CRÂPTBUR VLtc SW I.tve ufnmnal thilags h ba Slee la Chef vynit street. John niw W',twenty-six years of age, of la-bI ft ortune, hbcd etered lit viti lo Aahtb% .agel tveuty, ftano ihe aci jpilv5imtdy engege ta b. marrled. mov ha ait neer secu au>' ai the pacrer ccl Wb O hicago, sud he, citer muci l qpMlation anui objection, canseateilt t 1W' ber tirougi Chetwyud streef. nu ýà ,te eateru cuit, William Scmpsaa, uFa ensit.trpeteeterfainer, bcd enter- ~esl ereet, prepared ta perforni, hopnguni ~Wa f ev cappers frein the loungers. be F vms a tell mn. vif round shouIdcra ui àestmous ees, vcm gesticulatiag vio- coie * ait addresulng bout speech, appar- and ta the irot-floor viadova of the al usM opposite uni lu Cietvyud street. I t~pcfurned i& uaface tovarit Johna 1" it Dora Ashton. He hadl be-lu Sbis, oc.-fhe grouali, tvo cubes ai os4te the ie ofaion ro bun- odWeght the. atlier sonewbat isser. sni a Mis baud i. belitc a mîl, square, tua rem thtn r1u. ladies sud gentlemen," smutlib.,o groat opera singer, 1 eanutic Gri & Iput nta ni>'monti vifi t t T t1 put IL tat. Here la my> stock la bei mile* pattiuiq bis chi ansd check sud tiiz He H.maile s bideous grimace, etrh hler tinwas a Isugi mingied vit c ! his laugli brought Mr. Williamns ta 1My de oor, and hualîr m tich streel. Be Hi $MM& et the negro aud tic crowd viti r Mbdigeaat llerafîou, tien, turaiug bis aBU Wlu upvat! e caw Lelgh t the via-. s- kV, viitier hlie ait bWuattracted bu foi Ne »e.oifle-crovit. Tic viudov foi vu oes, anui eigi vus iaiag ont sud lai mefhing fie group below. fi William. callei t ontfathe bnachback. b.f 0osme dos-n, M. Leigi, sud cee tue fun. nov à ma -liecould affori totagive goond spe îmuelan moue>' for a deait Egyptia SqlF wi. ould eurely b. lterested la à the ltaAfieanablack, wiom i. could wov M tu nothilu." I 1 IraWh heitateil fan a moment, tb.a msis piitiout, "Ail rgt," aud tlmappcaned cli *0s l sindes-. lue wlse fthe athîcte vas contiuuiug aIi bu 0. jol '4 carrythelai atones tuer. about vitu bis Ret. Prove te su>' man, vho von't take I 1 le ord-for E, tiat I am tue stroageut bol 8W4t sa In SU tue s-aid. Ladies sud hi yeu bâve offea beard cf tue uni dot& Fthre poiatiuug ote cta uhés. 'tlere tiey are." o M WUt.vwll he do vitb the atones, la& VMaiP ,nmcd Dora, -lit tmre appre- toi ÎÎÎU& of danger, tt '.theii" anss-crcd Raubury Ln a a1 4*410 point Oscar Lelgh opeacd the g'( " 40 eet cf F be' bakery cnd! steppedfinI M "a treet. John Bsnbury,s-lithau, teïs"on bo. eaa, vas standing As p~ ii. cnb.About I fi people, mca, ec ad e. suIt idnens, I'ere nov gafienel. ye teck op bis place b>'thflIadord, hl à*bsut a vend, aa tood leanlug beavil ieh ;s , M stick. Be llxeit bis quick, piercing 1 à «the notre. wi 'slatter firt took np the sinaller li tomied it if hginto tic air, sud jet al 4m o the roand, sayiag, la a deiasuf c "Elghteen pounit." Tien tWelanger block, snd freafiiug if la c .* *aàffl ay, sait! "Twenty-fotir pounds. cl Otvto togetier forfy-fwo pounitr' i '1!ieu Black Sm began s series of sq tl*s iti tue atones. Before tarflng, 11W pleed an fie round c square piece ci 40 Vilte tua board. 'ihca ie balauce Iti à Ïtese on fie point ai th ii. frisuer et«w nébad, and tien Jerked the. Icaser f ainfftrainithe point of his left iretitger r le tie top of the largen atone, still bal- , 00W Ou the forefluger ai bis îglt bindit *si kcyt boali upnlgh* on fthe pottof his r 81$ onéeflager fon balt a minute. MW àWOgn stoapeit careiully, seized fthe l %,*#& atone, tires-lif a fev feet ttatheg '" pit caught aud balaceit it on their of theieusmiller cne reaftng on bis 9 flgMare vouitenful flsu tue i cas o BlacktScm cfaitt a - l ttr cd Lelglu's attent ian. He X w Iglt ai Dora Ashton, and l 8 wCru fixeit ou the. lenera ait pale 01v face aif tie girl vif hV iOf mmazcment. He loake animal thnt suddenly ecs sanie-t t itreudui sud irom viicb ifit esires 1 -trOtigcoueslcit. Ueseemei t clpe-y stuaneit, daSei. Ail the scorn hait1 Mt ef is face. Hie leaueit forsart, b~t07 tbfformcrly on bis creok- ' 1 lit'ape-rei tfo doult the. evi- cbis sinses.1 OumIlittet bis haitY a couple cf1 «getlng bils entire welgit on bis1 t.4Pauls i hbands bsck, lhei fués mier the laver cuir% anit rais- tliais frein fthe round, fhllaer1 on flic PRIM&s.Wltiibicki a boy, lia irnat out bis iiead, 4bpince of. board Ilu s routii 'tbhrizon; tflunhe avung bis brwsard, then backward, and us effrt sait violent tirait suo«a& d est beeeabis legs, ,ý 0,t.F cubes- up lnta flic air, 4 bnieUli 1k. sa ah, teppefi sil t sf1 nldiiigthf lepce badla ic caornouc moutu - s<.horizon, cauglt the. tva & liai 1 o f. o w-allàon. È J"à4sfhW li 5 i L. ille.i ce on fie <round! Tint la iîadr" lohp BSnbury fit net moe. lie, foc, A »ea sometblag vas wrog. B. fon, r flic sveiliua pool ai brigbt acarlet ed unden flic black face cft ue negro or iyiag at funl lenth. Sf111 b. tut not ove. Hc. hai tgreva desdly paie andt Id sud 1hnpi 1* cau't go, Dora.1Iamnietof eIL 1 ways feut %t the. siglit oi bIotd," ait mfaggered back, dragglng ber vith hlm il h.e leaneit agcinst the. lank s-aIl ai ores' baker>'. Hia legs sutiteul>'bout &er hlm, nui lie alipped frornlber grcsp. At fiat moment Oscar Leigli steppeit 'Ak from hls post on the curb, ait un- veredhl bsin, haveitiovly to Dors, i ssid: 1*I beg your pardon. Will yen vo me ta soviet youT' an ber haste, confusion, auxIct>'. Dora ucei but cacuali> aItithe speaker, se>'- "Iflit lanet I via vant assistance, but -j wonîd t! sst even my rival for your e," lic nild humbi>', boviug las- andi nsluling bout beforeier. "I did nof )e te meet you aganano soon. 1 did not uk fi;voulb.oni, gand luck ta tacet in once more to-day untIl I callei t c rmsby s tneet, MissUrece." The girl looket at aubury's recum- ut force vuth auxtet>' sud readidt run lu dire perplexif>' nt thc iuuciback -aohait just raiseit bieucoveret! iead: l'ou are mlsakea," &he salid. -'I neyer tw you' befor$. Ml> naue ic nat Grace. [y na le A l htM ansd this ta Mr. John [ nbnny.Oh! vill uo one ielp me?" Elgh seizeit Hsubcryait dres- hlm ray frani tie s-ail. "Ti lbit fiing e ndeolufa l'ieiat Boi PrsY, )rgive suit farget vint I salit, Miss Amih- c. I s-ns sure you ver. Miss Grace, a 1>' Iknov, viioni Imet yesferitay ait la môruing. buci. a Iikcncu neyer vas fare, but I can cee a lit fie differeace s-; s dIffeence nov tluuf rau lok cfme pek." Hehitd placei thfe young man it on is bnck, and vras gazing up lata so face of t.e girl s-iti s loak hali of orsip, icli cf fear. In a fes- seconde R;nbary chas-ct is cf lite. Hlia ciellids flickcred, bis eoit heaveit, hlm colon bega te neturu, i sîgliefiand raised ie mbaut. Gratu- il lie camet fa bumself, asu ithifitii oin aid of Leigi Dora tofferedtct defeet. ' Leigli hait1ne tbaugbt of serving Ban. un>. If fIl.yont g nhaitbeen sionc ie vanlit bave lefthlm viereb.iefaooi itil'the convalescentfvas ctrena eaouïk sbifldtfcý, hiilael.Bat lis vias uadet g lub;p ' 4»c) the *poil of fthe extraordi UUY- ,lha, biwecu thls girl, Miss Ath fi, 4P t4 ~at athen girl,?Mia G race. an( ue spe leloMljmcAshton'& beauty. Ai nul.,e stiougit vas dean, ait sharp su pait1eulaTr'nov If vas mIati, dim glleusvague, EdttuGrecoliait, s &rat siaht srougit sa barmupenbhi chi ni lie hitd neyer kaov» bei are; Don Ahton reneveit aut helgiteuci thf carm suit carnled-*iftat an latolerabl ecruing sut napture. He vas besil mmmnelfiacmlie iunnled ava>' ta <et saCa' e hait pramiseit ta brng. "Dora," muid Hsnbury, siter n littl whillesut muci thougit, "yul rayu preur Ise me one tig? Say' aoting ta a soi about mi fatutiug. Ton viilnat te youn father or mofien or ni> motier? wil b. aile ta keep fie otier occasioli quiet If fim got about I saulit have t hlein ouf ai Chicago. ' o he elaugi ng ctock oifie clubs. Tiat ma nae mot kaov more than liehuas Ceea."1 "But lie vtll returu viti lie cab. Tu cau askhlm nof faes>'aYthiag aboi tL" lCorme, Dora," hie sald, ith suddeu an teverisi eaergy, "let us ga. I feel a lia rible repugauce 1 fis place." 8h. tookthls praffered arm viflia -je' la glvIng, not receiving,'aid, sud lie bu nIet ber alaag Ciefs-Yad atreet until I metth fi rsI crosrosit leading uou't] lfo fislsie basteneit, casting a qui gîace bIndi, ait flndiug to Mse grej relief tint bie vas ual folios-et!. 11 vanter,'salidthflicgirl, iooklngs1 quieti>'St lmr, "iav ni>'nainli voulit lot la pnint coanectet viti tuis miserable a fain aut place, ait that negro. sud yen' Be stappeit short, itroppeitlier arm ai lookei t Iber vif i suexpresalon ai niai ant apolog,. l"Dora, Dora, I b.g jo' pardon. 1 most sincerel>' icg îour pe don. Tiiere la something vroag vit, fa-tsi. I nover thougitft aitY, vould t Dora, b.e very mach put ouf ion sas- your usine conaected vt MI lu print? Our engagement la not pisti but there lsano neason if shouli t b e." If vas In accordance vith Don vicies the engagement bel veen tiens h net .been aunounceit. 8h. ws-cclateIMc lndepentent Whi sionlithfe vont miw tlieî ver. plelgei teaone anatiien? Ilsi ne a55cmrcf tie'verld's. But -teo licr usme brackefeit sith bhlm'lani p des atthen their engagemeat à acuniceit vaulit b hliteous, unbeanable "Tbere's a cab ai tic eut ai lie stree l he sait!. "do tiere le.' Be sarled at ber vci suad tien called the cab. 4-I cannot1 yon boy muci I1am ashamet of Mye for the tuiritfinie fa-day," lbe salidtef1! L "Of fainfing*l' she akeit, coldli, cli] "rconît nef iclp ilt tien, but I the have Iakcn precautions againat apvtl ,of the kinit b> familzlag mysei q =suesnt saditfrylng slghfs,-No il eugbt *te b. a-"', R. Wceais," he mail, Inlasdu fu d à twhlmbite i iau tegr EXPLORER SeYS ME NEARL.Y REA61411Ô 'HÉ* POtE Cibato Bave ecébedaloPeit W is- la 2Miles er the' Coveted Object- Went Pour fleaire. urts., tisa Amy Formner Explorer. Arctlc Adveutuve@6 The. afary cf Dr. Nansén'.afternpt te' reach the North Paie la interemtingt, 1k. tihe accounts of previous exporations of fic sane kind, la the sense tiat fthe vorld aiwaya 1ks te rend about pensonai ad- ventures i nemote and mycterloum re- Sions. There la a certain eharmn l records of courage and endurance even viien the recuits are net of any mateniai imnport- suce; sud tic resuits ai these auccessive Anctic jouneym can bardly b. naid te Iisvq jnctlfied tii. expense sud'prlvation, tue cuffering and fatslity that the>'hv a volved. Dr. Nansen cliams te have pro- eyen e wonfahin al D1 Ov. ".Wby?" ha. c %ll vth Uicdoor la hic band. -Weil, 1 Just recolleet thnt 1 gave him jour name and any ovmi. You bad btter te hlm If ron vaut te keep our zatm. out of trie papers. Drive on." CHAPTER Vii Johui Raubury began rctraciug hie %teps. Whca lie reached Clitwynd eti'eet ho loocked op and dova It anxiously. gc stood et the. cerner aa drew himuelf op ta his fl heigit, viti his chiia well ini, his head bock and a contemptuons look on his face. Re approaiea one cf thc little knots ef peple. '"Vould jou tell nme viere I ahoulil b. Iikely ta se. a low-slsedgentle- man vii. carnies a heavy stick? 1 thinli h. belong. te this neighborbobd," said Haubury te 4 mn Inl a shabby jacket. '*You meu lttle Mr. Lelgb' "rnid the man. "I gus h's lu theri., and h pointed té the publie houne.' Habuny looked i., and seelng Leli, entered. The. dvarf vas tbere alane..AU the. idie people bad bèehl draîrn oit In the. wake of the. negro'i litter. Evea Wil- liams, the landiord, bad beenii nduecd by curioslty to make onue ofthe. crowd. "RHab," laid Lelgb, viien bce sw Han- bury coame la sud abat the. door. "Yen thouglit botter 0f walting for that cab. I amn lad you carne bnck. I hope you are again quit. veli? Eh?" His words and accent vere polte-toa polt., the young rnan thonght. 'Ihere vas a accru. fui glitter ln the huncbuck'm eyeu. A huge volume lay on the. polished motel counter bemîde hlm. Wbeu Hanbury env the volume hiie face fiushcd vlvldly. The book vas the. lty directory. "I arn quite veil again, thank you..1 carne bacli on purpose ta e c u."1 110rcatiy bosored, ltha e," sald the other mna, vifh a quick glitter Lu th» bright deep-manken eye. "May 1I ski if you are Mr. John Hanuryr" "That la rny narne." **Rab! I tiiought m. 1 had the banz of herlng yaosea- Hanury looked round as thaugb la fear cf iiesning bls ava name, and Inter- posed: "Plai. do net.YTon vIi add ta the. gret favor yon have ireadydone me If you cny nathing af that klud. I amn mont axians ta have a littie conversation -private conversation iith you. In the. first place, I have ta thauk you montai- cerely for your great services ta me a vile aga. Believe me, 1 arn very grate. fui, and &hall always bold myseif youir debtor." ."Ton are too kinL It la a pleamure to do a littie service for a gentleman like Mn. Ranbary, the grent orator. If ouly Chetvynd street knev It had go dlmtin- gulsbed a visiter it vould b. very prend. Howeyer, you mny reat nsaured the pbllt &hall nat b. allowed ta remain laIn . once af the. distinction conferred opon oar district. 1 vas just preparlng a littli paragrapli for the. papers."'The. dvarf smiled ambignaumly. Raabury etarted and colored and mov' el Ia feet impatiently, uueaaliy. *'Mr, Leigli,"h. nid, "jan have doue me a *faor already, a great invor, a great erp vice. They ay one lo always dlpcced tg hielp oue ho bas helped hcfore. Dii me an, other service, and you vili double, 70u viii quadruple, rny gratitude. Btay noth eîig te auy on. of seeIng me here; aboie ail, let nothlng get into Uic papere about "Rab," said Leigh, throvlag himmel back on his chair. "I ceel I uaderstand. *A wornan ithe. case." (Ta b. cotinned.) SPUMPING EARTH FOR A LEVEH. Slutere.Sinu Experiment Eelng madea a by Engineers on thse Mississippi. a Lieutenant Roche of the. United Le States englacer carpe, wbo vas la le charge of the levee district below New le Orleans, hum been tr>-lug a plan of bbuilding leiea vltii a bydraulic purni at a point ixty miles below the. city. le If the experiment la the complete sue uicens that la clalmed for it it would reb 41 due the coat of ev.. construction te I a minimum, and cave the. people oi u the laver Missisippi valiey bundreds te cf thousands of dollars aanalIY. 1- Tho, ides la net sitogether neit, bol 'd thedMufluty vas In holding thc mix. )u turc cf vater and river mud tiirowvi t up on the. chars by the. dredge. Thi4 bac flnally been overcome by meand d of planklag, which keeps the mixture S- within s limited terrItary. Thc plank. lng leaked at firet, but the. use of vil I ova topped the leaks, and the. expert. r- ment la nov a succees. ho The leiea lun Lieutenant Rocbe's dis h.i k tict are being bulît not by manual la st bar, as ail have berefofore been con ctructed, but by Uiceiuammatb steam p dredge Ram. The old syctern vas ci> ok jectionable, net cul>' because Itcmi af &gmet deai, altiiaugb It bsd isilen Tt id per cent. lu coot durlng the litaftsie ra yearc but aise because the lave%, bc ,o ing made of dirt and net panaded r- dovn-tilm ba& be fouud Impraetkc me. able-is net compact or coid euougl ý0T and ylelds neaffly te ths pressura 0c : If ich river. Lieutenant Roche trled ti [n sytem of building a levee by purnî i a lic vater and mudifro. theUics s icippi, ad nov anncuaces thaf it i jad a miiecess. Levees coua undeubtedl>' b ely bultith ic vay, for Uiene la thi à&î et nîîý o .the Polo tha" MWs vreWrous explorerem ots oely lu a ecoxàiardtive waY, and Dlot au a dcclii, tiunph it cau b.e ald, Porbuthat lie bas iiiided sornething to the poriblitr of ultiniate succest ln the case; and MAi wili encourage ther adventtirou sïpiriti to make othèr atéter oa f that ont. and in the. course of lime the. pole MAI bc reached. PROSPECTS 0F FRUIT CROP. Apple* ludicat. a Better Tield and Peaches a Eeduced One. The Ag7ricuititrai Departrnent's August report of fruit condition@ la as follown: 4iples-The <suerai condition advaneéd dnring July froni 04.6 to 65.7,.a gratlfi- îng indication of austained cropi prospecta. This gentErai average envers ail Monde of applem in ail section@ of the country. Not- withstanding a gencrai condition of 04.0 JuIy 1, which was low au far au the croP ni the country was concerned, It vas speciflcally tted that "prospects for ex- cellent cropa" continued ln States 01 thie northern beit front Malus to Minnesott and ia lova, wlth fair bat cornparativeir arnalier cropc lu Ohio,Illnois and In- diana. ln tic precent report a very gefl- oral betterment in sbown ln that reglon. Tlhe condition lu very uneven ln 0hio, Miinoimsud Indiana, many counties r.- portlng entire failure, whiie others repart abundaut cropu, whieh accounts for the. eamewhat lower conditions of thoce States. In the pont a final condition af 75 per cent. or over han been fallowed by an abundant supply of apples, sô that the excellence of the crnps of the present sea- non, in this particular aud extensive re- gion, in plaialy evident. la other parts of the rountry, with a few exceptiona, thie condition le low. Peache-Present returne show a geu- crally reduced condijion. 0f the coni- merciai States the test prospects stili are found in Delaware, Michigan, Ohio qud Maryland, while in New Jerseyr, Vir- gita, (ieorgia aud California percentages indicate less thon bah a crop. In Dela- %varstthe early crop wast nearly ruined by curculio and "yellown" and fruit on the. trees je badly stung there aud la Mmr- land, though a ine product in expected MÂr SHOWINO API'EOXIMATELT HOW DEL IrAN$EX XIA& EC.IPBED THE RECORDS OP ALL PAZYIOUS AECTIC EXPEDITIONS. Dr. Nansen ais tiaf fie Frani driffel wifh bthe ice la a vesferi>' direction ta 84 degrees sud ie expects lic vesmel viii eveatiall>' arrive at 8lkzhergen. IUs qdd ttnt virever tii.> penefratel tue>'c tonal the ice breben. Large paîche. ai s-nIer vere niso found, 3,800 meters deep.1 Blox vtie deplh ai 190 mefers Ithe vafery s-as appreciably vanner, promu>'y owiag to the Gulf sîream. Rock>' scars, af whiic fie explorera hait no previana kîîowiedge, preveufel cutreuce lula tue Olenek lRiver for laye. Iu couscquence of tice carcit>' ai doge with thue expeiti- tiou, Dr. Nanseans-as compellel la furu beck et S6.15. Ucenitds tint if he hait beca trovideit wifh na ufficient number of doge endi canoes tic pole woulit have been rtacicit. Tic Ianui voyage s-as moul mrducus, but extremel>' available seiea- tifie resuits were oblnined. lu 1895 Dr. Nansi-n renchueitheicnatienaset of Franz Joseph Land nitsd ut a atone bouse lu whiciho livei thfe viole winfer. Tic Jsck,ou--lIarmsworti expediliou arriveit ut Frauz Joseph Land thf iollawiag Pprng. There vis the usual aniaunt ai inrit- siip anuitperil infthe jaurne>' vilci led fa tls recent inconclusive requit. Ou revomai océasionu there were narraw s-c- capes frani deaflu ile navigating nmang tihelingebocks ai ice. There vas -muclu ianderng tirougi snow undinluintense colt ou ledges drawu b>' doge. Oae vin- ter vas apeaf ina nbut built of atone$, nu. NANBBN 13 aie BTUDY. cnrtb suitmouaend sviag a roof aifs-al- tus bide, f led las-n silh rap.. ud cav- ered ith iino; ald fer a perit if feu maantim boar meat aud blubben vere fie al food. Duning vweckm ftiemercury vas fromen. fhlbsest teniperature beiug 62 degrees belos- zero; sud at anie tie vessel of theo psrfy. tue Frani, ws"fimy f romea ta tcee oimore ficu thirtY feef ai neasunei thfickness. Thece incidents shin a s <seraI va>' s-at difficulfies vene-cSiouaere , aitds-bat brnvery suit forfitade ver. requirel fa avencome t iem. If. .itoem Dof appean tsf tuer. vas an>' wrRakenlug on tfii part of aay of tue ait- veturers because of tioee--er trials, put it romaine, novertueleus, ior Dr. Nan- 0m0 t.»splalgii>' hb lef t the *Wai i ait ýl«-bd «Mi WW it onandsitMmd froni the mounfain orchards of flie latter State. lu Michigan sud Ohio excellent cropu are indicaf cd. Grapes-The condition ai grapes ls <su- erally ilgi. Sanie compleinta are niait, ni rot, due fa excesuivel>' moist season, lut ieemingi>' not extensive enougi te mc affect fie general condition. AMBULANCE FOR OLD TOPIERS. Ros- Caivafioninta Hope 10 Neacisteh.1 Drunkarde ut Uetbsu,. 1 The Saivation An>' han devimeit a nov i uiefho-d o! reformuing, or, af ienst, ai beip- ung men n huahave becu unfortuatei euough fatete druuk. If is caileil V 4" tic ambulance liq- Suore(ure. If wiillb. (J tried lu New- York. ~"Tic ambulances une telapatrol b>' aight toepartesaifite est cnop ofstreet 'druuks' is ta be LEAOE sYnOL.foni. Que pretty arn>' iss viii drive anit so more yull ,jesisf thc icîpieussviellin ai spirife inta tie vagou. licor shic libe takentfa fe, an>' henîquarteis, given a boit anit a bîreakfast in fie mniig. If fthue lolger in grafeful ion tuis kiuituess nitias a fes- vents fa <ive aa>, the arn>' vili net re- fuse l aete fe e. This sort oi cru- sitiug sna-cks a littho af kiitîapiug, but flue police viii net infenfere vuti Il. If wiii save tie farce sanieftrouble, sud Uic uinforfunafes fie humiliation'o! unap- pearauce la fie police court. Tiie ambu- lances te bc used viii bc distinguisbed fram thase used b>' tic police and huospi- tais with n large circle luclosiug s car- mine ieart nit uroundei b>' fie letter- iag, "lLeague oi Love Amubulance." DEFINE TIIEIR CREED. Thse 0014 leniocrats Issue s Decara- tieus of Prncipes. Tic National Execufive Camaulffe. ai fie gait Deniocrats, lu session at Cicago, Las ismuit an aitiresa fa the Demacraf s ai fie Unitedt States. Tuis addre leinl effect, lie plat form ou wbici fie ~fas Deuiocratit part>' gaes before thie people. Anof ler decînratlon of priaciples viiilu e nitopteil, ai courue. a tute national <ath- ering ia Indianapolis as a part ai convcu- lion routine, but fltietofoversînteuicaf of ftecase tf ay' fat la tic main ifeu 110 but littie mare fisu paraphrase tue i ceclaratienisoueit f raniChicago. 1 The,- Indianapolis eunference evolved flue caiiifor ftleatilouaIconuventioandi no more. It vas agreed there Ihat thc t,,eniens o!fie Party firouglicut the a- ftien 'ere enfitlei to a atateent ai tue esoens vii>'certain Icadetallenb.issue s-li fie prlaciples enuludifet la tuewCi- MMre eaplictt tisa coalit e ho elo la ns NERIOUS bUlWEOT*C*REFULLVY 4lsdgkto Wstky or calns Rej1S. -j eIcmptàrcc-TiMd Wou speckt. Lass. févAuut Golden Text.--"ýHonor tIi> father mg hy -mother; that tliy fism«y 'bu -100# one tihe land viieii the Lord tlîy 04 iveth thee."-Exodum 20: 12. This lemn ia fouoid la 2 Sanm. 15: - IM ard luesfor li eubject Âbsalo's ebs lutrodeter. The. ferglives or Dwvltm sin cure"~ ith It ne exemption trous tiihees ternce. cf bMs tvii exemple s»d negin 4parental dut>'. About tii. Brut thlg idld, alter Uic blrtii of Selemo., o e dcvii ta Rabbaii sud taik. thse l tier it b.d bec. forciod lnte Mb.te >y baba leng idc: Crueland bcnsk oua puniabmniits vere linietei ce the .un- rtiagfb 'inhabWtftm. W. erg feu té odseiee rwueiciaeSrditgto tbe. ué.- sientà cf tic ageLiiet il Da4+id'rcrpmtuà atiory w«a nything 11k. tbat relatM la li f ty-drst lftty-ceend andi sUier wslaj ieab.nt have bec. far la ad- rance @t bis ege, and vo aruobligefi te kdit atrange ineensistenclesoin bic eear-. tfero even aller that great criais luaie !e. The vorst part cf Ditvid'm pualioi aeut vas the oins ai bise hldren. 1iud 'ana vitifthe crme cf Amnon eaauil ishal bahsmter Tamar, wvIlch Davidi *P. ôwed te go anunaibefi, tliough b.e Waa rer>' wraUi." Thic la about thse 0.1, Lae vier. e e a sympathise vltb Abl "in, the brother et the wrooged airU o' behold hiem tder, vbo la carlin ean aMd been famena for piety andi abbee- rnce cf even the tlieught of sin, flô ta1ev that lhe permittefi usneob bl ximes te go on la hi5 ou seot,mît' Lng b>' lu Impotent vratb, muat have provoked Uic*luearty outempt of Abes- tm Thc youag man vafefi bis fume. and finay took vengeance lnto hie ovid banis sud procursd the. desti ai Amnt. Thât was eone good-fon.eiig ont cf di ray. But David, viialied felt it a picué uty toeeeute flie murderers of liii- boebetu and ta torture andt mangle the. people cf Rabbaà, nov mauracd it tcYIr oer the. vretcb Amnon, andl Abaicca vu« bliged te £ce. Uc took refuge la K.i smn, s district southwesf of Damaeeuce und remaiued there three jesa. 'Ileti Joab contvlved a acheiee te brina about arecoucillatIon. Wliether Daild atillfelà 'ceuînmeaf, sud Joab acted the. part c peacemaker, or ou the contrary Daff lesireil ta bring him son back but did net kmow iuavta do mc vathout saeriflclnig royal dignity, slal otcertain,oaaunt of the. smblgulîy of 2 $ain. 18: 89 sud 14: L The. Englieu versions support the later alternative, but the cther interpze- tation af the original het mué lu ita laver. Joab, like Kafiian, sot Davlid td commit blinscif n. toa a encraicame, efafedin luparticuier faim, and tien en-. oerced tiie decision upon hie ovu c««J The vomau'c guilly son chenld net lie executed, because tint voolit sirnply ad!% auothen tragedlete ii.ltvemwff lieu, let tue king recall Ahomicn. 1I 'laborate io f persuasion d=c "M'tlu 2 Sam. 14: 1-20 doose acecein 1k. au ar suient aitdresSeit tea man sfo. -l,d was alreait> favorabiy indllned. But lied ite effect, and Joab was iven pfrl issmion ta hrlng Absiom hack. but cet té shlow hlm ta corne Into the. kiag's pre- eacê. Aler tve jears cf recidenee W Jerasaleni, still under tie royal iipkml ire, tie lait reetniction vas remoyeci» &iusaiae vas recelveit by bis father. "Beide tue vay of the <Ste:" thaf 114J "by the aide of the rosI leading fa tlsi gate of the. king's palace, b.e ut te! trnswet buolness." of ti.custoin,' whidh mliii prevalis lu corne cea oom-ý aimtice-noôt In the~ case ai kings% but lât [fiat of unnaleipai eMfcer-tlieune Suii. lime Porte, appliel te, the Turkiali govera-i mentinla arelic.-Aboalom'c methcd .4 lngratiaflng himieli viiith thepeople IW etartlug>' sintafi.theyard pclitij clans ofi'New York and Chicago 1- 1890. le, probal>'deepeli s supporters, voni b>' such methods, as tucarlil>' as out Cr9is- ers anit PlatUa deepise their toole. Doubtt li tie seif-respecting Iuu'coltes vhio came ta court and bebeld the. dligunia spectacle of the kiaga Son kIsÉng everyl body fluet came alor.g voudered wviat thc khuodom vascming te. 11Af fer forty rears;" ciculd bie, vltbocý douif, four years.- Probéb>' the time I counteit froin Absaloni!o recoucIilatàen1 wit ie sfather-Âhelm't vov vas, oli course, a pretext for sumrnng au ne cembly. It acqulreit plansibilityî fr0 the f set that Hebron vas biseiiirthplaem andth ti.home of b hl hiocd. "Then I viii serve.tii, Lord:" fiat l, vl offer a sacrfice tai hlm; It 1,a proita f0 de a particular &ct, not ta adoptu geacral lUneo ccnduet "6Absaloni reigueti lu Hlebron." *Th eboice of HRoman dccvi>' ciovs tuât A &ai= expectei toafiait lis chief au lu fie tribe of Judali. It la probabile the oit! tribal jeatoucalis aitbec rmVi itg fthc nation ai large. BSuh a éyWr 01dAacoifcuf Would sccouait for fhe clack Dom efJuithif brng bockt., viien tiche reillon vas over (191, la brou Itael, to, probably contanei "id persons Whio weeggne""d'by' the e ro fthe touirt to beruaem.-Khk "Thbat veré calleit:" Invitea tautfli rlflifesut vittiont kuavled eofr.~ trao lû lt. One@Involv llu Ab)4 TUB PRAil. eeedel four degrees furlier tia an>' former explorer, sud 10 have rencied a point within about 200 miles oifie covmrf- eà abjet Looking norlivurd f rom tiere, lie says, liere was nothiug ta b. seen but je vae vile vouder ofi ce. l'hm- uuock sud iummoek ta fie horizon. like a sesa of frozen breakers" Tic alght vns e grand une, no doubt, but ifs-as aisas profifiema one, practicali>' speaklag. ,