once. By lu bj.-wi~ll gave hit father from a sIeeilty, whlcb1 ln theoid mns ,migbt meanu tansportationl to the dBiberian mines, or even vorme, Da m nder the ban as a former tevolti- t, and muipecteit of participation ln Li55i51lt4on of* lue Emperor Alez- ?r Il. Young Q.ldtlkwidter la a na- vtàiow, and insebeen lu tliiî coun- everal years. I ii.brth took p!Rce le 20th of Aiit 1875, andt li for- [recorded lu the rogister ef Momcow. the 29th of May te Imperil police ed hie name upon the enlîstaient rolli e empire, and, aecording te the lawi, ust report for enliatuent lu thte regu- Lrmy wlthlu 72 houri of muurlseofthlie that Marke the aunnverary of hls eIf thle Young Mnbiad éis jiwn, hi would romain lu tii coiefrY tand Fthe Rmian Beir sud théi Impevl aa h.e bas become attaèbed 10 the àof bis adoption. But he canoi lielp it ezcept at tbhsacrifice 0fet ÇG-wf tr. The notice of eurollmeu* .was in hlm fatlter. who la appier, dealer le initurbs of St Petersburg, aud un- iWilliam reporta on thei finIt day of oteer lte father wll have 10 bei.: penalty. Tite Yonng man bai no Ides t this penalty wilibe, but his conjec- et are coloreit with dark forebodingi. Iam wil go back tb gave his father remalu lu tite aruuy for titre. jeans. KACRO WILCOMED (GARCIA. aile Deuie Storien of »entiiêis su Cubsu EBank@. >L. Rafael Pores y Moraies, oeeof lthe tri of tite Cuban constitution, ar- d lu -New York front Kingston, Ja- ea. Ho wua miot lu the eye during rceut battie sud comes to New York m urgîcal treatuient. "The reported qtb of Gen. Joue Maceo was lu no way e o aileged dissensions witit (eu. Gar- iaîsad Col. Mora lci. *hen Gea. ciea landed G(eu. Maceo wiliitiglY turn- over his command and umade a cougrat- %tory speechbt te army. lie served oer Gardla ln the previous war a ld id tat hoe vas glad to do 80 agaunl) ,rcely a day passes wiitout an engage« et lu fasteru Cuba. Amosut thte viole vince ot t3ntiage de Cuba l1 now il] h ande of the Insurgeats. The arm, i fifteen piecesioftfileld artillery maDie, mont eutircly by Americani. We cal the Wilmington Bnttery, lu remeni uace ofthlie assistance gîven 'ils bit i zensg ot Wilmiigtorl, Dol. Witat thq hatisinuit uced now win5,000 Mur e." EIX SHOTS WEBB FIItED. iclunnati Ladies, Tellor 'Vonnded aud ]HI$eWifc Klied. Early Thurmday morning six sboti wer eard at te realdence of William iley, ladies' tailor aud fumrier, et Cii mnat.i. re. Wiley vias fouud bîcodin m i Be ballet wouudusud ber husitar nconsclous, with a huilet-hole in t ~It temple. Thte woman died. Wuley« ruud wam mupenficial. They have ha risquent quarols sud weno meparated, bu egan t0 lire togethor again about thrE 3onte ago. Wiley maya hlm vite eht àm and h liten ioized the revolver ai] cd at ber. lie came from Loulavil Lb0u1 fiften years ago. Twclve Thoueiand Strlke. Twelre thoussut New York coat ta! )r were or4ered on strike Nveduosdt nriug lu entorce igien prices tro 1e vitolesale nmanutacturerisud to Bti reuewal oft he task aud piece-work sy tem. T1he large vitoiesale mauutactu ers were takea by surprise, as il haut lis gven out that a strike iait been deemi ladrîsable lîy thte leaders. À commîtt f fifteeu ot the Brotheritood of Tajilo in accordamîce with carly instruletioi êl a march on te manitiicttirers iiitillg ail the con tractors' stops. (iýt4 number. iiu New York, andl 250 inBrou ly andit ro wnîille, soit notifyingt wunkers to quit torthwitit aud report hoîr headquiirtcrs. Up to noon th( were 4,000 talons ouit iu New Yorka 4,000 more of lte total ut 8,000 were4 pectld 1 quit wonk befone the close he work day. Theo 4,000 tailors iln Fro( yn and Brownusviiie wero oxpected to Si n the sirike, as they hait iecîd'd emve layi agO. ____ Towncr on the Picket Line. The military information division of tVar Depart meut bai juRit issued a ,'oii tlevoted prnucitrnlly te a description grnt itetail of lte large military scli ot Europe. It aiso inluies a topicai per by Lord Wolseley dlgcussing ther sihiiiîy of a hostile invasion of the B lob isîci, ami a curious publication of regulationi for te use of wan dogsinl German army. l"rom lte latter il pears ltaIttere are neally sîîcbh hiug5 ..doge of war"' and ihal itla a part of fonctions ut the tGermau soutier tlu t rarefuily certain itreedi of doge to hlm la both hostile aud deteilsiveo ou tdons. Tite doge are not îitnded aclîi lu figit, but hy training titey are miad, value ln watching campl, lanjîlket dut, carrying dispalcites and iu lookiag uîigsuug mcen. Wal Another Convention. Goit standard Democrats willhol national convention nul laien ttnn 8 2. Where Ibis convention wiii fie L aud bow the delegmîtes will 1we reauinayeo lbli ietemminet. Titis in holvever, wAî decideit bythe exeel coîumittee o! sou1nd.mouey bemnoi viîich met ini lie club roonsuofthlie Ly id de in Lil e ed ýre T. an- mng nd te kd tut e hot ind lie ait- day imup tup >en ttc or, l'y Ook- tiie t t heri ex 'ok- uoiti wl n in a lic rait )a per ty,i Id (ci tep! clud ucq iuei 'nsi Ch t ail )n0 new lté ad- eo ebe mia es. B3ANKS EAGER FOR THE DOLLAR CERTIFIOATE& 1 CiagU-CnTlcmu le r Speed o! Four Miles an "Our Made hy s Tandem Machine- A w-nIer bicycle viticit bas iteen eceutly buventeit vas uesuly leslcd Sunitny ln thte Potomac river, nean Washington. The lest demusraledthttc act thiat hi- cycling ou vater may itecome i tasci- uatiag as bicycliig ou land. Tite uev bicycle lis atandem sud carricd tIvoIseo, vitose combIned. veigitt wae 350 peunda. Il je calleit a Iydrocycle. Titis la inoual- ou between Ivo cigar-stapeit ar-ight flonte, andt la operalcit by peitails sud pst- dieu, suit is ileeneit by a fin resemhîiumg te ail o! a îbank. Titougit s ipeed of ouby tour milesanu heur won attaineit, It is cîimedt lit under more favorable crumslancea ton miles can ho imade. At the Treanary. U Ne gold veut out for export ialan4ay and te ebly witdnawabs vere tomesie, $307,100 for hoarini ad $5400 Ia geit hans. Ounteotiten tand, $1,490,000 la got coin vas tepueiitdlunthe utInas- ury by Nov York bankers,, laking the gold réeorve nl the close ut business stand ai $103688180. Tie ti ber finaucial con- tons are also comini fonvard te einforce the reaiurY, suit gobd won uffee in ex- change for legal ten nouzto tei amoumt o! $1,00,000. 0f lhiî Chicaigo oltereil $2,500,000, Pitil&delPhiam $2,50,- 000, und Boston $1,000,000. Grain ]Rates Are Cul lu Ttc Kansas City, Fort ýkott anuit Mcm plus Llailroad eut lie expert grain ati tront Kansas City lu bbc Gulf et Mexico Lnenrly lu Ivo Fiday, auaouaciug a ati ut 16 cents per 100 pounits on vient and e 10 ceaIe ou coma troua Kansas City to i Southt Port. Tte sînshite teieepes yet eruade infe te présent grain rate wai bl wams tambeit. Tie Memaphis ubso annune- et a proportioruati rate o! 10 'cents pet ,f 100 pounits on grain mnt grain producU t- rouaKanasmCity bu Me-uPlli$. I Demnsatratioul for -Cecili thodes. 1Te correspondetfthu ie London Timei ut Cape Tovn aays tint a crovitet um siastle meeting hue been ite'din luavor 0o 1 e tite rolnelatemeul o! Cecib Ititodmeas mat le agiug tThoctoi o!fte BriîitishCimrtere( in SouthtAtican Company, tuttaI int o 19 te eiinnd it luentinal peuple ofthi 1-coleuy venu absent f nom tito meeting. t- Minera Resorlte Violence. e News mached Boise, Idabo, tai sînil e iii minon aIMullain cxploited teflum p- ufthliButer mineeaI htintplace vîi t; as nate anu i red into a boanding ions( Oe Gev .McCoulli vaa vired ton aisistane( innLucame of turter trouble te overr iM meut vii ho aiskeitte ont dFeuléral îroop 'a 10 te icone ut difficuty. of Feu Dead front ilm is ccie. in Frankt Earsiaw, presetothe bitb !o Barugitav Sîeamnslip Company, sud or ofthbie mot preinilut mon in shiippin sud commercial cincies la Philaiteiph ticul vcry suddeiy ai bhlmenuamer mai a Ion ah Ciostaut Bibi. Ueîvae i pl. mouabtini a bicycle vitea sîiekein don M. ini the rsence ut hlm@ tnmi!y. b,ý feunrance Couceru lu Trouble. iv At Albany, N. Y., Superbtentent icy Inaurance J. F. Pionce reporte toteil hil- Attorney Géonerai that tite East Riu Miutuel Inetimaîce Corporation, Long li and City, lh an insolvent componai Thon iq a déficit lu the compnuy'm Cal àn- lai stock o! $115,188. wu in- Busmh Flues Rsglnc. ck Aong te Nothein Llilwîay, hetwi te Wbateou nit aitGositen. uhatfirem lia ea taraud many barnne and railoadtlies.. 'a- Vancouver a housean su teamer wv eu- hismîme. Unloss ain ~mes soon lai tracts of timben aloug tie Fraser Rhi wilI ho destroyet. te ' itanlu <ambler shoot. Hlns,1.t se-~ A. C. Giffont, esiler ufthle Anîcrie 'u Brunit ut Commence, New Yorit city, co 'c" itteit suicidé. le tad situwn oigne aas meuti tl eî'aagemenb andit lbim uppoo Led lie vas lemporarHy Insane vien ho s] tinuseif. Hlm books are- sait lto e orre o! Divorc Çr e Joai. T 09u.6 Uncle Sam lumues su Artintie Bit cf ]Engruving - BardEXzperience of s Peusylvmflla Maa-matters Mucb Zonier at the National Treanrl. Ail Want the New Note. The Treasuny Deparmnut at Wamiiu ton has aiment epruai a senstion ounte country lunte leate of te £ewone-dolitur ellvercecrtificate:. Tite bill tan prove vcry popular, sud demnuda for l have come in frei naksin lual parts of te country. The officiais have been obligît te put as unit on te aiount Llat viii te laeued for te proeut ho any oae bank, and the figure le lxed to$5'00. Tiene has been evcry day siace Tburgday, viten lte notes firel came out, astmingi of appli- canto for titei, like titlea a box ounes at a pupular plajitoumi. For titreo veeks people have eet vrlig itit lucloitires o! cash amking for au excitange. Boune of te bauke have offoroit gol1d for te nnotesc, ait these have nalaseen .accommodated te tite full amount offer- cd. In al about $16,000 ofthelites ebas bien drawn out lu Washington, vitile nmie $W0,000 bas gone t0 the country ai large. Oven $25,000 was sent away Bat- urday. Itinleouly a question uf a short lime wteu titere viii ho plenty te iuppli evcry call. LOST IN TUE FOREST. Age mo Mn Tramup* ln Denie Woods, Living on Tuee Barlt. Richard Kiugdoa, au aged Wilkesbarre, Pa., mn, vent Intelte oode Mondai, tb pick heriisud bih bis vay. The for- et la alive will i vldeals, sud hi uir protection waî te keep contluually mor- lin. ]Re waudered miles upon miles ln lte forest sud live upon the berrîie and il re. hark. Bi* faittful toi remalne< y witit hlm and guidot hlm lowant a moue- 7tain ereain tiat flowed nuder the rockm k. and bowideri. While restini aItt!@ spot a sitnihi whimlle of a loc itvecm bi hiears andt ho wearily rampedtoluar. i te seunt. Ho reaches te edge of te dforest at lengt sud vae touat ty fiaheu- Lmceniln au exitausled condition. It if 1!doubîful if ho recovers. n WA&TER CYCLE A SUCCESR. $3.50 bu $475;Itt, cmintep uuggm $3.500 lu$.7; shep, tai o iceg te00t $3. 5; ite, mt, c e teu$375;Ne. 2, No. lu2e nt, No. 2, hon o . 2,e m c to.27c; entbu Noe;'bu cboice creamery, 13e bu 15c; eggm, ft 10 e tolle; neîv poitues, per msiel, bu 40c; Ibroum cura, commun sho' citoice dvant, $23 lu $110 per ton. Indiinupolis-Cabtte, giliîPlug, $31t( $450; bops, citoice lit, $300 ba e meep, commu a tpimue, $2.(M) 10e$; viient. Nu. 2, 54e te 55c; C0711, N n-hile, 27e lu 28c; unis, No. 2 wile, te 21c. st. Loui-Caîtlh, $3.510 t0 $450;1 $.'100 le $3.751; vient, No. 2, Si, 5àc; emr, No. 2 yebbuv, 23e le 25e; No. 2 vhile, 117ctalu 9e; ryc, Nu. 2, te 29c. Circinnti-Catle, $3,50 te $4.50;1 p.00 lu $40(0; eieep, $250 lu $ viteat. No. 2, 59ece le 1e; cra, I mit cd, 2te bte1e: onte, Ne. 2 mixed le 22c; mjc. Nu. 2, 28 e tu31c. Detrit-Calle, 2. te $4.751; $300 10 $3.751; ieep, $2.00 bue viteat, Ne. 2 mlet,1cto 04c; cumu, yelow, 27e tue e; nta, No. 2 vitt te 'lie; ryc, 111e lu33c. Tolt-hent, Nu. 2 ret, flIc t< -corn, Ne. 2 yellev. 26ce le 28e;.unt 2 vile. 17e te lie; ryp, Ne. 2, 111e t( dlorer seet, $4.U15'bu $4.451. Miwbe-ïet No. 2 spring lu 58c; con, No. 3, 2(;c te 28c; onts 2 wite, 2oct l2e; huuley. No. 2, U 32e: mjc, No. 1, 31c te 32c; perk, $6.00 te $6,25. Buffilo-4jiattle, $250 la $4.75; t$3.00. te $4.'15; oh@@%t.$3.251 le1 whital.Ne. 2 et. 1Me te 65c; comn 2 yelldts'. 82e t0lec; cals, No. 21 22e ta 24C. New.. Iork-Ca>tle, $3.00 t0 $4.75; Ck- me ly- se. c. an- )Ps Dne in ln. ist te ïer mi1- Sn. pi- la Al arge Iver lean Sm- mced bhol oect. 1 ý 1 1 ot to rd àe ýe ffl Prnoff mas 0# lova 11mai17 CRU"u . io ai m e. tien. George W. Jope., tit oldeit m>s viviug eij-Uuittd lIstes Seustor, dutd Wedueudsy ight at Dubuque, 1#1w%, aged WL He vas boru lu Vianoes> 1lad. on April 1214804. He gave <ov. D=ïg valuabie assisetance lu the Blsck H wk war. iun1it13he wu.i appoiuted as indfe of the tenilory. Hovs, noualated as cougreiional delegate for the Very e, tenîlve Michigan îerritory, tu Whkh PO- ition ite was aimoît uuaninonmlY re- eected ln 18317. lu 1840 <Jeu. Joues wnm appolted urveor genersl, f rom vicit office ho vag removoit hy Preideul W. H. Harrison. Ho. vag reappointet lunl81M. but resignedin lu184,4 10 ake hlm .0ai Senator for lovi, vhlcb place ho bob! two terme. 1'nesident Buchanan appoint- ed Senator Jones minuster to Bogota, lu Stouth Americi, witcuce ho sm rocalled lu 1861. Soon after hlt arrivailu Amerca ho wai placeit as a primonor of ste lu Fort Latayetto for writlag a prons! .leter 10 lm isuitn, Jefferson Devin. Hi romainot several mout, lu confinment, and upon being elease thook np hlm remi- douce ah Duituque. hince the van te huit lived a retineit life. PARIS BA" B801E MARROW. Thlnly @presd Upon Bread It Bas BO' couse a Popular Breaktaet DeliceeY. Pari nov ecuperates on boue marrow. Âften te tailure or Dr'. Browu-Soquarit to rejuvenale the world, the senrch for tite rping of perpetuai1 joutlioa heen taken up again witit undimiulsitcd ardor. Tièe agent vitit viich thlé tadoitbeautY uo1w seeke 10 itriug hnck te ruses lu ber citkm and te roundus lu ber torm ihbor.m marrow. Boue marow le te sfti, fatti appeaing malter tound lumîdo lte itoibe 4boues of animais.Il bas feeu discuvered rthat If bouc marrow le nol te lîzir -i yonti, t, aIbailit is a powerft Ol il. Boul' marnow hi nov served lu Partsia-à rom *tanrauti, spread raw upon thîn milceo là o! bread la a dalnty manuer, and ilah i aito10bt a very palatable monsel. Ever. i une easIilt o cna afforîl le buy it., tud 1-butcheri ire furnasied vîit a new hranch mof iudustry. Tite lîg boucs outhlie oz d are aplil uiwen, tiet arruw extractet, a 0 It te then eaten withuut furtier preparsi à -ticn. il, 1- te te id to et iir c- er ýts es iu- of ýn- ed of hé, BESIDE HIM LAY 7THE BODY Or- ftMlivev. nths e tim&o oibt A BANDIT. iel es o01 he mcntd dni nobbem'es ever perpelimted Iu auj cily, Chlicge ov rte gly, for the perpetrator5sare lu Fesrtuilty Fatal Markaimnbip tn a cuatedy' For nome timè lte Police bave bat out them drag net snt have arreuet Colifornis Duel- (bld Remerve Secuni every muLDicOUB chanaclen 1h07 havis lu No Fuinîher hianger-Bloody Af-tant u inte ciby tray Raported front n Floridu Town. limite. More titan Sheriff and Hichwajiitnfl h01. been itaniet 1h11> The bodiesofSutblenif David Douglas; lte Cele, but Il le autduunknevu iigiwaynian vere Mon-tn tat er-li day tonne lying a tcw etd part lu à ~mou havi bien woote bye m iles truru N ev ada Ciy, Cal. m lc t d n th Thene vereilve cmply Chsamerslu te luipiesi Totl es piaboof e!the Sheniff, vitehait been el rtioii it. feu sre Red Sul- titrougit the hennI sud lu th ingiti Cyi livan aud Juin antd ita ni. T tc b alets utf th eS iteniff litO rm e, the le at- goue Ibroug t hlie obbers beant, abom enu V rs oft htie gang sud tl. Thte unkuovu inumd n ile. I o hiave tecome b ut il h all net b eu use-j. Il le su ppeseit tam ou ls s *th D onîlss n-as siot hy a co liît 2ite (ftc nîto g ud th lthe lgitvyman. A numben ef boItl iEd U.IVI. ln u b hlgws rbitnie eectl nîsute ~ shunt men," Thomas 3eGovaut, mi- hite aigtbnieit hae aly semeilu lue cbaeb Monaban, Jaimes Dempsey, Barnel tevoit bo une insu, vitu ste i tcosit-HuaI, Alfret allasit-Slepj'" Barbe. Je- te aut o pnivbeurcnuostou le rConds- sept Gordon, Jeese Titames aut John escand Nevat Cityries oter nd$ isMcLauao. The police are still lookiuui fer teputNev adCity.en oThenuni Itm afnsl@Jesse Thanîci' Tic otitenm are untor am- te capture lie roithor. i"inniiy Sherif tst Douganas, bellevlni a large iquai et Al o! ttc prisuanrsare entier 22jen tepulie servedtal put te hitgivajuan o! agi, but are oIt lu crmei. Dune of Ion hlm guart. tetermineul lu attempt te thernt ere valis asui oothils e h i cita@esinugle bandetandut marted out Sun- neyer kucu s hume; obiers are the vicious D day necompauieit ouly by his dug. The ehltdren ot reiutecteit parents. Il vis e oî o î eune t ai udigiti, sut at day- vhbile confuneil lu te I'ontiac reformmslor Srea rseaciing partiîe imnekei thttcBier- al jean ltaI a criminaengairalion vas ýçIf ate e@pot viienelho îay tead. formet amorgtit ea, aI ite Intigtîion ot e '~O r m e , v it e is 1 e a n u itd . A ue n ite b o u n t Y EIPORTS OF GOLD CHECKE.D. encit memben o! the oietj 1 lte c ter w - by a pieuge etfieatit. Any oee uo lie- il Cosnnitteof u N'ew York Baukemi lMe- trajet anotiter menîrof ethbie socielj er porte s Plan IWhicis la Adopled. viitbolhe put te deuIl. If amesiet and Lo Thte commilîe ut even ipNinteÏ t aIý,t on titi vituesu stand and lete ld te 1 lte receut meeting outhttcexctatuge tank- erut lie, le ws te i btln itit >8 ers lu devise a5planton jhe preveallun 'Meut muon. I ieho su pt lu s polices ma o! golit exporta turing te nut nlncty gvest box aud hetrayed tiu cumrademaa .y tays, preseuteit a complote reporbtelte bollet nus to eut bisiexisteetabte final il full bodyityaaI eetiugeeli aî. i the offices opportuuity. Ounte othterhaut. if une o! th ot J. P. Morgan & Co., lu New Yomit, thon vas capturer!ans! romaines! loyal, :1 The plan vas pronutou c ffeccbirécamîd *very effort was le ho mate ton bistne- wansm unsnimouîaly adlulted nmîieitecont- gesse. NMeuej vas.te oet a titiMe Lmitice tiecIarýget. Tlîý plan viii tulle cf- gallnt, il vas arranges! that t uic eoi fete hImc-iately. A miinbter of!tlie rui ut J. P. Mo(rgai k &Co. suil ao puliei n. tatemet corutdlielntle t t hisa m he. De- l i p s i t m b y lu o c a l h- i i k au t l t h e s ii tr ù i 5 , l l Y e tat u p $ l100~ mind % ell the- gra u t g- ta gregabe te $18,0lS.(KJi. OI RACL WAR IN V.RiA utFour White 'Meusand Tua "Neugseu ot liqrlemi Kiuied.-. mnr Il is r<.tonteitliatilaraie van tas ne- cf. urreul miboul t tuv iil!ijlce ast of Jaspeiir. le Fl., lunvîieh i il i ire killeilanul d s o e n s e ' -i o n s y , v i i b i d . T e t r a g e d y i s ea said luaimave tatou îihiuie aItliagîmmn" et turpunline s1,lh eîre many ilugroes are Semployet. b t la re-1iuted miaI te ilm ,.men gare a pmrty. tnuit while il w1..i.ii ýx- progresa onuuni r Aif btebe iinîutot At autdlte mioolîiiîg m.îiiet. te et r- & olul Wiuu RemunutluRouie. Tte rebporlnt the uipopule hlaitoffereit Cardinal Satolli tire viole of nuturuluing CIIIEF Or tOLICt BADEitOCIT. te hoeme or remaiiu imt bis ir4nîtul'eulst' wen tal go late vitîcer court ruenta u- anuthtit Ille latter course hall l'A-eu te- theïr associate might ho la wlit ttimpis ity. clded rpu, in, le eied by carnlmlSatobli. loils, staud uff ttc bailiffs, shoout ovu the tri Il lunfficiaily i' ttueilt bli 110 atriceai pelice vie migitl eeeil 1jui, anditfiy ck. le a chaneim n uplans bave bhieca mceivem, vIth t.he reSCîet une, n lule evoril res- 'd's sudt itI il le; abnioit a ertauulîr Cardinal, nue ila scourt rouai n-ast nulfavorab!e, 'hi Satolli yul go bavit to Itoie aI er te îhey huallsauluier sctenue tor nescue. Trit ry. issetullini ut t 'e mîxt îiîîtrw-heu vas tt olun-thetrain oun's-itîviim bis stitce"ssr ttilic eiuuouiid. eonvivted sicocittu nubd e ho huit il p ker hevica l as ilu'tte couintry aud balle hlm enSîcer agsi . im aiee. - off. That in.lime hit utf young feIuius the utd F'or lv. e hourtna i dity a 111 T exil polce tîpartricut liae b-cii Bghîrmtg "oY mIser ici! bhe atte-ntiou o! the imofle <f egalumî ail mpr@iig sa i suamiren. C bie! "In Alleghen, l'a. Mir. Josiihî Niai w-ns Batlenocit mnys thin is lifem i md "», knockditt low n andl triuiil içmim.Au- vt thbie knowleIi.llwhit hilasu re h a l e t h e r n i i un l ub i u r k i n . w i i h t h e t u u i i e g r u l e lie a s o f m( vi r ge. m efr hookut w i t P iri nms. A n'an met viti a more buiî.tth!iay uno bint-n nauniet Thomas tira- anu penu ummbrela onganizet bauditoutthàîr>e ina tIL, ciii andut Ite beaet. T'eflc sri agi iih, o n-w'tich Ormie butt îigticn. tis brella ou ilsibe-nus nad vidutgît it off. Ini Fmbrnry tie ganig w ho bail fitîstîvi be Inahlie u.t l'ark-the iiimalnui ns shot. thuein ternîais lim e rcti.rîinaîry h,é gan lte tem de1reda t i. Cuiimmi s w. (ru-bt-lut Ieu Druizist 'lablued tatDe-ith,. op oui 13cm wly born it utl mi!.Ilui. .almt.oil sd .N.Cbi.Irsd-lo!tleinoeevery inî,ma mîve mi .îuittii,; tlimeo-u State IBoardlof i luairniacy, îv:is siuctbery anu ilteViit.lfls îij (c i îî w re ait hilitlun('aimo, ilI. h otheuii îghmt. tounit uncouîseuuîuîsin il(. iiater. 'lliei vw i l e o u i s r . y to u mt e a t r a in f o r r t h u g s tr a s e m n u u l t i e ir o p e m ua t -i s m v t ir e lni Sp rigfi ed mu mttiffl a iietiltg il! theo longe stores uni t hle uiîr.i. ti lre IlbIy - B o a rdl, b y D rn. (m iu ttr e , iii fr oin l t o f t h e h a vr e b e e n a a n i i ig . N I re t ha ïe a s - m uto ltter's du gstor,. ('abtr e la lu jail. ot business placs have iti-ti robliet n ll e. C effee w as s Im -Ii t vi l e iit . a im gg r , une m a nrd b ahum be ecu ti um itet. T ' i tum- eue tinust rm ciçing thme liiirt. iBotiaiea mure ires have nom it e a cm ic i s da ue vin' wre p uiilietit druggifzta. ta the tact M!at tie rnuluh rs haie mue- m et ih resiaamce. for bliiy neme çrvçamad Itis Corns (rup inu lmlmmi. taIaltimem lu shoot îiova wioevi-n ap- pa-Corn titis yerir iniOklahonimuul w-h e i, Pose ietteiru. Tbuir methoeul shuîîuîb .a- I a plentitîil fiit i p o libly wv. hing n t rl.ably wviiti eeu r a tre , tnmmn mu' uv- esmono tham 8 'unis a.i hle. Amide frott ens, gel lire trop un ail relemît aud ilien a ten districts, vitere thte crp vas tri- g rattic m uuiey box an di scap e ut-to e ims juret hiy bail iuuîneciliiîtd 'îc tighntened propriet-ons, employes or cms- reltortet. anu i l a hotiglit tht there w-ll toulere coti'itregain them mcries suiti- hoeli a surlusof u mnosî limait a iiillonibueh- cientîy ta etc. hmebhie Ivu mmn dît item, ils inla te bemiory to shîlp. lte robbiug. souietilweiitirce, fourtmm fire, 2.510 N. K. Firbank Tablou nit Appeal. btinlu ealj every case a ImmilInianint 58c; N. K. Fairbanit, ot Chicago, refuses le àushorta lt oomaIcadnrcparîta-il i,1Se puy thiejuiigmnimt wviiciDavidi Bebaîco ull atterbire eecmit lIen. ebtaimicit againat binlalnte New Vomit Yty iese Iw'e vtitoîmt assistance. 'rhe reh, Suprem e Court o n $11,1953, b mseit upon all minsu v evc n b . T tc short Inuim , ' im a caim for services e uter ut ha rans- a t a md face covere t itit blotchera imîîu I I te omming Mmi. Leslie Carter troin a tl pinîpies. For veeke ttc police seeniît bea ty e o e o Ile l adi g a tre ses of du inounde . A m s b l ate m ig t te 0 tcte ay.1 urthe etmgaimse tnoes opentel ns boidly as if no peles P.75 te t a.offleen exîsted. M5. FeIl Deudtfrain Heurt Diseuse. The actlvity dieplureu by te gang w,sn Nu. 1 IIti Jante Scoielit. une cf Ith adjlty mdhn urnmnietli tteevm ?,9le o!flte San Antonio, Teas, Normal Col- loge, droppet dent utriteaml disease wviie bogs, dliveini a lecture on psyscitology tefune se te lte clame. Bite va, ut higi t uanding la outs, eduestional n-omkith ltlab. r.2e ucooea (o Down vlth <roei. Tve Frenchit fihlingcews ireport aI hogsq, St. Juitn'e, N. F., tisaI thîechooner Anam A clnth mnllu aDean Creka.y Auel aove ustin. (kilo., F nynii4 jsul dova a rsubît vît ut ateni ht ignt, owhnot oly dit grefatertimmuage property. bunt causedlit eas t damaeute tvoelyli. Aardthe og ae f titnte ornt elgies.u A nnîluof. vniersl ivigta omrll boue jutiil bdlowere ovig in euearl ue st bbîir paries U ul oar leu, utt. hî1er, aiett1 leuD' girl, vued. tiitii alty vas svo geircwhoug ar wtes arc tI n bwtsuitv ut litengsrtie s arokon t for botstdi suihe trenjn is einit trboiee bus ei( ano In ut b Ilit eatreere hsore poeple ofupimg as uug boIt scres uto pepecabin ao nuit h idle of0 Wreî 'wrohdoveanlud iecwtie os, ceb it e ice townine bu directvin$ e Goldt en, Coo., îUe tves a knw. tA Glesudliouîats ut dolars' omî,tO prupeandty l a'diof lar't.tI Camapera Percbed in Tree@. At Sprnugfield, 0J., a clouiturst ucci mcd Tbursitay nigilanuitfiuoded te cit Thtepeopilaeinteetot eut murvedItal ounscunu o!fte evetow ut Buck cre'l A crovit ut ypung ecampons netItedmond uuibb vene percied inu trées aIl nigit. 'I dtamage in tiecouuntry viii ho veny iteav Iteaded Up in a Parret. AtBSn Fraucisco.,'rhumais Valk touad iteisboy boumît anuitgagged as beadeit up sectirely ini a bamcl vitic i lunte yard ut bis ucîigibor, Wilbia Watts. The Iiu o utem, vlio une peddbîi hait quarreiel. anuitWàlker charnges th Wats nteudedIt o kilt hle ou iu revemi Heavy ]Raina lu Kansas. SumthernuKansas aud sontierna i e western -Misseuri have experieucci t () teavie i nammfon yearsa nuitcouaidenul e daniage viilrcsîîlt. AI Coffeyviblet dVeritigris river ie isiug rapiitiy. Guid 0 City,. Mu.. repo~rts al sîrcamn isinga r comsiderable daimage tolie tu tiax. r Filo Figbl Over a Puto. At Grecuiburg, l'a., Dr. A. J. Ili -rma, a trustee uft he l'umuusmus Presl Leian Cittrct, unit Dr. G. C. Park New Kensiuglon, a former memimir out arne cougregatioîl, hait n rougit-nuit-I e bbilght as a reiult a iiffeence oftop a-Ion regitriig a pailor. 3f uàgene Spuller la Denl. n-At Dijon, France, Emgerie Spulen,i td iian, jou r isii nit suthor, in. dt A aET eiITATONB ---* ë 1, 1 lie

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