* ~lxtve, and If tise tate M r omtve os'billous, thse Most reguittafollow Its mse; g0 tisat bet faitally rcnaedy known. tamllty shouiti have a bottle. * 4 GIgnIhcDoo jargst bookllnie worltila le "tio Daw," lu lia lty .y, Bummait, anti la the e- e0dez of te Butitiista. It con- * seven huntimetianti twenty-nlrte ln the shape of witll marble each plate buit aver wlth a tcm- -brick. -11 le not antique, but a leuIo prompteti b>'Buddhhl8tlC o! Iis century. Paper Teti. Oentiat ln Lubeck makes paper On oui-baihlmpatrons tbas a set Ehgîves complet- satsfaction, lie. constant use for over thîrti-en 1 RTA EIF fu ~mfereti with terrible paina lnt my ki vr> anti wontb. My back ai-bot teti.ie. 'Ihdkidney trouble badly. Doc- pruocibd for me, anti 1 foloweii bfadvtoe, but founti no relief tIoek Ly iE. 'aVagetable t»eUel 124Da psist tllred fee1- ' Sday aiterdu&,l inornlng as mach *o at nigbl alter a bard day's woni, andt o b. free from ai- Paialmecaueti b>'Ovarien andi 'oma $mubies. 1 cannot express my grat- 1 b.I ope anti pra>' Ibat other tuf- hIgwomeu silt realize tire triali SImportance o! my tatemeut, and tise relief liaI a sure to allený use c i te Pukiam Medîrtue."- N. L, Mdinuespolia. Minu. 811OYGLISTS SI4OULD CURES Wounds, Bruises, Sunburn, Sprains, Lameness, Insect Bite& and ALL PAIN. Alger hard WORK 0 - 'EXERCISINO pub meUh se VOID LimEgNEcs. REFUSE SUBSTITUTE. Wek, Watery, Worthlen POND'S EXTRACT OINIMEIC cures PILES. . bL.nts M0ttS EXTRACT CO.. 76 Fiflut As. sw Th, ireatest fledical Discover, of the Age. KEN NEDY'S MEOICALDISCOVERI lD0NAW UKEDY. OF ROXDII!, MASS. Bats issuuseu Jicnitaue ,.! Our cornan ...Mtu e wdi-ia reinedv t tuttres eve "un-1jiref Ilutnrofr(in the worst Srolt dtwn o a cllun iile. He li as t r ie il n ever e'î,n hundr cases, anti nesen taiti-i frtin twu Cne, (t tihunier burton> tHe bas now ilut ftoS5i-ssiîtti tsi-ntwo bundreà cgenhtiza o its slue. ait wthin twety tMiles Bos.on. Senti i-'stah tanti for boo- A blenefittit3lways expert-nrcâ lur lie finalt botte. anduu a perfect cure is s ranti-t!wihet'e igitquuutily is laket. Wlîen lieeiurgs ..ne ai-chil fit a altooting pairns, tuke naies lrasi tirougit thwuta.thie aai-e witb lie Li on Dowets. Thiti is caiui y tie du being toppet!. anti always disappeans1 week aller lakiug i. Riadlthie label. if lie stortatci is tout on bih'ous Ili cause squiaisi feelings at.h'rst. Noe change of del iver necesav. the- lest vtîutan gel, anti enougi of Dose, oui- tabhespotaufutlu water att lun. Suitti lv21ilDnuggst:% 6,S-easide and Cout !t%,owns need, 7,Duxbak BINI onteir akint edgeu. It ie proof, sheds wter and tuilas gey. If your dealer wflli not Jspptyy >11Cweivi. &amuples shauî'Ig Ituele anid eate«Iais matl - Ho1me Dresamaktuug Made Esy." àsac Muse Eicie M. Hooper. ofthlie Lettes'HoMe sal lor 2 5c. poaiugo pzît. Ttse 1 a md assoà WltOnaleTU.E Fult COUltle Clsse. Lateras.eteoin ci,,sitN Mhametcal Egigtsnéli Thaotikt fmoyanti (Lmmrctl1 Ot.. Etwati'e aU Ionbos'i uutria1 lu Vient ueil i-licdn' !îl ithiei. CR Au qUnknown XMn Wu foncéf dend 0111" glas 80131R OR STARTIJV4Q, FAITH- the tracke et SePo, -'t'h an etopli httle Perha FULL-Y RECOROKO. 'oi laudanum hy bs sde, sers bird A fatal cutting affray took place a M-apecleà risonville, fine Mile" West of Pana, MOI chlefly Probibitiolmits of IlllnOlm Fill Vacant day night, in which James Noonan and mile, & Placaui)CIWO'5 SI.yer S3entenced te James Day were participanlts on one uîde otiier b thse Peutentlary-fragic Renait of and Sherman Liles. colored, on lhe other. They ki mn AteratlOl Povoed b Lî orDiring the istic encouniter prior te the îe un Ateratio Frvoled b L uorctting Day and Noonan werc getting if a the worât of il, wben Noonan drew a knife beat o Ocre NousLnted for Goveruor. and stabbed Liles immediately below the become The executive comnittee of the Prohi- heart. Liles will die. Day and Nouau cend of bition party of Illinois met in Champaîzn are ÎDiiimil. A cr0' ad nominated George W. Uerc iof Chan h asiwowa nje tBoa i-ail day, * algn for Governor to fil the place on the îThemupetedo!s in ic t lmcCrty, es la jgtate ticket madie vacant by the resignai- t1lîe Western biendit, proves to bie enotber tenothei tion of Hale Johnson of Newton, Who was person. Samuel Starzer, slerff of Sûr- be of! fomîflateti h7 the Plttsburg convention pe County. Nebraska, errivedl for the A jcI for the vice-preitencv, anti chose Jotige purp<'e of identifi'ing the mon. He at laîveM r enry B. Kepley of Effingiiea for Lieu- once derlared tie prisoner was not Me- bra t tenant Goveruor. Mr. Gere, the nominee Cailhy. The outlaw reeently escaped bras for Governor, in a lifelong residetit o! frona the jal of Sarpey Cîîunty. atter b- tiSenty 2CtaanPaign County, one of the Mont prom- Loig acteucedte 1 twenty yeara in the pen- everY tuent lewyers in central Illinois. ant i as itentia.ry. auj a resrard of $1,000 ln of- refuse *been chaîrman of lhe State Central Coin- fered for hlm. lo it mlttee for several1 yene. IHe will retatu Pii edn lyolt lds ei vn hie chairmauphip, while that o! the execu dent afthat por ltion!the State, dieti-et and a tive committee wll go in Oliver W.detoliiprinofheSa, e a ada Stewat ofMacknaw.hihbomne in Aiton, aiet îage of 96 Yeu,-&. for th Stear o Makitli e wnia boritinlu Mtilon Cainty, Va., erap8 Roinuger Gèes Pourteen Tears. Marci 17, 11*5), and as a boy knew andti 1 t Fourteen years lu the penitentiary wes Often met T1homas Jeffersoci in ie oIt! cd wl *the punshment meteti out te Murderer Virginia home. John Adiams wcks aise, a orcL %lait oîHunger by a jury ln Judge (Jiet- friead a"d vîsitor et thse Clnylon home, o r lal'. court nt Chicago. There was no andthle olti man's personal reetollecioDU and se demonstration when the verdict was rend. of tlie îwo early l'residelents have always e I lu Rollinger setiniar the joli entrenfi- to bei-n a source of ctertainmeul 1tetliose a blrt te court recola. '«hin the verdict was iwho met bilm. holtiL rend i- geunced up et biis attorney ant i hl Last Jennery while visiting lu Indian- YeOuSI checks fitsheti. Tien bis eyez sougbit tiie apolis Misa Faunie lteid, one of l'ana'@ easlit Blor ant ihe @ait suent. '.%ait lolltitIt'Cilu most populer and promineiit belles, was turl a fit of jeaiou'oy ley in wait outiede the- ca.detinely marricd taFranuk KenYOn, andi jonse lu whieb hi@s aife livet Fi-b. 4 10 e prominteut Indianapolis business man. throat kill Fred Miueler, a boorder lu the bai-e. Mr. and Mr@. Kenyon diti not commuai- I li Thc morîing wis dark and foggy etîd cate the feet o! their marriage te nuyons, bll olifitgr, mstagking Joh~n J. Delv o. wio andi though Mrs. Kenyon visiteti her par- lP Ilvet in un adjolniiîg bougee t 1 NMO ente jn l'ana si-verni limes oiute ber mer errai Li hasck treet. for Miueler. stîIlt! dkîllet i age, %lie went under i-r meiden nomae Thi f- him. r)ilto hadlliieu hItolilguýr8 t'st and idt not announice i-r merriage outil ScMllj Lh fn-tut aud the latter wns almo«t dis- Tuesday, wîeu 31r. Kenyou arrived lu 'nier id tractet wlîth grief wheu hi- leerned hie had l'ana to niake known their tuarriege andti ilîci :I kîlleti tic yOug man. lie made an et- acconitany bis wife boulîe. flock _ tempt lu erniîîiit eii't'le wlien locked UP. James Frenc-h,. sti Rettockford killet i wng u Rallingen igiî yî'are o!d.i la ecabinet imas- biswif eand shot hunseif, etter whlch ftlev er by trail-, oiti las lîve i n Amerit lejme i i(l im the river, witl recoven. liqe -elevei years. W hei tjd it h; isnfe was tiiad b id ,aM. e l I Farmer Kiltsea Doctor. that lit' n's glad of il, and wec now reedy In ut Thei- wn f î i C n Ciimltr'ard tîî (ie etnny tinie. Hi-e lso tld a frieuti Cttutnty. la gri'aily surouglit up over a .Ira-t atli, tnded lu shoot eiglît or ten oth- afler gedy whictht k1aee t.iere Fridtiy e iilîdîi tevrj ltrrs aî t teruxont.rî'sulting lia the death if D.r n'es Ille reacoii lit, liait tliree revolvers end ar q Mrsi lt4,be-ri q. a triifi-it phyricin of . _i'to. 1île î:ntiniel tic nurden several 1n1o4 t he Place, l'y tîîrge colya wc»I- utîntih« ugo.le wiltc tried inOctoller easy ta o nated art us. tî.gether nsitit otiter-u, ,M-'u.it i. Vi-fuea ftt'uu- l balil!tititit til kt îhshiîp. aU >eI ,-9 diitO tîli es orie of the larget ever fort. more or*, .ss 'tx.att An airait enquttol. Afer iorte thit x's nI, lot si tt Atiorge o ru tîItiof ii-arny aIt of the- the îlîu'ror and the fîruor tliey lefi the larcge stesti.ru deier, in anthracite ceaiItat shoi ati pri"iîî t iou i ue oade utu i:t~leen foiiied for Ilhe )urpiiae o! devs- îIned way. Tilue c'tîigti C !ilg oahlai, B-'ly ag f possible, sorne nieans of defeeiing e pi'ked I uil a ' ai-ispoke anl st ructk lRob- !t lu ends of tie ctiiiIt rust. 'Tie organiza- tuttI erie ici- thettilitait. Titieiîtýftîr fell un- r:on iasiiia cini tiesate as Jet, but bas; itte eonst- îîîs utintrerîiaiiiti>o aititl bis dent.fi. 1 gr-t.'ifor enotîgi to convince the Pur Benpi-y on hî'arnig tof tic fatal rublu!t ira- 1di rijrs thet jr is advjat.e te stand to- cuire .z'iiIiii!y gav i' hnisif ni)t b the seriff. 1 gthler. 'Tie tirnîtery incItiliien esteftis steN-c ~w l re.o ii isieppîivrjrandthiePlien of ja So thî.ta ii! ai l B i. n 1' caieg seisto lie ihitiof mach-nly lu- trader .'i.'."farr Kt. sap frc:ii tht-e iitt Ily. la us peil uatif al of the jaîlet îî.îî esialui e etiahlers bolti together and dfer eud Mr.-. lteyîîîîo'lhbt..is, dit"!aili hbone i'ind itheusultime il may resnîl lu dia-38 e nea Xuna ifsvîiladts itl*.Ced Ivy nIrg set sfection or demoraiztijou witijnte Ti SRichard Dose. tust. A large Oia ta li îo nould 50- The cornter s:etu f theyic liîîîi 'ou tnadmit his connicîjon svtb the ni-w gregationratl'hureh ba adttîî0.î.i îb-aun ut ssho je plaîtiii s ym- ait Addressî'a wi're deiiiereî t ' ît 1ev. t>. I ati! sv'thil. rajd that îiot e Poundl Of gi W. ILk,1!T. Smithid u iter'-. Lardîl othall eeu bougit ilu Omaha this thto GeLn. Joscephi T. ' oui'î'.tf ('h:,ii- 'i, nv"r ned tliet no pitrcheces svouid be e 8 l" saidto 4 i~eaî,rpeutise 1urchai~tsu r Il iad uii.til it t.'cnie e beotît tety neces- h -' New Y.rk 'iie'tle luffi fosh' ourv Artue offices of the leîidig ('hi- suv ýry Ved nesli. t t filan it îsiiti <. ilt. lî t gtits of I i-(,ný RA thbe large rua prîuîtucers it propcnt y. wtt li O!iai' ffiret', iii lie,- i w at autth licn junits sentim nt tat tst-a rie- irai w'î'îksi.augî. !y' v o iirîi h ad t pi d ulltît a yeur tept gi' fiiui ' Misourniriver. cudt t b uit very loi J.jb n i rt il 'iiî. ut 0w I: '1vt' b t l so ciiiw ist o! t he M issig- rît i. rbr Il t evà- Il, oi rdiiiarý e8otis tihe avy tiny- lii r d i-il h? oh ss'l %"' 1ru kfaal' 0'uiiiv n î'esrn dealers i( d s do i ng k1 mnna.'tc hit iti-t i tliiiyt LSi s Iit(louei. thoîigl ilh s expecteti that ti wliiuitsiutr k ititvatI tt' Iw id. .11i S., bna 1,,%% Il. .: w t lii lîeavi'rlifter Ait-. 15,. i M lionu îîI nîti cul dt tf '141 cents in freigt p- pinv v'cii' . s;..î iliý tgi i ..' 'a cî.rîlîiiaît t tis yi'ar s stntuiger I uc the tasvI'tiiîo tf tistit 'rî'IzvI'-oiiil tlait einuthe lilsiory o! tht tribu'. Il red milittliii- (, il Net t la tii lp1 lu,' s n' t'a1uti-(Iitua tt a rîtrttîr ailvace ir ,SS Five tif t ie tita i'îw 're ta rriv ot. ;tu ii w 4I tntere i'til'Iriveshe fore Sept. 1. iha his uurcîzî'acius condittii.: thetitir i. <il at idatean anirnte of 25jcents, or ttl .ae diruni iiiaigî,It to st agg'r to the ii tri ii $ ii.l iojulf,.s S og ncrst titeutIn Iiist. i'ii ta ilti s irtutarforut j gine hotý. Noue il il'rite (4tlrîî'îîc!e enyr If w ithin e wcek e 'ona Buriiing roaît'î j (-at.>(i'î I t'ti-ry rattti'-pted tlboy luChit'ago je not l1< war fredeI)ntiieit a uet rilof Ilt:. thei owiierotf a aet of imîtroviseti btrilars' P t.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o! tulsteuttrî iirî i . N'.gtr ai.tbruitvih u amition btirue fil ýn. mils te oheraftriion. Nvihbos l tni to hartks tsi!l etue te thtti-police. tu LUS se w snuke iii iiiiiii-fritit u' ii in , f ITiti ibii (I f "ae bo ii' u sitig J.H. W'«lios thto utu ccll i -ii :1ctli texiaiou !"ai iovtg'e j ver for intes. Nirs. %ia. iîîtîýtîe ssit'h eiao tiCths anti It tîrttî ied tcut shelti ai l lt Ia rou ea .Iig gît-rîîla inti:s st,'1-y Ra rfessionit I ' t na bee-s' lu tite-stos e. Tix' 'itsi:tg' h id tariar is toae- tf thi e t st tililîiig per- N- i!edawn an tle Iirnhg 1cetraip'lfîriianica even totuti'd lis'the atithori- l: itolii-ta asvay ettit tuetttiiiiiiti isîThraîi'i'A wlt asrnike svift'!i ill'i tti the îoii-'. 1'.' u' tncvlîoleiîîiitt.Ve1r '«ilsoîtasdii uit rs'îti lutît j afirr thees-trer. ssho has et ste u rititerinsinluvît- r Et rjetisiit rjsttts 1a1titi s i i it s'n tlijberty Li t! lieitit was t t, atI tt'3 J ut iai e1 niffl'r îbondis. citar-cd i:ltii art filiatIon S( w. roc t lise! !îr tijîtier. 1111i rttliiry CClttîi i1lty violence, Pl W. C. .gnrr:tird. sre'ttri tif the tatz' gir-s daili ljuitratjions of titi laleet - Board of Agrulture, .wae :lit 'llago iii nitîoil o!buitrgilary. Ie ei'oiutc swith t t end a etiig tif the Ijlinoiîs itat'Flit prit!- the 'liai jolits" i mlî hi- c sbei-r So.kSoheiti for itue iirîiý0oi i .k' 1rifetsionity etiga-eil and gineeover show tu ';iia reltrtiititt:tti of the ' -t rfi'red nith is et'ttiit'ttii ecoire cii- lng I fin is St îîte ftîjr nt t'let e'tîi'îîî-r epie' s prpiny. 'l'ils harangue !B bulding Chicagolthsotiente luii Ihituer. dtiitver-din la er4 iiiin th i(tiîst populoît Ticerntial fat Stock show ceiunît behi' td part of thie dry. Admnissiotolute s-trer- a thîs yenr, andthtti-propotition ito last intent eal.1wgained tty ttîyone wiliiiig a tiulliclte Stitte fair inilsc tei. Thet.ut pay liè cents. No disecrimîination Il Board o! Agrirultutre îlenantli a i-uer- umodie. 'T'e innoïent seitooi boy is as wel- BIAO anty o1 o ettt,,iici ltle $l-tO.l) cash, f iotite ,aslic profescionni crok. Youge- 9 r hlIilista tabc itelti lu lie ('uiî"etîî sierp tin kicliok'r re sandwjched 'TE alg. 1.fiibw'enlifehoni- haituies ofthei Fllt to!atlue t -kuaIt ilcaîgo ."vece"Andthice xiiiou le popilien ta1 rb irc'e e nificeO.<5 dnasittoiîstalt s'it the riing generatioti. Boys of ail mai- fnd.Tiis tiatîtiuut onajoi 1 ltSort% andticonditionîs are lu be feinta r.fr'W.Wlmlos. temla the Rwg et »du Am0 tkeVooeaes, ' ipe the most eptertalnlng of ail lx rda are the gulla, o! whlch several et t* may commonl be met wiith, m Vahong lte coaste. Gul, as a e ind flight more difficuit than ai iîrds wblit wi-havi- ticcribeil. b, kei-p close lu lie sip and i vi- ire accusloiit-tl penioilliy 10 over a certaitn pethit teir wsîs ce siterp-ni-tandti iiy ef!iirtînoJ )famustement tb tie pjtepersp.5 >d o! glus will follow ni -essel 1 yretrmnini- doubtiess te th-,tîtaur- id. Ni-st fomuing tlhert sv2t l e kr gang i dîîyreak. hitu t i ay àa a witoily differeut spi-ries. oliy cri-w are a ilock tif guils. 1 watchedti iim by the bour flying t, it oif tii- steameir froua i fto i ty.five fi-et from ticeithip's rail. veye an the pothole frouantititi ;e of te rouike geley le tittitipsIlt the sen. Generaliy titis gr;:eful takes place just after meuli uîîîq, a guli will folets a siip hi-n heurs ai- sakie o! oni- mati das utt iti s8 wlileh'ifi expetots to lie conutigt.1-'d w ocean. Thle guil canuot hi- fo.ij. iih aup'lhjing short ofifrtrihmenit racrs. 1 htave trieti orange tii-i scrats tif pastebearti. wlich I toss fta thi- air or lmb tht.'msia, auj lot rd turnetia efititi-r. But if yrîîî a srraip)ttfcracker lu ye'îr itiu shati sec' every ttit'ti raw s et.îar te (iares. wlitlt a noîs'n.lhiiuk aitîl [ of thcehiettîl. Titiss fi miethe Cii, a syhîti st'r'uiIseiis frntîtfity mts, as Itiaty pairs tif wiugs fusilh îe suffliglit. tifty pr, Intf rî'îi îr -legs tiatti-iun te air and ti t k îco nev 'ratit"ithe ca! a e gnî-.t ttit lii itt., he itinn Lp go oelttrlfrý-11the ir -ui jty. î'e ta a maiii t.raiitle. thci!r i.. Il wlîh hou i-s crues, tti- whltul t settles on titi water w'jtl htitî is. cai ccrt'aiig anj flapiitai t s-altteffor toti i-t ailiere lW fir r. The' stei'.Iftrries onti. iiit %-bte. strtggliiig cuton titi' St a us wake. But 1tresuiitiy titiy @,irt r hi-r aizatu andîlwith i uîk. nur strokestiti- y r-aici lierti-let' b ait t eni-tp'onit 5iL hor us taifore.'rTe st C tiita'.jiti .h'i'i' tu f butsi netss Iitir v i'i wa . it9'itu oll'preI-tuutai tatîf th INsW11 ,,*ile it 'sfolios' hic fullithi ui.r'tt w sitotilau - .--lluir AIniii.îi'rl'ulc A 'eitltuf mi.t dîg nt t r -'I' et e iincg frr.un muniion ,dm -îftI'1 n t lu ,utIl- fît' itIle utus 'It laria. W ire t.,tn t ntres tlti. Ii ta .safi'e'. , ie t ;sîted, WIi u Ilititiai t, a ts t 'e S ttîi.itî1 ens le I iti i i-init iiIiti Ii iàtai10 S' re ibis fîcîcu g IA. -.t. i ai s se t i. et rutn , ,i.'i1 fn ;r ,tî a .11i'l it., kiduey tr nul, e tutt i t îîîiiaitI . Maîne pajît hoititeion 1,6Ugei-as id on 3W5 beati n uI 1,. lu18N 4 niy g eals and 51 be'urs syre kîlleil. e Increati tu(f stul kI!IIIg le lue 'te a cent Iînt'aî' tof the' bOuntY, nmakutat $1. Tht.' hers havi- bei-n hiuud h ihy exttnsiveai klig. tviliy hidi- ioutI bci a hottuty On sr'îs leiulIIt 10 tise syho kuosu'liatinl a sile p iir seai t.orisluuie.s 3titi-tO1,1otttlstOf liait. -hih Nwt,ul inlake 6,(;.ti(t0 litonu s iii lby the killtiug utf1tj2 i.i11 1,t15. Mos-t of tt-h îthe i utru t tnoiar autel. cuci ut are rUseil, itiit iii asIter puits-sefihliil. l louî~huu5 in- ds, t. 1.'. lu t îit h ew s alîabi.'11-àt, ai' liii riiig. sahti nn M10 iî ckt'ntl. lire lIed 1, l t es-' ari lia i. M ibiti i li ilta' IS t l'uîtt'y ls tai tti int tre L ituiitu a uiOfethbe animatisiiitt' aîty liI I ati ulutlt't inet, scaslpe'.tt'.td 'oh.î-l l oret' iiau .151 c .ie 55 r'* Noe tit uit tvexacî ly w luv ho tati' I s ire îîailî tltac'k tairs. tut'ar iarttiîit aujin t lit. corîl to lconiitti 'ut îisi'nt'i-r feei-tirg oun itiiit5 iiii frîfutos'Ofvarius kjtîtl, ctOnurrit ini nuiots o! plants, si-ldoui utes'tr t1t10 'cviii- faîmers lu auJ WaY. Mcmi- pays e5' antiNi-w York $10 uthi-ail anr kiluigtii-si urcoti natîred rrmou ares.-Ni-w Yornk Sun. Half Rates ho Ounaha, Vla 'iThe Nortltwc,%ti'rii lýine <(CIticugo anti Nont bts tietrn ItI'; i.Au-. 15. 16) anti 17, j(,,1-aae ttîr- tir thte rountrti p. lin Aiti. '.A cxciirs.iin tjckits et venY lose aIta 'sit aistu hue coldfrona-niaia to .1-ell(r anj lie fanîuîîiontuHt Sprnings (e! sontl D tb. l'or fulli informtion ait- ply ta ticket age'nts of conîulectiug iunes or idutl res W. B. Kulakeni, G. P. & T1. A., Chicauio, Li.' Levassi-ur estimutes tic poputlaltti o!o Asa et 85,9574,000, Europe 357,379,C006, Lf rIra 16tIO53,000, Ami-mica 121,713,000), Litatreill 3,230,(0W. b~rtigi-ry le ns ni-cieaarY 10 cali Oui the- trasutres o!fltae-mtidashammowlng and plautling liose o!flte eamth.-Mar- gamdt Futter. A.NY ONE wha liasM. bh..efilet b! tie use o! Dr. Wiliaims' Pink illIs1w11 rereive information o! mu-i velue anti ln- teret itY Writing la "Pink Pis.â" P. O. Box 13912, Phhileiphie. Frew of us arc wliout the nad ex- perli-uce titat faili once shakjen la ever aft-!suspicion@s o! betrayet. Raille Catarnis Cure Is tekentnalhly. 1'rileei-enta, Tii- gm-atat lengh tof Englattt anti Scottauti, nom Lb 10 South, us about (t08 mlles. '«e rannot define il, but tii-ne si-ims ho h. an "atrome o! lave" abaut cverY YOUuî lady wiase complexion bias bei-n heauti- fi-t! by Ghenn's Suîphur Soep. Let tic force o! your own memlt mcii your way andi you wlll accupy a place oeil fo, aing. DandinE Ian l xtiton fcom thseCrs or teskip at uis.ds and driei m in p b "a CltufeU u t hjb oin e udl mb a peIý -t -1n aid tht t tt asflt e indi iof ark are belng useti. Leaves make rang paper, anti almout cvcry kinti of hlCDl 5U5 b l* m nos an lic utllxd. Tii-me are pet- ii~.0t1a556OfUlgp e ats for uuaklng papi-r from ehavings Ld sawdttt, from thisti-s anti tan Two bottles o! Plso's Cure for Conunp- a» cureti me o! e bet tong troub!e.-lire. 1 NichoIs, Princeton, lut!., Mar. VI. 'W. m *r il Dou't 7tr . -..ePl.,. Your bluntiers.'mhtan in sf7 otiter. Be smm 1 t o iy Howds. Itmaies tii-m look btgger. oo'Pllcuatlunestdgsiî. * s t-.s 0L 1)sE ES s . . * * ) ' fiA cR ES TO THE FARM LANDS AND PRINCIPAL CITIES 0F THE The Burlln*0fl Route and many Ilsterfi Rallroade 1 l l tlExcursion Ticket* at VERY LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Angusi 49 18, Sept. 1, 159,29, and OctoberO, 269 Norethlf sas artnd t oendWes th e apnlon avepdusdthisyet AsNoUF en eansend t e Aetrnpartt@latm. avend etheUr tl meade via the DU RLINOTON ROUTE. $nd to the undetSIguSd@fe pamphlet (neocharge) about Western Farmi Lands. P. S. EUSTIS, Cen'I Passenger Ag., CHICACO, ILL. 941 like the small pack.'.-age p.N of Pearline," a lady says; it lasts two weeku and does two washings."i Then she admits that she has been using soap witk 2 ~her Pearline, Now this, t s ail unnecessar. If yoùai -a Wash don't put in enough Peari- ine todotewk easiy and aloie, you brig Pearline down to the level of soap, whach ' means bard work and rubbîng. If you enough Pearline, soap îs a needless expebl.,' to say the least. Use alne alone, >ust as directod. and you'l have the most tho ghly economîical washing. - ~Petidierti ome unacrup'iIou 5gymCs w'il 1 ii~ y re~Seshn'u oliste »Me« fi0 ! WHEN YOU WANT TOLOOk ON THE -BRIGHT SD~ e 0F THINOS, USE ,e: ~ *t 4'Judgent 1 LU Th là nw ieiis u ot"J5udgtmpenoftobcc,"utte qua "BAthLe fnAX e v isaflotandy the upire e ciiu. o i e th >u oer5 cet piof obo , utt he iel igri ize th n an ,