Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 31 Jul 1896, p. 3

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- WAmîbte Candidates of the People's Party. !W1D SCENE ENACTED Nebraskan Carris the Conven- tion with a Whoop. Uey COastes of thse Platte"' le Nansa fer P enet by More thau Two- ?hirde Njealty et the Popalist National Cemr.ntlon-illa nuat te ue Wlthome suvatî for a mate la lanoed-orent Coaimsion At- gund the Calou of the Roll. ,W. J. Bryan vas nominaedali t. Louis Sturaiay afternooa by the 1'opulias asa their candidate for 1'resdent et Vie Unît- ed state.. OaIy two ater eandidatea were nanti- mtai t e ontet the fied againat Brym Ou. vas Secymour Y. Norton, a awyer faon Chcago, aid the ther wam (Je. Oo01..The. genercna nme waa vitt- PElIMANENT CISATIPLAN ALtEN. dlria before the baloting waa begua. Blugen. 1V. Deba wouîtltiave been s can- didate had hi' nt et a rnesgaige te the eonvention îicclining te accept the nemi- sambon. The veîing uwas ail eue way. ad Whou the re.suit mamiaunuumed Wtdham broIe lIosea. nd!paî.neniiai rgneal fer Itteen or îwenty ainutes. The 'rext4. Arkasas and %lainenid,ile-,u-the-rond Me. with tîeir gîliu ;,tî,teck no pat in the dro:i.t.i iThe de-fttî Ttaiea lianally easAipl t ct1wtiir a-iint -lont the lett et tihebhall, about ;») ina uunaer, andl made a coutnen eîîîanîi .. hey cheeredan d yelicdnd piti~îaindlouCt for ten mintes. 'ibe argeauts nt arma ver. pcv enes, te restene order. and, af- t er rapîping for lve mintitms Chairnîma Allen deel»red M. Lryau the ncmnne et the convetoa. * At the irstai esien Irilay the anti- UcwvaAl people moved a echamnge the rutec 17 ud milke tbe nominatimon ,f cinlidaite for Vice-lArcsiuent the iraI urden et business, pneedtag the nomination fer t'resideut. Itvas generaIly uniiensooed Ibis was a test vote on the Sewali propostien. and sna t the antt-Sewatl peple were victr- ens by IdO majeily. Gea. J. Bi. %eaven. chairman of the uommittee on resolutions, read the plat- Sortu as agreec a eby tbm majority ef the e ormmttee. Markeal applause was giren te the pro- monacemeat ton tree coinagp of silven, a gsanst lnteremt-bearinig bonds, the d.- aunclatien ofthtet position et the proeut adininstration on the bond question; the icorne tax provision, anal the Caiban ialk. lTe platform a avidoxteluna nle after te mlnority reporta et Dîe galet Kirby ofT 'exas anal Coxey et Ohio ba een reJecteal. The convention met fer its crening ses- gdeu at 6OM )o'clock and speechcm, nemi- aating candidates for Vie-Presideul vire declsned te bie i'n orden. Hait a dec- eu candidates vere put up. Thomas E. Watson et Georgla had the greaical auna- ber etfienda. No tcwcn than two dozen speeches yeemade la hia behaîf. The ether candidates named were Sewall, Bliner of Natit Carolins, Burkitt et Mississippi, MimmsetfTennesseeanal hie 'age of Virgînia. Ail the candi- data smee ali worm frena the Soutl, $*ere being a tacit uderstandtng titt a .trmlgitt-out Populît from tit section abali he placealoen the ticket. Whoa te roll waa calleal Arkansas starteifft viii twtcty-ive votes for Wat- ton. Mr. Pkttenaon et Coloradlo eas the farty-ilv votes et bis State for Sewati emad'a round et applause tronathBbrya mape. Indiana gave ber thirty votes te Watson. Kansas gare Seavali ighly-two et ber inety-flvm votes. Louisiana gave tàIbl hal e ievote te Watson, Mary- ftuàdilvideal iemrvote betaveen Smwall antd Wation. Northt Carolinaicat item anety. &y# votes fer Skinner, Tennessee voteal heMIhame and Texasa for Burkibt. Thiti qil pt te'lange igiegablons. '4etore te MU ;j a s v. ompieteal, iowecer, Texai oaigod ber voie te Watson ad tien w.e ýOthoe h a lufavor 0f the »"eCOM 'fMiisippi buaB&me TU034tAS 3.WATBON. Ton. The (Jeorgiau already had votei enougb te nomînate, but the vote of Tea- Desese a. llnaily tesnsferrmd to hiecoi- umn. Some one mmde the motion tom*ke the nomination unanimona and litvas carried vîith B wb00o. ilonabor Allen calied the convention te order et UO.3 o'clack iiaturdmy maculas- Atter the invocation the chiuma au- neunced that thte firit thIng, la order vas the seection of members etftthe national committe. aid tii.committeem 10 notl te candidates for Preaident aidVice- Preaident. Severil resotutlena wcr. pre- mnted aud referrcd witheut readiag or ulebate. Weavcr Name. Bryaaà. The cheirman tien ceilldton thc nomi- nation, ef Preaident andl Vice,-Presldeut, and Judge Green et Nebraska tol the stage te, place Mn. Bryata nomination. A Texas delegmté interrupted witb a point of onder that .the Sitates muet ho cilloa ta alphabetical order for nominations. badge Green wes drîvea off the stagu by the Texans& point of orden. Wituu Ala- bama was called Gev. Koib yielded 10 Oeu. M'eaver of Iowa, bat Col. Gaither of Alabama get ta the plattor i rst aid interjecteal a speecht about joining the cotten fielda ofthte South witb tihe whcat fields of the West. At te conclusion of bis remmrka (Jeu. Weaver came for- ward and formmlly placeal Mn. Brya in nomination. (Jeu. Wemver in bie opening remmel. aaked the convention net te applanl, aid the delegatea ltateaed te bim withont mach demonstration. But whea he con- clnded, by naming "that aplendid yonng satesman, William J. llryaa." the con- ventioa broke loose. Cheer tetiowed cheer. The delegatejumpel te thein chairs, and l tags, bndkerchîets, reste, liste and surt gaudons were waved la wild contusion. The exthustasai that foi- towed (ken. Wîfarera speeeh wamsemore- thîng terrific. Mima MIinprva IRoberts led lthe cheering ta the Colorado detegation. M'hile th.' d,-aioaatrat1on n'as et its hýeitthou fiîl o .i,es or tle iryvnn WILLIAM J. BhtTAI. )glsiaijipA..........12 a a Montana ........ Nebrasa............. ...5r M.l" ..v hBpi r.........47 :: "e'm-..........'O 2 ew York.:.:............8343-4 91-4 eorbi (laclina ........ ...70 li North Dakota........12 Ohio .......... ......... 21 17 . Oregon..........94-O 75-9 p nslal......55 Roetmd.................. Soti Carolina ............... South Dakota.......17 T ou............ . 103 e Il u ti t c IL 21-8 tAon. lUt. jJIliotey .aa « -maaesfx tu-coud" speech, la whioh h. muentionui the Dames of Lincoln, Jackaon, Washing- ton aad Jefferson, thereby arousing on- thusim. He pai an cirnt tribute te the Peeple's party, and, la brief. detailed ita doctrines%. whlcb, be ctained, iuek to array the peeple againat thoae wbo îvoald îeek te deprive thena ot their nixbti. Mary Ellen Leame came into the hall ai Mir. Denneltyilaisbeal bit addreaî and wais greeted with cheeri. She waa .lt- vited tea aseat on the platforut. Cbairman Tnnibeneck anneunced that the national committee had named Sea- ton Marion Butler et Nortb Carotina by acclamation for temporary chairman. The fight wbtch waa exp.ected on Butler'i me- lection did not materinlize. Somnehedy on the elatform propoaed three cheers for the new chairman, and they were given with a will. Senator Butler'î speech waa long and hlm veice wai Dot capable et penetrtiaug the vaîtneaa of the auditorium. The del- egatea wanted ta hear wbat ho aaid, bow- ever. and regardkes or the protesta ot tbe ergesnt-at-arm and bhlmassitants, ran loto lte aimies and crowded arouni the plattorni. The 8enator closi with an ardent appeai te the convention te stand together. no matter what militt h. the resait of it@ deliberationa. The only routine business traniacteal by the convention wai the formation ot the usual cemmnittee, atter whicb an adjourn- ment wai takenuntil 8 o'clock. A mort ot free-for-all meeting waî helal after the convention proper had adjourneal, et wlich many men prominent iu the party voiceal their viewa. The meeting laiteal for nearty three houri. No Nlmcht session. The attempt et the convention 10 held a night sesaion was a failure. 'rhrough aOM4"dy'a esie)n ne proviaie was made for lighting the hall, and when the detegatesanmd spectatersasaaenahied there the- neretofthe big auditorieum was dank. The teleégraph cemPanlea a111t for a aupply of t.iltew caudlea, with which they lighted the tables et their operators. They alao furnisheal candlea te the newa- paper correspondenti. and the tiickering ligita h'raing ta the twb press section@ were the only illumtnateion in the hall. They serveal te throw tantaîtic shaduws acreai the floor where the delegatei were assembled, bot were net iatreng enough tu enable the cenvention te proceed *witb business. Chairinan Butler arrtved Iong atter 8 o'clock, and nnnounced that as ne arrangement could et that làte heur ha made for light, the convention wouîd ad- joura catit 10 o'ciock Thuraday mering. TU URSDA Y. At 10:12 the convention waa catted tc order and at 12:42 took a recema titi'1 o'cloek. Shertly betere 10 o'ctock Sen alori Stewart cd Nevada and Kyle et North Dakota joineal Senator Allen anÉ Gea. Field of Virginia on the platforni The tait form et "Cyclone' Davis et *Texas could ho seen on the floor, tOwer -ing ahove the dotegatç-». "StumP' Ash TIIE NATIONAL CNENIO 0 ItE PEOPLES PAR1TY IN SESSION0%. Sîlver Nlarch" wcre fiuîîg bigh in air nal Alaska .......... et the South ltate, heid forth froni il tet tainlouds on the frantic delegates. Tetala ........... .......47 831 cmoca f har t 00 Whe quet as 47. FeldorSeriator Butter, the hanalsome ternporary Virginta. a-li was Oea. Weaver'i rua- WED.NESDAY. irman appeard an the piattorai. Sina- ntng mate ta 189t2, bobbted foravard on Te national convention et bbe Pej- ultanonty the banal struck up "Dixie," bts crutch, and,. atter a briet speech, tnev- pte's party was enllier!te order ta St. jid the delogates uacorked corne of their ed te suspend the rules anal malie Brya'a Leu!&li aortty atter unaou Wedaesday bý lent-uic entitiosiasm. l'ire minutes later nomination ananimeus. The convention Chairman Tiaubeneck eftihe national ceai hair1inuan Butter calleal the convention rose aiment cn masse anal checreal, bat rittee. to rder muid the 1ev. Mn. Smitht offereal aluove the chorus et cheers came tbe sharp The hall la whtch the Populiste met vas the iiiocation. entes et the Trexas mea. "Ne," "ne," the aame n which the natonal Repubti Thie relient et the comatttee on credea- tlîey yeled. Cbmtnman Allen decianeal cala convention waa helal lasi meati. ialc wa calleal ton, but ne one nesîconalea, the motion cnnied, but, yielding te the There werethbb marne arrangements as lu andl tîe States were calleal ton members proteat, decideal te alow n aIet ofStates seal&TheIb Stale detegations ene toct- of the cemmittees on permanent orgau- on the motion. The Texamea wildly cd ia the pit, each mankeal by a guidon. ization anal rsoiiitions. proiesteal. Tbe Ncbraskan having aiet- The gaileries earoal themusetres ahove There wcre nt limes long delays anal the er! that be posttlvly woald net accepi the the pi on ail aides. The ptatfonm ta front delegates grew penceptibty impatient. Th'e nomination if Swaati aas rejecteal, Rob- avas fakeal by Ibm prese benches. Tb'. rnîddte-et-tbo-roaders wrere cxtreuuely us- ent Schilling et Wisconsin attempteal ta decorations were net elabonate anal vere picious. They intirnateal that lb was part secune a recesaunatil Bryau coulal h. pacticaîiy the anme as those et the Re- 1 et the plot te deteat theni. heard froni, but be vas howled dowa. publican convention. TIhe detegates bîî- A lvaumptie Ontbuvat. 'he greateat cnfusion prevailealI anad gan ta comm in betere 10 oe:ock, but the Atter thEýannouueement et the commit- Bryan'a nomination vas seconthdal y pectators werm low ta arrnnvug. enatons frona nearly very State, andl ai l waa just 12:37 whcn Chatnmnan Tati- tee on permatent orgaizablen Ibe mena- at, atier six houri ef speech-miking. beneck calleal the detegates te onder. Iter, bora retirei!. Vhil te naînee Ibm rolcai on the ballet wasai eacheal R. Hill Smith tavokeLd the divine bleming. ore hing made a miîldle-ef-ihc-road WhenAlaama th fist tate wa Cai aterwhih Go. Sonewasica ..ttemptedl a dernonstration. twaus Whc Alham, te fratStae, ea ati iite vhcb ev.Stoo nas atrducddnrnatically arrunged. A squail et mial- ed she divideal ber vote beiwcmu BryanaIdle-et-t he-roadens suddenly longer!jin anal Norton. Arkansas gave ber tweuty- the liait througL the main entrance andl five votes ton Brya; Colonale, Connecti- -camne nboeping dowa the center migle. cul anal Delaware voteal seidly for Bryna. Delegate Branci bore atoft ri big white Georgia gave fiveofe ber alxty-one voles banner a'itb ibm Inscription: "Mialdie-of- for Norton of Illinis. As the roll ciii the read-a straight ticket." Tbm Texas, proceodeul lb becance apparent that Brya Georgie, Maine, Missouni anal Mississippi a-oulal be nomînateal belonm lb va. cern- detegations mountail their chairs anal yell- pleteal. At liq conclusion thm talty clenka t d. AtItbbsanme tîme a midalte ot-the- hmd flgured the totale, and wtthoabt uther road detegate statioel u i n !leny ler ver delay Cinirmn tAllen annouacea bbhet- thlIe pktfomhirdnd broliglithlae air ficiii vote as: Bryan, 1,042; Norton, 21; about a peckeof amati bgreen tickets, whlch Donnelly, 1. It waa tben 4:22. 8ommone broke anal tetl like a loual et stage sunow mmde a motion te adjoun. lTe chair- ever Ibm pi. lThe green tickets centaine! man put the motion anal declareal the con- tbe tollowiag inanciat ptank: aeutien adjourneal mtuc de. 'We demnal a national treaîaury note The oteby tat igtiuma by the generat geverameat recelr- Tho ote y Bltes.abte ton att public diues anal a tait legal Fottowlng la bbe vote by States, thm tender ta payrnent et ait debts, public anal total& beng titose anueuncea taete con- private, ana lobnnal direct te the people vention: tbrough postal anal other goveramental Itrya. Norton bankaSnt cost, for ibm beneil et the peo- Alabama i....... .. .... .. 281-4 143- apie, anal the purcha anal cuiînmge ot such Arkansa...........25 ~..ameunai etgotl ana lvter bîntion, aet the (tallfornai... . -.......2 1 Coloratdo........ ........ 45 " .. ratio et 16 le 1, nsmamy be aecessary te conîaeilcut......... .... 6 W. il. HARVEY. pay tbe debis et Ibm Goverament wbicb Deaware........ .... ...83 are made payable ta coin. NVe demanal Fi"îria .......... .. ......8 who, asibmhechief executtv rt isu.btathvomeemacsah pedy Id on ............ ...... 56 5 an l nt7s a m e b r e b e e r t e in re se t e an am ount necessary t e trans- Itas.. ........... .... 80 15 ntoa omtemd nadeswl c h uieso h onr uacs t dima.... ..............2 10 cemiug te Peoplea pmarty te St. Louis. hasts." loiWA ..... ........ ...... 27 1 Gey. Stoe onty hinteda t ttc paît differ-.AtronSsbn Kansas ........ .... .....192 caca t otaln btwSestsiDonc.l Kentueky .. ....... ......1 1-2 10 ncso oiin ewe1te2eort LoîtISIena ...... .. 0ana l opulit nd itopeal that lalite lb was hait an heur afien the ciairman Raine ........ ...... ....3 5 future lhmy vould nuits for te voîtare hal callealte convention to order for the Maryland ......... ..... .. 9 of the country. Tis allusion ta a Bryna atterneon session viten tic commlttee on Masachusetts ..... ...... 21 nrsm tnete erde red rdnilreoeL Wh he otr wtigapn ............... le"idcoetot i onam' renl rdnil auotd hnlt mt .......... .... . iar toa clmoýins-iof1conteste baibhoua .de.iNov York, ÏadufttgBoSVintea 10 B4Iouru sutl8 oelock, but the antt-Bryan, people o. Jected. Senator W. V. Allen of Nebraska vas nameal for permanent chairman by the majorty of the committee on permanent organization. 'l'bis was a straigitt ont- and-out Bryan recommendntion, and the Bryan delegatea stood on chairs and wv- ed hats anud handkercbietî. Then the. mi- nortty report was made. It recommended Jmes E. Campion et Maine au the per- manent chîirman. Witb a wboop aida yelt Texas' 1M dielegatea jîîmped up and Georgia felloweal and oon the "middle.- of-tbe-road" and &nti-Bryan domonstra- tien was ta fuit blat. On motion the. previeus question on the adoption of the. States began in the midât -of great con- fusion. Before it was llniahed darbueua set in and after loging a quarter of au holir the electrlc ights were turned on and the roll catI proceeded. biauy of the States had their votes chailenged, and each aide watcbed the other cioâeiy. The vote ai announced was 758 for Al- len and 5U4 for Carapion, lndicatiog à majority for Bryan. Instantty the con- vention became a meb of bowling, shrlek- ing, yelling, checring mien. Thbe aponta- neous outburat of Itryan enthuaiamm put the previoui anti-Bryan demonètration lu the sbade. The "middle-o-thc roa4" men werg game, hewcver, for one of them cnrried a banner te the front, und Texas. Arkan- sai. Tennessee and Ohio sent tijeir stand- ard@ te re-enforce it. Thle excitemeni reached ita helght at this point, and ev- eral personal encounteri took place. AI lait, atter a quarter of an hour ot almout riotous enthusiasm, tbe delegates calmed dewn and Senater Allen waa bronght to the platturm. W~hen Senator Allen ap- peared the Bryan men gave bina three bearty cheers. He wa introduced by "Cyclone" Davis and addressed the con- vention in a speech 0f consideralile lengtb. It was nearly 10> o'clock when the $en- ator cocluied, and shortty atter the con- vention adjourned untit the fotlowing morditn g. THE SILVER PARTY. White Stetal Men Raid e Convention of Ttmclr Owu lu St. Lonla Tbe detegates te the national ilver cenvention lu St. Louis wene slow lna s- sembliîg at the Grand Mugic Hall Wed- ncsday, and there worm net enough riait. ors te it ithe gatteries when J. J. Mott, chairman ot thm national committee, cati- ed the convention te order. Ho, too, wBs tardy, and il was long atler 12 o'clock when be stepped te tbm plattora anal rap- ped fer erder. Il was net surpnlaing tiat t..e delegates. the ,;altons, and the chair- man shoulal have heca sleov ta coming te- gether. The weather was inteasely liot. It waa et that variety et heat tbat on@ finalsici the ateani ruantata a Tunkiait bath. Witen the cati for tue convention hal beeuread,Ç9 ýsepiFîça acti (, Ne- Ian d,et, Nev¶t a, water1 iu ChiajnaM et as tlçnaorary citara ot te cntte analte o legatea gave bina avigerous recepten. la big speech be urged ho silverites tea upport the nom- rinpêoethie Dernecnatic party. Wma. P. St. John, et New Yortt, vas chauma for permanent chairman, and wben escerted te the platform ddressed the convention. Wbat he salal was qulte la accord wit.h the setiment@ et the as- semblage and ho get several salves of ap- platne. Thte plattona declarea la aver et a dia- tinctly Amrena llnaucial aystem, op- poses tbe single gold tandard and de- manda the imniediate retîtra te the conîti- tutional standard ot golJ d a ilver by the reatoration bY thia Uevernaîeut, Inde- pendeatiy of any toreiga power, eofte unrestrtcted cinage ofrhn gold and ail- ver into atnadard money, nItbe ratio of 16 toi, and upon termaet exact equality, ,ai tbey.existPd prier tu 1873; the ilver coin to be a full legal tender equally witb gotl for ail debta and dues, public and private, and we aver sucb le61alation AI wilt prevent for the future the demone- tization et any kind ef legatl tender moneY by private contract. 'lt helda that the power te control an d regolate a paper cunrency !a iîîaepara ble frena the power te coin nioneY, a üd bence tbaât ail cur- rency intended te cîrculate ai money mhouud be isaaued and lis volume controileal by the getîcrat geverament ouly, and hould lie a legal tender. The deciaration uuelterably opposes tbe issue by the Unit. ed States of iatereat-heering bond$inl time or pence, 'ad appeela tu the people oft the United Statea to leave la abeYanOs for the moment ail other questions, adunit* ln one maprome effort- to frec theuteefle *ud thei bdva heu t.hie *OUiUkS ,Avui gv Orne of the Mout terrible Pennaylmnlm aletem Mouaa the drowning of a number of la the Painter'. Rua dItrkçt, thc Washington County fine. Ing bouse whlcit they occupiod dowa and awept away, aid of tJ minera sleeping la il litteen aft tu have been drewned. They foreigneri, moatly Italanz, aid pioyed ta the mines ot Col. W.,P., andl the Ridgeway-Biehop Coi! (Co The boarding bouse was a litîtle settlement called Cecil, on the iue et eight-miio branch et the Panbindile" whicit teavos the Chartier ivision Bridgeviiie. The branch runae e Mcflonald and Cecil laincastud between the two pointa. The fataiity tWl curreal at 4 o'clock ta the morulag, W"~ the &mai atreaa. Piater'i Ruaev1 w empties into Chartera creek, vas ud iy awollen into a raging terrent by a ciol burat. Thte atreana had been very high. on accnt of the rein, but littie damUM had iteen done before the rush of wale which carrleal awuy the tenemeat bénie A great deal ef mining and oil properti vas demaged ta the district &longtS th rua. The wator rose some places to % depth of Pighteen teet. Tbe toianatu district wil amonit te thonsamadsaf dol- lira. Many narrow escapes are regortWdk trena the valley throngit which laltte Rua courses, and it ienet uulikely thât tome others have penahed. Serera bouses ta the valey were swept awral. The tauil.'xtent of tbe damage veoirgit by the hurricane ta Pittaburg and Ici»- ity *onday night was net known nutil daylight, vvhea wreck and ruin were ap- parent on aitt ails. Steeples wvre blovu from rhcheeanad adjoiaing buildings ~ crnsheal, bouses were imroofeal, trocs broken eff and la soe cases tore up by thce roots, while the bavoc causeal by the heavy raintatl etftiiet wcek waa repetei. Summed np, with mnay. eutlying districts te hear f rom, tic resuit in Pittaburg wns, twe ivea lest. tbirty-six personasinjured. many. it ta feared. fatalty, aidpropertl damageal te the amotunt of $100,(M0. MAUD IS MARRIED. t auchter of the Housof Walon Wedded te Charte.n fDosasarbg. Prince»a Maud. third daghter eftthe Prince and Priaces etWales, was ma&- ried at 1.2:0 oclock Wednesdany te Prince Cýh«rles, secondl son ot Crown Prince E'rederiek of Denmark. The ceremony took place la the prîvete chapei et Buck--r Ingham Palace, london. So tir ame generai publie ot London iconeerno4 tthe wedditng did net attriet ai mueit at. Il PRINCE 5<IISTKNAND ?IIS M 11» teution ai bad been beatowed upon otbe# royal marriages of recent years. Au 1'rinceîîs Maud'a proceusion entened the ~B~4~Çercbbaopofluâterirytf9b« the bride and bridegrooni Bt the aitar ad there performed the marriage service., t the conclusion of which be delivered a short nddcreii. COLORADO FLOOD VICTIMS. Twenty-uatne Pergous Known ta Rave Bera browned. The lotidbures in the foothille wemt of Denver Friday nlght, reautting lnaflood» ia which twenty-nine people are knowuL te have perished, was fotiowed gatu0dar atternoon by anot.her terrible atorna, tii. like or wtich bai aeldom been een. At Mo14rrison. aeventeen milei from fDenver, ini the feothills, where twenty-two per- sans were drowned In the tiood ?a'day night, people were terror-atrieken wheu they sawythe second atormi approaching. Hail began te falI soon atter 1 'etaek. The torna kept on with steadily Lacroas- ing force tli neury 4 o'clock. when a bieckg cioud of unîîsual density began to gather ita the vicinity of Mount Vernon, a tew miles frona Morrison. Then the cloudi turst, and la an instant B waii of watqa came down tbe guich fuiiy ix feet da*. liverythlag la lia path wasaicarried BwB7. The raging torrent carried aous with Itt hanses, berna and debris of ail kiwU Morrison la indeed a itricken city. The tead number twenty-niine. Nutucruo partiea frona Deaver, camping out at »V- ergreen. Idlewild, Iuiiodaj# ad ethcm places in the mountalua noerMorrbsc are aafe. bMany bairbreadtit escapes "d~ thrilling reicuei are rqpoelted. DamBging flood& have ilmo iwep dg the ,alies la aorse of the Eastern *u~ The general conditions titroughout Monongabele vlley la critical. l places the raina were the bel'ui à*' la twenty-five yeari. The O. ~1K will expenlence a flood !te entr. Reports frona West Virgînié, and Ohio ahow ail the triibuteriuM of t» k*X Ohio river overflowlng their beuk& damage te raliroadi and ethef litg~ gênerailand verT grest. Thevbn. crepa that were in ahoek are raineîi. The loti on highwaibrlp the raitroada la thi e uvieut cier k ** la the Ohio valleY. Two Young peop!e wh 01010 la t», îociety or Buffalo and Chieugo gar nameal town B tapie by rnuuiug their bicycees toa naa i tt gettlng marrIL-d. The ba4d.laI erna. Hanilin, the @~di s~ william Hala. 4Who le awa his fathor, Cicero J. Rasi W l ufactune et glucoem ndla tins horica. UR 1. C. TALES, Delfleai tram New Yrk City. Utah .....................: 5 Vermont ..... ............ Vrglaa......... ....... 50 Washingtona......... .....I10 Wisconsina........ ...-....84 West Vrgila ........ .....5l7-8 Wyoming......... .......6a Arizonas........ .........6 tnau nTerrttory ..... ..... New Mexhio........... District et Columbia.u. . Oklhoma .... ............

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