Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Aug 1896, p. 3

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STiHE PREACHER DISOUSSES A- OREAT LAWOUIT. IadzuicbmenI, lhe 'ientlaunythse Bu*Iug Up and the Judgmeit- erepueBReport of a Trial for thse k la tihe Coartroosu. 1%Te Ilustrations cf thI, mrmon £te Iravu iote i.ceeeiluaecourt Mous, wI t hicli Dr. Takasage hocame familier vhehe wes abadylig at, betere lho Joén, IL., 1, 'Wre bave an adrocate with '4wc Nathor, Jean Christ, tua nîgteous.' Standing lu a court roorn yen say te vour@ef, "At Ibis han crime bas of ton aarraigneti; at 11118 wltneau stand tine basoeon beei tabou; et this jurons' bea ch the verdict bas hoon rendereti; et "judgW e'itek sentence bas been Pro- amouaet." But I bave te tel you to-day of a trial hlgber bhina aiy-yer andi termi- nier or circuit or supreas. or chaeny- [t in thse trial et every Obristion Ma» for theaIlite of bis oul. This trial i. diffxor- eut froai any ocher iluth. tact t tit Illa ioth clvi andi criminel. Tise Issues t steboe are tremndona, anti Il iai! lu my sermon show yen dm51 wbab are the greonde of cempaint, than tino are tue wtnesco. in tue cause anti lu.tly wtsearetue edrecntés. When a trial la calti on, tho firt thlag las te bave tihe indiclment rend. Stand up diweu, O Chisialn man. sud hear the Iu- dîtmot ofthte court ot igin heavec agrelat thy seul. Itlà I. u uiletrtaent of ton ceunis, for thon hast direclly or Indu- rectiy brokea ai!lte Ton Commadmonli. -Tou knew bow tit tiunderoti mnSisal, andi whaa Goti'came down owthtino menteis rocketi, anti tue auoke aseenaletias fOUI à amolderng funce. anti the timnknesm gtheredt tick, andthtino tod, tieep trus- ptutîeredth te tords, '*The seul that alntIt mia!! edi!"Are yen guilty or Dot guilty? Do rl ot tIn a ne.gatîme pea glery etf(iod. Thore s noue tiat doetb goot. No, no ne huaoevcor shah boop tino wbo!e ian', yet offAnt Inlue point,.hiesingul!1y utofal" Po nul there- fore ho te) hasty in proneunicing Yourseit net guilty. The Lswmuit. This lasunit beforp us slso charges yen wth the breskinir o ef a iauucoutnscb. a time titi wo proamise te ho tue Lord'@. We gelt detu ou cour kaees aud sali, "O Lord, I ain t lne net anti for- eve." DA lyen be<-p tinepromtise. Have yon touti up lu the- î,,tratt? I go bacb te your finit communion. Yon rermmen lb as teIl n. if h:t erc yserdnîay. Yen kuow bowthetinovsion of aine cross rose bc- fore yen. Vo-t reti-tum-r imutfrnthte beati, andthie battus, andthetoside, atnd lue fot thon. came boee:g tarda 1w-m words, "Rionember me" Von nemlh ot tue cup ef comuanieon tremnbli linyour baud ttmn yenritecü(k il. andies. Iu a aeeahll yeu nay hein, or tbinb yen hear, lue roanlngo e tino niant r0atter the abolI bas heen tabou froua tbtehasch, se yen lifbedt bnacnp ef comnmunion and yen hourd lu iltinhe surging ofthte grmt oceait of a Sariour*s agmîuy, aud von eau. s tua groin taI communion servire vils face ehiing as tinougin yen hetibeffloen tie umnaI otTrnmtfgratien. and the. ery air .eelnetitremitione with tis. 4ve of Jeuns, andthte touts and thse jaaseu'md the. grasandthte indi v-erbebet aveeter volceti tha-.eer ehtôtO. a&" leu saiti dowa lu tue very depths of yens mou, "Lord, thon kuoweut &Il tulaags thon katonest tuaI I love thee." Have yen kept tb. hargelu. 0 Cbirhtlanmanme Have yen net sotlrnes fatereti wher yen ongit te bave been trame? Haro you mot heen prrm-.d thon yen eîghlte obave heen humble? Have yen nol playe th ie cevarti thon yen ouginl le bave heen lhe be-o? I charge il upo>n yen anti I charge Il upc mysei-we have broken theo cou- tract. Il11tonutiner. This lamouit !aimà dam- age et yenr banda. Tino grealemI eantie, on tue Christian religion in an lucousimi- ent professer. Tino Btbe ays religion tn eue thing. We, le' our iuctatisitncy, say religion in.@orme olier lhig. andti w-at is more tieplorettle about it in tialpeopîlm cao see fanlit in obhens w'ile they cannet ioe any ina thcoseivom. If yen ehalli et any lime tuindsmre miserabie cuti gossIp. tithIimperfections froin thtincrotu et ho. bea out e tinoole cf lber tout, a pertect blolcin of in lers.lf, aine nil! go tatîling, tattling, laltling al ie years et ber ite about tbeinlcnisteucies et others, bey iug ne lIsba the ain linconsintent br sef. Ced arc tue -m>m-ldfrom tlinogos- qlp, tomale aud ntale! 1 think the mal's are tineworst. Non' the chariot et Christ« savatien goea on turougintlite norîti, ht ft la our inconitencies, my brothreu, tuat block np tue wbeeie, thibe ail aleug the lIne therc ooght te hare been cast nothlig but paim branches, andthte. asut abon' bave hacu lftem, "Hosanna 1to eSon of Davitil" Net yen have heard the ludicîment rrond, Are yo eraiy te pleati guilty oe mot gilît>'? Perbaps yen are nt reati, yet te peat. Thon theo triai w-ld go or. Tbe ottuosest iI! ho callet, and te sae bave théimatter ticcideti. In tinonaneeoc Ged I net make jrocanmtien: Oyez, oyez, oyez, tiiocoever bath anything to offer lu tuis trial, lu 'îvtmlcb Q e sthe plantiff andthie Christian seul tue de- fendant, lt hlm net step forth anti gire lentlrnony lu Ibis olemittrial Tine Teablmoay. Theo rt titness 1 cal! tpon tine stand in bhaîf ofthle prosocutien la thewtrtlt, ail rilical anti observent of Chrstian f totéOvo , ui*ha peedy *7-b£8w Si ual<heut. IUa yo etoo much lntoee" estel la dii.tria te ir. Impariali e'-la dence. Let ail diade wbo he- the t.mtlkne mon, et "ii witaeois knov Iluit there I. hg an olti famlIy quarrel between thge.. two parties. Tiiere always bas been a vari- fc ance betwoen- tihe world andtheti cdurch, s anM, whlle the vwoed on the wltnesstanid w to-day has tolti a great deal of trnth about h, thLi ChGrstian man. vou muet take It ail tl with much allowance, rememberlng tèiat they atili keep the olti grutige gooi. O ti warld of the greedy eye andi the hard À heart, that'wîiI do. Yon may ait iOWn. . The aeont i wtnens 1 eaul in this cameale 0] conscience. Who art thon, O conscience?b WlhaitIyour buincas? Where were you tl beira? What are yon doing bere? ..Oh,".1c ays concence, 111 was bori In heaven. 1I carne down to betriendtis n.mua. I have la lived wth hlm. 1 have lntadbed hlm. I m havewtmmelbminéI howeihlm tbor tbt & and the wramS, adviaked hlm 10 teks, the.le one ada.b*-the 050fe.,I ha«*1SRe&d ia a gz4eaVtlab<la on!. Witii awMxi e Il meeeploa- I have scovg.d, his wlcked-C aeg, ad I have fri.dto ohm IeE hM wlîan "drlht, anti yet I amn eempelledl to le testlfy on thes tand to-day that lh. has, sometianea rejected w> mission. Oh, howc many cIIps of lite have I presred to hielm lips that h.e dashed dtown, and how ofttny bas lho tooti with hls bard heel on then bleoting heart of the Son of God. It r pain. me very mach thagt I have to testi- p fy against tht, C'hristian man, and yet 1Ix muet In behaît of hlm who wil l ne wise Il clear the gulty aay that thi. Christian1 man bas doue. wroag. He has been n-orld-o ly. Ho bai heen neglectful. He bam 9 done a tbousand tblngm hiec>ght not te ( have donc, and le! t undone a thousand t thiugs hoe ought te have donc." That will do, conscience. Yeu caen ait down. à The third i w.neso 1 cal! In t.ho came lae en angeloftGod. Bright and shining ono, what tioet thon be? Wbat hast thon1 to ay against tuis man on trial? "Oh."i ayai the angel, "I have heen a mosengera te im. 1 have guarded i hm. I have1 wetched him. With thi. wing 1 have de- e fended i hm, andi oftentimes, whpn lho kncw itflot, 1 led hlm Into green pastures1 and beide the mtll! waters. 1Inatchedt >froin hin the poîsonoti chalicea. When1 bad spriti came upon im te tietroy hlm, 1 tougbt them back wth infinite flerce-i ties., andi yet 1 have to tetity to-day ther rhemasrjected xuy mission. Ho bas flt1 doue as hoe eught te bave doue. Thougb 1I came trom the sky, lie drove me haek. Tligtgh with thlm wing I defended ienl,i andt îbugh with this vuire I wooed hlm,i 1 have to annunce hlm mltiplieti Imper-i fections..I dare nt keop back the testl- mony, for thén I shotuld flot tiare te ap- pear agaîn among thoe ilas one* before1 the great whlite thronc."1 Tiiere la only eue more witnesm toe b< called on behait of the prosecutien, anti1 that in the great. the holy, the august, the omnipotent Sprit ut God. We bow dow-i býefo)re im. iloly Spirit, knowest thon thi. man? "Oh, yes," saym the Holy *One, "I kuow hlm. I have striven witb hîm ton tbousand timem, andi thougb orne-4 rtin holiedd speintterepent lho fell back 1 gain as often tromn bis firnt estate. Ton thousaudti tmem ton thouaand ba ho griov- *eti me, athengh the Bible warned binr.1 2ayiug: 'Grieve not the Holy Ghoat. 1Qnench flot the Spirit.' Tes, ha bas driv- o n me back. Thougi 1 arn the Thîrti Porson et the Trinity, lho han trampled on My mission, and the blooti ot the atone- *ment tuat I brougbt with which te tleanmo hliseul lho ometimos deepimeti. I came frorn the tbrona of Go t t couvert and comfort andi actlty, and yet lok at that man anti see what hoie.lacempareti with wbat, unnrenlmted, I woniti have r matie hlm.", a The Rebutt*L ?The eidence on theo part of theo preseon- atien ban clomed. Now lotthe adotons. LIhring on the i4buttal testimony. Wbat b ave yen, O Chritan @oui, to brlng ln " reply te tblm evidence ef the nxprd, ot the geconscienceofe the angol andi et the Holy eGhoai? No evîdence? Are ail these gthings true? *"Tes.. Lnlean. uncleani" ays every Christian sonl. What? Do k. you nt hegin te tremble at thc thought 'r of contiemnation? t-We have cone now tote n et Interest- a Ig part ofthtblgreat triai. Theo ovidenca y ail in, the etivocates .peak. The profes- s aion et an ativocate la fui! et responsi- ebiity. lu Eugland and theo United Statl dtIhere bave arisen mon who in this cailiu< t have been honoreti hy tueir race sud 1. thrown contempt upon those whe lu the r profession have been guilty et a grect t uauy moannesos. That profeasion wil ho honorable as long as it has attncbed te it uch flames as Mansfildtiaud Mer- r- mllit na!d Story anti Kent aud Southarti - and Wiliam Wirt. The court room bas 3- soinetimps been.tue scelle ef very marvel- *s ueanad tbriliing things. Semaetfyen 's romember the tameus Girardi will case, tzvblereoneeet ofor ativocates ploadeti the tt cause et the Bible and Christianiîy li ka matorly Anglo-Saxon, evory paragrepb ýg a tbuntiorboît. id Someofetyen have reado e infamutos ttrial in Westminster bail of WarT,ânlIas- tiugs, the. despoilor et Indue hy spleudid It taleuits, by courage, by bribes, by gigantic >r dlsbonesty. The whole worlti had raing TY with applause or condomnatien. Gatherod lu Westminster ball, a pince in whlch thir. Ity kinga bad been lnaugnratod, tram ou, 'f e the usoit tamens audiences ever getb- ered. Foreign tinîsters anti princes mt Othore. Peers marchoti in, cled in ermine le anti golti. Migbty mou andi tomen frote e- ail landes looketi dotru upen the iconle. 7e Amiti ail that pomp anti spleudor, anti ami an exctement sncb as bas seldem been een In any court reom, ,:dmunti id Burke adivancedi In a speech wbich wil .y Bàueaof ornai unkngod? Lot th* lav b. executei. LUt jutigment be pro- none&,Lot hlm di. I demanti that ho duel" O CJhrimtian, do.. It net lok very tien for th..? Who trili pleat on thy aide ln eo foromu a cen..? Somnetimes aMan will b. brought luto a court ot la'v', anti Le wlll have ne frientis anti no money, anti tho Jutige will look over the bar anti aay. "Im there any eue who will volunteer te take tbis man's came andi detent i hm?" Andi soe youaig man rimcenp anti soa, "I wIl! ba bis conel," penhapm sterting on trorn that very point te a greet anti brilllant carcer. Now, ln thim matter of th. moui, as yen bave nothing te pay for counsel, do yen Uilnk Ihat auy*oeawll velunteer? Yeu, yes;I se on, nlsing. Ho la a young man, only 33 years et ae. 1 a. hle countenance suffuset i wth toars and covereti wlîh bleoi, ati ail th. gal- lerIe. of heaven are tbrllled with th. apectacle. Thauks ho unto Geti, "w. have an ativocato with the Father, Jeans C~hrist the rlghteoum." O Christian soul, yen? case bagins te eook botter. 1 thlnk, perbaps, atter aII, yen may net have te dia. The haut ative- cote la tue univers. hem taken yonr aida. enaon was ever se quallili te defenti yen. H. knowm aIl the law, ail lts de- mania, ail Ite penalties. Ho ie elwaye ready. No new turnet the case nnmur- prise hlm, anti ho wl! plead fer yen for nothig au anestly as thongh yen brongltt a wvend eftreasuro 'to bis teee' Bedestbat ho hamundortaken the on.. of thoumands wbo tore am ferlera an yen, and h. basnover lest a case. Courage, O Christian seuil I thlnk tinat, after ail, iliere may ba sema chauce for yen, for the groat etivecate rises te mako bis pics. H. Beys: "I admit ail tinat hie been proveti ageinet my client. I admît ai thomo mine --aye, mQre-but look et that trountiut bandi et mine anti loket that ether weunded bandi anti at my rigbt foot anti at my loft foot. By ail these wountia 1 ploati for him clearance. Count allb.h drops et my blooti. By the humiliation et Bethlehem. b, the swat ofetGetinsemana. by the îufferngs et the cross, I dementi tbat ho go free. Ou Ibis erm ho bath leanct, te tinis heart ho bath flotu, lu my tee?, ho bath svasbed, on my riginleous- noms ha bath tiependoti. Lot hlm go free; I arn the ransom. Lot bhtm escape th. lash; I teck the sconrgings. Lot theo cup paso frete hlm; 1 dramnk it te the tiregs. Put en hlm tino crown et'lito, fer I bava wonn the crutu et thorats. Ovor againit my tbrene ofthminne set bis tinrene et tri- umpin. Judgament Weil, theo counsol on butin aides bave spoken, andi there in only one more thinZ net remeinlng, anti that la the avarding et the Jutignut- If yen bave over heen lu a court mrue, you kuowthen silence anti m5olcmuity then theo verdict is about te b. rentieroti or theo juig-meut about te ho giv- on. About thbis sul on trial--shall il b. gaveti or shall it ho lest? Attention, aboya, erounti. beneath! AIl theo univers. cries, "Hear, bear!"' The jutige risem anti gives bis decîsien, nover te ho cheugoti, nover te be reveketi, "There let, therefore, net ne coudeina- tien te thom tho arc lu Christ Jeans." The mon! that on Jeans bath leaneti for repose I w-I net, I1tri!! net, desert te hlm tees. Tbat ion!, thongb ail bell shoulti oudeeve, te shako, l'il neyer; ne, nover: ne, nover, termaka. But my trientis, there in coming a day et trialinl whbch net only the saint, but the innor muai apPoar. That day et triai wll como very sntitetaly. The fermer wil ha at tua plot, the mnochant wili ho ln the counting reom, the woedmaa wiU b. ringlng his ax on the hickoriei, the weav- or wlll hav, bis foot on the treatile, tue manufacturer till ha arnitithe huasetf ooma andtihte clack of flying me- chlnery, the counsel meyr ho et the bar pleetiing tua lew, the minister mey ha la the pulpit pleatiing the gospel, the tirank- anti may b. reeling antit bis cupa, anti the hlmsphetner wlth Uiecath caugbt otween bis teetb. Le, the mun bides! Night cornes tiot et mitinoon. The stars nppear et noon te- day. The. eartb ebutiders andti tbobm. Thora an esrtbquake opens anti a city mînka as a crocodile toulti crnch a chilti. Mountains roll inlutiair seckets anti senti tiown their granite cliffs lu avalanche er rock. Rivers pause lu their chase for the sea, anti oceen uprottring cries te flylng Alps anti Himîalaya. Beesta bellot anti mean anti anuif up the darkness. Clonti. fly like flocka et stvift eegles. Gnont thunders inet andi boom sud burst. Stars shoot and tell. Tino Aimighty, riaing on bis turone. tiocleres Ihat tîme shaîl ho ne longer, andth ioe rchaugel's trump re- pesta it tii! ail the living hear anti the continents et deati pring te their foot cmyiug, "Tinte miai! ho ne longer!" Oh, on Ibet day tii! You ho reatiy? I bave show-n yen botwoIel the Chris- tien tii! got off lu bis trial. Wl! yen gel off as tel!lui your trial? WiII Christ pleeti on yeur aide or againat yen? Oh, wvhat tili yen do lu the lest great essize if your conscience is egainat yen, andti he tonld la geinat You, andtihte angels ef beeven are againat yen, anti the Holy Spirit la egainst yen, ayd the. Lord GoI Almigbty la ageinst yen? Botter this day occure an Ativecate. Short Sermoens. Religion anti Sclence.-tebiglon la thei kuetietige of lite, science lasystematlt knowledgo. Religion la sepiaeoti rom science only lintino sense that yon cii speek oet religion anti sculpture or re. liglon and Islstory belng distinct. Re- liIgion Includes ail knewledga ln the r LINOIS,.INRDËM? 1 & M0ER OR - STARTLING, FAITM- an FULLY RECORDED. Irallum-es ln Chicagto Agaregate $sS0,- 000 lu One s-LicslysChlia- icel Laboratory Deatroyed iryFîra- Prettir Rocktord GirlbLetîceti Awair Five Firme Assl&u. lire hi,- Uhiego limas, nitin asueIs ftmoutting te over $'Jfli failm'd Satur- day. Tinoy wivei: (emrgmm Obî-riie & Co., elea and bide and lendmi, r dealens et '41Nortinh latti'itimref tii. -ets <cati- iated et $200,I4l440. th ii Ioilirl,'5 prohe. Ily aggrgaling $2ml> I. lory M. Ilosiek & ('o., dealers iti !asd Ibides lat 1153 Michigan streel; am.'mtst4m slmoluloti et $2(,0t lahilities $2,~m. Tino Cicaioengsd Western Sont Compnny, ot- tece and tactory et Kingshury and Supoý- lier sîtreetn; assola $80,000:liaitlmiilis un- Inown, hbut csiimated aI $0,mOO. The Chicago (oumollidatM Iron anudlSteel Cern- pany ot Harvey, Ill.: asmtsi $300,000; ne, cetimate giron as te liahilitie's. Louis Sie- vors & S'eus, iviolesalo liquoir deebers et '12 slb avenue; 555015 sî-iuffluboml et $'>3,- 000: liabilîbes $30,(.00.Trie arsigumelats et tihe iret thnee firme nameoinuthle fore- Coing liaItore matie titinn e tn'Min- rites(if eh otllfrend the nodoatfaîl ot enl saidt t bave tnken tin other lwc triti t SrsleMmlg FrieumL.moftMies Joseiahirir 8tromblatiO, a iîroîly ltmmkfmmrm girl, 24 mans li. fonir smie bas ither licm'îîfoitliy diltîtithin l Ciiago or i,.4bing kein imm inmg le lire- vent hir front m-tîmiumlîii-alilg w mh rein- tires For lwo 3oars aie )li.%bm'oua %trident ltî thenomnali oinimaaneimtt utAu- armstanabCollî-gm i Rck bIsîla. brptng henseit tir lteîî'hmng, anti tiltilhire cern- pîclomi theclit mîr.e luî"t it ulmm. ]-rly in, lue she lett fmr C'hicamgo te Fpene the auimmor vacmatio iîn t rind-it lcre. At- ter sovernl weokba ,ic remd aitm offer t tenbai uone cf te mmiubs, lhe gon- lonern imfferimag theo plae ttt lier leiug a sIre ugor, lint ibm' agni-mi liigo mw th h i antilob it oer, telling lier tripiils that ltoie otililriitii-n formlier cdti ,tg anti persouail elli-tis if Shi, dî-îll-l ti a-î'opt IL. Ki~i'timon deumîtiîinglias ieî'ii oarti trom lber byly îr (Chicago frinii"îliber truuk stîli iiin, nt tîtir honte., linu tmessaigei. a -j ýt,îo e b' lti lftrd rm'a- tires, w lit ari' grpatly n lanîitio ver lier disa,1m: i o 'l 'lie(CicoLg pto liba vo ht-n notii-ti amd are nakimt- alsîtîreit for ber. lt't. Ifîtetifrii-nis w ii Chi- cage anî joiia in the sean-lt. MS-m in- blaîle v.mas i m-vpimlar. cou h, i is iroî :n Amoert', t.Pi" 'bilino"', alth"ttglt be-r l'erris lr'tiiu in Swtembu. She 15 ta Losset et 'UnLiversity. Thr e1iiiimît.îal ]zbtrttitrv buillLmIIg ai ithe Fuiven tri. vof Illinotîis, alit ( -henIImaigit. m tis atruck ek* i 1,gîtitnii g ce ny Siuiltty nîtrit ,ng, anti, n,îtwtalit .amming the e îcîbit f- forts of teUhantpaign u amtirnatifire doparn ueli ti il nus amnost onaleioiy lîcruei. Pat o f Ithei'aimarat us ou theîo irsI and iseoîndl looim nd ttl lit atck of î-ien'- Icals, et-t', imilimte btttî-nî,'t tcaa eiilde- Ptruo'iou. Ail etftino reo-rdsof lIme de- peartinent anti mnîy taluahie torba iy ita iprofesisons w-ire bslroyeml. Thie danage le hei'bdilding ita$$20,000 andtitheotbis et eilitaratus anti umatoial about $5000. Ir la oxpectedthel odepantntt ili ho lu 1'.onkiîîg ordornet tbe beginning etftthe nieu- college year. State Noews nBm-ef. John W. Carleton, -'eeoe Haut-etk Counly's olulest iioneprs, tiledti eCbarth- age, mgemi 85. At Otawa Ceorgo O'Ntcara heti bis lott trin lowu off et te imoubtior by tbe acci- dental tiseinargeofe a gîte. kTino 14-year-eiti daugiteir of Elijab .Wibcnly, one of lIhe lttimrineîtt farmors 1noar -Mouttt Vernon, î',tmniioel smiiIb ihy banging. -No cause is known for te net. B. F. Jacubs, e pemî(ýi-ttîojumrnpm' met deatin et Quimîcy Situday. 'Te ha llîîmîî hotrst thon 150 foot bigla. le t-ut Ita- buntte parachute diii aid nork and ieh fî'll te lIhe grolmîttiwitlter-rible force. Ebstrorlin (bapin, wIlie0iras caugt in tino ect etftaaissgt lts t risontmis itli te * ieenia Coitmty jail for tIbm' îiîtnbtfiatmidimt Ill.-tnerna te est-ape, plî-mmîim'ml ît i h.utId %vas "m-need t on(tea0r in te n(,mt- boeuse anti ineti $400. tDallas Ilarw-ood sîtt t iisoif titritgi thte néck ut 3.aconb and is la ttcwiI critictl conditiont. ith bis tiironia iltm 'mais traveliîtg ovrlaîtd fronat'etmri,î te Caldwecll Coîînty, Missouni. lie' atI lltm el le tîke a rifle from iotgtthe -lm,'n tIneettumer cetit aîd line w'alm.iîî ttts discinargeti andttIhe hall emteret ibis ii-tk an aum<eteout et bis back. t The bomdy etfeamail w-es fouml lni mite tSangatuon Rtivcr et Decatur, It hatl îvi- idently been tinere sevenal tecks andt vas e arecegizabie. Nolhing l inopitekîls agave a clet te ls itientity. There n'as inothtbg cf value about line bodiy. Titi yc-othiug hllt been gueti. Front this tatI(. il à hi tinougint tino man 'ias mundered. Il à Ibis proves te ho se il wil! e haete hinil murdor mystery silice 'Marcin. One watt line merder et Augustt Hecbman, mnie m'as founti denmdiî in thewoudoand m tt e other tuas tt W. B. Carlisle, til a was teunti tying imn e treigint car. Al Àsuit for breacin et prou.ise w'ibie ttill n prove et interest if il ecr cornes 60 tritt V '-as hegun in tlie Sangamon Coîanly court - r'itiay. Tino llaintif la MýjisS Annie Mi'_ D)onald Irish,. et Jamestowîa, R. J., alid *Tb* 2-Y&44olmau.1 oi ia farm.. Ii$amer Klamundy, vtas bIIIà by a boar. Sylvester Sperry, an overworketi breke- mnan on thne SanIe Fe Reliroati, sat dota upon bine track nt Maman tinile walbing for e test train 10 pais. Ha fulasbeep anti was non over anti kileti yhyein train. Annie Pebermon tes ereabeti anti holti le ltho Circuit Court et Molino, chnarg", 'iitin eraun. She cenfesmedto te brtiag ciglîlecu incondiary fines 'iithîn theo pamt six moulhs anti aftorw-ard tionieti it. It la thougint she le insane. Wilin $800 lu their venîts. against de- peils et $115.000, Louis D. Taylor & Ceo, privatoe ukers et 9591) West Madison slreet, Chicaigo, sîmpoteti business. AI loat 8m0 porsotas, Most tfwhum are ainsi! trtîdeswun.ero deositors lu the bank. Tieno nn'steamer Quiuoy, huilît e coat of $W3,000 by lino Diemonti Jo lino,F arrivemi at Qmincy front Dutiaque Tue*- day. Mayon Steinbachn presentedthetin boaItub e afi-tg anti thon 800 buaines men andti inir familles tobk a rite on t bine hoast te Canton anti returu. She ylI mun in the Quiucy-S1. Louis trade. v Watson, Little & Co., Chicago, thele-1 sale dealIers anti shippers et ceai, matie an asalgament. ltw-es aesertedt iat lb. assola teuit ua over $100,000 andte tu hiabilitiez n'ill ha toun tilefil tum tuaI figure. Tino failure la attribute tu te a strikoent tineir mines. Tino attorneys fer the flrm aay lino tailuro yl have but litho effettupoatte contracta ieltiby thne ceon l, asaline assignee, by atntier ef court, 'iili prohably carry on tua business. A cembinalion sale ot Poland-Cina hoga froîîm the'hortsetf('erreili& Coffmn J et àlechaniesburg, IH. O. Minais cf1 Sinerpsburg ant T. B. IlIant oet Einhurg1 n'as hinl the lilvestock pavillon et lhe. Sprngfild tle fair groundis. It tas tin onot suect'ssttibsgale o e nocaacler helt inhayers andmiamîraclei hoyers frein meny States. One su', '~Minais' Metel," hnenght $1,310. Sin was ptrchaaoti hyt J. W. WilliIams & Semiset Bryan, led, t tino aise pfut $WU0 for "Meorisin Meit," anotiner suiw. George .1. Bennett. sou ot W. W. Ben- nett, e nonithy Recford resiteel, ham heen madtbie defendeut lu e su bro--gbl hy Miss Minnie Blongin, l in icin thec latter elleges broenhetfpromise le mary. t Misa Blongin waîmls$5.000 damaîges. $5h. ls a resitieut et Davis .lîmatcion, w-bra mie young man binsa beonn îanaging bis tatiners arrning ictoreas. Benet hoandot et NMiss Blougins honte, aut botin hiug muaiiens, thoy iuinycu viein anti pilano selections logelinor. Tt is saidthbine îroseul!on nilIl ry tii provo tlItMr.t Benot'8 vocal rnntiuin of -0,) l'rontie .%e" was equivaet t ee atriage pro- pose1- Tinhe ntual report et l( toSa atapein-i tondent et iusuran'e n-as laid botore lime Governor. Il sinoweslte folluwing lite lu- annonce businmess for line past yenr: Forty. one compenies issîreml 21,7511 policies, eg- grogeling $73i,Ml7,8913. Tino average amount et polit les w-es $2.46S. Tino pre- minis reseiveii 'iere $9,94-1,077; lossea pait, $3,473,7W1; policies in fure, 125,- 111; amount ett isk, $321,073,0121. Tha report on lutustrial bumsiness show-s: Num- ben et policies issuedm, 179,Ô96; amouet, $24,338.77; average amount ef each pol- icy, $136; preminms eceived, $1,193,521; loue@ peit, $Mfl,622; policios ia force, 228,025, intmantlet isb, $28,l6l4,ffl. Tine Salvetion army disturbacen et Belleville, whicin have extondoti ovar e perioti et moulina, culmnatoti Tueeday nigin a a net. Tin o sltiers look thior stand on thenosohe iocourt bouse, anti for ttc heurs anti a blhai eldtheir position ageinat tine repeateti rushes t tin o oi. Thoy n-ere burleti dota tue alounestops counîles111008 anti razy w-ove roughly inantiemi. (Oie et Ibsir flage n-es tenu, andti iey w-c;e subjecledtila groat abuse. Tino noh w-es loti by Han. Schwvarz, w-be mountet a piller anti harenguedthtinocrowdtt le ata et greater violence. Police protection was appeaieti for anti retuseti, but et 10:30 o'cîock ('aptein Yiaekeî anti a squai drove tine mron'd eway eut 'comîelet tino amy te go te bits harneeba. Tine minera e nut an d iitineLittle '.%uddy ceaI mines aI l'erey n-ont eut on a stnibe Mendey mrnriag ton an iucroasa of 7 coula ton minittg, au adrauce ot abnout 10 cents per bon. Tîme Little Mudtiy mîinme w-sa formerly elmraltid by Malinis & lcGuineofe St. Lois, but ha non' man- aget by Henry Decmi& Son et Porey. Itndications are linat tino stnibe 'iili hecof long donation, as the minera are dttem- Smnlaedt lermain eut îmail line oporeben grant thie adranco or offect a comapromise. The Ilandoiph mmne is aisea lîttt doîru, the employez hing cut for thoir nagos, lonug pest due theîn. Tluîre are aboueat 200 oimoîn eut ofet enîoyuei nt tIhe mines re-stitue n'urk egein. Thte Wiliivilie mineo la 5h1 la oeration. but il is lnemgint Pts omployes tii! join tino strikeoeut of -symptehy. luIntine Adams County Court, Jutige 0. 1-X.Epher baudet dotu e decision upinolti siag lise conetitutiona!ity o et in inent- ueo:I e Ian' a passet by bin eInat Logiala- t titre. This lealino flrst dveision on tis flat by auy court iu thia State. -Tino case 'llIvesqknottgint bh ie colurt against bina es- 8 îmle etftinolaitbo in mmBoulon, tino dieti 0 tt,',,ttite anti loftI aitestaee lueatonieti 0ar $2W,000 te bis 'iie tîndtwtîe taugin- 0 ers. Tino estabe nîaineouliner objection loe Ie ai blan tine thbie Ian'wasauecun- Il tituiîonaî. Tino juîge's tiecision Jlaa voliuminelas eue, andtin lut lbhoreviets aI igroîti lemîgltinthebislory etfte luberil- - ti--tex prnxciple. Iu leatiiog np te bis d inaionuneuncemont lutige Iler holtis a t uthbie taxilanet a tex on pnoperty, but L a tee on lino igint or prîvilege et aicces- s'humntte pnoperty unter bine Ian. Thne de- Ivîîlîthin ef prop#nty hy 'ill la net a unit- 9 iarigint, but eue umator legisiabive con- 4' 'tnii, oxvept as limilodtihe lnoStaeoor 11-Federul constitution. Tino tax la net an c1 xemtion, huit i linoheapplication etftine Ce taxing poerentlene'irobjecta ef taxation, e' the lmivilore ut sucession. Tin o cnomie 9 fftco f lino tex la ledistnibube ceneen- 1- treteti toalthanti tisceurage immense fortunes in ay eue 'tarily. - Iminohebabeas corpus proceodinge et d ('aire, 0. P. Crebîrce, ciargeti titin the bt iliing et Druggist I. N. Coffee, n'es adi- ýt mitIed te bail, hie bond haing fixet et 1. l,000, tlownest bond unationthe iawa for id ranalaiigitr. ae Wîetnsday anorning W. I. Hartila andi ýe Wr~ilian iemington, advorllslng ageamu CHOSEN 13Y TH-E POPOLII Enlîre Itemocrae tete Tie»r nateetl Excepi W. F.'Eeck foA, Whones Place la Pilled ter A. leM, weil-Vlctory for Taylor. Popisite at Springtel& - Fior Gorci-nor............ Jobs P. For Lieutenant Governor .......... For Secretsny ou t tl.. ..1Fiis I l'or ittate Àuditor........... A. U. Feor $tais Tronsrer...Etitaam For Ateorne y Gonenal..George A. lier University Trustoas.............. Juolai&loilmes Smth, ichard P. Mes:' san, N. WV. Grabama. For Clark Suproma Court.....-------- EthlunAlles A*,,pelate' Cur . Gm V. Tine Popuiats ot Illinois met in tien et Sprngfield Weatesda;4 naleti the entire'pemocratlc talc' titn theo eception ef W. F. .Audilon, w-lie esigneti, The flli!d hy tue nomination ot A. U. of Piat Rock. Ilt as Il o'coc Chaime Maxwrell calat the. 4 te order. Thoeetare about 3W0, ofr thirti et tinofull repronentatien *- Every reference te Bryan or AItsU the signai fer au cutinunat of Thne [R". M. F. Troxaîl offereti Tino bend pleyed anti Secretary KcDg tua caîl tonrbbc couvonlion. Tino report eofttho committee on neul urganisation tes rend sud Jefferson County as ehaîrmanW I'ecinîg ot Lestant as secrelnry, 3mu Lindsay et Docalur casaasistaenta1.4 aorgeaat-at-arms IB. J. Lindholm. Chaîrun joues Spemisa.. Cinairman Joues w-es lutroduccet sait: I inetieve tinere ara muraoye, la I tunotieagemly te Ibis conventiona hà becu laltierlo turnea te sur coaveala. hel the &insest. Iliaagts, pnoud lae- ory et ber guett men. lon a te ti peomple for delîvareanc troain tine op ot the golti poter. We tins corne t lImnllr w-elksetoflIte knotw ht l it Ilsten te thI e wl! et dittrem .Il lu wineroyer liber enraminread. boucs corntesnW-ei lte cpon.. lins eau Anero neple. BitaI! wteliraaIa le lim oa, e bneldow suad o rpinan? 1* i front un. W. want for aIt e eoaieltu. lhiîîgs lu Ibis country liatI nsures nomueuralioa et buccatltahor, thes farmer oaa excne bIs prudule for. !ondae t the .hopkeeper; witen tlinsliveq times shall b. respected as toils Ibe of corporations. IVe have been catieti anarchiste. e. boliove tino Federal autinonîlla. would tinis greal body ut men le assembla l State ibouse If tbeoy boibevetin ana No. feibev-citîzonse, ili yeur newp~ bas-e been muinsidîxeti. The seonen e bat gentry geltlI tute gobti psrty the. lina common people wsettgutub tin party. IV, boar lbe cny goe p mIl 0v counatry "tno middtlaeoft tio at." theo lioieelies hatween McKinley anti "the second mon ef alan." hetweaên w-ho bail given theo 51mbeto Ilinois the - Inditstrial admimnistration Il eer a beI Tanner, wbere lu "lite mîiddleofethlie Tis climax w.. greactet wiîh t eus cineerng. Tino committco on credeutial. th« v1w portot och linaCook Ceunty contest 1 w-as decitie te seat lino Taylor tielegdàSl andti e allen' tha Bures mon te fili tb.U1ý cancies exisllug. Tino cornînttee on platform then qM eti the fmlle'ingi whlch n-as aot4 W. linaPeope'* parby ot lb. 8tatEqI« noeintaconvention aissenâltibrb ltha folîowlng plalforan: 1. W. heartlly Itadornee liater Peopia's parby eleptet Inl St. LouIs. 180;, as aa lment otfetour pollitcal pics reiallag te national queutions, ev lzingat art ot saint pV tins National Ievermnaa, wthout terreutle e orb*, andtihetafree scer a ~gol i Cthbinaratio <f 011 e,. predemnaubt [ssue ot tinhendlng Ui remaillagnd ti e anea leroet a omuble emysanti weaaiq by wtiîcna m Il citizen* ine mgre. titi us p Issueo may b. offecteti. 2. We rocognis thes prseniant teaaion ln.bthe Blet. et Ilinoeis antu ticol spplicationa a tgroue Injustice gros t massof tho posphle, anti we ocr ceaI Lagielsînre binaI tha more equltable sy.Iern, anti va f option l aation saa meneur@ teaIti 3. W. tavor lb, mubmiedon et mn ment te tine BIais coastltlon g t.egisaaura peter te eacllai. aa ride for lhin eanforeement, ^agl atl tracts anti conditions taI my ars- l ime le Ume ineteon cerporations ant employasand wva alo avur tbe bine aaiendnent lee o nstitution w te b ho ltiedponaIt the naut goera tien. vwicin provities thalt tho Le a s attimltiree ameetimenti te upen aI ith anegeneral olection, s 4. Titat n-avar encbh egielation as genoent the protinct et convict labor et laie c<imn g I comenapOtltient Ihe uit e! tree lainer. 5. te recognize thea tact 1h51 lieu. rarbots questiosmrolatlng lu Blets sud local govoromont nuet corereell miore rezolubiens, aud as te sncbié ralsttlention te tha tact linat Our na platterna declaren for direct legi theInoitliative anti retercîttia, anti vc' faor ofthtinoadoption etfaa ymbem of: logtslalu ation e preper restrictions tl; lug wtIlinOur Stale astilocal affaire by aIl ut nid quastions naay be tialy anti volet upon by tine people. (. Reaoîve %butitaIeliamanistM Goy. Algelti deserren unauee et the peplo and tis tearesers tact puiblIe abuses and biming untier PublIe tespuilers shouiti harove hé approval utmai la*-abidinu citiscas An etijourument w-as theu ebs 8 'clock. Four Bleebors Ara Na& - At tu. evoclng session Cbdo Palmer matie a speech urgiag 15 ance ef the offetnmatie by lbe party te place tour Populiatl Ithe. Staba ticket, anti offereti a Samlng Dr. Howard S. Taylor sman Alsebuler of ChiceM ;Taubeneck of Marabail eueS. tste!!.etf'Mount Vernon as the tb. convention.* Aller a ssrte w-as tiecidedti1 e s umhq tis mlngly anthlb.four men pamel Inateti. r The alectorsonti w-ar. indorsedi bth ee a, tungblood, ele bra-arge, o tino Thîrd district, Glorp c tftthe Nineleontu district "4,

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