GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. *rudeci 4 &,rJUL 31,189. 17. -e1ýýandRentlng Agericy. ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~MRs. . . SIIERflAN, Locl EdltOr. r l.-~u roet ihms st the poat-office at Ubt(,rtYVi1k GASLK SCETE Refresiîmentlt lbe served and a 1 will find you a eustomner i Mscond-clas ISINtr.GSIJN Lodge No 115 À.F.AM rga Wilil n pa in ulFor one week commencîng Monday August 3rd, reasonable rates. hold 11dr1eUlar otnc neatina aturdaY be trendered. Everybody cone and WE OFFER Among numerous choîce bar Q Da TES MADE KNqoWN ON APPLI eVOnlng o11 Urberelmon S.LITWLa.W.eltegodcue AAII . TilouPsoN. Sec', Mr. Frank Howard and Misa Edlth i Gallon Vfinegar...............S o8s1 Ctan (,he r! iii....I.have..t.e..........n.0 i Pounud Pepper ................. 0 Can Blaekbrrie ..... ........ 06 Ubertyvillie City PropertY. -- ~~~OR08111 Cbhapter. U. D. Order Easternl Baller stole a mardi on their friends Plà l Mutad 1 Bottle Len on Extract ......r.otwt cgtro mdm os FdIor Circuit Clerk. Star ieet sad thlrd Tuesday e ven' SWedilestuythe 22nd lmat and bled % PoundAlpe ........ol2Br oi ................ 2 odwi.cýerhnd frutspicecie4 MR.E .Sii m as Be. A.PÂOaus 2Ba s ua 25goodwe......t.....aeiof...r.t.te..... ý,eby 8EfolOifce IIysIlf f5iL$( a .E .SEMA;~auay tu Mlwankee, wbere tbey vere PofdCos(520ond(at.l2 oras.ronraoaltrI. dr, J'RAYSLARE Camp No. 34IL M.W.A. nie>st îjîietly married, returnlng fto Fort 1RoeCheryPhshaeî.um.......«* 7 onis POU> d Jaa ofeF ... .. For.0 cs. nwbidn 2s et o "to te derisio f flitceLake U orsi and thîrd saturday eveaîngs of each Hillottle (Jhefty Phosphate us MaPeo1nda Crackcd Ja.a..o.........a.h tVBpleV~anConvention, nuh GEORGE KÂPPLX, V. C. '(sb1eouilosiîitnre borne........... .0Tbeyc bavea fon rtiseo$8 LEWIS . B}iOtUWAY. Gronoz Baooxs. Clerk. terftr oe hyhv h *AIZPAHCam9 ery hoit wishes of the INDEPENDENT Always the Best and Most for the Money at the eci MIPHCmNo.2U~R.N.Â.mCt econ(j The Darby iraoerts'-Iargo, bous-w, loi and -aeMn R.SHR .W wellas their many triends in ibis ""BRICK STORE.'tban nltc ,,nryS .,rmkiy noraIemot.: a _(nt-isElgin Board tfTiaeMn-Mt. H AN, Roc. W ÂvY.Oal.viceîuîy. Il' rn on Piis lo Sy t SAe o . ni. a *butter vas active. otieriiigs, nor EGAiGraiake botteaibe îollowing Ilare lot. hotifie, barn, 2 wplls.odatera, .1ui _«. 'ONIGATIONAL Church SundaY 5l Y - a&ie]lode trocs. 'îniyard, shop 22x4i tWO iâPound*. Bidldiuîg opened at %d viots 10:30a. uM. and 7:%. r.Prayerîneo't- ssr -. ietane te ae .ek ~~~I~' uuGqikyavne o1c alem lrîlzW,,duuestday eveni s P1 .CE. neet giiest erF .erafedtsepsHwe. K* uebD r. ro p b3 i,4p02d 5 cyavndt 14e . pun surelnay eveiiiugset e.45 te. nM. A. C. Gray, Rockford; W. Klburn, ~ liflptnsa 4;10,50) ndsat Rcnoim;(e.Lky ak.Brick Store, - - - - Grayslake, Illinois. Ai C.ray4lak.-. lot 71%-,7 o'in F. Il. Bater- __________________________Farmn Propertv. For Sale, Is.iond ot bogs Monday nigit. Ewing, Rockefeller;AÂ. Stein, C. me-~s ni uîrv' a,',bnsu ae Mr. . bie a ntriiiugber (ber, N. A. Fort, .loe Manning, T. .a Lk. Pi Icec Io per arc. ;part ssIi., balance - 16 to 1. faiber, Mr. Compton thse preseni weel. Cady, W. Hl. Wiiherell, F. . Sit mvi -Airiu inf. ft 1,,w rate- .,f ivr,'i, tDrOiE INIDEPENDENT: WViiii 55 W. P. Hardiuî, C. W. Pestan, M.and L II(1Is 10ar.s thev. tin airrt ..Thr Jfl y16 ici 1? Please plIblih Mr. Frank Wbaples, 01 aieai *Li- j,.o .rs .,a*M er fo et f m e fnf iceIids vis îed itii Frank Frtsch las i Mort- s. 1.Ca ringol, o! Cian oM . a d M s .r a g Tue exresin sixee tflobri f. goÇA -2 ,rs igo,'.d Wr.114, oi ets- Th xrsin osx n tie " dy The M. W. of A. Camp ad sort Of a that m akes the prices on Bicycles tern 20 arls imb. . Jmn$&% wi b-r .i. part ee ule;o ivrAparty of about slxty people f romtsurprise party Saturday evenlflg. D o o? o i netm t uyaîhoîe.. iit i-it t;l,i Wr'itn »i vilans that ixteo uce .tsivrDruisesLake vent tu Fox Lake \ tIllso ow Noai moments wamnaiAng about IIItwýàil atrýtt "4waequal one ounce o god. This is Wdedy ihu imttswrigaoto ,4ibýabrence Wedenesday. erandtiirty or more visiturs frotta nigibor- IW H EEL. i%\7 ii.,iîi iiijrov,.Il tini.m good Idvic IS l now in circulation in rs.aiid Miss Daly, t of Iiewri iDg Camps stormned their citadel and i-wa.ted go in1can suit you in price and make. a. , utvi'f.r'v-'hn.go 4à à United States. Aetn tlly silver foi Grove, ar iii g ul rc- d n cpressed a w ish te) it t their Cam p u * idtryl on i.- - f lre jr ga d meta ilis r to is Misle s di ad oai onon t ci Tesh e eog ved sthe deg e veandalulgril.T r-l>m ý»1Ugù f teMtlfirtoi ise di n PalFil ofcadatsreld the dgoe n Bicycle Sundries Wiatch and Clock If you want to lîiy or rcîit Lake 1, ittnd En. sumlmerdalo, arc thse gnus o) thîir general gond fine vas lndulged linflot County reîl cstate, lie sure to caU V _________ aunt, Mrs. Wayne Harvey. the bast orwhieb vas partaking fa ndt epal ring..R piig. . .. Baxerof asvile, eni.,Mn. F. McCredy, wv isoîswtîîLapp retîesîments. Mosfothe lisi . .S ER A , E EER . . eu !ts e ort vo d e t &-VJer8hem, Chicago spent everal ee gentlemen froin Libertyville E .S E N N IW L R ~~tyknow "uhene e lii' iau:' lie dayS of lait -wek ~vith E. B. Shernman. 'anip, but there were several front Grayslake, Ill.y a*,f&bsobtbotClarensce Wotley, wbo has been very _______Villa,__________and__________ Libertyville. Illinois 4*q4&trmentioning isdubLaotd ulse thVillrepante vndWanuef.___________________________________ l", bu, , tical standing at presolît: ,"thflfltie past veel islamuci imîîroved oetsyul eetievsti ie____ et tkeMamn with ail elastie COU. and uill soton bie abJe to lie at uiirk iiear future. N W W R E D .B IR T ~ ' soteuce Thde ponnesuofonWtittCtoii agaary.Blood and Nerves are ver>' close- ",imn in tihe dnocratie part>', anîd Te ane t n. ole,* 1related. Keep the, pure N nunttrro - jeefess tisaStise troqnut isuiteîîîîg Flsher, S. C. Eiser aud Jolin adhauy wt 'o' Sraal to seli you TILE aulitnrt t. a very trylng to the nerves. Buit 1 Roseberrien appear on file Advertised ad -ihwt IodsSraail aMrflesto maintain aso, taiTeu lataduwiliae eiOrVoUs ne We have changed cday and are now m4ing tiIeý r ia rampantly inlidlcdto situer ltoabswek iiîîu odsPil r ei te-inrequal to any that can be found. nd Miss Auabelle WViltuiiore, vi a pills,aid digestion, prevent constipationl tht hrelan qîet.î e branubeon visitlig lier brother andi tamily ___-EXAMIET E p9u*rity dovu uhere. It is a clncb in Hanicoek, w is., for the leskasix MIE-E ths le illcarythesttel'Ya ouhsis agaiuuai home. If your horses are poor and don'tTE T H M! lzluwe oa~~et voîl, it wili pay you to have thihonT S T E rousng a-tY lIrs. Hw and ber tuvo ltte boys, teeth exarined. There is a moan ai Ot Chicago, arc slsiting witi Mrs. tic counu>'taruinuho undersiands thse B YT E M 1 U.publlcauss are incltuîed te regard Co8ssu silice last Satnxday, eombung business. 41-tf Gasaj rc n ieC . the suggestion of the gold deinoenîit' home uiih ber wion she retilintdGry k Bic an lte0. tisat the tarit! bo stie tratketl, su ibat froîîî ber viisit te Mnscatine, Iowa. GRAYSLAKE - - - - ILLINOIS. &Il the gold mIie, Irec 'tr-aders and Mr. and lira. Chas. Thayer anod protoctloniatsa aiku ian w(rli totgether, teîîily, ofl 'tiîtegan, are tieguuets ot asniothing more nîur less itili ai blluff, ther parents Mrn ud lMra. GeorgeTo nH lL b ryv le rado to open tihe \ fi tliv 'oiiuillai- Thîiiyer M r. Tlha, t bais accepted itie tio o agoij icet.pýý>i in f itlitirin heCort olseSATURDAY EVENINO, AUG. 8, AT 8 P. M. 'Wlatever lu ual mu-oui il ffr, thillen fitasikgun who made it muelilvi' kîi i lint no 'rbcre vi (, iî.taiî -.uuule <un te -fts Lattetion uuldluho îaidilto if. Thei' (if ufultr gelotal tînsînoiti, ~Ashley Miller, a.repubiin pani.c isi,. tiikîg if t'lot Don a\\ i- ls li u l u- ii tii ofe!the ua. 9'mWahtoi pretectlve tîl ral 1at i. bsIarrivailofa iti titi'gir l it fl li u lNe. Pb sIN Aari an Gr it ioaders wolId ils S1-oiiu inufl I ii't .î f' N .' -u rsi at .adc~ olle DMh .cued.Dr ONU EN S. tuuînaine.hoii iuieîî. __toit.the ý pu îbamatic and Humorous Program, CM-~îYWuK0 VIY "- Pats in i ln uilol, u fort îo'--jai-oa, Coneludiîîg with tise Failns' E('IT(N eampagnl, atV>t u4 . ~ ' u-tra i1k. ii,s \ii Society O iS O &H rie r i'>il'O. ,liia @bat shoUN? 00150<.pïWA*NI#YO. D. 0. Ha lt o olg e.1 S. 4lenesee St., WAUKEG(AN. bave madeofinancet- e ji.> l'I-id of lia- laW il, lhuristtay evciung, Jnly 30. ____________________________________________ ~tUM 113an .i 'thi, ir docs a-t, -- _____----_____ Tickets 25 Cents. Reserved Seats 35 Cents. -euni. It vus tout I hi.' iil of 'aw! uilonitIe camp tire Saturday iigmt ai WHAT DOES MEAN? WIIY?___________________ ___ ropbîcas tsa iosi ,ur. s'e Primnose Lodge. lb-w you eau av$.5bygtna- .euld arsia n thîî' irilrry intas n.J.W.Merian, attorerîy, of au Old and expenienced baud Su do la letspte of mcm rI rtia ti keep Chicgo, dunated a handsoine gif u im oi2eme0ri nc e ade my hels 'the tarit! ibero fht iclver bas cone e "adesSocety, Ttîursîîay evenitîg 1w imprvemnd nbîric a comun vie, 4M forh" ichbey ere very grateftl iidgadbika omnsz M, f 10 te ron asuhftediurisue. h ca-n oi ot haies' Aid wlt irai 30 fi. 75cents per fout, nexi * qEAT CA L I tefotate cdn IfTean t10 fu. $1.00, -and for deeper and langer u~~ - w il tad been, possible, sud flic godScii as detened 'tilt Frlday even- wot a yusa rico, and boardmy democrats isad been sincere tîse ingi.and I.vas, a great 5utce8H,, the etojbsnahm.Jbsirbr republcans migit have pîofted by ldis6ain1a nnCpettaîd il-tte3ntaioenn. rie ortui thef2 fact l+r +th~iI .at I1 AilI the suggestion vithot tdelaying tarit! haviug a fine utne,. l articiuiaii, L ,J J. P. WILLIAMS. ah* VYII "Boys .11,til. boys." but yiu icajî't lLtdi ! J .WiLAS ~egsitio asingle day. mfist a tact afford to loule any oftihem. Be neady _______ ar thtnomttrho llc tr00My e12 apte season by haviusg a good stock btseleked linbiis campaign that nu DeWii's Coileeet Choiera Cure' in the aH.H.PeUqBGGE - en usa.o vihopssbl ntlbouse. For sale by F. 1. Luveil, Bikl CARRIAGES of Farm Machinery ai-dBU GE larff egilaionwil li pkimbleu i bertyvlIte anti G. C. iluili, W.\~aui- Biklyer, flCargeo Miwu eAvn , atex Marci 4 1899,an very doubiful cna lseeCrae.o iwue vne - vieiber there Will ho any duriug tiecouTahelsterrnLbepmevcr, a-ie optiarmretadennuofiil ..Urm o( tise Presidont te bcs eleted service atitnimoe Lîdge, ntal lo Stone-mason LbrAble 21hp aresan teS il- sienSNvme, umte hiia i cuc l is seî,ta u if in need of such goods, caîl and nâtme their wants. Prty vins, uîcs it bc aecîompaniiod pleasaut service u'aa belli at Stepien a4 a&Sn'araeW gn n ure.D .Obr bymonesot it fnaclt medmniDrsses, couducted by 1ev.Halaton, C Q N TR A c oR. * Gy&Sn'CraeWgn n une. D .Obr bili otofafnnil mnaette attendance being tnrn Pnimrose ~& Cols, CORN and Grain Binders, Mowers and Rakes. -,' vhc ill vbehoaececped by the ilver Lodlge and the -trtendtl toîiping ai Mn......REASONABLE PIIICES................. as48ad9 othyrae. Sse ai ho~Sn vc are bounid te bave a Druses. Ille .mijoniy lunte Sonate untit Mai-ch Mr. David Fates, atttmrney, et Chiea- liait Orders Prornptly Aitended tu. At4fLaistn 4, mess. go and Lake Forest, iii bis vite and & and other makesofLde an te lm. children, ~Elîsha, dame and Johnialpent i'ou iseul flnd iSai AjON"rl fle £ER several days atStSepien Drisiesâ. The 4Ah VIWAGOJNS et iks ae o 0 BARRI NGTO N. boys fisbed indnstrlousty and 'tauded" HALF DAY.' ILLI NOIS. Wauconda No. 12* large strings of cropples, htravberry I- Muke Donlea vas aun Elgin vilsitii basa, etc. The boys are beauttit aIulW Cultivators.* )iotday. singera and Baturday eveiig abolit T A DM MUU W It MistleiaGleioaiil l vijiiiug tise camp fire gave some flie suiga, on OOJ WILhJlIlUIJ Theselacultivators are the BEST on the market as they fiends luChicago. tic thune oftt tlake. TE leave the ground after cultivatng as it was before you corn- Mr* Gerge Scafer rttrncd recut- ThmehîngNotae.dRUTE ust as the rain drops faîl from the clouds or - iass ogean iin-r, etî unherstebres is, INotice. nearly so, and in that condition the soul abgorbs nearly or we~iagvre vit'lng ai 1- (' ail)Alui tu infrin onfnarm av quite ail rain fail and your corn crib overflows. My ïadvice us ljwia i e y ndail hîie 45 luIat veck. nailoman achine îdateîi oPJV RZ O Nnt1 'Tise Saem churîts Siiiiii a-î.ulro-lutxauau.sary te <do good vomi. 1As - - .. ZEyourCR- D fl I ., pan mbrellitp lo-i( lauîie 'is ic h taaplîn e011î11îMY oniftû iii Tburt3day. g utcrond. 'e 3ci îir orerol ~ ~ Lehe, u Watugau, - gotul iurypsll te.(CaGiou r il- ~ s l Baringuîî lut uî- k. t.- rtre-a . (I. 1u1c onLib rtyiae