Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 7 Aug 1896, p. 8

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CHAPTER I. Mie I-45 for Chilcago? nut gone. It's #*t f1.15 tus evenaing. Erirat la the .re eXd tb. girl la dspair. She C-ouf ber baud and caugit one of! **" enpillera supporing the. roof of Itifl station t Mllway. va&s imest dark. Niue o'clock bil c.Tic straight warm rein vas 5< froagh tbe dosky, vindiesa air. Wua au veulng tovards thei.ndodfn ê-hi-aslast Wednesday oi thet aotb. ft w"c uot a sound but the dtl mut- g best of ticerelu upon the roof. Not mal visible but the girl sud station W teck her baud avay trom theWooad- >Ulàr, and gatliered ber cloastroud te prepçWgiçefor gins. Do aId4e#Wslang for 700. mins?Have it»Wk !krasked lie lau. ýM4 not ausver bMc question; aie Siàbted: "«Do 7011 tbink the, rein te puced a e thIi Ue of dl, kr idcp ky. "No, misa, I1,!o't thlnk. CL-I " f aocas if 'tveuld rein aUl' ho slgied moe.,!ber poboldersnder dosâýtqfi ettle 1, and ucas " 'Thauk "l Unlitleu va, auoved vlthdneap- 001à:wslovl ut aifthe. station, rxlmed uotu'lla and vaîked uder the buge x*ubes et a broaad desented road lesdlng al] Ch ta h. Oc eh cd te aI til ta hi hi lu ai T hi t' ti d A puiber pan. liit not booma quick, et «»u4 ber breth came short. Tiheutil, .s4,,sent-ladea air ceemed too rlch fan jqelg Ille sud coollng thie bood. Sbe< anme sdwauld have like,! ho aitw aneêv d reat, but nihber i me non place s' *&lcvof pause. Sho inuat get on-ch i muct get bsck as quckly, as possible, or r th migbt b. toc late, tra late f0 regaInr Mh*r'aaHon and steal unpercemvod hou bei' Wcrethere. Tathiat haheini Etbsm c - Uoee under vich t-nigt eted that t «Mas Oscar Llgi. Oscar Lelgh, theS Clnmlugbolfi. andaclous Imu. 1Ovmng tot e ti s o f thoelitlo saaey kt iei by ber tathor, Editi Grae sbcd boss obliged ha fr7 pInd get sometlalng ta àdk, as tic coul Dont coassan: ta enenmeh n eh tic. leudr Incarne of her gisdmofi- *ré Mm. (race, lie euly relative che bcdil 818fite vonl!. As uash ,! dboea 5Iong 8 M»iiMn. Grecs,,$li. thaugit the thing 0 'W sit ber beef vould hoe acompanion-a ahlp to su eldely or invali,! ladjy. Sho edvoutis<il'fie daily papera, and the efft .roil ooking noply came troutlà r. 1n =1em *élg, etEltham Houme, Mili- 'VU, Who vauted e compauloma forhils lu-t UMm motior. M. Leigi coutil not cive msuM mslary, but if advertlaer tank the. e dltlon, abc vaald have s thenenghiy4 ccnfortable and ighly respectable home.t Urt. 1UeIs could malte an appolntmenhtfon «SIef ng la Chicago., Tic aaetlngtrto place et Mn,. Grae's &bd#-M ngsd altiaugi Mise Grue cirank efau lie sppeararnce sud mannere af M. leigh, she accepte,!thie situation. Mr. Oscar Ligi was very short, sud1 bai uehod&fs o! unequal beigit, aud ai * cigit iuucb on bils bck. His face vas &Mansd iollow cheeke,!. The 0eesumail -*ud black, and pierciugly bigit. Hic cx- presion vas saturnine, siniter, cruel. 'Ie te.tb venu fa ng-ike and yellov. Hia weiee bllov vbcn hoe poke 10v, sud berah *Wiz lie raise,! it. Hic breath came lu cicetgaupe nov sud thon. He drraped tovards the igit aide, and cannled at ~ atnsd unusually thîcit stick. vith Alufflugged sud bathere,! cnook. Miss Grace vaald hav, pitied hlm oniy for hii Saetapleuagsces. .tlle vould have bath- ed bis oaly sie coold nt tonget that bis -deforMities a-e desenviug of pity. The l aegaln vas there and tien completed, anad if bd beeo arrange,! thet ac bould 8o0 , tàitam Hoose tiat day veek. 1%a0, lgt tiat i-eu nov upon honr and eraili làbo. thts duit. dark, ieavy-ponium- 0&cd ralu-drowr'e,! mideummer ngt, vas *10e Digt of tbet day veek. OnU' one - 197okla btveen the visit of tus mauch- 460 sud thisday. Thic maruIng Si, ~ia otChicago and seen Millvai tor oc rftimâe lu ber ite. Mh iadt got tiare t accu sud diven tralgt ha El- I#au Bouce. The line of the cabibbcd ý' -cci. consîdoeble iurocd on hie money &à bot p"ciet. wu# novrreducod 4 aeousW a iev cents moe.tien ber mere âWala tare taoChicago. Wieu cie <oh sqý%e e oald bave ta vaik home. ()hl lku he.throngithie smils ustirets dhiebugsd vItheveryday folk, vould ho ab de4llgeompaned vith thile bleak, qc$aqEtiea buse, this hîdeous, la- trm* m os , defarme,! dvarf. it vas lMP6cahbîcfar ber ta stay et nl- j1 H onme, utoly Impossible. Tisl WMb badlf ld bhoniehoulaad see lit- -M Vnotjang a! ber ntt he Place, an,! .-'Wbme rab eached fie honce bis wu' fu ace and figur, sic laid eyoc -o. -W - .-ba ae-thie doror alier sud wel- e4ber in EltiiamiHIote, and outhie tlaueehld lho iad attompte,! ho kisu <ireat hevens! It vas lncredibIy bibut it vas true! The firt man ' dever dan.,! ta try ta kitsslber vas r"" idifas beat, this missiapen flou, a ~ cstdmousteni1 be sc as ou ber vey baek ta Buiisel T*here vas ne alterna- Uf5 ba picre cime te go. For aaoney cie could not a.u u bifteI. ie iad neyer boo lose hefore, an,! mie ftI flla a miv placet. Mlie vas --bat ase-, v&aswkvsrd, - Ah: hlbt as. aie .aIo g bisahlmtg wyclqciae ber in patriar- ci1 f4shion ho l1iâ -hauelPatrlarcialIf chlon, ludeed 1 ý Utliedbimseîf sald beve nev le vas net ain &douis, bat thiat liefi'< mes not a Metbiiseab eIlher, sud hic de, oor, simple, paralyaed mother hold lier oi *e vas thhlty-five yeers el,!. She vauld 7e ot tae.ail the maucy lu tbe vorld ta fta in e houa. ho whlch be vac froc. At ca1 ýght o'dack tint-etoning aie hed pîead- i gia. sand,rqtired ta ber owun oom Pr ný thqnlghh, NVheh the totmndlbera-selIf Joe ,vith thte.door lockeo,,allie thought dii 'oer thbe yents ni .tbec 45 and ber pou1- an in, and lu the end made op lber mimd thi oescapne and,! eturn ta tovu sance. Sheto rote a line ta lie offect_ that ube veu se ring, and place,! it ou flae dressing table RI )y tèii iudav. n Reg rgoa yai ona ,wigraund floon, sud cl hg' vindov lelde open. 8hcoculd creep n an,! change Jase. w#t boots ad ciolies er Ld ait up iu.t4Mkcsy chairtt Imarulng. heu she conflituheel avcy sgsln, velk ta t i.wý tals mtq..fd a.lefirat lu mcin- for the. clhy. thi t» sg1<myl. lesroij the lx qt.,tlaetov- until hl 3h gindl e 41gh badge sud getevai' a ct berdetpa;Ltiea aie, di Pct'timeet on ventae a seul.. Wihserl.ns.trepida- h< on, elle poche,! fe gate open aud enter- tOi e« t4. giinpinAg n$,med froin the. 10 aven ofthe trcq.fnfl ,tnd coai5 th opea drive. - .Thauk boa ,en, the vIn- ov vas opena1 After a Jeojre straggle L hoc tound herselfinlutheroo n. I Wlth great caution see ei.rcbed wbcre Il alle knev Ler trunk Iay opfl, toud the n' aerment@ eahe neede,!, aille replaced ber Il wet clothing viti dry. She resolve,! ta y it chilI. 1h vas eleven o'clock. I1h woold I oe bnigit daylight lu a toc' boura. As oou ac tieuuon rose she shool, ,if the aima hed ceaie,, ave the boume and h wander about iu the bnigit open'daylight catit ile ho takre the firet train for Ci- cago. tibo snt ith ber back ho lie parti- N ion hhweea ber sud the diniug room. v lie lhed net dan.,! telove the beavy bhain ton fear ot making noise, e "Have yon don., Oscarr t" "Tes, motter. I bave fiuished for tbe nigit." I Edili Grecs eat up In hon chair sud r gasped vith tenror. The. varda seemed spoken ai ber osr. The voices vere thoso of Oscar ijeigh,the iunchback ,!vsrt, and, lais mothon. Mr%. Lolgi, lie paralyseda oId womaul "TYes,"lthe voiae o! the maneai e, ,.1 bave made the dru.'im sud calcula±ious. It >as5 taksn me time-s <test deal ai taie, motier., But 1 aa rlght I have drieampied. 1 gienereîly am nlght, matn- er. 1 generally dpt triumph, mother." Ho spoke lu a ton e ai elation. "But you are tIre,!. 1h bas heen 4 long day fan you.1' .*No, Oscar. %,,am,.. feeling quît. watt aund lively ud u@trous to-iigit. For an ald a'omsn, via bas lout hei.uae ai herlimbe, 1 keep very veIl. Whon you are vida me, 1 do not meem no01,!, uay son." "014! Old r' he crIe, , vth hsrah, oa- phatic gayehy. "Tan are not ol, matier! Yon are a youns wonien. Tounare a gIrl, compsred vltb the old vomen I kuoov. Up ho sixty-five a womeu ags fester thanae man, but onc, aven smxy-fi ve, vomen grow young agein. Motiior, I -ecn to-s- .tomisi hyou acon. I imosu ta îarny s v.ry handseme vite. I have one in my eyo slreedy. Tou knov 1 neyer make up my mlnd ta do eoytblug that in the end does not came off. Bift hotore 1 manry I muet finish my great vork. When I have pnt the 'lest touchies ho it I saii it Tor e large sul, sud retire tram business, spd liv. her. vitb you, motion, et my case." "Au,! vheu, 17 dean, do yan thluk fie great edock villIhollefnishedIt lhaithe onlythuing lu (he vonId I am jeelauc ai. Have 700 edded any nov vondera ta if?" The tnigbî had by this time di.,! out of Edith'e heant. Bbc now uoderstood via tie owoora of the voicea vone, vby the speakers seemcd so near. Oscar Ileigii vs'talking ho biasnaotien lu the dmnlng nool. They lboth holieve,!&lie vac la deep aleepanad caald nat heer, or *ioy far- gai tic thinuceis o!the esutance seperat- Ing loIm. Betvoon the diuing ront and! vierle tie set vas ouay thi. mugit panel oi a faldiai doon. CRAMTER il. "Boou, soan, motion. 1h uhal ho mIfins- .4 cacu. Iennat tell exachîy vies, but no£ very far off. lace lie end caf uq la- bo e icrevard ofaitUmy ctudy, the trait ai al my lite," saud theo the buacuuscke,! dvert. "About theo dock," sel,! Mm, Leigh. "TY ee soing ta tell me lyhfat ev v onderu you bave added ta 1h, and wvien ic ecravning voader or aIl vas tf0Ill .fixe,." 1 "Oh, &y,the edock. 0f connse. Mati- jer, wbea 1 oeil 17 unrivale,! dock, lIl .give up living lu the city sud came dovu »hon. te yau and become a privai. gentle- man." 1 "Bot vbY csn'h You coume dovu an,! s top tieres, lvaya, 17 Oscar'! Sarely 1yoar dock conld ho bnoughtho Milvay." IL "Dear, dean motion, I cennot move thc 1 eock. Tau fonget boy large it la. 1 bave told you aven and aven sgamn It vculd b alf 8U thie room. Bemides, I have othOr .humslnpsun li te city 1 cannat Icave jat rnov. 1 vill co as soon ss'eer I eu. t on mnay taiue 17 word'fer tiat I vas r 801W ho explalu ho yoa about Wl mat-vl- ans1111 dock.LoLt me see. Whst have I a lready teld you't" 4 '*Oh, vas tue, vanderful ho e'emmbee'.' Tell me avor agelu."1 e "Vony veil. Te begin vitis, tCwUL cf ase, rifu.n elime qLxiat putbaf uti rone pucal.e sud a«tou- toi me. Lt wS habthe mont useful ek lu th* van,!." '*e fart fat la alL.aey, and!vould nt Un if av», e very remarkable dock, ber. If wyul taire account of -leap rs% sud b.acestructea ta run till the ir teuSthausand ofethle Obristian ors." When once wound up*?"- Oh, ne, yau simple mothor. It vll r.e ta ha vouud up every week." "But vOll oct the. macbluery woar out?" Tes, the. metal and the atones wll esn ont sud ruat eut hotore elght thon- nd years. But the priaciple wilI bave gt thouisand years of vltality in It. .1e sud bras aned ruies yleld ta fric- an and tisa., but a principle lives for- r If it la a true principle- "And a gaod prînciple," lntcrrupted the es oft olad vomau plausly. Goond or ha,,if it in true it viii last" Ld the voieof the hunehback harshîy. onr he vent on la more gentle and even ie: "Ou another face it vili tell the me af high wster ln fitty great mari- me cities. Thora yull ho tour thoosand gres of tîne, figures o! ail the <Sts en o! the. past. eac bhearlng a cyinbol ai i@ gratent yack, ar tlaought or achleve- eut, and earci appearins an the anab- mrary af île death; thus there vilà be îm eight ta twenty figures visible each ay, snd that lay vilho tth. anuivensary tiie one on which eacb o! the. mon died earsa ga." 'Four tbousand figures! Whjy, It will Dit s fortune!" 'Four thousaud historic figures each reseuted ou the. snuivetsery of deatil am et vork au the figures o! thoco who id on the. ý2d af August just txtir They oe very lntere:stlng ta me, aud on. o! hm la the mont interestiug of al lte or thooad figures. Richard Planta- net, of Gloacester, commauly calied tchard the Third of England, aud nick- ame,! the Huncuback Tyrant," mail- lnualy. "Occarr' lu a toue o! proteit and mis- y. "Yes. Hump an,! al, I amn nov makîug oe figue.oaitic muet fsaus iuncbback ahlatory. 1 tae.déligit lu madeling ea figure oifnMy Huucbek Tyrant. Lu dy and souti I eu sympathise with- î." Ho spaoke furlously, and there vas Lcound Iu the rmosas if ho rose. "Oh, yoa break my heart, my boy, my oy- .uy son! 'la't do"t. "You cut me t ie sonll on frigistea me vien 700 oek in that val." Sho apokre lu terrar tid angulet. "Break your heart, motier!" eut on Lelgh, In a tone o! excitemeut. "Wbat onrt can vords do? Look at me! Mol IfI were to cay 17 beart vrais broken, io one varald wonder. I am not reproach- lg yo0. Heaven knovc,-If I turne,! upoo you, I should bave no fiend leftiuail] te world. Not one vho voald cere for me-care vhethor 1 liv.,! or died, viaetber prospered or vas bauge,! hy the cammon angolsu an a gîbiet!" "Oh, Oscar! Wbat bansosure, yo s0 'au nover telked in the vay until nov. What ban change,! you?" The womnac vais weepiog tbrough ber words. "A girl'c face. A gir"eface bas chang d me. I, who baid a heurt ta the cane ai adamant betdtting the croaked carcase li whicb it la penne,! and! warped. But there Ihave been vaporing, inother. Let mî cords pasa. 1 cm myself egain. I knois -aur advlcc 4 geod. 1 menta !ollow It IvilI marry a vif.1 ill marry i pretty, siiepely vife. Tau ehaîl havi grandchildreu et your knee, mother, ho foe lang, before you go." "Who lu abe? Do I kuov ber? Ui knav eveuber naîner" "IAIl tist la say secret, mather. I wil not Bey any mare o! hon but thet I sei accuatome,! ta succeed, and I ivili eoccee, acre. I will keep the secret of ber nain in my heart ta gond me on. I sut accus tome,! ta succeed. Reut anoure,!1 i vi succeed lu this. We wilI say no mare 0 t Let It ho a torblddcu aubjeet betvee us outil Iepeak o! it again; ntai, pei haps, I bning ber to 700. Ah! thet stori has cloare,! the air, 1 vas excite!. have reacon ta ho excite,! ta-day. At th! moment-lt lanfl0w juet tvelveoa'clock-8 this moment I am either aucceeding c failing in one of my mont importer ame." "Just nov, Oscar. Do you mean herge *'No, not bore, lu Cicago. Too dl not believe in magie, mohiier*." "Surely net. Wiiat do you mean'?" "Or In clairvoyance or epecters?" "No, my chil,. Nor yau, I hope." "And yot net everythiog-uot hait e, erytblng-la uu,!erahood Oeennow." ".WiII 700 not tell me ofi tus, elther?" "Nat to-nlght, motier. Tou kuav badl e week ega no intention ai commr boem to-day. 1 di,! not came to velcox Mis& Grace. 1 had anather reason fi comîng. I amo trying an expeniment t nigit. At thie moment 1 amn puttlng tl remoît o! many enxioua hours ta the toue If my experimeut tunaout moeIll 1 a came loto n sîreoge powen. And noi mother. it lu very lete for you. W. mu go ta lied. That patent couch etill e ables yeu ta do vithout aid in dressing (Ta ho continue!.) Quiolkly Over. An amueing lîttIe atory ls told of tl eummary '.ey lu whlcb President Ho kias of Wllllauxstown once dispos of thac case ai e etudent et the. celleg The youug man bad been married short fime preylous ta enterng the. ct lec., sud vas led to finir thet hlits'fa mîglaf debar hlmn from enjeylng came, fie privioges 0f the. Institution. A cordlugîy, tu a great etiate of perturb tien, ho called toa @. Presidejat Ho kins, who recelved hlm wlhh mach cc diality. THE GOSPEL. 01V OOD CHEER Istei FOR THE SORROWING. 1.11 fat, Rev, Dr. Talmage lirays Viii, PIc- ni tares or the Legathemiulngsbadews fo of Life-Whea 'lime Made un,!ftter- ge mitY Beigis-The Ligif of Christ. plat At the Cane or Dey. 505r Dr. Taîmage's aubject this week lightc Sal ap the corrovc of this lite and sounsde 'u s gospel af good cheer for al vwho vilI re- 0 eelv. it. Hie toit wcc Lake xxiv., 29, a i "Ahi,!. vith u, for 1h lu towerd evoing." dee Tva villagers, having conclnded themr the errand ln Jcrusaleum, have started out et o the cty sate and are ou ticir Way ta a Esamaus, the place ai their residence. t TrheY go wlth asacd heart. Jesus, vho son bcd been their admiration and thoir loy,th bcd been baeely aassecred sud entombe,!.th As vlth sad face and braken boart thoy se pascaon their vey, a straugor accoste al flou. Tbey tell hlm their auxiotles and hoc bitterneasof soui. Ho iu tamn talku ta h thoera, mightily oxpaunding tie Scnlptures.m. u BO tirova aven them the fascination ofai a Intelligent conversation. Tiey forget tie sn finie and notice flot tic abjects they pas . aWt *ni! before they are avare bave cae ap ila la front oi their hanse. Thcy pause h o fore the entrance and sttempt ta persuade ti. 9tranger t ta rry oith thcm. They ma p ros upon hlm their bospitalitles. Nit lu la colin g ou, and h. may meet s pnowling wi vild belet or h oblige,! ta lie unsialtered a tramthie dew. Ho cannot go muci fer- l fier nov. Why nat stop there sud con-ga floue their ploasant conversationT Thoy tre take hlm by the arnm and the7 insisaon gi bise comins lu, addrecciug lna lte i wards, "Mbille wit.b ns, for it la tovard t .i'ening." ta] Tii. candles are ligite,,-the. table la th, cPread, pleasant oocialiticu are enklndled. al They rejoice in the presence o! the virong- lit or gueat. Ho amks a blccing upon tic îe bread they eet, sud ho bandsae plece o! le 1; taoiach. Suddouly and wlth overvhelm- fi, las Pover thi. tioegbfflashes upon fie wl astouiche,! poople--4tln ithliLard! An,! as tiiey nit la breclilesa vouder, looking î lapon the. rosurreeta,! body oi Jemus, heo.ha vanlahe,!. ThiltorvieWrendo,!. He vasl@I The fflahf Day. lm With manY ofui 1 u in blgbt, sunehiny ha day ai proupenlty. Thon. lu net aC loud la cu, iAOt a leift rustling in the. forent, pg tic cbill lu the air. But we cennot expect ho ail tus ta last. He ln not su intelligent Io nasa via expeceuperpetual dsyllght oe!ti 3oY. The sun vill set aiher avile near w tie horizon. The shedow vill leugtiou. w WIlle I @Peak, many of us stand ln the Y rvery bour describe, ln the, test, "for ih le fr rtoward cveniu." The reqaut of thecà, fext la appropriate for som, bofore me. et For vith thema it la toward the, cveoiug h( ? f aid &ge. Tbey have passed the mon,!- ii Ian ai lite. Thoy are somciutec tartlel 'T tu liink boy aid they are. They do ual,y bovover, like to have others remerk opon It It. If Otiers susgentt heir approximation foward venerablo uppeaance, they say, .Why, I'm net s0aid mter aIL" They g do, fInde,,no0ice that tiiey cannot liftta yQuito so much as once. They canat o velk quite o test. uhey cannat -res,!P Quoe sevol vitiont spectacles. Thsy t a annotno eally recovor tram a coagi l or auy i>ccciona ailIment. Thoy have t let licir teste for merrimeut. Tbey areb surprise, et lie qaick passa geofa the yecr. t ,0 Toy ay liat Il only ceoms a litîle villeb ago tbat.theyvere boys. They are gtlngb a littIe dava MIL h. Tta.a cmething la thih, ealth. somotilahhor vision, socmelhilag lu their velk, cameliag lna fhilecisngingasocations, comethlug0 le &bave, sometbîng benecth, comething i 'w ithîn, ta n.mind tiicm that it sa tovsnd Sevonlng.8 The grent vent of aIl socii ls te have1 ou Zesuara blde vita tiol. Ilin a dîsmale r- Mus ta ho gettiug old vîthout the. rejuve-f n nafli ginfluence oi religian. When wvo i stop ou lic davn grad, o! lite and ceed Dt fiat t dlpc te the verge of tiecocld river, vr e vaut ta hohold soin. one. ar vbo rt vIhelp ns acrosu It. Wiieu lie sîgitt tlocea Its 'paver ho glenn. snd gether up, vo need the faiti thut cao Illumine. .0 o W ev feel the fialure oet he laer, we laneedthi. cloar tones of thet voice. vicha la lden times broke up the. silence of the . dec! vith cadence ai mercy. When the. aimen o! deati bey dovn viole toreuts o! sfrengtb and beuty around us and vo are leit lu solitude, ve ueed the dove' ai divine merci, ta siug ln our branches. Wheu lie shadovm bogin te tell sud vo tee! that the day le fer upent. vo nec,! ne mot of aIl ta sopplicate the &trousgblenet- or icent Jeans lu the. prayer of the. villagera, An "Ahi,!. vith ne, for it la foward eveniug." ho 'ho ark Nigiht. ý. The reguest o! the tcxt la an approprî- st, e excl&akatiou for ail thon are ap- v, proache, lu tii. gloomy heur et tempte- to tion. There lu notbiug o&alcr than ta ho in good-ntur.,! vhen ovoryflalng pleaaes, or te ba humble viien lier". le uohhing ta oppose n forgivlng viju vo have nef beea asssaled, or honeci viien vo have ne Inducement t trin, But you have tell the grapple ai came temptatlcu. Tour ae nature et nome hume qujLked sud groane,! 9- under the infernal tonte. Teu toit fiat d lie devil vas ster yoa. Ton »v ycur e. Obritia grecese retrestlng. Ton feansd a fiat you voald tel la the avtul vreetle ýlw.t via in sd ho tbravn Into lie dixat.Tb@ ic gloom tiekene,!. The lirai: Indications af orthe. nlht vere Ceeu in aIl the. trembllug of yaur souL. In ail the infernal sugges- L-tions et satan, lunal hie aurgîog up ai )a- tumoltuaus pansions and oxitements, 700 M, tlvîti awtnl emphis atiat ft vus hav- r- ard .veulng. In ilbe tompte,! boor you ne.,! toazak Jeauq toabai,!. vith yoa. Tou ntCon beat back ti& manter uhat vaul,! am geine. Bo, when we are essaultedin wh mptation. tiiere la always nome secret tali ir by which we Wight get off. God fini 11l not allait'un ta ho tempted above cau bat we are able, but with every temp- wil Mon wlll bring a way or escape thst we phi ay ho able tbear lit. 1J T'he prayer of the text le appropriate Wl k ail who are autlclpating sorrow. The wo eatest folly tuat ever grow on this ev4 ânet LI the tendency ta borrow trouble. and ut tbacre are times when àpproaching wu rrow ln se ovident that we oued to ho 1 I îking special prepî,ration for its Cool- soi One of yeux children han letelY became as favorite. The cry ot that child strikes biu Peper loto the beart than the cr7 of ait ho iothera. You thiak more about It. ho. ou give it more attention, nlot because Ltti any more of a treesure than the others, bri ut beeuse lit la becaming filL There lu on Dmething ln the check, In-tho eyO andi la coi ec walk that maires yon qulte sure that zno he leavea af the fiawer are golng to be wl cattered. The utm5st nursing and medi- th, i attendanco are Inefrectual. The pulse eh ecomes feeble, the complexion lighter, no e step weakor, the laugh feinter. No Wl aore ramplng for that ane through hall ar mid parler. The nursery la darkoued bYyuy îapproaching calamlty. The heart feela ne ith mouru fuI anticipation that the sun yu sgoing down. Nigbt speedi ou. It la pi ward eveniag. Yeu bave long rejolced In the care of a di other. You have donc everytbing ta yc nake ber lent days happy. You have runa lith qulck feet te welt upou ber every fr ant. Her presence bas been a perpetual y<: lessing ln the bonsehold. But the fruit su gtherers are looklng wistfully et that se ce. Her coul le ripe for henycu. The en gtem aue ready te flash open for ber en- tui ance. But your soul sinks et the re tougbt of separation. Yon cannot beur et tthink that soon yoo will be called te ln tke the lest look et tbat fece whlch front bd te tirst heur bas looked 11poi y701 with Ih afection unchangeable. But you See thet si te la ebblng and the grave wlll unon bide Il or from yeur slghtYeo it quiet. Yeu 1 ,el henvy heurte!. The light la fading na from the. aky. Tbe air la chili. It La ta- si werd devenîng. t ~Yeu badl a cansîderable estate snd felt le Iudependent lu Ove minutes an one tair ci balance shoot yeu cauld sdee mast haw 7011 ti sod lu the world. But there came cool- b plicatlong. Iiometh;ng that yen lmagiued 'T 6%amslble belit frlend 7yen n had proved a traiter to your intereste. A n audden crash of national mlsfortunes s rasrate! your crodît You may ta-day s, be gaing an In business, but-you feel anu%- e lus about wbere y00 are standing and '1 fear tbst the. neat turng of the wbeel b cili bring you prostrate. Yon what y00 consider certain detalcation. c You think of tbc anguish of teUling y700? i friends yau are not wortb a dollar. Yeu ri 00w net how 7011 will ever bring your s bhldren home trom achool. Yon wouder c 10w 7011 will stand the selling af your1 ibrary or the moving loto a plainer hause. e The mistortunes of life bave accumalated.. You wander what inskes the. sky sa dark. s It la toward evenlng. IPoothlng the @OUI. Trouble la au apothecary that mixes a i great many drafts, bitter and cour and 1 isuseous, and you muet drink came une l of theut. Trouble puts up s gres.t many1 packa, aud you muet carry came anc of t theut. Thefe la no suinde S thick and well adjuated but came thora wfll strike lbrough It Thora lan no sound no sweet i but the. andertsker'a screwdriver grates i through IL lu thi.s witt shuttle of the i human'heart soute of the thrends muet 1 break. Tii. journey tram Jerusaeiu te i Mmans wlll-soou -ho ende!. Our Bible, our commun ceuse, aur observation. reiter- atm in tones that we ed'unet mîstake andi ougbt nat ta dicregard. It La toward even- li. Oh. thon, for Jeans tea eiide witb os. He sweetenâ the cap. Hoextracte the thorn. He wipem the tosr. Ho hushea the temp- est. Ho soothes the seul that Dies to taint far cheltor. Lot the olgbt swaop aud the euroclydon crocs the cea.LoLt the thon. ders roar. SonaI al wli ho weIl. Christ tn the ahlp ta cootie bis frienda. Chirist as the ses te stop ltm tumuît. Christ in the grave te scattor the darkne. Christ in the beavens to bcad the wal. Blemmo,! aIl such. Hic arme wiII Inclose them, bic grece comfort thout, lis light cheer theut, hIc sacrifice f roe them, hMa glory enchent theut. If earthly estte takos uWings, ho will ho an Incorruptible tresro. If frlends die, ho wlll ho their resurrection. Standing With us lu the morning o! aur joy aud In the noondey o! autr prosperity, hoe will nlot forsake un Wben the lustor bas faded and lit lm toward evenlng. Lieten ta Paul'& battle &hout wltb mis- fortune. Hark te mountîng Latimer's liro sang. Look et the. glory tat bss reft the dungeon and filleil the earth and boav- ens with tuhe crah of the felliof manecles ot despotlsm. Ând theit loket thoieWho have trled ta cure themmelvos by human prescriptions, attempting te hoal gan- greno Wlth a pateh of court planter and ta stop *. ~plague ai dylu; empires wlth the quackery ef earthly wiedom. Nothing cen apeak pence ta the amio, nothlug cen uuetrep our crnshIng bordons, nathing ca overcomeoaur spiritusî focs, nothing canoapen our eyes tô useeciteosurrouoding bans end chariots at selvatlon flint 611 ail the maunitaîns, but the. voice and com- mand ar hlm who stopped anc ulght et Emmauc. The yardseto the text ardu pertinent ta u ail, tramthe. tact thst wc arc nearlng the eveniug af deata. I have hourd It said that we ought t.a1Bit as tiough oach moment woro ta ho ou luisit. 1 do net ho- leve that tbeorY. As tsr as preperatian la concernod wce ougbt alwsys ta ho ready, Sut we cennat always ho thlnking of eeth, or we have dulies il11f thet de- bat dos§ detin et* lus? You-mys.ter P xet works tg art, but wlict dcccIqu '.efor pîctutea? Yau mal 111ticIe h the veillngs et wldavliod Sud et- inage-does death mmnd veeli? Thic ought uot ta ho àadePremêLiiStiieM& rho ivants tg lIve bore toreer? 'Tb# rld.hec ulways treatod me " rry day 1 feel loeu sn«ean lîke scoldISS Id complluing. But yet 1 vould nut aut to make tue uty eternal residetice love to watcb the cloud* and baille MY ul lu the blue se. ar heaven. Dot I1 cpect whon the firmament la ralle! aval a ecroîl to cee a neW heaven. grandor, heir and mare glorleum. Tan aught te Lwilllng ta excbange your baody thuit bus edàcboMI.nd deachmsuad vesknoecf iumerabl*, that limps wlth the stea. aime, or fe&tton wlth the thora, or liames Ithe funeral pyre aifrevers, for su in* >rrptible body aauh e ye iat bllkg et befare the Jasper gates sud the veuet alite throno. But hotween tbaf andtfis e le an hour sboutvhlch n- Ma bould ho reckle or faohhardy. I deu8bt t your courage, but 1 tell 70u1 that yul ili went somothlng botter tien a atm"u uto, a good suad s trosty $Word ieso on came ta your lest battie. Yan w!» ,eed a better robe than any 70u1 bave lu Or vardrobe ta keop yan verm la ti5t ,ce. Circumotances do not make se, mueh ifereoce. It may ho a bright day Whou ,ou push off tram lbhepIs uet, or It mey b. derk nlgbt and wile the owvins hoatieg 'om the. torent. It may ho cpring, sud ,our sool maY go out among the blo- omc, apple orchards swiagiiig their cel- rs In the wey. It mey ho wiater and the arth lu a anow chroud. It May on mn- umn, and the forent@ set on tire by the etreating 7ear, deed oature laid out tu ate. It may ho with your vufe'. baud ayî,ur.hsod or Yeti may bc lu a strangs itel with a servant faithtul to the lait. [t ay ho in the rail train, abat o09 the itch and tombliug in long roverbere- d'or dovn th2 embi5nkifelt-cra8b, crashi [kuow not the aime. 1 knaw Dot tic mode. Butthe dais utOf t li,ýerebolus ibtractcd awsy snd w. sai, nsdown teith time whon v. have but ton days ft, tbcn nîno dAys, thon *ight dey$- tim gvon deys. six days, fivs*dayc, tour dyM, areo days, wg dsm, o "eday. 'ýb bours-tihre houn, o hura,âneheur., 'hou only minuts lett--lve minuteS, tour minutes, three sainatos, 'two minutes. one minute. Then oulY scconds left-taor seconds, tire. seconds, two seconds. anc second. (Goe!etThe cgapter o!fU111@ - edl The book clomedl The Pucem et resti The foot through Wlth the jouraoy! The sunds cloae ot11Ilwork. 'No Word on th lips. No bresti la the nectrils. Hait ombe! back ta lie undlahevele! hy c4 human baude. Tho muscles cdIl.'the nerves gtilI. The lange ettîL The tangue, tilL Aill tili. You might put the stetk- oscope ta tiie brecet sud hear fia0seau,. T'on migltt put ascpeaking trampet ta th@ ear, but yoo could net yak. the deafnos& N~o motion. N o îbrob. No lite. 8111!, etill! Bonnet. Sa death cames ta the. disciple. Wiat - tf the culi of lite la about ta set? Jeans sn the deyspriog f rom on hîgb; the per- pctuai mornlag ot cvery raucamed spirit. Whut if the. darkness cornes? Jesu a t tho liglât af the vend sund o! besven. lYhat thoogh tis a rthîy bouse dao« crumble? Jeaus bas Preore,! a bouse at aaeul mansions. Jeans la the anchor that alvays boldo. Jeasns athe llgtt that là ceyer ecllpéed. Jetous la the tountain that an uever embasted. Jeaus la the evonag star, buus up aMi,! the gloasa a! the. gath- ertug uigbt! Tou are aimet through u'lth the &bute aud bleckblhing of eneutice. Tbey yul tell 700 no mare by ,vl names. Tout good deeds wyul no longer ho mieluterpret- ed nor yaur honor fIe,!d. The troubles oi earth wll end lu the felloities' Tovsrd evening! The bereavemnenueoaisorti% Wli cran ho litho,!. Youv-li t tmucb longer stand pooring your grief lu the. tamb, làk@ Rachel voeplng for ber cbildreu or David! morning for Abialom. Broken bearta bound up. Woundc laeale,!. Tears wlped awsy. Sorrows terminalcd. No more sounding of the dead marcb. Tovard__. cveeaiug! Dcehh will come, cweet as elum- ber to thoe eyelds of the baie, astful ra- tions ta a sterviug soldier, as eveuing heur ta tic oxhauste! Warkmau. The sky will take an its muncot glowt, every Cloud a lire pcalm, evory lake s glaacy mirror, the forest% transfigure!, delicate miste clilb Iug the air. Tour frieoda yUll annona lt: your pulses vill beat lti Y014T jays Win ring it; your lips W1Ul whicper 1- "Toward evening!" Curlous Shoes, The Portuguceeboes bai a woodeta cale and heel, wlth a vaaýp made af patent lectlaer fsacifully 4bowlng, the fiesh side of the sklu. irbe Peralan footgesr ls e ralue,! aioe, sud la ai ton a foot hlgh. Lt la mcdo at i gbt Wood. richly Iniald, wlth e etr*p exteudlng 0,cr the Instep. The lîoscovIte choc le hand-woven, on a weeden trame, and but littIe attention la psid ta (ta. shape of the. foot. Lea.tler la nmz A,, timea used, but the ecuanÇilane'llC mcdeof ai lk Cordage sud voolng al, The Slamoe abeehas the tersa cfra»I ancleut ecanoe, with e a ndola baw sud su open ta.. Tii. sole le mae oraiWood sud the upper of lIDlaid Wood: sud clofi, nd the. exterior l la Otamtely orna. utented lun olors wt zlaid aeivor.- The.cadal wora by, fthe gyptiana ltg CaMPod cf as0sole»Rade by ctlcklng toathe' tlaree tlMakaseset aileatiier. This le- beld, taflic f oot by paaslug a baud amoos tle-batp. ,Tie mandai lu

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