Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 14 Aug 1896, p. 4

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S. SUWIAN. Local l'lm K ON1 i ÀPPI- el ~q~boncouifty conveuttpf 0' »he Town liait, Liberty- b ,anidwbile the friend.5 of Ve Candidates for Circuit %d4gue tbjng" for their -tue lght for nomintion for Wacepromues to be the feature omOtOf.Raga's frienda MWsia la m od for hiini, witb ouflse 10Vns to insure lis Md wile Brockway's ad- 4ofnt expeet much fronu g ,-$k57 ey 'laim to bave it ýeýý» their own way in the GRAYSLAKE SOMMETES. D ISINO SUN Lodg No. il. A. F. & A. M.à Ilid regulr comtmuncatons Saturday îvenlng on or before ful.M.n i. TEOMPBON. W.Mc t 0110818 (Charter, U. D. Order Easterna S tar moût IOrs and tlîfrd Tueoilay even' 1 NUS. A. IiAUOUT.W. M MaEs. E. B. SEBEKxAI;Secy. G RAYSLAIE camp No. 1341M. WN. A. moût tiret and third Saturday eveninge of each month. - Gi5080 KÂPPLr, . C. COnoE Bnooxe, Clerk. M IZPAH camp No. MuR. N.A. meût ,,eeon<t aud fourth Tuesda eveninuse eaeh mont h les. W. HÂnLVsv, rabi. (NONGREG ATIONAL Church Sun'lay ser- '.#vlos 1:308a, m. an<d 7:30 1). nm. Prayr int4- tau Wednesday eveaings. Y. P. S. C.BE. moût Sunday evennge at @:45 p. nm. A good second hand bitte for sale chei. CaU at E,+ ' . 11 Shr<md' II444444* 14444444A4 DRUCE LAKE. lire. Irwin la vislting her sister, Mrs. Snow. Miss Florence Bulvwinkie will spend the week in Chicago. lirs. $pate and chuîdren are stopping at lira. Charles iBmle's. Mr. iRoy Taylor spent Satnrday and Stinduty witb bis parçnts. Mir. W~alter Paschley and Miss Liiian Moore are at the Cedar Ba. A. Major evidently takes aU tac tinw andi attention of Mr. W111 Brewer. Mfr. and Mmra Scholeflld and sister are vsiting Mr. and Mrs. Harper. Mrs. Cuddy, of Chicago, spent several tisys at the Snow cottage. The neWe lag was hoisted to-day. A large assembly witniessed the great evoili. John Clark, of Chicago, is building a hiatdsome colonial cottage at Bleepy lIollow. OIdMan At" The Same Old Place, h Store for YOL High Qrade Wheeis 'i IPP 'Ib Cr 3Everets'awilt play the North expectti datdtini now atîue to rua andthle néwly uebilt îropeller gox bSubai ine on the latter's ogain. .-CITY OF L<)i'IVILLE- da I y, neiIie,î,ults (Gsesi t$ t teGraylake totel, . Betweî!i Citiîago anti St. Jose1mhl ,burns, arc qulekiy cnt-tit by Rinîîey anil brîther, Wemk'gen, H. H. anti huton Hiart)or, Miehigttn *WithbHazal Salve, the great Grinit. Antioch; lire. J. E. 1Toinson, $1 DAILY EXCURSIONS SFor sale by F. B. LovelI, lire. IH. D. IlIorting, Mrs. T. H.B. baitl"nk, foot of Watlu Avîe. andG.C.RoersWeu- Clileago, ev'ry mornlnu ai a-:v),arr1ie antiG. . Roeri, 1rencott, J. t). Murlh.y. S. M. AlÇn, Vcut m i t :.t't, -avlng reSote t 434 1P. 0, C. 3Mose, T. lP l' Mîti,1r. m. arriv' Ct<i<'ig'on retuaa e 5:5i-. in. 41231y. li"gtiiar t'tmt-r a<Ueo I<.nta LONG GROVE. Mtclhell anti fauity, Lily Mentie, F. B13 tan îp. m. dalait andi t 2 p. M. Satul'- g4da aood correspondent who Diîîun, L. H. Wood,<tward, ()f Chcago, uî1s ,tdr. ttis roete thet toajrl4t g ut ,'ý- 1wh art of tue Mithig r fur be iefîmtioaite E. F. Allen, of ()etkt.e, iî. i; H. F. -Fruit 1;i t ant atso tic- niosi :,har8n ing -wek fr pbliatIn i th sient-r n1er rt tgl, i~u<Jkùxnt te chlic" Bour. snti on a samj>îe Tuttle, E. M. Liviuug4toîî, 1. w*bbter, ClnCA(o o OrruCa: AMM suad apply te the lublishers o! Capron, I lu. 48 RIVERST., FOOT vÂfiASis AVE. J. H. GxUAA, Pros., Bonbon Harbor, Miclu. U hebave been nine IMy littie bey wlteuî twt< yearK of age, .1 y$sohlery In differeni wai taken very 111 wiih 1)10(ti flux. 1 For Sale. 71, ountry ln whicb vas atvisedt t use Chamberlain'& Clle, I htave a full leaiber carniage top CoÙP4I Choera anti Choiera anti Diarrhaca lieniedy, anti sîuey wiit ebafia, polo, sitie curtains -d~*ma nacti ith luckily proclureti part o! a bottle. 1t tcwich I wt-sIlI b o ah JDMatery, visen earefully rendth ie diretitîn anti gave 1h This snrrey la almoat new and 1 bave go severe anti acordlagly. He was very l0w,. but 'goo<1d resons for selllng. colora. Heret.o- slowly anti surely lue begom te in- ELu Taieos, Libertyville, Ill. tb Ue inoat skilled prove, gradualiy recovereti, sud je lpov - _ ______ ho ohect Its amstout and trong as ever. I feel sure Itila mr ouble to wrise ho rala- h4*, has 1h Aave io istUe. 1 caunover probie tives anti fienta. ofien: api mnnydo bohI o Bemedihalf us vorth. :[ I sa- not bave the thlme. À large'nuniber 0 ~lmoes'7 5ve17 one in tbe vorlLdom ni5touf subseribers ment-tise IiI>mMUl? 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I i [I to PULVERIZEy LUityour p riy with I wi ind yo u aousu resmonable rates. Amu~ng numerous choîce bar- gains, I have the following: Ubertyvîlle Çity Property, has Bargains in H i cltwth ht roiiu modemflhouoe for oiwh, or on reamonable terms.11 I * For mal". new building =24&1 e. cheap for~ cash. Obole.' Loti; soxle fuet at rom $M00tePo eaeh. The Darhty proporty-lirgm houi5e. lot &and barn on ilvisloîu St for sale or rent. H,,nry WolJei prols'rty at Haineaville; hall auelot. tuus barn. 2 wol. <ileeru. frut. and 8htade tr»et. vlncyard. aboli 2214l tWo> Sto'ries, prktoe *700. At (iraysluike. lot 7tx77 oie F. D. l3attrr- «ihall's store. , rlne $M. Farm Property. For Sale 1,W) wm ur" mrov'-d fariion tenks of Gug" L.ake. 'r-ti *01< lr <i'. part ensh, Ibalancee lonîg tini.' et low rate of tnt,,rest. 14tj wr-s îî.'v* farn ad«Ij#w.'it te Tiirdt La<k". Litwruîl Ltqis. vy, a"res on Mllwauk'e' roami, , ou, g. tartis. g',od fn.-.2 g'.o(d wI' ls, i (o'!l- t,-rin. a -"'tîiti. l'ri-iý tu lîr <enpart *'ih. il n', n ia i ', ,t. rlie a'r ha.llatway kh-tw."n Warentn <ir,,v' <i (irtyslitak-- f-,.r amiliinrth of Ll.rt vt. W-Il lnuîrov,"'l un'lr goodi etr,.of u fi.vît,, n waste ~land'. ., . ýs' r lary farin. u<. r !atllîîg pring and If 3'oî want to buy or retît Lakte Watch and Clock Cotinty reitl estate, he sure to cail Dýý ý%;ý; -" ýon IAN, JEWELER., ike, fil. WHATDOESITMEAN' WHYY 110w Yetti ail Huîs i.$7.51, hy gK.timg al iod a«nîl e,,tr itie,'<l band te) (10 your w ork: iijc4 1iiiiidî. D13, lat Aiprovenie-nt ou riuy r,.-actiug wMbl'eI, I wi ii dg mie<l brick aivinin'i izEl well tire 3(j ft. 75 g-tiît lier foot,. iucxt 10 ft. $, , sud for <leeî>er andl larger wtl lt uuuv tusntul prive, oind board imy- Seif on utear h.ieii. J'>b.simle nip to 37t; ut prete.nt. Write f'e'r fruit particu1ars. tf J. P'. WILLIAMS. A. B. LEWIS e*qtPhotographer-. P<ORTRIAITS COI'IED ANDENLARl' D. ie.4f ld ings andlSt (k. îBABY PICTURES A SPECIALTY. H. C. Paddock, Libertyville, - -'1Illinois 300 htundret lCiper înow eallitd Tri<tîupt N'. 4 Nit,wt'ns, tas" benît solt Iîy (,. Il. Se-luiick iii Lake Cunî,ity t' m<'-r< e i<tteng IR hec i îton i-lilts <'«eh, per ym'r, fo'r repalie. Titey ort- Nîltle anduutdîrale<. llîîy onlt'. (. Il. S(tif % NCK._' SON, Liberty- F. B AI1RS0OW. Maufaettrer tof th Wstrnborder of the ena.cua L y 5 --ai m h fml fM. a ihmn Md expc cte gscI othiers attended the NV*odifiaf's plcnic Sewing Machines ~~~~~~~~ li lirtwa uad f lra. Strows bas gone to Waukegaiilai Watncoula.ANt MMS_ la e or tanouide o te *0pend some time with ber inothr, Two services wore ondutcted bly Dr. A la rd tarmotr. cnfi nt.s Mlra. Griflia. EUsiton Sunday, botit of'whiclu were A Ful Line of Jewelry. * vbdwile AutlOuch ores for- Mrs. Murgatroid lias been entertain- Mess'rs. Frauk, Criswell, Rloblinson «, . WMDr. Aines as an aspirant for ing ber brother, bis wife and danglter andi Lintii, of Blue Island, are camping *nmoaoshp, tihe odds are in laver of Alabama. on Third Lakte. LgRt. C. T. Heydecker bas no Mirs. Barrtîs, of liockefelleT, vijte<l 2lr. and Mrs. Johtn Larubten, of forthenomnaton~'ib br sste, îr~Ortndoîî~ -Chicago', are the guests of 1Mr. and Oj0pPOS to o h oiainwt e sse,3.OlnoRcad-Mr.. Fred lBrown. #affl oMMey on the Bepublican sonlutStînday. oa.k Glen bas beeu oecupiod for e,&Ud vSib a wlnner, aslate to 3,erIdy be at 1 aiea a ihJ. H. S. Lee, who seeks lira. George Kapple andtiber î gierNihalde by a ariy auea stnstion for surveyor. - tile girls spent several tinys wtl M r. Alexander and dtaugbter, Mr.Bi cl S friends and relatives Ini Autiocit las t id Mrs. Caitr(ieville and son, of Bc cl undries GAGES LAKE. week. 'Chicago, are ai Mrs. ltrewer's. and Repairing. Riss Annie Lem, of Cbicago, le viei- The Peak isters weut to Waluconda Msae apr alradBon. t,#A lenu Ngg's-Wedustlay evenlng te noce isü te 'Ipnt lut Thnrsday lt Fox Lake, the ~ Houi Mog's.giueste of lMr. and Mrs. Geo. Loinax. sla3oge5O3, 01 Wilmette, vititeti people ibere with ibeir unique Mr. Harry Detweller, of Waiukegan,E.B SH RI hms Imm1* week. entertainment. antd 1Mr. ilannan, of Chicago, speutE.B H R jjAn Iwrouo, of Chicago, vislted M.adM ia otrp fsev-eral <aye wlih the "ýStarve Ont' s, as onu tdtiy. 1r nilia ba orbu, toys. Grayslal am lemfe Mauon, of Chicago, iited Beloit, Wls., andi Mr. and lire. Woodi, A nutuber o! evelistî from Chicago -- h* home hare iAtndty. 0of Wt&ukegan, were the guess0f Mr. caipeti on Tîird Lake last wetk. Harvest Excursion. h«.Wegy Seckan s sendng nd rs.Morillthi wek.Anutng thietu ere iMesbre Loreutzo ant Iîn orter to gîTe everyoliî. a<ut ot i. W en Jmea s sedigatilr.Mril bsweLaine. tOURi it Bej.Jams.Many froua bere attendedth te ftnera] fThe '.Starvvt4) lit' lioyv have gene. opportttnity tI) cee the grand crope uin1 loverai people troua bere atieudetio r.Ewri tAvn(etrls h- etraiî h epeof leeI'y the Western. miltes andi enable the' Mting st Lake Bluff Sunday. o r.Ewrsa vnCne atTe netietteIepeI ~.W.ono ani fient, o Wage-Tbnrsday. She wa an ott i ident:,ll'llow -tvth natu raie tmtusical geins intenidîg settler to secir oue h s llefrands aoti we. at well and fer oret'lv knowu ini this tiefore leaving. Chicago, Mutlwatukee.A- St Peutl Ry. lues lnn arva will attend the 11gb commuity. The dance ait the pavition Saturla 'v arraîuged to ruan a series of harvesi b"ught wes e greatheccese llancialY excuirsions to South andi North Dakota, too4ut aukgai th coingyea. Mr. Toniesb hm sold bis prol)erty on! ani socially. Lustte orchestra kelit tet 0ohrsae iiws,îoî- s 1e.Embre bas been appointeti Hawley St., consisting of hollse. tw, everybody nmovl ig. adt te ttsi et l)t-i.t 04or of the Gages Lakte M. E. lisadmatmae o1f ît Wetnesday iighlit e *,Starve ont" and sonth-west on the following dates: iuoh. lieJs a very able speaker. losadmamakttMr ia, bydspse swt Ihee u t bea Hne soialonIvanhoe, who wil tîke boysdiserseniuetmustic t the Jnly 21, Augusi 4 anti 18, Septeunher 1, m o e Hne scil npossti. pavillon îçhile the yotuug folks tripped 15, 29 antd October 6 andi 20, at tLite lIsj Wnrd&y evening given by the September 1. llte lîghtlit att. rate o! two dollars more thutu one lare pvortRi League on 1Mr. James lawvn. i.Jh esot.e i Lakesile ils occlipieti ly Mr. frthe round trip. Tickets isili Ite Me. andi have a eveet time., anti Mrs. Besley aui fauily, of jtldoeut matter ranch wbether slck Chicago, bave nioved into te roome Waukcgan, Mrs. Jostyn anti Mr. anti good for return oit any Tiut.stay <'r .d ebiOflome, indigestion anti above Mfr. Strow's lqruiture stoie.1 Mrs. Weyden, of Chicaigo. Fritiay withiu twenty-onle tiys froun ggpation are caused hy negleet or Mfr. Seesboltz is enîpto3'ed it te Brick The extreuuely waruut vether buts date o! sale. For rates, tine <of trains rUîildmble circuimtances; De- andTile Factory. dru eut the yoîuug fbItt to the water andi further details apply to tny ticket ýtw LithoE arly Risers wilt sP<edily The yovug folkse and s orne o0<flks itie nti utopeleasauti met' boysit and gbe sen t fteCiao iwue g.4 them IL.Forstle by F. B. taret'aeutyor or bysant gilseguut0flie CicgoMiwaOn MeSt o"ivu Libertyville anti G. C. Roberts, aebvn pei iingo h porting abolit iryinig to keep cool. Paul Ry. 3-8 lierry Go Round. It will he here for sittntiy eveiing abolit twenty-ttve ______ -a montb ai least anti everybotiy wilt r ug cpope couigregated ti t leepy Whou in neeti of Job) priting <ait DEERFIELD. bave a chance to take a ride.Holvati enteriauncti tbe cottuigere at thle INDEI'EIDENT office. %%'e do NoBle Pettia là vlslting ber siter in wth titeir d elightful comge, wbicb eb"M". nThte Harvest party given by te "ore appropriate for the day. l1ict gooci work ai reasonal)le prit-es. W. IR. Kist, o! Maywt'od, spent Starlight brasa banti ai Battersitalts lnd.e e d bhttopha runils. tuaday haro. Hall luti Friday ight was y-dl attend- The chotir of Cbrist's iti rcit, Wood-i For t1je Nationual Conîvenitionu XMm B. MabIke ls visitiîig frienti e e, altholngh very warin. Supper wastawn. togtther vith mnany others iunder RePnbhciaii Loague to 1)' huli t Mdrelatives in Chicago. servedaut Hotet Austin antd ev-try)tly the care of 1ev. Dr. iusbton bave1 Milwautkee, Argu4t 25, to 27, the C. M. Eps.O. . Patiscaleti n !ieu<s hti gooiune.Oeccrupietl the choir bouse for several, & St 1'. Lly. Cte., will ,,Il excutrsionu . n .W Wakailtt s aurtoiay. ' ada oo tj,' as.Thue ittie !ellows' is-re about'1 tickets Augt t23, 24. anid 27,unt oite nMary ýb lutehi etrtaynt. eea llirlHtou e, tsfrtuo dhe ei bllaveti that we bave ceeu. 1'fare for the roundltrip with reitru lf r # on ayfins vrSniy hrmDvsrc1î utiv i , Meny teýk atvantage o! the isabbtat1u limit tii Augi t2'.. « yong adyfrindsove Buday ShrraDavs rcenly nd iligo o 1anti peutthelue <in t te v>odsaway 30. antiM». Vatt. o! Chicago, epent Michligan the iret part of nexi week fronat te Itit ud> a beat o!fithe cty. taadY vitbtho luuers motter, lire. to jailli up a locationt. AltIietugl v><.,mi)ng ilueBe were: Mfr. anud Mrs. 111l"ft. wc incces ietitk eyBaircit<%W, <ofWatukegutî; lirs. Hlgley, "Eps Frank Tupper, o! Glen Vlew, mtbtobie î ttous. WieatlMs btao 'oIson..Thuraday wiih bMrs. Oco. fuiOfoatii oaiy rayalake. I I =10.By its Rêcord of remnaîkal1e cures Ms'.. offert, fornerly0f ibis place, lMr. asudi lre. Josepîtli itI&IIC <tutandIletel'-, îsrtîarilla Ita< 1,erile the WUs in townocalug on olti friendst dtughter Clara, of Witiukt'gati, tutione truie 1<'>'>'i puriier pr<ininietily ln iastrday adsud ntay. their ietre Mi se Hw,-. (4f 1)(trout,tc ult'< .(ettllio'. i C ali atte i SMr. and Mlrs. Fires, o! Milwaukee,thpulc'e t4>1Y10ds n1 Santiay witb the latters' w re the' gutets of lMr. auj t lîrm. Hood's PHIS are tthe t faînily p~i~er, Mrmliarrlman.Chartes Whiteht-ad tastMet-k. Mrs.ciunu ut i'rmdcn.2e ýfevpral yonng peuple ttenuteti a Palmer anti tanglter r,-îuîîuiuî-'l toe ___________________ tmn t 1Clyboturtu Park leut Thure- visit anong titeir retati' ns tîui, Nleck. ' m ,.s' 4 A,1 ~ »report a goo timîe. maf .lDIlfHIIitiuitJ 4 CARRIAGES 'W.are anxions to do a ltuile gooti Mtny' people froua Grîty-.lke eit DURlhUD *6fhIlfhJJlt Car 1 a bbvoriti anti cau tbink o! no o bWancoia lest Thursday «iii ieipe<l RO T4ietvl ,1 uer or better way to do it thontn wyell the, croM'd at thue 9 'otiîtî O T4Lbetv reaQoiuentiing one Minute Cough it neadi pt ftee(Ie as a proventiva Of punmonie, p6i nii pteo h 'te if in need of odÈglupt1cn anti othor serions luuug etjoyeti il. 'Auuong îles,- mw h ert - 'tqo1ee that foilow negleeteti coltie. ttere' 'ere: Meccre. atldM(sdaitîus ,.- 4 Gy&S n'Cr ~lw aae by F. B. Lovell, Litertyvile, A. W. Haurv'ey, (ido. Tleun,,rî. .,lottard, -"- 4 & Co<s, CORN 4., C.-Boberta, Waucontia. Hîintz, Wasburn, Flairi .' bayer, EVERETT. lattersheli, Wedg', Nitue andt 4ari MisaMa Goar aitendet te Mlk- . t.4 ~mVm pieute ai Elgin. iVillie liendilut i lda iatrw- eca>e WAGON 94»m Mamie and litieYoreattended froun death ene day th- t.aciwek. . ,4 <la.onie t tDiamond Lake. Mr. Baruey Beun-was iai'kiîîg hie urahn & Mvortonl 4 ý>nI vacie ilr !iaon, l Zre'spet-tai wy!riu le csre (tino TRANSPORTATION CO. 9 MahI vcaIo a F H Zrwr'. eeiîtg lttle illie kîtotket i titoperaitîg the snperb 6 These" cultivatc y. . .Knockenmlss ja again ectinug tas townte vieels ritîîiing «ver lis selewheel steamers" te &ru ~stfor tise St. Paul rondi et Evereti. le4 nigrun &AIwtrho! yonngsters attendeti the, face and1 legs. lie was pieketi op City Of Chicago mnenced, and jusi ra'~ervlle plenie lust Suuday Ispposetly serionisly wolfe4nd; hut t ~l~l01W .<<'frtta M« ,ot aslu.,)<~ .<t~it ut NOCity of Milwaukee ab nearly so, and i walifoun wa notas ad a inght el -il e-1 SWt'ILL iYSTEMATICALLY rition to the fact that carry a good stock rrlages, on Milwaukee Avenue, ilie, and hope Farmers and others wiii 1 wil J GGIES such goods, cali and name their wants. -jiages, Wagons and Surries. D. M. Osborî' aund Grain Binders, Mowers and Rakes. 3and 10 foot hay rakes. Systematic Cents Bikes. Gale No. 10, Wauconda No,, 12 Cuitivators. MOWERS tors are the BEST on the market as they d after cultivatng as it was before you corn- st as th'e rain drops fait from the or in that condition the'soil absorbs nearly or ýand your corn crib overflows. My advice is your CORN not plow it. 0 0 Mz Remmemhttr that we are not wholly in the 'MACHINE and. CARRIAGE bunsinemi fo r the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR, but partly forour HEALTII anti unsystematic com- plexion. Still OUR,- BREAD AND BUTTÉR- is hîngedl on the cales we mitke., There wa s GOLID in Ca.ifornia's monntitinis long before it was aisicovereti, so a trial trip wýth mmiy revéol to y9Uu pexpectid-zPROfflT a dEL3Asu.RFý w i q q q q 'e q q * q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q * 'g q q q q 'g q q q q q q q q 'e q q q q t CENIE:TEiCY EVEI Kepairing 1

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