Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Aug 1896, p. 2

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"I -drrt a5'o a crodulens _J iriau »eýnl he as tii. bS * lumionl u w hel 1w Tiatet tasseont ' hq conursetfa »eg*tthhxeat ou the subi- .ôf the. socest liat bas tetion la France lasIt prudesaud tMen fol- »rclspee&tlonsopeued up, reoiasevers are armaig- MeUsnb fruit packed lu cases, isae naed la France, uing WÉ. bethat tbe gootis may be *4t>r as French fruit. i hs tEE aLORS. Ttery r naud by ~I~.awelmkiown mrchant Ige 5years, bas ,A: Pd 5the wvenu, iest i' earMr COu a bicycle viierever ýQle 0,00 miles covered by ôsè by ater, 12,000 on hie IWo est by.raitroad In differ- Mei. Brougli ealled from tu.,17, 18m. Be wag accom- ktatarI by his brotiicr-in-iaw, ~outh, et Black Crcek, Ont. at Queeustown, Irelaud, ça a tour ofthle Islandi Mr. F or- bou iis bicycle anti reciveti eS fracture ot is era. fis iproceeded tonaue. He visiteti ,North sud Seti Wales, andi Si la Englauti. Froni lendon v ater te Dieppe, lu France, gto 10ollanti, (ernnay. At Ub hovon a fitty-mlc bicycle %tb ti a 1prize of $100. Iu Itali is wbeel trou HRome te Naples. Millaople lie nas lu prison tir gqag oitwlir tiys fer beiug mii Wrt. Later be wnet te Sieily. Or b. irent te Egypt. Later bie afIt luArabla, aud tien mate 1 U Bmb"y te Calcutta. Froun tie ~omatie a jouuey te lieet$trait te Then le Range, ou tbe Bur .ou tu China. Froun Chinii %f.. anti oyetand te Yokohama. ýj üt apnese port be reacli t r kXK FL 03ABLY LOB?. Soi etf rk Flore Stafeord -la Mîaiag 4 t privae ativices receiveti in 04 ten meof thle eren-of lien- et et leBritishbbark Fiers ?icb n-as burnet at ses sereral k, perbiet. Sie sileti trou 'N. 0. W., Apnil 22, for Mandla, 5 t00 bs of cent, and4on 6aIud nonli, longitude 13 le" tire, presumably lirough * buition. Tbe fuûmes ;ýgendconîtrol, andthlie cren- 10 dtotake ite tic boats. Capt. "& a brther te (tapt. Smith f ook to oeebont n-tIi eu men, ost0. t mli ue othiers oethle à th aecondi boat. (tapI. Smith, tan meu, succeeded in being t nothlng bas ever becu hearti e" mate sud ils cran-. liptieot iLeague. ng lte standing efthle clubs ,banaI Baseall Leagne: 'W.LU W. L. -.AS1 2iBokn. 44 53 .018 SOPbil.d.lphia . 43 54 5..19 3TNe York .. .43 56] -W 4I0 2Wsahîagton -.. 36 50 ..53 428t. Louis .. . .29 06 .53 t«Louisvillie -...24 09 Western Lague. " l-lie standing efthie clubs. sâleLague: W. L. W L àle..Ol SKanon City .53 4- "i( .01) «Milwaukee . .49 58 _9, 44Columbns. . -.38 71 -..043Gned Rapits -.36 72 teoluGolhs.. ~y aneunet that lis 'Ebratde Cammittea bas de- abrancli beoiQnarters a' iâ aspc ae. New York. Thie 'bàeitarlens n-il b lasit, i-*q màembens oethte executivs 4e=îlee, antiseveral niema Os tinlcemmithe trou lthe $Iwd Owtes. Tic beatiquarlers 1 te*n-hIlb. the, distributint "ý#1paIgn lfrature lu tic East, ece ilI depeni hbgly np- .=Of the Msine leclien. vn Zedmîla Kiiied. CI: wits. lie German ilotes- wîftal injuries TUWai,10lu hbtweeu Empenor William'a anti hud is ownayacht, the tie races off Southi Ses " -tiRe creirofethle Barnno -orerboard, but bis was .111 bs beenappoinle t aI Baholli as apostoli e es In lStes. Thils atat - - W reeul lettens liaI Car Jgs receireti tram lie Vali rW Seeuip Divorce. ý d licteon. hst Sut OWpe ~ dpreceedinge ton «, , vbSe, !ella <ledwIx d, *»ttf a$l tmal at~tib'a revusgboatsvaiu la the Doutieh avy, sad makes It possible te comaurnunletaiti a sblp ut £aertain an- dm rgroui wttbeutany direct lin. trou tb. tand. Ae electrie btteri' la placed on;bore. with one pole ln contact wth voter or moist eartb, whl the. cur- eot fromth other pl, 4tlruh a tele- i5odfleted toe aï wbieb la laid out to, uancbr gou ji lo round ,~~atYln aoùil a diameter ot 4M 13Gfee OnuWild tii.8s11P at the. aucior grouud, or a short distance ouffthe til.c, tiiere ln a smai l Peuold, viti which a telephene la coneetei. Wiieuq, message la sent frointhe. land a eIi-aoutidson the. aip santhet .Comment- caion, ïkseot by the. telegraph key theeagb tiie tetepiiono Instrument. The signais rbay b. baudeuonthe Morse alpha- bet 'The. apparatusmamy aise b. se con- tutd that au anaver carb.oset front . LAIN ET THoUSAr<Da uohmmdams mïàëffl .0Cuida The steamer Empt ree e apeubrougiit mail adylea trom the. orient as fllows: Tii eus wfrom Easu 1la lite tOmons Tong, uIisi»g, la obedience te the lm- poiNt command, has bagua a massacre ot ait Me&aadens tiiat ho comea arn.. At ldikt-u nho lew ,000 business niesud sou their vives and femlo leiii- dre. Feusa are ,utertalued of.s, gqeeral rlsint; ecialiY l Vpau-Fau4 ai- tien, -wich bave Lltheto re;W - th- foi. Vloods are doing terrible damage lu CObtusluInmany places entire tgwns and villages are submerged. Ail. -raIlloaâ have étopped runng. Mauy deathiuhave taken lÏand buudreds of homales mon,. vomen aud chldren are starviug to iIeath. Cansied by a Cloudburat. Tiinrsday morning lic fait mail train bounti easulmrd ou lie Lakp Shore sud Mchigan Sotieru resu dasiedt trougi a ueak culvert laear Otis, Ind., andthte englacer and treman mere lustautly kilt- eti. The accidet itjnneofthtic orst lie Lake Shore hin a d la sears. but fortu- nalely lie passeugers ou lie train es- cap.d tnjnny. A n-siont, irougit aient by a lieavy cloutiburet, wbici sutdeuiy stnuck tint regien Wedncsduy nigil, n-as tiie cause oethle accident. Tic recked traiairas tic faut mail ftelecnet wmin leaves Chilcago t 2:45 eoery unenning, anti la kuomu us No. 44. Il does net, as a ruIe, carry many passeugera tis side et Clevelandi. Tiose n-lie meon board were In lie siceper ansi coachieuthele nr. The. train consisteti ef eue et lbe large @ nglues ia use on lic limited trains efthIle Lake Shore, lire postal cars, a baggage car, dayymchsc anti Wagner steeper. Ail the. cars mi t cheexception oethle day coach and lb. Wagner sleeping car left the track, anti for alies. n-e ho irere on the train Il vas an almeet utraculeus temeporou lihe suttien datieciiici lie untorlunute cugineer anti ireman lu tie cabi of the engin. sufferM. As il n-aa tic pasminger, mene sevcrely siaken np anti tlir conusuion, mien tiey realizeti vint loti taken place, n-as great. Deali came le James Grifan, thie engineer, aud Mi- chael Reaci, lie irema, l, ient instant- ly. Wien the crev and passengers on the train began a searci for lieum ili tanterne.they founu tine at tie site of the locomotive. Boli mere desui andt heir iodles vere iorribly -tanîlated, especially lihaIt fGriffun. Rothi otbis legs mere loru entircly trou tie body anti n-e fooating on tic 'surface ofthle mater lu the ponl. Bts cheat iras lerribly crusied, andthle remains are lu suci n condition as te b aimait unneceguizable. Terrel'a Sharp Tlk. Tic United blutes minialer te Turkey, Alexandier W. Terrel. mbasdemandedthIe imuediate reienne ot six Armeutans, ual- uralizeti Americaus, n-be arc imprisouetl et AleifM. lu se tioiug NMr. Terreil inti- matedt lianuy further ipiseumeujt et Aucrican citizena moult net be tolerateti. Tic State Departmeut bas receiveti a dis- patci trou Minuster Terreli sayiug liaI nin. Armeniana claiming te bc naturni- izeti Amaicaus vere arresîtilunTunkey. 1Six eft hem tad pasîports, anti ou in- ltter Terreli'a tiemandt ey n-en.ime- 1dlately releaseti,whitie investigation miet ) ha statusefthte otier three are peuding. 1Further than titis lie tieparîmnent has ne dotaiLt..Illa not kuomu lu Washiiugton irbetier or net Minister Terreit lutimaleti le Tnnkey thaI lie United States irouit net-tolerale tie furlier empnsouet ef Affierlcan ctiseus, meaulng naluralizeti Armenians, but treiu lie mauner efthle officlals itlm s hogit -,ery ikely tint Mnr. STerrefllias matie sncb a staleenul anti thaI it meets vith approval. What lie aine men vere arrealeti fer lie Blte De- 2partneultires net kuom. lieat Kîlîcti a Thensauti. eA stateuleut prepareti by the bureau et vital stalîsticaetfNewr York ily coveiug a paed oet ve tisys, iliows ac total et ,e1,200 deatha, of n-lch 434 are attributed le lth et. An unofficlai ,elimate oethle j aumber et deathhutram bea l il New- York, -Brookyn anti -le neigbboring cilles sud ,e townn in New York tote sud Neir Jer- 'asey, mmic corers lie peiod trou Aug. 5 19 le 12 Inclusive, la 621. Tii.Prostrations , for lieUmne penloti arasaldt e have nu P berati 1,255. ___ Tve Hundreti Drovueti. A. spelal dispalci trou Bombayuygy t- Ibat beavy fleodi lhave been causeti by 'à the'se nig oethte River Kialuai. Immense ý damaehas been don, andthheusantis 10 hava been endenet houeleas. At oe a place s river boat capsizeti anti 200 per- m ons mere tran-net. Beven miles et rail- 5 n-y have been irsiiet amay. Kaiser Wauts te Isds. A Mpeiai cube ite tesciroun Benisi ea gays tint BEmperor Willianuî innegeti e- atiug for thceturcîsase et St. Tiomai as aud aetier Islande et tic Antilles, n-bic) r- tie Danes mene aluneel rendy la givi - te lie United blates. Opîposition ja cx pecteti trou lie LUited tiatnes. Wil wateii tie Soudanesa War. Lient. Beaconi. ofthle regulan uniy n ah present statianei ah FPot Suellini n hum beesi granteti a lears' efabsence u wil nlIat once proceedt e Egypt, niere lu r-expeche ho juin tise Britis Boudanese ex K-pedition. Itlab hle intention te join tii Nil cousn. Dr. Nausen lia Returneti, lblaepprWtet IDr. Nansen, lbhearx bu milioç~,bsrted t Varda T18)»M TWO - oî5vilîSt0-' 'PROU 'W!1' POiNT P011 fiAZIUG. Pl lur el b ti 341 d v Prssideut Cleveland Withbalda Close- .ncy eud tSevefly Seau.. th. Frac- tice-P<oue bat OMMmiU T& the Aray,-DiereepeCt fer the King. OppomettO Hsmet. Preuldout Cleveland, as commander-la' -hiet &t'the army, bas 111n1 bisfoot dovu forclbly bu the. practice of baslug at West P'oint Mtlitary Academy. TIe wcmsesoe haslugliave Just been before hlm fer cou- aittrultfon and in botitkb. bas approyed the sentýnce et dismul i mposesi by.tbe court martial. Cadet Gîtes Binhop vas !ound guilty recently ot requittug Cadet C~. J. Harris te stand on eue foot lu a murstraideti and palatul position. Tbougb lue pleadtd net guilty betore the. court, lia ras Zonvfrted. Ta approtillg ii.lomls mal trou tii. serviceoS the, United Bttes rreszdeuit Cleveland maya: "The offense of malti4eating aud abusing new cadets by uppeÉ clase meu ip seomean and cov- uirdly anti go opponed te evefy trait that aiiould utiaractertse a*gentlemau andi a true seidibr, tbal lever. punubmeat àshentd uit be necestary te ils preveallon. If, bovtier, punîshiioent muet lie xeaort- ed to le effeet a dlacontinunce oft tus diagracetul practlee T eau do no lteetan te remst 'ail appeals for clemene!. 1 am determnided inuail caseofethis description, whben thé prooefLb clear, te refuse relief te tnose cadets wbo, ia violation ot a viiole' semé regillatien etflthe military aendemty, ludMi!e > in the brutal, cevurdly treat- bïnt,6 eginuera, commonly caUled bas- ' S. e iOléèthe fanions case of ten years qgo. wien th.eaet ofa cooreti cadet at West Peiut ver. eut off, there bave been neo serionts cases et baziug. Tii. cadets lu their 'idienesa its tmumneer, iowevr, have reserled aeilute hasiug le eccupy their tinse and several young men bave been seiïerely punîslied. WANTED TO ISTRIKS THE KING. oscar of Uveden Almont Amsanileti by u Aury Laborer. A Kpeial câble la lie New- York Jour- nal frent Berlin sys tint King Oscar ef dee, wmille traveling lbrougii Non- wvay, tcf thie train at Sloeren. Most oftIhe mnen outhie station lattoru removetif themr bala. Bevenal u t hem, ion-ever, kepl conret, andtihle King n-as lu a great rage. Be srt9 pl OeFse laboren. n-ho had kept biis bat ou, andti kn-ockedtihe aticovering off. I"ostelbat lis temper anti elartedti t attack lie King, but bis tiends lu lie croit icit ui snck. Most of tic men lu tic cran-s a ba remoyedt liir bals promptly put them on oain.____ Bard le Gel mb toe Army. The tabulation et tic enlistlmenta in lie Unitedi States anuny fer Jaly sien- liat Capt. Plmer. in charge et tic Chicago recruiting station. enlistet ouly lwnty- *.even mun out of 487)n-be appiet. The .rmy standiard bas bren raiseti unlil it in more difficuit ta enter it us a privale, for lIse say et $14 A meuth anti boannd,han il !a le seenne admission imb any otier departmcnl eft hieGoverument, saine.anu appliats recommendtiîons have te b. enhtiedt le y tire or more responsibie citizeas anti a record for intiuslry mnuet lie sien-n. Tic total enliatunents turing the menti mer. 430 andthti rejeclions 2,93. - ____ Kansasa Gaîung Newr Reaidents. A. D. Coburu, secretary efthle IKansas Stale Bound ot Agriculture, ha cemplletd ic etabulation 0fthie reportaetflownsnhipi Assesseri, soiong tic population. 'riere lua ancel gain ever at year ot 1.92-5lunlise Ilnle, tie total population heing 1--' î6,- (.-9. Isorty-five countiea gainet 27,221 .nu ie c nmainiug six counties lest 25,- Wreck lu Virginies. The F. F. V. train, limitet, on tie Cies- a"eakeni Ghte Railrea'i, n-ticb left Waasington i 11:3 P. u., F riday, raul into an open swilci nt Itaveuvmrth. %Va., about 12:15 a. m. anti four ofithli six t asseuger coaches nene badly n-recked. Qeveral lires are nepoteti test, andti fi- leen or tweuIl pansang(irs iujutreti. Suppoe.ul Murderef W. P. Ryster. W. F. Byster, a promineut man ef Chanoberuburg, Pa..n-ns tounduteai lu un alley ah Lincolu, Neh., huving becu timnggeti anti rouet. HB efthis bote] I arly lunlthe evenicsg miha rougi char- icher. Byster vas a tireclor ofthle B. anti C. V. R. R. Fred Vance aud ire 1 omen are held ton the crime. Upaniardm Psaklug lte Lauratia. i is atated in Phllatielpiuithnt tic Spanish cruiser Reina Mercedes hall stant- ed lu quesl ot tic Lanratia. Tic filibuster beara a portt"gf»et eefe eqîsip- ,led expcditi(.ss tint bas gene ho lie insurgeaI' Aid. Tii. remainter ofthle Arma are teujIr trnsfcrrcd te ber off lie Florldu coasit rou a loug. BullTAke CanonBemlae. 1) Over 3.49 juches eftnain felI aI Adel, la., accompassieti y a ienvy bal. Cern 1la uesnly rtlnet. Balstonea are said te - lire uasuil four haches tirongli. Hun- dreds Ofet Erisb sparroma mene kliet and erery vlsidov glass lu lie townn as -breken. anc batily broken andthie fruIt erap uljuageti. Crippiti Cuek Golti Output. rAfcerding tçu data colleceet by Secretany yParmons oft h. Coloratio Mining Ex. schange, tha, geltiproduction ot Crîpple Creek luthi* final six mentis tuis yeac - ias H7251t0 e estimâtes lie total -production %f 1M90 wilb. $15,O000. Tic camp pspttced lu 1895 $9,199,317. Fatal Remît et Colilin. By tie ftL'iîg et a tran- lie caboose l- (-f a tregit on lie Louisville utdNash- as ville Rond, ur..'r Morris ttiou,¶nKyl, n-ns ih tirowmudtie n uenbaukneu.'Josins re Wright, a beakeman, n-as intantiy kili- c- c. John Iliîuger, anolien linukeicu, %vas fatlty liciret. Levy ounsalotet Dinner. 7, Tventr-fir.? guesîs maltes hait ulieur g, longer than unual for their tinner uit oue id eft hi.Nen-tk, O., botsollWetnestny. .A le constaubeetnIaciedth le meut ou a jutg- x- ment for a fqwn dollars lu taver et a ser- e vaut girl. . Afriend efthtie boitace snp- pied lb. more To ERtufre.Armeur Beycott. e- Tie NatioLal etail- BucheWa'Protec- L& t* * aUoa aet* iautai oneu ut ru in te dt n it dg in tc. lamine > Prit" it tsst' rance Bines thseoenlurbt lb dsmou, tascbedilnthe city for seral year."1bis we.k tiiere wasa addtloal tucres»e ot 1.25 per ton te the trade, snd auotber iucrease msy be expected soo. Tii. prie tthe trade uow lea$5 a ton, or more thon dubte what Itlvas ut auy lime 14«1 lear. Thero ara several reasous fer tts un- usuai Increase lu prices, but thie principal une la thet lthe stock ot tes lu nearly &U of the localI ceheouses lealmont eniias#We. It bas utreudy become neceusi7 for the. ealers te begin shtpplng lu fremt remote *ort)uern pointa, sud net a few of lhem ave net been able te supply the. deiuaud. BILVER ALMOOT A DiEUG.« San Francisco Banka vBen tta.e - ceiv. Il in Large Qnsdàtitleo. The agitation o et ii. anciaI question, wblch lias resulteti lua endlug gold uju a fraction of 1 per cent &ave par lu New York, ia causlug Sau Fraucisco bauks mach trouble with people wbo wlsb to de- posit stîvef aud chieck ont geld. Some of the banks refuse te taire &uy conaîderable amouut et murver on depeait. During the aest two montha the, anppiy et goiti coin n the. Sau Francisco sub-treasnry bas lecreaseti troin about $15,000,000 te leu. than $9,000,000. Tii. enormona shrink- age wn on.etoflte prime causes whica ateppeti the redemptien of silver certiti- cates in gotd coin. Split Up the Ticket. The. Ottnmwa, la., convention Wednes- loy reaulted lu a fusion ef the interests of the. parties repireseutcd, and the. nomi- nation ef the foloewing ticket: Fer eiec- tors-at-large, Horace Bales, den. Jaunes B. Weaver; district etectors, A. F. Kuble meler, Thomnas Stapleton, C. W. Green, A. L Mils, Louis Metagar, Ferry Bugle, C. C. Lumis, D. C. Bradley, J. J. Shes, J. B. Botter, F. F". Rose; Secretary et State, L. H. Karr; Auditer of Blute, G. W. Davis; Attorney Generai, William D. Boies; Treasurer, Charles Rueguitz; Su- preme judge, Senator Boiter; ltailroud Commisàdoner (long tenu), Amns Steckel; Itailroad, Cosumissioner (short terni), Thomnas J. Deuson. Wre lied the Bitnlding. A 150-horsc power bolier at the Louis- ville brick and tule works, near Maxime, five miles west of Alliance, 0., ezisloded with terrific force, completely wrecking ibie building. lsniah JIohnsou, englucer, bai bis bock broken, bis body being lieue- tratpd by an iron boit. lie w~ill die. Sami- nel Snyder wvas badly injssred about the bendad 11is breat wns crusbed. lie cannt recover. bloonshluers bMurder Chiltiren. The, hh-ne of.IL C. Jones, living npar Locksburg, Ark.. was fired into by a mob af maoonshiiiers, and Itced, a 6-year-old bnn, and William, agrd V;1, wcre kiiled, The lawvless element took uimbrage at cer- main cvidence Jones furuisbed the Grand Jury. Nevspsper on a Raltroati. Tic Burlinglon rond is making arrange- ments le priaI a uewsîapcr ou on.e ofils trains. Tic station agents will aet as reporters anti ligit, lient aud pon-er te run tic lypeselting machinese uIt h. ob- laluet i tmticenglue. Choiera Ravages Egret. Choiera in spreading fast lu Egypt, over 8,000o people liaving tiieti, andthle bealti nutiorities are unabile ocheck tie plague. During tic seven tisys up le Ang. 1, 1,200 deatit n-crs'reporteti ant inluthe followng six tinys 1.700 detiei. Perfecttag« Civil Service. The n-ork incidentaileaticeincorpora- lion ef several Iboneanti Feticral offices in anti aroucut New- York ansi Brooklyn mbt tie civil service, in accondauce viti lic Prnient's enter. in cempletet. Chemîcal ]Plant BurucdOuOt. Tic plant ofthte Nortin-esteru Ciemi- ral Company, nest of Milwaukee, n'aa burcd. Tbe 8 sa tsaient $30,000, mi inssrauce et $10.000. The building ansi s-es-ctaarc a total Ioas. Shah'm Murderer liugedl. Mllan iteza, n-be assasinaledthle Shah et Persia in May lmet, n-ai hangeti lu Teicran Wcdnesay uorning lu the presence et an immense peu- pie. ___ M. lHanotaux anti "Unci. BaMý" Mý. Hanotaux, Ministen for Foreign Af- fains, ia asnouneete, te eFrencha Cab- inet liaI lie Unitedi States lins recog- nizedtheticFrench ounexation ot Madagate- <an. ______ NAltES? QUOTAT1ON5. Otlencg-Cotîle, cemmon te prime, *3.54)te $4.75; boga, shipping grades, $3.00 toe $.50; sieep, fair te choie., $2.50 te $350; n-bout, Ne. 2 net, f5ic tef55c; cern, No. 2, 22e te 23c; oals, No. 2, 15o tu 16c; rye, No. 2, 29e te 30c; butter, choice.crenmevy, 15c le 10c; eggs, treai, De te 10c; new poitutea, per bushel, 20e te 30c; broone corn, cemmun aient te ciole iredant, $25 le $60 per hon. lntltnuapolis--Catie, uhipping, $3.003 le $4.75; 1%ogs, elioicelilgil $300 le $315; sieep, cemmon te prime. $2.00 te $3.50;, wieal, No. t. l4ke le 57c; cern. Ne. 2 n-ite, 21c tua 25c; onts, No. 2 visite, 22e te 24c. St. Louis-Cattie, $3.50 te $4.50; heps, S3.00 te $3,50; vient, No. 2, 60e to icl; cern, Nsb. 2 ycllen-, 21c te 22e; uais, -Ne. 2 w-hite. 17c ho 18c; tiyc, No. Z2 28 tu 29c. eCininnati. - Catte, $3.503 te $4.W0; hoga, r 3.00 te $275; sieep. $2.50 te $3-75; Il wbtat, No. 2. 50e te Oic; cern, '0. *muxed, 24e tu 26c; onla, No. 2 uixet, 10 te j7c; rye, No. 2, 29e le Ille. Detroit-Cattie, $2.50 te 1450; boggi $3.00 tle SilsO; siecp, $2.001 ho 83.f5ý te wieat, No. 2 ret, Oic te 63c; cern. Na.2 1- yîllen-, 24e to 25c; enta, No. 2 white, 23j 9 te 24c; iye. ',(te la 32e. a Toleto-WhVeat, No. 2 net, 62e te 63c; 1- cern, No. 2 jeiloor, 24e le 26e; ui, No. 1,2 n-hile, 17e te 18c; nyc, Ne. 2, 30e to«32e; cdorer seet, $4.25 te $4.35. Milîvaukes--Wlieat, No. 2 aprng, 54cs le rec; corn.i No. 3, 23e te 24e; enots, No, Ir 2 w-hile. 19e leo 21c; bnrlcy, No. 2, 30C ýeta 34c; rys', Sa. 1, 29c ho 31c; ponk, mes $s.00 te $0.5t). Buffalo-Cetle, $2.503 te $4.75; hepo *98.00 to $375; sicep, $2.003 te $3.75; >' nranI, No. 2 et. 02e te 04c-, cern, No. 2 yellov. 23c le Sic, enta, No. 2 n-hile, 24e le 203e, Ne< ork-Catie,81&0010 $4e75; bo"s ANSHLJT8~PI MENN One Mu'a Eaody Wag Litosally Elowf IrutbAtous-Muy Building@ luli -Caueef ExPle.lou la Unkuevu- Xiver Slêmis a Parus.. Wreck ut New Rolland, Ps. Tbree men kllled, ifleen or more lu- jured, and several buildings demellshed1 by thie explosion othweuly-live pounda of0 dyuamitpeat New Holland, >a. Tii. Penn-1 sylvauts Telepiioné 4Compauy la building1 a uew lino ini tiiatw4letuty, nd badéstored1 the explosive lu the. nommer kitchen oft the. Bugle Hotel. Euriy lu the. morntns Chartes F. Cannon. an employa etftthe compnny aud oeeoe a gang just about te etart te work, ivent te tth. nommer kitchen te get eut enough dynamite for the. day'à une. A few moments Jater lier. iras a terrible explosion aud eue aide of tthe kitchen *iras blown ont. A big bos ou another ide bmd blood sud tieaii en lhe ragged edgea, and itlai supposed tiiot Can- nousa body was sent tbrougii lier.. Tii. unuorluftate man iras blowu te atema, bis stomaci bavlug ben foundtwoir blocks avay. Up te a lote heur nether bis legs uor ihsie end ad been found. Frank Hammond, ot Harrisburg, n-ho was stand- ing Jusl outside lie building, had every boue lu hie body broken aud was lnslautly killed. George Crsman, ot Steelton, s water bey, iras aIse standing near the. building aud n-as se badly iujured tiiat h. slled. Two other buildings irere baslly wrecked. as was aise part etftiie botel, vile the. wbole front etfa argelIPle ment store was blown out. eTii.lnroota, ot a number of bouses were raaed ansi rulned. ____ GAIL HAMILTON4. The Noed Wrlter sud Coutreversal- lot Passes A vaY. Abigail Dotige, better known as Cuit Hamiltou,tiet i u ber home in Hamilton, Mlass, 3loutiuy eveuung. mithont havlug recovereti cousclouenees @Ince sustailiig & @beck of paralysie bundny morniug. Miss Dodge for niany years won a cou- aplcueua figure lu Washington. Sbi ent le the capuital early in thee te teach »cicol andti trougli lier abiiity n-itb tic Veut @le secured a position on tie staff ef tihe National Era. iis Doulge woas per- lisps lie lss-st of tie.many intellectual women tint have elsrsing iup lu tbe Unitedi States duriuîg-tic ai îisirly renrs. bbc was best kîiown probnbly front ber pun- gent andi ratier erratic ivritingg andi tie ktreng esIscuma Ioftthelus oit isil fortunes o f Secretary Btuie. lietaveen berseif and Bir. Blaine tlire wira n leeî sul perfect sympathy. luit Ilaniiltonis irït isook was psîblieied ini18(32. Sitire lOint tinte ber lieu lias as'ver been idie. She bas cou- tribuleti lsrgely tsi inaglhteosudnti taperi- odicals aud soeof tier n-ork le ot an order that comphare& ireil nitb liat doue b> the best writers amnoug tise men. Na soutien bas irritten miore clearly, force- tully or witi equal intelligence sud un- derst.sudiug ou lie sîitjs'ct ot polieis. From 14 u1W o sb-@e wonaseeoetthe ediltors ot "Our Young Voîke." a chidrr-n' magazine publisheti in Boston. and mub- aequently mergedtivih St. Nichaolas. FIGHT IN BELFAOT. Nationaliste Attack Eleue-Tbrowers with Epearm. Serions riotiug eccurred nt Belfast lu connection mii tbe nationalie nia nites- tutiots lu faver orf grautiug amnesly to tie Irisbi polilical priecuers. Tisere were several procession» ot nationalises tirougi lie streete as a ieginuing anti thcy irere fiualiy niergeti mbo a large pro- cession, bended iy bansmen, aried i wti apenre. Tie proceïsioln sattetdii- menes' crowdai of peopsle aud stone-tbrow- lng sommeuicesi. Thîis served le enrage the nationaliste cidtîseir bautismen at- tacked lie crowde pub their speare. wousiding inauîy peoplie. Tic police ciarg- edtic lb" otera nad asedti Ieir butons freely. with lie reanît tint several persnus were hurt before crier n-as reetoret. Tiec net- !zîg canseethtie greatest excitemeut hniroaghiout tie city. sand turtier dielurli- 1ance% irere feared in tise evening. as tie marchera tireatenedti tareturu la very mach greaier strengli nuit uarch lu pro- cession tirougieut lie nmain streets. Tie police, bon-ever. took steps te maite a dis- play et terce calcutatedti t prevent any furtier iserions nioling, sud, if ueeasary, thinilitnry wousitihave béen called upoul te assist tie constabuiany in uaninllu order. DOOS BAVED NANSEN'S LIFS. It Developu Itbat Their ltarkugr Di- recled lmte Jackson. Il noir developa tthle meeting b.e tveen Dr. Nansen and Jackson. lie Eu- gliexplorer, wnsthe recuit ot tie bank- lug oet hesidoe. The Norwegian sud i comportions n-ere expleriug ene dny n-ner hey .heurt iaiang, sut, following the eunds, te their amazemeut tbey reache 0Jackseu'i camp. Varto bas.been en ftl enti decoratet inlu bnor et tie reluru ol Dr. Nanseu. lad ticetiege not guide Nansen uni lus comportions te Jackson' 2punr ti ey wuîîtiprobably have mander. ed ou untilt ley penisietiofet olt andiban: ger, as thcy n-ere test aBthe lime ant kuewn- nt ibither liey were goiug. Cauuhl Iu a Wreck. 14 Monday atternoan aorEEtu Claire, Wl. a four-etory tramte building kuaivunn Munie Hall, wmmci n-ns being diesantlci 5;collapet, killing nt lenst tbree men ant lnjnning mauy more. It ta more lhi î.reiable tint lucre tire several peoslq beaites Ibose defi»ffitely kueiu in th4 ruina. TnJuncllen Airainat P. D. Armour. In tie United Slates Circuit Court t Fau Francisco Erwini T. EnvIe iras grunt - d au inîjunction agninat P. D. Armoen nho, Enrie aleges, bas used an intringe 1 seul of tis paiecnt veutilator for care Tic innction n-l tlie up Arunour*s car ne nd force lie use of Earle's. *ý Burgiare Steal Bonnetl'a Mettais. )c Tic residence ansi tmg store et D. W! lianeil, at 1Hibbard, Ohia, wnseccere, lsy burgiars. The thieves secunet $4( lu injen-elry aud metiala wnu yis soi 1W. W. Bomneli, a bicycle rider. i mie h ife ad Lest Il. W.e atteminis le ford Walout Riv- &.mB OIsi& .of Ethaaav IAnL.. feu Pr lie ruee or antertailet faufe llueiavIle vere pieutifslty jsgl* e liaturday, thi.etéoelug day et the SbA. À.W. M9 meet. There vas a dramatte to*é th the. fareveil scene, 1rblcb, altiouth il made tiie graud stand people Uueeostu- alte, sdded a lively luterest te euitonS events. Rate andi Cooper ver. lie -e- meuleawih sent spectaterus ad.boatu itb a trear. Tii.rain b"d glieaevi- denco fér sevéral bourg tbat il vas quael- fylug fer a bot camptitn. bot 4OWOç' act vasi a genuine surprise. Set .e»ug watrtelta i e nuethe. bolders of ento te seek safety awqay trontIii. trak, se ail remaiued te se. the outeeme of the vetiB sparring matches. Coope; vas the fIret mian le crosse tietape ilu h ive-ml. nr- tiotai champleushtbr but met vitlr dis' 14aaI*ealon by théintige. Il vas daim- .ed by dieu diat Cooper hoti dug bie el- boes ItoB aId and- made fac« at hlm nu- buconulng a rider. The. crovtimv dhits sud at once set up a cry of tilsapprovaL. Cooper vas hisseti and Raid vas c«Undt for, but Raid diti net min. Tii. chou- pleusbip vas hung on Beeker's beit, Aker rocelieti second place anti Nat Rutles thlrd. Tho mont popular mmnlng ofthle meet was doute by Walter Sauger (*'oId Wooden Shees."> He la a big fellov, tiie mont powertnlly built of auy man on the cir- cuit, but bis veiglit %vai; a malter of lu- rs igîiicance le hlm ad- niirera ut the close ofthte two-mite pro- f essional handicap, n-heu tiey carrieti hlm np anti don-n ou t l4 e i r shoniders lu front ofthle grand * stand, n-bile the. s / crowdtioftmen sud monen stooti on their WÂLTUR ANGEI1. sessud le't San- ters$ name lest tihe full calcul et hheir lnng power, Thse euthusiasm was crs- alesi erlginally ou tbe openiug day efthle !meet. wien Saugera@ appeurance lu the. oeemil.en-ns the signai for a chorus ef calla for "ýootieu Shoes." Althongh vin- t'ally h. wou the. eveut, Butler, wbe hati taken ativantage of his sprints and netter tri.d te strarm lie binti ibeel, abi lu ahead et hlm ut the tape. On lie ucit day Gardiner.wnn luthe sane mauner. Folton-ing tbe races tic greater number etf visitera pateks'd their collars sud son- venir. sud took trains home. Tiere ver. neotlssppoiutmeuts, except, perbaps, a Ici eftIhe ridera antinoseofet1h. manu- facturera. OOVERNMENTS MAPS ISSUED. Macy Newv entures Eronaht Ont la lhe Fincly Executeti WVrk. Tie big general maps ofthtie Unitedi States, issucd by tbe eneral laud office for this vear. bave just been issued. The resuit of the work ut engraviug sud print- ing is eue,,t tie munet unittete and finely drawu seste yt suqel by thoGhoverument. The tenture is the division efthle country Into secctions, marking lie varions ces- Mions ant pur-basses from ocher Goveru- meul%. Tie trais -ovsred ini tie original *Ihirtcen colnies aud theo G:assden pur- isa,the Teinas annexat-n. the c-s-saions of Louisian, Alaska, -Nt-ieýoanad IFlorida are clearly set ont for tise iret lime. Cou- nîlessioner Lanoreux is tiec argiuater et th lides. Ouly a linited number ot maps have been issucti. aud a large saving over previaus yeara ln made in the contruet *price etfl62 cents eacb othIe Gavernuent. Kentîucky geisi men claim Ibat MeKin- ley mUilmhav a mjority ot 20,000 lu that State. Tiie PopulistaetfMissouri have nemi- nated O. D. Joues et Edina ton Governor anti a full Shate ticket. Tie*Poalmaster Geucral ha@ lîsucti nu entier foriidding raitîay mail ctcrks tak- Ing un active mterest lu the camp.tgn. Missouri I'opulists have mate an ar- rangement ih lhe Deunocratm n-ieneby four Brysautand atson eleetors n-tU b. put ou tic ticket. A. L. Mimas, n-be -a p eenteti by Ten- nesee Popîulisesna St. Louis for Vice- Presitent, bas beeun tominalet fer Gev' eru;o f ibi Stte. J. Sterling Mertan, Mn. Clevelandi Secretany et Agriculture, la a candidate fer thie gl-standard Democralie nomi- nation for Presideul. Tih. Populisesand Deniocrats et North Dakota have renced iau agreement n-iereby liere wl nul u'b.eue State andi eteetorul ticket un tic fieldi. A meetircg cnttelt-,by tie got-standarti Dcniecttuts n-ai Iccît in St. Louis. Mr. lion 200 proeniit Deutocrats were pres- euOnt andwciui ias rganuzedT. 'lh. Deniocratie congreaienal eau- Ipalgu committce reports tint almost al thie requesîs neeciveti fer literahure are fer malter ou tie elîver question. STic Colorado lepilican committee passeti neaolutlons tavonsng MeKialey and. virtuelly tearllng ever7bedy nWho mIU baot Oniment lme ont lte parli'5 --, --

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