8RIEF COMPILATION OP ILLI- Cicgo Italien ets Wre e t ansd New Regret@ It-nermen ]Ras and ti &ia inter-in-Law Arrested fer 19iepîmai-Laberuues the Big Feur. Mis HMeeBurned b>' Ratao. By thet ime Sbephén Perletice, et Ch:- cage, gels titmeugh wlit tho Illinels HU-1 ahane Society, tho police and two or Ibreet' lusuranve o-mpanie, ho viii knew ceugit1 itot ta set ime leauy more rats. Soet of e thé retribuîlon tatinlaceming le it ham reacbed it already, for lb. poor beants witio'.behé Irlnred rau under hls bouse and burued il dowu. Perletice iî mn ltasian. Wheu lb. uwofette hum. Pdl raîj reîîchedt,,rIlélintois Hunoane So- 1!. el>' tiere vas indignation, wblcb rais- idi>' oîsamouud a pmamiesi tort. Il Wall declded teaai once soud a man te thte bouée etf Pemetice, le secure évidence and Le ,-aggivon ordera le uwoar eut a var- Matnunssoon ns he considereil ho had .a case. T4- tloe hnned bouses vere botht ovni-'! b>'(G.Tidbolme sud h. bas an ides taI o ne ue bs a right te humn bis boumes dowu. Hé aise in invetigstting I'erletico. Lsetly, Ibomé are lwo insurance corn- panies, bot etfviticit think Perleice's experimntl verges on incendiariant. EInopts vittu Mie lrather'a Wife. Mm'ý. leoné Mano snd ber brother-mn- 1mw, Ho-mno liMan, vere arresbed uI Rock,rdl lriday noeniig 1»' local police annd bukento t Froopoort, ahore a warrant Joad ho'..u touedtfor tho-tr errent hy Gus- lar Min,. theoo. band .)tfte ooman. Gustîv Ilin amu i uit it.- bhave heeu liv- Ing Il l itieigto. Iler'nian Maui, Gustar's longtb'r, feu mi ovo'wit bis broîte's vite, sud hi. affection wos recipromted. TIf. yeuog couple Poed, Mrm. Man Iak. ing berm litho4 uoili-odbaby witb ber. Théy vent te Freejeorît iml, sund te a»- gry it'sbaud tolowo.d se close ou Iheir strail bit Ite>' -a!ked moyen miles seroosm the country, having tbcir.tmunk bebled. The.> thon w, te ltackterd. koepiag in b" in n n ehirar4ebooodiug bons.De- a etrptuons et tito-wa".pe sd hoen seul eut. end«toy 'ver-e oato'd loy Chi - f et Police Dangrern. Mrs. Man atlleged taIiber P lmiotitou trenteol ber cmuebI>'. andtaI site Iored Hermian. 'te vos married iu Ber- [inotttp-ara age. TIl o rate hiitsand tbro-imcns te kili lis bttr Crnmïhed by s Trsmn. A tast express troin on lhe Chicago, lMileatiuko sud Stý Pauîl Raiiroad crash- ed ite a oarrisgo- aItlumb oflttboulevard. Chicsgo, Titorada>', ulule rîtuniug at tuli oopeod l7%e driver nauod twoogirls vente tsurled msiiy feot. Onueofthlie girls oas fatally injur-i Theoi oher nos>'die. Te driver -»rrtp,-o iuser ainjury. lTe in- mmced are;: Sadie White. 14 years old, woli die; Nellie Hlindi.'. 12 >ears old. condition eorioua: Wi;liuom Bititoiz, driver, severe bruisesl, boked up. Te carniage was f aqusmel>'on te truck wben te train slruck IL SadileWhtite la a dmttghber et Willianm K. White, 737 West North ave- Duen. Nellie Hindi. ls a yeung fiend et Badie. *ho lives lu Joliet, but nue bas been visiîing trienils ut 962 Armniage avenue. Tupaday nigbî te -citild et James White, ot Maplevod and North avenues, died. and waa ta have been huroed Thura: day aftîpynon. -.Thit Ivegirl, wore on their v-a>'teate résidence et Rer. James MîcNâmet tulo bnng biot te ite cab. Tes Thousamdfor Die RéeL William Weakiey, ot ltoamend. bas in- aituléil suit lu thé Obristin CeunI> Cir- cuit C.ourt agmînat te Big Fenr Rsibroaoi Company for $10.000. Weakléy, wbo in a Big Four lahorer. fond thé hbeel et i, left foot masheil off between tb. draw- Iteada eftwIo cr on te Big Feur work train. wvii w oas eugageil lu work ai s wasitoit te latter part et May. Il la a'liogo, i it Weakiey's injuries are for i ite aud IbsI tepy wero -ansed hy negli genveou the looirtfte railroad cent- pany% emiloyes startiig tho train viten one ignal for doiug se vas gîven. and otiter albegations. convicla Are mdeCitizens. Duriîg te mout otJul>' Gov. Altgeld retored tho rights et itizenaitip te Iven- t>' two olschar-ged convicts, wbo vere ie *prison upon convclon et bifte tollowint, offenses Five for asamilt viti tntnt.)t kilI. oeefor mnlalnghier, seve- oromlai'- ceny, six borgiars, tovo forgera, eue mor- dorer andi eue robhor. Tue pardons wor,@ gate,oee te John Miller et Chicago, vite was senbencod for one year fer cou- teooopt of court; and La Fayotte Siterl otJeo Daviensa (ouuby, wbo vas seutenceti foo fiftton yearm. lu 112, for asatoît. Olute Neya in Brief. (1ev. Altgeld itomtred s requisitien for Obar"e A. Smitht, unler arreal nt Mon- nioiil, sud oanted lu Boyd Gounty. Ne- itmueka. tom oonveying property vith lu- touttale teal. A nw iud et bug, wbicb deslroyai crmî,bois ntade ils appe.-rance lenlte farnmng laudéetolte Mississippi hollenos stetr Perey'. Iu two Jaya il kiiled 100 acres etf cern for Captain Bovîca. Thte bugs are about as big asi a polate bug, but et différent shape, andl black in cler. ansd havé a bill on thta m nebing like a musquito. te>' caungt l>, but crawl ver>' rapidi>' over lte ground, aud kili a taik oet'corn rery apeediiy. Ilt Ia lbought te receut boigit valer brougbt lte bugs. Tbree deaperadoea tenir possession et John 0.MCleChl-snd'a retaurant, 157%~ Van Buron sîreet, Chicago, ai 4 o'clock 6aturday morniug. At te tuzale et re- velvers the>' beld top Oscar Hamilton, pay eoJcf oovle Thomnas J. MeGienal., ged 38 and un- marrled, committed suicide by abootirig et bls bouse near Jacksonville. Miss Aima Wîdmeyer, of Virginia, won the Demoreat imodal aI the content beld ttere under thé auspices et the W. C. T. U. et CasCounty. F'rank Auburn, wbe In wanted iu Ce- lumbus, Ohio. fer an asut te kil. wass arrested I utDecattur. The crime waa cein- mitled twe yearsamgo. Edl Jackson, colored, shtt Swan Bredie and George Shairer in the tormer'* saloon et Gaiesburg. The wounds are net con- idered dangerona. Jackson was caugbl. Mmm. John Moere, et Rocktord, wbese busbaul dropped do-ad Snnday, died of grief. Site waa welI Wednesday mmu- ing, but said she wss ready and wanted le die. At Jacksonville, E. C. Mmtbews.tprent- dent efthIe Mathews Fonce Comupany, waa mun down by a Waitaab train. Hi&s aplue and akull were injured, and hoe was otherwise hurt. Hi. condition is criticai. Hlerbert Harrison was drowned ln the rush ot, water at the crevaste in the Lima lake levpe. Hé wu» geiug le Meyer te tescit Sunday achool, and in trying te cross the sitream nieur the break in thte ievee hie snd bis herse were swept awsy. Mtrs. E. J. lloffman, wite et the presi- dlent ofthlie 'reni City Mirror Plate Com- pany, and the 7-yerir-old sou et Attorney Stanton A. Hyer, who have been camp- ing ou the bank% of the' Kishwaukeo triver near ltocktord. were lrwned white bath- iug. Ja coh K lvi na tas 1. r o-nqîoo-d oat El- gin loy A. .odoýr & So)n, wa3 teund do-toi n Oakwood Park, e ith two hello-t boles la bis trooosîtond lue rpvolvo-rs lyîtog by is ide. In his pnioket was a letter wrilten In German, saying hie was tirdof e lite. He wu» d.termined te end bis lite. aud ex- presaed aympthy tor bis ged mother. Kîcin w, 2R yenrs old, and bis berne was a( lîatenswood. Salnrdoy lbe tld io tellow workmen lie w, gcIng there te hid bis mother a tat tsrewell. and that tbey we'jld never' ueeo in;"again. Ho returned te Elgin Sunday eveningand wo.nt direct te the park. where hoe carried bis threaî inte execution. AI Walker, a littho stat!on ten miles sentit ut Decahor, tive tramps bell uip and shot E. B. Hut, the agent ot the Illinisj V'entrai. Mmnday niglt. Ilunt ltinks Ihat th- tolows aore new nt the holdling-up psh a *'.tnd thnt te gun wu% diqcharg- 1 'itîlly. He to-l te the platterin o i: h. 1!:1 salanatmfied. Haunt, whon hee reg.oieoJ(encO nsgelintoethe %ta- tion and telegrsplhel o eho'n.'eurters titat hoe had been shot. Tihis gaveo rim. e t th- @tory thal an attempt ladito-on madie te robitheb station. The' ballet trno-k HunI just above thte riglit oye andi t,llowed the akuil around the right eatr. who-re it came out. The woeînd ià net s mo-rteus oie andI the agentislaon Iu*y again. Thte erooer'q jury holdineg an inquest on tbe 'bath et Dr. 1. N. Ceffo-e, otCuire, fiuifihed beariug tealimouy and atter hear- ing counsel fur the Stiote and for te(de- tendant retorned the tollowing verdict: 'We, te jury. fini Ithat I. N. Coffeo came te bis death trom a sîtbwound in the left ide by a dagger or dirk lunte hands et Green P. <'rahtree, and tatlbe was net fuily justified le the sc." The relatives et the late Dr. 1. N. Coffe, t ta aaid, wili make a vigemeus prosecuition. Judge C. M. Loungblood, et Marlou, la rcported te hava heen relained te prosecute. Thora la much snd deep feeling lu tbe case, a bath thé docensed and the detendant stood Wei In thé communîty and eaotb ban many triends. But for tbe imely iztefreoce ot Shor- iff Johnson and bie deputies Wedneadtsy morning, Tom Wilson, the Waahiburu banik rohber, sud tbirty-seven priseners in the Peorla couuty laul would ho aI lierty. Deputy 8. S. Tripp, who wa& on the look- out for the accomplices on the outaldo-. wu& s nnmoncd by meana et a signal, aud going ta the rear ot the jail discovere.1 Elswort h Chpin standing ou a laddo-r taiking le Wilson, the bank r9lbber, whe occnpied a cage ne-ar thc window. Cita. pin bad hià pockets foait bits, augora. files. chinela, etc.. and on the window ili he hied secro-ed eneugh tbols for every priaooocr in te jil. Choopin musa taken into cuqtody and was bound over te await lte action et the grand jury. John A. Jackman, oeefethte mest notel psntieer raiiway meu et Illinois, died Wed- nesday ut Bloomiugtou. aged 4). He wa& bru in Boscaweoa, N. H., sud began i, railway lite as station agent ot the Boston sud Wercester ine lu 1837. He came ta Bloomington in 18414 sud teck charge et the macitinery depirîmeut oethlie Chicago and Allen ltailroad. He waa a leadiuig spirit ln educational maltera mond wu& fer a number ot ypara president ot the cily board et eduration. le was married in 1843 at West Newton, Mass., te Misa Saraht P. Sargent, wbe survives hlm. Ha beaves titree childreu. Mrs. Horace Saeper et Chicago, Dr. Fred 0. Jacknoan et Ibm hospitai tor te insane aI Mount Plofts. ut, Iowa, aud Frank Jacknîan ot Rock- port, Ill. Hlm &domt son. John A. Jack- man, died iu St. Louis asat weok. Tho eprted tailure et C. S. Dole. lbe wesltity farter and stock maiser et Crya- tl Lake, la incorrect. Advmnciug age sud te pressure uder pre~ t business conditions indned lh-4~la ce ail bis preperty and bsie8'..Interpola in the bande et bigsosn-in-iaw, A. C. Sîowell, et Kansas City, irbe la uow arrangiug ail ob- ligatiens ta the entire satisfaction et creditors.M. Dol's possessions cein- .riaed net oly bis place atI Crystal La.ko ýAI FORTV-FOUR WERE IILLED. terrible Reamîta o e tIs alread Die- mater ut Atlantic City., N. J. Nov thal lthé éxcitement bas more or les aubsideil, thse aclual ftasilîesanmd lu- Jnred lu tho Atlantic Cilty, N. J., aload accident, are definilely known. Thé dead nunther tort>' four, and torty-three weme nertoualy ene>ugith hrlt t eb.takon te thé hspftal. Of tbhomoin te hoapital, Iven- et 15% ofet slver le 1 et gold. To malt luese coins, or adi them Utt hoir buMlon value, wouid involve grelot 1béa, hicb the>' anuel afford te hoar. Athér menu- rie, in Europe have,_in lb. aggregate, n large amollit et ilver in circuiabion sud- ar-c in like situation. "Iu EngIaud Ihere l.a agoigsenti-, ment fomr international himetalliant, mm- bra.ciug ber pkiltical écouqmi»ta. hbem pro- THE NEW JERSEY RAILROAI) HORROR. <Seéat lte signal lover front whic hh ftal a . thwsa ur,îcdt ty-eîght vere se tar recovered tve imys bfosera of oiiyerailies, as aise hem manu- Inter as t e blah. 1 go ltteir hontes. faolurers, agrlcrdîurusta, uio wnere en- 0f thhéfifteen pomons emaifing lunte gagedIn lu om*ign tde.iitnd man> et ber heapital several are sufferiug tmom terri- ed.iag bunkers, sud tubsesapeclabi>' lmad- bié Injuriés, thé nature et witich nakea ing witit ber dependencica, citiefi>' with teir reerer>' donbttutL There are mtli Initie, ethracing al classes-. These are = pie vite comtnlelsl al the Reading uniledi jte a formidable organiatbiontsu Was rcing wit a train on the par- promobe himetlbKun. On ltée continent allel track et the Gamiten and Atlaontic. thé SIates et lb. Latin union, exeept andt ltaIlthe Reading train waa geiug snt Svitzerland, are pactically United. T1here uneh a terrifiet rate et speed tlitilcould là,a s tmog sentiment in Gcr-ntny lunlthe net b. stoppe,! whcu thé danger sga an i rection. lTe international iti- was anildeul>' ubeu. The ster> ltaI t vmtetallits are thorotgiti>' rganized lu Reading train was acing witen ltemoci- France, German>', Be-ýkunt sud Hclland. dent occurre,! continue, to e b.repestd, but il auuet ho substantialeil. If 1050 trains were raciug the ongineers were vie- lating eue@etfte striclost mules oet hitu moads, aud vomre lable te instant dism!a- am, if diacovered. On te other baud, a sMan Witosé namne la vithhelit, and Wvit wilneased thte accident, says thé trains vere net rsciug. . No rerification et thé acing bêtween tIsa tvo trains eau b. ebtaineil front the alimeail people, as tbo>'étîher refuse te - Ialk or fiati>' don> taIt e engineema cotait have heen racing. Nererttélema. - people whoitedm1 use thé Ive ouds, amert ltaI races ecc-ur treqouenîl>' on lte level strelcitea, wbere lte lracks are partabeb, and btet amoug tb. passeugers vould b. - made over thé resul. Ivo of thé wouud- ed at thé sanitariunt are lu a ver>' serions dte. Thés. are Mm. Fralinger, eof Bridgelon, eohse beg vas amputatet, snd Ibe uuknown ventan vith lte tractumed skuWl.Thitaler recovermd eenscaeumnésa Saturda>' morning, but coul oui>' îalk Incolaerently, giviug ne explanaîlen et bersmît. Il la probable ber skuil vifl b. sENÂTOR ÂLLISON. trephînedin luthé effort le aave ber ite. ___________________ Thé terrible évekt buhasti a gloom ever 'b, Bru»aeia conférence met aI an lu- thea it>' sud sobeethlb.gay' Ibrongs et opportuns lime andi vtrboul sufilcieut summer pléssure seekers; Beaide, lte prépatution sud onouMation with gev- dmatb and suffemlng entalleil b> te col- énmmnbs lerlted le particlpate. Sncb lision, it La bîkel>' le serlenel>' affect tse a conférence, wisés held, sitouid b. pro- businesefthbie cil>' for the rest et thé ceded b>' a earéuli>' tilgeeteil plan for dis- entamer. Thé tear la expressd among cuaion préparet la adraisca b>'th. iead- boltel men tb,,t tube accident vii maka lng governmeoîîa. Thun lb vas ut Brus- people limi about traveling on lte llgbt- saa"ltaI (Germnaind asIAnelia aud acte uoeg expresses, andi ns Ibis ban bee a ofuthebe maller States vére net pertittool poor emson se tar, the otitlook la vievedto te mtnti vote in tube conierence, sud vith anyîhing but citéerful mnds b>' bu -___ mne., people. ALLISON ON SILVER. Iowa Senator Favers imetaivatm by AgCreezàezt. Senabor William B. AlHien, lu repi>' ta a requomltfor bis vieé.t oueblng bimetal. llsm b>' internationalb agreemeent, bau wrk- ten a btter, whieh ban been pnteld by eaUpper Des Moines et Algons, la. rAllison wvas citirgteofthtie Unied Staltee délegation te the Bruuls moue- lar>' conférence Lin 182,sud pludid te queseion exhaustivel>'. H. maya lu part: "As respects bhe prospeet fur an Inter- national agreeoment te ix a ra¶io hétween goît sud silver, with a vlev te ope miels wlth unlmmattéd coinage b>' te agelng nations, I ast bil et lb. belief tiasa ueb au agreement vitilin a reaeosable tImý , i probable. Thé ilver eouptrie cannot abandon #âilrm beomuse offlelr slluation, »ç~ eau lb,>' procure goI4 tu lte tise TI NEWJERSEY IR place oetslver, arn If lb.>' ve. nc"Ied (Weketseneu frn'h to e om5,- HeînSe Je ecsty'eof acoco; (rck fte mn arhmw WED IN SPITE 0F ALL. mieGrmes Wilson Dacosmes Mr». torneil a Vanderbilt jr.. Commtus Vandet,4t Jr., end -«ia- Umace Wilson worm married in Ne*'.-1rJ et noon Monday ut the Wilson resMdence, by the Bey. William H. Pott astant rector of St. Tboena'@ Churieh. The wediling wu& pri- vate. Oniy the mem- ber, ot the bride*s tozuily wei'e pre.mot. j The bridegroom w«u thei only one ot the Vanderbilt tamlly at ithe marniage. Probably no other wedding in years * baise&0aroused the intereat and sympt- thy of New Yorkers.«« Prom the tonte the ,8 G WLS19 engagement w"sa a- nounced. a tew meztthe ego, UV te the present the Vanderbilt famlly bas ma.de known its uncompronsang dispproval of the mietch. The tact that the bMid la a tew years eider titan the bridegroom hai been the main obstacle tu their union, aud even tbis ùa., heen as nothing in the face of thbetr tevo-tion toeedi etbes'. B.v nsrrylng the goirl ot bie cho4ce yon Vanderbilt may torfet a patimony %Y.icdi la estlonatcd et 944J0O00,000. A single carrlage stood In front et the Wil- son residence dutslzw the ceremony, In -whlch the bridai cou<sle were eonveyed te 0lornelin.Venderbilt, Jr., la the living son of Cerné- - . IUns Va.nderbilt andý a great-grandsoa of , q the. cele.baated Comn- modore Vanderbilt. w'ho ld the ftoda- tien ci the tfmly's grest fortune. The Young men Io 22 yea.rs of ageanad w«.agraduated laut yesr et Yale. He C. VÂNDZIBILT JR. wu& the firet menmber eofhin familly te at- tain àa univeroity degree. Mien Grate Wilson la not a inember or an eld Neow York tamiCy. Both har failer endi motli- er are SOutberners, wbo aettIed in New Yoik after te c)ose of (the civil ver. Richard T. Wilson leaa e,.made .m. and in snppoeed te, bc the posaoc of $10,000,000. RESULT IN ALABAMA. Densocrata Cialsu the Governor by 40,000 Msjority. According te an Asaecoaed Preis dWa patch sent out on the night toilowing the Alabama election, Johuston, the Demo- cralle candidate, won with a majority ot about 40,000. Electiona in the State ef Alabama are con4ncted on lbe Ans- traian plan, and ne dèdnite figures as te the reenit cau be 'givon until the odicAaI couatte cempleted. The PopuUsatu kept a close wu"d on the preceediaga, oeeof the "apotýtera" piaced te Count the tsumber ot votera Who went mbt the poNuw sd peau, tranaferring them from oea yl>ket te annîher. At anotser polius place the Populist "apotter" mark- ed Demecrats entertnX te vote by white peau and Populiste bjO black beans. He conteods that sergral ndred more voe@ are returnéd from the. box thau there were votera whe went Inside tohe repes, ansd hg amye ha 'had ln bis poo5kets many more beans than Geedwyn recelved votes. Tlmothy J. Dacy, on.eoftheb oldeat a"i 11mont widely knewn reshdents et nortlher» EIAILROÂD Rf080. bit ngt a passe4g effpt d Uashrî.) "EUE SERIOUS OUSSIEC'I1 ' pousiomi -Tbeugbts Wertbr ad tien-Bau mnor' scripture*-TisuaWeLt Lesson fer Aise. Golden Text.-"Tit lord. la #ad my salvatien; witon s shah Pu. 27. 1. Thé lesaen this wéek in foun4 W: 8-19. The 1aI leason wsu m> In the personal bistory et D& preeeding chapter, chapter S, sa esal surnmary of thé wars et las a part et bis reigu preeedfiW @in, In 8: 12 the -Ammonites tionéd ameng these eonqesaêr,, The. present lesan deseribes la war. It are b hrougb the hy the king qphe Aomoàitm't t. mausengers. 1Ausfmen and Israël wayu béen enéilu ice Ihem ,thé Ambteonitet and the IIobt.à tused Ibéir aid te thé Ise.lltdebw way lotoCanaan. BRUI ba&! Ihern everely nome llirty orf betore this lime, but a ne* king. on th. Ibroué, Hanau, penbapsaa et the Nabasit whom Saul dé fater efthIis new king had s conrtesy te Diavid tbe exact which ianet slsîéd. David sat, grmtulatomy message le Sanuna Ammonite king, Imite te bis ou*, nature, waa perauaded by bis tat the motive of lte embassy triendly, and sent lb. messungalt a ridienlons pllgbt whieh amou open Insuit 10 their master. The itea aeemed te b. acblng fer a mccomplished their désire. WIS learàd that David resmutmd ,tbe; thmy prepared te meut hlm by thiai own army a large foree et marcenaries front several CIdUeý nemlgborhooecf etDamaoena. were concentrated in for tIi. vidahfJOOwith. aamy td thé insuit andi reduce. Aàmonst fibon. The lasson describea thse Suggeations for tudy.. 1. Rend cisapter 10. 2. RendtheIb paraliel accouâI la , 19, noticiug thé pointa tfti Chronlcles Dames the prie for bis Syrian merenrla clty wbere Itmetrep ee Medeba; the names of te u whlch the mereenaries wrere givén au Mesopotamla. Maasal bhi, instead oet BetIs-reheh, Z, cait and Tobasain 2 Sam. *R. V.);. clés puls thé number of chsariot$: 32,000 (1 Chron. 19: 7) whlch la an errer in the leit. Learu ubat yen can about the item: titeir tradltional engsin (Uta, Iheir close relation te thé Moabs 10: 61; 2 Chren, J): 1; Zeph. 2: ,ç their early history (Dent. 2, 2); 21; Deut. 3: 16; Dent. 23: 4), their acter (1 Samn. 11: 2; Am.11;J 6, 7; Jud. 7: 11, 12>.0fcouu lien et Ibm country ef Ammoen map should hé ivei la mmnd, bennds*rles et their territory sa» what uncert&4u. TohItmhetetftbt eru part ot the'D.a4 Sua, heweverq et Moab aud eÏtmndlng emstward 19 dese t, was thais home. Theïr M R.ahLh,' lien on tb.e eastern eo* 4lilead; anti Madeha, referced te 19- 126U on ugh net b na»in15witif- terrltnry asnigond e teRuch e.,gee ty miles east et Ihm Dead lie. Leseeon Ontlime. 1. Joab detéats Ihe Ammonitesai M deoa, vs. 8-14. 2. A second vlctory at EHelan, V& 1 19. 8, "The eblîdren of Anamoa;" os e0 et Aomon.-"ýAI the enlerlng 1o gale:" Aliteough the City ln net br~ md, il séema plain tbat il va. eNehi eity l intée lerritory:&t RenhUbela aâ northeaat et thé Dbead Sde.M.4b~ lweuly miles southwést trom a te Ammonite capital. It in mnameU parallel sccouat ln Ubronîcles as sembling place ot lb. armiea. 0. "The front of the batislewva hlm hetore and behiud:" The mi army was divided, tis, native Meid5îh ing posled in front et Madeba, tis nterceutlries "in thé lield" ai a i prepared le attack Joab'@ rear. D met titis strategem b> dividlng w army, sending part oft I nuder againat the Ammoenites, amd i i~ lscking Syrian forces. 12. "Be of gooti Courage, and 10, play bbc mon;" ltémally, b. @Irous Md 1 us show ourmélvea tog-s' cies et 0cr Ood," Jomb's pile siens wouid sand a littie bettes it W» pot remember bis cruel murder et Abu and te curie witich Davléd t rMM ed upon hlm for that act; but be U 1g doubledi>' a goed général, wbtetrp1 ma>' ma>' etbis persoai haracter.' »W David asud thé Lord kuew beytu sncb men for gond purpeses. 14. t appeairs ltaI th, Sy#%a co gent was by far lte slrouaeet perli Ammtonite mmm>' and il@sdeteat atu batlle. 15i. The byriana amarteti un4sa *1 défont, ton thé northera wariý,,*O tamens for Ibeir valor. ES1. "Hadareser," a oulti be zer; he was king o et bb.0 cibles whicb sent merceaameL. a --"Beyond tue river;" tisatle, te Euphtrate@; le lite nertbat mascus. This lime Ihare vuete Prenue éffQr, te ptnt evath" genemai -= 1>the ré a the prewealFinalUllnAgt "eat"Locatioa net kuova. 17. --w it.p l vws tldDvh. second C. *ais ptee lm leftI tejoa. meDavid lilnplt, le"it see 'rw, bs