Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 28 Aug 1896, p. 8

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GOLO01. IMPOWftxows up TRADE te ller;u ~ isebersof ve a" th sesdsa ~lu preanillo t] ~ooesttlsmt il iws tohne al ltllrfi lies%àer Bsgof wl,5 tiOMM lu Koeasug b .p*e toi run sutt iet i-aas finbd 3v,= ir a nd L sfion tp fo vsu *M rin. 50 cuaef Wsti satd atot wu&a Uixed ae seNars Be Un drte- usé« hrwdaho wtcal. un tueut glkt arred Bt ar 0 tsled thpe c k àuuuatured caltf IN Tonl dsct.L X& Be neciro ba tprowisesta puil le coal minrelatof The vleb "' vubmx wtu »aag egobumelv iDt~ ft uouw su&d vltà luA"Ilu ontaf mome.. Ail tre, are In J*IL, Uuns by aux 01& bus *vucoegaen, la tih Idwse thte MAY. mm. sdby is.tteI.wliar W. purecord lu t 0eUiiltgýtes Cou- ~ ,~.leadt aprhas u~lsq a crd- mu qtiSateues i mnuIN la.thougi Fork.WvUMnoeilD any manies ther than mh.. ueart. Tiiey bave confeder- ste. la Twmoto Caadowa" Bn Faneico, Le Apeeoe le -as, l(qv ork AM4 the; City ef Mcx- New York, le.,TiIe liot iuliar feature about the o a ~ lseve1 of thse cosnterfetlug opera- saici b«dolaes I.tanns*auleloead hi e lnuec- *y te gotiur goa vth it lu twies bbeýeap."c* at a tiser sud lu q seUg.nebluicuar..H k. a. ou 4sted sniation by annq»MUlut taltb «Of g i ng'= t Tomr, Whio vas couductlngti pceed i mitt& that lho vas a couterfelter. Be ray e e*5* au ' i.5. btmade a édean 54 1 i rest Of l o far as ho vas concerued. aed. fis Tise uatter vas reported to the. DePutY helend This Ualted StaLtes Ilarubal, sud ty placlug balltené- »anis under a close watcb, the den vas Latter lpctedluarieP bollow, viier the only. viio ciemudi *elter for tb. vonbers vas a bit camnp-1 urgllept. 2. e coufedentes were fouud mrtSep. %4t he entandback of t, nudera bute old hlm tiiat IMwlder, ver. fouud the. toolisud the. 1for exntiy qsterial used fer the. aiioy. h. outit ,-tiiat day. Ia. complete.. wtii, but its HAWAII MAY BU ANNOEXICD. K by cthual- the, uurege- WUill.Bai t. Be Eapwerei te Enter LiaI anyolle lmb Neottatio0u. Igy , Illêd the The. steaiàer Alametla, f rom Honolulu 1tzkes boue briffl adrice. tiat Minuster Wlllis hia 1amalied it. msuned his duties. It la ruunored bis Te- owd sud a qentt riit to thre Uuited States was for the, the propiiet's purpos. of conferrlng wtb Preuldent Cleveland ou au annexation polery. Asa TRADE. rosait of the. couterence, t la salO, Wiiiis was euspowered to enter into negotiations aPuoducert for etiior aunexation, n monarciiicai formu id. of gorernuient, wth Kaiulani ou the the gauntiet luron., or an Amerîcan protectorate, the the United cisoice of torm of goversament to h. left ri Colorado, to a vote of the. peuple. Minister Wiilis [i racisomad a formal raIl ou the Governmext o ot anthra- soan cIter is returu ta the city. Ni4bhiug Gmiued aud definite willi be knowu regarding bMr. It wau ccou- Willl' Iustructionsunutil the returu ot COR-dealiug President Dole, wbo la on tbe Island ot the Oinese Menut et preseut._____ rices gretly TURICE STATE CONVENTIO-NE. iyîvania anti1- ~*of tbe saune cianarter 18 iowi HMx& iuîlsg experts bave pro- Mie Touqulu rosi bets aImest lu- le Tii. Chines, article la lu lbe > tay, Iti lu id. Tonquin, ince i war, bas been under tie con- * French, and -Sil la Frenchi cap-, 1sa nov develaping tise minea, W l t tkWpopulateti by Cbineae isud il le echeap Chiunee t.laemploiet in the minesf; heneo puly low cost ot production ."ties hoFrench owuers outhtei Wanmin1 underseli tiie coal pro- rotlser connlnles viere ibor la 4e. Thé. coal tram te Orient Ia >of, tb."est qnaity. flly equal I Peanylvania or Webah cool. "*Allq XCORD IIIATEN. on 1 aciie overlandI limîtefl 8l#*res .e t fa Flyer. ot.passenger train service record Vagi wa. broken hy tie Union Sirlaud Lilteti Mondey nigit. Mrn scisedula tinle ofthte train la k nle. an irour, 'neluting stop- ot regiar train1 accussa tiiecon- TMs vas lmproved upux. The # 4*1ayed one heur viten Grand leb4.wras reatb.d, 150 miles tram Wlth slîteen coaches, the, time r m*d up before tie train reaci- i. Thse officils are uuw figuriug 4 thne the train aau make ecrosa m# le the. standIn.- of tie clubs ioni Baecinl l ongue: W. ~ VL.W. u --.71 S4Piilatelpaiua .54 57 _..09 4lBrooklyn-...3 57 *...6 43New York ...3 O - 154OWadhitgton .44 07b .050s1. Louis -.-.-.35 75 ..50 SOouiuville -....28 80 le thle standing cf the clubs mtern LUague. ýIýW. U.W. L, gis M73DSKeusas Qity .61 53 ii.64&3&ilvaukee.. .53 66 5.0T 0Olmbus,, ..41 77 .1.1SOrd Rapidsa .40 79 lrovà Sot lu Favr. tovow Itallan ot Washington r.- lio4er tImmtuRome tatins liaI *mubau.aor tram ttiby tu i.#4l.i, Ied been reelled. Tire i*l*uly a dlerh lu thse Italien Th Tbmcuse, the vrlten stat- .srldkasatinfaction vithblb. on taslie part of lire, tlIuss Iitseasu eIias lu*ltaiy. Rsllvy m. ~klset rspre.eulativeof dit- ~~ibrotherboods beli la lu- Mie.drstluu of the fire broth- tmdrotimen vas advocted. i. P. H. Morrisser. Fraish IL. Clarke. J. R. T. Austin ,I, OL.onen ateudedth le cou- ~-~amlue* Voie.. o*etbo 'imntional eiitotidfod W,ýtbe A't4lastqu. Park pavillon - Os-a tainwled voit-euasd go a.k- psrtle th.entertain- Ifabe »oosmad, ~~rs i« regmlating tb. tû te icvexby e-ouen at the- jut effect Buadoy îIghit, aud Arse zeneri tltatln rsud Lacvoste, Romuanr learo m«Ie . laI dis- Qoli Ileuocrate of Wisconsin, lova, and Michigan Meet. Goîti Democrats of Michigan met iu Stale convention Wetineîdsy et Grand Rtapîis, sud derîiedt malte a figit al along thelune. Their State ticket je bond- ai hy Rufa T. Spaague, andi a fouldle- galbe lu Indianaplis ciosen. lui Ion-n sud Wisconsin no action was taken fur- ther than ta deciare aginsl 163 ho 1, select Indianapolis delegates anti eboose presi- tientiai electors. Commission te Investivate. Tire Spaulsi Mfinistea- at Constautino- g 1. reports tisaI lb. Mumaulmans kiliet aois of Armenianis dnnlng the. rioling ut Wednesay and dragged tbeir bottes tha-ougi lie atreets. Tic Mliuistry ut Police bas appointai c commission con- aistiug of eigiit Christian@ ant i Mugirai- mana le Inquire mb lite revolutiouery tiotteg. Travebers say liat the. state of anarcby continues aI tie Turkisb capital, andti lit the number of persans massa- cred i n lie streets raeches imb lie lion- sanda. A disauaci trcm Constantinople says tiret ler. vas agenerai fusilladeenti massacre. At lie conclusion cf tlie nul many bunureti deati bodies were lying nt Paaamatbis, nItihe eti of lic Stamboati bridge. Tiie Tnrkisb moi, ermeal niti haires anti sticks, invadedthle quxariers ofthb Armeniaus, atlacking lie Armnenian bonses, anti tossedti Ieir builciereti vie- limaontut lite w-intiow-s. The police anti miitinla mîotdildly by lunlte mîreels avicre wagouloadu cf hin ubodiies were lyiug seallereti in ail directions. Ail the En- gllsii aubjeûtu uov neiting in Cousinli- naple eacaped witiout injury during thie niota. Forcai 10 lthe Wall. Yhe .Nov York dry gaudi llrm nf Hilton, Hughes & Co, (oure A. T. Stewart & Co.) have matie an assignuient ho G. M. Wright. The assignament is citiont pref- erences, ElBlIu ot la attorney for lie asslgnee. Amous the banku lu Wall atreel lihe failure cf Hilton, Hughcs & Co. ln regardai ai due ho a gratuai do- chin in business. Tii. firm'a credil for the, lait five e eru bai neen batiiy im- paired, anti il la underîtoudti al veny l1111e if any of the. frm's singie-name peper Ia ouI. Tii. fia-m has been taking stock for several veeki paît anti ree-aitiy -as untieraloodtitohave receiveti abount $750,- 000, vhich bsbeeonousdai nr,-di.cîug lie Ilabiltie. ofthetie ru. Tii. assîgnuvîct va. mati. iy Albert G. Hilton, trio com- prises the firm, Ne statemeut lias as vol been made as in lbe amount ut liabilatie,, anti asaets.- Canada Wlnu hy s Ccratcih. At Toledo, Oblu, the. Canadien ysacht 1k. Canada tieteatedtihoeballenger tie Vencedor Wetiueaday anti von the inter- nsational race. Tii. defender von by tveuty-six seconds, lime alue-ance, afler as pretty a yachit race as vas ever satleti on Lake Erte. Il w-au a bard rae. for lie Yankee yacht be bse, for lie Veneeder hadth te race weil won bati aie nat blos lire. minutes lu a vain effort te select the rigbt stake boaI. May Nol Rebulid. ltla tioxbîful if tie Diamon I Matrh Comparny ivilî rebuilt lia miliii et On- tanagon, Iii., as lie ompany ias only tire. e ers' liîber lributary ta Ontone- gon River. Tic future ofthlic lan de- pends enlireis- upon the det-ision ufthtei eompauy. The MýNateh compauy'a total lou is ii be fully $1.500.000, w-iîi 1es@ than $1,000,000 itautrance. Lumber buro- Sa enicoue w-ca-lb uver $1,000,000. Braxilto1 Malte Reparsticu, The. correspoudt in Rio Janeiro, Bra- sil. tends u-ord liaI Seor Olirera, Bra- sllien Miiiiiter-to ltaiy, bas bat s conter. ece iti lieeIMînioter of Foreign Affaira Me Rlome, in vhlcb b. pa-omise t tit Bra- gâa in Ili efUil reParaîlon for the Ilu- -uialta te bMalian flot. Voitures, li@weyeu',Weu- a ura,*Bm IBaavy Bafou e k.Tra eoftthe Tii.- %eat Liverpols be..PoticeCaptere ohMlscraumt witb a 0trage Menti. Dluae Co'. Rerlmv. M. G. lion C os weikIy reviev of tradegasys: 'Clearlusg-iiouse certiticates have fnot been Iésud, but lustead.cold in cousaug hlther largely ou the. svfteat steamers, about $10O0 0Gbeng already 1"ced. Migiier iendiug rates brins h. notwitii- standing forelgu *vents whids distorb, Loudon msarkets sud growlug confidence lu lie muoetary future of the. country iieip. lA*biUltu Inl fallures for titre veeki vers omu>~,28S&egalmst *,1, 800 lait year eud S$K21«.70 lu IffliThe. stoppage of Milton, Hughies & Co. la flot idcudad lu tiiea ligurs. Tii. stoppage of voricu aiecontinue«, Inciudlng amng other trou vorsatheIlilinois Staci plant et Hfanunourd, lIn., aud tii. Lakeeldeoeili %vorks tiere. Diaruptlon of ti,. timpiate association remift. frou nlsability of mueur coucerne to go on paylng vage. demand- ed. andti viiiprenulaably b folowed by the stoppage et seun, Iron vorka are gettiug ilgbt uev business, uany con- tracts havlng been deferred 'untilb ater the. election,' and there la se littIe dolug that quotations are aimnit nominal." BEAMEN MUST BIC PAID IN GOLD. Law Paami by Céagresasla 1875 for ?kair Pre4bcllon. Coucerngtii. report that the. United Btittai shiplng comunlsoner et Port Townsend la imsertlng In the shippng articles of Aunerican vessels bound forelgu a clause that veges of seemen cal be pailu an lver, Navigation Commsaloner Chaemberlsin iays: "The report la doubt- leua a uistake. for sucb action wouid b. ciearly Illegal. In 1873 Congréesa took cure ta protect the wages of Amerîcau seamen lI toreign trade egainat reduction tbronghi a deprecixtedl mouey standard foreigu or domestie. by providing tint sncb wages iu a foreigu port 'shall be paid lu gold or lta equivalent, witbonit any dedrictioîi svbatever, auy coxtrnict ta the contrart notwitstauding.' The law la section 4,548 et tbe revised statutes." #dJACK THE BLASHER."9 Ohio Police Thînla Tiey Have the.blan Whuo Destroye Dresses. Tic East Liverpoul, Ohîio, polir. linui lbey bave "Jarkthe SInsher," the mys- tcniouîs individtai w-bu bas rut the dress- es ot dozens ut w-omn on lthe streets the last 1w-o years. Elmer Flon-ers, eget 24, sud e prumineul churi man. w-es antest- et for tie offense. Tîte siaslaîng baa ai- ways been doue iu thesanme way, elegant dresses being cul wn-otle w-carera wcre maugit lu crowda, Litle Edua 1Marsi taas lie lest victian. IlRr skirt w-s bat-k- ed in broati dayiigit, anti Flowers e-as arrested. TRAGEDY ]IN KANSAS CITIT. Il,-. C. WGreen Kills Ber Three Chldrcnaunidflerselt. At KausatCity neigbbors iroke itthle hume ot C. W. Green, traveling puîsaenger agent of lbe Big Four Ilailway, sud bound the, tbree nhiltren, Ivo boys eged respect- ively 13 anti 4 years, anti a girl, aged- 9, lying dead In bed. Tiey bad been siiot sud instantly killed as tiey slept. Iu au- other part oft1he bouse Mra. Green, aiso rlead, lay upon lie fiuor. Tic vuman, strp- posediy e-bile temporarily inane, hat appareutly kilieti ber cildren, lien dis- palciioti eraeif, nsin.- a revolver. Monster Lockcux la Planuei. The fetieraleti slipbnîilders ut Carlisle, Scotlanti, bave issued a tnoticeho the (-ifert tit ail menibers of trades unions avili be dismiqoed from tisir exnploy urnies$ lie stnike ut Dunsmulr & Jacksotn% ongi- neers la entiet andtihle uen retru. The Belfast master alaipbitilders viii jutons. lie iockout, e-lit-h n-ii affect nil tire ri- gineers onîploye t the (Clyde, ut Boi- fait, anti ou tic norlicaut roast, incioditîg 19,000 of lie Armstrong Couxpaty's mou. Statistîcu on Farun Mortiracs. Blatistir. preparoti iy lie Ohio Serre- tary of State for the yecr show that ti- mortgeges on farma lanti secuneti $27,- 418,855.48; mortgages ou rity properly, M4610,339.01; mortgeges on fartaleund canceled lu lie yeer, $24,M935.132; on ciîy propea-ty, $26,244,84S.37. Tii. total real enlia. transfena reacieti $119,537,- 1(r-.34. ___ Nuoormunos Whent Crop lu Sight. A. C. Johnson, traveling anditor ufthle Van Dusen Elevator CompanY, wlao car- iy in lhe seuson estimateti the viieat yieid of South Dakota Bt 30,000,000 busiels for tlii year, uow states thel sinre tiraahiag baa begun tbis estimaI., if changed at ail, vili b. lu the way ot an increase. WIsolensle Shoe Fîrun Falls. William C. anti John H. Brooks, wiicle- alle dealers tioing business as Brooks Brothers et Chicago, matie an asaiguimeul. Tiihe.asets are scieduieet I$45,000, vili biabililles $5,000 less. The meuniers ot the canceru attribute their tailuro lu their inabUltt 10makte collections. Tai-k Muet TriAirain. The Unitedi States Mîister, Alez. W. Terrll, ires notifiai tbe Turkish Govera- moenI tint tse latter'. anîver tualthe de- mnands of the, Unitedi Blates for indehsrnity au a renunltof lie bnrnlng ufthtie Ameni- eau missions at Kiarptit and-rab bu not salistactory.___ Vatlure of a Big flrewery. Tii. Springfield, Mass., Brewing'Cern- pany, organizai untier the laws cf New jersey, dapital $300,000, bas been petI- tioneti nto lhe banda ut a receiver. This s leone outhle langeaI brewerles luthe Blate anti aas esupposai lu b. rery sonti Killeti the ShlplStBew-ai-i. Tii.e rsu-ofthtei.Portland brig IHenry B. Cleaves mulinied the lb brbor of St. Johns, Porto Rico, allerkedtheti. cptalu, orerpovçredtheti.mate andtiabout kiiied hlm, anti Inflicted Iinjuries ou tic stevard whic eai bishiedeath. Adricaifraies Crete. A diapateis froun Atiseutsgiving un ac- cossaI ,th. e at troube% lu Cnse.sari The. Lion Bites, Tic palace ufthle Sultan of Zanzibar n-as bouibartiot by British va ahipa Tbursay rmoruiuîgaud at nuon was a mass ut bixrzing a-uins. Tic usurping rliefhein, Sait KîtelirI, andthle coiu.-andu- or af bis forces. Sit Sale. auceeeti lu escaping lu lieCea-mati constuinte. silagi Wins lu Mchigan. AI Bey City, Mit-b., Wedxnesday, tii. sia-or Deiocrets, i'Oeops îînd utUn- ion Silver con-ventions naet joiutîy anti nominaîtica f ull Ihîrte ticuket, beudet by Chas,.Il. Sligi, of (ranuitRapits. 1Powder nouge Shows Up. Tic dry iouise at the .ie mi powten w-rks, fi-c miles notb of Xenia, Ohio, bîew Up W'etnestIay morniusg, sarkiug lie countrny for miles arouni. 't-o men aere illet, Bnriiar"à Got 03.0o0. At Ashianti, Ky., burgianu amole $:;,Sj- xorthhuf jeweiry tram tire ouse ot L. l. Pîitîn, sccretary ufthtie Asilauti Steel Company, e few nigits ugo. BIecf Troy Wle.. Congressnsan Frank S. Blet-k, ut Tre.y, vas giron lie Itopuilican nomination for Govea-nor ut Non- York on lie second ballot. ______ MARK.ET IIUOTAnION5&. Chiruga-Caîlle, commun te prime, $350 ta $525; boga, sbippirîg grades, $3.00 tbu $375; sieep, tain e hocie, $2.50 ta e.75; arîrat, No. 2 ned, 5(le ta 58c; corn, No. 2, 20t ta 22c; enta, No. 2, 15.! le 17c; u-ye, No, 2, Sic te 33c; butteor, t-boire cresmeny, j5e te 17c; eggs, tresh, île ta 13e; ptatues, per inîbel, 20e lu 30c; brooni core, commun short te cnuit-e ivant. $25 te $00 per ton, Iutiianpois-Cattie, sbipping, $300 la $4.711; ogi. cnuire ligit, $3.00 lu $400; sieep, commun lu prime. $2.00 ta $375; vient, No. 2, 56e lue 58c; crn, No. 2 visite, 21c lu 22c; unIs, No. 2 whille, 22c la 24c. St. Lonla-Cattie, $3,50 to $475; hngs, $3.011 lu $375; viieat, No,2, (10c ho 02c; corn, No. 2 yelion-, 18e te *-0O; oaîs, No. 2 white, 16e to 1&; rye, No, 2, 28e la 29c. Cineinnti-Caltle, $3,50 lu $450; iiogs, $3.00 ta $3.711; sicp, $2,50 ta $375; e-beaî, No. 2, Oic b te ; corn, No, 2 mixed, 24e te 25c: ; es, No. 2 mixai, 17e lu lt-; aye, No. 2, SOc lu 32c. Delroiî-Cattle, $2,50 ta $4.75; iage. $3.00 ta $4,00; sieep, $2.00 late 75 w-eat,.No. 2 rai, 411e ta 03c; corn, No. 2 yellov, 22c te 24c; oels, No. 2 white, 23e la 25c; rye, 33e lu 34C. Toedo-Wbcat, No, 2 aet, 64e te;c cran. No, 2 yelloar, 21c la 23c, oahs, No, 2 mixai, 10e te 18e; aye, No, 2, 32e lu 3&; clave'r sect, $420 le $425. Miiwuke-Wheat, No, 2 spring, 56e te Mc.e corn, No., , 22e la 23c; oeta, Na, 2 vile, 19e te '-0Ocberley, No. 2, 28e 10 31c; rYe. No. 1. 33e lu 355c; park, mess, $5.25 ta $6,00. Duffalo-Cette, $2,50 ta $4.75, bogs, *SM00to $400; gi.ep, $200 te $400; iseat, No. 2 red, (SIcteo ie; corn, No, 2 relov, 27c le 20c.e; s, No. 2 vile, exa iistey of lits. Lnte*n w the dlstimgmlabed trxkveler wae a pasae- Ser. waa boardod by Goverumeut officers froun the. cents. Doiphin, who extended to the. Chines. .statesmuns, on ilebaifof Pedsdeut Cieveisnd. a weieom,@. ote Unmited State.The.St. Louis aloviy moved up tii.bey, surroünded by &liMoide of gally dôcorateti craft, sud -wltii the Doiphin iqnite lear lher, te tiei. uste o f a tremndous chorÛs of gste@m vblqti»and a continuai fusiliaé of gl*pt iiéqcitekers. etc. As the St. Louis ueired tii. Amerl- eau leet the saiute in honor of the Chii- nese visiter waa fired train thei, agblp New York, gun by un. until twenty-on. &baots had beeu fired. Tiie New York wua the ëniy warshlp te ire a sainte, but the. otiier alulps dlpp.d tiroir colora ae the lit. Louis paaaed.___ Fatal PFla .. Ml.uea.oSaloois Tbree persona lent tudr lires lunealBre that broits out et au early hour Tiiuruday rnue iInJohu Lundins aloon st Min- neapolis. They vers, sleeping on the. tlird foor of the* Lundin Building. wiiciivai a brick veneered structure. They bad no opportunity ta escape. as the.daunes had galued too great saiieadwmy wiien the. abarra was garen, and It ia probable th"y were suffocateal iunbW. The occupants of the second 4loor escaped with great dliffcuity. The saloon and the elotblng establushiment -Qt A. 0. Peterson ve r. completely destroyed. entaliug a Iona et $11,000, ta corpr wiiich there la iusurance axuountiug to $7,000. Mlander on a Cemetcuy 81mb. A novel lawsuit bas juat been tried b.- fore Juidge Turner and n jury ln the. Cir- cuit Court ane4l'mpbÀ. lu 1890 Nathan- tl S. Cor. son of Edward If. Coe, of Kuox Couutr, waa kilird lu a difficulty et n school bionne. William and Jesse Wright were nccuscd, tried ancf ecquitted. Tlhis did flot satisfy Edward 'M. Coe, the father. He erected a monument ta hiu son and iad cugraved npon it thnt de- ceased came to bis dcathi from "violence administered with a club hy Jeq.qe anid William Wright." William W~right sued Mr. Coe for libel for the inscription ou the monumnent. The trinl resîîlted luaa verdict for $1.000l damages. This casinl moud by lawyers ta be wjthont precedent. Sbowinn for Jialy. The stnpnient of the business ofthte Philadeîphia and Rteading ltailroad Com- pany for tixe month ot Juiy. 1S, roui- pared with the saine month ut 1,495, la as followg: 18«. profit for the xntb, $804,- 8.1;total charges, $794,912.49; sur- plu.4. $),53.70; 189D5, profit for the montb. $1108,410.02; total charges, $S10,230.18; surplus, $8,173.81. Big Eales of Gohld Herivy exngagemxents of gold for import to thie coxutry were annouxsred by v&rious Newv York bankîng bouses Tbnrsday. lu- ciuding the amounts previously rcported, the gold on sixipthoard uand exigaged for tiie l7nited States aggregateis $9,450.000. lu addition I. Von Hoffanan bai a consigu- ment the amnount of whicb ia uot defluite- ly knoiv. avala Will Have te Dlvii. Uier Versos Nov. Au officiai dimpatcii received troim Man- lils, capital cf xthe Philippine Islands, au- nunces that a revoiutîonary outbreak bas occnrred ther. sud tiiet e state of ies. bas been prncbaimed.' Neit te Cuba the Philippine Islande are the. ehief colo- nil possesion of ýSpain. The saune greedy, tyrsunons metiioda of <averti- mient tlint bave force{l Cubintusl revoit repentpdiy bavoetiat spurreti tie Philip- pine Islanders ta revointlon. Thils rebel- lion le tie une thilus whicb, mure tian al cthers, Spain has fearai for more tien a ypar psst. It is thie best possible neus for Cuba. silice it mîeana tbat Spàit's troopsi itiust ibe divideti bel n-en tva rebief- Itou& îprovinces inqteati of heing roncrtn- trated on nue. Tic Pbilippines are a group of large and sînail isianda, more tien 100 lnu nber, lyiug directly suti- enst ut the Cîtitese roxîst cund nortbvett Newv Guinea. The sent ufthle Spaniai guverument of the Wisatuus is et Manila, lu tb. southvestürn part ofthie great Isl- aud ot LuuWai, 41.11>0 square tuiles in ex- tent. Manila bais a p ,î,ltîhat ion of 2710». Tie Islandsalatoxether ba ve 7,00,lXMipop- ulation, or ncarly twice taat of Cuba, on about 116,000 squîare miles of terrilory. Tii. Isands have beon a very raîneble coiony for Spain, producitis great quanti- tien ot sugar. bemp. tobarro, cuffee and cocos- Tie uewa ufthie reheilion lu tie Philippines wiii inspire lie Cxîhan patriote te make stili greater sacrifihcas for tbeir liberty, ae it no greciy cîjauces tic pros- pects of Ibeir ultinînte stîcegs. HAIE TUINS BLACK. Mosa Brown. Furuasbes a Pecular Case of Phyalcal Change. 4 Hoscu Brown, ot (.raîtit'a Pmss, Ore. on. jo tise stirvîvors ufthte w-nr ut 1812. la 105 yexirs olti, etîri uring the. past %-car hua beir, vîtîichisu heen gray fifhy y;oars, han b'eu In hiring blark, itriat thie prea- eut tiane there as not c gray bair itbils beeti. H.tortght titrougi tbe ver ot 1812, anti w-a wouutid ini nu engagemenut he- fore Boston. le bird tu-o brothere. trio tiled nt lie ages oftIX) anti 93 respectively. Cbarged viti Train Wrecklnig. Joseph Blutrier, an ex-brakemin of tiie Cincnnati aîîd Dayton ltailroad, ras or- reatei at Lima, Ohio, chargeti with train wreckitig. He was a rear irakenian ot a local freigit train that a itortihonniu- paBssnicr traita r,.uiiileti tith et Mitoxi lest Marvi. n-len a îxnmi.r of persons were injuroîl. lie laiieti lie ciosed thie switri anti lockëd it, but ilie compiny thougit diffvrently. Blutcler. kis sait, tirecteuod ho get eeu. i-ollowtîtg bis diaciarge liai-eattenîpîsu-erc made at Mlilton tu wreck passeuger trains. Report on Itation Lynchînga. The State Departuetruhlas recelvedtihie report ot the (Goveruor ut Louisinîteon the reccut lyncliitgs lu tint Staie, lIna generai w-ny tie report stetes liaI no affirmative evidr-neraunlie toînd that tie men lyncheti ha-re Italien subjecis. It rannot be iearned eitîter tuaI lbey hcd ever takon ont American naturalization papiers. ____ Sfton Accepte lite Portfolio. Cliffotd Sifloît, Attorney "encrxai ut Manitoba lu lié Greettvny Minishry, bas acceptei tiecvaa-nt portfolio in thie new Domiian Ministry just urganizeti hy Pre- mier Laurier. Oyster lu Abuaiance. A Baltimore dispalchsanys the pros- pecta are thinttth. oybtea- yield tuis year wili be larger tia for sevea-al seasous past.____ Ilan, uuiappy couple@ le Ohio. Statistica furuisieti by Serretary ut Blate Taylor show that thon. cero 4,069 divorce suita brougit lu Obioli the. lest year. Minera, Puy Cnt. AI e meeting ut Kanaw-ia Valley eani operators il was derîie te taotity lie miners tint bercatter lte rate voulti b. 2 cents a buabel, a rut- ut % cent, Warship Sent Tire.. The Spenish waasip Isie de Cuba bas bren ortiere t t lroceedte luhie Philippine Islandis immetiigeiy. Tarlur a Faut Boat. The Teter bas provoti 'erselfthle chamx- pion ton anotier yean in the mictrabke races icîveen lie loops on White Beer Lake anti Lake Mînunelonka. Bie beat the. Alfrida easily by 7 minutes anti 24 seconds. Gives Up a laimto temillions. The case of John Stewart, via came ho tbis countr-y severai menthe mgo ta prove tint he vas an.iieir hte evealti lefI by A. T. Stewart, was dismisseti la tie Nov Yor-k BuDreme Court. BeBn IillUc aeu. MNsglue Who@&$ lBreak Whu ite ent U. seing made a&" Baverai Live Aie Plsei -I» -jooperdsy - Bi AusmlfenaIb Mule. Sabat 11ev. the Truack. The. frit.accdent on the. Pies Peak Co-Whe,illairoad inif ve as ,pened fiv y 7ars .al ocrred fiunday, sud- but foxr ussi on ail thecars of tins li a -traliioid of. pa.s.gtre wouid ibave beau buri.d dowu- the mou»- tain to destruction. Cumins dowu the. unoutain the, sidebars ou the, drlvrlug vbeela on botb aides of th. engine broite spart reuderlug the. coiuprossed air brakes ou the. englnuemes Condiietor Onyman appII.d the. auteunatie brakes lu the. pas- mangecoach aud soon stopped that. TIse engineer aud fireman vere counpiled to abandon the. englue, iicii as beyoud control. and it'weut dovu the twenty-fre Per cent, grade at a terrific rate of speesi for uearly a mile. Then it &truck a carre, Snunzed the. track, aud s@bot tbrough the Bir for fuliy 1510 feet, sons clear orer a bowîder fftheen feet iiigii upon tiie munu- tain aide above the. truck. It ploved len- meus. &le$ lu the fountuin sud lthe ten- der aud englue sepsated juit as the en- glue expioded, burlilg iroan d steel lu ail directions. STATZ or SMIC NIN MANILA. Io toua-ptegs blte%.sîiipbmfi oI me reliereusflives o*- k I5' a Ultîsastur. mek~ha'Fere.' The .bee oeiW tse *rlAii Dt, ' ta td, nýoounwss a a an ebvs a" Bains. l.ft la _1 1 Ginaa conaulate, viiereth" ' lae sanglât refuge sud reusalu'undes the pre- tection of thé. german ftas. "ad Kiieli etendtthe palasud es-ff dlmai iilmael sutan 0fù tise.di ta - bilan Haune i Dl.Thiiad Dis a alMd >" bé. strengly ri-estereied ndpool tiveiy refuqe te sturrender laid »M hâd vil; h maI thal tire a&oUt 2.Z9(>we ormed! aud voll) deplu.d mon, induum 300 Aiarimi wio havesbhem îraiuaimdw Britis offlcers. piesty of amunnt" u ao a numiior of field <uni sud otiior pim» of artillery vbicii vere trained on the British varsulpi.- Tii.latter vere: The. ghip St. 104orge, the. third-cisa erise nbUiouem,-tii. hhird-ias crois«r -a.- coon sud th in-t-cia.. gueboats BpaneW and Tlirulu. Wedneeay csbled Iustructions fÉmu London auuouuced an ultimatum to BaM Ksaid. Be van orderai te has! dow» l=sfi u etirrndtr vith, bis*fore e» lae--u -,l o'ohutis-usrls It la uuderstood that laid Khalîd r. tairai re-eelorerments fronst te slaito dealena vho tiocked ta bie support.,sautthe lorunai toisting ot thie British Isg over Zanzibar vould memu xii. luberation et about 2510,000 slaves and a deatubbovt» eiarery lu tint part of Elast Atrica Sbortiy betore 0 o'ciock a naval office m-a. sent to lhe palace watii another mae.- sage for Saiti Khalid. askiug biun IX ho was prepared te murrender. Seul replIi that be vouid die sonrer than surrender. Warablpa Baigîn te Plre. At 9 o'oLlE tiie Tintai and Sparrow aud tu-o giulints olwed i re %vilti i beaviest guns and ten minutea Inter tiieyt lied sent a @toru of sîrril and siot luta the. palace, tearing big gapa lu Il, scatter- lus deali sud eunfumion'amoug Ils ie- tenders, n-bile diiçuoxrriting some of the guns ailioresud pxtting tefiigbt the <un- users bcndling the piecs. Tihe tire cf the wariipsu nas admirably directed aud auxoke tva. soon seen to ho issuiugt rous aeverei jparts of tire palace. Said's toliowers answer.d ttue lire of tii. warahipi uvlth great liersiKtstxy aud gaI- lantry aud didti rogtop tirixag util. in r.- aponse ter tue fiarr.ilps sigoal ot "Ceas. firin, te g of nthe warsbipa stopped sho erug hotand aiielI asliore. T'be basses ofthe enemy are not known, but unust bave been lienary.' espe.-ialiy aunf tbe detenders of the palacee proper. During tbe boniburduxcut the Sultan'* armed steamer Glasgow opexied tire orb the British warsahtp., but e few c-eil-aluned &heilaef(roui th e uvy gans t ftheiiacu and e siot or two f rem thec forîr-ici gens of the. Sparron' rrashed through sud timough lier, silenced ber fire lu short order and rîltimetely mank ber ah b»a maoriugm. on after the palace canght tire aud lb. nuls and roft n-r. seult iy. lng bere and ther, by the *belle of the wargbips. Srrid Khaliti and Saiti Sales. the. latter beiug the comxmander of th. usurping Suitarr's arrnv, escaped with a number ut their ieadiug t'jlloweru tiirough the beck part ufthtIe palace rrnd burredia' made tbeîr way to the G,.rmirr consulats, where thry asked for pruoection, which vas acrorded thema. Admirai llawson, lIn order ta prevent the. eseape ut SalIdKlralid au- ilslgfoilow- eri tothe maiulxiud of Af rr.a. wiere thels presence wouxld uînioubxedly have caused trublte with the slave leadeers andl their adierentq, sent dt-tabru,'ntg ut marines, blriejacket% and loral Zanzibaris to occnpY mi tire roads ani ave-nures ot erirape, tins iiexruiig linthe etiexoy pretty eiftetuaily. althougi innxry escaped to lhee mainianià sud isiands in dios. A dis;patri received et London froua Admirai Itouson. dateil Zanzibar, 2:43 p. ri. 'Ihursday, says. *1 isàued anulni- mxatum et î7 uciouk ti morning cllng 01>00 the nantîer t,, haut down bie fgag and surrender taetue, and directlng hie toiiowers te pile ticir arme amd leave the. palace hefore O1)r- o r otherîvis, lb wotxld b. bombarded. ln.tead utf compîr- Ing. lie comuieaaed increasiîrg lii fortifi- cations, andi bis corvetxte traineil ber guns on my mqrxadron. 1 opewned lire et 9 un the. palace andi on tire corvette, wiieii prompt- ly repèliai. 1 ceased i ring et 1)40, viieni the corvette was sunailHtbe <uns wer. silenrei sud the usurpera yiebded te the German cansul. Hamouti bas been ap- pointai sultan. The enemy's boss vas beavy. Oniy n petty officer of the guis- boat Tbrus wa wounded." Betore the bomnbertment all forelgub residents had songit satety exîher ou the. British bests or at tbeir réspective legs- lIons. CONGRESS I8 SLOW TO ACT. No Arrangements for- eCpreaenhatlon at Parlae xposition, The French Government le rapidly per.- fecting the deteils for the international exposition te b. heid lu Paria inlu»0, commemorating tb. birth outhle century aud lu thîs counection bas aaked the. State Departuxeut for the. nams of the Commissloner General who vîli repre- lent lie Unitedi States, sud forach otiier Information avaulable as te lbe pai-tiefra- tien oft lii. cantry. To tt sAptiasg Be

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