Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 7 Aug 1896, p. 9

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nl'h Iflene t fwomen upon th. r ud1ntiou of th. world, could neyer be Massuro& Eessuie of ber, throues bave been oetbli.bsd aud destroyed. Tire lash ib.ea' eye, the toiach of her hand, and we bave the marveilous power of w0n, glorlona in the Pousession of pu«teetphysiea hmslth. Lydis IL Plnkbam, by ber wonder. fui dlscovery of the 64Vteseme Cer. pound," bas doue ge power in thousandsan ethe misery brought by met ofthe &U th evils that 1.o.1ov dlseses of the Uterus. The IlVege-I tabe C om- pouud " re- Mtores uatural eheerfuineas, de- stroya deopbudency, cures baekache, strengthens thre muscles, restores the wouah to ita normal copdiltion, and you are changed f rom a phyical wreck to ahe joy of your home anti frierids. By the way-the ieading druggista tell us that thre demand for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Ctmpound in aimply bc'yond their power of uulder- gtanding, anud what is beat of ait. il doea the' w-rk andi cures where the [s Lphysicians utterly fi_ Gladness Cornes w 11h a botter uuderstantimg cf tire transient nature ufthtie many pîys- ital illa wbic'i vanisir betore proper et- forta-gentle cfonim-pleasant effort- nrtlCY direeteti. Tîrere in coufunt la tho nowlt'tge tint se many forms of sickuese aetulduc te any actuat dis-' ease, buta"rimpiy tri n eomnriatkd ceudi. lion of tire systmc, icir hthte pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Iiiga, prompt- ly emove&. "his uwiry il a iste only remetiy with milUuono familles. audis every-wiero esteerueti a bighîy Iby al who value gooti health. IlÀs benefieil effectsa re due te tire facl, tint it is tire ene remedy whicb promotea inter-ual leaulinesa, wituiout tlcbilitatiug tire er0 aa nwhici Iants. l 1,, tireifore il importnluorder tb gct ta bene- 1ýmê1eî ëW t*t bo 3frwa -w gtluIi ît u *Usad nv@ryone who bas rend thre Wonder- fü adventures of Ulnirad thre Baller, as namrteti lu the "ArabIan Nigiris," ne- memirers tire great white roc, tire gi- gantie bird whcIer enablet i Stbadti t moite irIsescape trou ihe .-llej wlieh was paved wit ilarnontis. But how many know tint wltin tire present generation there han been seen a iruge featirered creature, twelve lu lixteen feet hirgi, and la couparison wth wicirtire ostrkbIo absnptgmy? Thre bird reterreti te is tire great mos, anti It la flot at ail positive tirat itlài extinci to-day. As late as 1882 Prof. Owen expressedth ie opinion tiraItire bird couiti 1k found lu anme oftttire n- mute districts of New Zeatand. Wiren Rev. w. Coienso waa travelIng lu Ne4o Zealandth ie natives teid hlm ef a strange, unneanny creature tirat they bad lalely seen ouMounai Whakapunkl. Tu£ MIO!<5TElt 3t0À. 'I'ey salit lié; body wvas ike Iliat ut a gigauitic ruoster andt iat t lItou aface likê a mafia. Titiy sal(I tîrat it imueu u-n air andi uns u-nsrantlîy guarddl1y ttvu litige Tuataras. "lie' ntiv-es ti tiot uart.go fleur îLe bonme ut the- turc, sxrs Ing ire ,'ar tbaIttiey %vut utir tt.ltrmleitt'ti tu i. Arcondinig tilthtie B!iiîuofutWaiiiu, li rlie yt';rn 172 an Emgiiaii;rn rad titat a rm:i. ,ha-I luet-tivmi"r lu the îlc.u-ý ity ut Ciiru(13- Bny.("oka'b Sraits, lu eî,tririrv tîlit atrtir n Eriistrnrnn L.e stir*k-l'ul ir-iout t. ArniI-ng lu theiýti rî':groli,ti vuene it tati beun steu tfr'-y tigit sighl ut tihe bird, whilih tut-y teclanuti vas fountrén or slxt-r'n feet ilir. Su starliel wrne tirs-y l'ylits enîîrtuuus size andt erity- lnig aslicr-rt tht-y matie nu effort ru capture t', anti t disaîpeant'd anîg lie Irce,. lI SG;; naparty ut miiiers crosser] rie trillît-rtu inil'amsnile ittiitain range utica xecte, ta note wnn on pr- jwic-I rîus tire ut true engttr ufIlMidle cbane,tbalyouhavc-tliegennino article, lsi tni. T'î'îtr-r tmîy uitror'iet ]traces whichla ainulrcturedby the California Fig Syrup Co. onlv, and ald by ail rep- of ait n înorîns bii. a ni ln-ille ci; t ig utabte da-iggista. a rruririthelie -r mîîne evut'm ig t triy sa w If luhle eajoytuetot gooti icaitir, !'e.c rç:ltre r-n a lkuoll a short dis- andi thae syslem lu regular, tirea laxa- 'iti-, t rv. ime hird s'tidf-r Si-n tives or allier remiedes are nul meedcti. "%%- If afflicted wih aay uctualildiserise, one' Ic'i-t' thetzsre ftrhuttîucanîrî ire. tatnd may be coimmendedtt ie inoasthillfui rrritr'l iitiunltss for na-,sub-ai plrysicians. but iflunnreti ut a laxative, it im;u-htt iraliy taikell awý:.y. then one shouldirhave the bct, andtwith It hîad a Iig tintaticr] uliit-i utcar- the vell-informed evt'rywlîere, Svrup ofri ns-nini-iund ftunwan, andltnt ('ruct xsdngvsosg rlstifcin ike irstf tire ntrictr kinîr. Ttrîy Iùin T LIme foutîrints eli d bthr,- c lait- tiT ER ' alt ttîx ve irn-tirs uîiart. taitir a par 1-aN t Pa i.i sarhM Mi uni o thon th ie sane distanue In ma__ trid0 he5 er 21 o-mermr-t c, tg Wrler Mantelt fouil n gigantic egg cta~cvtsae~inm rie volrttnic sand it New nZea'ainî, a~~ hs W se aureil Lap-oj. cO Uty Stde. Acretht(, of nm'twnutvîici tu-ns as g-ent as * iniatoll. sai,ti.hius liat. Bitutrs uttht' irt bave beetn Aý"0-dt. otîtîtlu Nuet-Zeal.înrî lugrent quitn- - 11:= iteltu' arrîty out tteut su large' as te 1 c '9% jusrify tihe descripition gien lry the- - truta."irr!et n-11 irrn a tatted abîuve. dl am oce.uis s Cuarren t Condreniuions. lu. iabtntdtraC4110asn E M -. Edut in Streter, an uxirett. cayse thre .T.UCf& Pr.r, » JUMCle. & IF. Sune red tliiondIn iuexistence-anti ýjMfojqgDrl orly une. Il is valuer] li$4,000O. Wih se yisltl Lutiz, tuw-e'sternm lulanrî. uticir is Isttes.d tIssle nv alleti rire Poilai amcretr bas rap,..~ta irr~dFcein 5 ni a-u,M.rP. grutvtiIn tire at t eit yt'ts fruin a ro !alanttome mm.rr rmoed. 10KotfKritui t50i.bmlartitston'e Tu DasTraitent Farisbed Fre y Mal ,, oldfgue- ta $La. agl[Fg UnnciSuLWn mnas&[@tg,& New YlttWnu iure Ia is - 000.00 et li te newivi'ted'rlStatua $100 K1EN81N -PATENTS. LIM.bonds wvult i egb luenty tlirer Itons, t~ 5~W, ~ atiri placuuloonn to hp outhlie etier * wrtulti make a pile h.1Z13fer-t, or Ibree- & ~ ~ ~ 29 . .a-te titis ut a Mile rigur. COur I's and Other Eycs. Our l'a are just as strong as they were fifty years ago, wheu we have cause 10 use lieu. But we have less and less cause te prise ourselIves, sînce others do tire praising, and we are more than willmng for yora ta see us Ibrougir other eyes. This is how we look le S. F. Bloyce, wbule- sale and etail druggist, Duluth, Miran., who aften a quartero of a century of observation wies: I have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla for more than 2 5 years, bath at wholesale and retail, and have neyer heard any- thtng but words of praise froin my customers ; not a single complaint bas evet- reachcd me. I believe Ayer's Sar- sapanilla to be tire besî blood purifier that bas been minro- druced to the general public." This, fnom' a man who bas aeld thousands of dezens of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is strong testiiny. But it only echoes popular sentiment the worldo over, whch bas 46 Nothlng but words of prais.o for àyos arpadllla.",. My>'doubt abou t h! Ssd for ie - Caabak.' li kil], doubit and cures doubters. - Admasa. J. C. Ayer Coi, Lfflu Mas. PLYING EXPRESS CUTS'EXCUR. SION TRAIN IN TWO. Awful fiaster Qecurs nt a Creeming 1<.ar jersey City-Readng Express Catces a West jersey E~xcursion Brondatde-Sity Are InJnred. Scores Are Kilied. à, 6yi.g expreas train on tire Reading s«d Atlantic' City Itaiiroad crasheti laIe a West Jersey Raitroati excursion train at tire crossing ofthtie twn ronds Tirr- day nigrt. At leat forty people were killeti eutright and about sixty Injureti. 0f the. kilieti twelve were wnmen, twentY- four men anut four chiltiren. Tire crash was tiremonat disantrous in tire hiatory of «satern railrnati trallie. Tire accident was the teiguit of a col- Unsion between the' 5:40 p. m. express train trom Philadeipiria uver tire Readiing anti Atlantic City Ruitroati andi an excursion et Reti Men trou Britigeton, N. J., anti vi- cinit>', rturning trena Atlantic City', over tire West Jersey Itaflroeaii tht' croîsing et tire two moata a short distance nut et Atlantic -City. At tire second sigrnl torver tire iracks et tire twe o tis croiastiagonatiy. Tire Read- ing train waa given the signal, but it ettier falîcti to work or the i4pee tee express was ton great 10 ire checeketi lu time. It canght the' excursion train brostiie anti ptowed lhrùugh il, literailly cleairing It in îwain. Tht' englue ofthtie Reading train was ahatteredti 10piecea. Every car wu&s jammeti to ils tullest ca- pacity. As soon as the news reariret Atnantic City' tht' urmuat consternation prevuileti. Relief trains were dimpaîciredteth ie scene, loatietiwitir cot@anrd bearing staffs et surgeons. Ar, tact as tire bodiles were re- eovere t hey vert' carrieti mb thre local iroapitaisanti nrdertakers' sirops. A gen- ers]l ire narm waH saunuteti, andthie de- parliment promptiy respondeti anti aiet In tht' work otftiggirîg for tire victime. Tht' worbt t,-ars were realizeti as the. vigorous work of the relief gangs rt'vtaledl tire au tu lentofthtie disaster. Theti rai Reading rei.r'f train bore mb tirte city twenrty-sen .mvngieti rorpses, men, wnm- e anti chiltiren. U he neat train, flot an heur inter, carrier] flfteenofettht' maimeti araji wounried, anti two of tirese dit'd soon &tter reaching the rit,. Boopitrita OvertaxetL Ag train atter train was irurriedtt tirs cretrift tht' wneck anti care back wit.i ts gLaîut!y loatitr rthé r mwhiih dues drîty as thre city hospîtul quickly tnnnd lts earia(i rtyoner!taxLd . Me'.inwaile otu- crs ufthlie deati ant i îij:red were being emrried-to -rthe' private trcupitmil at Ors-an anti Pacifie aveliues. E'tiwurd Funr, engii(er ofthtie Reading train, was killeti outniglit, as vaan oIrer rond marn wiro rode on tht' englue with hlmn. Tiis man sîiw tire collaIo coming andi leapeti from the catb an instant butors tire crash. Ainsorit ut tht' rtme intant tire engine eut ils way linongir anti caugirt hlm tiirectly in ils putir. Hia body anti tirat of Farr vert'fnunti under a ireap ot debris, but tire engineer iay la wbat ne- matuet et tire rab anti bis igrt irand .1111 mrruped tht' throttle. Ht' batbeunfalIr- fnl unto deatir andi met utltii& pont. Tire firemnan on, the' train huti eapeti a few seconds trifere andi escapet i wth triflng Injurier. Not l<nown Who Is te Btamie. Tire exctursionr train wite matie np ot fitîeri cars. Uic fort-muet t vwicirwas a bnggage car. lia andtihie next turc coachres ca:îgit tire ta,! force o! tht' crash andi weret tttcrly dinioilit-ti. What ru- inained ofthtue Urd car wns lumirlet i nto a ditch etlte roadâie. Tire responsi- il:tY ion tlire anidlint carmoot now Le fi med. Charier C. Ryirtk. etif Bidgeton. vie vas in tire excursion pa.iy. uns in eue of tire ear carns.. "Wbh-vi e saw that a cul- lision v:s unnvc .dab1e," ire statt. "the acene mnn on car wa.s terrilic. Women ta atnd tu]men rs.eirtdn mati p:nîX. for lire durn But it camne a.iiost tiefore ut' hati ligie tu tbîîk. (Pnt' car w as cul igirt ln Ivu nthie tînt-r rnton et It ut tel bortity trom t'e trark anti tumbleti ovt't. Tht' roof et ont' ot tht'cana feu ;asamass anti-evtryiîody in tirat car uns irunlet un- dien ýt. It simpiiy dropper] on top et the people. 1 don't know whio is te biame. When ut' nerr' about Inn miles ont trom Atlantic City, N. J .ut' came tu a stop ont lu tire meadows anti stayeti there ton cev- erul miniutes, btt1 tde net know wby. 1 tink thère mnust hane been fuly eighty or 100 kilieti. lTe tuly perrosit Lir me wus my s3ya rî on, anti ie vas ont burt.' Fourtecu ot tht' injuréetiore neporelt have' dieti at the' sanitarium. Sirwpritrident 1. N. Swigard. o! tire PbiniiIe'iiîiia anti Rending Company, places tire ti tben ot deat ilat tlirty-ct'vtn and tire injurer] at niuttLtit' ame urn- ber. Willia-n Thrîir w, tht' rprator aI tire block touxer situtvriIat it'e crss'ng. iras been lîlaceti entier rr si i.y onier of tirs coroner. Peeeuaithe' Fatci Place. An Asaciciateti Press nrerter vas on nue ufthtie first nel;ef traîis sent nut by tirs Perrrut'niai Itrlironmt. Tht' train was lu c5arge (et n nuamber ot raiîrouti offi- ciaIs anti î'nreculor jerry ot Atlantic Cotinty. 1 Int-rvwp in thre darnoea a tt'w fer t tht, aine ot thet'tal point. Stag- gerng in amuitout etftilîcies antidnt- bling uven niasses et brolentitaher, vitir orly a feu lainterna, tire.rescue gang net bravely 10 vork. Axte anti abovels vers pileti viti tie greatest vigor, anid ahnost t cvt'ry irait a dozen crukses a mauagleti tenu as I rouglît np anti laid euni>' yon Et lo ii 1"Tintaffair ou tire-enid et uy tait," @tg thre rttlesitake, "manot sem ksndsoam#4bu-! He *M ey VmuII1~rw . *afitbe moat preealamteaUsu -i- la the eountry, andi one who la not 50w aud bas neyer been in any way coupècted wlth the New York Centrai, recently matie a trip between Ne'w York and Chi- (cago, out on the' Empire State Expres., anti brck on the Chicago Limiteti; andi this in bis opinion of it, expresacti lu a letter to thre general pimssenIger agent: 'il amn very giad, indeed, 1 made tihe trip on the Empire State Express, for the run- uing of the' train in beyond ail compari- son the mont absolnte!y complete perfec- tion oft mechanicai precis!on 1 have ever knon; I tirned it the eentire aeednle, andi ait Do pointwus it ah&'ad or bebindti toe a second, gn for as i could deternaine; it la undoubtedly tire very. nerne of the' rail- rond ,develiopmetit of the tirne--truly, tire raotei train of thre wonid. My ride trou Chicago ro N'ew York, on the' New York Central Limited, wns the picasrinteat jnnrney I have ever made between the two cilles; the' Lake Shore track lsaa marvel, anrd ynur new air bunipers instire sucb steridy aînd renîarkable amuotirnend in the riding of thre cars thur if there isaa curve on either line, from Lake Michigan to the' 42di street station, no one' on thre train cau discern il. As 1 aom rnder no obligation throrrgh passes to pay compli- ments, huving paid my fare both wayoi. amn sure tint you fuel timar i am express- lng lhonegt praiue, as it in certainiy de- served."-Buffaio Express. Personal.ty or a Populas. Writer. One lipar't an astonlshing lt of otalk In Londun about tire unpopuianlty of Marie C'ore'lli, Write, Edward K<. Bok to the. Niw York Times. At prescit site, le nittî tzilketi about, ail ber books selling rerriarkably well. But ot ber persunality one scarcely ht'ars a kinti word spukien. Sire le ainost neyer seeu In society, and tis, t arn ti'ld, le due Inulier unîîîeasant mannerr, ani an ef- fort whtch site le said to malie upon every oc-casion uf belug disagr eaime Inu thuse aruund ber. Tint, feeling le becuning su pronounced that It shows thre first signs ut exteuding Io bi'r bookim. Antd Lonidon makes a gond deal ofthrie personality ut a writer. tIl iieucta Its buying. WVhy f4.he Didn't Lauwh. Said luttle Fannie Ciraffie: 'Mamma, ibis is tue place wlrere some little girls were walking. andi one' of them fell dowunand] burt herseif, and îit.y ail langlied except me." 'Andi why didu't you laugir, Fannie?" Ilecaure 1 uns tire utIle girl tint fell dont n and burt irerself."-Texnis Sti er. Suinrer Rttsorts on lime Moroon. Tiie suroier re!sorta on the Moon Itoute are nmore usuaity tiopular iris y ear. West Biden and Fre'nchb iuck Sp.ringp, in Orange Coîînty, are overflowe ing w. th v:eiture,, andi the' hotels have aIl they cati do. 'aoi, the' conr,îv seat, bas oper'i'd a riv ai sunitarium, wiich is weli patronizeti. The' waters ofthtie Yvar;t)u aprngs differ inateriully in thinr costît- uent, and are succeistully prescritied for a gru:etvrnely of maladies. Tire woud8 ln tht' neighb.-rhood abound ini gune andi ail the t' îarns teem with fluh, sote ot tireu ha-ring heen stocked by the t' gern- ment tish commission. Ail indications point te W'est Baden (anti the' neighhor- ing springs) as thre great sitnrium andi popuriansummner resnrt nf the West. ('edar Lake. tonty miles troué Chiciaço. is afaivorite picnic andi orting spot, -uliere thre Monon ibas a fine wooded park ni neanly 4") acres. TIhe fishîuig la first- rate. smoke. Ity fartihe best methuti ut eupprcessing tht' smuke nuisance la to Improve the combustiuonini a furnace. A device re- cently trc-d in G~lasgow cunel'trî ut a duor ut peculiar curîs;triuction titat sets up etidies iu the gases. andl tius deinys tire prugreais of the' arnuke until It lias been burued up. Practicai tests shouw- eti the' muet saUsfactory resulte. The South S is t t:î,id ti, andi is rap- idly t'econîiug. tht' garden ot tht' United States. Here lite ta tttuien to lune, tht' rit- cous winters do nut reut up tht' fruit% ot tht' toitof cumuler, loirenthe siincs an tryi ng as many Njrthreniitpeople have supposeti. 11 user] te une ouly hait tht' year,' a Northern formuer necerit]Y seîtted lu tht' Southr. "and 1 naed ho work ail thet' toe tiren. Now 1 work hait tht' tinie andi live ail the vear thrortgh." Homeseekers' excursion tickets wili ire solti over the' Motiou Route to neanly ail points in the' Southr at tht' rate of ont' first-clus aire (onte way); tickets gond re- tnrunt on ariy Tuesday or Friday within tirry-one deys trou date or sale. Liber- ai stop-overs are aitowed. Tirese excur- sions atart (andi tickets are sold) Aut. 17, 18 anti 31; Sept. 1, 14, 15; Oct. 5, il, 19 asti 20. Cuit on Firank J. Reeti, agent of the Mouon Route, for turther informni tin. C-trawberry Pienic. Harvey Handout-Won't I ire gtad wtren de berry Betason comes! Den l'il gel a gooti sieep lnu(le strawberry potcir. Purentlees Pety-Hlow'ii you git a comt'table steep there? Haurvey Handout-Il leep on dle aIra w, you bluokee.-ExcÀirubge. Etiquette.' Mr. Dun (unpalidbilil Inhi, hani)- Wben shall 1 eal again, Mr. Owens? Mr. Owens-Weii, It would hardiy bu pruper for yeu tb rail again until r have retîrrned tire preeent cail.- Cleveland Leader. daY w.sut 10 ber dressmakér to eider à gown. Tire woman asked at omwet **$hal jeu wear It at club meetîngo?" lirerepiywus in tireafflr-iaîlve. "Andi te speechtes lnn?" was tire next question. Again sire saiti yes. 'Tiren I muet have Il trimmeti rieordingly," saidth ie dresmaker. "It will ire eyed closely sud for long perlotis of time ei once by womeu ai lelsure te observe. Sucir a gown muat be abaolutely per- Thot Terrible Fcourge. 14atariat dfisease ta tnvartahly supptemented by distrrrbance ufthetiretver. tire towets. tht' etomnacirandtheficnerves. To tht' renmovat o botirtire cause and Itri etects. Hostetteraà Stonîcci Bttera la fulty udequate. It "Mlls tire bill" as no ottrer rernedy dora. pertorru- log le wori thnrooghty. Ite Ingredt.Wteta une prure andi whoteaone, andtIil sdmtrabty servet' to iruilti np aa ystem bnokt'n lhy ttt-ieaith and airoru ot strengrir. Constipattoîr,Iliter sud kidney coruplaîn t anti nervouancesa ara cou- quere iby il. Owed It Iot"tmm. "Wirat a distlnguished-looking mari jour fatirer la! His white irair gives mim snch an aristocratie look!" Tire Disaipateti Son-Yen, ire eau thank me for It.-Tit-Btts. Lord Byron hati a favorite dog,"Boat- swain," wiicile buried ln thre garden at Newstead Abbey. Hallsa Catarrh Cure. Insaconstitullonaltcrue. I'rice 71cents. -uisss~s - g Sarsapavil Thre One Truc Biood FugUet.Anl r I'lod s Plla ave lire boatS" Te103d Session WM0ors ' SPTZx mMES l Full Courses ln Classies. LaSses,à Civil and MAlchanliLu£"hm Th frglPr atry and comme St. 'rdd faai fr bysunder la Irse coruplelenes ti laoniplmeai sent f rue on application te mcv. ASI aîsazy. Notre t>ams, lsd. 'TrHE MIDDLrSu p4a.e. 5 0 eu s It la esttmated liant trou C60,000,00() TNT. TRADE- te 70,000,000 cotiisi are annunly cap- tureti round aRbott Neufoundîtuati. lova tarms for gait' on cnop paymt'nts, 10 per cent cash, balance 'h crep yearly, until paiti for. -J. Mulirali, Waukegan, Ilit. Tiret'sial 1knu succeas te tht' man wbo la Dot wbliing lu bugin smal. L'ver ainS 18Mthetres have ticeriesiacri("tCaca ausla Vari Who Cdamiath.i tbf,. tLa ns8-9trait m- gtst, 0geb' ai eesnmcai s] tiobSirr' Electrhr. Thers »o.rsamAitMteese.Mii asma trtb tritbioir itmri. rLt, sashecaisT.or armeer h MMWl"uowa s 8nTatrosyxe for cluren 1TYwritiato-Ad m srler '«Me IseUrra: sotmta ba gut. rtUinfl ammatioln. ~te menties «Lais iraper. Adi allayns L'as.urmewtadS C. H rnta s s-ts. te know Wh&& meaiusi paj 5-bel fl.J £7~~'-~ .> , >~ r- ~ "A Bicycle Buflt for Two."O' PLUG 10W Five cents" worth of "1BATILE AX" wMl serve -tw chewers just about as long as 5 cents' worth of other brandts wMl serveon man. This is because a 5 cent pi=c Of 44BATT-LE AX" is almost as larg as the 10 cent piece of otherm high gaebrands.1 TUTTLEC à ýENCI1 ChicagoNeqoI "A Handful of Dirt May Be a HOUSE' of Shame." Keep Your House Olean with S-APO.Lw,. BA AR 5Bàe UEYSM a Aý 83-1

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